HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-03-25, Page 3pOttitc13 of delicious• iICrown. Brand" Corn Syrup are sold every year to inotherS, just for the children. Mothers know it is practically all nourishment. They know it is a food -that Bread spread with "Crown Brand" makes a well balanced food that sustains and builds up the strength. Mother's know, too, that "Crown Brand" is the mad wonimijral "swerliwing" for all 'sorts of Cakes, Pica, Puddings and Sauces -and is the whole thing for deli. Clovis fie-me/nude Candies. "LILY wurrib" is our pure white CornSYrue-u,o, t so pronounced 40 flavor sa • Crown hatial."-eansny ehoite for the tahle and for candy making, ASK Yolfs SatticEn-INI 2, 5, to Aso 20 P'otmo rnsia. The Canada:Starch Co., Limited, A/loath-ea," With Oranges. oral/pane, - Two cups orange juice, one and one -hall- nips sugar, Ong cup strained •cranberry sauce, ;two quarts water. Buil sugar and Water ten minutes, When .eold, Strained orange juice and. • • Cran- berry juice; pour in punch bowl It. large pitcher. Cul one orange •into thin slices t:.0 garnish top. The rind eau be Dared from •the orange very thin in one piece a•nd hung around the edge .a the bowl. Orange awl figs.. - Six oranges Pared and -cut into thin pieces. Cut the figs into fine !strips, mix with oranges and terve .very cold. Gar- nish with --one-half ma,raschine cherry. This makes a good break- fast fruit or can .be served for des- sert. Orange Fudge. -•One pound' brown tugar, three tablespoonfuls riCh Milk, butter the size of an English walnut, grated rind of one orange. one eup walnuts chopped fine. Boil three minutes. Beat fils • teen minutes or more. • Orange Marmalade. - Twelve oranges, fonr !tablespoons lenion juice, four cups water, eight coat . -- sugar. Cut the oranges in half, scoop out the julep and pulp. Int the :skins -on 1 boil. With six quarts. of cold water and boil until tender ; •remove and Put in -Colander to drain. When. they are well .cirahr, ed, take a- spoon and remove all the white ; it will come out easily. Shred the. yellow and add to the juice and pulp. Be sure that the white fibre has been removed. Ackl the sugar and water add hod ;oranges bkirided-.-2:: 7inalaga.; 8-l'Oes.!fr-Mr? Which '11I eeedt have been removed, or nriX' with finely' gut celery, served -•.M endive leaves r mixed with finely cut 'endive. Als WaYs one good-sized orange for an order of orange salad, Bare .and cut the orange ,smalli ?serve. on let - thee, with FTerich: !elressibg. 11 blended With grapes use two-thirds orange and one-third grapes DID shredded lettuce leayet.. if endive, one.,half !orange ;and :one-half en- • dive. The Frenbfi dressing is tWO parts oil and one part lebnon'juice. Orange Boll3.-60ak the orange peel three days hi .old water, changing water daily; then'pub hot twater and lboil until soft. Squeeze dry as possible, chop fine and weigh-. Take same amount of sugar and boil. with a little -water until it !spins a thread. Add • the chaPned Peel; boil a few Minutes longer ; 'Itake hem- fire,. cool, put on board, sprinkle' with 'granulated sugar and niold into 'balls; roll in sugar and spread to dry. Orange Blanc Mange. -Heat pint al orange. juice ; then -add enough sugar to •sweeten, .tome fruit needs more than others; pour in gradually two level tablespoons of ;cornstarch wet with • two table- spoons of cald water and boil Until transparent. -Whip the whites of Invo eggs very stiff ; then slowly turn the hot mixture ou them, beat- ing thoroughly all the time • butter small cups or. molds and 1111 with the hot mixture.- When ..chilled, 'serve:with:Milk flavored .with ed orange peel orra custard made .ol yolks Of eggs, a pint :at milk and flour .SuffiCient Make It .creamY; coOk over hot fire until the• :custard 0.0014 a:spoon; flavor with grated orange peel. . • enndied Orange Peel. -Cover the peel .14 four oranges •with two quarts of cold water, put on fire, slowly two hours, or until thick. bring t Orange jelly in'Orange ettp With o 0 !boil . and. buil slowly un- til tender. about forty minutes; Whipped creauh_your tir pour into colniTtier and drain two one •tablespoonful lemon juice, one 1021 15', reinove all the white skin cup sugar, mie rounded ur :two bit 1.0111 the PUIP, ilte whils01:1 he le el tablespoonfuls granulated ! rind is not removed. When dry, !attn. Cut the oranges M half ; cut into fine strips. Boil two cups 000.1.0‘,t, sugar with. three-fourths nip Of wa- crosswaYs; with 111011)00 centre, add leMon juice, sugar and ; ter until it spins a thre,ad, put in gelatin, which has been soaked part of peel andiboil five mintlteS, remove with folic and place M verized sugar a Few minutes. Then pat on a plate to dry. The orange peel prepared this "%my lasts a long time, and there are many itses for it. Onegood way to use it is chop- pedfine and pub in panocha, to use With fondant candies; also chopped and sprinkled On -cake icing and many other uses. NQW is the tine to make it. • Try These 'lints. a little water dissolved in one cup of boiling water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove all the loose fibre from the orange peel and 5850 tooth the edge, either with scissors or sharp knife. Se.t the orange cup in shallow pan of finely cracked ice, then fill in the jelly. When cold and firm and ready to serve place on small doily and put a spoon of whipped cream on top. Garnish with half of maraschino cherry. It one uses pastry bag pub •cream through Orange Salail.-Orange alad is ane of ;the 'best dinner salads, either oranges on bed of watercress or Wm. RENNIE CO, LIMITED, ADELAIDE and JARVIS STREETS, TORONTO, ONT. Also at Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. • Never use linen to clean mirrors or windows; as it the& lint and often causes streaks. Use no soap on window glass. 'Use old muslin and clean soft water. A cotton cloth dipped M a little alco • Mal will add brilliancy to the final rub. When Steatning potatoes out, a cloth over them before putting the lid on. They will take numb less time to cook, and be. much more mealy than when clone in the ordin- ary way. If white of egg is applied with a small !camel's hair paint brush to fly specqcs on gilt ,frames, then rub- bed gently with a soft Moth, the specks will disappear. Before using a new saucepan add 11. lumpef .siida and some potato peelings and let it boil for some hours. Then wash out thoroughly, and alt danger from poisoning from •the tinned lining frill be gone. Sonforth, Ont.. Home painted with MartinSenour "IOC PurePoint -LIFE INSURANCE ,FORYOLIWNOUSE Unpainted wood means decay. Not to paint your house, means a cOnstant expense for repairs. Paint protects against wear and weather. When you take out our "1007/ Pure Policy", your house is insured against decay. Such paint protection resists the destructive effects of climate and temperature, besides adding beauty and distinction to the Thome and value to your whole property. MARTIN es SENOUR "100% PURE" PAINT means life insurance for your home. The genuine White Lead, Oxidn of Zino, Pure Colors and Linseed Oil -ground to extreme fineness by powerful maebinery-fortn a combination that protects against decay. 09001Pure".Paint makes protection sure. It spreads easily, overs completely rmtl the Cheapest in the end because it e0Ter6 Mgt spctee per lallott. In al colors for spring painting. ----.4127 Write for a oopy of our amusing book, 'To House That JoltUoIlt'\ (fcJtefrdores,,rhraws and reason, that yea will en my hi MI so bhildido, We'll also give SMI then= dour oardla elslor•eSdat. z RSAU EIVOCIRMADDESS To .,7 •,,,,t4 0.7he MARTINsfENOUR p.... ., • - .. tat.ilf 6, - - • 655 Damao &ABET) MONTRIM.L; # • • . . Z0s.s6-4e..-..0/i) 4I)AINi..:; . /..r; . / .`‘r!•464 4'i'Mii00, . ,,',!,.." ',, • / ,..."' SkIC4'SPAN .• - he Lady of Lancaster ; Or, Leonora West's Loye, • , X. Old LadyLancaster had tsrentY t110116. and poituds a year of her own: She 0015 brought that much dower when she came t o her husband, the late Lord Lancaster, and now, whon he 11110 dead, and shea childleda widow, tslie was like the Martha', ,toaf,41,,Itosly Writ -she was troubled over 11115)17 The posilession' et great wealth usually entails trouble, It is said, and 'Lady Lan - mister's ease was no exception to the mile. Who greatesti anxiety she had was that she conhInot decide what she would do withher fortune 10Iten aho died. She 'was eighty Years old, and although she did pot want t the, Gho knew that she :would have to do so some clay, and sito svaitted ,to make her 'will before that g ruesciano•event.. The title and estates of 1,a/roaster had 11.00101'...ded to 'the late 1013)10 nephew, young Olive Lancaster, St Vas but a bar- ren honor, atter t1 . for ;there was ne money to summit the dignity of the posi- tion. Me deceased incumbent had been 11. snendtheiR, end' RE), lad hia father ho, Tore him. 'They had dissipatett itli the twaametY that was not strictly entailed avith tho title, and the, p10001111 1010 had little 'to live on sseopt has pay as a can' 11)01] 10 tl'o 0)1115', 151101e iro tsi 1.•‘1e010•111ine10 act.l <1,01011' liO 001011100 10 t1,o exprees wish and desire Lady Lancas' tor still reigned lady paramount at his ancestral home, an0 kept up its wonted dignity and state. She said ohe should leityo all her money to Captain Lancaster 11 he married to please her. IC not -and ,lie shook her gray head ominously, not bo attY violottaly, at this point, and re- mained silent. Lancaster Puric wae one of the lOvenest 1,1itees in Devonehire, 101 Devonohire is one of tho loveliest ecunities 15 England. It seemed almost a pity that the young lord eouhl not afferd to marry and bring home 0 beautiful bride to graee hio state. 1,v beene. No one doohted but -that whet the 11t,0.14110 he would 0090)110 the br'cl.,/, his aunt selected for him, IL would be. folly, it would be madness, if be refused No one suppe..ed tliat the handsome young soldier eould be capable of such rash. • 11:0 aid not dream ot nnything Otto obedient° himself. Ile only hoped 111%t it !would be a very pretty whom his aunt eltoSe for bim, aml also that the anatrinionial hour wae yet 10 the dim ,tis' 101110. Ile was only Ilvertind-twenty, and he did not care to surrender his bachelor deeectont yet, Do 11<I.0 amazed and eon. founded, therefore, when in a year after his uncle's death Lady Lane:tater sent him one of her charaeteristie letters - short and to the 5)01111 "My Dead, Oltre"-alte wrote -"try and get leave to eome down to Laneaster Park for a month or so this fell. 1.1147e in• vited a lot of neople for that time, among them the girl I have chosen for you. Do not fail me. Delays are dangerous." It was .rather 11 command than 0 re- quest, and the last words Rollnded like a threat, The young loriboaptain was tak- en by storm., Die heart sunk to the bot- tom of bie tall cavalry boots. Ile did not want to be -married off -hand like that. Ho secretly rebelled againet 0 foreed ourron• der of him soldierly freedom, even though lie gained twenty thousand pounds a. year 111 eXellange fOr It. 11.0 1:00 lc counsel with 111,1 chum, young Derry De Very, who was O soldier, to0. ower young to marrY Yet," ho said. "How shall I outwit the Old lady's deeigns upon me?" "Dome over to Amerlea, with iiie," said Lieutenant De Vero. "I have leave of 00. senile for six anoliths. You eau get it, too, by the asicing. I ant going oree to the States to spend my holiday. I should bo delighted to have you Mr to cow. panion." • The idett topic hold of Captain Lances. ter's imagination immediately. "X go with.you," he Gaul. "I have always nuclide(' to make the tour ot the United States, and if I do not go before I am married, ft la not lilcely I shall do so afttaWard. I will write to my aunt to poelpone ber ana,trimonlal designs 11 111. 1t while tenger.' Ile 1v101e to Lady Lancaster that he was very sorry indeed lo disappoint her, but that ho lied mode a. moot positive engage. Mont to go over to the Statee next nionth with his friend Harry De Vert: and now the young lellow would not let hint off but as soon no they returned lie should be at lier laclyship's comanund, etc., etc. Lady Lancaster was profoundly 110 007' ed and chagrined at her nephew s letter. She did not want to nostpone the 5010511111. illation Of her favorite scheme. But, she 'Wisely concluded to bear with the inevit. ethic this tline, She wrote to the truant lord that 6110 would escudo him this once, but that lie most be read,/ to fall in -with her plane next time, or it might be worse for hint. aloe fort_une was mit nicely to go a.beggiug for an owner. had 0 letter with bad trews in. .410E1 he obliged. 10 'quit your servicie,". , my service!" echoed, Lady Lan, easter 'wildly. nor vole° rooe ,almost to• ce shriek, it was eu 0111 of,ditulay and • eTliali was what r said, my 13,0," re. Ittitt.cluty'eti.I.,111necolt,mtenrse j.:14.0epievr.04tiet.,ritecaitia,g11,03:1,„ con:11i110 izaltlii,Spillynt7.'a 11,1.011104, 111011 oho burst; L say you shall do no such thing 15 t 11)11100"0010411100 yea: I eon nab get 01 nvithoUt 'you itt all -that is, not Without 1.507 niOntlise; -iyarning to supply your 'A month to 1110 usital. time, Lady Dan. eirs'ter,'' said the housekeeper, mildly; 411,11 then, as the old, lady regarded her in saoeehless dismay, she added, euirkin "But I ant sorry that 10111)1 not even's:Ivo you 10 mouldi'S warning 10 oupply Tay .plane, for 1 ant obliged tn 1e01'e yo10 right away. I have a longjourney to take: I must 01'061.5 the 00011?].", "Orose the ocean! Now, clid X eveel Aro you crazy, West?" demanded the old lady, wrathfully, "I knew yo)1 would think so,'' said Atm. West. "But if yon will be lcinct enough to let sno emolain the circumstanvos, you mightn't Wink so hardly Of me, Lady Lancaster." "No eircumstances eould excuse your going off in this way," dashed Ludy Lam - e aster. "There is Lord Lancaster Coming home by tho first or a'one, and of course anigit 1112115 a party to umet him; and there 110 the roorns, and-anti-orery.thing to be seen to. No one knows niy 5'ay0 and my wishes :Ace you who have been at Lancaster Park so 0)10517 ' years. NOIS, What aan 1 to der //110 lifted her wrinkled heads helplessly. "There will have to be LI new 1)31150' 11100000 found, of eonree," hazarded Mee. Wted, timialY 04)11 yes; an ignorant creature . who ltliDirs nothing, and 11110 Will hare ererY- .(01)530, 101101 n'lteo 1 01(0(11 athin1g0 Tit:Cr:U.1/1 all ed old arietocrat. "I call this downright u ngrateful in you, West, ado going ',Ai' .1,101 as we luta got used to each otlioCe Mrs. West slippresaed a struggling arrtile ftround the <molten, of her lips, 011t1, rising up, st000l respeetrully before her hard mistreAs. . 1Iii,k 01) f".1u11Ye. I aI'11;)'1.0 cid'!" '',N0v)olU'lclY1510ut for good rcuse," she said. "1 luta hoped and expeeted to spend 011 my (law at Lancaster Park, but my duty ealls 100 elsewhere, I assure 7011 it IS 116 hard for ine no for you, Think how hard it is for me, a poor Ione -woman, to have to cross the oeean-at my time of life, too! And then to hove to take a ehild to raise and 7,!:10)111111.11, 50 1110, 1 eeiatrhiLi:.i.gIsoounu-10111.01:111/11mitliinitt'ys lady!" (MAPPER. III. Lady Ilantaster settled her gold.howed spectades 011 hot' long Raman 110130, and fixed a keen, penetrating stare on the troubled face of hor houselceeper. "Whose child Is 0, and what hi it all about anyhow?" she spitttered, vaguely, "It's my brother-in-law's child, and Iles read away olf in Now York somewhere, and the child's left to nie.-his penniless, 0 riendless orphan 0111111, left to me by the dead; and how oeutd I refuee the charge, my lady?" inquired Ales. West, reproach. fully. "I should 11111111 tho dead woulti emne from Ms grave, away otr yonder In America, to haunt /up If I didn't do his bidding," cried she. glaneing behind her sonlething like a shudder of supereti, dons Fear, "I clithi't know you were simPleton enough to 061020 in ghosts, West." sniffed my lady. contemptuonsly. y "And I didn't know you ever had o, 'bvother-in-insr, either. Where has bo boon all these years?' "IS you will rend this Jotter. Lady Lam easter, you will And out in fewer words than I emu tell you," said Airs, west, TO. speetfully peeeenOng her letter, whieli sil this time she lical been holding open • 111 ber hand. S.N.ly lady took the lilark.edged sheet into 010 gray 01 her thin, bony hand, nful sa-n her keen eyes down the written page. "Deer Sister-in.Lariv"-it rait-"I know you so wondered many a thue 011100 15 , caught the gold fever and rail away Lo Chittornia, twenty yeare ago, what's he 001110 Of the Win,1111 11d that you and John couldn't mane 551 although you tried so hard and ao boa/tinily. I always :meant to write to you some clay. but I nut it olr from time to time in nuy hard, Itney Me, until now it'e almost too late, and I seem to be writing to you front the borders of that other ..worlo whero Ivo Goinehow beard my brother John went 'before 3110, and Where ItastOiting ilOW, l'or dying, sleterinla,w, and I'm quite sure that I shall be dead before this comes to Yeur hand, Well, I've had nee and dowim in this Me, eister Luoy-good luck and ill Inalt-and now I'm dying 15 1102e One great calm tipon my mind, I'm leaving Illy little girl, my pretty Leonora -named so Tor her mother, Who died when her baby was born -all alone In the ecild, bard um le. She ie friendless, for we've led Guelt a roving life slime sho.was born that 'we have made 110 frienda to aid 110 now in our extremity. Dear sister-M.1am, you I were alwaye a. good. woman. You tried to do your duty lty the WaYWard orphan bey .rs 0 1tas so pOonly rapald your oars, Will You be kinder skill 1 WIll yOU 00100 tO America and take niy ohild for your 031(1? Will you givo her a moblier'S 1070 10)141 ease? itentember, she le friendlessand forsalcon in the world, )Y1010111 El. living relative, What Would become of bier it you refused My clyiag prayer? I itrolose a eard with our New 701-1/ address upon it. She 1011.1 wait thelm after I am dead until yea olune for her. I feel aura that you will oonio; you will nob disregard InY dying Ivish and requestl'Orgive n30 all any ingratitude end thoughtlessness, 010. tee Lucy, and be a, mother to 1117 darling little Leo when I am no more. "Your dying brOthor, "Richard West," The ileater rustled 111 Lady La.trett,ter's nervous grasp. She looked. up 'thought. fall), at the patient, Wai ti lig Wein an. "I Could 1101 relfUSe such a 5r117011 15 -that, could.I, any lady?" she adlted, wiat- fully, "You see, Ile was any husband's only brotherpoor, hancleome, '100 14,111 Diek. Ilia parents ;were !both dead, and he had boll, 3110 011 ,Tohn, any husband. Ho.was ree;tiless and ambitious. Do ra.n away and don a getter that 1)0 6110115)1 go to California and seek his fortune. Prom that day 10.11iits never 5 10o1111 hoe been heard of DiOlr: And nu* he's dead --not so old, either; ouly in life prime otf and he's telt ire 5140 iitlIoglrI, Shoo will be a t•rOviible, 15 hno.w. I :must give up ally quiet, pefteeltily holnel and atutke a inew home Tor the oOttd, somewhere. But I cannot t•efuso. 01 dare not, for John's and Dick's Hulce. I :Must -go -to Amerioa. and get the ethild. I con not .do lesn ,than .he asked 11110, iffe was always .reetless, poor :mak, no cond no% Stay 10 his grove Sr 11 refused Itis dying prayer." DIIAPTER II.. Captain Lancaeter got lease and wetit on in triumph with Lieutenant De Veto To the United States. When lie hail put the °team between bhuself and his motel/. making relative, he breathed more freely. • T Can count on ono year more of single blessedness nosy, I /lace," he said. "I do not suppose my aunt will try to hove me married on by cablegratu or a, telephone while I 11.111 abeont,” De Yore laughed at his Sriond's self-eon- gratulations "I never sow any one Go unwilling to accept a fortune before," lie said, "It ls not tho fortune I object to -it ie the encumbrance I must take with it," eop1iod Captain Lancaster. • ‘ShOuld a wife bo regarded rta an in- cnmbrance?." lac/area the other, with a 00• .1”.e1110i.at -would depend upon whether she were one% ono choice 00 somebody else's. I can not imagine o/d Lady Lancaster se. fleeting an ideal wife for me." "All the semo you will accept the one she provides or you. It would be 11)1011' nese indeed to ranee," said his friend, "Well, well, we will hot discuss it. Afoy the evil chuy be yet fax oft," responded L3Igtia6lien't%0 fleji‘/VittlY11..er ladyship, far naval, under English sries, could have hoard hie regrets, or have known that ho had talc. en his trip solely to ,stave oil'. the evil day of his marriage, as lie coneidered it. She was vexed over it. While she deemed it an accident, she 'would have been furious. ly angry could sbo have known it to have been design. 111 001115 she was eatineher heart out with impatience and vexation, atul eagerly counting the weeks and months cis they roflot1 alwaY, thinking that each one brought her 10011100 .10 110 return and to the accomplialunent of her Oiler/Shed Game, . The months raided by, and at length the white)! Was past and spring WEIG, 11101(1. It was April -that tender, timid month, -vital its -vio)ots and dttioies. LadY Laricaster'e. heart beat more lightly. She had bad 14 recent letter from the travel. er. He wrote that ho Would be at home by the first of :Tune. She 'began to laY her plans accordingly. She would have LA, c1leN1)' 110117 at the ra.rlf tO weleeine hint 0010, and ho should make up his mind tdibn. There was mo Ulna for' delay, SIlOaunt for the housekeriper to.como to ler immediately. She wanted to make all ter arrangements •ut 011(50, and she could o nothing without consulting Mrs. West, lie model hpuselcesper,who had Aided at ancaster Park for sixteen yeare. 1519 ady grew hepatica t, while atre eat 1 11 her refit velvet arntmhair -and waited for the voinan's coining, Tier small biopic eYea Impped crossty,' ishe wriggled her team ont body fin its stin brocade, and hor onY hand% with the great Jeweled 3 1 ' L 1 4 1:.,1'e:g„107917l1:ee)°r1v1os.tletlh.7.1'‘67t1;:j!eIe6°:1::t1c1 r :::enc-rg1Y;)alv)'e0;01P`,015iy7why:010te..5pole? Haw dare oho keel111071,14p,t 'fike, door opened safily and Mrs, West entered just 1/1 041.110 te catch tths 11115)0, tient exclamation -a Yen/ lad7-like per- son indeed, In noiseless black oilk, and a neat laeo 0110 that surrounded a face only 1,11eiklifplr .ko;t1.03 711.10 9-91 51•01,V, nth; ;130.,41:6 iftiL 1 4. 440 Ph) te14.' _ 041 erodleetet,ntilin°4411crliloCuseltlet eiWpiltRhi atro trag the ens of ilinv.ard cbstunbance on 110)/513010.1 ly unruffled coati:tenoned. "You know that I bate to bo kept, wait- ing' West," she odd, "and Yen are 015- (1011)' 7017 pkonyet, But T see thret wale. johase4lamstoreolitoeuttrrtatafeilticeineseo,, selnIn.t.asno, 61?" "YoU aro eight, rattly Lancaster, Soma thing has hruppened," said Km, Woe!, She Scunk down quletlY, an sshspeoke, into thohtlaunt .1101' Mires indcated /V ' nod of her grim, unlovely had, I hove th ' 4aI,.t.1g1tie1 ,1 ..t" aaIci‘. 1ficiv svt11 e; h0o'g' 'r i n roan:s "d despair, satgasing on thetloorin lence .The thouht 35 0000019 Sato cap. 1610 woman, :Who had )01011ged SO the stff oLaneaeter Park so longwee ueet annoying to 1101.hall tome upon her with all the snatsnnees of 0 calamity. She7100011 i1RAo,ot1i, dos, ya0 She e117C!1414d17ow Jacetaound .}111!..107e, ;etelheieft lite affairs of the househad gone onwith the /rpoision slid regularity of cick- " iwonk. It would take a new woman years to attain 'to her proftcieney. She had grown to regard the good houeolcespor td, (noel ins her own property -a miete of 1103'ps°1a1gmlrand6kttl0.'811etau1 tig01611; beiat emgrYaVte111011g,h01 iosing 31e0. t .aimo had. che blurted 01o1,-OW1/ 10 Tents go and lia, 1tb'1i1311' 01T011.:1101:1iIS111! '1 0 Oler p15111 into [4100, West' c"mely m !too at w ,110 7 40 oOIp . itemfeyating'0!'015."dol% believe fed Jue urytfung to doit,",ftried the oldlady, liolently. 'Iflie IWeald preveft peerdcdics boutmarrying, d/ te first 51o, ,/. And then ns she tiayROW patienty theendured theselanArt se had therano to beashamed of herseillf,"Weitt, there, thee; I dare 517 7011on't care Ito 1100(11 your tlics spoken oflnhot was," she said, 4/1 a, 11111(100' t0110,'ut then tielarcd Weet wee no kin to 7 , • ii..;v1Iftlre,e,IT.07,41:,,ould 091105100,e" Priboar 0.,Pt111.0t "Jena 'Jos/tat/1 Lancaster is only your husiband'S nephew, any Jody, 'yet y.ou take wareitt,interest Mtn," ,slie said. Lad's Lancaster gavC -her a. keen. little • allance. "Entaph! W'esit has some *Writ In•her," she said. .to hereebl; !then, aloud, she • "I cam assure you the only interest, *X take In 11101 is lbeopaase'lle Jo my Zorti latncanter; and as 110 1101)13 the title my late huSiliond held, if shooda 11110 ,f,ot• him .to have anoney enough to oupport itt pro. ,Bart 'Ulm does act Marry to please ayuGa,t,nYaottioa,sphialiolasyso. how rl care Tor the Dire, West swede no reply, and 'her anis. Ittalroorighte,natinued, .aittor 0110105)110 "Must you really Dolce the .clo 200 think, West?' "1 eenicinli, think. elt 100 p.6011 .1)telea ,dying request," woe the ati-SWer. "Shall yea make your'home .in A111011. es.?" continuecl the lady. ' no, no; a: shouut 'come ,bs<qi dear Old 34151and, 11 goSIdalt, leo:inept 10 piese sny last days in a atrange ociuntry." Lady 1:01'ea/Ste,: was silent a, moment list eyes wore -very, 'thoughtful: 111411 lips worked norreeety. dIra. West ,ivait, mi. patiently, her pinup hands Added to, getlor ever the tette:: that asld ibrOught her such strange, unwelcome 11010, "Where are you going to Bre *hen the child mime?" I.eady Lancaster snapped, Minya rudely:, "I don't know yd., nuy lady. have amide nu plans1 tudy received Toy letter a Ind/ wink, ago,' "You don't want any 0412150, 15 presume?" more snappishly than over replied, respectfully, • "I should be 1017101<1 of it," Mrs, Web) "Why didn't you ask for it, theil ?" "I (lido% Tlare. "Didn't dale, ell? Am I ,an ogreths0 filienkt have eaten yon if 7011 1100 asked any adviee?" denutude.el the iraseiblo old lady, slientlY._ , "011, 011.41)' Lanoaater ; hut ;I shouldn't 1111.70 11:011.010 'YOU 1,0 far," Mrs. 1Yeet replied, her quiet *way that wao so strange a contrast, to the other's for You," replied the grim old lady. "YerY well;Torv,000 7.71,1,),/tei.ecld.t)o lay 0)1111)) THE QUESTION OF PENSIONS. The British People Can Alford to 11,1 Generons. When in ;November last the Gov- ernment issued a revised :scale oF allowances and pensions for s:.1 - diets, sailors and marines and their wives, widows, and dependents', this snide was .astailed from all quarters, on the ground tif its utter inadequacy, ,Accorclingly, on the muticm Of the Prime Minister, a select committee was appointed to consider and report upon the whole question. 1'11e. CoM.Mit ec-u, re- markably .strong one -was. repre- sentative of all political parties. lt consisted of the Following mem- bers of Parliament: two Liberals, Mr. Lloyd George and Mr, McKen- na, two Unionists, Mr. Bonar Law and Mr: ahambeTlain, a Labor member, 1111, Barnes, and an :Irish Nationalist, Mr. O'Connor. This committee lhas how issued its re- port, in which are recommended egos -Wei -able !advances on the. for. tiler scale adopted by. the Govern merit. No estimate of the nathmal Ea- bility under the committee's scheme is given. Under 'the circumstances ally estimate would be the merest guesswork. 13n1 it is reasonably certain that, unless the war ends sooner than most people anticipate, the national liability anusb run intu many hundreds, if not thousands, of -millions' of dollars. But what- ever the total, there •ean be no doubt but that the B-ritish people desire to .be generous -and fortu- nately can afford to be so. And yet even what is proposed is a. mere pittance if considered 'as anything like compensation." For total disablement, in the case of both sOltliers and sailore-for the report only .applies to the lower ranks of the two .services, and• not to officers and their wives and de- pendents -the committee proposes a weekly pension of $3, with the :ad- ditions of sixty cents for each .child. In •the case of partial disablement the committee recommends that such 10 suan should be granted as, with the wages whioh the disabled man is judged :capable of earning, will amount to $6 a week, Init no: •case is less than $2.50 a -weak to be allowed for the loss of 0 111112, The separation allowances are to be as follows : • Soldiers. Sailors, WI lo $3.00 $1.74 'and 1 child 4,20 2.40 ' V Wife, 2' children 5.01 3.12 Wife, 3 •41tii0!ren 5.52 3.50 Wife, 4 ohildren 8,00 3.48 Motherless child 7.20 • 1.20 The reason for the teparation allowance in the case of sailors be- ing smaller than thote in the case of soldiers is, of course, the fact that in the ordinary course of things the sailor is away just as much as he is, during war, 50 that, Financially, his handy are not more likely to be straitened now than then, whereas with the• soldier 11 is different A soldier's or sailor's widow; without :children, is -to receive a W•celnly Pension. of $2.40, to be in- creased to $3 at the age of 35, and to OM at 45 years' ;odicl. Widows with•cibildren are to receive, in additios to the -weekly pensions- .on the above scale, $1.20 a week for the first child eighty-four cents a reek for the second ehild, and \forty-eight cents a week for each subsequent child. 0,n the rernar- , riage -of any such widow, when her pension naturally terminates, she is to receive a gratuity ranging frean.$2.50 -to $3.74. AlT the above figures relate only to the lowest ranks in both 'serYices. The rates for N.C.O.'s are to be -correspond - teased, "Is our Nvite an economical. -cook 1" • ' "I should say so-. She makestbe moat daralble cake you ever The Troth of the Matter. "Tom out of work .again 7 "Why, thought he had a.steady job?". . , "Oh, 'the job . wav steady ; the 71.)om Wasp' • 4 ." evforinT," climb's whams ttflle anaubler of Vat, Stomach and ,,.."' i,ntetetizial worana, NotarlY De Udd ,•ttri dietegteer, 00e) 7‘00 Z too marala 150 55,04 '0, wa 'egn, Lac* Void -aro lbild. lion% plwele lean .Z , death. spohn 8 cure ll remove ilie 09-010.11,S, improve 0510to '4.1te,, nnd- gene 'am uo all avnind, and dont "plays ,", 0 000Pu..k. glands and blood, rull dlreobione wadi. each ha tae. Iota 5,., ...1 all drupelets. and sold. ,.. 4•Fi, 00 ' -,1441. GO., 011emists, SPORN ale/F1. NillrliCOM''0011,1M111,5: IYIHNiXO: ONTO .0rWoCA. MOST PERFE'OT MADE THE INCREASED NUTRITV. OUS VALUE OF ;BREAD IVIADt IN THE HOME WIN ROYAL YEAST,'CAKES SHOULI) ESE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE TO THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE TO GIVE THIS IMPORTAN FOOD ITEM T.HE 'ATTENTION TO WHICH IT IS JUSTLY EN- TITLED. , 1.1.01VIE BREAD'SAKING RE. 01)0)52 7)515 IIIGH COST OP LIVING SY LEssm‘littn 'THE AMOUNT OF S)CPENSIV MEATS, REQUIRED,TO SUP., PLY l'HE RECES'EARY NOUN= 151400EN7 TO T 50DY. E. W. GILLETT CO, LTP. TORONTO, ONT WINNIPEG MONTREAL WA Te It BRUIN II SUB11.9,lk E --- • Gis'e Them a Chanee II 0 11 They'll Show Villa( They Can Do. The British submarines, if they get the -chance, will give as good an account cif themselves 0.0 have the Germans, says a writer in Every- body's Magazine. They are in the hands of the "young ones," who are full !if gimp and enthusiasm, a brOtherituad of daredevils; cousins of those in the destroyers. The British submarine 13-11, pass- ed under five rows •of mines in the Darda.nelles and sinking the 11114051 Messundiyeh, did only a, part :of a day's work. Looking for game, the British "subs" have pushed 'their snouts way up in the Baltic, even to the Russian coast. .And one hint the filarwich flotillas !came ;plum up to the chain -slang gates of the Kiel Canal, The naval game of secrecy is played to ito lim11 rsrarding the ac- tion of submarines...At the begin - Mug of the war, when the first Brit- ish submarine came into its base at Harwich flying the skull and cross- bones flag, indicating that an en- emy's 1.1111) had been sank, thg crerw and soine of the officers clescrib.1 in detail how -their torpedoes had gone home. The admiralty discour- aged that kind of conversation 'by threatening no shore liberty if any member of the orew dared to open his face. Now officers don't eVe11 declare that a ship is hollow. Emu 'Frying P 1111,0 Fire. .She -I bought a cookbook for oar new cook.. He -Goodness, doesn't the cook badly enough. as it is? After...all, it may the jug as well • to be 'anchored in a rut as to itinup at conclusions S.-re:1rd Pree Book Reduce 'Your Reefing Costs, Protect Your Buildings From Fire, Lightning and Weather You accomplishall these resdlts by • using our heavily zinc coated "Eastlake" Metallic Shingles They give' longer serviee ' than any other roofing. Cost loss tc, Are rust -prom and do hot termite, painting. -Those laid 28 years ago -are still giving good service,. Senul for free book that showa how "Eastlake" shingles make your buildings lightning fire, and weather-proof and why they • cost less per year than any other roofing, We Massfsetere•a complete Ilea of Skeet ilaiblios Material THE blETALDC ROOFING CO.,Ilodui 1 leffbfalitieri - 07NotroDameAve„ ViINN1PEO KinsatulDenerieSts., TORONTE 'WORMS Oouhon lnd,, U.O.A.,