HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-01, Page 1./q►:fit
No. 1878 -36th Year
Time is save.
by people who want to sell talking to
those who need to buy tlru' the cols. of
Thi• News
.1�efore 14u i3uq
`dome and Jalk to U.
:it is highly important that you have expert advice when choos-
ing a watch, and the nameof a house Mack of this advice as a guar-
'- antee a its honesty. '
\7e have been selling watchesfor years. We know values and
we are here perinanently to back up any sale we make. Come in
and talk with us.
W.. r
,� lra
Jeweler ana Optician - Clinton
Incorporated 1800.
Capital Authorized 525,000,000
Capital Paid-up ,11,500,000
Reserve artd,Undrvided Profits 13.500,060
To6al Assetb_: 185;000,0(10
BSO Branches, With world wide. connection. nnection. Inte'est allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transb.cted. '
R, E. MANNINGIMstnager
Clinton Branch
''all.'.III..."....,,1'"...I.,"•111'"•lii."..",111".„,'milk",, X111"9,,,,,,",m".11', L
i ilimilinliglitimot„..m,,,if
p Tt�E
Savings Bank Department
At all Branches
G Interest allowed at highest current rate
= Clinton Branch
C. E. Dowding - Manager
92 Branches
In Canada
to,on„,m„,iiL.dlt,,,IIL,Ji .,,m,. In in ,I11. 111 .,111.1111
2 he Morrish
Clothing Co. '
Swell New
hats For
A style to please yout fancy, of a shape.
to suit your build; in a color to match your
desires, at a price you want to pay, is here '
awaiting your selection.
Hats are a great hobby of ours and this
season we have out done all previous ef-
forts. the style and quality we show are
finer than ever.
We 7bonyou't let buy an ill becoming
hat here. You'll get a hat here that 77,1111
be a walking tz . forthe he store if 'rba sell
it to you.
Noll) is the time to come and see them.
Are You Coming' `Today ?.,.
•Square Deal for EveryMan."
Motto . A
Officers of the, 33rd Regiment, C, E.
F entertained a deputation of senior
(dicers of ice 33rd FInron Re toe
at Queen's Park one evening last
week. The guests of honor were Maj-
or MoVicar of Sarnia ; Major J.W.
Shaw and Major H. B. Comber, Clin-
ton Capt. Sinclair, Wingham, and
Lieut. McLean.
.A 'feature of the evening. was the
address by Major' 'Shaw,. who compile.
mentod Col. •Wilson, commanding of-
ficer of the 33rd, on tho splendid ap-
pearance of his battalion. Major Shaw
then presented him with a black leath-
er portfolio. Tan portfolios were
presented by Major Combe to Major -
Rance, second in command of the
33rd, to Captain Dowding, paymaster
of the 33rd and Capt. Sloan by Capt.
Sinclair of Wingham. On eaoh port-
folio, a silver shield carried thenalnel
of the recipient,' the date and the
words, !'from the officers of the
A. goodly pile of east off rubbers
were sent in ilo the Women's Patrio-
tic Society on Friday last and the
proceeds of the sale of same will bo
devoted to the general fund.
of er-led
The ladies Wesley y church s
tea at Friday : afternoon'e meeting,
when a large number were present.
•There will be no meting of the
Soolety this, week, it having been de-
cided to meet fortnightly in future.
The ladies of the Baptist church will
serve tea at the next meeting.
Since the ,treasurer issued a report
of all ireceiptg and 'expenditures on
Feb. 26th several generous cash dona-
tions have been received
Firemen .$16.00
High St. tea , , 27,60
Young Ladies' Patriotic Soc. . 50.00
W. T. O'Neil's Patriotic Day . 15,75
Wesley (Ouch tea , . . 16.70
Banquet money. 10.50
Summerhill Ladies' Soc. bal. `. 1.05
Besides these many personal cash
donations have been received which
are included in list below : --
Complete list of personal cash do-
nations to the Belgian Fund since
Oct, 2nd :
Mrs. T. Rance , . $5,00
Mr. and Mrs. Wallis , , . . 27,00
Mrs. Roland , , . 4.001000
Hisses Southcombe , , 4.00
Mrs. McClave 2.00
Mrs Evans , , 1.00
Mrs. Bristowe 1.50
Mrs. Ilovey 1.00
Mrs. Fowler , , . . 2,00
Mr. Welsh , , .50
Miss M. Clark , 2.00
Mrs. Philips . , . , .75
Mrs. Pde . . .50
Mrs. Noble 1.00
J. Stevenson 3,00
Mrs. Sheelcy , 1.00
A. J. Holloway . . . 5,00
Mr. and Mrs. Walters . . , , 1.00
Masters Barry and Earl Walters 1.00
W. J. Mitchell, News -Record . 20.00
Miss E. Mountcastle . , . . 2.00
Mrs. Ferran , 5.00
Mrs. Archibald . , , 5.00
Mrs. Gibbs I . . r . 1.00
Ladies of W. Huron St. . . . 1.40
Mrs. Gunn . . . 2.00
Miss Cowing , . , 1.00
Miss Wallace 1.00
Mrs. McFarlane . . . 2.00
Master Jack Metall - . .40
Personal cash donations to the
Women's Patriotic Society in order
received :
Misses Southcombe
Two friends
'Two English ladies
Mrs. J. Farquhar
Miss Mountcastle
Miss E. Mountcastle
,$ 9.50
. .75
Mrs. Stevenson , 0
Miss Amy Howson. . 1.00
Mrs. John Middleton, Sr.. .. 6:00
Miss Whitely , , , 2.55
Wm. Robb . , , , 10.00
Unknown ' '
Mrs. J. Ford . . . 1.00
Major & Mrs. M. D. Mo'I' ggart101.00
Mrs, Carbert
Jack Crooks r,
Member of Ont. 5t. cimrch
Win. Walker -
A friend I f
Miss Walkinshaw
Miss Richardson
Miss Ross
J. Wheatley
Albert Seeley
Mrs, Gunn'
T. Cottle
J. W. Treleaven
Sirs. Holland
Noble. holland
Miss Laura Jervis
Mrs. Gandier
A friend
A friend
C. Shaw
A friend
Mr. Tyndall`.
Mrs, Warren
Mrs, A. Fisher,
A friend
Miss M. Beacom
Miss Hill
Mrs. Milne ) '
Mrs. Fowler
Mrs. Wallace
A friend
Major and Mrs. Ranee .
G. D. McTaggart
J. Middleton, Sr.
Mrs. Wise
Mrs.; Noble
Miss E. hunter
Miss Wallace „
Mrs. Evans
, 10.00
. .25
. .25
, 1.00
. 5.00
. 10;00
, 10.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. . 5,00
Benniiller . 2.00,
. 50.00
. 26.00
. 10.00
• .50
. 2.00
Rev, F. C. Flarper 10,00
Jas. Young, Walton, proceeds
of entertainment Walton
Methodist cbui;ch
J. Southcombe
Miss Archibald
Master Jack Muteb
Mr, James Reid of Stratford, for
many years a citizen of Clinton, haw-
mean'er of ale Piano Com-
been a b i r o 0
parry's staff, had the misfortune last
week while at work in : the Globe
Casiket Factory to have .four fingers
everod from his left hand. It is a
most unfortunate accident and one
which will naturally intclrlere very
match with - his future efficiency, His
old Clinton friends regret very much
to hear of the mishap. Mr, Reid is
a brother -inview of Mr. J. Bayley of.
Again this week has been heard the
merry ,jingle of the sleigh bells.
This is Clinton's great annual event,
The Spring Fair, but it's no fool of
a show, even i1 hell on All Fools'
r f' Trade
The Board will hold its o
annual meeting in the council- chain-
ber on Tuesday evening next: et eight
Mr. F, F. Gillies has .sold out his
interest in the auto repair shop and
garage business in town, which has
been conducted by Paxman & Gillies
for some time, and in future the bus-
iness will be conducted by Mr. Pax -
Mr. David Beacom, one of Clinton's
best-known citizens, who on Sunday
next celebrates his eighty-eighth bir-
thday', was presented by his fellow -
members of Murphy Lodge No. .710 at
a special meeting last evening with a
cane ie honour of the --event, Tho
choice of the. gift docs not indicate
any feebleness on the part of. the
recipient, incited, there is scarcely a
Citizen who seems to need a cane less,
it was merely the outward expression
of the good -will of the brethren and
as such is highly prized by Mr. Bea-
cons. The News -Record ,joins with the
members of Murphy Lodge and all
other friends in wishing hint "Many
Happy Returns.'!
Wheat $1.30,
Oats ,r5c.
Barley 75c
Butter 26c to 27c.
Eggs 17c to 180.
Live Flogs gs $8.00.
Mc. Frank Perdue of Goderioh town-
ship has bought the T. H. Cook liv-
ery of which he takes possession the
middle of April. :Being fond of hots
es and, of. keeping them In good shape
and being at the same time '• affable
and accommodating le should make a
popular liveryman, -
Mr. Cook retains his two .malls
carrying contracts with which its
will combine the tilling of :.seventy'
acres so he will continue to be a
busy man.
The old slogan, "socks, shirts and
hospital supplies" is still ringing on
all hands and the ladies of the sup-
ply committee of the Women's Pat-
riotic Society, who have proven them-
selves to be painstaking,. efficient and
self-saci;iflcing, of the stuff of which
true Britons are made, wish to
have as large a bale as possible
for shipment on April 30th and are
asking as many as possible .to assist
in the work. Mrs, Munroe will sup-
ply yarn for knitting to anyone,
whether a member of the Society- or
not, and those having work out are
requested to have saute returned by
April 23rd so as to give the commit-
tee time to sort, etc., before the day
for shipment.
Mr, Frank Watson has sold his cot-
tage on Joseph street, 'the price be-
ing one thousand dollars and the. pur-
chaser 111r. George Ladd, foreman of
the Holmesville section of the Grand
Trunk Railway, who moves into town
in the fall.
IlIr. Ladd retires from active work
1 on the big road in September after
I some s. .,r,•
A COUPLE OF SHOWERS• fo ty years service, some four-
teen years fireman of his present sec-
tion. The big boss says Mr. Ladd, is
one of his best sten and well worthy
of the superannuation allowance
Which he will receive.
What induced lir. Watson lo sell
such a comfortable place of abode is
not l'or The Netts -Record to say here
and now, The reason will be dis-
in -
closed by Cutins events.
On elonclay and Tuesday evenings
the members of the Girls' . Club of
Willie 'church showered a couple of
their number, who before another
week passes will have. become brides
and have serered thele connections
with the club and tate church and
social life of •Clinton. On Monday ev-
ening they visited the home of Miss
May Campbell presenting hitt w'iIli
various pieces of white and gold
china to add to her collection be-
sides souse other articles, and on
Tuesday evening giving Miss Mary
Mitchell a miscellaneous shower of
things useful and ornamental, all suit-
able for the, furnishing of a new home.
Ib is not every week that two brides
must be speeded from the same cir-
cle but when the Girls' Club under-
take anything they usually do it
The following from a London paper
refers to a grandson of Mr. James L.
Shepherd, one of Clinton's pioneers':
"The executive of the Lorne Avenue
Mothers' Club met on Thursday night
in the horse of Mrs. R. Greensides,
831 queen's avenue, for the purpose
of expressing to her and her son
Louis, who has enlisted in the 7th
0.51.8., the •admiration of thel club
at the sacrifice the son of their wor-
thy president was making in .befall of
liberty and justice.
A program of readings and music
was prepared, appropriate to the oc-
casion. A solo by Mrs. McMillan,
entitled; "Boys of the King of Eng-
land," was heartily applauded,
One feature of the evening was the
reading of an address to the yom.g
soldier by Mss. Burch, :ecreta:'e of
the club, and presentation of a wrist
watch by Mrs, Wilson, on behalf of
the club, It was some minutes be-
fore Mr. Greensides found voile in
which to express his thanks, Mrs.
Greensides also expressed her appre-
ciation to her co-workers fur their
kindly thought. 'Phis was fcliawed
by the guests singing 'Foe ]re's a
Jolly Good 1i'cllow ' after which re-
freshments were served.',,'
The music in Si. Paul's church on
Laster Sunday will be as follows
ymn - .171 "Welcome Happy Morn -
Kyrie „ Simper its G.
Gloria and Gratias Simper.
Hymn before Sarson 157 "Jesus
Christ is risen today."
Offertory '
Hymn i 166 f "The shire is o'er'."
Sursum. Corda Simper.
Sanctus - Sin -.per.
Benedictus qui vemit Simper.
Five -fold Amen Asunder,
Agnus Dei Simper.
During the. Coltununion "I know that
my Redeemer liveth" Handel,
Gloria in Excelsis ,'.neper,
Hymn 261., vs. r,^'0, 6.
Flynyr ,.162 ",Light's glittering mei 0„
Part 3. '
Processional Ilymn '168 "Come ye
faithful raise the .strain,"
Festal Responses
Proper Psalms „113, ,114., 118 to .
Chants 174,. 85 and 178,
Magnificat 63
Nune Dimittis 73
Hymn , terrors
_ n 520 "Jesus is lives tl
an c t
now " .
Hymn. r 170 "Christ is t ,ren."
'Anthem I:The . have taken awa . my •
Lord" • . Staines,:
Rev. R. ,J.McC'ormick of 'Holmes -
vitt(' preached at the morning service
on Sunday, his subject being : "The
Prudent Life."
Next Sunday will he celebrated as
the anniversary of the opening of the
presort edifice. Mr. Robert Holmes
of Toronto, for many 'years an official
member of this church, will preach at
each service and the choir will rendes
special Easter music,. An open ses-
sion of the Sunday school ..t'ill be held
ie the aftei'nooit.
Instead of the regular weekly pray-
er meeting on Wednesday evening next
the Women's Missionary' Society will
bold their annual :';aster thankofering
meeting. The ladies will provide a
program and all members of the con-
gregation will be welcome.
The funeral of the late Rev. Dr. Me-
Donagh, was held from Trinity e:nuch.
to Avondale cemetery., Stratford. The
service was conducted by Rev, G. N.
Hazen of London, assisted by Revs.
A. R. Birks, Dundas Rev. J. h;.
Ford, Crodecigh Rev, Walter Rigsby,
Sarnia , Rev. George Jackson, Walks
(indite, and Revs. W. 1). lvlillson and
Dr. Manning, Stratford, The pall-
bearers were all ministers, .including,
in addition to some of the clergymen
named above, the Rev. John Kenner,
London ; Rev. F. . 1 , Nlalott, St.
Mary's; Other ministers present
were : Rev. 11. Martin and Rea. J.
W. Ilodgins, Stratford ; Rev. J, E.
J. Millyard, London ; Rev. R. Miller,
Milverton, and Rev. J. F. Reycraft,
Springlleld. Others in attendance in-
cluded Mr. 1. Hord of Mitohell and
Mr, 1 , Il. Dingman, St. Thomas,
Among relatives from a distance were
Mr. and Mts. G. S. Fox, Mr. , and
Mrs. Charles Law, 'Toronto, and the
widow of the deceased clergyman.
March came in live the nicest' little
wooly lamb imaginable .and in order
to comply,with a time-honoured cus-
tom it bad to "go out like a lion,".
However, true Britons ai'e not 'averse
to hearing the lion roar these clays,
in fact his growl is considered rather
musical' than otherwise. This last
Protest of -King Winter over, we shall
now look for spring in right good
earliest. Let all good citizens lay
aside the snow shovel and look up
the garden hoe aiid the lawn mower;
take a squint through .the seed costa
levies and prepare -for an. early on
slaught on that quarter acre•` of good
garden plot which Hasn't, been half
cultivated or tended `lot: years past,
and see how much garden sass it can
be made to dn'odUce. Not a spot two
yards square should be allowed to lie
fallow this season. All the food that
can be grown in Canada this year will
he needed. Every bushel, of 'potatoes
or beans grown in Clinton 15 so much
H;la to
the nation.
enough waste spaces within the
bounds of Clinton's ,corporation to
Y Y add" thousands of dollars to the wortit
, 23.00 Canada'sproduction and,.garden-
10.00 ISve-fold Amon, img is good, healthful exercise. Let
. 10.00 Recessional FIymn 173 "Ye choirs of 1'+Patriotism and Production" go
.10 New Jerusalem." ;hand (11 heed in Clinton as elsewhere.
.The pasVor• Occupied the pulpit -a
Sundaylast, talkie for is 'hem i
a, g h, theme n
tbo evenin Gre t Physician,".
The usual services next Sunday, when
the pastor will take as his morning
subject . "The, Master's Call and in
the evening "The East' Call."
One of Clinton's most'_ 'respect'ed
residents in Mrs. Murray,' wile - on
Saturdays'lest passed her ninety-
fourth birthday, ':'hough not as ac-
tive physieadly as she was a decade
ago Mrs. Murray is mentally as
sprightly as ever and is always glad
to see her old 'friends. She has been'
rot many years a resident of Clinton
and has a hostoffriends here and
elsewhere who will heartily join in
congratulations on the attainment of
so venerable an age.
Mr. Gillies of London, who had
been in town visiting his son, left, F.
F. Gillies, met with a rather painful
accident while here, He was calling
on Rev. J. K. and Mrs. Faired onn
evening last week and on leaving the
house he walked off the edge of the
verandah, which has no railing, and
in falling 'to the ground below, a dis-
tance of about five feet, he received' a
had injury to his knee, 'Phe accident
laid hint up for some days and he was
still obliged to use crutches when
leaving fur Itis home on Saturday.
The attendance at the Sunday school
set;vice on Suiulay was over three
'l'lse pastor addressed the League
meeting • on Monday evening on
"Hunan 'l'inme .Pieces." Miss Carrie
May read the "Topic."
The anniversary of the Women's
Missionary Society will be held on
Sunday morning next. The pastor
will preach and there will to• s, scial
:':aster music, The following Easter
music will be rendered at the service
in the evening :
"'ln Joseph's Twills" (Ira R. Wil-
son) Misses Howe :and Wit ;
Messrs, f', uul C. Thompson.
.Anthers "Awake dusts that sleep-
esl" the choir,
Selo •'IL is Jesus" elabriel) :firs.
Anthem ''1 know that my Redeemer'
Li yetis" the choir.
Quartet le '.1 sis kites" (Parks)
Messrs. Weir, Thompson, (ribbings
and Thompson,
:Anthem "Lead Kindly bight" Ike
'l'hc minister, Rev. Rrank U. Harper,
13.D-., will conduct Easter services
next Sunday, and ]:aster music will
be sung. The subjects of sermon will
be "Sonne Consequences of Christ's
Resurrection," and in the eventing,
"Reverence" (05 the Third Command-
ment.) Easter hymens and new East-
er music by the &oir as follows :
Organ prelude, "Pastorale" (hull -
'slant. •
Anthem, "Lift Up Your Head" ITop-
Offertory, "From. Last Judgment"
Spohr. -
Solo, 1 "Calvary" 1 Past Rodway.
Rev. F. 0, Harper.
Organ postlude, "Toccata in F."
Organ prelude, "Pastorale" Wely,
Anthem, "Awake Up 15Iy Glory,"
Offertory, "Bbrcluse in A." Widor,
"Tantum Ergo
Mrs, Gunn, Mrs. Paisley, Messrs.
Roberton -and Mitchell.
Organ postlude, "Worthy is the
"Lamb" Handel.
People You Know.
NIr. McLean of Carleton Place is the
guest this week of Postmaster
Scott. '
Mr, William Robb left this morning
to visit over the holldayts with his
two daughters in- Toronto and
brother at G-uelph.
Mr, David Leath left on Tuesday •
Swill; .
' u '•(.urgent 5 sk
to rets n to a. ,
afters spending, the winter months at
his home here -
Manager Bailey of the Sterling
Banlc spends the holiday 4n Toronto,
The management of the Agricultural
Society- met last Saturday and set
the dates of their next Fair '.at Oc-
tober 5111 and 64h.
Mrs. Robert Elliott of Lite Croslietr
Line, Stanley, has rented Mrs. James
'Wallis' residence on the square and
expects to .move into the village in 0
few weeks. a
Mrs. James Parsons and daughter,
Miss May Parsons, 'left this :week fa
Moosejaw, Sask., after spending the
past winter in the village.
Miss Maud Stirling of, Toronto
spent the past week the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Stirling in the village.
Miss Stirling . has enlisted as a
nurse and expects to leave in a short
while for the war zone.
Mrs. Robinson, neat Varna, spent
Sunday watts her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) ,
Searle, in the village.
Mr, 1, Monter was a - delegate
from the village to the I3ydro Radial
convention- at Toronto on Friday.
The bazaar and -at-home' under the -
auspices of the Ladies' Guilts of Trin-
ity church will be held on Thursday
evening next.
MIrs. (Dr.) llletcalf and fancily, 14Tiss •
Jessie and William Metcalf of Detroit
arrived on Monday and will spend.
Easter week at their residence here, '* •
Mrs. H. 1V. Erwin, who has spent
the 'past seven weeks in California
touring and attending tlse Great Fair;
retained to her home In the village
on Saturday evening 'last.
A very pretty wedding was ,solem-
nized at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
F. i41. Smith, Livingstone Park, A'Iil-
ton, on March 2.1tli, when theireldest
daughter, Jessie Evelyn, was united
hi marriage to Lieutenant henry
Welltvood, (1.10, The bride was charm-
ingly gowned in shell pink meteor '
satin trimmed with Chantilly lace,
wearing a tulle veil, Dutch cap ef-
fect, with lilyof-the-valley nisi orange
blossoms and carrying a 'shower bou-
quet of pink Lally of Lyons roses.
The bridegroom was supported by
Mr. .1, 1), Wolfrain, manager of the
Bank of 'Toronto, Coldwater, Ont.
Miss Shirley A. M. Smith, maid of
honor, was becomingly gowned in
cream satin, carrying a bouquet of
daffodils. The bride's niece;, Juse-
phinc Plax ton and (.weadoit'n Yvonne
Sulitlt were flower girls, gowned in
Pink and white, and carrying a bass
ket of pini( and white sweet peas. Dr.
Cr. W. M, Snaith of Bayfield, Ont., and
Mr. A. 1,. Morrison played Lohen-
grin's Wedding March, The drawing
room, where tite ceremony was per-
formed, was profusely decorated with
palms, ferns and cream roses. -
Holmesville -
Mr. George Ladd, foreman on this
cieLion of the 0.T,R, will in the fall
retire after forty years' service and
having bought a home in Clinton will
remove his family there. Holniesville.
people will indeed be sorry to lose
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd from the village
as they are good neighbor's and, good
citizens generally.
The W. 15. S. of the Methodist
church will have their annual 'thank -
offering services on Sunday, when
special sermons will be preached and
the choir will furnish Easter music.
The offerings of the day will go to-
ward the \V.MYLS. Fund.
On Tuesday Rev. W. J. Baird of
IVIitcltell exhibited his lantern views
on the "Great War" in the church un-
der the auspices of the Epworth Lea-
gue. Mr. Baird explained the pseture
es as .they were shown andseveral
patriotic choruses,ete., were given
during the evening. A very •good
turnout resulted in very satisfactory
procee;ls, which: go into the League's
Mr, H. R. Forster* of Locust Hill.
desires through the medium of The
News -Record to say to the friends,
who assisted in getting out timber
for the barn 14 replace the one de-
Stroyed by fire that he very much
appreciates their kindness.. ,au°
Goderich Township
Unity With met at the hoose of Mrs.
IL Jenkins. on Thursday last, but
owing to the inclemency of the weath-
er, not as large a number were able
to be present as usual,` A social
afternoon was spent in sewing for the
Patriotic Society after: which ' they
were served dainty refreshments by
the hostess. The next meeting will
be held at the horse of Mrs. Wm.
Lobb on April the 8011.
Mrs. Blackwell of Woodstock and
Mrs, J. 'Pinney of Hensadl have been.
at the old homestead, that of Mrs.
Wm. Cofelough of the l.1th con., dur-
ing the past week or so owing to the
illness and death of their sister, Miss
Etta C'olelough, '1'
It is requested that at tine sewing ;for
the soldiers, which is being done 'lbct
the good housewives roundabout Hal-
nmesvillg, be brought in to, the Meth-
odist church at two o'c,00k on Wed-
nesday afternoon of next tveelc.
The William Perdue homestead -on
the Bayfield Line has been purchased
by Mr. Bert Lindsay wino enters into
possession very shortly. It contains
120 acres and the price was $7300.
Mr. Lindsay purposes disposing of Isis
forty -acre place on the 4th con. The
Perdue family, long-time and very
bfghlyt r'espcclzd residents on the old
place, purpose moving to Clinton.
The death angel visited the home of Mrs. William Colclough of the llth
con. on Friday morning last claiming
for his victim a daughter of the
house, Etta Pearl, a young woman
twenty-five years of • age. The deceas-
ed had been ailing for about a year
and a half and for several months
past had been confined' to her bed,
being lovingl)s tended by the members
of her family. For some time • else
had been aware of the fact that her
end was approaching and spoke free-
ly and cheerfully of Chet change which
awaited her. She was a member of .
Holtnesville 1lfethodist church and
while her health remained' was an
active- worker in the Sunday school
and amongst the young people. Her
mother, five sisters and one brother
remain : • Mrs, Blackwell of Wood-
stock Mrs, Timmy, I3ensel! ; Mrs.
Grainger, Brandon, Man., and Misses
Matilda and Ella M. al home and.
Robert E. Colclough also of the town-
ship, a11, with thee exception of Mrs:
Grainger, were present when the end
came. The funeral took place from
the family residence on Sunday after-
noon, interment being made in Clin-
ton. cemetery: The services were
conducted by Rev. R. J.
and the pallbearers wore atembers et
her old Sunday sohool class : Messrs,
Clarence, and Fred Potter,. Lorne Iter -
vis, ,Norman Holland, I3,, J. Trewar-
aha and Percy Glidden, Much sym-
pathy is felt for the members of the
family in their bereavement.