HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-01, Page 4Bruceilield Varna MSS Margaret Templeton, a rest- , The concert held in the town , hall dent of tiie village for a goad many on Tuesday evening under;the lauspie-i yehrs, passed away yesterday morn- os of the omen's ,Patriotic Assocna- ing after` brit a short ,illness. The late' tion was .a genuine success both for :Miss Templeton came:here from 'quantity :of attendance and quality, of good time. There were songs, recite tions, dialogues, etc,, all given with a swing as befitting the occasion, Reeve McKinley performed thu duties of uliairman in his; usual pleasing way. Mr. Thomas MoAsh, our worthy postmaster, is laid up with an. at- tack of blood poisoning ,, whirl} - de- velopcul from a felon. Mrs. Alex. McConnell lies bitten quite ill. There are quite a number of cases of grippe in the ..township. Stanley 'township with her mother about twenty years ago and since the deathil of the latter she.hast • lin=ed alone ''slough not of a very robust constitution she had been enjoyiing her usual health until within a week of,. her death and she gradually sank from the first, She Was seventy years of age. She was a member of .the Presbyterian church. Two sisters reside in;>Detroit. The funeral takes pl'aee on' Friday afternoonto Bay- field cemetery. Sei:irios at the house at one o'cioek. Zurich Mr, Withal -it ,O'Brien was, appointed villa a cons't'able by the 'police trm- teSs4;t their Meeting recently, Re one cent war -tax on letters and mikaBeter Lamont left here to visit post cards "mailed in Canada for de- laiS' s'itteri Mrs, Paterson of Cairo, livery in Canada, United States or 'e19:1 h• who is very ill. Mexico, and on letters mailed in Ca n 'Pfse Who have stored Dutch' sets ada for _delivery. in the. United King - over winter are now preparing them dam and British posSeSstons general - for the market. Four cents per pound ly and Wherever the two cent , rate is. the ruling, price at present. applies. • Mr. Louis Duehe:rine of the Bronson A war ink of one cent has been line. brought a carload of spring cal imposed on each letter and postcard ves Irolit'east of London to Zurich Mailed in Canada for delivery in Can- on Wednesday. He disposed of them ado, the "United States, . or Mexico, to the farmers. here and. received good and on each Letter mailed in Canada • prices for tlrm, for delivery in the United Kingdom Ilir. Louis N. Denorne, of the Sauble and British Possesdous generally, and Line has purchased an interest in the wherever the two cent Late applies, Pound Net Fishing 00. of St•; Joseph. to become e1'cctive on and Froin the The manager of the company, Mr. 15th April, 1915:. Sreenan, will be enabled through this This War Tax is to be prepaid " bi' acquisition to build up the business the senders by means of a War Stamp again and get to work with renewed for sale bp Postmasters and other vigor. postage stamp vendors. • Fresh ogs have taken another drop. Wherever possible, stamps on which One tlhousantl • dozen were picked up the: word `War Tax" baro been On Thursday last by an egg merchant printed should be used for prepay - of Exeter for which he paid. 10 cents Iiient of the War Tax, bub should or - ped dozen. Binary postage stamps be used for Mr, Casper Walker has bought of the this purpose, they will be accepted. Canada Cowpiny's-agent, Mr. Peter :This War Stamp or additional Bakes 30'aeres of the company's Stamp for war purposes should be af- swamp loud:. fixed to the upper right hand portion Mr. C harlcs'alleVeis of 'Blake shot of the address side of the envelope or and captured a brown angle - at the post card, close to the regular post - lake on 'Thursday last. It measured age so that it may be readily can - 6A', feet from ,tip to tip and .weighed celled at the saute Gine as the post - 14: pounds, 0 ounces. ago. Services will he held in the Luther- In the event of failure on the part an church on. Good Friday -Morning. of the sender through over -sight or Mrs., F. Jacobs and daughter have negligence to prepay the war tax on . been visiting at the home of . the each letter or postcard above specs- lady's brother; Dr. E. W. Stoskolif. fico, such a letter or postcard will be Mrs. S. E. Faust was in, London sent immediately to the nearest last week visiting friends. Branch Dead Letter Office. Mrs. F, Hess, Sr,, is spending a It is essential that postage on all few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. classes of mail matter should be pre - Bisset of Saltford,' paid by means of ordinary postage Mr. Arthur (1, Edighofler has par- stamps. The War Tax stamp will chased the Commercial hotei from not be accepted in any case for the Mr. John P. Rau and will obtain prepayment of postage. possession Map .1st. Mr: flan intends going to the farin: Mr: Orland Johnston of the Molsons Bank. staff, Clinton, visited his home herejor a few .days before being Mr. Will, O'Brien has been appoint- trau terred to the branch at Belle- ' cd constable of Zurich for the bal- ville: lanae' of the year. About the War Postage. Stamps. ZURICH. • Ready - To -Wear .1 Garments CQUOH Dry Goods and House ' Furnishings �n't ail to see our 1iautifiil '1;1spa of lUlilinery No store outside the city will show a larger display of 11iIillin- ery than is to be seen at this stare. You don't have to go to London or Toronto to buy your hat. We can give you the same styles for about half the price. We'll leave it to your own judg- ment if this display has ever been equalled in Clinton, Or- der your Easter hat early, Easter Suits Do your Easter shopping now, don't wait until the usual Easter rush. Our syring suits bear the latest imprint of fashion, hand- some materials, modish styles and careful workmanship. No matter' what may be the style you prefer, you will ba sure to find SO nleW"here in this gvreat collection just the suit you want. Prices range from $13.50 to $(;2.8.00, Ladies' and Misses' Sprhig Coats. The best possible value for the -money. These coats are made of allthe latest materials in the latest styles. See our large assortment before. buying. , • The 'Grea `Rtfle'Sbo This Continent.' John W. Hessian, Son of Hrs. Thos. Hessian, Clinton. Philadelphia,' March 27th; — When spring opens hi earliest the war in Europe will develop a •fury and pro- portion that will make what has al- ready passed in this epoch-making and stupendous struggle of the European nations 50010 weak and pony br com- parison. Five million fresh ..allied troops, which have never .yet: '`been seared by the marls of battle in -this great tear, will be thrown ta'gainst` the German forces in France'. aiflt- gitnnj with Lord Kitebener,, the great English military organizer; who up to this:. time. has been content to dir- ect operations front London, in sup- reme command by the field." The foregoing is part of a remark- able statement of European war ebu- ditaons and developments made to a reporter by John W. Hessian of Bridgeport, Conn., America's greatest military and sporting rifle shot and expert, holder of numerous world's records, wio recently returned 'from a business trip that brought him in- to official contact with Alm English, Menet' and Belgian military authorit- ies from London clear out to the bat- tle lines. Mr, hessian is a native. of Clinton, Ontario, Canada, and a son of Mrs. Thos. hessian of that town. Jlessian's mission and his knowledge of military matters, and the opportu- nities he had for obtaining first-hand informatio» and material, snake his statement the most• remarkable }let produced by the tzar. In'. an• interview lie said in. part : ' "But little has been 'permit ted to leak out, even to the newspapers • on Um ether side, of the preparations that England and France, but par- ticularly the former, are making for, the main drive fn the spring. One of these things ,that has consumed., the English attention' has been the snaking of great field guns to outshoot the marvelous 42-cenlamcl.01; - anis of the Teutons. Leading 1 nglis1 authorities admitted to mo that they are going to give 1110 Germans a surprise in this respect as 00011 as operations are op; erred up. The English rushed to com- pletion a number of big ' guns that will shoot as accurately and at least 1 11110 and a hall farther than- the greatest the Germans have produced. "England has also not been idle in the matter of submarines. The Brit- ish havebeen taught a lesson by the Germans that they will long rcinorn- ber. Since the' first successful Ger- man operations last fall' `tire 'English navy yards have been working night and dap to tura but larger and speedier submarine boats than those of the Germans, and they are going to meet .the enemy at his own game. 'i'liese new English boats have the marvelous speed of 31 knots an Hour which will make tlreni not only faster than the German boats, but also able to outfoot the best cruisers and bat- tleships. Besides they will have a greater cruising radius." News -Record. Means News -Loader, Ate You a.Subscriber 1 Clinton News-Recotc1 Zurich M(ilnun, Aai(Iuoli 'illiittelholt and WellIll!tgn Joirnnton IlfV() purellatled talo `bufetibr of Mr, Cl , ty, itvlduai, and Will . take .lU even iii a few weukks, • Mr, 3'011n Cleig(lr Of ;1'#goon, Mich„ has +been vtrlltiniy her daulllhtcir, Mre, John (4 400110, Jglr. ,loh)1 (iitsoho whin operated 00 for appendieilde ono flay last weer and .is ruow doing n11dgdy., April 1st, 1915 W. C. T. U What petition 1 many will ask, Just (bus . The mothers and • wives. of Canada' are, petitioning the Premier of the Dominion to make known to IIis Majesty, our King, Ida ministers and commanders that pili boys aro Sent forth on the one condition that rho dispensing of intoxicating liquors shall b? prohibited in their ranks, (eery. Why such is Potation '1 Well, all are, or should be aware( that our Minister of Militia abolished 1100or in the soldiers canteen, and moreov- er assured the mothers that their boys would be kept free, ate, How- ever, under the pressure of drinking officers in England the wet canteen was re-established, and with seriois res« its Now, this petition 18 being circulated throughout the Dominion, and should be signed by every mother and wife who is in two s}tmpathy . with `the success of our troops, and safety of our boys. It is not possible to visit, personally, all in the town, and yet there are many who wo11d bet glad to sign if they had the op- portunity. Now, if 5101 ]you'd call on some of those tl'110 have copies it could be done. Mrs Wallis, the pres- ident of the W C.L .1',, has the mat- ter in hand,—J. (1. Wild, TAKE A. TRIP '11) ALBERTA.. (By E. (1. Powell.) As much comment has arisen over that portion of illy report dealing with law enforcement, I wish to make it plain. that the report is for all of Huron.. We had no intention of re- flecting on the wort: of aalyi of our Inspectors, but did wish to call at- tention to the system of Law itn- foregment. It our friends in the South riding desire to single out their riding we have no hesitation in saying that we think the official books will show, that all the convictions registered in the south, were secured through Mr. 'Torrance, the local inspector. Mr, Torrance has hall considerable exper- ience, and has proven to be an excel- lent officer. I would like to take the opportun- ity • of thanking our teniperancdl people for the leave of absence granted me for a, trip to Alberta. I will leave for the west April 12th and will re- turn the•middlc of May. The work of our department will be in the hands of the 00uuty Executive; Any cor- respondeneo intended for the Field Secretary should be addressed to A. T. Cooper or J. A. Irwin, our pains- taking and 'self-sacrificing president and a secret a r , } L.tDiES AND GENTLEMEN' MI?N' ! If your hair is thin, faded or dis- colored, or if par are bald, if you would .lake your .appearance waren- tive and youthful and benefit your bcratth and comfort, lie sure you see the Dorenweed Company's wonderful display of quality hair -goods at the 11 attenhury House, Clinton, 011 II'htnrs' day, April 1.11.1. 5,000 FACTS -ABOUT • CANADA, , " Know Canada 1 make Canada ]mown 1" is a striking sentence in the War Year 0(11(1on for 1915 of that popular' booklet "5,000 Facts About Canada," compiled by Frank a'eiglr of Toronto, who knows Canada as probably few Canadians do. It is true that he who would k110(0 Canada and its Wenderftd growth in any' one year; will find this annual publication "worth its. weight in Yukon gold or Cobalt silver," while as a means of making the Dominion• knownin other: countries, it .is no less valuable, ;Fifty+ chapters are devoted to such subjects as Agriculture, -Area, Banking, Cen- sus, Immigration, Mining, Manufac- turing, Trade, etc., and a page of Canadian War Facts show hots up-to- date .it is, Sketch Maps aro. included of the Dominion in 1807 and 1915. Copies may be had from progressive lrewsdealers, or by sending 25e to the Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 588 Huron Street, 'i'oronto, Canada. ' HensaH vim Rohs has. purchased the McAl- lister reindence on South `Richmond 94099. `IIISrs, Noss has been occupy- ing tato Houde for some time, Itit', (leouge ,foyii t has been ill with all attack of pneumonia but is. iM- tlro51n0, 1(000 d I), A. Cuntelon and Mastro: Norris have hulled hi town and Lire fhmlly, have again settled down 40 olansens of 1'Iorwell. The ladies who, have been worsting for the soldiers chippers (xie hundred shirts and ones .hundred, pairs of socks; all their own manufacture, ono day last week. In order to raise money for decora- tions and fixtures for the town hall the Dramatic Society put on the play "Va1Iet Farm," in the -hall yesterday evening, giving their services entirely free, The Cddfellows held their' annual At -Home in the 110W town hall on Wednesday evening, about two: • iron-� dreg and fifty being pro :int, A very'' clnjoyablo evening was spent,' a pro- gram behlg' given followed by 'lurch and (lancing., then clan rri!,. News -Record Means News -Leader, Are You a Subscriber: ? llllnery 1 We have just:received our new Spring Millinery and will be pleased to have you call and inspect the same, Latest Styles and Prices Right. E. F. Merner Bayfield. Br. ucefae td SAWMILL. +e • WANTED LOOS. ALL KINDS AT THE HIGHEST CASII PRICES. CUSTOM SAWING, SATIS- FACTION C CAI LANTEED. CHOPPING FINEST OF WORK DONE. ROLLING, TIII.'. ONLY WAY FOR. HORSES. FOR SALE LUMBER, ALL KINDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. LEI:IIGH VALLEY COAL, TI3E COAL TI3AT SAT.IS- ISFIES. CANADA CEMENT, A FRESH CARLOAD JUST AR- RIVED. BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZERS, RS, IIEt T BY TEST. 1IIC PROPER WAY TO INCREASE ASP. YOUR PRO- DUCTION AND PATRIOTISM. C'E 1) A R ' POSTS, HOME- GROWN IIIG1.1L,AND CLDA;11:. I solicit and by fair, square deal— ings shall endeavor worthily to merit your most liberal patron- age. �taz J. B. Mustard Mos-tan:117 Phone 11 our 145., BRUCEFIELD. CRANI TRU NI('Area EASTER ln'XCURSIONS SING :Ie FARE Good going and returning April 2nd only, FAME AND ONE-THIRD Good going April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Return limit April 6th, 1915 Return tickets will be issued be- tween all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.?, Pickets and further particulars -at Grand Trunk ticket offices. - J." Ransford• & Son, uptown agents. A. O. Pattison, Station Agent. Il • xTFAVA1ANGE' t-44 GOVT yi Hon. W. T. White : 00/ "Come and look • at this other side of his load i that's the cause for extra rations.". DECORATE YOUR HOME The New Spring Papers Are Now on Sale at COOPER'S Clinton, r. Ontario Why Not Telephone? If you telephone him first you may not have to go at all! If you would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone, you would save yourself and your staff.many tiresome trips, unnecessary disappointments and much expense. Many progressive business houses have found that by a systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance Telephone travell- ing expense can be reduced anywhere from 20'to 80 per cent. Why not adopt this principle in your business? Telephone first! Try to figure out Where the Long Distance Telephone can save you precious time! "Every Bell Telephone is a Long nie e:nee Station," The hell Telephone Co. of . Canada. Asorsomrsommommonomor COMING TO C=L=I=N=T=O=N LIE DORENwIn D Co. of Ton - ONTO LIMITED, Canada's foremost hair -goods establishment w i 11 display and demonstrate a sam- ple stock of the latest hair -goods' fashions for ladies, and toupees and wigs for bald Hien, at The Rattenbury House ON THURSDAY, , APRIL 15th. FOR LADIES :—Dorenwend's,Transformation by overcoming every defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at your best, always, Switches, Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of the finest quality hair and unsurpassed- work- manship, You are in vited to inspect these goods. GENTLEMEN ! ARE • YOU BALD ? A Dorenwend Art .Bair -Toupee will make you appear years younger and will prove a benefit to your health and com- fort. TND1J's'IECTAHL1S S2ATr 11)11W'GICT HYGENWC, I-IAV.e A DEMONSTRATION of WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture 'i f you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up-to•date in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over. store, 28 ' Phone OW. 28