HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-03-25, Page 5Marche 25th, I915 Clinton News -Record', B1gth Alis. 'John Camp o bell f Kincardine Campbell ca Sias been visiting her brother, Mr,' `Wm, Jackson of',town, and with, Eris undo 1n Morris township. 2911. ,Janice tteftron has purehaseil the farm of i1t. Thus, Rerly of Mor, xis for $4200, M' t. Fred .Jackson'has gone to 7. ar.- is to take a , Position. , Tho bowling club- was rc-organized. 'tor the coining. season on.F.riday eV-, ,ening. Mr. 5. II. Gilley, and his daughters, -les, -Mrs, McVittn Mrs. Somers and Miss earl, were in. •Exeter last : wco'c, be- ing called there'en account of the 'death el the former's mother. Seaforth. Airs., W. McNay of Blyth visited blast week With Miss Mabel Thomp- s_on," res Mi G ' .McnleI{ i yof Listowel was a •visitor at the home of her mother, f`. Mrs. McKinley;' for a few, days re- centlyt • Mrs. J, Landonof Toronto is here On a visit to her daughter, ; Mrs. R. D. Groff, M. Pearson Grieve returned to Tor- ,onto last week to resume his " beach- ing' duties' after being laid off through • illness for .some weeks. Mrs. H Vanstne of Stratford r d w s a :the g e, t •u v� last Week of Mr, and Mrs. L. G'. VanEgmoncl., Mr. Tretheway of Stratford has purchased Mr. Wesley -Beattie s resi- elence on Goderich street. Mrs. A. W, Barker was at Wallace; :burg recently attending the, funeral of a friend. Dr. ScniIlle of Galt was a visitor in town last week. Miss Isabel 'Graham visited Clinton friends last week. Messrs, Thorpe Rivers and .Jack Pe - thick left last week for R'epiurlt, Sask., where they have accepted pos- itions. Miss M. H. McKay has returned to 'New York after spending some time in towns "nursing Mrs. H. ltielntosh of Toronto, who met with an accident here some weeks, ago. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickson an- nounce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Norma Roberta, 'to M Wil - Bait Melville Corbett of . Nort Sas- katchewan, the marriage .to 1L'ake •place early in April.' Mrs, laugh McIntosh, who fell on an icy wall: some weeks ago fracturing her hip and who has been laid up at the home of Mrs. McIntosh of Crom- bie street ever since., was able to he reproved to her hone in Toronto last week. Rev. Herbert Casson, a former pas- tor of the Methodist church here and a prominent, minister in the denomin- ation, died at his residence in Toron- to on March 12th aged eighty-five years, 1 -Ie had been superannuated since 1900. Mrs. William Johnston, a well known and: highly esteemed resident ,of town for many years, died -at her 'Tome last .weclr after a short illness, She was eighty-two years of age. Tler husband and a Family of seven dau- •ghters survive, ldr. S. Muff has purchased Mrs. Buck's residence in the North ward and will move in from his farm in •;a few weeks. rdr. Jacob Weber of Dublin, a for- mer resident of town, has purchased the residence of Mrs, .John i)owneyot :William street and has m0verl , into i. r^ Mr. John Halliday, ovho has been visiting in the old township .of Tuck- ersntith and with friends hereabouts for some months, left last week to return to his home at Filinere, Sask. While umpiring a hockey match at 'Berlin last week,Mr. Chas. Silis was struck bp the puck and received a nasty wound ,just above the eye. Mr. Win, Wilson has moved into town from pus' farm in Hullett. Mrs. Burk is removing to: Ottawa, where her daughter is employed in 'the ewfl service. Dens, Joseph Hudson of Honsall has 'been visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Troyer of town. The members of the eiioir of the Methodist church presented Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, who have been valued members of •the choir for some years, with a handsome tea set prior to. their departure for London, Mr, Frank C. Hablcirk, son of DIr. John FLabkirk of town, has gone with 'the St, John Anrbulnnce Brigade to the battle lint, going from Winnipeg. The Bell Engine Company has re ceived a contract to "manufacture 'shells for the British arniy. This will 'necessitate the installing of -new nia- -ehinery, which will be put hi as speed- ily as possible and the work pushed forward. Wingham Titev, D. Petrie and his daughter, Miss Margaret, were in London re- cently, the former attending a meet- Ing of the Flome Mission Committee; Mrs. Thos. Leaky of Kincardine and Miss Kearns of Guelph spent.' a few days recently at the• hone of Mr. W. .J. Pattersop. Town Clerk Groves has been- ap- tptiinted issuer of marriage licenses in ;place of Postmaster Griffin, who re- cently resigned. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid and Mr. and Mrs Bert,' Vainsicle: were in Ripley last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Murdock McLean, Mr. Thos: Gilmour has returned home Isom the west. MYIxs. Joseph Flolmes, who died Iasi -week at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Josephs Welwood, was ninety-five years of ago and had been in. Canada over sixty ;}'ears. She had resided in -East Wawanosh for a great uranyl years but 'for the past twenty -two, - since thedeath of her Husband, she resided wit/8 her daughter in Wing- "Ilam. , Two sons also survive John Holmes oft Oregon, and - Thomas Hol - rises of R pdey. The funeral tool. Ince on`iurscla' last. place R. A.' Taylorhas purchased a farm in I3o,Wick and has moved to it to be in readiness for the spring, ' work. .News -Record Means News -Leader. Goderich - Mrs. A. M, Polley, a resident) of Crodericil for nearly fifty years,pass- ed away at her: home -: on Saturday week. She is survived' by her thee - band and three daughteru, Mrs. Hect- or' McFayden and Mrs. W. V. Major - of Toledo, Obuo, and Miss Lottie at home.- The deceased lady was seyen-, ty eight years :of age, A :number 'of the members of the Masonin,Lodge went by special train to Stratfdrtl fora s;e-1ial gathering. of thei brethren on Wednesday -last`. Mr. Paget of, Huntsville was in town last week an business. Dr. Strang and Mr, H. R. Long were appointed at a. meeting of thei Public Library, board to attend the meeting of the Ontario 'Library Association nc Toronto Monday and Tuesday nest, Zurich Mr. I:il er , iu t G. b was 7 otos o on business, last weeks Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. - Flappenings in •Clinton at the Opening of the Century. kb Taken en from the Piles of The News -Record of the date indicated. a Clinton March 2n4 1900 Mr• C. Wallis ran over his payments for hogs during 1899 one day recently and found the total ran up to $91000. Miss Florence Flowson, eldest dau- ghter of Rev. W. G. Howson, was married at the Ratt,nbury street par- sonage yesterday to Rev. J. H. Hoo- ver, a member of the Michigan con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Shallfe McNaughton returned yesterday from Goderich, where 'she had been spending a , few days. Marriages 1II$IIER—SNYDI R At the residence of the bride's parents at Benmiller by Rev. Is, 'J: Rutherford, 'on Mar. 17th, _Mabel. Estella, -eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs L. • B. Snyder, to Fletcher E. Fisher. Births MOLE—In Seaforth, on March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ed; Mole, a daughter. B,LAC:IC—In Ttiekor•smith on March beth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wool, Black, a son. WT STON—In Bayfield on March 13111, to Mr. and Mrs, Orval Weston, a son. . MOWBRAY—In East Wawanosh, on March 101111, to Mr. and Mrs, T. Mowbray, a son. Deaths REYNOLDS—In Huliett township, on March. 21ist, James Reynolds, ag- ed 77 years, RILEY—At Londesboro on March 22nd, William Riley, in his 73rd year. IIAMILT'ON—b1 Mullett, on March 2ni1, W. 13, 'Hamilton, aged. 36 y ears, SPENCER—At Saskatoon, Sask., on March 91311, Alhina Richardson, wife of Mr. B. Spenecer, formerly of Bayfield. ' POLLEY—In Goderich, on March 13111,. Flora Amelia Fuller, wife of Mr. A M. Polley, aged 78 years. JOFINS'I'ON—In Seaforth on March; Iltli, Mrs. W. Johnston,, aged 83 years, LAIDLAW—Iii Seaforth on March 16th, Janes Campbell Laidlaw, aged 81 years. • GIDLI9Y—In Exeter on March 14tH, Jane Merrifield, wife of R. Gitt- 1ey, aged 89 years: THE GIRLS' CLUB OF WJLLIS CHUIRCFI WILL SERVE XAN Afternoon Tea - in Connor's 019 Stand next to Grigg's ,Jewelerp Store on the afternoon of 7.' 11 11 R S D'A t , APRIL 1st, from 3 to 0 o'clock. WILh ALSO SELL HOME. MADE' CANDY. • PRINCESS THEATRE. TIE HOME OF HIGH C!I;ASS MOTION PICTURES. Big Specials every night next week.' IF 'Y'OU ENJOY A GOOD. LAUGH COME -AND -13R1N1 rIIE FAMILY. FOR .SALE,—A GURNEY WOOD Cook Stove with reservoir, just the thing for a summer kitchen.,—J. P. Cole, R, R. No: 3, Clinton, Phone 14 on 159. —77 P;ASTtlIbE -I AM PREPARED .TO take. a limited number of cattle for Pasture for the summer months at lot —,_ Base Line.—E. G. Willianros,' Clinton P.O. —77-3 SALE REGISTEER - ONFRIDAY April 2nd, at Lot 281h, Flua on Road„ Tuckerstnith, at 2,00 o'clock clearing' sale of Horses, Cattle -',and, Pigsr—Alex,• Jamiecion, proprietor;; Thos, Biowa,' auctioneer, FOR SALE.—POLLED AN G U ,S bull 1 year and 8 months old, from pedigreed' :stock. Apply 'o=John llaryey, 121.1. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 5 On 106. -77 FOn SALE. —BARRED ROCKS, front Guelph winners. Di Barred Rock eggs I have the best value in Canada. To he convinced oome and see: for yourself, visitors weleoluo. Pen 1.—Headed by Crusader, son of 2100, Guelph and 1st,: Detroit oaeker- el,,e,gs $3.00 per 15. Pen 2, -Head- ed by prize cockerel valued at $25.7 • 00, eggs $2,00 per 15. Pen 3,-Pul- ,,1et mating. Customer reports pul- lets laying at 5 months of age, from this: pen, eggs 81.50 per 15, Pen 1—I (ggs 81.00, worth $2.00. Here iso a cltaueeto .get good stock at a , reasonable price. 3 eggs fro,in pen 1, 4 each from pens 2, 3,. 4, $1.50. Enfertile eggs will he replaced free of charge. -11. S. Hovey, Cli t n. -77_5. LOST—ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, on Bayfield Road, between Chas, A1lenson's and second corner, two logging chains. Finder kindly communicate with Chas. Allenson, Clinton. —76, CALVES FOR SALE—THE UNDER - signed has again made arrangements to supply a limited number of calv- es at reasonable prices. These calv- es ,are all carefully handled and are in good condition.=W. Marquis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, Phone 14 on. 66. —74. CALVES FOR SALE, FRESH SUP - ply on hand at reasonable prices at lot 27, con. 4, I:Iullett. Arrive by express, oarehilly handled and will he turned over in good shape. Phone 3 on 206, Clinton.—L. E. Weir, -76. EGGS FOR HATCHING.—BARRED Rock, "Guild strain" good layers. Leltve.your orders at once at Hell- yar's ,Jewelry Store, Clinton. —76. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements,—Mrs. P. Centelon has instructed the undersigned to •sell by public auction at lot 29, coni, 7; Goderich township, on Tues- day; 'April 60, the following : horses—General purpose mare 9 years old, heavy horse. driving marc, heavy draft colt, 3 yrs old, Cattle -2 cows to freshen in May, farrow Cow, steer 3 yrs olcl, heifer 3 years olcl, heifer 2 years old, steel: 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, young calf, Implements— M'assey-TIarris hinder nearly new, Massey -Harris mower nearly new, McC'ormick drill nearly new, spring tooth cultivator, set dianiontl har- rows. 1' Sections, double plow, single plow, 2 wagons, 11 nearly new, 2 buggies, 1 nearly new, cutter near- ly new, democrat wagon, Tanning n ill,. set scales capacity 2000 lbs„ roller, hay rack, set bob sleighs, gravel box, Wagon boa, logging Main set. double har'1,100, set niugle harness, about 125. bust, nlai ;olds, a quantity of hay if not sold before sale, a quantity of household furni- ture, Milts, eltove15 and other ar- ticles too nurnernus to men Woe. Terms :-A11 slums of $5.00 and un- der, cash ; over that amount 9 months credit Will be given on fur- nishing •approved ,joint notes or a discount of 3 percent. ;straight on the dollar will be allowed for cash on credit 'amounts. -dire. •P. C'an- telon, proprietress ; Geo. 13, • El- liott, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. The undersigned have offered for rale on their farm in Clinton, on April 6th, at 1.30 p,n1., the follow- ing list of well graded Durham cat- tle : Cow 5 years "old due to far- row in June, cow, 5 yrs due in May, cow 5 years due in June, cow 5 yrs due i11 April, cow 5 yrs Ole in June, cow 9 yrs due. in June, 5 steers rising 2 yrs, 9 heifers rising 2 yrs, also 3 colts ris,ing2. yrs bred by Clenrae, colt rising 3 yrs bred by Cilenrae. 'There will also be sold one 2-horsetread power, 2 -farrow riding plough, and a 1;4 -horse power gasoline engine, 'snip, Hummer,'' 6 months s credit tvilibe given on approved ;joint notes o: 4 percent straightt oft for cash. -0. A. C F. W. Andrews, proprietors I Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer, -77-2 AUCTION SALJI Ole COWS, YOUNG Cantle, Calves and Pigs. -1 have re- ceived instructions from Mr. R. A. Roberton to sell by public auction at Lot 45, Bayfield Road, about 1 mile south of Clinton on Tuesday,. March 301111 at 1.30 psis. sharp, the. following : 1 heavy draft colt rising 2 years Cattle : 1 thorabrod Short- horn coag registered. :