HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-04, Page 6ALMOST EVERY ONE NEEDS A TONIC , Almost everyone - man, waman and ehild-sleede a -tonic at ;same time.It is often said that a man, is lazy because 'he takes little or no ,interest his work; but the truth iles he is not well, He needa ;bank. The same is trite of a, woman: who doeseredt hustle overlier home work,' a but only fee1s. fit to •be in bed. She is not merely tired, but ill, A dull pain in the head •or back, poor appe- tite, loss of ,strength with low spirits and loss•of interest in lileShoWthat. Yose'need Melarnic .to heath up. the - nerves and 'give you a new lease of life, The paoof is that 'when the; eight tonic is taken all the tthubler qukikly disappears. The one tonic-. the only tonic -or weak and •ailling. !men, women arid children is Dr.' ; WiSlisems' Pink Pills, whieh.'speedily' bing. haelsamahandanii- health, eteength 'aced energy. They have. done this in thousands and thou - sande of eases as is .proved bel the following, Mr. Ed. A. Owen, Bur- dett, Albe.,. Saye: ---"About Iwo years ;ego any health was in wretched ,ecinclition. -My whole sys- tem seemed to be run down and the • doethe seemed puzzledat my candi- • tieri. I had no appetite; 'exertion. would leave me breathless, and I was troublecl.nmeh with dizziness, the medicine I took did me no , goad, and I was steadily growing weaker. Aim another urged me to . try Dr. WilleamM Pink Pills, and, before I had taken them very long bagels to feel likes new man, and continning their else, I ev'as restored to mariplete health. I now recom- mend them to all rim down in health as they are the best medicine • I know •af." Sold by all medicine dealers, or by Mail at 50 cents a, box or six 'boxes far $2.50,, from The Dr. Wil- •lianis Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EMPRESS EUGENIE. Hz Cboverted Her English Estate Into a Hospital. among the hundreds of recent pie - tures showiug the British soldier on • the march, in :the trenches, Jn camp end in hospital, says the Youth's Com- , Denton, were two taken on the same beautiful estate, now, by the generos- • ity of its owner, a hospital for wound- ed and convalescent officers. • The owner is a very old lady, and the pic- tures show her, in the mourning that ehe always wears, leaning on a crutch Matt and talking with smite bright faced, bandaged young fellows out under the trees in their wheel chairs. The estate is at Farnborough and the woman is Eugenie, once Empress of France, now for more than forty years an exile in England. During' these long years the world has heard so little of her that it is hard to remember that She is still alive, but before the disastrous cul- mination of the Franco-Prussian war WAR," she used to be accused of calling it -she , was one of the world's greatest agures With the single exception of Queen Victoria, she ' was then the most conspicuous woman in Europe, and her beauty, grace and 'elegance, her natural gayety and'even her fashionable follies united to make her a far more dazzling figure than Ole British Queen, with all her un- doubted solid virtues. No splendor, thereare plenty of other lvitnesSe's to testify, could 'over- whelm the perfect comPlexion, in. tensely blue -eyes with dark lashes, tech chestaut hair and.eameolike feat' lures of this eMhronedebeauty. It is strange indeed to think that after Louis Napoleon, Wilhelm IMBismerck, Von Moltke, all the dominating figures of the Franco-Prussian Warhave been dust Allege many years, the bowed black shadow of ' that delicate loveli. nem etill suevives watching and wait - Ins, !with Germany and France at death grips once again. But, It is not "her" war now, and although Germany is mightier than ever, France is 00 long- • er n corrupt and tottering empire, but a -vigorous young republic, and she does not fight alone. Whatever the end may be, it will be strange if those blue eyes that year's and tears have dimmed survive LO look upon. it. . OUR NATIONAL D I SE A SE (Memel by Tea and Coffee. Phs-siciarse know that drugs will nut correct the evils ,causedhy tea or coffee .and that the only remedy • is to stop drinking it. A dotter says : 'I was a coffee drinker for many yew's, and often thought that I •*mad not ;clo without ib, but after years of suffering with our national malady clyspepeia, I attributed it to the .drink-ing of coffee, ,and after • some • thought determined to use Postern for my-enornisig drink. (The effects •ori theaystem of. tea and cof- fee drinking are very ;similar, be- meitse they each contain „the drug, eaffeenee). - . "1 had the Postum made arefui- ly according to direetione on -the' pkga.nd found ib just suited my taste , • , At fast I need St only for break- fast, _but,' found myself getting so much .better that I had it all meals, anj 1 am pleased to say that I have been relieved of indigestion. I gained 19. poandis in 4 months and my general health is 'greatly im- proved. ' "I Meat tell you df a'young lady, She had beee in ili health for many years, the vital 'forces low; with bat • little painel wrote her of the good that Postum did me anti advised her to lay it, At the end of the year she wrote me that she had gained 40 -pounds in -weight and felt like herself again.' Name "given by Canadian Posture. Co. Windsor,, Ont. Rea,c1 "The Rea",c1. to plegs. Postuna oomes in two forms: Regular Postum Emmet be well boiled. 15e .and 250 packages. InSiaut Postum-is a soluble pow- der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a cap of cold water, and with cream andemigar, ma,kes a delielous beverage Instantly. 20c and 50o The cost per eup of both kinds 14 about, the exile. "Thero'e a Ite,aeon" far Posture. -Sold by Grocers. BEST FOOD AT LOWEST PRICE TIIE CHIEF :HEALTH OFFICER OF •ON'llARIO TELLS. Issues Statement Showing Cheapest and Most Useful , Foods. She Was In N • For. Seven Weeks THEN DODD'S MD NE PILES CURED MADAME BERUDE. --- Mantreal Lady Te118 Blow, MUT PIMP ifetti`S' MRCSS, he POUltd so Complete Care For All Hee Troubles. Montreal, Que., Feby. ist (Spe- Wetthea view to having people par- cial)--1Madaine J. Baptiste, Berube, ehuse the hoghest. nutritive food ist the loWestaost De. J. W. S. MeCui- realing at 1393 "Aqui Avenue, this city, asserts that after four years' suitereng from kidney elesease she has been , tompletely reetordd to health by Dodd' e Kidney Pills, 'I had a pain in my left side around the heasit;'' Madame Bulbs says in, her sbatement. • "I Suffered Constantly with' headaohe and back. ache, and for saven weeke1 mae in ;leed• with kidney disease .and feobis- neas. The doctor 'could not help mei so Telecided to My Do!del'e Kidney "After the first box,•I was some hatter. I oontinnea to lige Dodd's Kidney Pills till now the palpita- tion has left, me, and I am, a well woman, ,able to do iny,woek. Dadel's Kidney Pills tared me and I recom- mend them to ,all persons who stiffer as , lough • .elnet .officer of health of On- tario., ha,$!issued astatement which will be distributed floe theoughout the:province. Valuable recipes for the !housewife are made known by the &eminent, and the dogteeth:1.01M assures thee general public that the Government is .seefeguardieigfood supplies. Excessive prices will not be permitted, but the bestway to help the country and the home ie to spend .e.yeem cent ,wisely and to the'beet advantage.. • ' Paciels tere,divided into four class- es by the .chief medical' officer : (1) Fate and - energy' focids-Starchy foods, sugar and fats,sueb..ae pota- toes, bread, sugar, honey, • syrup, 'butter, ,•clripping and ,fat meat; (2) muscle and flesh -forming foods-, Lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, peas; lentils, inacaroni, skim milk, Miteese and brown breads (3) bone building food -Of special value to ohildrene °found in oatmeal, brown- bread, vegetables, fruit and milk; (4) medi- cin;a1 foods -Laxative and succu- lent, such. as apples, prunes, figs., lettuce, celery ,ancl all green vege- tables,' to be eaten largely in the evening.• , Substitute 'for Mind. Under the heading of the vege- table foods,Dr. McCullough points out that dried peas a,nd beans con- tain as much flesh -forming material as meat and are anuch oheaper; bread and pastry made from "sec- onds" flour, althoughless attrac- tive in appearance than that made from white flour, is moth nourish- ing; 'oatmeal i$ a very nourishing foods but requires thorough boiling te make it digestible. Leave the pon•idge pot on the fire foe two or three hours in the cla,y time and warm up for breakfast. • Corn meal and whole wheat are listed as most !nourishing cereals. These and oatmeal are 'cheaper and better than, the much -advertised brea,ktasb foods,: Potatoes are best cooked or bailed in their skins; on- ions, beets and carrots are very nu- tritious. So are all green vegeta- bles and fruits; apples, green and dried, are a valuable item of feod, a,s are also bananas, raisins and entrants; eager, maple syrup and honey are usually cheap and useful Foods. The stockpot is also given 111 a valuable ;asset of the housewife, `Elie Value of Cheese. Dr. McCullough says. that milk, even if ''skim.med, is a most useful animal food. To eatmeat onee day is enough. He does not believe in tanned meats because they are net ae good as the fresh meat and cost more. Cisede and other her - !rings, codfish ;and- blethers., make vary good food while chipping has as meth food value as butter. Cheese is very digeitible and has more food value than meat. .Suet may be used in puddings . For drink milk is best for chi ren, skim milk aml buttermilk being bet- ter for everyone than tea or coffee. Cocoa with milk and sugar is is wholesome drink. Water should be taken frequently.' Liquor of No Use. Beer and spirits have little or no food value. They are expensive luxurie,s and intemperance of any kind should be severely condemned. Over forty recipe's for the cooking of the most strength -giving foods are printed on the foldemand the Provincial Health Department an flounces that .copies can be hal free on application to the offices of the departmentat the Parliament B MI dings. , NEW INDUSTRY FOR ENGLAND. Liverpool Bids For the German Toy Trade. Writing of Liverpool's efforts to capture the C4erman toy trade a Cor- respondent of the London Times says: Liverpool is primarily a distribut- ing centre, but it has always hank- ered atter solid industries. The Education Committee are making some notable experiments whieh may lead to important developments, -The committee are believers in the theory of the "thinking hand," and they are accordingly given ,facilitles to girls just leaving school to learn toy - making and the power -machine work required in the ready-made clothing trade.' Other Engligh towns are mak- ing a bid for the German toy 'trade, but Liverpool is:building on a par- ticularly firm foundation. Furniture makers, wheseqrade has fallen off are taming their attention to wooden toys, and ere ready to absorb young work- ers' with sortie training to recommend theta. Some of the toys which the &Wren have already turned out are ofeadmirable design, topical and hum- orous, but not grotesque or ugly. Rus- sian models, probably the soundest at the present time In .all forms of art, have been, largely drawn upon, and typical set of toys is a row of nine- pins designed to represent Death's eee'ael. Huesars and Garmaninfantry with epiked helmets, with the mailed fist as the centre, pin. The now in- dustry ie tharcely on Its legs yet, but one of these days "Made in Liverpool" may be the hall -mark of the toy -shop: Our grand -children will then pity a generatioti which had German trees foisted upon it in its Noah's Arks. Resisting Temptation. Sunday School Teacher -"Willie, did you ever reeve' t, temptation 7" Willie--``Yes'en, once." ;Seualay School Teacher-"Apd what noble sentiment proniptect you to ,do, ibr Willie -"The jam Ives on the top Aelf, and I couldn't reach it" Names that parents inflict epon their children are enough to cause them to break into jail' in after years, ' Notice how many women are rising to 'tell their suffering sisters they can find redi•ef .in feeder's Kidney Pills. The .reason is that nine - tenths of womee.s ii spring from diseased or •disordered' kidneys. Every woman whose loidneys ehow signs of Weaknese should u0e Dodd's Kidney Pills. - KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY. Links Up the C.P.R. with United States Railways. What the completion of the Kettle Valley Railway will mean to trans- continental traffic, both freight and passenger, Was explained by Mr. J. j. • Warren, the president Of the eompany, who has been spending. a few days' east. -For years past the Canadian Pacific Railway has been wrestling with the problem of reduc- ing grades in the Reeky Mountain section, and it is proba'ble, that it will continue .to struggle for years to come. Even in days when ex - pension work is necessarily restrict- ed and curtailed; orders are given, for example, to push the work on the Rogers Pass tunnel to comple- tion. But with the Kettle Valley. Railway and the Kootenay Central Railway in operation the Canadian Pacific will have alternative ratites from the main line, which should at once make much more economical the handling of trains to the Pacific Coast, The Ketble Valley line in Southern British Columbia, which links umwith railways in the United States, and with the Canhdian Paci- fic, which has amain rights over it, will make an admirable alterna- tive route by way of the Crow's Nest Pass, as its. grades noevhere exceed 2 per cent., while the Koote- nay Central hasan average grade of less than 1 per cent. The Kettle Valley line will also be 'of great 'value to the fruit mowers of the Okanagan Valley,as it touches Penticton and Summerlanda and. puts them into direct touch with the mining districts of Southern British Columbia. As n scenic route the line should prove :attractive to tonr- ists, as the southern end of the Okanagan Valley is by fax the most picturesque portion of this favored section of British Columbia. By early sumrher . the fall passenger service will be in operation, and Mr.' Wathen expects that a large volume of the transcontinental tra- vel will be diverted to his line. ' Had Fixed Things. 'Say, father, Johnnie Burton's going to give &party next week, an' he said he'd invite me. An' I get to take a present." "A presentt What's that ,far "WS hisibirth- day. Ml the kids take presente," Something had gone wrong inthe office that day, and father wasn't in a good humor. "That's all non- sense," he deelared. "Every day or two it's a present here and a pre- sent there If you can't go to a parey without taking a present; you might as well stay at home." The boy's lip trembled, but Ise said no- thing, The next Morning the head Of the house regretted his ' hasty words and tried tosquare matters. "George," he said, "there's a Iliad presenb tor your friend Johnnie in my overcoat •packet. You may take it to him." "Too late, father," said George, coolly, flf licked him • so he couldn't invibe me." Same Thing. "Does your husband keep a seram-book "Not exactly a' he keeps a check- book and we have a scrap every time it is used for my benefit." Millard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Speaking of the old wild days in ,Sootland an aged dame, with her grandchildren about her kuee, said concerning a leader of her clan who had been beheaded following some trouble with the Crown : "It wis nae great thing o' a heid, tae be sure, ;but t wis a slid loss the him." ED. 5. ISSUE 8-2'). e IIVI)N11,101FIlLeINVENTION. Shells Ceti lie Iltotograidied • in Ellett. • Through a 'wonderful invention whidh solves , the problem of , the There is Troublo•Ahead, highest of' .!laigh speed p'hotography, Constantly oh their feet, attending 11 has bees found 'peesible 16 pheste- . to „lhe wants oil a large and exacting graph shells' while in ;ectueel flsgbt pilily, women ,often break down with ppeyett,,,his,torn,e,sabnisvet,helna,Binxitiv4,111.p.,abi2zinyi4e,:o.:i Mu'vm1s15x1MilsCion,:, 1115 stores,' factories, and on , a ordnance' which 'hitherto have re- fapierb ""k, ailing WORUM, cumsged main ed eeellet's. • • The 'esemanbatt s fin 1)ilis perms ep (says thia•liciYal Magazine), eliffe,A from t,lie Ordinary 'ones: 1t Iwo re-' W1101 a' liroman tv VY[4:11Uiuroili, (ICkaidie bet!.0int' ,11-P.V11 DRIIM: dOW0 0iiill' I:11'e torturing backache and . 'Such, elufferIng isn't flatund, but it's ,cluegeeness beeatele' due to damaged matiey's • ' . specie -Sae .eiee, a,i1 d its shiatlici lt ne (th:ziness, 'insomnia, tic -ranged is •alrriost Mite deet in 'height, .andils 'me/Mee ;and omer aymetems at 'kidney -equ'i+PPed witb"lhe:Jinest Minehlenee Mentialet can't cure Meineelyes,, theY s The' shirtter isl'worked bee an eke- regeire aim assistame 01 D,.. 1.1,,,,,th, ton's Fills rlii.cli..go direct to the seat tric Moter-that Makes, several thou- and revolutions .a.ui the' speed of the, Moths: is eapable. snntites and .as 0:4;101,0,vli.,o,nlivleit.m.•ity... and pcm,e; 1, lc. the 1.dneY.s,, 10 lend aid La the bladrit-r zed of a)ctitiritto ,adjusieneet,,,t4 opera: : liver, to freethe blcod of 11014e110, tor ',can eaten ate ihe em , tP.rigt 1 '-'-9.-L- probably. (here is no remcd,y so She- o:f the ex.poeure.up to M-4,000th et U ceerifuMae• Dr. Ilamillon's Pin- For .•, . all womanly irregularities thmr merit /Me, emenetion .0 , Ulm deadly is well known, • . . -"sinoke-rine,mhSch foliews the -is- II -heaps' of there mild, eocabing, and suing,of the ,projectilo is.also ;clearly ' healing. effect, 'Dr, Hamilton's Pills are .Srlire.Win.iil.'gb;I:ngl'eali,sui),;e's,th,olia;e•C'eaa'nnielb.%, saand'ivaonadainaraef la.81916aingiense.l.r 2e5d efeonntegnireli.8. them!. °hearing the muzzle of the b,ox at en dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Er. Hamilton's Pills of Man - gun an-dt,OSiem rapiday upwaed' al- , , a - „. driace•anasbutternut. most before the shwa appears.. • .......1. , With thia unique:ems-term views of . mortar shells in all positions. up 10 THE BAYONET CHARGE. the time when they.ceased their up- • --- ward flight and started lio descend British Use Steel with reedier hayss been. abthened. . Dash; But With Method. British army officials 'hope, with the raid of this camera, to discover' One of the features ,of the war has • been the brilliant) succeiths, accona exactly. what the niodeen high-power shell- does akar' it plows. its -way thee, Plished by means of Brieish betycin.et through. steel. ISrom negatives ehow- ges, and time and again the boys with the Cold grey steel have ing pieces Of a shell 1-5,000th 51. scaetheed the Germane like chaff be - a second after it has burst, it ma,y be •poieible th find a way to make for the wind A modern bayonet; charge is a .conebination of pluck sbeel stronger by remedying defects and diecipline, for it. conseets of in the hardening. and • tempering processes. 7 Moro than a reckless rush at the enemy. Troops engaged in such an a •undertaking now tadvance towards joint and linsele Pains• the.lomby means of a series of rush- es-whieh is to say a battalion does ... not advance ;simultaneously, but in Banished by .Nerviime portions, and 'each mut runs for a, certain dietaece and then takes coe ; ver. This method has proved to; be IT CURES RHEUMATISM. more satisfactory than the old hap - Thousands of people, chuck full of hazard dash with bayonets which re - the joy of living -happy, glad, bright salted in sueli heavy casualties people, that Nerviline has cured of amongst the participetors. their pains; all tell the same wonder- m .ng.the eharge the battalione. s ful.story of its power. to drive out the . atua a - che's and tortures of rheumatism and sPlit up Into these portions -right, kindred ills. centre arid left. Whilst one unit "My goodness, but Nervifine is a advances, the other'taking cover or miracle -worker," • writes Mrs. Char- 'lying on the earth, keeps up a mar- lotte Chipman, mother of a well- derails fire at the enemy, and slow. known - family. residing at Mount- ly the men, by uumerous shoat rush - Pleasant, "Last month I was so crip- es, creep towards their goal. The pled .up With, sciatica and muscular assailants take advantage of every rheumatism as to be almost, unable to little shrub or hillock, and even a do a bit of . housework. My joints were so stiff and the mucles so fright- fold in the ground is used for putr- 1 uny sore that I even cried at times poses of cover, end in this way cue- w ith the pain. For years we have uelties• are kept down to a mini - used Nerviline inour family and T mum. just got busy with this wonderful, One great advantage et this form good old liniment. Lots of rubbing oe advance is that the men, when with Nerviline mon relieved my rnis- they do some to grips with the en- ery and I was in a real short time emy, are comparatively fresh, and about my work as usual." not ready to fall with .fatigue as NO matter where the ache is, ho they would be if they had run .for matter how distressing the pain you several hundred muds without a can rub• It away with Metalline. For a . , . ew yards ereat„ s eang space. The tast t forty years itehae been curing lum- to be covered by the laimmet-fight- bago, sciatica, back -ache, colds, chest trouble and all sorts ot winter ins, ers is taken with a fierce rush, Keep . a large 50c, family size bottle whish not only adds impetus. ,to the handy and you'll be saved lots of trou- •charge, but also badly scares the ble and, have smaller doctor bills, enemy, especially When. our 'troops Small trial size 25e, at dealers 'every- shriek out their favorite warmnes where. . at the tops of their voices; The Bill - a ,eish are generally recognized as be- ing _ e es 'Lie, ne g 1 th ' b t b so Mfi lite a in the ' FAILURE 0.1II _THE ZEPPELINS. world, ,and spec al pains are taken - to train them in titba form of attack. At Present They Are Crude and A rename, am this purpose is in Ineffective. use in the army, which consists of a . . . pewidiy regarding the bi,ily .6, number of wires stretched across on a frame along which balls of plaited loded reputation of the Zeppelins seam run downwards in .an erratic P s, war machines, - the Scientific 0 a World remarks, "We told you so,' inshion. The soldier stands a few Speaking through Waldemar Lamp' feet •away from the. apparatus and fert, of the Scientific American, makes quick jabs at these balls, hie they po iv ; protest that they never object being to strike them true in centre, and, with a. quick xpected MuCh 01 the nonderous air the e vessels. • These aerial monsbers wrench; withdraw the weapon in serve time to make a •Stralse at the follow- etolerably well as scauts, but hen it oomes to .an actual attack ing ball. 1 on a fortified poeibion, or even on . a an exposed body of troops, they BABY'S BATTLES effect little. Here and there the .dirigibles have done thine ,clamege, Baby's battles for health oan he mainly to nen-combatants. They easily ,won if the. mother will eon - have ruined a few buildings in Ant- stantly keep at hand' the me•arts of werp and. killed some school chil- aiding her little ones when the dren in thentry districts, but not emergency may arise. Baby's Own much More. Exoeptfer their scout- Tablets should be found in every ing value the war would Imo ruehome where there •sire small •ehil- its amuse' without them just about dren. The Tablets aro a geatlee but as it has. with them, thorough laxative. They break up When the British troops were colds; relieve croup; prevent eon - transported in unprothebed vessels stipatian ; cure indigestion; pro- be Bole:hue a highly attractive mark mote sleep, and in feet cure all the was offered _to the Zeppelins, but minor ills of little ones. They are they did nob take advantage ofMt, sold by all medicine dealers 00 by, The troops were m•oved in perfect mail ab 25 cents to box from r.Dhe Dr. safety. ;To be sure it was done by Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,. night, ' but the Zeppelins Neve Ont, searchlights, which Nvould have illta a. , minated the. scene. They did not interfere' because 'F01' various; nee Birds of Different, Fedi:hen. sena they thald not. "If they persist in teaching the No doubt these air vessels t'ontain boys in the schools milli:am bactics, I don't believe crer Willie Would go future, bUt at. peesent theY amide and ineffective. Monstrous "Do yon mean he's too chicken - 'and awkward' in ;Shape, they' still hearbed1" - re 114 itn -atlflieghmercy •v erehiefthey cy°1-: twiend caanndn:te' e'be • "No,- he's emmt" !2.1.!!'e -131-46•e '' ;d. ta safely anchored without enormous INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS enter/sing sheds, a separate shed • - . ; --m- , Me etch vessel.. This requirement Meeses.. Pigeon, 'Pigeon .le -Davis, Mekatld limits their usefulness. ' Ap- patent thlicitora, Montreal, repoth Mimentlysit wotilsi be next to impos- that, be. Canadian patents. were is- eible tO land troois from a Zeppelin sued ioe the Week ending January in it !hostile country. The perform- 121,h, 1014, 7301 whieb were granted amp, even if it did not endin the to A.Mericane, 18 to Canadians, and Mee of the men, would almost cers 8 te nesidentis of foreign eountries. 'thinly wreck the airship. • . . . put little .dependence upon them. No Sympathy. For ell the talk about what Zep- The KaiseMe troops have . done a , .,., , , ,. hlwe "Sir, your daU'ghter has promised to become my wife."; pelins might de the Germans , ,ggirieg teuf iitoehatasmbereeesinme,beymmiecampse,olf_ ,.. ` , e,, oon' t eome to me for syM- thoir huge guns on solid bases, not 1PaiobuitlliYcil.:d Y-hcarPtir Infileillg, sh. t.it'-i°i1:113°Eur a'8:Tea:13.11:.gh.i! 11,D gg by raining down bombs from above. 11 nom .present appearancee these is . Low FABES"—TO THE CHICAGO to peat reason. t� ,appreherad an . exeosimoiss. . iarilasion cif England' by airships. . via mango & Norm western ism They May, as Waldemar Kremplert IhiilF, oPiondld dallY trains from the now thinlea, blow an a'building here and tri'lieli7g,' arronInTekes-calininanto nieSgan. there, but they are not 'MeV te. Choice of scenic .thrld direet routes. Dbuol°0 acomplish a, great dead snore, trir bli'i,g.76°,1"'t46.. .D'Ve6ta4C 6al°tY 641'1'1'46 Lelt,1161 plan 00110 trip end furnish fold ors and Tall nar 011 Ti. IDifferent. Id we you to dance only you, told me you were tired." • "But I'm not boo tired to enflame Liniment cures ninetneeta. efinaree LIntnient, Cures attract In Cows. Target riving. • A eonmany of territorials werei at the, range. The usual marker had not elnumed eip, but a deputy wee soon foind in t'he •pereon of an 91d worthy well known in the district who occasionally. acted as .eubsti- bute in ,such circumstances. The first round wai •about to he fired styhheentalizli;i; itntimloeselcsitieugpetfjoevdmat'do see the newly engaged ma,ricer right in"Silteoplinfieel‘4,.ft'she screeched, as he hastened to where the old man stood-, ealmly ernoking. "You blith- erieg idiot." he yelled, as he ap- proached, "Do, you knee, 'that yon were within ae ace of death just now 7" "OA, ,o.ye," was the veply. "jist fire aiva'. O've 'marked for your soiled before." ---London F,xerting Ait Intheine,e. Woman is eerteinly coming into her .awn, Even in tender romance eha is exerting ite illuenee. The yonng masa hed jimb been accepted. In. rapture he 'exclaimed: `Tut clo you thin.k, my loyo, euro good enough for you 1" His strong-mind- ed fiancee looked ,sternly at him for ae moment and replied: "Goad enough for mat You've got to be I" Gossip. "Bliggins seems to be remarkably fond of inushroures.!' "Efe isn'e, His married life is so unha,p-ny that he keeps eating mush- rooms in hope that he viil geb a toadstool by mistake."' A •British soldier in Belgium was one morning wending his way to camp with aafine rooster in his 'arms, when he was stopped by his Colonel to know if he had been stealing chickens. "No, !Colonel," was the reply. "I saw tile old fel low ,sitting on the wall, and I or- dered him to .crow far England, and he wouldn't -so I jusb took him prisoner." DEATH REPORTED An old offender that hung on for yeara. Nothing touched his stony bent but Put- nam's Corn Extractor and out ho came, root, stem and hrenoh. All corns cured iluSt 4M (wieldy when Putnaen's le used; try it, 25o. at rdl dealers. — His Drawback. "Why, pa, I am astonished to hear you speak of Henry you I He ie ,one of the best men going.", "But lie never goes!" The publisher of tho hest Parmer'S Pager in ,the Maritime Provinces in writ- ing to us states: mania say that I do not know of a medicine that hae stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIAtENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since 1 eau remember, .a.nd lhus out- lived dozaaa of wouldhe competitors sand imitutcas.' , Cheap Stuff. Nell -You say you saw her wed- ding gifts. How was her silver maBreklleed1From the looks of it I should say it was marked down. Granulated Eyelids, re Eyes inflamed by expo- ' sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Illurino .Y eS!Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merin Eye SalveinTabes 25c. For Book of the Eye Frecask Palmists or Marine Eye Remedy Co,. Chicago One .can't always judge a Man's importance by the angle at ;which Ise wears his bat, minartrs Liniment Cures Distemper, FOR E 1 New Wheelock 18 x !1•2 Automatic Veive Complete operating condition, flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will sell at less than half cost price. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS • 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto IttfaustrosamesonpaRSHEIVIP ark E3earis Highest grade beana kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Plavored delicious sauces. They have no equal. ardNEIRMTIMAIWAIRW FARMS FOR SALE, 11 .Wro. nfLAWSON-, NinetY Celborna Street, IF YOU WANT TO ,BETY Olt SELL ,A R. Fruit, Stoek, Grain or Dairy Farm. write W, Dawson, Brampton, or 98 Col. borne Rt., Trronbo, H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto, Pon SALE. Tee ROISTERED SHORTHORN AND EX, Roleteln Calves. T. T. Morrison, Durham. NURSERY STOCK, Glj TRAWBERRIDS, RASPBERRIES, PO. KD TAT009. Catalogne free. McConnell BOTI, Port Burwell, Ont, MALE HELP WANTED. T EARN BARBER TRADE - ALWAYS -sure employment at good wages; few weeks required the complete course write for full particulars and cotalogue to -day. Molar Barber College, 219 Queen Beat, Toronto. , • MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, 'TUMORS, LUMPS. RTO„ kJ internal and external. cured with- out vain by our home treatment. Write up ispfere too late Dr, Denmark Medical Co . Collinevvood. Ont [IlintiONWIRMOODI 151 Makes liens laymen:I OMR: fano lope them healthy 05 nineteen.. Sold 10210., 050 0003g'° 4,01 °lir?! t:L'IT 1.07! 0 . rBOILERS New and Second-hand, for heating Plumes. TANKS AND SMOKE Engineers and Shipbuilders. POLS064 IRENIPEFLKSTORONTO and power plapaana. Water STACKS. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PICEON & DAVIS yia St. James St., • Montreal Write for information _ HARNESS1 Prices must no nv this' spring,as leather is %minden rapidly. 13u,y now before advance. CATALOGUll FREE Gives factory to farm prices on liarness, Har- ness Parts, Hardwaroand Horse Goods. TheMALLIDAY COMPANY -Limited 0155.011151011eANADA VCR colds in the chest or sore V throats; for rheumatism or stiffness; for sprains and cramps. Capsicum "Vaseline" brings quick relief. CAPSICUM as line TrAdernal, Made in Canada It does all that a nustsrd plaster do. Is cleaner, easier to apply, and will not blister the skin. There are many other "Vaseline" preparations-simpke home reme- dies that should be m every fluidly --Carlsolated "Vaseline!" an antiheptic dressing for cuts Insect bites, etc.;. "Vaseline" Analgic, for neuralgia and headaches; pure "Vaseline" for piles, chilblains, etc., and Others. AVOM SUBSTITUTES. !nein on "Yew !Inc" In miensl packages bearin¢ the RAMC. CHESEHROUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Consallanted. For nate at an Cterrnett and General ROTC& Free booklet. rcot.t. CHESEBROUGH MFG CO. (Consolidated> 28130 CHABOT AVE„ MONTREAL $500 FOR A NAME This is the beautiful new perfume, ntade in Canada, endorsed. and used exclueively by Md.. Pauline Donalda. the famens Clanadlan Pritna 1)0005.' Wo Wain a suitable Tta,1110 for iL and se will give. $500 114 CASH PRIZES I JFI 11„ nermett.iiikni-Agt., 46 Yong° St Toronto, 011 0 o There co,mee a time ia the life of every man vlien he feels justified in kicking himself. 6400.00 for the best name. 50.01 for the beet desoription of the Per f lure. 26.00 for the second best name. • 10;00 for the second beet description. and ten 91.50 uvises tor the next best tleserty tA05 6,00 for the third beet desoription. The winner of the contoet will be decided bY'er committee of Montreal's leading advertising, men aild their decision will bo final. Should tAVO go more contestaute solid in the winning Mime the prize bo equally divided, and an additional Mize to the wane of MAO will be ei),011 0E1011 elle, meant! contestant, No, elnPleY06 or member of this firm shall enter the contest, The con- test doses at midnight, March 31st, 1 01 6. ROW TO ENT9115- fo enable every contestmni to to,, tale BOW perfume before submilting timir f—ro,5.0'01re ese m, at'ekieho totIrsiOtil esupgaantasitloonnrfo asssto. 'vs will send one of our Special Souvenir bottles of tap 1PPreerermenoen-tre6sRtulfriu,25ancri" t0enalPgaiTegiglt4"Crdul.)volbilli All for 10 conte. It Is neoeseary to bare the Prep C°11rnirai8teL Eitoll-grd1(,) ''Ynru'Will be delighted tvith thy nerfunns. and 'have u chance to win the big Prise RODGERS GRAY & STEWART, PERFUMERS Dept. W.I sae BLEUR`LTL, ------- 4