HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-11, Page 2G. D. McTAGGART 51, D. MCTAGGART McTaggart Bros. -•RANKERS • \ flBANKING GENERAL BTJSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE= POSITS; SALE : NOTES i'UR- CtaASED. " II. T. RANCE - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE .'INSUR- _a AN(jI; AGENT. REPRESENT- ' ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE , COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. IBRYDONE, BARRISTER„ SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- -Sloan Block -CLINTON CHARLES 11. HALE. Cotrveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Eta. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, -. CLINTON ORS. GUNN .& GANDIER , Dr. W. Gunn; O.S., Edin, Dr. 3. C. Gendier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, RattenburyaSt., or at Hospital. Dit. 3. W. SH4W -OFFICE-. RATTENBUR FFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSO.N PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC, Special attention given to dis. eases of, the Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat, ' Eyes carefully examined and suit. able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the CommercialHotel, Huron St, DR.. 11. A. AXON •- DENTIST -. Specialist in Crown and Fridge Work, Graduate of 0,0.0.8., Chicago), and R.O.D.S., To. ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. ;Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be mads for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by ealling Phone 13 oh 157. -Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1g er year, ay in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at 'the option of the pub. Esher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted D o -. the label. Advertising Rates- Transient ad. vertisements, 10 cents per non. pareil line for first insertion and 4'cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. ubsetquentinsertion. ' Small advertise. ments not to exceed one inch such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted nserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. eertion 10 cents, ' Communications intended for pub. libation. must, as a guarantee, of good faith;be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. RA `RRyRAA LWW' At5.3.11ST se,l - TIME TAI1LE - Trains will arrive at and depart; from Clinton. Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going- East, ), )) (7oing West, 11 II 5 If LONDON, HURON Going South, Going North, .r )e 7.33 a. m. 3.03,p, m. 5.75 p. en. 11.07 a. m. 1.35 p.cm, 8.40 p. 11,28 p, m, & BRUCE DI?: 8.10 a. m. *4.23 p. m.. 11.00 a. m,, 6.30. p,. m. Bran, Shorts and Flour From the ,(lest )dilly at 'the lowest possible price. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for'R- OATS, , PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Fordo McLeod ALL KiNDS OP COAL, Q TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on band: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE ' , CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLA•CISMITns WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORUES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52, ' How is Your Cutlery Su ? Supply You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the tom - mon class.: At least, OURS is. It tarries a distinctiveness - an ,air' of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- most skill from the highest- pricecl materials. If you can use sone of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you.see it on the table:. Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 dos, ups Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the moat desirable that you can put your 'money into, W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of SLtRRIAGE LICENSES. The, McKillop Mutual Fire Insuraance Company Farm and /sedated Town Property only Insured. - OFFICERS J. 11. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice-Presi• dent, Goderich ; T, E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors - D. P. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William, Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harloek; John Benuewies, Bredhagen; James' Evans, Beechwood; - M. Mc);veo, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hindi. ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; 3. W. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at, Cutt'e Orooery, 0oderloh. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact otherbusiness will be promptly, attended to on application to any of the above officer's .addressed to their respect. Ivo post-ofriees, Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. There is a Cod Day Coming 1'' r not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply oft Lehigh g Valley Coal. None better in the world. Dense Phone 12. Office Phone.. 40. A. J'.HOLLO HOLLOWAY STR ATF O RD. ONT. 'Ontario's Best Practical Training School. We hn,ve thorough 'courses and experi- enced instructor's in each of our three departments. Commercial, Shorthand and 'Telegraphy. Our, graduates succeed, and you should get our lerge,t free catalogue. Write for it at, once. D. A. MCLAOHLAN, 'Principal. YOUR BACK is a Barometer. When it hurts, it means that the Kidneys need help. fake Critr Pills -Canada's own remedy for all Kidney slid Bladder Troubles, 50c. a box, P.s • 6 for $2.50. "Made in Canada' .l�I/�wh'Yn®��i�rir 171 1q 0 I�' URD � AY�D, 1i001LES? LESSON INTP]iNATJONAL LESSON. FEBRUARY 11. Lesson V1I. 'Somme! Called to Be a Prophet. 1 Sam. 1. 24-28; 3. Golden Text, 1. Sam. 3, 9. Verse 1. The child Samuel minis- tered unto Jehovah before ltli.- Samuel, ;in all probability, was a Nazirite (see 1 Sam. 1. 11). He min- istered unto the priest, in the sense of aiding him .in the divine services (see Num. 3, 6; 8. 22). His work was distinctly religious. 'Afterwards we read that he was the seer whom Saul and his servant consulted in a private difficulty (see 1 Sam, 9. 1611). He was also a priest (see 1 Sam, 9. 13), a judge (see 1 Sam. 12), and a prophet (see 1 Sam. 15). Between Moses and the founding of the king- dom there was none like him. The Jewish historian Josep'hus says. that Samuel was twelve years old' at the time of our lesson. The word of Jehovah was precious in those days. -"Precious' means "rare." No frequent vision. -That is, no widely 'spread or .promulgated de- claration of God. 2. His eyes had begun to wax dim, -Practically the same state inent is made ,of Isaac in Gen. 27.1.- 3. The temple of Jehovah where the ark of God was. -Temple means tabernacle (see 1 Sam. I, 9; Psa, 5. 7). 4. Here am I, -This ie a usual greeting when a summons is obeyed. It is used in responding to a. call,of the Deity as well as to a call of matt. It means, ' "Here I am to submit myself to your commune]" (see Gen. 22. 1, 7, 11; 27. 1, 18). There are _many other such refer- ences in the Old Testament. 5,9. The persistence • with which Samuel was called and also with whit -isle ran to Eli, thinking it was Eli who calledhim, showed to the aged prophet that Jehovah had a message for the boy. One who had spent his life in serving Gocl as Eli had would not m'stalce long the na- ture of the call -which came to Sam- uel. 10. Came and stood. -A personal presence is indicated, and not a mere voice. See the incident of Abrail am and Jehovah (Gen. 18. 17, 20, 21, 33) and Gideon (Judg. 6. 14). 11. ]loth the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle, -This expression occurs 'only three times in the Old Testament -here and in 21{,ings 21. 12 and Jer. 19. 3. Jere- miah (7. 12, 14; 26. 6, 9) compares the destruction of Jerusalem to Shi- loh, So also does the writer of Psa. 78. 60-64. ASTHMA COUGHS WHOOPING'00Uma seasmoDlc CRoup BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS f-Est.1579 A simple, nate and effective treatment avold- Inp drugs. Used with success for 35 yews. 7111 air carrying the anIscptie vapor, inhaled with every breath, makes breathing cast',. soothes the sore throat, and stops the cough, assuringrestruin fah ts. Cresolens Is Invaluable to mothers • with young children and o bot,t to Sufferers f romAstinna. Sued es postal for ddscriptine Lomidst LO ov oauonlsrs VAP LI CO. -Leedrinsliiiloa B1ds,Montr' I a THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are -in their in- door play, or at their outdoor play -they are constantly of- fering temptations for the KOD Let it keep thein for you a& they are now. Let it keep many other hap- penings that are a source of Pleasure to you. I3R0IVItIES, 82 TO 812; RODARS, $7 TO 825. Also full stock of Films and Supplies- We do Developing and Printing. Remember the place: THE REXALL STORE •MOST.. SAVAGE BATTLE OF WAR TIE WAR: ARD'; THE STARS Germans in 'Masses Rush. to Death in 'Effort to Break Russian Front A clespatch from Petrograd .says Tho bulletins transmitted by the generals,commanding the region of meet violent fighting contain news mole pleasing'to'Ide Rsssi people than has been received sine the • Germanic. alddes threw th weight of -their strength to the, bat tle fronts' of Eastern Europe,' The Russians; he.ve seized both banks of the head waters of the River Lister, in East Protege, a,terecess Which en- ables them'to• deliver a Hank attack on Instcrburg from the north, while the forces that have passed the Angefapp to the south acivane straight west; the army which drove the Austrians from the Dulcla Pass in the Carpathians kris reached' l,ecl the River •Laborezu,:ire Northern Hun- gary; 'w•hile• the Germans west of. Warsaw have been • repulsrcl after the most savage fighting. The:Russian ,armies tools the of- fensive directly west of Warsaw, al the junction of the Vistula and the Bcura, erossing the lather river and. dislodging Germans from a bridge - heed at Dakhowa, It seems appar- ent that the Russians have assumed the, initiative in this quarter as a direct result of the severs' reverse they inflicted on the Germans in the Bolimow region, when a three day battle ,reached its climax. • Upon `• a front of seven miles, with 13or'jimory and Goumine as centres of attack, the Germans concentrat- ed.severl,divisions and hurled more than 105,000' of their finest infantry against••the Russian dine. TLheyde- livered attack after attack, •revert- irig to methods which characterized their earlier operations' in Belgium and France, and deploying' great masses` of men over open ground, careless. appavently of the terrible Dost in killed and wounded if the way to Warsaw could be opened, A detail which illustrates.• the violence of the effort is the .official state'inefit that some of the German divisions of I5,000 men charged the Russian line on a front only a verst (two- thirdsof a mile) wide.' In these sec- tions the German' infantry advance) in closeepressed masses, :attacking at the double-quick shoulder to shoulder'. • i of the imminence of a general, on e8 eiauglit, the Russians, reinforce: s their short hfront, following thei usual method od of lice iu fresh P � corp an, in reserve and ready to seize th e opportunity for counter-attack e From early morning until ;late night the . German divieaonis threw themselves against; the ' Russia corps, the attacks• rolling' up ant breaking .like wavice against a rocky coast. The field of •battle betweep Goumine and Blerjimow was very largely flat ,and tr•eele.e anarlced by oceas]oaial farmhouses. - A.s the Ger- e mans swept; 'forward whole.'files were destroyed by Russian ma, drive gun's: and rifle fire, ]3•s i gasps were rapidly closet),' and the Germane struggled onward with bulldog de- Ceriml4ratioii. Every attack ended at the Russian trenches, ewhere, the Germans, umable' by sheer courage and determination to break through solicl hedges of •bayonets, broke`a:nd fled back to their lines. The Germans maintained a con- centrated fire from 100 batteries, The shells fell thickly. The earth seemed to tremble, Seven or eight projectiles dropped simultaneous) in a123100t the same spot. The Ger- mens attempted to. turn the Russian flank and' failed, Near Borjinio:w the Russians attacked furi;od�s•ly. They carried three, lines. of trenches, The Germans•:fell in such numbers that their bodies were piled breast - high. They had fifty 'machine guns playing upon the Russian Line. Of these the Russians captured four- teen. The Germans were using• shells filled with poisonous.. gates. When these exploded. near' the Bus sians fumes were thrown off that irritated the eyes." When night came 00 the Germans were broken and exhausted. Some detaehmonts maintained themselves a short distance east of Borjimow and in the town of Goumine. The Russians struck immediately, deliv- ering fierce counter-attacks with fresh corps held in reserve. Gou- mine was wrested from the Gert mans. At Wolaszyd Lowiecka the Germans fought with the fury of de- spair. Battalions wer•e'annihilated, Whole companies were wiped out of xistence. • ' The net result of the three clays f battle at Goumine-Borjimow was he recapture by the Russians of. all ositions lost in the past week of 'enewed German effort. It is esti- inatecl that the Germans lost cit east 25,000 in killed an•d wounded, tic] drat --the Russian casualties were not much lees. Russian mill- ers, observers, with the meagre (le- ant/ before them, are likening this ght to the Battle of Borodino, where Napoleon lost his Russian ampaign, 11he'attaeks were preceded by ter- rific artillery. fire, in which the Germans employed. 100 batteries of mortars and field guns, probably six hundred cannon in all. There seems to be no doubt that Marshal von Hindenburg list) ordered Gen- eral Alackenzcn to hew through the Russian line at any cost. Such fighting had never before been wit- nessed on the eastern front, Complete preparedness and the steadiness of the Russian infantry balked the German plans. Warned 12, All that I have .spoken. -This has reference to l Sam. 2. 27-36. From the beginning even unto the end. -That is, the destruction will be thorough, and complete, 13. He restrained them not. -Eli: did 'remonstrate with his sons for their iniquity (see 1 Sam, 2. 22-25). Ee, however, did not remove thein from"office, .and, as they did not ye - pent; Eli, in effect, -became respon- sible for. their wickedness, 19. Samuel grew. --(See 1 Sam, 2. 21, 26). This shotes that he was young. It is interesting to make comparisons with this statement as to how Samuel grew before Jeho- vah, the statement made in Luke (2. 52) as to how Jesus grew.. Let none of his words fail, -Ono reason why Samuel grew when Je- hovah was with lean was because he shaped his life so blosely to the will of Jehovah. C 1 e 0 p e t• fi c 20.• From Dan even to Beer- sheba, -This phrase appears first in Judg, 20. 1; again in 2 Sam, 17. 11; 24. 2. 15; 1 Kings 4. 25. Dan was in the extreme north and Beer theta was in the extreme south of the borders of Israel, and the state, nlent is equivalent to our statement "from Halifax to• Vancouver," or "from the Lakes to the Pacific," Not only distance, however, u -as in- dicated by the phrase; it had refer- ence,also, to the people. From Dan to Beer-slrbba meant "all Israel," During the separation of the kingdom the phrase was "from Gleba to Beer-sheba (see 2 Kings 23. 8), • Diplomacy is the art o,f conceal- ing, our dislikes. Never blow your own horn' in :public -unless you are a musician, WE YillST GIVE OIIRSEbYES! We Must Take Food off Our Tables That Others, ' S May Be Fed "Neither will I offer offerings unto the Lord my Goer' which cost 'rne nothing:." -II. Samuel xxiv„ 24. Not' for many years past, per- haps, indeed, never before, has the problem of giving been so seriously and (perplexing as it is at the pre- sent time. Think of how urgent are the calls for aid that are now ring- ing in our ears and, from: how many and a PLd e - e•. ,y .tem d d areas of mis- ery these calls are corning. Here is the Red Cross appealing, for funds to bring relief to the wounded upon a hundred :battlefields -the Belgian ,Committee asking for help on be- half of the thronging refugees from stricken Belgiitm-the Committee of. Mercy calling for assistance for the: women and children who ai:e in dis- tress throughout the whole of war plagued Europe 1 Hera are the thousands of unemployed in ori^ own country who 1171151 be delivered from the horrors of nakedness, • Starvation and 1)iscase1 here are innumerable established institutions of one kind amd an - obi) et, churches, relief societies, re- form committees, which have long been active in good works and must:, nob now be wrecked for lack o,f fin- aticiel .support! And ,here, at the same time, &ice diminished incomes, - depleted resources, sheer scarcity of money! How, under these contl'i tions, are we to) 0 yn,5wer' the nttme'r' oils and imperative calls of the honr1 How are we going to give anything at all eomineneurate either with the desire the undoubtedly feel or the need we most certainly en- courage 'There is obviously no answer to these questions if we give .;as we usually give, namely, from our un- used surplus. But he who is eon - tent to give as he usually gives in these ells br'essingdy unusual lanes is in reality not giving at all. Indeed, atbottom we never give if ouroffer- ing does not involve ms in loss or sacrifice of a very real kind. We de- ceive ourselves if we think that we 1113' up for ourselves reward in heav- en for generosity which does not go beyond the point of flattering the pride and easing the conseienoe, "I will not offer gifts unto God which cost me nothing," said David. If We Would Truly Give we must, give jnot merely the p neles which we can spare bust the dollar; 11hi0h we think we cannot do with - oat. We must take food off our tables that others may be fed, gar- ments off our backs that others may be clothed,- luxuries from our ho res that others may have necessities. 171 a ..ward, it :w'0 would truly give we must give ourselves! As James Mussell Lowell ,puts it in "The Vision of Sir Lanni El ' : ' "Tee Holy Ou,pper ,i,s kept indeed In what so we share with another's; Not 'what we give, bolt what - we share, For, the gift 311160711 the 'giver is bare," Here is the true principle of giv- ing And here also is the solation of the problem which is pressing upon us so acutely to -day. If we would all give, net like "the ;eels men" in the parable; "of (our) superfluity," but like "the widow," "01 (bus') living'," 'the needs even of the present grievous hour would be satisfied, 4•• Rev, John elay.Cee, Hobbes. WORT l)' S L1iADIN G A. S7'1t0rio. GERS D0 11'OT,A.GR;JII1. The Great 'European Conflict 1Vaa Not Predtti'tl IIs a Sin- gle One. That prophecy opheey is a lost art is again exemplified' by -tire European war,, which was not predicted by ;a single one of the nsiinerons' astrolo- gers who sure constantly studying the stars. The only prophet who came anywhere near it, was a }otitis. mathematician of Rochester, E. L. Johndr'o, who early. in July wrote 'a letter, stating that the relations be- tween Austria, Servia. and ]tussis would be, very much steamed in August. He 'added, however, that diplomacy would' settle the diilicul-. t' a European tilt, y that o real 1 war would tonus until 1918, and would then last three Years, Mme. Thebes, the roma-talked-of Parisi'tin prophet, some time ago said that this would ,be bad year for the Kaiser, and predicted that his death would occur on September 29th, 1914, but nothing happened to the: Kaiser, and Mme. Thebes an- neunced that she had made a mis- take in her calculation, anclso put the elate of his demise in November of the same year. Why or )tow she sloes this is a mystery to anyone who knows anything about.astrol- ogy.. Some English astrologers ,after the war started announced otdrat it would last for a few months, •rind that the allies would be victorious. German astrologers ststed that Ger- many would win; and so it goes. With wish i many ny of these prophets the s father to the thought. They: Simply Guess At It. • As it 1s, all that any astrologer can do is to point out fortunate or unfortunate periods, and that is all. For instance, when the malefic Sa- turn moves to an inharmonious as- pect in an individual's chart it is absolutely certain that it will have a harmful effect -it may bring ill- ness to himself, financial troubles or have other baneful effects -but nu asts'ologer can definitely state what it will be,'and any prophet who does so simply guesses at it; It is the same way with a benefie planet, which may bring sudden good for- tune, increase in health and vital- ity, add to one's prestige, etc. There are many aspects of the planets which it is known positively will produce certain results, but as- trology has not yet risen to that point of efficiency and perfection where it can be definitely predicted ivlben and what will take place. By taking, the month an individual is born in r the disposition, tempera- ment and general trend of 'his life can be stated with reasonable cer- tainty. For instenee, Leo persons are invariably light-hearted, lux- ury -loving persons who seldom have to venue to manual labor, while Scorpio Demons are quiet, deep, secretive and carry out their plans in life with diplomautio skill, Thus the zodiacal• signs 3017 the gamut of every human emotion and trait of character, and these can be gener- ally stated, but when it comes to figuring with mathematical accuracy when an event is •to take place, that is s yet impossible, acid any astro- loger who attempts it cleoeives not only others, but himself. The Character of the Planets is also pretty well known. Icor i'n- atence, there it the ponderous Ura- nus, known as the celestial icono- clast; which tears delve only to build up anew. In evil aspect this planet. may geese serious and chro- nie disea:ies, or it may change an individual's views of Life, mid he may suddenly become radical after years of conservative living and thinking, and vice versa. Calculated by the procession of the euui� o ea 'Uremia 1 S teras 1I7 the n 1 watery sign Pisces ---the fishes - when Christ was born n and gave the world -t new religion, A few years ago Uranus entered the airy sign Aquarius, where the planet will re- rmain for 2,000 years, lirhile in this sign the beet astrologers have long pr'ediic•tod a new era which "will have something to clo with the air." Wireless telegraphy and the Coining of the aeroplane shoe' •'how ;well they scented the matter. Setup affects the. healthriA ci- pally when in bac) aspect to :the sun, and yet gain it may bring financial loss. Jupiter rules wealth 1)125101- 1)5113', while Nlat . is •con -I a fitly as- sociated with wag 1'et a man m,ay have Afars stun; 'n his horoscope and have nothing at all to do With warfare ; he will, however, be a fighter in whatever litre of iicbivity he may be engaged in dni-iiie, )tis 1if. e. As for this European War, no astrologer can tell how long it will last, as the astrological signs are so complex that ,a Ol nese puz- zle is s.1 easy tatk to solves•in tom- paiieon. Jupiter just now is in PURE BLOOD MAKES HEALTHY PEOPLE IIeed's Sarsaparilla surely end ef- fgctively removes scrofula, boils and other blood diseases beeaese it drives out off the blood all the humors that. cause these diseases, Tlrey eannot be seccessfnlly treated in 009 oilier way. External applications for then' :re- moval have proven almost useless, because they cannot drive c' n r' , o to out the impurities that are in the blood. I3eed'55 Sarsaparilla makes 'pure rich blood, perfects the digestion, and builds tip the whole system. The Skin becomes smooth, clean and healthy. This great blood remedy has stood' the test of forty years. Insist on having, I1ood''et for nothing else acts like it. There is 330 weal substitute. Get it today. Sold by all druggists, t A us.,• q r ns, which represents Prussia, but the planet willass out of that. edge within a fel P v months.. Accord- ing to all known rules, Jupiter will „ es 1st Prussia's plane,, but dnrine• the •winter• his beneficent rays will no longer assist her, Properly to study cut the whole matter :the hor- oscopes of every ruler,, genera:i, army brigade, naval fleet and ad- mire' weld(' have to be worked ottt mathematically correct, and these data .age hard to get, and even if ob- tained, the task would be too nnontr- mental Elie• any human mind. How- ever, time will solve the whole mat- ter. Meanwhile, it is well to re- member that no prophet clan deli--• nitely tell the result. The man who is always quarreling • with his cook would probably rather fight than eat, Many ,a fellow has such dazzling prospects that he becomes blind to his own interests. An armful of COLUMBI Records makes ari evening f full of pleasure. let NEWS-RECORB'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1914 %V SEXLESS, News -Record and Mall ih Emplre New•\s I •. Lecord .and globe i -Br Nep•e-lterord and Family herald and Weekly Star 11 ewsItecord and weokly Sua 1,er Nervs•Record and Pareier'e Ativocets., 2. 'B News•Recortt and rural C Dairy ,. 1.05 Ncn's•Recor1 and Canadian Farm 1,Si Nene-Record and 'Webkly Wltaeee ,,: 1.85 Ems-Room:1 and Northern Atessenger. 1.60 News•Reoord and Free Press1.B5 News -Record anAdAdvertiser. , 1.8E ti Mens -Record and Saturday might. , 2,60 News-Rseord and Youth's Companion 1.2E News -Record and Fruit Grower and Farmer:, 1,73 MONTIILIEs: News -Record and Canadian Sports. Wan . ,,. „ ,-.S5 23 Neus•Record and Lippinoott'a Maga. eine , •.. 5„ 5 DAILIES. News•Reeord and World ..,,.,., $3,55 Nems -.Renard and Globe •• i rn News -Record and Mall & Lrmpire.. 7.33 News -Record and Advertiser . .. 2,83 News•Reoord and Morning Free -Press. 1.3; Nnws•Reoord and 11vening Free Press. 2.0i Newa•Record and Toronto Star , 2.05 News -Record. and Toronto News 2.35 It what you want, le not In this ]let lel 03*now •about It, We can snonly you a. lees than it would cost you to send diree: in remit leased t• remitting Deo hyposillesOrt leered Pette 00,1Notddr sss Order or 1300• letered letter and address. W. J. MITTELL, Publisher News.-Re„ural CLINTON, ONTARIO "No more headache for you ---take these" r Done just "smother" the headache without removing the canoe, q Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They not only cure the headache but give you t1 buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liver. sweeten the etomeeh and Osmotic the bowels. Try them. •r•-+ All Druggists, 23c„ or by mai! • CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Toronto, Ont, 13 ""����'�"`••���... .,A A.' B AT T' S STOUT ale very best for use in ill -health end convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America ; at World's Fair, 1893 li PURE -SOUND -WHOLESOME JOHN LAB ATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 29 �'