HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-03-04, Page 2Gr. la. MiTAGG:1132 1•L D. 114cTAGGART. cTa :O art Bros. � - itANEER'S • A GENEILAL BANKING BUSI- fiL+'+'SS D. NOTES T TD RANSAC. . DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. •INTER E T ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS: S POSITS: SALE NOTES" •TUR. i CHASED: - - II. '. RANCP • NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, PINANOIAL; REAL ' ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT. IND r 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFF101;, CLINTON. V. B,R•YI)O1E, I3ARRISrER, SOLICITOR, , NOM .ItY PUBLIC, ETO. 011lce- . Sloan Blocic-CLINTON. CiiA1tLES IL HALL, • Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDII:R Dr.' W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C 5., Edit]. Dr. J. C. Dandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, llattenbury St., or at Hospital.' DR. J. 'W. SIIAW - OFFICE -. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON OR. 0. W. THOMPSON PHSYIOIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suite able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of ' the Commercial Hotel, Huron St., OR. P. A. AXON - DENTIST -.- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.O.D.S., To. =onto. hayfield on Mondays from May to December, GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County ` of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements canbe; made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by sailing Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Clinton- News -Record CLINTON, -._ ONTARIO Terms of subscription--$ler year, y , in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid: No paper discon. tinued until all arrears are paid unless. at the option of the pub.. lieber. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising • Rates Transient ad. vertisements, 10 ,cents per non. pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse• quent insertion, Small advertise. eats not to exceed ed Dao' inch, such as '''Lost," • "Strayed," • or "Stolen," eto., inserted ouce for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sertidn 10 cents. Communications intended for pub. lication must, as a guaran,en of -good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELli Editor and 'Proprietor. TIME TABLE,' - Trains will arrive at and depart from,Clioton Station as follows: 1„IIUFFALO'AND. GODERICHDIV : 7.33 a. m,. 3.03 p. to. 5.15 p, n1. 11,07 a. m, „1.35 p. m, 10 40 p, m ti2815.'W.. . 0I7I ON, HURON &BRUCE DIV., ,; {oing South8.10 a.' m, "• ' cc %1.23 p, t14. Going North', X1,00 a, m. rr 0,95 p. m. 1 7 -Bran, Shorts and Flour From the !lest 11ilis at the lowest Possible price. WE PAY TI3E HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR. LEY: also HAY:for Baling . Ford ..,od ALL KINDS OF Ulf t�... 3�,1 9 7 I WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT •SOYT .COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 23' in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile "of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORUES Opposite the G. T. 5.. Station. Phone 52. How is Your Cutlery Supply ? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the com- mon class. At least,,OU1tS is. It carries a distinctiveness -- an air of superiority, that comes f=orm being made with the greatest care and ut- most skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be protfd of it- every time you see it on the table. Carvers, eased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1,00 doz. up. • Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let as tell you snore about :why it is the most • desirable that you can put your money into. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. The 1VIoKtllop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and 'Isolated Town Property only Insured --OFFICERS - 3..13. McLean, President, Seatorth P,O. ; Jas. Connolly, Vice-Presi. dent, Goderich P.O. ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seatorth P.O. - Directors .- b. D. F. McGregor; Seatorth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rion, Constance;, John Watt, Rostock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. MaEven, Clinton P.O. -,Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Flinch, ley, Seatorth William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. villa: .money to be paid. In may be paid to Morrish Clothing Oo., Clinton, or at Cntts Grocery, Ocarin h. Parties deei.rouo to effect insurance or tsansaot alto,: business will be promptly attended to on application' to any of trio above officersadtlteesed.. to their respect, .Ave post -offices. Losses inspected .by 1.110 4tirettor who lives nearest the scene. There is a Cold Day Coming g Wbv not prepare for it by ordering your 'winter • supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. Mouse Phone 12. 011iee Phone 40. A. J. 1-110LLOWAY CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Praotroal Training School. We have thorough courses and cxperi- eneed instructors in e,icJi of our three departments. Comntieroial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed, and you, should get our large, free catalogue. Write i. W t t ak once. D. ,A, LtcLAOHL!iN, Principal. OLD .:TACKS NEE HELP When people get to be 50 and 00 and 70, they need alittle help some -4 time to get througli,with the day's Work,. l`heir backs can't stand the heavy ionds,'the steady slf;sin, of Indy youth.• They need-, „ ,f1 S FOR -emit '.-KIDNiEY5 St, Rophaol 003.1 Jan. 5th" "Four years ago, t Pial such pains in my .back that'1 could ant -work: rhe; pains ex:: tcndd to my arms. sides and si o ki rs 'I' aaed manyknls of inedicinefor over are r.,,.. none of which did me very,arena Good, 13 read m ab,t0in Pills sent for a'sampl . and used them and found the pains were leaving`,: m ,d I was 4 slim.• better. So 'I bob5ht ni bot and before I had used them all, the mons were almost gone andI could k cp•at work.Alter Ii ad taken six otlan-13Qxesi I' was entirely cored atd I fel as strong as at the age of 30 I am a farmer, now 1113 voars old.' . FRANK LEALANT) Gin Pills are "Made in Canada". 50c a box, 6 for $2.50 atoll dealers. Sold in TJ.S. under the name of "G3I.40 Pills. ' Trial treatment" free if you write National Drng & Chemical Co. of Canada, ',halted, Toronto. 204 Perpetual Punishment. sooner• be a criminal than be mareiecl to a man like Park's wife," "What do you mean 1" • "Why, by*, .a criminal gets erne Seli- tence ate, time, but poor Park gets et whole string -iof sentences every day," He who gets rich quick is apt, to go broke in a hari'ot. There's nothing better than tate old fashioned brand of homemade charity. A -girl with a pair of natural rosy cheeks and a couple of dimples can get neatly any old thing .she Wants. Nearlyeveryone has ripping, tearing headaches at times. Disordered srom- •u:h-sl8ggish]iver does it. Cheer un 1 here's the real. relief- Oh ant ber lain') Stomach and Liver Tablets. They put the stomach and boivele rie/a. All druggists, 25c,. or by mail from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto NEWS -RECORD'S O S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1914 WEEK/ARR. News.,Record and 31411 d: Empire ,,,.$1.68' News -Record and Globe 1,68 News•Reioid and Family Rernld and Weekly ' Star.. ....... 1.35 News -Record and Weekly Sun . 1.05 Noire -Record and Farmer's Advocate2.55 News -Record and Fnrrn & Dairy ..-- 1.85 Newe-Record and Canadian Farm 1,85 News -Record and Weekly Witness ... • 1,85 News.Record and Northern Messenger 1.69 News -Record and Arree. Press ...-. 135 News -Record and, Advertiser News -Record and Saturday. Nlgl 13,50 ..News -Record and Youth's Companion 3.25. News -Record' and Fruit Grower and.. Farmer ,,,, 175 6IONTIILIES. News -Record and Cae0dlan Sports. man . 53,25 Newe-Record and Lippincott's Maga. DAILIES Nowt -Record and World . ...............$3.35 News -Record and Globe.8,80 News -Record and Mail & Empire.. 3.60' Newe-Record and Advertiser. , .,,.. 2.85 News•Record 571 Morning Free Press. 3.35 News -Record and Evening Free Press,.. 2.85 News -Record and Toronto Star.. ..2,85 Newe-Record and Toronto News . .. 2,85. • If what you want, is not in 'this list let us know, about it. We cansupply yon. a1. lees than It would coat yon to send direct, In remitting please do eo by Post-of5ce Order Postal Note,. Express Order or Reg1Et0red letter and. addrees, W. . J. marc • Ery N , • Publisher News-MD*3rd CLINTON, ONTARIO THECHILDREN 0F' TO -DAY �.. just as they are -in their in• door play, or at their outdeor play -they are constantly on Tering temptations for tha KODAK Let it keep them for you as they are now. Let it keep many other hap. penings that area source of pleasure to you. - l1IIOWNII:S .'2 TO $I2; I O D Al K S,• $7 .'1'0 $25. Also full, stock ,of Films and Supplies.' •We do D-evelopin; and Printing, Remember th3 place: 1 1'1-14 REX ALL L STORE .H MAKING 1110 GUNS. fa1C1111t111g sight is to tate11 the first etages in the nlanufa.etule ll,duanil's Disease. This is a siegnl0r disease in which the circulation in the extremities -- in the fingers or toes gener.alJ,y lh.e- comes for• a Lime entirely obsttsuet- ecl.• 1t (meters in persons of nervous 'temperament, and often follows an exposure to severe cold ; it may oc- cur - alone as a purely neurotic syniptuul, or it nr,ay be aiSoctated with some other (110152)0.' such .as epi - leper, .Bright's disease, neurastlten ia., hysteria, (1' a110011la. It is most often met -with in early adult Statistics show that this error 1$ a life, and women are more often al- t NW common one, 151 every cold feeted than men, it '!s, however, spell is followed by a rapid increase occeeionally 00e11 even in 71fi1dren, of pneumonia cases, But tine 'Trio ot Britisher Held Eneldiy at :Tat tteto ca A. desp'atc!h from Loudon says.. eritmhiled iri.f',o ruins, or liec'orrle "A,11 the ground, near the frontline twisted and deforwerl,'even the very is pl:oii'ed up with shells and" fail grotvnd itself looks as it it had been rowed With tilre remains o3 :old Shaken,' by a' violent eonvuision of. trenches sand 'graves. The �whtilie nature, . ,YTo s:rya. vast cemetei• : ur vvhieJt To th,c south o.l? the Y )te,s-Dorn: . I Y, 1 Ourtrsenches:and'thoemelthe •e'.aemiy 10es"Ciemal the ground, ,altiho0gle wind . in 'every ddrection. `This, thele ,are so!mp enclosures=, 1.5 :corn, statement is, made by.the British . aratdvel open,- To .the aaorth, of it p Y P , ofiiaial.' "e3 e: witmese" at the f oat however, there are•tnany woods, and ' in aces ilpt]on given, out of the, these have lissome a tangle, of fallen recent battles 'squch-east at Ypres ,trees 'interspersed with shell cla- alid of the.country' in which. the tea's. To ,add to the hardships of. armies arse, fighting.' such fighting the troops have been' attacki•n g ' • 011 ground, in which the siren sink ftp to their knees in mad," !'Despite all these drawback ," continues `Uhe cheer -ser, 'cotinter- atta.cks have been carried out with Bach. resolution that in nearly 1131 eases the original line has been re ained. ; "In one trenc=h, whish became 111 the •eouree of the fglhtling anode oa less isolated, 40 of our Men contin- ued to hold firm until every e11e zrf them 'had been either • killed nor troun•cted•.' Eventinaldy there Wore only three ]eft w110 were capable al firing, and these three continued to hold the, enemy at- bay. In the meant:hue word was brought to those in.the rear that their ammo- ',Rion was nearly exhausted, saat(1 seven lien, the strongest available were selected to bring up as am.00 ammunition as they ,could 811113. threes, These latter found the three wound - "Elie description might serve .ed survivors still standing amid• the 1t Atli. a few mime alterations fol' btidies of their dead and disabled many of the lecalitiee along our comrades and still fioing steadily. front 17110135 the 30 1110,5* has centred The support, slender as it MAN, a:alne around 13olne tuned y village air Lino in the nick of time, for at that nio- of trenches. It is •a 2 if each had menf the Germans launched 'au- )Felswept t r) vmaiming. gr blast )e other assault 11cl like the i nevi- Pole which every object, whether a nus ones, was heater •ofI' ,raid the work of nature of IIF man, had position was saved. "In a. sheltered' spot there is a: htt10 graveyard where some of otir own dead have been buried. Their graves have been carefully Marked and a rough square of bricks has been placed around there. In front of the; trendies German bodies still lie tli_elc, !At Otto point of the briekfields recently •soave thirty nlen tired' to rush .oun. lune,. At their heed was a young German officer, 'mho came en gallantly .waving .his sword. He almost reached the barbed wire and then fell dead, and lie flee there yet with his 0110uldl in iii hand and all his 411]=.9;1 men about hienn cit is the same a'.:l a,lon,g the front: in thin giuiot 1 Everywhere, still, grey figures can be seen lying, sometimes several iota's together, Rad sometimes singly or_ in twos or II HEALTH the most fatal of winter diseases is due to .the fact that the resisting (power of many people is reduced daring winter. 'Enettriwala is trans- ' nutted by a germ. This gei'n1 is pow- clmss t, affect normal healthy p ople. )3u1 ellen It attacks a per - !;n1 1,11000 vitality is below norotal -.whether Iron imprudent living, Novi overwork, loss of sleep, .worry, leek of exercise :or lack of flesh air 1t is ci,ipablaaa incalculable harm. 13•od'i1y fitness is the surest safe- guard against pneumonia, and to at- tain bodily lioness one ,Must have proper 11011riel,,nent, exereisc and fresh air .and most avoid 0xcesse1 of all kinds: Petlple who coddle themselves incloolor, keeping 17a 1111 at the expense of fresh iau•, gradual- ly reduce thein' resisting power. 1 and in old people as well. The simplest foian of the disease is soinetintea tulle 1 "dead fingers." in such a case the .fingers of ,the patient Jimmie dead white, or a bluish white, =tad actually look its of the •big guns which are proving so If 11e- belonged to a dead )e,sun. c a\ashatii, In the w,ar. A solid The lomat circulittion • may be :o .got of steel, sem 50 feet in length completely obstructed that the fing- ers will not • bleed even'J'1 t'hey' are cut. Sometimes the condition lasts only a fe1V minutes, bat it may go an for several 'hours, of even days,. Raynaud called it local syncope,'' because the effected finger or toe acts as if it had re131,ly fainted from loss o1 blood, although the circula-- tion is normal in the rel; of the body. The condition is believed to and 'weighing about 100• tons, is em- ployed in the making of a 13 -Arch gen•. after being forged and;•then allowed to eoc•l', se that it may be toughened for the heavy work, this gigantic hat of steel is passed! into cylindrical' thane by a powerhy- dranlic preys, which exerts a pres- sure of anything between 5,000 and 10,000 tons to the square; inch. La- ter what ie known as the trepanning be caused by spasms in some of the operation is carried out, namely small arteries. drilling the bore -frog i end'te end. Next the here is iife:d. The 1110111 impressive sight, how- ever, is the -hardening proesss,' when 111e rough weapon is treated 'bo daz- eling white heat and plunged into a, well full of oil. 1f the operation takes place in the night time the In the most severe f01.131 of all sight -of this big, glowing bar of which is happily not frequent- metal being lowered apparently in- to the bowelsof the earth, issuing leaping tongues ,of flamers from the huining o'.1, hurry be •likenecl • to 'a scene from 1)an,6z's "in fern 0,'' The gun is 11 ht to tool in the oil bath, out of whtele it wanes hardened, toughened •anel tempered. Now follows the wire winding, operation to Ma se the weapon 1:n the more severe 101111, of RSa-y- nand's disease the •alfected part turas purple instead at white, and becomes .swollen and tingling, just as would it the •circulation were im- peded by La string tied tightly around the finger. gangrene occurs; that happens only when the attacks 'have been so fre- t:meetaha•t the oil';eulwtion is cart off most of the time. In au ordinary attack of "dead fingers" massage is helpful, .although it should not be roughly or ignorantly app=lied, since elle skin is drained of its life for the time being, and can be easily brok- en Avoid exposure to cold, and< protect the extremities riarefnaly by warm eloiih:ing. Those ore's;ul - ject to these, attacks are generally. better oft in a warm climate.- Youth's Companion, 1'1lenirr0nl 1) Warnings, 'Bee prevention of pneumonia is one of ,the subjects that cannot too often be discussed. • ,The first thing to remember is that pneumonia 5s not caused by cold weather, but in spite of That it is the most prevalent ,and stronger and imp airt to it some mea - mire 1.1 elasticity. This, wire -wind- ing is emelt the same in principle. as the whipping, on the, handle of a cricket, bat. In this case, however, the whipping tales the form, of a strong steel ribbon, Which is wound around the body of the gun. Every 13 rneb gun has about 120 miles of this steel ribbon w0undi about it. Some idea. of the lah.or involvedd in the eo1aamfacture of pee of these guns may be gathered from the fact' that from start' to finish: the time occupied is 12 months. To C n err Gera .a CoA:on o q� Y clespnboh from 1 undoIl ,says: serious invasion of Ger'lnan. South- west st Africa by the Union of South A:frhea 03,7355 131 now untie1 way. The troops which landed in Wod fiscal 151101. Luderitz Iia} a1'5 adyn,tc Ane a .lo ig the railways I;ivnu 11iq 0- 10114.5 to -po1i5-to the main Lime, which runs�: ad11b .and somUh through virt=ually the whole ieiogth of the-" colony, wh'de totothee i:orc,c' 10 oo eentrating in 1015)1era1 Ciape Colony to. advance`. from, the •somlh. Gen. Botha. Ma1,- self is beading the fortes which ad- vanced a,dvan•ced front Walfiech Bay and is directing 13317Gr operations. I:,1, a speech :to Itis'tr00ps G•en, Botha said dm 'campaign w-ou1d, continue ttntill the. German colony leas con- quered, and he-5tomiserll them) also that the rebellion in the Unison ivt:au being quelled. He said hls troops would be loinecibystrong reinforce- inents, wthich wo•tntd make their sue - cess certain. Chief of , Cir ail Yavy Removed . lespai.uh from. hien Hays: All n)ilal von<51501101 , aoma'lvandor of the German h15h sea fleet, lila, been removed fr Dan has pest : said 'seer from Kiel;,,t0 Berlin. It 1.s een:oreel' that Ptinee 1lenry; of 331issi(5 will luded his placie, The ',Nation save eine, oil -,the pea-; Senors from the 13'lrefecher 'br011511t his c0 •oi o t s T Was pt y a u,.aot s i,oiy t yv that not alit the heads ,of the Ger- man navy ,approved, the polity cif tiaicls on inifo)nbiifiefb British town; and that Privet; Henry of Prussia, a5 15 o'on,segtteuco of his opno•eitioa); had lowered his. :Flag. 'HAVE 3'1111511 CU'l` FLO{WI'',RtS )013 YOUR 'TABLE DAILY. Well Planted Der'bti1ceou5 'Border iu Deliglit.'irom 11tirly Spring to Late Fedi. ,,r on should ver .h home o l Y be surrounded by a bggautifnd and artistic yard, Few will argue ,against this fSe•t , hurt there ds con,s_d•erable-diveygenee of epinio0 as to the best way to make. t11e yard beautiful. In the ease of cvtintry.places the hotise is the outstanding feature in the beautifying 01 the yard bemuse on all sides 1311ene is ample land, and the primary idea is to make a, picture that delights not only the initiates of the 'Bonne but also ;the ))112Serb'y. Houses of different or0311itectura 1. styles, must be treated in deci:dedly'� cliffeaeet manners. For instance, - tine fort'n'alhone should' be satr- rounded by natural things in geo- metrical ' patterns -straight walks,. formal shaped shrubs, square corn-- cps, orn=cps, etc., while the more imposing type of building should be a0e0111- panied . 1) 111 Salver beds, shrubs, trees and walks. of such a design 110 to carry out the style of the hoose as tat ,5s possible. Now is the time to plait 3 -our gar- den. Calla family council anti let; every 'member offer suggestions for the beautification of the home this year. Grow pleasing.and beautiful flowers where the burdock used to thrive. ,Hundreds of flowers suggest themselves after a moment's thought, and for a very small ex- penditure and It little attention, a wonderful revolution can be worked in the whole general appearance of your hence, Roses. No words of praise can adequately convey the e71)1-0me beauty and un- igpo usefulness of the Hybrid -Tea Rose whiel.t now dominates all other sections of Bedding Roses. The profusion of bloom, the superb vig, or, the exquisite coloring and beautiful formation of the flowers and buds of this new species of the Queen of Flowers, at once place it without a rival in the rose garden. Too deep Too shallow • Just right Right and and banked set wrong for winter Mid -Spring is the best time for planting. Like nearly all Mlle I! plants, roses delight in sleep, rich, well -(trained land. When a. bed of roses is to be planted, the soil should be dug to a depth of at least one foot, and well mixed with a coating of two or three- inches of rotted cow menhirs. In the absence of that, saw bone dust on theear- face just thick enough to cover it, or,about half a pound to a square yard, and mix to the depth of a foot with the soil, 'll}ie Rev. A. ]?oster-Melliar, 110 ,expert rose - grower and writer on the subject, recommends the following especial- ly prepared. fertilizer : Superphosphate of lime , 12 parts Nitrate of potash '. , . 10 parts Sulphate of magnesia . , , . 2 parts Sulphate of lime ......... S parts Sulphate of 'iron 1. part His advice is to apply this mix- ture in .Mardh at the rake of one- quarter pound to each square yard. To l'rtktect Hybrid Tea Roses over winter each , vase bush should be covered with sit or, eight inches of earth above the ground in the Fall. In Spying the bush may be p711110d back to tli:e height it 17419 •covered with earth in the Fall. The cover- ing ovening should be removed 'gradually in the Spring when danger ,from frost is past. • r. •. Showing where, to prune • Hybrid Teas should be planted 14 to 16 inches each way. Some of the best and well known kinds of Hybrid -'Pea, 33oses' American Beauty Dean Bole • George Dickson; K:illalney; 41.710 Cornw'al:lis. Clladi0l). There 'la p0rhaps no bulb that is so .si:tti:factor,y or so easily ,cniti-1 t> THE U ''Uri P''0' Hood's Sarsaparilla, m Spring Tonic - Medicine), is Necessary. Everybody is troubled at this sea- son with 'loss of 'vitality, •failure of appetite,that tired" feeling, or with bi1ie s ttea'ns, deli headaches, indi- gestion, and other stomach troubles, or with pimples anis other 7711030 0 I ono, on the face and body, Tuereason is that the blood is impure and a linp ov- ceished. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all these ailments. Askdruggistour Y for this medicine 'and get it today. IL is the old reliable medicine that has stood the test for forty years, - that makes ptire. Pith banal -that strengthens every organ builds of an i. bds, 1ap the whole system, It is the all - the -year-round • blood purifier and health -giver, Nothing else 'facts like it, for nothing else is like it; so be sureto get Hood's. vette= as the Gladiolus, _ no "3111=1' bulh.•embraces :eiu(0 a, variation of e,lo]•, comprising nearly every Shade except blue. Prov(lecl tatey are planted in fairly g•oo1 201!, an( 'whomthey will' net be • shaded. thele is an absolute certai'sity that they will flower. Bulbs set out during April will be lll;llally at their best flowering lir August, but "succession p alit- iitg." may be made every ten 41330 until the middle of .fury, vhirJ, will provide a slrecessi(M of 1)11.0) the entire season. Some of the best classes1 Gladioli are America, Atrgtt;ta. Pink Beauty, Panama. Dahlia's. Dahlias because of their br'iaht flowers of the n10st varied hues are unsurpassed t pa secl for general table deco rati7n, They grow very easily from seed and bloom profusely. There is nothing to 0051 it in September or October, when everything else is Faded or fading. Tubers should be planted when the season becomes warm, covering the neck about three inches. If r-sny shoots ,start. thin out. Plants should be taken up before 1)ast frost; .in the fall, tops cut off, tubers dried a little, and put in the oel.l;u• until Spring. There are six distinct classes of Dahlins: Single, Tall Dciuhle, Dwarf Durable, '!.`rue Cactus, Deco- rative C.'aotus,ePeony Flowered. hartsie5. Pansies with their velvety, many - colored and •attractive petals ;S•hould greet ns at every turn, Pansy seed germinates and the plants grow more freely in the coon early flays utspring, atld oar st5mmer blooming 010111(1 be sown by the latter part of April or early May. Sow the seeds in drills, covering them not more than lour timers their - diameter, and pressing the soil well above them. As soon as the plants are up and large enougie to , handle, they s1)0u1d be thinned out or trans- planted to Blend nine inches apart in the rows. Do not plant Pansies in the sh=ade of a building or other >hiect. During dry nveather watch the bed daily. Some popular classes of pansies are. Goliath,, Princess, Hercules Giant, Giant Snow Queen. ,1. IS 311317 A Yr CI MING WET? Scientists Say It. Gives Neither eouroge. Nur Endurance. Circumstances have brought to light again the question of man's need of a red -meat diet to make him a fighting warrior. An .advooate of meat (lief declared 001150 time ago that the Belgians, were losing 'their vital ellicien•ey because they axe 't race orf non -meat eaters. But, al- though they 315(1 dome no fig=hting .for a hundred years, they have given a geocl account of ,themselves of late. 'Modern scientists assert fiat meat makes a dog or a man irrita- ble, but gives neither courage 00 endurance, both of wI,idh are essen- tial 35)16ng qualities Attention is called to the fruit -eating gorilla: 115 the most dreaded. 3511101 of the Afri- can foiost. Not a •lion, is found in all the region where this great foe - est plan reigns, untrained end us- tameable' a Teal king of beasts. The ,lion, the traditional king of beasts, fights when brought to bay only because 11e is short-winded and cannot ran away. - Every experi- enced 'hunter Dias borne '1)0stinlum.y to the ability of the gratis -eating bison as a moat courageous 'fighter, th few ,equals. '5' "Olt,. clear,'. said the first, 'what r i a e t a p er w 1 Ib Leh alotl.ppy 17.1101 o 1 gje el•• 1)1p11le11.ed,'' "Wlhy; 3100 funny n.re ,you marrying t" asked the 51, 0 1)110. l7icl yo'u do as I did von, Wil-• 1:e,' inquired the 110l'her, "and toot ask Alli s. 1C nt ees tot pie a sec- ond Hine Ye,s'tn,' said'Willie proudly ; "1 cbdn't have to ask more -.mail ;ince ; I got the first ,piece with - 11t ,L_aJ .1.,a.'' • LABATT'S STOUT Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING ' A Perfect: "Tonic TIIIS IS TIIE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your 1e1 hU rLood, write JOHN LAIIA�T T, LJ.MITED LONDON alfin✓1 CANADA