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Clinton News -Record
February IIth, 19IS•
We annually go over our stock and more especial-
ly this year. We are cleaning out every nook and
corner of our big store of odds and ends all useful to
the person in need of such articles, and the prices in
many cases will be far below manufacturer's, cost. Our
tables will be used td display the goods and will last'
all through the month of February or until all odds
and ends are disposed of. We will try and give more
definite particulars next week, In fact we have some
articles the first to name them can have them—no
All having coupons for Panacea samples present
at':'once. A,good supply just received,
1 Bring Your Furniture
POO »i
ln,cercelta 41111.,Wr allittred kfrie/6A/GP7,7f,,hi•
The New "Silhouette."
Hoop and Balloon Skirts,.
Turkish and Gored Skirts; Princess,
Moyen-Age and Empire Dresses;
Military Effects in Coats, Capes
and Dresses;
The New Standing Collar in
Many Styles;
The New Leg -o' -Mutton Sleeve
are the latest up-to.date featureit and together with
many other beautiful styles will be hown in the
for Spring
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE •
'Store. W. D. FAIR CO.
I Often the cheapest—Always the best..
,Kroinour complete stock we feel sure we can supply
your 'urnitaila Needs if you 'will -bring •them to our
store.` But is it slio'trld happen that we do notbave just
what you particularly desire we can get it for you on
short+notice ,•.? .
Our great aim is:to
satisfy our custom-
ers both in
quality a n d
price. , ,
Bali & Atkinson.
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 1 81
February Siock Taking Secia1s
During the next few weeks we will le busy stock
taking and as we go over our stock a great many lines
will find their way into our bargain lists at prices away
below cost.
For the first week we offer the following ;
MENS LEATHER MITTS—wool lining and knit calf 25c.
MENS TIES -131g assortment, regular 25c and 35c for 15c.
25 pairs only mens braces, good heavy webbing and leather
ends, police style, regular 25e for , 15e.
2 only teens black heaver coats with large fur collar and
quilted lining worth $13.50, to clear . $9.75
About 100 mens linen collars, odd styles and sizes to clear at
5e each or0for .
A very special line of mens odd pants to clear at $1.255
All our our furs and ladies"and children& mantles at about
half price. See our childrens coats at $1,08, $2,0S and $3,50.
A very special' line of ladies coats to clear at , $3.'75_
DontFmiss this chanee to save money.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
THERE'S a tendency these days towards
Batter Shoes 1
PEOPLE wear much Better Shoes than
they did a few years ago !
WE ask everybody at all interested in
Better Shoes to call and see o u r
splendid showing of all kinds of footwear!
OUR Better Shoes are not high priced
because they are high grade—not by
any means .!
MAY we have the pleasure of showing
you the Best of Shoes at any stated
price—be it men's shoes at $2,50, 3.50 to
6,50 or women's shoes at $1.50, 2,50' to
4,50 `?
THE same facts hold in regard to our
shoes for boys, for gills and for the
very little people 1
The House of Better Shoes.
Mrs. James Southcombe visited Tor-
onto friends last week..
Adjutant E. M. McLean, London, was
in town on Thursday last.
Mr, T. Jackson, Jr., was in Toron-
to for a few days last week,
Miss Phonic Stini55 of Blyth is a
guest at the Commercial this week.
Mr. Softly of Grimsby was a guest
aC Mrs, Wigginion's over the week-
Mr. W,nm, Connell of the Base Line
was in Toronto this week on
Mr. •Janes Doig, 'who has been ill
for some tune, is still confined to
his room.
11Ir. and Ivirs. John Linder of Toron-
to are guests of their daughter,
Mrs. James Doig.
Mrs. .Young returned home on Thurs-
day after a visit of several weeks
with Ingersoll friehds.
Dr. Smith of flaptield Was in ,town
i •
lie >.a
his �
• n on a ha
visit at Milton,
a short
Postmaster Scott and Miss Jean are
spending a fortnight's vacation with.
friends at Carleton Place.
Mr, and Mrs. John Meickle of Mor-
risburg arc visiting in town, being
the guests of SIr. and Sirs, II. E.
Major- Rance and Capt. Dowding were
up from the London camp spending
the week -end at their respective
homes in town. '
Mrs. R. Jennison has been quite ill_
this week, but her friends are hop-
ing she may have a speedy return,.
to her usual health.
Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Rutledge leave to-
day for Baltimore, where the form-
er will undergo special medical
treaitnent for a few weeks.
Mrs. Harry Fair and babe returned
to their Monte in. Toronto last
week after a visit of several weeks
with the, lady's sister, Mrs. 5', H.
Miss Sybil Courtice• and Mrs, S. J.
Alin went to Seaforth on Tuesday.
afternoon to address the Women's
M•issionar}i meeting held in the
Methodist church.
Sergeant Britton left on Monday
morning for ,London to join the
331:d 13attalion. He will in all
probability act as orderly to the
commanding officer.
Messrs. 'J. P. Sheppard, D. N., Wat-
son, H. J. Pingel, R. J. Cleft and
P. Canteton attended the annual
meeting of the South Huron L.O.L.
at Exeter on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, 0. E. Schuch of Port
Arthur are spending a few weeks
visiting the brothers of tine _ latter,
Messrs. Joshua and T. H. Cook,
and other friends hereabouts.
When you have friends front ,out-of-
town as your. guests it is but a
little courtesy you owe then, to
have their names reporded in The
News -Reed d's personal columns,.
Miss Mary Chant leaves on Friday,
after a month's vacation at the
parental home in town, to resume
her position of the stall of a pri-
vate sanitarium at Auburn, N.Y.
Mr. M. J. Howard of London is
spending a couple of days in Chin-
ton this week as the guest • of Mr,
T. WI. Moore. The genial "Ed"s",
old friends are always glad to
meet him.
Rev. .1, F. Parke of Brantford was
in town and vicinity' for 11 couple
of days last week, having come up
to attend the funeral of his broth-
er-in-la:w, the hate W. H. Elliott of
the Bay Odd Road.
weeping Recluctions
Fancy Tweed and Freeze Overcoats in this Season's Splendid Styles.
All the popular shades are represented, and every size, included in this great clearing lot of
Men's'Overcoats. Styles are'medium length S. B. or D. B. or in the long ulster styles with shawl
Regular $12 00 ..Overcoats, clearing air
Regular. 15,00 Overcoats, clearing at
Regular 18:00 - Overcoats, clearing at
Regular 20.00 Overcoats, clearing at
Regular 22.00 Overcoats, clearing at
Regular 24 00 Overcoats, clearing at
Begular 25:00 Overcoats, clearing at.
Regular 28,00 Overcoats, clearing at
Regular 30.00 Overcoats, clearing at
$ 9.00,
2 t ,00
Men's Suits Also at Quick Clearance Prices.
TWEED AND FANCY WORSTED SUITS, in a great variety of shades and fabrics. This
season's productions. Every suit a rare bargain at these prices :
$ 8.00
6,50 . Regular 15.00 Suits, now 10.00
Regular $7.50 - Snits, now
Regular 10.00 Suits, now
$5,00 Regular $12,00 Suits, now
Men's Blue and Black Worsted Suits ---for less.
An opportunity to save on one of these splendid suits, of specially imported Worsted, is rare,
because at the regular price they are very special value indeed. This season's models -2 and 3 -
button sacque coats, medium form=fitting, graceful lapels, high -cut vest and medium width
Regular $12,00 Suits, for $8.00 Regular $15.00 Suits, for $11,00
Get the Boys New Overcoats While These Prices Prevail.
° They'llenjoy the cotxtfort of them for the balance. of this .winterand be all ready for next
year. Splendid -wearing freize and tweed overcoats, made in S.B. and D.B. ulster styles, hnostly
with shawl collars and half belts, Several shades of brown and grey. Sizes 8 to 14 years :
Regular- $5,50 Overcoats; for ` x'4,00 Begtrlar $6.50` Overcoats, for $4,75
Regular 6,00. Overcoats, for 4.50 Regular 7,50 Overcoats, for 5,5o
Men's Trousers Reduced.
Good, serviceable tweeds and fancy worsteds -suitable for shop or better wear.
Regular $1.75 Trousers, for $1.25
Regular 2,00 Trousers, for 1,5o
Regular . $3.00
We Carry a Full Line of Men's
Women's ,Store
Yr li r ,ti x T y4, Pc9 r u n 1
w 0 ^ lit tS ?•� tf 'x'i � �' �,.
Dry and��` N '
House Furnishings, r
Phone 6:Goods.
Regular $2.25 Trousers, for
Regular 275 Trousers, for
Trousers, for $2.25
Men's Store
Merchant Tailoring
and Men's Furnishings
Phone 103.
There passed aw0)' at the residence
of his daughter, Mrs. C. A, Rowson,
on Feb. 2nd,,George
1d been
751h year. IIc h 1
for some time but took to his bed
only about Dec. .ist. He tools several
paratptie strokes and each one left
hint. weaker until he peacefully slept
into the Groat Beyond.
Mr. Asquith was born at Dalton,
Yorkshire, England, and came. to Can-
ada when only,,seven years of age.
I3is father, Robert Asquith, settled
first in the Gore of Toronto, then
near Clinton and filially on the tenth
concession of Hallett where he manu-
factured bricks and tile.
In 1860 he married Martha Rapson
DE the Base Line and to this union
two children were horn, Mrs. C. A.
Howson and Robert, both of this
Mr. Asquith was a noted horseman.
Ele made several trips to Scotland
for the purpose of importing horses,
In religion he was a Baptist and for
years was one of the pillars of the
Baptist church. an 'the Base Lino
where he was presentor.
The funeral services were conducted
in the Baptist church by Rev. J, K.
Pairfull, who paid tribute to the
unwavering Christian faith ' of the
the `t r were . e n
sd. c
deceased. The mains
veyed to their last resting place in
Bait's cemetery. The pallbearers
were John, George olid James Ra.ltln-
by, Wm. Robertson, II. 1:1. 1401 and
Ben. Witmer.
The deceased leaves to mount him
one 'daughter, Mrs. C. A.. Howson,
one son, Robert, both of Auburn,
two sisters, Mrs. John Leach of Pick-
ford, Mich.', and Mrs. George i . terse
of Morris, and three brothers, Thos,
of Fibre, Mich., William of Colborne
and Allred of Auburn.
Mr. Chas. Stt:aughan has bought
the old 131chfn farm [nom Mr. Bee'ev-
ley Patterson,
Mr. .Joseph Cumberland . of tate
west was ,renewing .acquaintances in
Our burg last weak.
Mr. A. Asquith fs' unloading a car
of 'Ptirityi and a eat of Five Roses
Miss Vera Asquith resumed her
teaching duties at, Blyth last week at -
ter being,.homc on sick: leave for some
Mrs, Baird and daughter, „Miss
Jean Baird, M. A,, of Park-
hill spent, 't couple of days
last wtcic i1 iabe guests of the
iottrier' s 81811:rr-I,n law, Mrs, Mar-
gateIt 'Pickett,
Mr. S. A Moffat of London was in
Clinton yest(11d0Up visiting his moth-
er, who rnsldes, en High 'street, call-
ingupon old friends and as well
pushing business for the Ma natae-
thriig company which he represents.,
"Canadian Birds and How, .to Study
Them" is the title of a new book
gotten yip by Prof. MacClenient of
Queen's University, Kingston, and
Prof. G. A. Cornish of tic Un-
iversity of Toronto and l ought
to be invaluable to anyone
wishing to 'become familiar with the
bird life of Canada and their habits.
The 'book is attractively written' and.•
handsomely tllustra,bed, Canadian
birds being shown in their natural -
colored pluinage. The book con be
obtained from, the Canadian JISok
Co,, Toronto, and would prove a
valuable addition to any Canadian
library, especially in a family where
tinere are children and young people.
Hullett Township
A quiet wedding took place at the
'Ohre of Mr. Will Caldwell Burnside
farm on
28141 When hs
ter Mabel was united in
the holy
bonds of matrimony to 11Ir. Joint
Cockayne, Niagara Falls. The =e-
mu was perforated by Rev, J. G.
The bride leaning on the arm of her
brother, entered the parlor to the
strains of Lohengrin's "Bridal Chor-
us" played by Mrs.. Robert Caldwell,
sister-in-law of the bride.
The young couple were unattended
except by little Helen Caldwell, niece
of the bride, who made a dainty lit-
tle flower girl dressed in white silk
and carried a basket of white carna-
The bride looked charming in a
gown of white Duchess satin with a
veil and orange •blossoms and carried
a shower bouquet of roses and fillies
of the valley. After congratulations
had been extended the guests repaired
to the dining roan whore a sumptu-
ous repast was partaken of. The hap-
py couple left on the evening train
for tneir future lnonie in Niagara
Palls followed by the sincere good
wishes of their many friends.
The bride's travelling suit was nav}n
boS luer0 .
with black velvet hat anti white
Messrs, Dominick .Flynn and .frank
Reynolds were in Toronto over the
week -end, :laving gone down on Sat-
urday with a carload of cattle.
News -Record Means News -Loader.
The News From Londesboro.
Mrs. 'Whitley
returned to het homene
after spending
i Saturday�t c
at Garrne O1
a few days with Inc sister, , Mrs. D.
lIrs, L. Lyon is Visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Dewar of London.
Mr. Fred. Gibbs is visiting Bramp-
ton friends this week.
•A patriotic concert will be held in
the township hall on the evening of
the 23rd inst., when a good program
will be given.
Mr. Los. Woodman of Tilbury spent
Sunday at his Monte here.
Mr.:Wallace Allan of London spent
the wank -end with friends, in Ibis
Miss B. Cockerline of Blyth visited
Londeshoro friends last week.
Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Medd of Chatham
and Mts. J. D.' Ainslie of Leamington
are visiting relatives and friends in
and about Londeshoro.
Mrs. 7:. Manning is spending a few
weeks with her Slaughter, Mrs. 13.
Mason of 131y111.
Mrs, Robt. Crawford of Londeshoro
and her mother, Mrs. Dam: of Hal-
lett, left last Thursday to visit the
latter.'s daughter, Mrs. Younghlut of
• Berlin.
The L.O.L.
• n
are holding a social ev-
eniug in the Foresters' hail this ev-
ening, when the members, their wives
and friends will gather to spend a
few hours in pleasant social inter-
London Road
Mr. John T. Watts of Souris, Man.,
and Mr, George Watts of The Road
attended the funeral of their sister,
lvrrs. &IcClinohey ol, Strathroy, this
Mrs, Harrighan of Liman has been
the guest of her mother and sister, ,
Mrs. T. Lane and Miss Ethel, during
the past week.
Iv1;,r. Byron Waldron, who has been
engaged at Tilsonburg for some time,
is spending a vacation at the home-
stead here.
Miss Rosie Livermore has resigned
her position in Toronto and. has re-
turned to her home here.
Mr. 0-. B. Hanley attended the an-
nual meeting' of the South Huron
L.O.L, at Exeter on Tuesday.
The London Road League will hold
their monthly literary meeting at the
home of Mr. Fred Waldron on Tues-
day, evening next. A feature of the
program will he a Bible picture e'en -
News -Record Means Nenvs-Leader.
The News -Record is a very welcome
cistron over}'' week to our home.'--Al-
lieu Turner, Nashlyn, Sask.
The News -Record reaches us very
regularly and .is just like a latter, a
very big and newsy one, from our
old home distrait —John B. Eagleson,
gash}t, North Dakota.
Mr.Sirs Harold c
and a of l Ridcllc in tend
leaving' this week for
. 5
dct n Man
Mr.auk 1 Mrs. Gen Moon on enlertaui-
ed a number of their friends on Tees -
day evening,
Hullett Township,
Mr. R. J. Miller of Clinton has
rented his 150 -aero homestead on. the
3rd con. for a terns of three mars to.
Mr, Arthur Dale and his .100 acres on
the 6th con. to Miller and Ernest
Attains. Both farms are in grass.
Report of U.S,S, No. 2 for Jan-
uary : 4th class—Gracie Glidden,.
Dorothy Marquis, Clifford Tyndall,
Bernard Reynolds. ,Sr. 3rd— Eliza..
Johnston, Gertrude Bayley, \'iolei'.•
Glidden, Myrtle Iimiter, Jr. 355—
Maggie Johnston, Annie Shobbrook,
Marjorie Glew, IIarold Glew, 1L ,tor
Johnston, Chester Glidden. Sr. 2nd.
—Willis Van Egnnond, Eddie Dale,.
Bella East.—C. Irl, holland, Teacher.
Report of S.S. No. 4, pupils exam-
ined in Arithmetic : Jr. 4th and Sr.
3rd—Arthur Ogbolrno 100 percent.,
Violet Addison 82, Macy Cartwright
81, Cecil Cartwright 70, George. Ad-
dison 42, Milton ,Brown 88, Ralph
Joseclyn 25. Sr. 2nd—Lizzie Laur-
ance 90, Oliver Joseclyn 71, Lailio
Knox 45. Jr, 2nd and Pt. 2nd—Ed-
win Cartwright 52, Elgin Joseclyn
40,—R. MacKenzie, Teacher.
We have still a few special lines we will clean
up at a price that will clean them out, as we do not
wish to carry them over to another season.
30 pairs boys heavy laced hoots all sizes,
Regular $2.00, clean up price
, 30 pairs youths heavy laced boots, all sizes, 1il1.k
Regular $1.50 to $1.75, clean up price •
26 pairs childs kid laced boots, sizes 5, 6, 7, 71, .69
Begular $1.00 to $1.25, clears up price
H. S.0