HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-04, Page 2a: D, 1r.TAGC=.PRT M. D. I11eTAGGAItT cTa g rt Bros. —. 13:1,\l'.PT3S-- A GENER,AL' TANKING: RUST NESS TRANSACTED NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED 'INTEREST ALL OWED ON DE. POSITS SALE 'NOTES "UR CHASED. 11..1'. RANt1E '- !IOTAI?.Y PUBLIC, CONVEY 9NCER, .FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR ANCE AGENT REPRESENT MG ' 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON, MS. 8111'OONE, BARRISTER, soLICIITCR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. O1Doe Sloan Block -CLINTON • CIIARLES 11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Ete., READ ESTATFI and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON 'STREET, — CLINTON • ORS. .G UNN & GA•NDIER Dr. W, Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.R• , CIS., L+'8in.:. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A. M.B. office --Ontario St., Clinton., Night calls at residence, RattenburySt., or at Hospital. DR; J. W. SHAW _ OFFICE-. RATTENBURY ST. LAST, —CLINTON (1R. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYIOIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit• phle glasses prescribed. Ofite and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St.. OR. 1?. A. AXON — DENTIST -- Specialist Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of 0.0.D.S,, Chicago, and. R.0.D.8,, To. ronto, Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. • Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be • made for Salea Date at The News -Record, Clinton., or by ealling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Clinton ' News -Record . CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription—$1 per year, iu advance; $1:50 •may be charged •if not so paid. No'paper .discon• tinned until all arrears are paid; unless at the option of the -pub. Heber. The date to which ep ver] subscription is paid is denoted o the label. Advertising Itates -- Transient ad. vertisements, 10 sante per non pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise. ments not to exceed one inch, ' such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," ,ete,, inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion. 10 cents. `Communications intended for pub. lication must, as a guarantee, of good faith, be accompanied -'by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. o. F 1 TIME TABLE -- Trains will arrive at and depart o. .i. from Clinton Station as follows; BUFFALO AND GODERICR DIP Going East,' 7.33' a. m. 5.03 p. m, ae g 5.15 p. m. 11.30 p, m. 6,40 0, 1n. 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRtTCE DIV i Going South, 8,10 a, m " 4.23 Going North, 11.09 a. m. a. m. 8,35 p: m. • as et Going West, if if (4 f! ran, Shorts ane Fl1 :'ur From the Rost' Mill,' nt tht. lowest pcnisiblr prie:e. WE P.1I TiTF.iHT(ITEST PRICE for (OATS PF AS and PAR-' LET, also HAY'for Baling •I FordSr McLeod ALL KINDS. OF COAL WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER. AR kinds of Coal on hand CHESTNUT ''SOFT COAL STOVE -: CANNEL COAL FURNAOE" COKE BLACIKSMITIiS WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and 4 .in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORCES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. Now is Your Cutlery Supply You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out o£ the com- mon elass. At least, OURS ie. It carries a distinctiveness— an .air of superiority, that' comes from being made with the greatest care anti ut- most skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of -it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $L00 doz. up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 dee, up. • Let us show you our Cutlery • line, Let its tell you more about' why it is the most desirable that you can put your money into.' W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of iIARRIAGE LICENSES. Tlie DlloKillop Mutual Fie' Insurance Company Farm and 'Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS — J. B. McLean, President, Soatortb P,O. ; Jab. Connolly, ' Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seafortb P.O. Directors -- D: D: F. McGregor, Seafortb; John Grieve, Winthrop; • William Rino, 'Constance; John Watt,Harloek; John Benuewies, Brodhagen ; James, Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven," Clinton P.O. • Agents Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hindi. leySeaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes - vine. any money to bora.O in may r e y 'be paid to Itorrisb Clothing ylg Co., Clinton; or at butt's G,:cceoery, Goderio7r. Parties desirous to effect insurance ar two !mot. other business will be promptly attended to oil application to any of the Whore officers addressed to theirrespect. ive poet-o0Ylces. Looms inar4.'eted Aly the director who lives nearest the Boone. There is a Cold Day Corning Who not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. flmi$e Phone 12, Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY 6FfiatiadiCENTRAL, STRATFORD. ONT. Ontanrio't . Best Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experi- enced instruetar's in each of • our 'three departments, • Conimlcroial, Shorthand and Telagnaphy, Our' graduates succeed, and you should ;get OW! Iivr$c, i'roa oallle/sud, Write for it at epee, D, A. c ri KLAdf ILA N, Frincrpal. E UMATI : 581 N.Y. Ave, 1\ I„tuft;, Ind. Jail. lath. "W Il you iilcast send 010 a b i t , Pills? 11 rs,t for the a1stbox 1.1 0 1c ppl i 1141 oµ4 Rheumatism am! Iyrmee 00.s.so badly, Ile tl 't1 nldI,di s ee 'out of ) eyes, but Ili ,t I t about l t L h e pills, I l u l t 1 1 utter; l nl after 1 few dsys,Ihod no more pain. II11 e,mme dedC Pills to sumo of any1, ,1 who' are trinibied 111 014,11110ti y .r never r l tc d to be without /Wee, 19 I have tried to loan} other p,Ito arid got,results FOn¢TrlW-5 `.KIDNEYS Yon can readily ell ifyonrkitlnc S' or bfadder'is'affected: You will laird painsln the sinal of the 11ack,.I;roim oriiips, your Ori 10 will be l,lglily 'colored, brick 'do st or mucus depo- eits will showiu 1e'Morn yo tie wrists or ankles clay swell, all clue to inactive kidae is which Gin Pills •wi11 soon put rig rt. 232 Gin Pills aro "Made i r Cm,nda Sed .•, box, 6 for $2.5d—at nil d niers—Said in U. S. lintler Mc name ''(0No tills. Trial treat^ went free it you wr t rat•anol Drug & Clien ienl Co. of Can, dit, Limited, Toronto, iN A FRIENDLY WAY. • "When a man ain't got a Dent, and hefs feeling kind of blue, And the Clouds hang dark and Heavy and won't let the sunlight through, It's a great thing, 0 my brethren, for a fellow just to lay His hand upon his shoulder in a friendly kind of way. It makes a man feel curious and it makes the teardrops start, And he feels a kind o' fluttering round the regions of his heart, Ile can't look you in the oyes; he don't knew what to say, With your hand upon his•shoulder-in a friendly kind. "of way. 0, 'the - world's a 'curious compound With its honey and its gall, With its cares and little crosses, but a good world after all; And a good. God must have made it, leaetways that>s what I say, When your hand is on my.shoulder in a friendly kind of way.” . g ' Defective Vision. She was of a somewhat haughty. nature,, and, being on a shopping expedition with a friend, happened to catch .0 glimpse of an acquaint- ance she did not wish to recognize. "Let us go this way .past the silk counter, T just saw someone I don't care to meet," ,"Who is she ?" asked her friend, who diel not see anyone near them. "Oh, some horrid woman with a smirk on her :face. Of course I have only a bowing acquaintance with her, and although her face is famil- iar I eannot remember her name." They finished their shopping and the two avowed found themselves ob the same point Where one of ,them had seen her disagreeable acquaint- ance. "There she is again. Why, I do believe she's' been here,all the. Mime," she said pointing tthe per- son: in glisstion. ' "That woman? Goodness sakes, that's yourself you see in the mir- ror there I" Even the thirsty chap tries to dodge the bar of justice. • You should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's' Stomach. and Liver Tablets on the elicit The little folk eo often need n. mild and cafe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and . �. mixtures.. For atom ash _ I troubles and constipation, give onel0atbefore Being to bed. All druggists, 22c. or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE C0.,TORONTO 1o' THE . CHILDREN D REN OFTO -DAY AY just as they are—in their in. door play, or at their outdoor • play—they are constantly of- fering temptations for. the KODAK Let it keep them for you as they are now. Let if keep many other hap. penings that are a source of pleasure to you. BROWNIES, $2 TO $12;. ROWnUS,$7TO$211. Also full stock 'of Films and Supplies. We do Developing nand -Printing, Remember the Pince t Tf t8$ REXAL.1 SIIIP PURCIIASR IJN I''U11`HAu •ACT (it'rt'Britain 11 s Apprised Wash- ington of V lots ten I':ro- • 3loslll, A despatch from Washinito say 1h,. United Star's Govoot -eilt will find itself in a serious ell pootc with Great 'Britain, Fran'C' and sin if it purchases and oper „ates Icterned Gerinan and Austria vessels; as proposed underthe•pend r218"S111p P1uCihttye Bill. ,ott1 G i'fie pond6iit 1s -.ow abs to,'state that Great Britain liars oifi no dally given -tice glint it woz'ii'cl re gard such h. step by the ,America. 'Government' as an unneutr�al act .iL. i i ltto .i. statement -to this effect a now in the,pos,.ession of�Mr. Bryan and has been in his•hands for sortie time. • Furthermore, moae, similar views in re, gwrd to the reported inten41(110 *2 the "Administration `to purchase in- lernecl vessels are 'held by France and ` Great 13ritain,'as-the nation with which the had United States has. ha occasion mo(44.frequently to discuss these matters, has taken the lead in conveying to -the. United States a warning as to the view which bite allies will take of this intention. Sit' Edward Grey has gone out of his way to :disabuse Mr, Bryan of any notion. he might have had that the British -Government would look with complacency on suchactien. Ambassador' Jusserand notified .Mr. Bryan that Admiralty mules adopted by the French Government two yeafs ago would be enforced during' the war. 'limen rules in- strectecl French commanders to seize -as enemy vessels any ships which lead been transferred to neu- tral' registry after the beginning of hostilities, This notice by the French Goweilnnlent never has-been modified ancl these rules are in force to -clay, thus ensuring the seizure ofthe first interned vessel sailing under the proposed, Govern - went' plan which encountered a FFrench cruiser, Though the Russian Government is not in a position to act on the high seas to any considerable ex tent at' present, it is known that it is in entire accord with the posi- tion of the British and the French; that all three Governments do not intend to look on quietly while ac- tion• of the United States Govern- ment relieves the enemy of one of the misfortunes of the war. In the, opinion of. these Governments, the fact that it as proposed that the United States itself do these things is vastly more serious than " that American individalals should do them. WAR.'S EFFECT ON U.S. 'TRADE. Exports to Many Countries Haim Fallen. 012. A despatch • from Washington says; The effects of the'War on American export trade with the belligerent countries are plainly visible in the following figures. Exports last December to Austria- Hungary amounted to only $2.700,. whsle December 1913 totalled $3,- 132,682. Exports to Germany last month were $2,194,030, against $33,- 210,283 December, 1913; Belgium, $758,252 against $5,740,012; Russia, in Europe, $479,420 against $4,971,- 120; Fra.nee, 4,971,120;Fr'ance, ,$37,585,879 against $13,341,017; the United Kingdom, $86,863,254 against $64,092,740. Exports to Italy last mouth total- led $26,162,888 against $9,109,962 in December, 1913; the Netherlands, $12,427,'794 against $10,070,070; Canada, $18,379,707 against $25,- 763,404; British India, $51.2,553 against $1,009,124; Japan, 85,098,- 191 against $7,614,727, and Austra lin., $3,549,81.3 agaanst $4,510,421. N 1w. British Chief of Imperial Staff. The photo. 'shows Lient-Gena S e, James Wolfe, Murray, K.C.B., an - pointed chief of the Imperial Gen- eral Staff in succession to the lane General Sir 0. W. H. Douglas, G. 0.B.. Born in 1853, the, new "chief•orf the Imperial General Staff waS edu- cated,at G1enalmond, Harrow, ancl the •lloyal Military Academy at Woolwich: He entered the Royal Artillery in 1872. As Brevet Lieu-, tehant-Colonel' he 'served' in the Ashanti •War of 1875, being in com- mand of lines of communication,. , fIe. ;vas comenending lines of com- munication in Natal during the South African 'campaign, and was twice mentioned in despatches. Colonel in 1899, he was created K. C.B. in the following ,year. He wine Quartermaster: of India in 1903-4,, Master -General of the Ordnance 1904-?, and in eomimand of, the 9111 (Secundereined) Division, Indra, 1907-11. - j' A. Diplomatic Tip. At a. time when it was thought that. Germany wanted to get a foot- hold in Holland Bismarck and the Dutch Arebassador stood watching a review of the German army. As a well set up body of men marched past the .Ambassador said; "Tine soldiers, but too short." Then canoe the Grenadiers, between six and seven feet tall; . nevertheless the Ambassador's comment was the same as before: "Tine soldier's, but too short." "What does your excellency mean?" asked Bismarck. • "I mean that we can flood Hol- land eight feet deep," replied the Ambassador, Another Rumor. "I have some astonishing uews for yon, Maria," said Brown. "In addition to the war Britain is on the eve of a great strike, in which thou- sands upon thousands of hands wilt be involved." "What. a dreadful thing!" ejaculated. his unsuspecting victim. '' When is it to $Alco place' 1" 'This very night, my dear," an- swered l31•own, gravely, "At mid- niSht thoesands of -clock ]rands 10111 point to the hour and it will strike twelve.'' Wellington's Blunt I nuke. Certainly most of Wellington's re- marks ,about .the British soldier are not likely to be echoed by any com- mander -le -aid of the present day. But there is one, uttered,, to Mr. Creevey before the battle of Water- loo, which with all its bluntness is thoroughly appropriate to the posi- tion to -day. They were watching a British infantry soldier entering park at Brussels, "There," said the Doke, pointing to the magi; "it all depends upon that article whether we do the business or not. Give me enough of it, and I am sure." -- London Chronicle. TURKISH .INVASION OF EGYPT Early Defeat Will Afford a Pretext to Turkey to Conclude Peace With the Allies - A despatch from Bowe says: It is understood in independent •sources that Turkey has decided .to go on with the invasion of Egypt despite the fact that they were mot pre- pared . and also 'against the advice of Field Marshal von Der Goltz, the German adviser to • the Turkish military, Gen. von. Der Gulls ad- vised the melting of reinforcements to the Caucasus, where the danger to the Turks was imminent, but these suggestions were openly dis- regarded It ,appears that Enver Pasha,the young Ttu'k lea:cler, preferred to risk defeat in Egypt rattler than have the army continue its present inactivity. He therefore sent an army toward the Suez Canal. He realizes that the Germans, who e.re supposed to be in charge of the Turkish military forces, will be blamgil for its failnnre to achieve any victories, and this will afford a pretext to Turkey to conclude peace with the allies. Thal shove is consi er d d e here to be inevitable sooner or later, DERAIL TRAIN NEAR CALCUTTA Scheme : to Subvert the Loyalty of Local Regiment Was Unearthed by the Arrest of the Men A- despatch from London says: The Meh•ningPost reports that the Punjab Mail, carrying Indian troops; was derailed by the, removal of a rail, they +til:ame, for the occna'- rence being thrown on the disloyal propaganda of .the, ringleaders of the Ecianiagaata Marti affair, wile are still .at large, The nature of the propaganda w,a's revealed by the rose a p •i c t on of seven anon, three of whom are said: to be returnecl emi- grantry £romp Canada, In addition' to the weapons found upon therm, eheyrhad forceps forremoving the nuts holding rains in place, A. scheme was also discovered to 'Rub- ber(' the loyalty elf an Indian regi- ment and to overcome a newly •air- rived regiment of territorials, The three returned emigrants asserted that they had been badly ti'eateeham ball add, Killed in t taicc by Own Sentry .1 A despatch train Lenton 50108,1 Desplatohcs from 0eanoe hell ofine killing of it French aeroplane pilot and a B.i'ibish observer lay their own men, The 1:aachine in which tho pilot and inbserver were. flying met with ifin eeoiici:ent and they were 00244- pell•ed tlo descoaicll, Tliay )were ,!;6, turning o foot at night icwa� , rel a British Arms when he h o asentrles, •supposing they were enemies., fired and killed. both. THE NEW RULER OF EO` Pi PItINC'Ul;HUS IIiI\ SAID TO 9311 FONT) OF DANCING. Bias Played Active Part in Agriclti.. ,Coral Development of Egypt. Orientals ' as a rule .disdain to dance. They are content to employ men, and more' especially women,, to dance for their entertainment. These dancers are helkin singularly low esteem, This will serve to explain the at- titude if most Orientals at, Euro- pean and American balls, They very, very rarely take part in the dancing themselves. Under the. circumstances, 11 is remarkable, and worthy of note, that the new ruler - of ]igypt, •Sultan Hussein, should be' passionately, fond of dancing. And he is now in his .sixty-fourth year. He is about five feet nine in height, square shouldered, lithe, wiry, slim waist- ed, small feet and hands - and his Legs slightly bowed, as those of . a man who was accustomed to spend much time in the saddle: •A. veteran diplomat contributes the following recollections of some years ago of Prince Hussein : " 1 found him a most' agreeablein- tei•esting, and amusing companion, save when he was wont to complain, in the most un -Oriental fashion, of the extravagances of .conduct and of purse of his one and only wife, the Princess, Ain -El -Haat Hanem, daughter of Prince Achmeb, and who was quite as Europeanized in appearance and manner as her es- cort. . The Elicdire's Wife. It cannot be said that Princess Hussein was a ven'y devoted wife, and for her there was no such thing' as the oa-ptivity of an Oriental ha- rem,.which even in those days—I am talking of a period between thirty and thirty-six years ago -had be- come a here figure of speech, as far as the great ladies of Egypt were concerned. She was most of the time away from: her husband sojourning in Paris, at Trouville or at one or an= other of the ultra -fashionable ther- mal resorts of Continental Europe. She would go about entirely unveil- ed, did not hesitate to appear et the opera and at private entertain- ments in Paris in the most daringly decollete of dresses. 1Vlsen his father Ismail was de- posed and lent to exile, Hussein tools his departure from Egypt. He took up his residence at Paris where he spent a considerable por- tion of his boyhood and youth un- der the particular" care of Napoleon III. and of Empress Eugenie, who were very 'fond of him and who had treated "him with the utmost kind- ness. He svgs a welcome guest in the Foubourg St. Germain and at the leading Parisian clubs, and made his home, indeed, on the banks of the Seine the:mahout the whole of th% reign of Khedive Tew- fik, who took advantage of ids ab- sense from Egypt to encourage all sorts of stories to his detriment, re- garding him as a. dangerous foe. Clear of Intrigues. In this way Hussein was able to keep his skirts entirely clear front all intrigues in connection with the Arabi insurrection, that brought about the 'bombardment 62 Alexan- dria and England's military occu- pation of Egypt—intrigues in which so many members of the Khediva1 family were incriminated, and in which even Khedive Tewfik himself was so badly involved, that Lard Randolph Churchill repeatedly in- sisted in the House of .Commons at Westminster on his deposition. Net until Abbas Pasha, succeeded to the throne on Tetvfik's death died Hussein return to live permanently in Egypt and resume the odeupancy of his palace at Cairo. Taught by his experience of what had virtually been many years of foreign. exile, and realizing that the English were in Egypt to stay, he determined to refrain :from antagonizing them in any way. He knew that it was with- in the power of Lord Cromer, to send hint out of the country at twenty-four haurs'• notice if he showed himself in'any way inimical to the presence of bhe British, or to the British methods of adminis- tretiorl. • he made n 1 his u' Sc I I•- mind to.retcrain in the very ;strictest mammy from politics and to re.ist the pressing invitations of his nephew, Khedive Abbas, of the NationL ists, of the foreign opponents to English .views in Egypt, as well as the reglaests of Sultan Abdul Hamid,,thathe would adopt a political role ` On the Batiks of the Nile. Instead he devoted himself entire- ly to the .promotion of agriculture. and especially to the exploitation'of lois extensive estates in kipper and Lower Egypt. He assumed the Presidency of the IC:hedivial Society of Agriculture, which has for its THE WHOLE BODY NEEDS PURE BLOOD 4, The bones, the museles, and, all the organs of the body depend for their strength and tone and healthy action on pure blood, t If the blood is very impure, the bones become diseased; the muscles become enfeebled, the step loses its. elasticity, and there is inability to perform the usual amount of labor. • The : skin loses . its ciearrless, and pimples, blotches and other eruptions: :appear. , Hood's Sarsaparillamakes pure blood, It is positively -unequaled'10 the treatment of scrofula and other humors, catarrh, rheumatism, dys- pepsia, loss .of appetite, that tired •feeling. Be sure to gel; Hood's and get it today, All druggists. object the encouragement of the adoption of more enlightened and modern methods of the oaftivation. of land, His activities ir1 this eon- n411410n' naturally 'beought hire info' close touch with' Sir Williarrr '1Ni11- cocks, Sir William Garton, sand the other organizers of the new system:' of irrigation in the Land of the Nile, and so much mutual conlid- ence and respect were engendered that Hussein may be said to have; ' been working for the past eighteen' or twenty years in close unison with them to inereese the .fertile areas of E1'a1 gyptpro.a.ducngl hertion. powers of agrreultu- The newer generation of English officials in .Egypt learned to trust: him, and by his refusal to associate himself with Khedive Abbas in the latter's manoeuvres against the English and by restricting himself entirely and wholly to the fostering- of agriculture he succeeded in win- ning the good will of Loyd ititeh- even while :the latter was British Plenipotentiary in Egypt. ' n "What' are you anyway," contemgtuonsly inquired Mrs. Reek during the quarrel, "a man or• a mouse?" "A pian," answered' Henry Peck bitterly. "If I were a. mouse I'd have ,you 'up on that, table right now yelling for help." S ,��''``�� IA.G'® Music It Grafo fellas and records 102 NEWS-RECORD"S NEW CLUEING RATES FOR 1914 MEED:LIES. News -Record and Meal k Empire ..•.51,63. Neno+llecord and -Globe 1 ss. News•Re•:ord and Family Herald and Noos•ReWeeltlycoril Starand , ity Sun 1. 1.8581. Woel. Nea's•Record and Parmer's Advocsto 2 55 Newo•k,ecord and Parra & Dairy 1.85 News -Record and Canadian farm 1,81 News -Record and Weakly Witness ..,. 1.85 Newe•ltecord and Northern. Messenger 1.60, Newe•Reeord' end Preo Press , 1.25 News•5eeord Rail Advertiser. News -Record and. Saturday NI>;ht,.3,00- News•Record and Youth's Companion3,25. Serve -Record and Fruit Grower and Farmer , . 1.75 se0141'121.1IE6.. Newe•Reoorll and Canadian Sports. man 53.23• Neive•Record' sad Llpnin1041'e-`314025 -cine , , ( 324 Room• DAILIES, DAI Nowa Record and world ..., ,.,..,,✓03.33 Nowa- d and 'Globe' 2 en News -Record and ((('alt & Empire ,.RAD News -Record and Advertiser 2,52 News,Roeord and Morning Ore, 3'rees3.35 (('ews•Record and Fcenrng free Press2 83 Newe•I ce corad and Toronto Star 2.35 Nowo.Roeord. and Toronto. News 2,83. lf whvon .At.5 e 17180111 !at us knowat about Itn."Welocan eugtolply yoetn a% less than itwouldcostyou to send direct. In remitting please do BO by Post-o31cm Ordorletersd Postalletter Note.sadnddreee.Express Order or Beth W. J. MITCHELL,. Publisher News -l8 a:-..lrm CLINTON, ONT/U110 LABATT'S LAGER IS MILD, PURE,' APPETIZING Just the Beverage for the busy man:— rests the nerves and ensures sound sleep. If not sold in your neighborhood, write -1- JOHN LABATT1 LIMITED LONDOi3'T A CANADA t l ll (Special arrangements for direct shipment to private c onsumers i t r LY.r1. liMakiIi4IVP 42 it f