HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-01, Page 3iiliVODS DISEASES
Clued by Toning the Blood and
Strengthening the Nerves
It is the opinion of the beeb
medical authorities, after long ob-
servation, that nervene daseases
are more .ccarineon and more serious
in the spring than at any othtv '61115
of the yeas, Vital changes) in the
system, after long winter months,
may Calide natal: more trouble than
the fanaillax spring weakneee and
weariness from which most people
suffer as the vesule of indoor life
in poorly ventalated and often
overheated buildings. Official re-
cords prove that in April and May
nearralgia, St: Vitae dance, epidepsy
and other forms of 'nerve trouble
are •at their worst, and that then,
more than any other time; a blood -
making, nerve -restoring tonic is
The antiquated cuatosei of taking
' Purgatives in the spring is use- less,
for the system really needs streng-
thening, while purgative% calla
gallop through the 'bowels, leaving
you weaker. Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills are the besameaieine, for they
aatually inak.e the new, rich, ped
blood that feecleakeastaryed nerves,
agar -thug cure. Cie Aiany Lams of
nervous dieprelers. They cure also
' elich other forms of spring troubles
• as headucbes, poor appetite, weak-
• nees in the limbs., as wealas re-
move unsightly pimple's and erup-
tions, In fact they unfailingly
I being new health and strength to
• weak, tired and depiessed men,
women and children.
Sold by all rrnedieine dealers or
by maid at 50 cents e), box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Vile
Rams' Medicine Co., Boockville,
, Ont.
Happenings In the Emerald Isle ot
Interest to Irish.
Extensions are to be carried out
to Kanoth's factory, Wicidow, en-
tailing the expenditure of over
Dr. Moore, caballed to Arclee
Union has met with a severe acci-
dent and is now -suffering from a
fractured rib.
• Owing to failing health, Samuel
Lowry, C.F.'S., Limavady, has re-
signed after holding office for the
• past forty years.
John Ward of Dayagh, near Fany-
vale, died suddenly on the roadside
at Tirauiel, while proceeding to
Monaghan Market.
An old woman named Bridget
Donnelly, team lived alone, was
found burned to death in her house
at Drummick, Ooroughap.
In Dablin a laborer named Pat-
rick Higgins was sentenced to ten
years' penal servitude for throw-
ing a police sergeant into the
River Liffey.
The death is announced of Mrs.
Maxwell, of Isserdera.n' the last re•
epresentative <If one ofthe Burke
families of tbe West of Ireland.
Within the past week three army
veterans have died ,in ,Belfast,
• lames Jameson, a, Orimea veteran;
• James Moore, who had been in the
relief of Lneknow, and W. J. Dow-
ling, another Crimea veteran.
Most Rev. Dr. Walsh, Archbishop
of Dublin has sent a eheque for
$15,740, collected in thaDublin dio-
cese, to the Belgian Relief Fund.
During blasting operations, John
Gilcreeet, aged twenty-seven'of
Mee:gay, Ardstraw, Strabame, had
his head blown off by a charge of
dy n white.
• James Coughlan of Breda,
Mountuniacke, was killed in the
• presence of h,is wife'when his horse
bolted and dragged him along the
'road .at Greencleyne,
A large force of police recently
visaed Clooneroff and Oloo'neellen
and arrested thirteen farmers in
eonnection with a recent Roscom-
mon cattle drive.
A young man -named Thomas
Armstrong, of Donaghmore, While
working,on is farm, was attacked by
a bull and badly ored before the
animal could be driven off.
While a, shooting party was in
the vicinity of the A1bbey, Roserea,
one of the guns accidentally went
off and Mrs. James O'Connor was
So seriously hurt Ghat she died aeon'
as forwards.
Mrs. • McGahey, of Londonelerey,
lies six sons, all U'IsLer Volunteers,
serving in the army. Five are in
•the Inniskilling Fusiliers a.nd the
sixth with the Canadians.
• Once a mother has used Baby's
Own Tablets for her little ones she
will use no other 'medicine. She
quiekly realises the Tablets are an
•absolutely safe remedy and one
that will give sure results. Con-
cerning them Mrs. `L. Wright,
Fermata, Sask., writes : "I have
• used Baby's Own Tablets 'kr my
three babies and think to snatch of
them that I always keep them in
the house," The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealeab or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. ,
1VIedicine Co., Brockville,
IVIany a woman who doesn' b know
her own mind gives her h.:labeled
pieces of it.
glinartrs Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
'Who ever saw a free show abat
didn't have ,some kind of is string
attached to WI
. ,
PIlE SPEctlif, tiTiEt,3•�l 'ULM
yakyy a Bavarian A i.ny aeeps aVate
Pitt;41 Out with Uniforms and
The neu tral corresj5onden tswitih
the German armies have been
unanimotte in 'their tributes to the,
perfect- organization for war. No
detaillas Ibsen too tiny for German
thought. ,
A, German ,army is loitered by a
cleanup coape. At tbe end Of .the
day eveaytaing must be cleared
away, which, it lett' exposed, might
furnish is clue ta scouts as to the
identity and numbers of the ,Ger-
mam forces. Clamp debris mast 'be
'buried. Not a, broken rifle or frog -
:tient off war amoutrement must be
'left above ground. Officers and'
men alike must be buried where
they fall—in their uniforms. Not
ib shoulder -,strep or a button must
be givers away as .souvenias to the
inhabitanbs oa the tountry, says
London Answers.
. She Swept -Snow.
On 'the obher hand, our own
troops are not nearly se careful.
The epies bi their track daring the
early part of the war were able to
send nosh valuable information to
ehe. German divisions opposing
The Germans have a natiolial
passion for tidiness. It is to be no-
ticed eyerywhere during peace-
time. '
In January last year the writer
Was in Munich during is period of
constant eno•wsterress. Almost
every day came is fresh fall ef
snow. Yet the city was kept ma.gic-
ally clean ana dry. At every street
corner stood a uniformed municipal
"housemaid" waiting, with !ser
broom and dustpan, far -the next
fall of Knew or :the next fragment
of dirt. No sooner did it appear
than it was 'swept ua and carted
away:- There is no streeteeleaning
,service in England comparable with
that in Munich.
The same principle of orderly
tidinees is .carried to war in the
"army housemaid" service. it was
also to be seen <luring mobilization.
This is how a Bavarian army corps
was fitted out with new unifornie
and accoutrements in the space ul
a day.
• Done in a Day.
There •is a large park in Munieb
called, for Some unkeown reason,
the "Englischer Garten." The
uniforms, caps, boots, shirts, and
underclothing were sorted cub by
sizes and placed in different parts
of the park. The grounds *ere, of
course, closed to the public. The
men were marched in at one end
of the park, and directed to find
comfortable kit by the sizes pla-
carded in lenge letters. '
They 'changed in the open air,
passed on to piok up their was ac-
coutrements, and by the time they
had reached tbe park exit at; the
further end they were fitted out for
the march in every detail.
What could be simpleCana more
Orderiy? 'That is :the kind of busi-
nesslike methodewe might 'profitably
adopt or our 'own military pro-
blems. , '
During a rapid march the feeding
system of the German Army is
equally suggestive of orderliness. A
transport and supply man stands
with a tray of concentrated food -
staffs, prunes or awe'ets. As the
soldiers peas him they each take
their ration without ea.:Willa
Similarly with the field postal
service. A man stands with a tray
to colleat the soldiers' letters and
postcards as they inatob past him.
The Army proper never halts for a
moment except for the stated mili-
tary intervals of rest—given up en-
tirely to relaxation.
To the Smallest Detail.
That wee hoe' tlrey steent eateres
Belgiem in the merly days of the
war. 'Little wonder that our Droops
at 'Mons were at firie overwhelmed
by s upenor nUlaber.s.
Every officer, of .course, carried a
map of lielgiara in a leather frame.
He else had a, .fiett leather wallet
containing rieneas; pees, ink, seals,
official envelopes ready stamped,
notepaper, and blank forme of vari-
ous kinds. Rubbe r -s tamps had bee it
prepared Inc the pecupation of
Brussels, Lille, ana other towns.
Everything was reedy beforehand
thought out to the tiniest
The Belgians destroyed the
wiby lines and the gas -planta along
the meat re:0es. Yet within two
days. ,af ter the Sweep thsosgbs Bel-
gium ',the 'Gennep Erigineeriag
Carps had relaidi th e tra eke and, set
up acetylene leinea ready prepared
for thee very need ,
The German Army system ahne
to utilize everything apd every-
body. Even the Wounded ,Man 110
his usese if he ia not boa seriously
wourated. , A War .etir re sp n den t re-
po], IS the passage Team the Caen t Oi
a waggon full Of, badly injured Ger-
man Soldiers. The driver had one
leg in dpIints. and of the two men
sitting behind in the yanboy posi-
tion, with loaded rillets, one had a
bandaged JIDDA, and the other had
one arm in 5 elirig.
We have had tohtundant proofs of
the extraordinary, ramifications nt
the G ern -1 an :.Secret Serviee system,
and of , the 'conerebe foundations
ready:in strategic positions 'foe the.
moas Ler Kapp guns. We lieete of
the Marsh Of St. Cloaca near the
Marne, surveyed eighteen am-onths
ago ayaGermans otteesibly :hent 01
eabablishins a pealecutang
Their real object was to ma-
ths marsh anet mark out 'ita pease
with • groupe of slate fragrnellt.S
, ,
painted Iv] in a pnesphore.seee teneere
tura, so lehab these wauld glo a at
night and loym a guldande to ' the
German, troops.
• - hardened '1'0 .
Here is.ihbt1eknown in stance of
masa preparedness. When Preleo-
til es bust theyliberate gases which
are stupefying, if 406 ,acbually fa-
tal. The Gemmel autheei
ties employed'.EL ,011eMisb. to prepare
•gas similar in conipoSition to the
fumes of bursting During
gunnery prailtice the, ships 'officers
lilberated a small quantity of this
gas in the armored turrets, So that
the men working there woald,- be
partially simpefied and, gr.adually
hardened to the effeebs of' , the
An English:officer at the front re-
cently- peal this tribute to the en-
emy's effectiveness:
11I must sty the • "Germane are'
clever aoldiers ibeyond 'words. What
with civilians with telephone'and
wise rannd their waists, every sort
of gun'Maxims galore aud every
art el field ..fortifiesetieth 'and pro-
feissonal arab. they have all the
art Of war,at their finger's' 'eds.''
England has to meet and beat
that. , We shall wantaallethe avail-
able braia as well as brawn.
Room Inc Improvement.
We ought to realize Germany's
immense Seriousness -and • terrific
determination of pcirpoas. We
ought to realize .w.hat we are • "up.
againet." There an be no nation-
al harm in rating the enemy higle
in matters 51 wer organization. In
fact, we can anel should apply some
of las methods to our own Army.
The -Boers 'gave as some very
:valuable pointers about war which
we have put: into practice in this
present campaign. The Germans
alto have many points well worth
How a Sick Woman
Can Riewain Health
"ledr years 1 was thin and delicate.
I lost color and was easily tired; a
yellow pallor pimples and blotches on
my face were not only mortifying to
my feelings, but because I thought my
skin would never look' nice again I
grew deepondent. Then my appetite
failed. I grew very weak. various
remedies,- pills, tonics and tablets I
tried without permanent benefit. A
visit to my sister put into my hands
a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She
placed reliance upon them, and now
that they have made nee se well woman
1, would not be without -them whatever
they might cost. I found Dr, Hamil-
ton's Pills by their mild yet searching
action very\pitable to the delicate
character of a wommas nature. They
never once griped sne, yet they estab-
lished regularity. My appetite grew
keen—my blood red and pure—heavy
rings under my eyes disappeared and
to -day my skin is as clear and un-
wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills did it all,"
The above straightforward letter
from Mrs. Y. Todd, wife of a well-
known niftier in Rogersville, is proof
sufficient that Dr, Hamilton's Pills are
a wonderful woman's medicine. Use
no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. 25c.
per box. All 'dealers or The Catarrh -
ozone Co.,,Kingston. Ontario.
We are told in it good old book
that we should carry one another's
burdens, and again that every man
should bees. las Own burden. It
•seemseaecontradiction, but it is so
only in seeming. There are physic-
al burdens or imperfeetions that
every man must bear if they are
sent to him; there are' hereditary
tendencies waiell no man ea.]: up-
root, for a-nother; there are the cir-
cumstances of life into whica.a man
or woman ie born. These, everyone
must bear for himself; but there are
the burdens of poverty, of mental
darkness, of spiritual blight, oa
loneliness, of heart hunger; bur-
dens of °tar -work, of no work at
all, and correspondiug lack of
money, which we can all help to
bearefor one another. it is said
that there are none ea .ready to help
the poor as the poor themselves.
That, no doubt is very true, but
there are many who are not poor
who would be none the Worse of a
kind wora—a helping hand over one
of the stiles of life.
a' •
IIENEPITS 0 i 111.1116 ATION.
...When Sir William Van Horne
said many years ago that tthe
O.P.R. by andertaking the work of
irrigation east of Calgary, would
make the wilderness to blossom
like the rose, he was derkleel, but
to -day this prophecy may be said
to be si. liberal fact. At any rate,
mations of as -res have not only
been recleaned by the company,
but the whole diserica has been
so improved and beautified that
there is now a general elarrior Inc
irrigation in 'sections whieh are
still ter: to acas ed Dep tation s ha ve
gone to Ottawa to stir the GON,ern-
iiien,t into undertaking the woe];
outsidthe Ian have to take i.he
e peoprietartal limits of
SI i gli t I y sii entood.
'Flags, • 1Voitilen '.Seinapirores and
• Flashlights Are Used.
The „Tilers ialie 'bear the .sign nt
two exoseed fisseee on their coat -
:sleeve bine the men -*thee-enable BA..
tiS111. dreadnoughts to continually
'1:talk" to one another, aLt1cougc
they May. be ,several mileaaapara
The esignaleneri of the RAJgio fleet
carry ot their weak- by Means' of
flags,' woodea eeanaphoxee, a:and
flashi4glits, The' meal mode of ssig-
stalling at eleort range, as to ran is
series' of flaps faom -the • signal
baidge up to the.aaasthead. oil yard-
arms). These flags each mean a let-
ter or word, ,aadin time, of war the
oode is conainuoasly biss altered.
The secret el the code -hook ie one
'of the meet carefully.guarded in
tlhe Nava. This' preemies, volume
ataa its toyer 'weighted with lewd-, eo
that in' the event of itie falling ovss'-
boaoddt will iiink immediately, and
not 'float, perhaps] to be pieked up
by the enemy. Should, suoh a mis-
hap as the loss of the code -book
°emu, a diver is immediately :sent
clown in march Of it. If be cannot
reeover the volume then the whole
code is altered.
For lang-distance signalling the
Navy uses the sermaabo.re eastern.
The- apparatus emed for this pur-
pose bs :similar in a,ppeaxanee to a
'road -mem -post. Two movable arms
peojeet from a solid post stationed
in la prominent ' position on. the
.ship' -s signalling bridge. Each posi-
tion of the arms means a letter to
the men on the other hip 01a:serving
the signslis through sarong glaesea.
Twenty lettere can be transmiteed in
a minute. At night brilliant flash -
lamps blink out code worcla when
one ship wishes to communicate
with another. Of recent years hand-
elannalinghaa been replaced by
wireless telegraphy. All mesaages
are sent in code in case hostile ves-
sels should eolfeet theen on their
ova wireless instruments. The
winalesa room on it battleship is
etrietly private. In Ilto circum-
stances are any persone other than
operatars and a. few privileged offi-
cers allowed to enter the transmit-
ting .a,nd receiving room.
Wireless for signalling purpases
has 'been tried with success in con-
nection with eammunie.ating with
submerged subsea:aims. Some time
ago the British submarine 1)1 was
sitcom:sad ie receiving wireless
messages from the enamel' Bona -
venture, althouali the smaller
craft was runming beneath the
waves a:t the time. For paeposes
of enanoeuvring the Navy' depends
almost entirely on its, signalled
messages, and a mieintarpreted
sign might cause grave disaster.
An instance of this was provided
some years back, when the- Vic-
toria, rammed the Camperdown in
the Mediterranean manoeuvres. An
order by flag signal \rad mistaken,
and the Victoria, swerved in the
direction opposite to that inti-
mated by the signallerstna her
sister slap was sunk. That ane
mistake east a million and a hall
pounds and 700 lives.
Chest Colds and &armless
Quickly Rubbed Away
"Nerviiine" Gives Speedy Relief and
Cures Over Night,
Got a cold?
Is your voice raspy—is your chest
-congested or sore?
If so you are the very person that
Nerviline -will cure in a jiffy.
Mervitine is strong and penetrating.
It sinks right into the tissues, takes
out inflammation and soreness, de-
stroys colds in a truly wonderful way.
Rub Neryiline over the chest—rub on
lots of it, and watch that tightness
dieappear. Nervilthe won't blister, it
sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay
on the surface like a thick, oily lini-
ment would. -If the throat is raspy
and sore rub t well outside with Ner.
viiine, and use Metalline isae gargle
diluted with warm water. Just one or
two treatments like this and yonr
voice -and throat will be quickly nor-
ma:gatianic Of
Jut ht—for fortY years tile
largeet used family medicine in this
country—Nerviltne must be good,
must quickly relieve and cure a hum
tired ills that befall every family. Try
It for earache, toothache, coughs,
colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus-
cular pains In every part of the body.
Large family size bottle 50ce trial
size 25c, at all dealers.
• Railway Official (breaking • the
news gently to the wife of a come
m e mcial breve 1 1 c r) --"A hem I dam, be calm. Your huaband has
met witb a slight—that is to say,
one of the front wheels of a passen-
ger locomotive struck him on the
cheek ana--" '
Wife—''Well, sir, you needn't
corne round here in order to collect
damages. Yost won't get EL penny
from rne5!eour company ean't
keep its property mit of danger,
the CPR, on the lands which You should have Pim; eegil`le isi
seem to require this treatment be
prochme similar results to those so
gratifying ,and profitable- on the
As one result of this deniand on
the part of the people ,of Southern.
Alberta, Profeeeor Fairfield, sqlper-
intendenb 01 the Demi:lion allaperi-
mental Foam, Lethbridge, 'aeon-
ainced lane:ere that wide Irlegation
proauction will not only be geetelay
inc re esed , but pen:eve:ten t home's
establiShed on the prairie, which
can be rendered naturally beauti-
ful when irrigation worke are avail-
able, The profeesox alaid great
StreES on growing alaelaa <Keep,
which meant mare kaeler Inc live
stock, more ferellity ol oa1, ina
movement to all expns. Resolu-
tions were passedseeorig the 'Millie
ter of the -Interior to earry out
irrigation )1aelce, Or to 'arrange for
exemesion of -the C.P,R. system.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
.. A lea .months in seheol fearehee
eome children how little their par -
, rfie °NOP.
Arthur sat on the frent doorsbeps
'claim; softly.
Whae is the matter, little boy?"
n.sked a kind-hearted woman who
teas passing.
"Ma's gone an' drowned all the
Id t te n s, lse sobbed . •
'Waist it pity! I'm anwfully
An' s -she aromieed—boo-hoo 1—
'ab 1 c'u'd do ib.'
ale.sees. Pigeon, Pigean ta Davis,
patene isolieiters, Montreal., ropert
that 147 Cheriadiam pateate e‘Aere,
issued for the week andan,g Febru-
ary 23xcl, 1915, 116 of which were
.granted tco Americans, 14 io Cana-
dians and 17 Lc reeideate el foreign
Of the Otanaeliaas who received
patents 7 were xesidiente. of Ontario,
a of Nova Scotia, 2 oi Saskaailie
wa n, , and 2 of Qu,ebeo,
Separate School
Teacher- Speaks
TELL OF !HIE 6001) 1) OD JO'S
She Had No Faith in Them. Bat
. the Results and ..riertith Obtained
Conaineed Her.
Grates Cove, Trinity Bay, Nfld.,'
March ffirtlh (Special).—Among the
thousands in Newfoundland who
pin their faith to Dada's Kidney
Pill's as lass Mar' Bridget Whe-
lan, teacher in tare Romani Catholic
S•chool imie. •
"I am exceedingly grateful fo
Do-chi',8 Kidney Pills," Miss Whe-
lan states 1n an interview. "1 was
very varch run down in health
Close confinement to my work
brought on my trouble,
"Beading of the many CUrea by
Doddas Kidney Pills I began to use
them and I must coofess -with very
little faith.
"Before I had taken one lbox
was not only cured but tray strength
was growing ra•pidly, and I felt is
great improvement in evety way."
Miss Whelan gives the real rea-
son of the popularity of Docld's
Kidney Bills. They •do riot cure
the ailment aimed at at the expenie
of .sorne other part of the body.
They build up health isl over the
body. They do this by curing the
Kidneys. Cru-erl Kidney;s mean
pure blood.
Blind from Birth, Suddenly Sees.
A veritable miracle has come to
Miss 1VIand EnlersOn LinCOln, of
Marblehead, Massachusetts, who,
after twenty-one years of life in
almost total darkness, suddenly re-
gained the use of her eyes. Prae-
malty blind fram her birth, 21
years ago, :she now sees clearly. In
an instant, one early afternoon,
unexpeetedly,, as the sva's, about
household` duties, she felt some-
thing suddenly snap in iter eyesand
the veil that had darkened her
blue eyes throughout her youth,
was swept away and sight came
first to, one eye and then to the
other. She had alwaas been able
to distinguish between light and
darkagss, but to-ckey the can see
as well 'as any normal being. When
the girl began to see, she almost
fell into nervous prostration. Hex
'whole enervousesystemahad -read-
tion the miracle. The sight
of people frightened hes', the eight
of food was etaange, and she could
not eat; everywhere she turned
she 'saw things elle had never seen
be.fore. Miss Lincoln ,was taken to
an eye . specialist to determine
whether her xegaieled slight is per-
manent. She plans to enake up
feraher enforced laok of education
end is real 'happy on account of the
linlike Most Men.
She—Do you think the 'brilliant
rose or the modest violet is the
suitable flower for a woman to take
to as her embleani
advise th.e morning
gldry. •
'She—Why so?
,He-aBeeeeies the morning glory
knows when tu thisb up '
ettre Guaranteed
Never known to
fail; acts without
pain in 24 hours. Is
aa„.,,,,a soothing, healing;
COE Flai takes N
s thoe ssetminegnyriglsiot
liluick, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain-
less corn Extractor. Sold every-
Where-25cper bottle.
Iti t lie II lira! J ist g.
t off
ebojuan(11';•ev."Justice— Great snalcesi
It was o ,lv to gib is (foliar 1 was
115 3'e. Gi t lit. Ye sari' gosil Ly,
'Po .whom it may concern: This is to
t11 Mt 5 have 'aged KIDiali•D'S pgsc
1114NT myself as well es nreeciibed :lb
any Tract:lee 'where a liniment was ro.
mitred and hivvo rawer 'Sancti to get the
desired. eiteeL.
O. A. KING 00
A Gentian Boy.
"George, where are tear school
'Wire n n o aces 'appeared that
boolcs were ,wantecl Sor tlie 'wowed.
eel I gave mine Lo ahem.'
Mlnard's Liniment Cures .Dandrud.
ED, 5 ISSUE 14- '15
Latest Happeningsan Big Republic
Condensed 'Yei!Brisy
Violent deathsin New .York city
during February totalled 260.
Wilkcgibarre, Pa., has 12,000 idle
owing to'the closing.of
Culelbia, out has fak-en • another
shde and tied up the Panama
,Ortnal. • •
France and Britain have ondereci
80,000 tons of prairie baNisia Texas.
. At the Kent-Shtaavon sale in New
York '$1,750 was paid for a Persian
Peary's Aretic ship; ,the Roosts',
velt, will go into the Alaskan fish
eriee sgrvice. R1,104-4,
i?),Weland high sohnol,lboyis
Poise in preserving law and
order in all braocheli'. tr,
North Carolinians are limited
now to receive six gallons of Whisky
each year.
'Sammy Oosta, aged 3, 01Beth-
ester, thrned -on a gas jet and kill-
ed Idanself, his another and two. lit-
tle sisters, •
Dthel Hollister, of Nelsonville,
N,Y., was fatally burned •while de-
veloping a picture 01 her fiance,
Oliver Lamson. r
Jae. Walls is suing eight fellow -
students of Dickenson College,
Philadelphia Inc a "molasses?' 'hag -
Judge Gorman of Philadelphia,
appoin t ed Ion r women assistan t
judges for delinquent girls.
IVIrs. Levy, a. wealthy widow of
Staten Island, died at Own Fran-
cisco during treatment for face
freckles. •
Thomas Rhodes was upheld at
Sapulpa, Okla., in shooting 7. C.
Oederberg, for cursing the former.
'Chicagodeputy sheriff won't
sanction the eost el a 'milk supply
for four county building eats.
Lewiston, P„ expenses 'far its
boroaga lock-up Inc Febniaey was
-three °elite; there was nue arrest.
FOY breath of lams the govern-
ment ran $4.500 worth of 'beer into
the lake at 'Bemidji, Minn., brew-
Ravi on the :fudge.
Mr. Arthur H. Engethach, in his
collection of -anecdotes of the Bench
tells this story of Lord Braxford
who was among the last of the
Scotch judges who rigidly adhered
to the -broad ,Scotch dialect:
"Haeeve ony counsel, men?" he
said to Maurice Hargot, when
placed at the Bar.
"No," was the reply.
"Do ye wan to hae any asp-
poitstit 'I" continuedthe judge.
'No," said 'Margot ; "I only want
an interpreter to make me undo: -
stand what your lordship says."
= ,,,,,,—;,•-• ,„,,,, , Granulated Eyelids,
,miturtu Eyes inflamed by expo-
ic , sureto Sun, Dust and Wind
e MC y. o marung.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Moine Eye
SaireinTabes25c. For Basket the Eyerreeask
Dniggiste or Merin Eye Remedy Co., Mega
Too many sermons'are alined at
pocket books instead of at hearts.
blinard's Liniment Cures [Writs, Eta.
Mrs. Diewson—"My huthandgoes
out ever' evening foe- a little con-
stitutional. Does yew's?" Mrs.
Young --"No; nsy husband always
keeps it in the house."
You will find relief in Zam-Bukt
It eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zatrt-
Buk, means cure. Why not prove'
this? All Drufgasts and Stores....
Wheeloc18x 42k
Aufomoc v,ive
Complete operating eondlilon,
flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders
and all partscal) be shown
running at present time.
Wei sell at less than half
cost price.
72 Adelaide St. West, Toronto •
• Highly
, concen-
Choose your variety and
ask your' grOeer for •
resale Pon SAMS.
W. Dawson., sthiots, Colbert° Street,
Tv you w
FrUit. Stem JO''Pr0ainBUToi: p0antrySBVIII'MA•1
wooribteolga. St.,
,roarTiriOitoon., BroaliDtOn. or DO
R. W. DAWSON, 'clOrbornis itt., Toronto.
c13555j5 oaspnisaatas, O.
k_3.1 J.A4400.11, St. .4.,,Caelilbo,os9unet ire°. 116Cannell
internal ana ex erilliL cured with-
out pain by 6ur horns treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Bellinan Medical
(lo, Limited, Oollingwood, Ont,
St. Jamas St.. • Montreal'
Write ler lotormatioo
Buy St. Lawrence Sugar
in original packages. Un-
touched from refinery to your
cupboard, you are sure of
sugar absolutely free from
contamination Or impurities
Of any kind.
Su Lawrence grannlated white purc
cane supir is elicited in three sizes oh
nrain—hne, medium nod coarse, in
10115., 25 lb. nod 20 lb, scaled be,
and 5 lb. and 2 lb. cartons.
All first slues dealers eon supply
it so instal- upon having 'St.
Lawrence Sugar.
What Is Your
Mirror's Story,
Yon can't have a beautiful
complexion for the asking.
Made in Colman
used regularly. NViIl remove Wm.
ishes, 711Id Make tile skit: tonooth,
eietas and sound.
Vaseline Cold Cream contains
no animal or vegetable fats. It 18
SteriliZed ill the making and deli-
cately perfumed.
"Vaseline" preparations arc for sale
:a ;ill Chemists and General Storm
AVOID 811BsTrru'rEs. 1nFist
un "Vaseline" in original Feick..
ages hearing the name, (211VSE
13550(1(1)1 lvl AN 11 FA 01 u R-
ING CO., Col:solidi:led.
lihuictried boihtlel fire en re911051
'firidase wits a a y sg for a
ulok, and n as.v7c1
taie eete
ohom- it rusv 0011(1 Thk it lei
certify that Beidget hes worla
cd 1, r SSS One wetni: 5,111 ive are
s at i slied;
410ver2ter:rt" V. aptipno
nflotor 0,19
7;ot Propai4, to, any Railevay Station In,
egitaraq,, teength 15 Ft., Bean' 3 Vt, 0 Ile,:
pepth 1 et. a To, ANY MOTOR FFP8.
Specificat op No...2D eying engine ptlees on requeSt. Get our quotations
on --"The Penetang Line" Omnracielal and Pleasure Launches, Row.
boats and Oannee.