HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-04, Page 5February 4th,1915 Clinton News-Reeor :Passing of Richard Rye, a ',Goderich Township Pioneer. Richard Rye passed away on Jan. '10th at the home of his daughter, Aire. John Hancock- of Pickford, Mich ; in his ninetieth year.. • The deceased was horn in 'eneland And at rho -ago of [tit, nyears to0 <to Canada with his father wino set- :tted", in Godegioh township . ori the s r �, edr. Thorson [ famo n byM nowW . Nkins on the ^Huron Road. When Mr. Reegrew .le, manhood he eheti.fuilp -took upon himself the dutiee of the ;113oneer.life, 'At the erection of log bungs hewas much sought "tor as a callable corner man. Being a good nidscian lie was ever ready to enter- ifain: in the evenings those who 'wrought sohardet the ,bees in those ;pioneer'days .and the songs o1 genial ysrl)iek Rye were always in demand. He married Sarah Rapson of the Base Line who departret this life in 1'87J. Fourteen children were belt to this, "union, twelve of whom are live namely; Mrs. John Hancock, iVlrs, Isaac McDonald, Mrs, Thomas Morrison, Mrs. John Sterling, Mrs. lames Watson, Fred,, David, George .and Albert of Pickford, Mich, Sant .andJambs of the Soo, Mich., and' Mrs. Alfred Asquith of Auburn. In 1.880 Mr. Rye and his farail3t en k Mich. and again owed to Pte ford, 1., sanother coun- aw fencer isle but i p n try: where the hardships were even more trying than the early days in 'Huron' county. He was' a member of the Church of English, was a man of good Chris- tian character, respected by all who knew hint and esteemed by his neighbors. ;While it Canada be was a 'staunch Liberal. The funeral services were held on January 12th from the Hancock home, The six sons of the deceased .earried the remains to their last xesting place. Goderich. Mr. Reuben Tiffin of Lethbridge, Al- ta., has been visiting. in the old township of Colborne. Miss E. Fraser has gone to Toron- to to agcept'a position. Mrs. 13. T. Dealt has returned to her home in Toronto after a.visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. :and Mrs. A. Dunkeld of C'a•ubria Road, Mrs. W. H. Webster is spending the remainder of the winter with her zlaughter, Mrs. D. M. Johnston of Preston. on. Mrs. Clifford was up from Brantford last week attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Wm, Hol- land, Mrs. George H. King is in Detroit taking a special course in voice cul- ture. Mrs. Carrie was In Paris lest week attending the m,arriage,o1 her ;on. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Tisdale of North Dakota are visiting friends in _ ekvel. Mrs. Wm. Ilolland died at her home in town last week at the age of six- ty-four years Tile remains were in- terred at Dungannon. Mr. Holland tied thirteen months ago, The South Riding of Huron Appreciates the Ability and Sterling Worth of J. J. Merner M. P. The first meeting of the Conserva- tive. Association of South Huron, as tittu the riding Will in future be cobs t ed,for 'Dominion ;purposes, held in • Clinton on ,Saturday last was prob- ably: r' h hie h0 nest tem of u ably t la a n S g g ever herd in the county, Every' inrn icipaln'tyt was well represented, Mr. Henry Horton of 'Tuckersmitli, president of the • old South FIu•on Association, presided.' Terse and to the point he is .one of the be.t of `chairmen; Mr. David Blair, member for Teel, gape an address touching on the vital. 'points at issue, the endeavors of the Borden Government to aid by, large grants Good Roads and Agriculture- but which were defeated by the [.iter- al majority in the Senate. He also showed that they Borden Government had tried to give .e "measure of -relief to the depositors of the unfortunate Farmers Bank, but that when the bill went to the Senate ie met with a violent death. Referring to' Mr:. Mercer he said in part; l"There is not a member of Parliament who is more active in looking after the , in- terests of his constituency than is Mr. Merner of South Huron. He did his ut[iiost to obtain compensation tor the Farmers' Bank depositors. and I know that he has worked hard, for rural mail delivery. And I am pleas- ed to tell you that by reason of his broad vision and great business abil- ity his advice is freely availed of by the. Government. Mr. J. J. Merner, M.P., said in part :. We deplore the awful war which is now raging in Europe, but our duty is clear. It is to help the Motherland by all means in our pow- er. We cannot all go to the, front but we can all be useful in some way. We can for instance, assist those dependant upon our" eoldiers who are fighting our battles It is our duty as Canadians to lonely stand by the good old Union Jack. which means liberty -and freedom the world over. Mr. Harry Either, M.L.A„ said ' part : Lest anyone should suppose than I had been overlooked I want to tell you plainly today that the Gov- ernment of this Province has offered me all sorts of positions, but, rre ferriug to be plain Harry Eilber, I declined them all. I am not seeking office, but ani content to sere tile people among whom I have lived all • my days. \\e, all deplete the (teeth. Cin ot good Sir James Whitney,itney Wh •, but i the lion. Mr. Hearst we have a man who is well qualified to follow in his footsteps. It is our premier's inton- tion during the coming season to vis- it various parts of the Province so that the people may get to know him better. His sterling qualities will commend him to the electorate of Ontario. Mr. W. 1-I. Lobb, Reeve ot eoderich township, said his municipality could be relied upon, when the content com- es on, to roll up an old-time major- ity. Mr. 1i. J'. Richardson, Clerk of Stanley, discussed Provincial and Dominion affair's in a brief but elo- quent and telling address. Among others who addressed the meeting were Dr. Thompson and D. Oantelon, Clinton ; Messrs. Carling and Taylor Exeter ; G. W. 1'olnman, Egmonclville ;'John S.herritt, Yark- hil! ; Wm. Consitt, Hay. Tlie following resolutions were in- troduced by Mr. Geo. W. Holman chairman of the Resolution Commit- tee'and on motion of D. Cantelon of Clinton, seconded by W. D. Sanders of , Exeter were unanimously adopted with much enthusiasm —1.—That this association expresses its gratification at' the continuance in the office of Governor-General of If. R. H. the Duke of Connaught,' whose experience and wise counsel will prove of groat strength and pres- tige to our country in these troubl- ous times. —2.—That we express our entire continence in the Government and Im- penialpolicy' of the Right FIotourable Sir Robert Borden, and that we pledge .our hearty support of the measures adopted by itis government at the present time as being the only course . compatible with W our position as an important unit in the Great British Empire. —3.—That We 1>1100 on record our great sorrow at the loss this country and province has sustained ia the death of our beloved Premie:, the late Sir James Whitney, whose sterling honesty, singleness of purpose and high character,have left an empress for good upon the life and political affairs of this country that will be anincentive for all time. -4.-That while re -iterating our regret at the 'great loss' we have nes- tained inthe death of Sir James, we unite in welcoming as leis successor in the Premiership of Ontario, the Elon, Hearst, and pledge -him and bis colleagues our loyal and united support in their honest and progres- sive administration of the affairs of this province. —5. -That we wish to discourage eveep tendency. o1' the, part of citizens toward taking advantage of the pre sent stressed circumstances for specie :thieve purposes, hut on the contrary we affirm our belief that this country should steadily peeseeere'in the devel- opment of our national resources, not by specutative booms, but by a steady increase in our productive capacity in food stuffs and manufactures as in this way only can Canada's posittton he po'menently established and main- tained.-, Wingham Mr. Wtu. Hewer of Tilsonburg vis- ited his son, Mr. John Hewer ot town, last week. Mrs. H. 0. 13e11 of Southampton ns the gent 'last week of 'Mrs, R. VanStone. - Mr, and Mrs. R. Van Norman and ,daughter of Hamiota, Man., were the :guests of Councillor and Mrs. Van - Norman for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson have returned to their horn in Kansas af- ter a visit of some weeks with Mrs. Patterson's father, Mr. John Roe. Mr, Wilford was in BeIgrave last week assisting with the program at a patriotic concert given there. Miss McKay of Seater% visited; with het sister, Mrs, L. Kennedy, for a few days recentl3t. Mr. and Mrs. John Glousher of Mul- lett were the guests for a few days, recently of their daughter, Mrs. Ed- gar Pattison, Seaforth. bit. and Mrs. Thomas Stephens of the Queen's hotel on 'Saturday last •celebrated the fiftieth anniversary ,of .their wedding day. They have been residents of,Seatorih during the en - :tire period. Mr. Wm. Ross., of Carbeery, Man., is 4 :a guest at the home of his brother, 4l Dr, I -I. H. Ross, having been called home owing to the illness of his mother, Miss L. Ilamnntett last week attend Ad the funeral ot her nephew, the bit- 'tie `son of Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Ham- mett of Sarnia, formerly of Seaforth. Mrs. Edward Boyce of Egmondvilie 'has; gone to spend the remainder of • the winter with her daughter of Ar- '' their. 1VIrs. Percy Little and son have re- turned totheir home in Toronto al- ter 'spending some weeks with friends 3n town. Miss Ann Wilsons., a graduate nurse .of New York City, is spending a few holidays at her parental home in town,, that 01' Col. and Mrs. Wilson., NIrs. Marry Beattie of Winnipeg was .called home last week owing to the :serious illness of her mother, Mrs: J. Turner. - r - Miss 1i'reda Taylor, daughter of Mas: -'+ ,,nor of town, has been chosen as one of the nurses for service in France, and' willl leave with the contingent, ;now mobilizing at Ottawa. A very enjoyable dance was given in -the ,opera house last Friday night by e h :the`benedfbts and bachelors . of t. ° town for the benefit of the Red Cross and Belgian relief funds. Before the i,t•' dancing Began Col. Alex. Wilson , eotn- mander of the 33rd Battalion of the '3rd Regiment, was called to the plat - lent, where Mayor Ament, on behalf sof 'the town and citizens, presented him with .a valuahie timepiece and a purse of gold, accompanied by an ad- Aress., The Huron County Council ,Falls Into Line. 'J' The January meeting of the ICuron County Council was held in Goderich Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week, 'utero being but one mem- berabsent. f Killo> was G eco Mc Reeve oicnlo ] 1 elected warden and when he had tak- en the chair the business of the ses- sion n g •h with.o vas one o t Reports were read from � the,varb- ous committees:and the following aro a number of the: grants made.: $2000 te'tie four High schools in the county, Croderich, Clinton, Sea - forte and Wingham. $700 to the three hospitals, Goder- ich, Clinton and. Wingham, same to be divided as in former years. $25 each to Dunton and Hensel Spring Shows. ''$1.5 to Seaforth. • $50 to Huron Ride League. • $10 to Huron' Beekeeper's Associa- tion, $25 to Farmer's .institutes and. $10 to Women's Institutes throughout the county. $20 to the Salvation Army. $500 to the' Children's Aid Societe), the claim ;nf which were ably presetfe ted by Mr. George Elliott, In regard to a motion made at the December session re the malting of a grant for the relief of the Belgians, commun- ication County mt ClerkClerkhad hada o nimu- n ication from the headquarters of the' Relied committee at Montreal assur- ing hint of the ability of sending stuff direct to those in need and the coun- cil- voted a grant of $5000, the same to be spent in the purchase of flour manufactured in the county. Mr. H. I3'. Ames, M.P., Honorary Secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Association, addressed the council briefly on the necessity of an,akileg a liberal contribution to the Patriotic Fund and after due consideration it was decided to grant $1000 monthly*, beginning January, 1915, "to be con- tinued as long as it is deemed ncces sary\b,3'' this council," Rev. F. C. Harper. was appointed a member of the Clinton E'ollegiate In- stitute board, Mr. C,E, Dowding be- ing re -appointed. Messrs. R. Elliott, Campbell, Short - reed, Lobb and McKinley were ap- pointed a committee to look into the natter of the enforcement of the Can- ada Temperance Act and to report at the Julia session, There are at the present time elev- en prisoners in the county goal, six of them having been committed for vagrancy. The property conenittee imported several and various repairs needed about the county property, the report being adopted by the council. Reeve Ford of Clinton was appoint- ed to the education committee and Reeve 1VlCKinley of Stanley to the 'property cotendttec: Messrs. John Leckie and Won. bane were appointed auditors of criminal justice accounts and Messrs. Alex. Porterfield and 0-. W. ilolnman audi- tors of all other 'accounts effecting the counte, 'l'lte county treasurer reported the gross receipts as $181,083.19, and the gross expenditures as 1184,002.20, causing a bank overdraft of $9.07. The net expenditures, lloweeer, were $1907.20 less than the amount esti- matell and this sem forms a surplus for 1015. The amount spent for pat- triotic purposes, $3508.70, is not in- cluded in this and must he provided for during the present year. The executive committee of the town of Goderich and the reeve of each municipalit3t were appointed a patrio- tio committee to act in conjunction with the Canadian Patriotic Associa- tion at Ottawa, • Zurich At the anuuai' meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Soclmty held, ''in Hcnsall Messrs. P. Lamont and E. D. Wurm went appointed directors The president is Owen _Geiger and the vice-presidents W. Berry, Bruceftcld, and 51. Sedan. Mrs, P. Weil and. Mr. A. Foncier of Detroit.' have been guests of Mr.' and Mrs, M. J. Rau at the 'Commercial, Zurich Mr. anti NIrs. C. Fritz were in Dashwood visiting friends last week. C. Laporte, son of Mr. Chas. La- porte, was hit by a puck while play- ing hockey one day last week and received. a nasty -wound. Mr. Alfred Clailunan, son of Mr. John Gellman of tow,, was married recently at Rosthern, "Sisk,, to Miss Edna M, Porter, Happenings .of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clutton at. the I. Opening of the Century. „ alcenfrom the Files of The -. News Rea ord of the d'ato, indicated. Clinton, Feb. lst, 19110:, Clinton has not yet suet 0 contribu- tion ;to the •P.atriotice Fund but it 10 expected that very shoril3r something 1tt ndsome'.will be done. A concert is being preparcwl, for and Messrs. Bey - done ' and Me'laggart are arranging for a ball, the proceeds of both to go to the. Patriotic, Fund. The public -gathering 'in connection, with the formal opening of Stavely hall will be held on Thursday even- ing: . Mr D. A. Forrester shipped four ears of dressed flax to Andover erase last week. Willis church was discovered to be on fire just as the congregation wes gathering for the morning cervico on Sunday. The fire was soon exting- uished, some damage being done. Rattenbury street rtluurch officials. of- fered the use of their church -to the. Presbyterians for the evening service., it being communion Sundays. • While returning fibre church onSun- day u -day week Mrs. John Govett had the misfortune to fall while passing Plumsteel's store and fractured her hip bone, The medical men in atten- dance say the injury is a very severe one and that only the very 'best of care will enable Mrs. Govett to pull through. The books from the. Public Library have been removed to the new Stav- ely Hall and the board is busily en- gaged in arranging them, Sheffield Lodge S.O.E. celebrated. the 25th anniversary' of the forma- tion of the Society by a banqueb et the Waverly Rouse last night. Some fifty members of the fraternity, sat down and a fine toast list was gone through. . - Births JOFINSCIN—Jit Clinton on Fob. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson, a son, STANBURY—Ili Team:Sntith, oa ,January 30th, to Mr. and • Mrs. • Wm. Stanbury, a son. elacVICOAR—In Gbdorich, on January 22nd, to Mr.• and Mrs, Goo. Mac - Vicar, a son. Mullett, January LEIPER—In li lie , on 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. ;Janice Lei- per, twin sons. Deaths DAY—At Flartford, Conn., on. Janu- ary 27th, George Bay, formerly ot Clinton and brother of Miss Mag- gio Bay. '1`AMAN — In Mullett, of January 22nd, ,John Wesley Taman, aged 23 years. CARIILE—lin Mensal', on .January 25th, James (itlilu., aged 90 years. \\'ODDS—Ili Ba\mrleld on February 1st, William henry Woods, aged 66 • years and 5 months. In loving memory of Robt. Marshall, who o died 1311. 6th, 1913. Two years have passed, our hearts still :oro, As time goes on we miss him Moro His memory is ns clear t0 day, As at the (tour he passed away. Never shall he be forgotten, Never shall his memory facie, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Round the place where he is laid, • —Mrs. Jas. Livermore. Mrt Hold on to Unfinished Cattle It i evident from many indications that the fanners of Canada are sell- ing too many of their food -producing animals fn an unfinished condition, If ,those who aro not in a position to fat- ten their beef cattle were selling ' to others who are so, the situation would be better than it is, for the, profit on feeding to a finish would then be retained in the country : but a very large proportion of the aid - mals that change hands arc bought for exportation to some place where hot a few of them.. will be finished at a profit to the purchasers. A glance at the record in The Globe's market report for yesterday will suffice to show the trend of mat- ters. Feed is. dear, if not scarce, and the farmer'who itas to buy it, if he keeps his cattle, is tetupted• to part with thein now, rather than take chances of doing better' with them la- ter, on. Those who are both able and willing to lied over their animals will almost certainly he reds*arded by still higher prices, oven if the war were.to stop abruptly now, and that is not at all pioiable,—Toronto Globe,. COME! Woven of Clinton and Sur. - rounding Country Come to the Council Chamber 'RIDAY, FEB, 5th, and FRIDAY, FEB. 12th and take home work for sol- diers. uct, want,shirts and un 1 WO wa 200 a t knitting by Feb. 26th for ;ow: Canadian Soldiers, Will you not give one wtiek fox your country ? ,• POSTPONED AUCTION SALE. The auction sale of 29 cows and. young cattle advertised for 'Tuesday, Feb. 2nd at Lot 44, Maitland con., Goderich Tp., has, owing to very unfavorable weather, been postpon- ed to Monday, February 8111, same place and hour,—FI. Williams, Pro- prietor ; 7', Gundry, Auctioneer, T1130 CAJtAID'IAN LAUNDRY, --WE are pitepatod''to do first Giese, leen- dry work and make your collars white without the'`itse of acid or lye. I0 laundry is not done satis- factoril'y' it will be redone free• or your money refunded. Cleaning and pressing also done„ Goods, called for and Will do ho hist=. week free, of charge to , nett/ cos-- fevers ,to show you the, quality of.; our work.—R. L. Moore; the' 01.0-, adi• • Lanini -es . 01' adieu: FOR SALE.—ONE 4t• ELF. GjASO- line' Engine• in good condition, one l:nnery Stand , with countershaft" eompleitc one, Wood Lathe with countersliaft and; rests. Grindstone nnounihml on fame 8 inch face, ' 3 feet 3 incl, diameter. Can bee seen al:. the. Generadl Repair' Shop of Seeley ee West. G9' 1I0IJ5E WANTED TO RENT WITH a• view to, purchase. To be of med- ium size• and in good location. Wanted about middle of February,- Krs; T. Carbert.. --68 COWS FOR SAL' F3.—THREE FRESH' calved cows and one about to fresh- et.. Wile sell: two, of the four; purchas- er Gare make, his choice.—Levi Trick,, 12' r � 1 7 Clinton. —69. li no. on a 1 0 n„ (WOOD: FOR; SALE.—A QUANTITY o8' good hardwood, in large er small quantiities,. an3r length from one to four feet. This wood will be sold cheap.—Wm, Wheatley, Huron. St., Clinton,. Phone 74. --65• PROPERTY FOR SALE' ON RAT- tenbury street west.—One and one- half story frame house with six 'rooms, Iii gond ,repair. Town wat- er and cistern, one-quarter acre of land, good garden. Good cellar web drained,—Apply to 0; B, Hale. —70-2. PASTURE !—I OFFER FOR SA\JJ3, -Possession April 300, Lot 35, Concession First, Huron Road, Tuckersnitli, containing 100 acres, less Grand Trunk track, which div- fdes it about equally. The River Bayfield runs through the easterly corner of the south half, and the westerly corner of the north half, making two admirable fields for pas- ture, Terms easy, -John Ransford, Clinton P. 0. ' —70-4. M. C. CAMERON, K,C., BARRIST- er•, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ete. Office on Albert street occupied by. Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thurs- day, and on any day. 'foe which ap- pointments are made. Caen hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week Oil. Mr. Hooper Will make any emote:e nts for Mr. Cameron. ANNUAL MEETING. — THE AN- nual meeting of the. M'chillop Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be. held in the town ]raft of the. Town of Seaforth on Friday, February. 5th, 1915, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Thee busi- ness will be to receive the annual statement, the Auditor's and Direc- tor's repots, tite electing of b rthe di- rectors rectors and other business which would be considered for the good of the Company, The retiring directors. are J. B. l3iei,ean, Malcolm MiEwan and D. 13. McGregor, who are eligi- ble for re-election. — Thomas E. hays, Secretary. —67. WOOD WANTED. --FIFTEEN. CORDS Green body maple wood, 22 inches long. 'I'o be delivered at Clinton Model School before 1st of April. 'Tenders received up to 7 `o'clocic, p. in, Feb. 8th.—S. Keslp, Chairman, Property Committee. 89-2,, FOR SALE -LOT 24 ON HURON ST. acre. Also end' hand coal heater. —A. J. Tyndall, -e67 Custom Sawing, • Wanted at Thos. Wallis' 4th con., ;Goderich Township; also at .Latwcefot Clark's property; in Hayfield for the coning; spring. McEwerr Bros. ,Bayfield. ,_69-3 Are you a News - Give One' VV eek, Record Subscriber . SCTICE—AFTER TIIE NEW YEAR Miss Mildred Evans wi11 be prepar- ed to give treatments by ele3'tsoly- sis for the removal of superfluous hair, also electric massage for the cure of baldness, falling hair and dandruff.—Agent fox Mrs. L. Coates Coleman's Ideal preparations as Ideal Flesh Food, Ideal Velvet Cream, Ideal I-Iair Tonic, Ideal Iland Lotion, Ideal Acme Cure, etc. FOR SALE—ONE UPRIGHT PIANO in fair condition $120, one upright piano used less than a year $190, was $375, one Edison phonograph slightly used with 12—records $35, one coal range high shelf with reser- voir and water front complete, good as new, $20. Will be sold on your terms.—Wesley Walker. —65 FOR SALE.—omr, BLACK BEAR - skin Robe good as new and one kit- chen cupboard. They were taken in exchange for new goods and as I have no use for them tliep will be sold at a bargain.—Wesley Walker, ' —65. NOTICE.—CITIZENS ARE HERE - by notified that the practice of emptying ashes on our streets must be stopped. The police officers have been instructed to enforce com- pliance with this order. By order of the Mayor.—Jos. Wheatley, Chief Constable, —65 THE COL1NEfli STORE Live and Let Live , i.' „ Daintiestof FOODS. For the, Receptions . Soriai r” Evening Party. . Wtfa • on o ay entertain you aim, tit' plcast.. Dainty refreshments are. pia,cecl before your: guests. We • make. a speciality of getting together the daintiest• of foods for, just such occa sions, and at the ereseit• i icne you will finds a, splendid• as- sortment on our: counters• and shelves. A number of these, are new lines which aro bound to be ap- prclei'ated. Assorted fancy bisenits••- from 10c to 75e per lb. Delicious- cocoa 100 to 25e per tin. Olives plain or stuffed 100• to 25o per bottle. r' e Pane Cherries in twiny, Y bottles. For dessert --Jelly Powdrs. in various colors. Here is. a list of sugges- tions-: Potted Meats, Peanut But- ter,; Salad Dressing,Loaf Sug- ar, and a scoreon more of, other articles. E. E. HUNNIFORO - LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER.. Brut Your Flour Now. PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L.G.S,M. Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice Specialist. Teacher of Organ, Pi- ano and Artistic Singing. Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays. Re- sidence and studio, 620 Dulferin Ave. London. —49. WANTED. — BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter, for which we . pay highest prices.—Can- telon Bros. —52. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest Possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelr3t Stere.—Wm. Jago. —55. ;REAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to u5 for cans. Wo ;supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques Payable at par. We pay the ,high-, est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing, done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and testedieon arrival and statement-. returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver in here. Write' for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforth. Now isthe time to put en your supply of Flour before another raise which is. sure to come. We handle the best litr- es of Flour made in Canada— Purity, Five Roses, Exeter, Clinton and Milverton. We can sell you aboveeve from 25tbs" u1 to one ton lots. Another car ot Bran and Shorts expected this week. . We have also on hand Oil Meal, Calf Meal and Poultry Foods, INCUBATORS. If you intend purchasing an Incubator the coming seas- on call anti, see our Prairie State. Satisfaction guarau- toed.• . Live poultry and• new laid eggs tadcca every[ day. 17351NESS BETrI'1R THAN USUAL GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N'. W. Trewartba, Win. Jenkins Maple Syrup Time Will Soon Be Here. Mow are your Sap Pails ? Call and see our . stock of iron. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. The STORE of QUALITY. MtARMALADE ORANGES —and ------ FRESH, P1511 This week we have our fair t consign s went of Se" Vl- 1 le or Bitter Oranges. They are the verybest quality and willroduce the best P I armailat e. "Made -in -Canada." nada:" We are alsoreadY tc open the Fish Season with Ha'l'ibut B. G, Salmon w}iit ,Fish Steak Cod Ciscoes Fidleti S Oysters W. T. O'Neil Leaveolar Y order nGW for yotw J Sap Pails ! Hand made sap Buckets. Call and see samples. THOS, HAWKINS. Phone 63. Agent for Hecla furnaces, Shop aver Rowland's Hardware, Cusum Sa1llg WANTED. HEADING WANTED Basswood, Black Ash Soft Maple, 40 and 20 in. Stapleton Saw Mill. Quall,ty tells when purbhasing Genetics. Give us a trial ,and we will loop after your interests. We carry the Magonlic Brand of canned goods in' Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, etc, All made -in -Can- ada goods. A ht11 line of • Breakfast Cer- eals, Rolled Oats, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Krumble Gusto and Puffed Rice and Wheat. Try our Jolly Powders also Jello a most delicious desert. Syrups can be had in bulk or pails. We can recommend it te our patrons, A nice assortment of cakes and oranges for tate social even- ing, ,Johnson cel Co. have a full line of Groeerics and prices right in- vite a call to the Store of Qual- ity, Bit. S. Barr will be with Johnson Co, for some time where outstanding accounts will bo received. HIM -TEST PRICES FOR BUTTER - AND EGGS, Johnson & Co. The Store f tor Qu,alts ' o . y Successor to S. " Barr. Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended to C S- ECORD-NE --LEADS . Nw r� ws �.. NOW IS THEFTIME to place your orders for Fertilizer. We handle the c Davies Fer- tilizer and can give you several kinds at right pric- es NOW IS THE TIME. al kinds at right prices. to place your order for tim- othy and clover seed at the, North End Feed Store. Prank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 192. 1 Are you Troubled with Headaches . ? 1 i 1 1 sera If so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure, .It is worth trying. Come to us - and we will, make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the matter and what you need. In our long - -experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of mucin pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably given great satisfaction. , If your eyes 'bother y1ou come to us and learn the reason swhF. teeteei A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuerpf Marriage• Licenses. Good Butter ter MAKERS Good flutter Makers will use , Printed Wrappers obtained frons The News -Record; 1