HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-02-04, Page 1No.1870 36th Year '
not bothered by travelling agents when you order
wha a you want in the Clubbing List from
"Hellyar" Wald)
the mot ement of a "hellyar" Watch is as;
nearly as erect as ,ossible-that is wh it
.Y perfect p y
has brought to our store so many people,?,ho
must have accurate time.
There are several grades of "Hellyar•"
movements alIL tistwoithy.
We hag a to be particular about the fin s/ and
time keeping qualities of the lo2best priced
watch thatbears our name. "Hellyar"
watches must satisfy the purchaser..
14. Y(e1Iqar
ewelet aria Optician Clinton
The Royal Bank'
Incorporated 1860.
Capital Authorized-
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Preset ve and Undivided Profits
Total Assets
3S0 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted,
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
IIP,"111"1 lP"Ill'" IP'71P"t114�1' u 'i11"1I1“"111"'111"'14"IVIIt"11r"III"1111' "111" U -
Incorporated THE
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Savings Bank Department
all Branches
92 Branches
• In canada
Interest allowed et highest current rate
Clinton Branch •
C. E. Dowding - Manager
I illi .11 II.Y 1 .all S.dfl6...tp...116.+116..116..111..,m.,,nL..m1."111,.,n1...Di.
1 he Morrish'
Clothing Co.
We wi11' continue
our Cut Prices on all
' n the
Overcoats during qqr�'
month of February.
Square Deal for Every Motto : "A S u
The -choir of Ontario street church.
T i
met � . the imam ' f Mr andairs. J' ,
n, atho Io
W.• Treleaven ,one evening last week
to spend a soetal hour together be-
fore the departure ;of Mr. Willie' Walk-
er, one of the members of : the ; 33rd
division of the third ' 'contingent,
which went into training at London
on Monday. 'The evening' was very
pleasantly spent in music, games and
social enjoyment and will prove an
agreeable) memory in .after days to
the lad who has offered hiss cervices
to the Empire..
At the regular, meeting et the
Women's Patriotic Society- on Fri-
day afternoon ten of, the men going
from Clinton were) outfitted with
.field comforts, knitted articles,
shirts, -soap' -bath .towel wash .12th
etc. providedthe Society,s
byeand a
a gift from Major McTaggart a pipe
and supply of tobacco in each out-
fit. The girls' sewing club contribut-
ed- the choleras belts and handker-
Captain ,Dowding, who was; leaving
town on the afternoon train, called
early for his outfit. Be! made a neat
and fitting speech and the company
sang heartily "God Save the King."
Later on Major Rance and -aight of
the men, namely : D. Huller, T. Mor-
gan, C. Moores, H. Cantelon, W.
Ede, 11, Walton, W. • Walker, 1.1. Twy-
ford, came in and were each present-
ed with their box of comforts. Major
Rance' spoke briefly and appropriately
and by request the boys sang a verse
of "Tipperary." •
Each bre ' contained exactly the
same number of articles and vv ere
most attractively arranged anti pack, -
ed. Mrs. Munroe presented the out-
fits and the president, Mrs. Allis,
shook hands with each, wishing them
"God Speed" and a Safe return.
"The Private Secretary" till',. be ,
presented in the town Pratt on F,he nt
ening of the 12t11 lnst,• Phis rt,rj
popular playis always a great draw
ing card • and ought to he espenially
so this time because of the fact ,:that
the proceeds will be, devoted to
patriotic purposes. There is to,`be a
ticket selling competition in conned..
tion therewith,
Owing to'the storm. which raged
Monday night and Tuesday •railway.
traffic was practically tied up. Traf-
fic on the London line was resumed
Tuesday night and some of the Tor-
onto mail • was sent aofnd that way.
But yesterday afternoon: the mail.'
from Seaforth' to Goderich was con-
veyed by courier, somewhat ' of a
reversion to fernier tines. This
storm was considered to have b
the worst.kind of its n }ears and
the railways" and telegraph companies
have been put to heavy loss and the
public to much inconvenience; by it.
The report of Supt. -Chant of Pen-
ne Utilities very briefly is as follows:
During 1914 there were 98 electrical
inspection permits granted. ' From
July to November 1913 with gas
producer power it cosh $528.91 to.
pump 5,512,900 gallons of water. For
the same months in 1914 Hydro pow-
er pumped 8,159,911 gallons at a
cost of $318.16. Cost in 1913 per
1000"gallons .090 in 1914 the cost'
fell to .039. There was a -correspond
ing reductien'in electric light chsrge.
For seven months in 1914 there wen
5880 more l:illowaita used under
Hydro than in the corresponding
months by steam but at a cost re-
duced'by $834.88.
Thus it will be seen that from all
points of view Hydro has been a
good thing for the citizens of Clin-
Mr. John Cuninghame, who a fort, 'MONDAY NIGHT'S WRECK,
'night ago resigred the position of
secretary of the Morcel School hoard, I The train clue here from the east
at eleven -fifteen ran into a snowdrift
about two and a half miles east of
Seaforth on Monday night cul the en-
gine was thrown iron the track and
the passenger: coaches . pretty; well
shaken up. The engineer and fireman
were both scalded, the former pretty
severely. None of the passengers were
injured except for: a bad shaking up:.
Major McTagga l and Messrs. W.• R.
Counter and J. P ('nitielon were
among the passengers. St was semi: -
al ]tours before assistance came in the
shape of sleighs which conveyed the
wounded men, passengers and crew to
Seaforth, (}wing to the storm which
raged all Monday night and Tuesday
and to the fact -that the wrecking
crews were busy up north, the track
was not cleared and no trains went
through here until yesterday,
The Huron 01d Boys' Association
of 'Toronto is desirous of compiling,
for publication and future reference,
an historical - and Biographical
Sketch of Huron County. In order to
get the necessary information and
make thri work as complete as pos-
sible, the Association will have to
depend upon voluntary assistance
from persons resident in various parts
of the county, and takes this means
of asking co-operation. If anyone can
supply any information relating to
the, early settlement of • their own
locality, either historical or bio-
graphical, pioneer experience or oth-
erwise, or can give the' names of per-
sons who will do so, the Association
will appreciate it very much, Photos
of old settlers or persons of Promin-
ence (duly ins tibed for identifica-
tion), will be, accapcable. All cor-
respondence relating hereto should he
addressed to Robert Holmes, 412
Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto,
first became connected with the
board in 1881 bring elated that year
to represent St. George's -ward and
lie was iutmediatcly appointed to the
managing committee. J. H. ('mntl:o
was chairman and W. II. Hine' who,
by the way, held the position for a
very great number of years, was ve-
rotary-treasurer. So crowded were
the lower rooms at this time 'that
the pupils had to be divided into
classes, one being taught in the mor-
ning and the other to the, 'afternoon.
Mr. Malloch was principal, and the
following were members of the staff
Mr. .Taylor, Miss Met'ullouglt, Miss
Ferguson, Miss Field, Miss Rogers,
Miss Corbett and Miss Callander,
In 1881 $4048 was the estimate for
school purposes. $3225 of this was
paid in salaries, $125 for firewood ;
interest $28 ; apparatus, $20 ; furni-
ture, $100 ; repairs, $100 ; , inciden-
tals, $100 ;'Lo pay off mortgage $350.
There was on hand a balance of
$610, Government grant $338, county
grant, $100, the amount being asked
for from the council being $3000.
The principal's salary was $800,
Mr. Taylor's $550, Miss McCullough's
$325, Miss Ferguson's '8300, Miss
Field's $300,. Miss Foxton's who was
replacing Miss Rogers, whose certifi-
cate had expired,- $275, Miss Cor-
bett's $260 and Mise Callander's
$275. - In 1882 Miss O'Neil was engaged to
fell a vacancy caused by the resigna-
tion of Miss Ferguson and at the
December meeting of 1883 Mr. Mal-
loch, who had held the position of
principal for - fourteen years, resigned
and Mr. W. R. Lough was engagol at
a salary of $750,. "said sunt to include'
remuneration for any extra duties in
connection with the Model school:"
Miss Janet Wilson was engaged for
room nine and began her -duties at
the beginning of the year 1889, the
salary then ,paid being $225, Miss
Wilson is still an efficient member of
the teaching staff.
In 1888 the new school was built,
the tender of Messrs. C'borer- and
Swalfield for $1162 being accepted.
Mr. Cuninghame was elected chair-
man in 1889, aposition which lie held
for two years, and in July 1894, ow-
ing to the failing health of Mr, I -line,
be was appointed secretary pro tem.
In October of the same, year lee was
appointedsecretary s retary far the balance of
the year without salary. At the first
meeting in 1895 Mr, Cuninghame was
appointed secretary and has held'' the
position continuously ever since until
his resignation a fortnight ago when
his son-in-law, Mr. H. E. Roche, who
has been a member of the board for
nine years, was appointed secretary -
It is a fact worthy of mention that
during the past fifty gild years the
hoard has only llad two secretaries.
Mt. W. J. Cooper, caretaker of the
school property, is also an old public
servant, having had his 'appointmcat
away back in the seventies.
Among those serving as chairmen or
the board during the eighties and
nineties, were such well known civil
,ens as George E, Pay, Dr. Williams,
John Cuninghame, J. C. Stevenson,.
J. B., ,Hoover, 1V. S. Harland,' J. W.
Irwin and Dr. Agnew, only two of
this number' being now residents of
town,. ,John Cuninghame and W. S.
Mr. Cuninghame was a most faith
121 and conscientious official was
h meet-
i his tt da ce r the
n a en n a
of the board and: discharged
his duties with much acceptance to
the board and with - eharaeteristic
' The minister, Rev.' Frank C liarp-
er, Will preacht
at both services
n a Suex' :dyn t,
Ae' St, Valenlane's -social will 1-e'
given fir the lecture room ort Iden lay
week under the auspices of the Cov
enant Bible ,Class.
Rev. W. K. Hager of ` Goderich
preached on Sunday morning last and
the Rev. S. J, Allin,'in the evening,
Both sermons were in missionary sub-
jects, ,
Rev. F. C. Harper addressed ' the
League on Monday evening, giving an
inspiring talk. on the life of St. Raul.
Mr, H. S. Chapman, Bead of the,
Christian Endeavor department, ocou-
pied"thea chair.
The Sacrament will be administered
at the morning secvis- on Sunday,
the ` quarterly fellowshipshin meeting
e' I
b m6 held at half past ten. Rev.
Dr, Rutledge will conduct the ser-
vices of the day.
The ladies' hockey team "of St.
Paul's church met the ladies' tear
from Willis in a friendly match on
Tuesday evenhl g and the result was a
win for the former in a score, of 2-0.
There was a good turnout to wit-
ness Ole game and the general opin-
ion was that the players showed the
result of practise py better play. The
line-up of players was as follows :
Willis -B. Watts, M. Cantelon, Cl,
Cook, _R,, Graehs, ll: Fortes, 11. hle-.
Kerrie, M. McTaggart.
SO. Paul's -N. Bramfield, M. Bram-
field, T. Bawden, S, Bowden, S. Copp,
11I. Schocnhals, J. Dement.
Referee-rTarry Twi tall.
The ,funeral of the late lrr. George
Bay of Hartford, Com., took place
from the residence of his sister; Miss
M. Bay of Huron street, on Monday
afternoon, interment being mate in
the family plot fu Clinton cemetery.
The ssrviees at house and gra•.eside
were conducted by Re;. J. C. Potts.
The pallbearers Were : Messrs. 1f. B.
(.'hart, W. Manning, 13 J. Uibbings,
1J. 13. Combo, Fred;Jtckson, 1, 13.
The deceased was an old resit'eat
of Clinton, being a member o,°
a well-known family, and s, eat
his boyhood days inert: He was
umnareieds The funeral was a
private one, Mrs. Weal herstone, a
sister of deceased, came or en: from
Durand, Mich., for the chsieeie;:
The town council on Monday evening
appointed its officer's for the ensuing
year. No change was made 0:ceps,
for cemetery superintendent, that pos-
ition being given to Me: .1, M. Shob-
brook. The hours of duty of the Chief
and :1ssistant were re -arranged. Ser-
geant Welsh's hours are from midnight
until noon with front 6 to 7.30 a.m. for
rest and refreshment. Chief Wheatley
is to be on fluty from 7 a.m. until
10 p.m,
The-iit;etnbcrship of CIfe 'fire brigade
remains as before, that is, Harry
Bartliff is Chief, J. IL Kerr, Captain
James Finch lieutenant, Harry Glaz-
ier secretary and H. McBrien, Elmer
Finch, Wm. Wheatley, N, Kennedy,
Luke Lawson, Harry Fremlin, Murray
McEwen, W. Coats, Bert Fremlin,
Alex. Cudmore, .3. 1e. Johnston, W.
The annual meeting of the heron
Corney Live Stock . Society was ]field
in the town hall on Saturday after-
noon last with a good attendance. of
representative fanners and citizens.
The report of treasurer A. J. Tyn-
dall showing a balance on hand of
$130 was considered very. satisfactory,
The bylaws of the Society call for
the annual Fair to be held on the first
Thursday in April and the' rule" will
he ,adhered to.- The first of that
month this year falls on Thursday so
the Clinton Spring Fair for 1915 will
be held on Thursday, April 1st.
Merely a5 a recognition of his, very
efficient services in connection with
the last Fair Secretary A. J. Mc-
cMurray was ,donated tem dollars.
The Agricultural Banquet held last -
Year on the evening- of the Fair was
some -thing out of tate ordinary but it
proved to be such a success that it
is - proposed to repeat it. The fol-
lowing active committee was appoint
ed to deal with the matter Dr,
Shaw, A. T. Cooper,. (4iterge Hoare, .
John Shanahan and A. J. McMeirray.
There was a big burst of applause
when Mr. George FIoarc was declared
re-elected byacclamation as vice-pres-
ident, Mir; Hoare may be termed the
father of, the Society and he certainly,
devotes much of Itis time, as well as
means, to making it the success it
has heretofore been.
The following officers were elected l
President, John Shanahan.
Vice George Hoare. •
Treasurer, Tyndall.
A. J. Tyndall.
SecretJ: Mcnrrsary, A. M < y.
Executive Oliver Johnson, 'Ph)i,vts
Coleman, William .Mine, and :.Dav-
courtesy and consideration toward, Cantelon,
the teaching staff, with 'whom he Was I All the old directors .welsa re-ap-
constantly coming in contact, pointed,
Missionary services on Sun iay last
were quite successful notwithatanrling
rather unpleasant weather shish some-
what affected the atte irttn
pastor conducted the morning eervice
and preached another missionary ser-
mon. Rev.. W. K. Flager of fineen
ich preached in the evening on 'The
Grace of Liberality'." Those who
braved the rain and sleet to leach
'theochtuch wet's not sorry. they carne.
The indications are that the
contributions for Missionary work
will be, not less, but more than last
On Sunday next Cite monthly fel-
lowship meeting will he held at ten
o'oloek in the morning and commun-
ion will follow the morning public
service. The pastor will • preach in
the morning on, "The Good that
Christ has done for us and the Good
we may do for Hint." Evening top-
ic : "A Safe Principle for all and
Especially for Young People."
On Monday moru11ig the members
of the 33rd division recruited Imre
left for the training camp at London.
The men mustered .at the market
square and, headed by the band play-
ing martial' airs, marched to the de-
pot followed by a number of citi-
zens. The soldier boys took the 8,15
train for London. Following is the
full list of those going from here :.
Fred. Ganney, G. FIihten, George
Holman, D. Huller,' A. Jones, J.
Kennedy, J. ',canard, A. Lockman,.
J. Murray, T. Morgan, C. Moores,
13. Macdonald, A. McLeod, H. Max-
well, F. Addington, ,i L. l3arher, N.
Brohanna1, G. Brenner, T. Barnes,
F. Brown, Robb. Barber, H. Cantel
on, 0, Cartwright, R. Cook,. W. Ede,
T. Garton, M. Gray, T. Grisbrook,
II. Groves,; W. Tilting, H. Vallely,33.
Walton, F. Wilson, C. Woods, W,
Walker, k M. McLeod J. Fred.
1 Cd.
Sutton, W. b , ,H, Sy-
mour, J Sinith, J. Summers, A. W.
Taylor, A; T. Taylor, J. Thiel, E.
Thomas,' Td, Twyford. Major Rance
accompanied the men, Capt, Dowding
had gone to London last week,
Wheat $1.30.
Oats 52e.
Btariey 700.
Butter 22c to '23c
Eggs, new laid, 280 to 20e,
Lige 1iogs, $7:25,
The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's.
church are givfng::aPatriotic : leas in
Owen Hall on Thursday afternoon.
next. Ladies are invited to bring.
along 'their vvoric, Tea served during
the afternoon,
The postponed annual Meeting of
the South Huron L.O.L. wial be held
at Exeter on,'I'uesday next:
All the ladies who aro Itnitting or
sewing for the soldiers are roauested.
to acturn same to the coun
cil chain -
bee not later thin Fe h
b February 12t
"Tho News,Reoord reaches us so
regularly and is so brim full of old
]tome town:news that it is tv-lsidas-
ure to send in my renewal of sub-
scription.'' Robert Cochrane, Vic-
toria, B.C.
"I have taken The News -Record for
man years andft seems
to grow
} 3
better as it becomes older: We en-
joy its weekly visits very much. En-
closed please find my renewal far an-
other year." -lits. Thos. Campbell,
Oak Burn, Mau.
The scholars at the Ptiblle school
are becoming hockey enthusiastics and
yesterday afternoon a teary from the
principals room defeated an aggrega-
tion front the second department by 9
to 5. The players were principal's
room-Clcta 'Dunford, Edith Jones,
l0thylo Wasman, Sadie Draper, Bessie
Murphy, 'Fannie fIellyar, Ruth Ar-
gent. and department -Alma 11:It1Cor-
rte Fearl Gould, Evelyn Clufl Agnes
Walker, Amy Helyar, Fannie tree,
Dora Schoonhals, •
Mr. Waiter Screeton, a traveller for
the bleC'lary C'ompan}', London, while
in Hanover . one. evening , last week
discovered a lire in a drug store
which he was passing and forced his
way- in to extinguish it. The flames
bad gained cotsidcrahle headway and
be was somewhat badly burned vvhile..
tvying to sttbdre them before, assis-
tance arrived, • 1Ir. ,Sercetcan visits
the local hardware men regularly and
his wife, who was Miss Crawford and
who visited Clinton often prior to her
marriage, has many friends in town.
There was a goodly crowd at the
rink last night which enjoyed the
hockey contest -Exeter vs. Clinton.
The visitors were a gentlemanly
bunch and put up a good game but
they. only scored two goals to Clin-
toit's nine, The line up was as fol-
lows : Exeter -Goal, E. Torrance ;
point, R. Southcott ; corer, Harvey ;
centre, E. Southeott ; rover, Ricers ;
right, C. Pio ard; left, A. Pickard:
Clinton -goal, SI, Byam ; point, R.
Rumball; cover, M. O'Donnell ; rov-
er, N. Chili ; centre, E. Graham ; R:
W., J. Carter ; I, W,, M. Draper.
Mrs. (-Powell of Goderich paid a llyt•
ing visit to Mr. ,J. R. and bliss D.
A. ilolmes ,on Monday.
The Farmer's Institute and the
Women's Institute held tlie'r annual
mid -winter meeting for the district in
Holmcsvillc• on Monday a:tcrnoon:
The organizations ntet separately in
the afternoon, the amen having their
meeting in the hall • and the women
at the hours- of Mrs. Mulholland. The
men were addressed by Messrs. John-
ston, Ross, Brown and Mallough on
subjects interesting to farmers. Miss
Susie Campbell of Toronto addressed
the ladies on "Tire Ideal home" and
kindred topics. The District President,
Mrs,. J. W. Kilbride of Clinton, pre-
The ladies had l:repared tea' fon-
themselves, their greets, the men,
and anyone wishing to remain ovee
for the evening meeting and shoat
fifty sat down to a well-i,roparctl,
well -served and abundant repast.
Contrary to the usual custom a sil-
ver collection was taken at supper
tied, the proceeds to go to the Bel-
gian Relief Fund and a nice sung was
A joint meeting was held in the
basement of the Methodist church in
the evening. Reeve Lobb presided
and in addition to addresses from the
speakers of the afternoon a pleasing
musical program was given. Messrs.
P. Gliddon, L. Jervia„Bell and Monk
gave month organ selections, Mr.
and Mrs. ;Snider contributed a couple
of ducats and brr. Lobb sang a solo.
There was a good turnout and the
different sessions were oons:dereli
quite successful,
Goderich Township
Miss Salkeld and bliss Andrews of
Goderich are ;guests this week of the
Misses .Jenkins of Woodlands' Farm,
Buren Road.
The Unity Club meets this after-
noon atthe home of Mrs. W. . Merrill
that is if the roads are in a
passable shape to allow of
the.,members getting there.
Owing to the; storm Mi, H, W,tl-
lianhs auction sale has been postpon-
ed Until neait Monday.
The Bayfield Patuiofe Soeiel'y will
gave anentertainment
hall on Irnd Y everting Of nextweek
The program will sonsist of patrio-
tie music, solos, apartettes, etc;, and
a couple of playlets, "The Irish Lin -
non Peddler" and '''The Raw Recruit;"
The program will he bright from
start to finish. Plocezds to go --for
patriotic plrrposes,
Mrs. FI, W, 1'Crtvin leaves on Satcr-
day on a trip to California, She '
goes with her •daughter and Iter
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Seeder or
Berlin, and the party will visit sow-
eral points andwillbe absent- six
weeks or so.
Rev. Mr. Brown of Varna will con-,
duct service in the, Methodist church
on Sunday moraine; next, when tlid
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
e achninis tered'
Mr. Welsh f Toronto
S 0 'oinea his.
wife here last week. llrs. Welsh has
been waiting on her mother, Mrs:
Biggart, who has been very ill,
We are called upon this week to
chronicle the death of one of our
most respected citizens in the person
of Mr. Wm. Henry Woods, who pass-
ed away suddenly on Monday morn-
ing at the age of sixty-six years.,
The late Mr. Woods was born in
County Garlow, Ireland, and came
to this Country with his parents
when he was about three years of
;age. They. arrived here in June of
1851 and settled on the form adjoin-
ing the village on which the subject -
of this sketch lived and chert, having
been for sixt;yl-three years of the.
sixty-six years of his life a resident
of the sante place. brr. Woods was
twice married, his first wife :'Lein,
Miss Elizabeth Morrison, whom he
married in 1877. Fifteen years later
she died and in 1895 be was married
to Miss Isabella Graham of rlrconee,
wino survives him. One only sister
also' survives, Mrs. Isabella I letrsort
of Bayfiekf. '
'Phe Funeral took -place on G' hits-
day afternoon and was largely at-
tended. The service at ttvq u'cloclt
was conducted by Rev. Franit Rick -
and of Trinity clutch. The pailtoar-
ars were : Messrs. D. S. McNauhtou,
Alfred Nafte', John D. \\'oods, Geo.
Dewar, William Ilea d. and Thotna.t
Captain and .firs, b`<rgrson hats
gone to Bay ('ity, Mich., where they
will Aired remainder of the winter.
The following are the scores of tate
Bayfield Rifle Associat:on for - Jan-
1 2 3 4 Again,
Alex. Aitken 27 30 31 23 111
R. S. Bailey 28 25 25 28 107
.T. Davidson -27 28 29 81
R Elliott 25 23 4s
Alt. Erwin • 6 27 26 21 83
H. Galpin 22 25 28 27 102
0. Greenslade 28 30 31 30 119
T. Harrison 27 21 25 17 93
\V, Heard 22 17 311
A. Macfarlane 29 29 28 29 115
iS, le.. Mercer 28 27 55
W. MCDoob 25 26 22 24 07
W, A.'Mus lard 30 32 02
Cl. Poliock 31 25 22 30 108
J. Rouatt 11 27 28 60
Dr, Smith 25 29 38 32 110
R. Spaokntan 26 29 30 85
E. Sperling 18 ,16 22" 59
L. Thomson 28 29 29 811
M. Toms 22 28 29 , 79
G.. Weston 11 14 16 41
Dr. Woods 25 30 25 29 109
Zurich claims to have tl:e oldest
auctioneer in Huron county. Mr, Ed,
Bossinbcrry is a born auctioneer, his
father having been in the business be-
fore him. Auctioneering 15 a profes-
sion and requires the tact and elo-
quence of a statesman to accomplish
the work .required. Judging of val-
ues, veterinary atta,inutents and the
faculty to temper the brayer are prim-
ary studies of this public salesman.
Mr, Ed. 13ossitiherry, the subject' of
this sketch, was born in Waterloo
County nearly seventy yews ago and
came to this district in 1854,-wherq
he practiced his pofessien ever
since, During • his 61 years here he .
disposed of over 10,000 head of cat-
tle and horses. I -Te speaks three lan-
guages fluently -English, French and '
German. In si:ealcing of his career in
the 'business he says that while his
audiences are apparently without
special interest ie anything, yet they
listen to every word and readily
make a commotion when an error is
trade. IIe begins his Sale lay telling
a new anecdote or'amnia finny little
story and then raises his voice - in
praise of the animal be lees tinder bit
hamliter, and tltrougitoiut the sale his
effort to keep his audience in good
humor is the feature of the sale, Mr,
Bossinberry is a fancier of One stock,-
especially that of -horses, of which
he keeps a fine .stable, and often
surprises the local fall fair ram
sports. He is popular with the pee
pie and 'is a musician of some prom-
Tlie merchants of the village have
begun to slaughter their stocks by
cutting their profits entirely. off.
This is done in order to get cash to
make even, on their former purchases:
They claim, that the farmer's slow,
method of payment brought about
this .ealauutous state of affairs, The
merchant buys on thirty\ on ninety
days and when drafts are made, upon
-them they Have no money to pay
i is said, bank their
r '
e 1,armorst
funds and, neglect top y until
forced. When one merchant advertis-
ed a slaughter sale the others follow-
ed. The peopltl are stocking up and
futuredull trade will inetiitably be
the result.