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Clinton News -Record
February 4th, 1915
- The United States Is Silent.
Ono phase of United States public
opinion is respect to the war, in
Europe is illustrated t•i the fellow-•
ing :brief 'but'striking article by Ham-
ilton Holt, editor of 'rho New Yurk
"Plumes of fire are dropped from
the cloud on undefended towns and
cities. The United States is Silent.
mines are si,rupiu c t, .
high seas. The United 1.1tates is sil-
"Beildiligs dedicated to religion,
art, science, and charity are razed to
the ground. The United States is
silent. •
"The Vague Cony eatiins are
thrown into the scrap - basket, The
United States is silent.
"But -
"The dollars or American trade are
threatener.. And the ` United States
"It is the duty of the Unites Staten
to protect the conijmorcial rights of
her citizens. But it is also the duty
of the United States to protect the
civilization of the world.
"Above all nations is humanity."
The remarkably low price of Ken.
tue.k}i Blue Grass seed this year
calls for a special consideration of
the characteristics and valise of this
grass. dt is a long-lived perennial
with Creeping rootstocks but is
rather slow in getting established. It
will live under the most trying con-
ditions but dots best on a moist
fertile soil which is rich in lime.
Growth starts early in the spring
and tlic plants flower about the sante
time as Orchard Grass and Early
Red Clover. It should he grown in
mixtures for hay on a long rotation
9r for permanent pasture and is the
basis of lawn mixtures. It is an ex-
cellent bottom grass and is much
relished by stock. The legal weight
of seed is 14 lbs. per bus. and the
nrinim.cim legal germination is 53
-Seed Branch, Ottawa.
. Arrangements have been made
whereby the ordinary rate of two
cents per oance applicable to all let-
ters sent from Canada to, the United
Kingdom, will apply' to letters ad-
dressed to. British and Canadian
troops on the continent. The rate en
ordinary letters from Canada` for the
continent is five cents for uhe first
ounce, and thr?e cents far each sub-
sequent ounce, so that this e.eteeeion
of the two cents an ounce tate to
fetters addtessed to our soldiers on
the continent, is a decided reduction
in Favour of correspondetiee going to
the soldiers.
licv.. J. K. Kickball of .•Tiverton
conducted the services in the Baptist
church last Sunday in the absence of
the pastor, who is m Ti; erten con-
ducting special_ servicees.,
Mrs. J. S. Plant is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, A, Downing of Toron-
Miss Lizzie Stewart 'of 'kWh is
spending some time With friends • at'
Bettie Creel., Mich.
Mrs, Ellen Saiiows has gone to.
spend the remainder, of the winter
with London friends,
Miss HeleniL `le is visiting Sta.
L t Y
uer friends.
Rev. ,Father, O'Neil of Parkhill was
in town lass, week.
Miss Mildred McColl of Toronto is
a visitor in town and assisted the
choir of Knox church on Sunday last.
Mr. Roht. Armstrong of tioderich.
was in the village for a 'few days.
last week.
Miss Emma Jones hi Godarieh has
been the -guest of Miss Lulu %others.
Miss Cela Pentland hasreturned
from a visit With -Belmont and Wat-
ford friends.
Mrs. S. '1'. Armstrong and Inc two
sons, Norman anti Frank, were with
Westfield friends for a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. Guo. .Jackman have
returned from a visit with friends
in Toronto.
The proceeds of the patriotic ecn-
eert held by the Women's Institute
amounted to fifty dollars. This is
the second concert given under the
auspices of the organization.
The remains of tine late Mrs. Wil-
liam Holland, who .passed away at
her home in.Goderich, were interred
in Dungannon cemetery. '. She Was in
her sixty-third year.
At the annual meeting of the Dun-
gannon Agricultural Society held hero
last week the old staff of officers and
directors were elected. Last year was
g very good,year for the Society,'
there being a cash balance on, hand
of $501,37. The date for the all
fair was lintel for October 7th and
The officers of the I.O.O.F. were
installed at an ol'on meeting of the
Lodge on Tuesday evening of last
week' byi District Master McKay and
itis degree team from Hensall. Arta
the installation there Was a program,
lunch and an hour or so spent in
social entertainment. The following
officers were Metalled : N. G,, O. E.
Augustine ; V. G. J. R. MoNab ; R.
S. J. Walkum ; F. S., N. F. Why-
arcl ; Treasurer, A. P. Risher ; War-
den, W. II. Carr ; R.S.N.G., G. E.
Smith ; L,S.N.G,, G. Adams ; Con-
ductor, D. McAllister ; Chaplain, W.
Bailie ; 0. G., J. I3. Robertson ;.5.
G., J. C. Robinson ; R.S.V.G., C.
Fowler • R.S.S.,
r w
,. D. o
.S. .0
Rain' L
J. C. McFarlane ; L.5,5., 77, H. Mc -
News -Record Means News -Leader. Ciure. •
Dry Goods
Irst Showi
New Swiig Goo n
We have been busy all week op6niug up new
spring goods. It is the first showing that awakens
thoughts of spring inour minds. Each and every
season brings new things to this store, We are show•
ing new Scotch gingbams, new prints, new towellings,
new linens, new French cainbries, new dress goods,
new nan sooks, new sheetings and flannelettes.
Special No. 4
We have about 15 odd pieces of
furs left including marmot, oppossum,'
coney and goat. Sold as high
Special' No. 1
WWehave about 2dozen ladies' and
rnisses' cloth skirts, all new this seas-
on, They are made of ,gond quality
serge and French panama, Colors,
lalnek, navy and tweed mixtures, sizes
28, 24, 25, 26 and 27 inch' waist I8
measure, reg $5.50 for 7 v
See these in window.
Special No.
Only 5 ladies' cloth dresses left,
small sizes 34 and 36, trade of all wool
serge, colors, black and navy,' 5.9
regular $8,00 and $9 00 for v
Special No. 3
Only 7 children's cloth dresses left.
Colors, navy, made, of good quality
serge, sizes 6, 8 and 10 years,
regular $4'.00 for (,49'
as $8,00, your choice 298
The Best Opportunities Now
Belong to the Fame.
eakin 6 . . cfore the rix. p oriinoiatal
Sp » P
Reim Superintendents recently, assem-
bled in convention atO ttawa, Mr.
Geo. }1. Clark, Dominion Seed Com-
missioner, sounded a note which is of
special. interest ' at the present crisis
in Canadian agriculture, In prefacing
his address he said : "Unfortunately
farthing during the. last tenyears or
more has been lcr's attractive to
young men of good ability, and to
capital than other industries in urban.
centres. The problem of farm labor
has been an exceedingly Perplexing
one and in consequence farm systems
have been modified so as to require..
the minimum of labor for the max-
imum yield of net returns. City in-
dustries have completely outbid the
farm in the matter of labor, and it
isprobablytrue that at least one-
third of city Working amen have had
experience in farming. .lt would litre
to say to triose men now that is the
opportunities in the city, looted
brighterduring the past ten years,
the nestten, in my judg ent, assur-
edly belong to the farm, and', the
sooner they realize thatthe better
for themselves and for all coneern-
Porter's Hill
On the eve of the marriage of Miss
Ceessle Elliott and - Mr. Rotert G.
Thompson, a committee appointed' by
the members of Bethel church, called
et her home and presented her with
two beautiful chairs and the follow-
ing address at the sons time intima-
Ling that the donors would call upon
tier later .wlien she became settled in
Iter new Home : Bethel 'church, Nov.
21thh, .1.914. -Miss 'Cressiu Elliott,-
Dear sister, -We, a committee ap-
pointed by Bethel Motilodist church,
have met here this " peening to ollec
you our heartiest congratulations alt
sincerest good wishes, fin this, the eve
of your wedding day. We are keenly
sensitive today of the loss we sustain
aa a church and neighborhood on your
leaving us, particularly in our Sun-
day school and Epworth League. You
have been our Bible class teacher for
a number of years and have proven
exceptionally successful. As the pres•
ident of our Young People's Organiza-
tion we have felt that the very life
of the institution depended on you and
we know we shall have difficulty in
finding a successor. IIowever we nest
not bemoan our .loss for the com-
munity ant' church you shall. enter
richly pride themselves in a new and
valuable member, and we sincerely
trust your work will be as highly ap-
preciated as it has been in your own
church at home. You three behind
you a splendid heritage, • a glowing
testimony, that of true fidelity and
loyalty to all that is worthy and
good. You have been painstaking'an(1
zealous in your work and. we shall
miss your buoyancy and merriment of
spirit. Our very heartiest good wish-
es go with you as you enter the mar-
riage estate, and we holm that through
life, with all its mysteries, and
mingled joys and sorrows,u
t n may
y }
enjoy the highest prosperity. Kinds1
accept these chairs
as a token of out
love and tenderness to you and we
pray you and yours may be spared
for man}i happy and -prosperous years,
Signed on behalf of the congrdgation,
-Rev. R. ,7, McCormick, 0. W. Pot-
ter, John srechu•e 'and Merb. A. Cox,
To show that the good wishes and
affection for her, expressed in albol e
address ger' v , ' c
y e sun geeud had ad not
dried ill h up with the stilt about thirty
of the members drove to ler home on
the 16th concession in sleighloads on
Tuesday of last week. Then a;aih
tine} desired to •have it known that
the pre:. ciliation had not been arbi-
tory but the act of the committee,
who had been duly appointed to tend-
er the above document and chairs on
the eve of her wedding. They wish -
el it to be known that the above was
440 genuine expression of all who
presented themselves at her hone that
evening. This was then first opport'un-
ity Unit was given them to prove to
her that her loss was keenly felt and
that it Inas been very difficult to find
one who can take her place in the
work of the church. They felt, too,
that their_ humble way of showing
their affection for Inc was fully eppre-
eiai.ed by•her as each and 'every one
•ivas se cordially welcomed by both
host and hostess of• -the evening. '.l'lie
evening was - spent in games of all
kinds Which were interspersed by mu-
sical selections on. piano, mouth organ
and gramophone. Duets and solos and
choruses• were freely indulged in by
those who were so talented. Every
one did ample .,justice to the dainty
lunch served ata seasonable hour. So
thoroughly did everyone enjo}1 hinnself
that all were reluctant to start for '
home, The only regret they had was
that the drive these was so • long that
it -makes it impossible to make sim-
ilar trips very often.
The Presbyterians intend having a
Social at the ]none of Me. Stewart
Macdougall on Tuesday evening next.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Goderich Township
The following is the report of S.S.
No, 11 for January, names in order
of merit :
Sr. ath-Myrtle Powell, Mabel
Jr. 4th -Elsie Ferguson, Ruby
Churchill, Pearl Churchill, Verna El-
Sr. 2nd -Richard Welch, Francis
Jr. 3rd-Ctlen Ferguson., Frank
Woicn, Howard Currie,
Sr. 2nd -Clifford Castle, Elmer Le
Jr. tad -Arthur Le Beau, Toddy
Welch. '
Primer Class (a) -Alfred : Le beau,
Laura :Currie, '
Class (b) --Oliver Ferguson, Ehler
1 -Erma Diglil, Teaeler,
January Report of Clinton
• Public School.
- 5
1st Division', Sr. 4tln 7a percent,
or over -FI. Greig 418, H. Lawnenee
406, E. Livermore 387, C. Dunlord
386, L. Livermore 384,. L. }learn
372, M. Holland 865, •,J. Jackson
362, 11. ,Rance 359, (10, to 75 percent.
112. Rutledge 358, 0. Murphy 352,
A. Eagleson 352, R. Schrenk 351, 41.
Forrester 351, P, Wasman 349, M.
Andrews 341, J. Boeck 332, P. Mc-
Caughey 324, N. Glazier 322, G.
Middleton 30'7, E. Hill 303, M. Shaw
303.-C, D. Bouck,
2nd • Division. Total 250. Seniors-
Helen Ross 216, Le'glston W'alkor
207; .Willis' Cooper 205, Annie Law-
rence 204, Mildred Livermore 202,
Agnes 'Walker 201, Archie' MacKenzie
186, Winnie Nelson 177, Dora Schoen-
hals"172, :Stewart McBrien 172, Mer-
ritt Nediger 163, Hattie•Livermlore
161, Aline. MacCorvie 159, Charlie
Cole 157, Willie Bell 153. Juniors -
Charlie Bell 195, Bert Sloman 168,
Ambrose Maguire 154, Alice Fluimr
140, Lawrence West • 140.-M, 11.
3rd Division, Sr. Class. -Harry
Ball 97, Gordon Hall 94, - Kenneth
Carter 93, Amy Heilyar 80, Josephine,
Yesbec 88, Anna Grealis 88, Jabez
Rands 87, Bessie 1Murphy 85, Earl
Johnston 82, Joan 13511 81, Dorothy
Rorke 75, Bessie Morrish 73, Earl
Crich 73, Fergus Reynolds 68, George
Carter 67, Etta Hardy 67, Agnes
Reynolds 62, Willie Match 60. junior
Class -Stewart 'Taylor 91, Marjorie
Beaton 86, Asa Bolton 86, Blanche
Nelson 79, Jack Banvden 78, . Katie
Ladd 77, Fred Elliott 75, Eva Bolick
74, Lottie Judd 71, Cora Miller 66,
James Walker 08.-J, Wilson, Teach-
lth Division. Sr, 3M-Gor:clon Pow-
ell 96, Eleanor McTaggart; 96, Ivy
Plewes 94, Gertrude howler 92, Nel-
lie Rutledge 92, Harold Lawson 91,
Wilbur Bezzo 90, Daisy Nediger 89,
Marguerite Von Rohl 89, Jean ,Miller
89, Audrey Collyer 87, Melee Greig
84, John Taylor 81, Helen Roberton
81, Nisbet Cook .81, Barrie Combe 79,
Frank Scruton 73, Gladys Wiltse 71,
Ruth Evans 70, Emerson Libby 65.
Jr. 3rd -Frank Mutch. 70, Percy Liv-
ermore 67, Minnie iSlcMath 66, Anica
Hill 65, Mary Argent 65, Leona Tay-
lor 61, George Dixon 61, Gordon Lan -
son 00, Gladys McGuire 60.-L. Stev-
ens, 'Teacher,
5th Division. Seniors -Ruth Hale
96, percent., Kenneth Rorke 05, Mar-
jorie Bateman 93, Mattie Blacker 90,
Leo Reynolds 89, Pear, Carrick 88,
Robert Middleton 88, Roy Livermore
88, John Yeslne 88, Switzer Grealis
81, Mervin beeves 81, 'Isabel, John-
ston 82, Bessie Lockwood 81, Percy
Proctor 78„ 1i'iliie Miller 77, Ethel
Bouck 75, Cecil Cools G6, Walter Os-
baideston 62, Lawrence Wheatley 60.
Juniors Marion Morris 95 percent.,
Jack Wigginton 90, Agnes Combo 87,
Mary Me'i'aggart 85, Audrey McIntyre
81, Roland Walker 79, Katie Beaton
77, Lily Judd 77, George 111ennel 71,
Jean Ford 71, Luella Mc('linchey 67,
Douglas Ball 65. 1I. Clourtice, Teach-
6th Division. ,li, Class. Total 350
-Russell Pecicitt 338, Florence John-
son 332, Kenneth Roberton 303, John
88, \rlle 11Ic\til 284,
l meet 1 ofd 275, Jean Simpson 272,
Olive Lawrence 271, William Argent
2116, Myrtle Carrick 210, Vera Gould
239, Russell Bezzo 219, Kathleen
Taylor. 237, Cecil Ashton 237, Bert
Marshall 234, Clifford Cooper 231,
Margaret Ball 21(1, Sr. Class., Total
marks 350 -Clyde Kennelly 266, Wal-
lace Wheatley 262, Howard Gould 237,
Oliver Murphy 228, Kathleen Liver-
Li r-
nore 222, Elsie Cowl: 214, Albert
Carrick 213. Jr. 2nd. Total ;narks
350, -Olive Schoeuhels 307, Norma
Treleaven 307, Wilfrid Grant 300,
Charlie Shipley 208, Sadie Gibbs
29.1, Wilbur Nelson 287, Fred McTag-
gart 281, Myrle Sweet 273, John
Nediger 256, Eleanor .Ploinstecrl. 253,
Norman Counter 252, Colenso Salter
215, Myrtle Bell. 239, Charlie Mennen
238, Bert McGuire 237, Ferguson
Carter 229, George Elliott 220, -Olive
Cooper, Teacher.
7(11 Division. Sr. est Class. Total
marks 300 -Robin Hunter 277, Char-
lotte Von Rohl 271, George Hill
207, Eilleen Atkinson 260, Ray Car-
ter 239, Beryl Salter 238, Donna
Cochrane 235, Myrtle Witte 219,
Janet Lockwood 184, Francis Baines
182, Jr. 1st Class. Total marks
250 -Carol Evans 219, Clarence Glaz-
ier 212, Oliver Rands 195, Edith Hill
192, Frank Latter 190, Margaret
Rutledge 189, Nladelon Rawkins 186,
Viola Livermore 183,'Helen Cook
Al in Rouse 160, Bunton Bol-
ton 158, Reasor Forster 118. Sr,
°Prinmer Class, Total marks .300.-
Linnie Nediger 277, Catharine Mc-
Tagggrt 271, Hubert Reynolds 269,
Tom Jackson 263, Bessie Cole 262,
Doris Collyer 257, L ulla Crich 244,
Arthur 13ession 225, Alex. Osbaldes-
ton 221. Jr. Primer Class. Total
marks 200 -Elmer Paisley 181, Billy
Hovey 178, Howard Mulholland 165,
Howard Ctrealis 1:57, Russon Murphy
151, Reta Elliott 148, Arthur Ftl-
ford 141, Violet leapraik 131, Addie
Carter 133.-M, Wiltse, Teacher,
8th Division. 3rd Class: Total.
400 -Olive Watkins 371., Dorothy
•Mason 362, Frieda Schoenhals 315,
Clyde Wheatley 313, Beverley; Butt
295, Carrie Pickett 272, Frank How-
ard 250, Edwin McKenzie 250, Phoebe.
Bolton 210, Douglas Carter 238. 2nd
Class, Total 248 -Dorothy Streets
841, Ruth: Bali 299, Nettie Taylor
266, Ross McEwen 260, Cecil Cooper
257, }Ierbert Von Rohl 254, John
Rands 218, 'Marion McBrien 213,
Douglas Kennelly 198. Sr, 1st, Total
325 -Artier Maguire '244, Margaret
Sloan 220, Marguerite Mai;shall 204.
Jr. 1st -Hazel Harris .173, Harriett
Tt wkins 164, Winifred Hamilton 91.
-W. ID. Thompson, Teacher.
Mr, and Mrs. J Tatman were at
Port Colborne last Week attending
the ":funeral of tine ratter's brother,
•Mr. Jack .Kehoe, who has been, vis-
iting his mother, left last week for
his home in the west.
Federal Assistance
to Horse • Breeding.
The progress
that lies been attained
inn the past in Canadian horse breed-
'ng has been due largely to individual
effort. To the few who have done so
much for the adyancemont of the,
industry ,every credit' is due. 'Though
the lack, however, of. onberted ao-`
tion and co-operative' measures on a
large, scale amongst the breeders, the
business has not increased as rapidly
as could be desired.
The want of .,proper or aniza8tion
g ,
except in the more favoured districts,
has prevented the fanners generally
fromi securing and retaining the ser-
vices of good breeding sires. In a
majority of, sections, breeders ' wish-
ing to grade up ' their horses are
forced to use whatever stallions, may,
by chance, stand for service in 'their
district, Many of these are faulty
in confirmation and lack in quality,
while others, though of better type,
remain, , either through insufficient
patronage or because of failure to
leave colts, but a single season in
each district. The fact also that
there has-been no systematic adher-
ence to the use of one breed suggests
another reason for the lack of pro-
gress in the breeding of high glass
It must be recognized, further, that
the owner of a valuable horse, after
paying for maintenance, insurance,
interest on investment and the ex-
pense entailed in the collection of his
fees, has frequently little left frbm
his outlay, particularly Where he has
to compete with grade and' scrub
stallions standing for service at a
very low fee. As a result, really
high class stallions can be maintain-
ed only in districts where the breed-
ing of horses has been given serious
and progressive attention.
In view of these considerations, the
Minister of Agriculture proposes to
enter upon a policy which .may serve
to place the horse breeding industry
in Canada in a position comparable
to that which it has been attained in
(1Met Britain anis other European
countries. It is believed that by en-
couraging the organization of breed-
ers' clubsand bet enabling such clubs
to procure tie services of good breed-
ing stallions coder favourable; finan-
cial conditions, tete assistance in this
direction can best be provided. The.
encouragement of community breed-
ing will, naturally, of itself, be pro-
ductive of useful results. The pay-
ment to community organizations of
a part of the service fee will, it is
expected, give a permanent stimulus
to the hiring of the best stallions
that may; be procured and, at the
slime time, promote the development
of a comprehensive movement in the
interests of this important industry.
The farmers of any district, wish-
ing to work fore ",the betterment of
Morse Breeding, by encouraging the
use of sound, individually excellent
pore bred sires niay ferry, a Breeders'
Club for the purpose, of hiring a pure
red stallion Incthe benefit of the
b I
members. These Breeders' Clubs, by
organizing muter and adopting the
Constitution and By-laws and con-
forming to the various rules and regu-
lations governing this grant may p
ticipate inthee edoral Assistance
given to such Clubs This consists
in paying' practically 25 percent of
the service fees on a guaranteed num-
1;63' of mares,
The, Exception.
With a view to encourage the
breeding of renlonnts, the portion
paid by the Live Stock Brandi, to
Clubs hiringS suitable Thoroughbred
stallions shall be 10 percent. on all
mares except thoroughbred mares.
For the booklet on federal assis-
tance and all other information, ad-
dress the Dominion Live Stock Conm-
missieer, Ottawa, Canada.
Stanleg Township
The following is the January mon-
thly report of S. S. No. 11, Stanley,
Names are in, order of merit
5th -R. L. rvIcClymont, L. McCly-
'niont W. C. B, Johnston.
Sr.,4th-A. L. Fisher, W, R. Coop-
er, L.. B. I•Iyde.
,Jr. 4th -M. A. Cooper, W. H. Col-
lins, H. W. Rathwell..
31:d -E, P. Fisher, G. J, Cooper, G.
H. Fairbairn.
2nd -1, M. Foster, W, J, Ross, F,
R. Parsons.
1st -W. L. Workman, D. M. Foster,
L. S. Near,
Primer -L. C. Workman, E. Sutton,
0. NI. Anderson.
The bestsellers in the monthly
spel,ing Matches were :
541I -W, Cecil Johnston.
Sr. 4th -Anna L. Fisher.
,Jr. 4th-Wiliie H. Collins,
3rd -Grace H. Fairbairn,
2nd -'Wilfrid J. Ross.
First -Wallace A. Ross,
News -Record Means News -Leader.
12;).0 and 15c prints and ginghagre, 9c
and 10e.
Heavy yard -wide flannelette 100.
Boys' 35c and 400 leather . mitts 250.
Men's 50c and 60c mitts 890.
Men's 750 mitts 59c.
Men's $1.00 mitts 79e.
Men's $1.35 mitts $1.19.
Men's wool top shirts and underwear,
, special prices.
1 purchaserof 5,00worth r
To any Pi r l $ o
over we will give 9 lbs. of granulated
sugar for 50c,
F. A. Edwards,
Stanley Township
Miss Reta ICe}ts has returned hone
after' spending a fortnight With God-
()rich township friendS•
r number to
A large, n cr » x from this townshLJ
attended the Liberal-C'onoervative
meeting in Clinton on Saturday last.
Mr. George Stephenson is at pre-
sent egnfined to bed with a severe at-
tack bronchitis, to 1. od b on ruffs, but we hopg FOti
his speedy recovery,
Report of S.S. No. 5, Stanley, bas -
ed on attendance, general efficiency,
and good conduct, during the month'
of January : Sr, 3rd,'- May Pol-
lock, Lorne McBride, Pearl Stephen-
son. Jr. 3rd, -Elinor MoK,inly, Myr-
tle Armstrong, Edna ,McLinchey. Sr.,
2nd, -Wilmer 'MgLinclioy. Jr. 2nd, -
Willie McLinchey, Leonard McBride,
Pt. 2n1, -Earnest McLinchey, Gladys
Ashton. Pt lst,-Frank McLinchey.
Garnet McLinchey, Clara Stephenson:
Primer, -Edgar McBride, AliceMc-
Linchey. Those who attended school
every day the month were :
Elinor M3Kinley, Edna McLinclieyt,
Alice McLinchey, Willie, MoL4nchey,
Frank McLinchey, Wilmer McLinchey,
Earnest ' McLinchey. I, Douglas,;
The following is the report of S. 5,
No. 4, north Stanley for the month
of January, based on punctuality,
regular attendance and general pro-
ficiency. The names are in order of
merit, -5th,, -Bessie Tough. Sr. 4th,
-Alice Stinson, Edna Scotchnier,
John Watson, Clifford Scotchiner,
I3erthe Westlake, Susie Westlake. Jr.
4tl1, - Elva Dewar, Maggie Tough,
Harold Seotchner, Russel Sparks. Jr.
3rd, -Annie Dewar, Roy Scotcluner,
Bessie Watson. Part 2nd,=Charlie,
Scotclimer. Sr, Pt. late -David Dew-
ar. Jr. Pt, 1st, -Dorothy Scotchnier.
-M. McDougall, Teacher.
Miss Vera Murdock of I•Iensall vis-
ited her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell,
over a week-ond recently.
More Fruits of Spying.
Three German professors who were
teaching in Toronto University have
been dismissed, or rather suspended
until the end of the term, which is
the same thing. They appear to have
been dismissed just because they were
German citizens, for there is no com-
plaint that they favored Germany in
the present struggle. The dismissals
appear to be the result of the bad re-
putation which Germans have estab-
lished throughout the world for spy-
ing, They have wormed themselves in-
to almost every occupation in every
country throughout the world, in or-
der to gain information or to develop
sentiment that would be useful in tiie
time of war. The professors at Tor-
onto may have been quite innocent-
likelyelY they
ware -but who knows. It
appears that though they had been on
this continent for many years they
never took out naturalization papers
either in Canada or the United
5ates.-Lucknow Sentinel,
The Open Window:, The Best
Cure .For Cold.
The best cure I know for a cold is
the open. window.
This is the testimony of a well-
known Chatham physician who has
many 'y.ears of experience in medical
practice. }Iowent on to say that if
people of Chatham, and other cities
wouldpractice more the habit ofy
n a
sleeping in bedrooms with the window
flung wide'opep, there would not only
be less colds, but also less diseases
of a far more "serious nature,
The value of the "ePon window"
cannot he impressed too strongly up-
on- the public mind. In these days
we are considering gigantic seieme,s
for Ube fighting of tuberculosis, when,
as a matter of fact, we have, , without
money and without price, the veryi
thing that is most effective in fight-
ing off not only tuberculosis but
every other kind of disease -good,
pure, fresh air. The person who does
not: sleep with an open window is
taking a serious chance with nature,
Cool fresh air never gave anyone a
cold. It is' the impure atmosphere of
the ill-vent'illated rooms that con-
taminates the system. No matter
liow_cold the day in. wineer, the win-
dow should he left open. With prop-
er covering for the body, no chances
are Laken, in, fact trio, changes for
catching disease are materially less-
This is the season of ,the year when
colds are prevalent. It is therefore
the time of year to preach the gos-
pel of the open window. Fresh air
is the cure nob the cause, and it is
extremely imponta.nt that fresh air
should enter the system) during the
eight or nine Hours that people spend
in an unconscious state. The closed
window means that for a third of
your life, you are depriving your sys-
tem of. the greatest contributor to
January 'Roel and Gun in Canada,
published by W. J, Taylor, Limited,
Publisher, Woodstock, Ont„ is out
and is a particularly; attractive num-
ber. The cover cut, which represents
a beaver fancily, was specially de-
signed to illustrate a story by H.
Mortimer Batten entitled „Ahunislt
the City Maker," descriptive of the
every day life of a particular colony
of beavers. Frank Houghton con-
tributes another Carl T.rrieson story,
"Doming-munk," a dramatic account
of the killing of a musk ox fn tine
far North, which is characterized by
the same quaint hoer as was
Houghton's story "iris First Polar
Bear'' in the Decrm'er issue. R. J.
Fraser writes of "Four Sailors on
'the Trail" which c'rscribes a winter
trip by dog teane from Cochrane to
Ru0 err House..
Other stories and articles them are
and the regular departments to inter-
est the sportsmae who must perforce
during the Winttr months content
himself, 'for the most part, by read-
ing of the experience, of others while
seated .by his own. ttre.side,
W. C. T. U.
The recent Local Option voting in
Manitoba has resulted in a sweeping
victory fon the taniperanco forces. Out
of twenty-two places voting sixteen
have carried the measure : Portage, la
Prairie, Neepawa, Louise, Biford,
Grandview, town, Gilbert Plains,
Whitewater, Harrison, Oakland,
Stratliclaire, South Cypress, Shell
Rives, Portage is Prairie, (rural) Gil-
bert Plains, (rural) Grandview, rur-
Si. Valeullne's
E are now Show-
a complete
stock of Fancy Val-
entines and Post
W. Cooper Co.
Patriotism and Production
kgricultural 0nference
Under the Dominion Department of Agriculture, in co-opera-
tion with the Ontario Department of Agriculture,
will be held in the town hall,
Winghar, Thursday, Feb. I Mil
8 p. m. -"The Duty and the Opportunity of the Canadian Farmer,"
(a) -In Relation to FarmCrops.' William Squirrel, B,S,A,, Associate
Professor of Field Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
(b) -In Relation to Live stock. Paul E. Angle, B,S,A., Simcoe,
7,30 p, m. -In addition to the above speakers, A. H. Musgrove, M.P.?,
and others, will address the meeting.
We can assist you in selecting, your furniture if you are
going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd
pieces you will fend it to your advantage to in -pest our
stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect and wo guarantee the best of satisfaction,
Uudertaker:and funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answeredover
at residence
28 .Phone '.