HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-11, Page 7;February Ilth,'I9I5 Clinton News -Record °There can be no Peace until the Ravagers of Belgium S and -Baby' Killers of Scarborough" Are Utterly Crushed. Canadian Baptist. "We are for peace, but, not for • -peace at any moment, nor peace at. -any price. ` The hoiir has come for Canadians to buckle on their armor, eying with the other parts of the nlpire, and to reittaht in the conflict until justice has been meeted out - to those who begun and continued hellish ..deeds of miilitarism. We do not • be= 'lieve the time for peace has yet ar• xived. Sonic barriers are yet to • Bhe 'cleared away. And when the time ar- rives, .it must not be a peace at any price, but ata price satisfactory to the allies, e'ho have poured out ,their "blood in the interest of humanity ab 'large. So far as making terms of peace is concerned, we do not think -it •should':or will be left to neutrals, who, to save their own skins, winked at the 'injustice and cruelties or cer- tain belligerents and were awakened •to the fact that they were also nee- "essarily interested in the war only, when seized with fear lest their coin- reorCial• affairs might suffer." Blake Mi (l. S, Howard who was a resin dent of our burg for twelve years, les • disposed of his property to the tenant, Mr. Gilbert Freekleton, who gegets'possession at once. This is a •snug little home and we hope the purchaser will long live to, enjoy- it. Rev. Mr,• Johnston is still confined to his home. The pulpit. is being oc- •cupied each Sabbaith by local lay - ,men. We hope soon to see the pas- tor back lei work again. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks, who sold their farm in the vicinity of Brucefield, have moved into Mrs. Douglas" house in our village where they will remain till ;spring when we understand they . purpose going west. -Our villagers are busy getting out wood from the swamp. Many have their year's supply in. Mr. Geo. Sparks attended the meet- ing of Presbytery in Mensal/ on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard of Turrell were the guests of R. Allan Satur- day. We are glad to hear that little Jack McDougall of Stratford, who had such a trying experience, is re - ',covering. Zurich Mrs, Geo. Pellock of near Drysdale 'has purchased from Mr. Henry Rau '.a dwelling in town, the price paid be- ing $1250. Miss M. Youngblut of Auburn was ee-e-a—resitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. If, Youngblut recently. Misses Mabel Weartzol and Mildred •Brown of Creeitoh were recent visit - rocs in town. Miss Esther Zettic returned last wveck to Berlin atter spending a few weeks at the parental home. Miss Alma Kalbileisch has returned from an extended visit in Detroit. Mr. John Weide has been visiting friends in Butialo. Seaforth. Rev, A. W. Barker, who in June completes a four-year tern{ as pastor of the Methodist church heree ,v`:nas been invited to become pasty %of the Memorial church, London, after June next. Dr. ef. J, Hammond of South Shore, S.D., paid a short visit to his sister; Mrs. J. H. Taman, last week. IIe had come over to attend the funeral of his brother. at Col- borne, III's. A. Scott went to London last' week to visit her sisters, Mrs, (Rev.) a Cosens and Miss' Agnes Govenlock, Miss Annie Wilson left last week for New York and a few days latex went on to Florida, Mrs. Strasser is visiting with Id - .ends at Manley, Mr. Roy Willis•of Calgary arrived e last week and was joined by Mrs. Wil- e and child, who have been visiting • the lady's parents at Dungannon for some time, They were the guests here '„ •of Mas. Robt. Willis, 7 ` Mrs. A, D. Sutherland and three •children have _returnee from Fort r Saskatchewan, where they spent see- ;' •eral months, Miss Gretta Ross has resivgoed her ;school at Watcrciown and is, staying with her mother, Mee. R. R. Ross, who has Lem very ill. Miss Ethel Grieve hers been eisibing Triends at T xetea:, Mr, Ralph el. Cresswell left last week for New Orleans. Dr. Hodgins has returned from Lon- don where he has been taking a mili- tary course, Mrs, Douglas has returned .to her home at Fort Saskatchewan after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs. Tac'icabcrry of T.orcnto was the most last; week of Mr. and Mts. 'R, D. Croft, , Miss Josie Tufford reettened from the west last week after- a stay of •a •couple of pears. She is now the guest of her uncle, Mr. A. K. Crit- tenden. •'the proceeds of the •ball given lash pipJi •amounted to thirty-five dollars, mWi' amount was divided between the Red Cross and the Belgian rends. Mr. MOBrine of Auburn having pur- •cbascd the farm of Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Mullett for seem. thousand dol- lars, Mr. Wilson intends moving into .Seaforth Jacob Schmidt died at 'the home of tris son-in-law, Mr. J. Cr. poehertiy, •0 f 7anondvilluon Friday week aged ed ;eighty-three -three years, g Y Miss Jessie Stobie, who but recent- ly returned from the west, was open :aced on for appendicitis; at Clinton hospital last weclt and at lasb re- ports was p3:ogressing nicely1 toweed .recovery. News -Record Moans News -Leader, Blgth There has beoa a vote taken in the Presbyterian church for the past two Sundays to decide who shall receive the vaoantt elders' places caused by two deaths and one removal. The re- sult of the voting • showed GharteMessrs, Henry, Young, Duncan Laidlaw and R. 13, McGowan had received the largest number ,pl votes. Mt, Jas. *Mumble, who has been treasurer of the town for the past two years, has resigned the position', and at the last Council meeting two names were nominated to fill the position, Messrs. J, Stothers and Sin, Jackson, the former receiving the appointment, Miss Vera Asquith, who has be:n at her home at Auburn for a month ow- ing to • illness, 'has resumed her du- ties as teacher of the continuation class in the Blyth Public school. Mrs. He Honey, visited at the par- ental home at Holstein last week and was present at the marriage of her. sister. Miss Ena .Jewitt was in Toronto recently ,trying her Junior Vocal Pex ant, in connection with the Conserv- atory of Music, in which she was suc- cessful. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jewitt of Shellbrook; Sask., were guests at tee. parsonage last week with their cou- sins, Rev, Geo. and Ms. Jewitt. 'At the lasb meeting of ,the council Mr. James r es Stother s was appointed treasurer of the municipality in place of Mr, Jas, MaeNiurchic wlio resign- ed. The Methodists had a very success- ful missionary banquet on Friday week, Mr. George Stanley of Lucan and, Rev. A. H. Arnup of Toronto be- ing the speakers. News -Record Means Nows-Leader, Wingham Mr, James ford of Lower Wingham died on Tuesday of last week aged seventy-nine years. Railway traffic was almost at a standstill far a couple of days last week owing to the storm. The. line through Wingham was further hamp- ered b3i a wreck near Listowel, which blocked, the {,tact:, Richard Cl, I-Iaellee and his brother- in-law, 11'nm. Bunn, are in training at London as members of the third Canadian contingent: The former has already two brothers at the front and his father was also a soldier, having seen service in Egypt. Mr. Ira Morgan operator at Ingle- wood Jet., visited his parents here for a fewa c d p s recently. Mrs L. Baird of Wingham and Mrs. John Elliott of East'' Wawanosh have been visiting their brother near Brantford, who has been very i11. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kerslake of El- gin, Man,, were the guests last week of elle and Mrs, Thos. Drn =owl. Miss Reynolds, who has been in charge of the Hodgens' Bros. mil- linery; department in Godorich for sev- eral years, is holidaying at her home in town. She intends going into bus- iness with her sister in Galt the coat- ing season. Mr. W. D. Pringle was in Wallace - burg last week attending the funeral of his mother, Miss Ethel Cameron of Napaueo has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Hilton hunter. Mr. Webster Kaake of Calbri, Sasic. has beets visiting friends in this %le- lnitp . A Patriotic dance will be held in the Armouries tomorrow, Friday, even- ing, the proceeds to be given to the Rod Cross Fund. Mr, John Linkiater of Teenwater has been visiting his father, Mr. Wm, Linklater, who has been quite 111. Messrs, W. 3. Baird and I.I. B. El- liott were in Toronto last week at- tending the Ontario Faits Association meeting: Mr. and Mfrs. J. D. Murdock of Zealandia, Saslc., spent a few days last week as the guilts of their cou- sin, Mrs. M, Robertson. Miss Laura Davidson of St. 'Thom- as is spending a fortnight with fri- ends its town. Miss I-Iilda Buchanan is in Toronto visiting friends for a couple of weeks. Miss Bella, IJaines of Fullerton has been the guest of her uncle, Mi:. W. H. IIaihes. Owing to the storm of last week the annual meeting of North Huron L.O.L. was postponed to the 10th he- st. The local branch of the IVouten's Instilaute last week shipped eighteen quilts and a quantity of clothing to the Belgians. This was the second shipment made for this purpose, News -Record Means News -Leader. St. Helen's Miss Celina Clark is visiting her sister, 'Mrs, Marvin McDowell of Westfield, at present. Miss Lizeie Sturdy of Winghaiu is visiting her grandfather.; Mr. Wni. Humphrey, who has been i11 for the past few weeks, Mrs, Wm. Bowler: of Georgetown and Mrs,' Wm Taylor of (Melee spent the past week visiting friends around St. (Helens. Mrs. Jas, Irwin of the 2nd con. of Kinloss is spending a few flays at her home here, Me. .Arnold Barbour and Mr. Elgin 13athour of Erin returned home after: spending a week at the homes of Messrs. Rob -t. and Win, Woods'. • Miss Charloiee Ohm of Lue•cnow scent the week-encl With her Need, •Miss marl Todd. 'l'he St, Helens Literary Society held ihcir 2nd meeting Friday night which was Well attended. The debate was '(The •Pen versus the Sword," the ncgeeivo winning out. The next. •debate will he "`Country and City Lice a 'c and •ecita ' M st a t Irons are al- - f tm�e of tee t r rune v so a ea to o a L P g exybodit couue and enjoy an evening's tut{, Mr. and Mrs. Wnh. Woods entcrtain- .ed about fifty of their' friends, last Monday evening and all report • a,• splendid time. News -Record Means News -Loader. Goderich. Mee, Wan. Tighe has returnedafter er a visit of some montlie with Clinton and I-Ipllett township.frientis. Mrs: James Miner has returned to Peterboro after, a stay of a couple of moiths with her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Meaner, Mks. Andrew 'Sararas'of New Ham- burg visited her sister, Mrs. Andrew ilallidey of the Baytfield Road, last weep: Mrs. H. J. Horton, formed a res- ident of townbut now of Sault Ste. Marie, has been visiting old friends in "town. Mrse Will Scotemmoere and babe of Stanley township visited last week with Mn, and Mrs, A. Townshend of Cambria Road, Dr. Strang has served elle Knox church congregation continuously as secretary for forty -tour years. At a meeting of the local temper- ance forces one e: ening last week the following officers were eleoted Pres- ident, 11 J. Mcgaw ; vice presidents, J. H. Colborne, J. E. Toni, John Challon ; etreasurer, M. E. Lymburner; secretary, A. M. Robertson; executive eomtnittce, Dr. Emmerson, M. E. Lymburner, Alex. Young, G. M. El- liott, W. T. Pellow, A. M. Robertson, Finance and membership committee, 7. A. Campbell M. E. Lymburner, W. Mein, J. H. Marshall, J. W. Van - atter.,, Rev, E. 0. Powell, county or- izer, v address , gave an ad ress on law en- forcement} pointing outsome o intin s e o f t t 1 difficulties in the way and suggested, an organized effort as individuals were at a disadvantage. Tele name of: the local organization was changed to the C'itizen's' Social Service Lea- ve. Seaforth. Mr, Prank Cleft, who is taking a speeiai nulitary•course at London, was home ever a week -end recently. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Ifappenings in Clinton nt the Opening of the Ceneury. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated, Ci in ton, Feb. 8th, 1900, Telephones are being installed in the homes of Messrs. J. T. Harland, 7. Tap'1oi•, C. Wilson and H. IL. Client. This brings the number of subscribers up to eightyfive. Rev. Mr. Parke begins his sixth year as rector of St. Paul's church on Sunday next. Sunday has been set apart hi St, Paul's church as' a flay for solemn supplication and prayer for the sol- diers ire sailors. engaged in South .Africa.' Special offerings will be tak- en 10i• the Patriotic Fund. • The new public library, board con- sists of the mayor, 1V. Coals, • 1)r, Shaw and A.. McKenzie, appointed by the council, and W. L. Rand, W. Brydone and F. It.. Hodgens, appoint- ed by the Public, school board. Mr. Brydone is chairman and Mr. Ranch, sec. -treasurer. Miss Combo and Miss. Hattie Combe have gone to New York on e visit to irimtdis, • THE TRUSTS :S AND 0UAR.INTtele COMPANY MAI(i9 GOOD SHOWING. The Eighteenth Annual Financial Statement of the Trusts and Guaran- tee Company will be found on page four. Those of our reader's interested in financial matters will note that the Company continue to do a large volume of business and thee, its standing is .in every way satisfac- tory, Marriages SNOWDE\—PEs\T7 1A LE—in Stanley township, on Feb. 100, Olive, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Riceard Penhale, to Thomas M Snowden, BROOKS—IIARRISON—Iu Clinton on July 10th, 1014,, by Rev, Dr, Rutledge, Mrs. Elizabeth Harri- son of C.loderich township to Charles Brooks of New Liskeard. COC'HAYNI,—CIAI,DW1'ILL — In Kel- lett township, on January 28tH, by Rev, J. G. Reid, Mtabel. Cald- well to John C'oehayno of Niagara Falls. Births LAY'I'ON-1n •Tucleerstuitit on Feb. 2nd, Go Mr, and Mrs. Waiter Lay- ton, a son. DEANS—In Wingham out Feb. 2nd, to Mr, anis Mrs. Peter Deans, .'r., a daughter. Deaths FERGUSON—in Goiloricit township on Feb, 8th, David Ferguson, ag- ed 08 years and 10 months. ELLIOTT—In Goderich township on Feb, 4th, William Henry Elliott, aged 53 years, MIDDI LION—In Godorich township on Feb. 71b, Bertha M. Hayter, wife of Mr, John R. Middleton, aged 28 years, 4 months and 3 clays. ASQUITi'I:I; At Auburn, on. Feb. 2nd, George Asquith, in his 75th meat. MCCI;INC1IEY—At Adelaide on Feb. cilli, Mrs. James *Clincher, formerly of Stanley. RIJID—In Clinton on Feb, 10th, Lucinda A. Clark, wife or' Me. Charles A. Reid of Brumfield, ag- ed 34 bars, 9 months and 21 days, MCUONN.i11LLe-At Pittsburg , Penn ,, on Feb.elle Mrs. Mary r,e Mc- Connell, f Me- (onn ll forrner r ly �P Stanley township. SNLL—Jn Exeter on Jan, 2feh, .inn SmeIL, widow rof the late Jhennas' Snell, in her 79th year. SCiIIMIBDT—In Ilegmondville on Jan. 81.st, Jacob Schmidt,, aged 83 years. WANTED. — TWO OR TIMED boarders or o Uhree. or foul' roomers, "—Apply at E. It;. Iililiiitord`s Groc- ery, Clinton. FOR SALE OR ;TO RENT.—THAT beautiful, cobtor.table and, modern cottage on Alteon street best known as the Ransford Cottage, -Apply 'no Wesley Walker. • —71 AUCTION SALE. ---MR, GEO, 1 -10L - land of I•Inhnesville has instruobed the undersigned to. sell' by public auction at Holntesvilie on Wednes- day,- Feb( 17the at 1.30 p.m., the following choice stocks 8 new midclt cows, 12 ,cows due to freshen in March or April, 3 farrow cows, 8 head young cattle, 8 young calves, 1 Durham bull 1 year old, roan color, Terms 810 and under, cash ; out o'v- er' that amount 0 months credit by giving approved joint notes or G percent perannttmh all for cash:: Guarantee Any cow represented to be in calf and proving not to be by April let can be. returned and cash or notes will be refunded.-- Geo. efunded.—Geo. Rolland, Prop..; Thos. Gun- . dry, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED. -.TENDERS will be received by the Council of Mullett up to 2 .. p.m. on Thursday, the 4th March, for the building of a now bridge at Matlock on S. R. 5 and 6, con. 12, with cement abut- ments and re-inforced .ste 1 super- structure, length between abutments to be 33 ft. and 14 ft. roadway: The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted.—Jaines Campbell, Clerk, 71-3 WANTED.—WE WANT A 1,1'1'75 wire representative well acquainted in town and vicinity. Good money to the right roan with Nemec of advancement. Write Beck & Eisen- bach, Berlin, Ontario. -- 71-3 Horne=Made Cooking. THE WOMEN'S ASSO- CIATION 01e WILLIS CHURCH PURPOSE HOLDING A SALE OF HOMEMADE COOKING IN THE COUNCIL CIIAM BER ON Saturday Afternoon, February. 27th. COME EARLY. COME! Women of Clinton and' Sur- rounding Country Come to the Council Chamber 'RIDAY, FEB. 5th, and FRIDAY, FEB. 12th and take home work for sol- diers. We want 200 shirts and 1111tch, knitting by Feb. 20th for our Canadian Soldiers. Will you not give one week for your country 'S All those doing work for the Patriotic Society are cor- dially invited to conte to the tea given in tite Council Cham- ber on the 201.h. Giive One Week. PROPERTY FOR SALE ON RAT- tenbury street west.—One and one- half story frame house with six rooms. In good repair. Town wat- er and cistcr':, one-quarter acre of land, good garden. Good cellar well drained,—Apply to C. 13. Hale. —70-2, Custom Sawing. Wanted at Thos. Wallis' 4111 con., Gotlerich Township, also at Launcelot Clark's property in Bayfield for tite coming, spring. McEwen Bros,, Bayfield. 1 : - Peliruary Sale. WALL PAPER, STATIONERY —and-- CHINAWARE and—CHINAWARE At Bargain Prices. _t Don t Miss It. CooperPv0. CLINTON. FOR SALE—LOT' 24 ON HURON S'1'." Also Aso2 nd hand "coal heater, —A, J. Tyndall. -67 PASTURE I-1 OFFER' P011" SALE, Possession April 30th, Lot 35, Concession First, Huron Road, Tuckorsnlith, containing 100 acres, less 'Grand' 'ramie tract:, which div- ides it about equally. The River Bayfield runts through the easterly corner of elle south half, and the westerly corner 'of the north half, making two admirable fields for pas- ture. Terms easy,--John'ilansford, Clinton P. 0. —70-4. TILE CANADIAN' LAUNDRY.—WE aro prepared to do first-class laun- dry work and make • your collars white without the use of acid or lye. If laundry is not done satis- factorily it will be redone free or your money refunded. Cleaning and pressing also done. Goods called for and delivered. Will do the first week free of charge to nee •cus- tomers to show you the •quality of our work.—R. L. Moore, the teen - adieu Laundry, .-f1• FOR SALE.—ONE 4:; H.P. GlASO line Engine in good condition, one Emery Stand with eiyuntershaft complete., ptese one Wood ood Iatl o with h co nter u shaft and rests. Grindstone mounted on frame 3 inch face, 3 feet 3 inch diameter. Can be seen' at the General Repair Shop of Seeley i¢ West. —69 HOUSE WANTED TO RENT WITH a'view to purchase. To lie of med- ium size and in good location. Wanted about middle of February,— Mrs. T. Carbert, —68 COWS FOR SALE.—THREE FRESH calved cows and one aboutto fresh- en. Will sell two of the four, purchas- er can make his choice.—Levi Trick, phone 12 on 157, Clinton. —69. WOOD FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY of good hardwood, in large cr small quantities, amp length. from one to four feet. This wood will be sold cheap.—Wm. Wheatley, Huron St., Clinton, Phone 74. --05 M. G. CAMERON, K.C., BARRIST- er, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc. Office on Albert street occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton 'on every Thurs- day, and on any daft for which ap- pointments are made. Jifice hours from 9 a, m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week ell. Mr. Hooper will make any a'r:ointnlcnts for Mn, Cameron. vCTICE—AFTER TIIE NEW YEAR Miss Mildred Evans will be prepar- ed to give treatments by eleeeeoly•- sis for tate removal of superfluous hair, also electric massage for the cure of baldness, falling hair and dandruff.—Agent for Mrs. E. Coates 'Coletnan's Ideal preparations as 'Ideal Flesh Food, Ideal Velvet Cream, Ideal Hair Tonle, Ideal Wand Lotion, Ideal Acme Cute, etc. FOR SALE—ONE UPRIGHT PIANO' in fair condition $120, one upright piano used less than a year $190, was $375, one Edison phonograph slightly used with 12—records $35, one coal range high shelf with reser- voir and water front complete, good as neve, $20. Will be sold on your terms.—Wesley Walker. —65 FOR SALE.—ONE BLACK BEAR- sirin Robe good as new and one kit- chen cupboard. They were taken in exchange for new goods and as I have no use for tltclnt they will be sold at a bargain.—Wesleyk o {Val cr. —65. NOTICE.—CITIZENS ARE IIERE- by notified that the practice of emptying ashes on our streets trust be stopped. The police officers have been instructed to enforce com- pliance with this order. By order of the Mayor.—Jos, Wheatley, Chief Constable: —65 PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L.G.S,M. Conceit OzEanisU, Pianist, Voice eco Specialist. Teacher of Organ,Pi- ano and Artistic Singing, , Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays, Re- sidence and studio, 020 Dutferin Ave. London. —19. WANTED. — BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter, for which we, pay highest prices.—Can- Mien Bros. —52. CLOTHES ` CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewclrp Store.—Wm. Jago. —55, 'REAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par, We pay the high- est market prioes consistent with an honest test. Testing done by •,a, competent man. Each can careful- ly c r uuily weighed,sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned,, Those in tate vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mi. Mall who will deliver it. here. Write for cans and give us' a trial.' —The Seaforth Creamery, 13ox 486, Seaforth. THE CORNER R ST0 RE Live and Let Live HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR FLOUR? FLOU I'HLe WIIEA!' IllIeRKE2' HAS. BEEN SOARING AND FLOUR. IS' GOING UP P00. WE WOUIJ) ADVISE EVERYONE TO B'UY. A -BAG OF FLOUR NOK;. NOW IS PANC'AKE TIIitE T00. Ask' to see, our pancake flour ' and syrups. The old fashioned pancake supper cannot be beaten. q`ryh ,pack- age of. Aunt-.Jemeina's pancakeflour and see what delicious eaves it mak- es. N r G'0ROtt CANE SYRUP IN TINS. Syrup is one of the best - winter goods that can appear on the table with pancakes, bread,hot biscuits: or muffins. Syrup is delicious, MAPLE SYRUP IN BOTTLES,. PORK AND BEANS. For .a winter meal a stcaaning hot plate 0f tastp porn and beane is un- surpassed. msurpassed. E. E. T HUN N FO D R LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Buy Your Flour Now. Now is the time to put in your supply of Flour before another raise which is stun to come. We handle the best lin- es of Flour trade in Canada— Purity, Five Roses, Exeter, Clinton and Milverton. We eau sell you above from 25 .lbs. up to one ton dots Another car 01 Bran and Shorts expected this week, We have also on hand fell Meal, Calf Meal and Poultry Foods, INCUBATORS. 1t ou intend Y purchasing as Incubator the coming seas- on call and: see our Prairie State. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Live poultry and new laid eggs taken every/ day. 3USINESS BETTER THAN (USUAL GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartba, Wm, Jenkins Maple Syrup r Time • Will Soon Be Here. ORDER YOUR SAP ('ANS AND PAII,S NOW. • BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Special AT THE STORE OF QUALITY FOR SAT- • (JRDAY , FEB, 13TH. Molasses, Snaps 10c per lb., 3 lbs. for 250. Fancy Biscuits, at 1.0c,, 120.,, and 18e, Now is the time to buy your TEA. We carry the fat t is linesf t of o Sel- ectee Red Rose, Lipton's Grand Mogul in Black, , Green and mixed. Our hulk Teas are specially mixed for our trade. Black, Mixed or Green at 300 and 40e per lb. In Breakfast Cocoa ,we carry all sizes of Cowan's and Fry's. Quality counts when ordering your Groceries and in a trial with the Store of Quality you will find sat- iSfaceiee.,• Highest prices for Butter and •Eggs, Past clue aecountsa of S. Bart are payable•at this store. „Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended to. e - ws Le er of Huron County is 'fee Cli, N s- c rton ew Re otd which is Sold at 2 cents per o , week. Ain you a sulbserib- et ? Are }Jou a News. Record Subscriber MARMALADE --and--- FRESH FISH This week we have our first consignment of Sevil- le or Bitter Oranges. � They .' are the very best quality and willproduce the best Marmalade. "Made -in -Canada," We are also ready tc open the Fish Season with Halibut y B. C. Salmon White Fish Ste Ciscoesak • FillettsC od Oysters ORANGES T. O'Neil' Leave your order now for your Sap Pails ! Hand made sap Buckets, Call and see samples. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. Agent for Hocla furnaces, Shop over Rowland's Hardware, COMM SAllg WANTED. HEADING WANTED Basswood, Black Ash Soft Maple, 40 and 20 its. Stapleton Saw 1Vi W. NOW IS THE TIME to place your orders for Fertilizer. We handle diet Davies Fen-. tilizer and can give you several kitule at right pric- es NOW IS THE. TI11IE. to place your order for tim- othy and clover seed at the. al kinds at right prices. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash, Phone 192. Are you Troubled with Headaches loch s . ? ego$ If so the cause ntay ho eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure, It •s nth t worth trying. Conie to its and we will make a careful test of your eyets and tell you what is the natter and what you need. Inuur long ong experfeneo in the Optical business we have made a great, number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction. If your eyes bother Bou come to us and learn the reason why. A. J. CRIGG * Optician Jeweler and. Issuer of Marriage Licenses - Good Butter MAKERS Good Butter Makers will usa Printed Wrappers ,obtained front The News -Record. 1;