HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-01-28, Page 5January 28th, I9I5' Clinton News-Recpr Goderich Mr, t • Stephen, M � •leafy � Durand � of , 1 hi • wife and 111tch., acc'otitpanted by is t cehild, has been visiting liis sister, Mrs. W, E."Latintei' of town. Mrs. ,C, C. Morrison and 'Mr. Me Kee Morrison of town are spending the ivinlws at Dunedin, Plotida, c ssa _Ta. H. B: lines M.I. addressedthe county' council at its sitting this week to ask for a grant from the County for the pauera,1 Patriotic Fend. lMiss Acetic E. Challenger, eldest ► -- suglitea: el, Mr. and .Mrs. A. C'bal- lengcu was- married on Wednesday of last 'week to NL. E. D. A\Gbei of :Edmonton, Alta. James Videan, 4L young roan in the ',employment of the Western Canada FlourMilis, int with an accident while working around ome machinery g a when he got caught in. the belting, which thread hint backwards, breaking ,his left arin in two places, • Seaforth: J. F. Daly's jewelry store was broken into ,one evening while the proprietor *as out of town and a small sum of stoney taken from alta till. No ,jewelry was disturbed, evl- ,dently. The benedicts and bachelors are giving'a bail inU rtno's hall too r - row evening, the proceeds of the af- fair fair to go to the Patriotic Fund. Mr. J. S. Bartlentan of Regina,. Sack visited at the home of Mr. W. V, Jefferson recently. Mr. Joseph, McMillanof the Bank .of Commerce staff has asked for leave and will join the third. Cana- dian contingeat. Miss K. Ba'oadfoot of Hamilton has been visiting her mother, Mrs, J. Id, Broadfoot, • Messrs. A. Forbes and J. F. Daly were in Detroit last week attending an auto show, Mr. D. Andrews went down to Mon- treat last week. +-Miss iVicKay of Woodstock was a -Visitor- at the home of Mrs. George< Mclntosh of town. Mrs. Douglas is home from the west a•istting• her methet. e- . :Miss Miller, Stella,' visited her si- ter, Mrs Carmichael,_ last week'. Alis Parker has returned, to hpr home in Detroit,' Messrs. W. and O. Bethune were in Detroit last week. Miss Edna Welib spent a few days with, Mitchell friends recently. Mr. E. W. Murray, civil engineer, ° returned last week to Regina after a :visit in town with his mother. 'ATr. and Mrs. Wni, Moore and son and daughter of Grand Prairie; Alta„ Were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. James Stott. The funeral of the late Mrs. Chas, Rutledge of .Egntondville' took plane on Friday' last to Maitlancibank cent- eterlly. The deceased lady died suct- clenlp of heart trouble, having been able to be about until the last. IIer 8 husband and a grown family survive, sl'rs. John Kyle, 'formerly of 73:g- mondville, died at her home at Wil- kie, Sask., and the remains were brought east for interment, the fun- eral ;taking place on Friday last from the hone of M1:. I-1111 of Egmontl- i-ville. Miss Anna and Master William llud- san of Marlette, Mich., have been visiting their aunt, Mrs, Jas, Troy - ea, and other friends hereabouts, . The residence of Mrs. Case, who is away for the winter, was broken in- to one night recently anti ran sked,- !u"ugh little aecmed' to be take 2 ;`r ��. Mrs. Newton Snowden of town ,died { at her -home, on Saturday week after an: illness of some duration. Rev. J. Landsborough and Son of Charlotte, Mich:, were guests last, week of Mr. and Mrs. Coseiis. While returning from church on a recent Sunday Mrs. Peter Dean fell on a snowy walk and broke her shoulder. Mr. George Cline has, resigned. the Iee,dreship- of the Presbyterian church -choir after a period of twenty-five yea's. The members of the choir pre- -sented hint' with a purse of gold 60 his retirement. Il: .v, Wingham ivIrs. J. R. Austinand daughter have returned to their home in Lon- don after spending some weeks: with friends, in Winghain and vicinity. Dr. W. and Mrs. Agnew and little :daughter of Shelby, Gino spent a few •days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Johh Agnew of town. Dr. Thomas Geddes Wilson of Moorefield, son of Mt, and Mrs. Thos. Wilson of Wingham, was married on Thur'Sday last to Miss Bessie, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Munn Of near Helnsall. Mr. John Linklater, a rennet rest - ',cleat of this vicinity until 1883; when the family moved. to He west, died at his hone at Willman Sask., on tine 12th inst. lie was eighty-seven .,years of age and leaves his with and a, family of three sons and three 'daughters, Leonel B. Stephenson, set of NIr. J. 111. Stephenson, passed away last week at the early age of twenty-four years after`a lengthy illness, McKillop Towship. NII'. Wan. MMC+avin, Sr., who under- went an operation one day last week, is doing very well at last ae- counts. MT. McGavia' is close on, •of age. years away Gardiner has been vav 11F Peter C'r ,attending the funeral of his uncle, in township of Ushotne' Mr. Alex. the p 'Gardiner of Walton is a brother of ,deceased. M. Dan Shanahan, the veteran eat- -iae .dealer of ',Seaforth, 'was down 'through McKillop last week in quest 'of pasture lands to rent. Mr. and Mrs. John Dundas are both in rather, poor health this win - 'ter. We hope they will improve with lit<'of's ring. the ,advN spring. Mr. J. J,. Irvine has let one of his pasture :lots to Mr: John Boyd „lot the coming'iscason. ! r . Bluth Mr, Win. Elliott of (,feat Nolle, Montana, visited -his cousin, Mrs. R. 13, McGowan of East Wawanosh, for a foci' days recently, ' Mt, and:Mrs, A. B. Carr were guests at the Weber-Chailengnr wed- ding at 0oderich on , Wednesday of last week. c veek . Mr. and -Mrs.' l dward lC'aeting of Arcola, Sask,, have been _;,tests of tlte' lotmcr s sister Mrs.Isaac aac 13r t v_u c n, and other friends in the vicinity for some time, _ alts, Wrn. Moore, has idturned h me 4 after a "visit of Sonte" weeks with liet daughter, M. •,Stone of Barrie. She was accompanied by her .daughter; Miss Alva: • Rev. J. L. Small and Mrs. Small of 1lespelcr were" in town last week en their way to -Auburn where Mr. Small conducted anniversary services ' Mts. II. A. Therms, passed away at her holing hereon Tuesday of last week alter an illness of several' months duration. The fate Mrs. ' Thomas was a daughter of Mr, Cae- sar, •C.P.R. agent'at Markdale,' where the remains were taken for interment. Tire husband and three small children survive. She was but little over thirty years of age.' and her early passing is cause of much regret. Mrs. Mary Maguire, wife of Joseph Maguire, died this morning in , her hum 85 Madison street Chic 0 0 Chicopee P Palls after an illness of several years. She. was born in Ireland and for many years lived in 'Blyth, Ont., later conning to Chicopee, Falls, wnere she made her home for 18 years, She was a member of the Chicopee Falls Methodist church. Besides her hus- band she leaves six sons, John of Canada, Richard ,of Nashua, N. II., Thoeftas of Bridgeport, Hugh ' of Can- ada, David and . William, both of Chicopee Falls, She also leases. three daughters, Mrs. A. 13. Woodhull and Miss Mary Maguire of Chicopee Falls, and Mrs, Howard Merchant of Springfield, and eight , grandchildren. The funeral will be held in the ]route on Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock, Rev. J. M. Gage will officiate and the ser- vices will be :private. Burial will be. in Fairview Cemetery. -Springfield (Mass.) l,Tnion, Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Ccntary. Taken from the Files: of The News -Record of the date ihdicated Clinton, Jan. 25th, 1900. ]Miss Adelyne B., 'daughter of Mrs. H. McI3rien was married on New Year's' day to Mr, Arthur M. Loucks of Ottawa. Mr, Searle threatens an action to unseat Mayer -elect Jackson. Alessrs. Fair and Wiltse refused to qualify for places at the c cendl board and a bylaw was passed piu- riding for an election to all the two vacancies. The nomination will be held on Monday. Fair's Mill has been running night and day for the past week. Monsieur Contin of St. Joseph was in town the other day and while; here cashed a cheque which wrtltl' buy any onerhundrrrl-acre farm in the vicinity of the "(i'tp" he los found- ed. Mayor Jackson was in Exeter on Monday night assisting in the in- stallation of the officers of the. S. 0•, E. lodge. Mr. John Ransford sails .front New York on, Saturday fol. Liverponl, Logs are pouring in from 'Teelret- smuth to the Organ Factory. Following is the list of &frers el- ected by Court Maple Leaf at a re- cent erecting : Past Chief, T. D. Johnson ; Chief, A. J. Grigg ; Vice Chief, T. D. ,McQuaig Pin +core tart', W, Jones ; Rec.-Secretary, J. P. Sheppard ; Treasurer, 0. Dickin- son Chaplain, I. Dodds ; S. 'W„ .J. 0. West J. W,, S. Castle; 5, B., .G. W. Cook , J. Bi, H. Folland, Del- egate to the high Court, J. J. Fish- er. TheCourt had a very successful and enjoyable supper at 1Totel Clare endon on Friday eveninglast, about seventy members of the Order being present'. While H. Peencbaker was rolling logs in W. Doherty's yard on Satur- day last the cant hook he was hand- ling flew from his hand and struck hint in the face injuring his nose bad- ly. The following officers were installed for the current half year at tdic last meeting of the 1,0.0.15, : N: G., Bert Kerr P. Cr., 13, .J. Gibbings ; V. G,, Seymour ; Secretary, F. C. Alcock Ree. -Secretary, J. Taylor ; Treasur- er, J. Wiseman;; Warden, A. 'Barge ; Chaplain, E. M. McLean ; Conductor, V, French R.S-.N.G,, '1', Jackson L.S.N.G., (1•. McRae R,S.V.G., W. ' Mennen ; L.S.V.G., W. Moore, R. S. S., W. E. 'Rand ; L.S.S., W. O'Neil, l I. Guard, A. Castle;; 0. Guard, F. Jackson: Madame Wall visited the. (louse of Refuge' on Monday evening las); and delighted ;the inmates by giving sev- eral' vocal and instrumental eelee-` tions. She also distributed candies among thein. • The following were nominated for the two vacancies in the council at the Meeting Monday night : John Brigkendon, S. G. Plummer, H. B. Combe, John Bell and Thomas ,13ea'- coin.nt . Mr. Albert Turner intends ; leaving next Monday for California. -He goes 1 s.ectin tour and 11 on a o o the: P T g Golden State comes up to.,has ex- pectations' he allay locate there. Stavely Memorial Hall will be formally opened on February= 1st. Eggs are, selling at sixteen cents per dozen and butter for eighteen cents per pound Mr,. John Houston returned from Indian Head last week, and twill r'.e- turn shortly with a car of 'horses.. He brought down a number of prairie chickens which he distributed among hth friends. Tuckersmith Township Reeve , onv c Cuch is in Galerielu this week attending the Jtutuarp session of the -anility council, Mr. D. Kinsman Essex cOtpity visited friends here last wee'.,. Mrs. Allen I-Iope and 1 wo children, who .,odetee here f n for the pas4 month vie i lin' the lady's parents, 6i } 1 n , Mt. and Mrs. Tertyberry, have turned nod Name. Norman lryS^ud of Sasaatchewan Ie visiting relatives here. Mr., Harry Webeiale of Manitoba is spending the winter here, Ma'. Charlie Hunt lost a horse.Iast. week, .he animal slipped oft .the ice and broke its leg. Mrs. Chas. eioutledge,i a feam„a- resident of this townsaip, , passed away suddenly at^ her hone at Eg . nnondtlille on Sunday week, The late Mrs, Routledge had been.' troubled for several months by en affection of the 'heart but had been going about up to the end and had retired to bet) in her usual heal tilt - that evening, .; Awakening shortly after in great pain' she expired before a phpsieian could be procured. The dooeas:;d was a delighted:. of the late• George Sproat of Tuc'cersntith. She was bora in this township and, continued to live here 'prior hermarriage to Mr. Rout- ledge until about three years ago when they disposed of :their farm on the 4th concession to Mr. Amos Townsend 1 an removed v e d toF7� f,tnond- vale. About five years ago Mrs. Routledge hall a very severe illness .hut she recovered from', this and two years ago accompanied her husband. on a trip to North Dakota and the Canadian west to visit their sons and daughters. She is survived by her husband and ten of their eleven children : John of Calgary, George and Roy of Landsford, N.D., Arthur at home, Mrs. Robt. McCongie of ':uckersmith, Mrs. Samuel Lands- borough •of Park River, N.D., Mrs. James Grieve and Mrs. :lames Mc- Quire of Hannah, N.D,, Mrs, Chas, Dolntadge of A'IcKillop and Miss Laura at home. Mrs. Routledge was of, a quiet and unassuming nature, kindly, and sympathetic and was held. ih high esteem g by all who knew her. The funeral took place on Friday to ' Seaforth ceineterp, the pall- bearers being old neighbors of de- ceased : Messrs. I7erbert Crich, Ilhn. Landsborough, Amos Townsend; August Wmiklc, Hugh Hamilton and James Allen, Two of the sons from the west, George and Ray of North Dakota, were home for the funeral Blyth llr, Robt. Somers of Underwood has been visiting' his parents here. Mr.' W. Taylor of Chatham was in charge of the station last week ow- ing to the death of 'Mrs. Thomas, wife of Agent II. A. Thomas. Marriages \V131I•:R-cu-IALL:IiN (1F.R-In Coder - kb, on .1 anuary 201.11, Annie 1?li- ,ahslit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Challenger, formerly or the (lase Line, to .Ephriam E. Weber or Edmonton, Alta. 1VILSON-11.1ti\N-At heitsall on Jan. 21st, Bessie, cntly dough ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ale c. Munn,. Hay., to T. G. Wilson, hi. 0., of Moorefield, Birth$ 11111)Df,13T01-1n (3oderich township, on January 250, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 11 -Middleton, a son. RIICIIIE-Jtr AlcKillop on Jan. 21st, to Mr. and )Mrs, Robert. J, Rit- chie, a son. 1'loI{AT=[e Seaforth,' on Jan. 20th, to M'. and Mrs. W. 0, McKay, '(nee Iva :Dodds) a son. Deaths [ 1VERihIORE-Tn Stanley, on San, nary 23rd, ITelena T letter, wife of Mr. Henry Livermore, aged 53 years. 13ROWN-In Mullett, on January 22nd, Robert Brown, aged 68 years and 7 months. IIAMIL7'ON-in Wingliam, on Jan. 15th, Elizabeth McTavish, relict of the late •Ilugh ITamilton, in her 67th year. ' 170LLAN.D:-Tn Goderich oil January 1.9111, Lydia Morris, widow of the late WilIiaain Holland: STEPHENSON-In Wingham on Jan- uary -18th, Lyonel B., Stephenson, son of Mr. .7. lI Stephens*, ag- ed 23 years anti. 3 months, KYLE -At Wilkie; Sask„ on ' Jan. 161l1, M1s. Join Kyle, fo:rmerlp of Egmondville. ROI'TLEDC E-ln Egnlondville on Jana .174h,'Mrs , Charles 'Route ledge, aged 64: years. FERG'U:SON-In McKillop on Jana 14th, Donald Ferguson, aged 62 Years; SNOWDEN-In 11icliill op on Jan, 14t11, A1u1le Matheson, wife of Newton •('. Snowden; aged 69 years..,', 11ABI(IRi(-In 111cICillop en ,Jan. 22nd, George. Habl.irk, aged 90 years and 10 months. COWS PGR SA3.;E 'PIIR> E FRESH calved cows and ono about to fresh= en.. Will sell two of the four, purchas- er c,an make his choice. --Levi Trick, phone 12 an 107, Clinton, -69. FOR S,ALT1.-ONE 1,, H.P. C41ASO- lineE' Engine in good condition, one lbtuery Stand with deunterslraft complete,. one Wood lathe with countershaft tershaft and rests. Grindstone mounted on frame 3 incl), face, 3 feet 3 inch diameter. Can be seen at the General Repair Shop of Seeley & West,`' ,-,6'J 4V00(3 WANTED. -FIFTEEN Green ' body maple wood,,, 22 inches long. To be delivered at Clinton' Model School before 1st of April. Tenders received 'up to 7 'o'eloclr, p, m. Feb. 8th -S. Kamp,; Chairman; Propert3 Committee. -69-2, NQTTGP-THE.ANN LTA L NE ET= iig of thc ClintonStock . Slov will be held' In the council chamber on Saturday„ .January 30th, ail 2 o'•clock p.nv: ' All persons interested this Slue*, arc.reyuosted to be, prosect. -A... 7. 'McMurray, Siicre- tiai'y. -i 9r 1 AClCTl \ SALE OP 29 COWS � Av D cattle•- r M IJ. it ' W ha '� jotting nt9t ]115'.. instructed thy: undersigned to sell , g by public• auction at 1,ot 44, Mait- land' Con., (Todeticlt Tp,; on Tees, day, February` 21M, the following : 1 red roan .Shorthorn cow, reels- lerod,' Jared Shorthorn cone, aegis - tiered, egi -tiered l roan Shorthorn cow, aegis-. tiered6 choice grade Durhaims .to. calve, in February, 6 _choice grade Dtarl'eams to calve in April, 1, fresh COW and calf, 2 heifers 2 years old, .3, steer 2 years old, 4 summer car- (1' calves about 10 days, old. Sale at 1.30 o'clock sharp. .Guar- antee : All of the above• cows are in calfto a thorobred Shorthorn bull; but if one :proves: not to be lin Mai within one month of date of sale the cow may be. returned and note or 'money will be- refunded, 'terms :, 6 months'. credit on ap- proved joint, notes or',a discount at • the rate of 6 percent per annum, for cash; H. Williams, Popried;or ; T. Grandma Auctioneer. , -69-1 HOUSE WANTED TO RENT WITI•I a view to purchase. To he .of ]npd- iutn size and in good location. Wanted about middle, of February, - Mrs. T. C'arbert. -68 FOR SALE -LOT 24 ON IIURON ST. 71. acre. Also 2nd hand coal heater. -A. J. Tyndall. -67 UNRESERVED' AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock attd Implements. - Mr. Thos. -Brown itas received in- structions from Mr. Alex. Sparks to sell by public auction at Lot 24, Con. 2, Stanley Tp., on Wed-' nesday, Feb, 3rd, at 1 o'clock, the following : IIorses-Brood mare 113 years old supposed to be in foal to Sliethin Stamp, Driving horse 12 years ofd, quiet and reliable, Geld- ing rising 3 }rants old, Span of fil- lies rising 2 years old, Sucking colt. Cattle -4 milking cows supposed to be in call, heifer rising 3 years, supposed to be is calf, 2 steers ris- ing 3 years old, Fat heifer 2 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 1 calves, Brood sowAbouto litter in March, 1 fat hogs. t 75 liens, Implements -Massey -Harris binder, 6 -ft, cut, nearly new, Deering mow- er, McCormick bay rake, Reversible dise harrows, Broadcast seeder, Drill, Set diamond harrows, Gang plow, Double furrow plow, Walking plow, Sculiler, Set double dearness, 3 sets plough harness, 3 sets single harness, 2 lumber wagons, 2 bob- sleighs, Set log bunks, Stock rack, Ilay rack, Wagon box, Gravel box, Cutter nearly net', Top buggy, Democrat, Cart, Fanning mill, Bar- ley fort:, Set weigh scales 1200 lbs,, Wheelbarrow, 10 rods woven wire, Car with rope and sling ropes, 28 ft. eatcnsion ladder, 3 robes, 3 sug- ar kettles, Daisy churn, A'Iclotic cream separator, Forks, 10 ft. gal- vanized wafer Bank, Ba,s, Shovels, Pulleys, New coal heater, A num- ber of other articles too numerous to mention. Termis : All stens of $5 and under, cash ; 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 4 cents on the dollar oft for cash on credit amounts, Everything must be sold as the proprietor has sold Ids farm: -Thos, Brown, Auction- eer ; Alex, Sparks, Proprietor, Custom Sawing, Wanted at Thos. Wallis' 4111 con„ Goderich Township, also at Launcelot Clark's property in Bayfield for the coming spring, McEwen Bros,, Bayfield -69-3 APPLICATIONS FOR O:FFICh;.- Applications aclilressed to the un- dersigned and marked "Application for Office" will be received up to 6 o'clock p.m. on Friday, Jan. 29111, for the following positions : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Constable, etc., Tax Collector, Night Watchman and Assistant Con- stable, Cemetery Superintendent, Pountlkecper,, 'As there is to be a change in the hoiu•s on duty of some of the officers intending ap- plicants should call at the Town Cleric's office for information be- fore putting in their application. 0, L. Macpherson, Clerk, -38-2 NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name with- out a written 'order from me,-111rs. Mrs. Robt. Mason. ' 07-3 FOR SALS.-A SECOND IJAND outlier in good condi trios. -'-'hos. Lep- pington. • a -07 WOOD F0I3, SALE. -A QIJAN'"ITY of good hardwood, in large cr small quantities, any? length. from one to four feet. This wood will be sold cheap. --Wm. Wheatley, 1Juron St., Clinton, Lintn Phoner '4. --65 TIIE CANADIAN LAUNDRY. -WE arc prepared to do Brest -class laun- dry work and make your collars white without the use or acid or lye. If laundry is not done satis- factorily it will be redone free or your money 'refunded. Cleaning 'and pressing also .done. Goods .called for and delivered. Give us atrial, -R. „L. Moore, the Canadian Laun- drp, -61 (V'llC,ANTZATION MI ETp1C3.'L. AN or n bn i alioumeeting of the' :i'JrUcral- Colfservatiae Assodialtion• . Ior the Riding of Soellh. YIuron ass eonstitut- od for Dominion punposes„3vii91 he. hold in the town hall, (135tolt„ ' on Saturday, Jan. 30tti, alt site, m,rcloek , p,m. for the. purpose, of organizing the tiding as, now :constituted, re-: ceiving reports, and'transacting Eith- er important business,. Bitsid'ed J. T. Merrier, M.P. and 11•. ' hitter,; .I [ the meeting"' M will' ba' a3ldross- ed by other prominent Federal .rep- resentatives. fopres ntatives. The oxeeutive will meet at 11 o'clock 'a.m. pf the , . same day'. By- order of the; execu- tive. -H. IIot)toit, Presidnnit ; R. N. Creech, Secretary.' , M. G.. .CAMiIRON, l(.0,,, BARRIST- et, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc. Oltiee on Albert street oecapyed by Mr, I-looper. In Clinton on every 'Phurs- day, and on: any days for 'which, ap-' pointinents ane made.. Office boars 'from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the Office. Office' open, every week t.y. Hooper twill' stake ;int ct'tloin monis lot':1Mnt: Cane:eon, FOR SALE. -A GOOD GENERAL store In the country, about seven mile,from Clinton. Dwelling and • combined. o and. Also.' a first-class stable and driving shed. Possession given at any time to suit purchas- err. For further information apply to Box V care News -Record. 66-4 TENDERS WANTED. - TENDERS will be received by the Council of the Township of Hullett for the supply of 3500 ft. of first class, Ilockelm plank for bridge flooring, only the best will be accepted the said plank to be 11 ft, long and 2 in. thick, to be delivered on or be- fore May 1st as follows : 3000 ft, at Wni T-Iosk's, Lot 17, eon. 8, and about 500 ft. at Reeve Finland's. 'Fenders will be opened at the town- ship ball on Thursday, Feb, 41,11, at 2 p.m, -James Campbell, Clerk, -67-3. ANNUAL MEETING. - THE AN- nual meeting of the McKillop Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the town hall of the Towtt of Seaforth on Friday, February 5th, 1915, at 2 o'clock, p. in, The busi- ness will be to receive the annual statement, the Auditor's and Direc- tor's reports, the electing of the di- rectors and other business which would be considered for the good of the Company, The retiring directors are J. B. Mcl,can, Malcolm McEwan and D. F. McGregor, who are eligi- ble for re-election. - Thomas E, Hay's, Secretary. -07. NOTICE -AFTER TIIE NEW YEAR Miss Mildred Evans will be prepar- ed to give treatments by elect-oly- sis for the removal of ttuperfiuous bait, also cicada massage for the cure oh baldness, falling hair and dandruff. -Agent fox Mrs. 13. Coates Coleman's Ideal preparations as Ideal Flesh Food, Ideal Velvet Cream, Ideal Bair Toluic, Ideal Hand Lotion, Ideal Acme Cure, etc. FOR SALE -ONE UPRIGHT PiANO in fait condition 8120, one upright 'piano used less than a year 5190, was 5375, one Edison phonograph slightly used with 12 -records 835, one coal range high shelf with reser- voir and water front complete, good as new, $20. Will be sold on your terms. -Wesley Walker. -66 FOR SALE. -ONE BLACK BEAR - skin Robe. good as now and one kit- chen oupboard. They were taken in exchange for new goods and as I have no use for them they will be sold at a bargain.-Wcsiey Walker. is-0'lICH,—CITI'LENS ARE IIERE- by notified that the practice of emptying ashes on our streets initst -be stopped. The police officers have been instructed to enforce com- pliance- with this order. By order of the Mayor. -Jos, Wheatley, Chief Constable. -05 PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L.G,S.M. Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice Specialist. Teacher of Organ, Pi- ano and Artistic Singing. Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays. Re- sidence and studio, 620 Dufferin Ave, London, --19. WANTED. - BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter, for, which we pay •highest prices.-Cae- telon Bros. -52. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and' at the shortest possible notice„ Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelry Store. -Win, Jago. -55. CREAM WANTED. DAIRYMEN having creast to sell write to usl for cans. We simply two cans free. ch r os and issue Pay.1express a all g cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent" with an honest test. lusting done by a competent man. Each can: careful- ly weighed,, sampled and tested,(on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it ,.here. Write for cans and give us a trial. -Tho Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforth. . THE COONE R STONE Live and Le t Live artiest of FOODS. For the Reception, oidar or Evening P'arttly. When yea entertain- you aim. to please. Dainty refreshments are placed before your guests; We make a speciality of getting together the daintiest of foods, for' just such occa sions, and at the Jresont lime you will; find ai splendid ati- sortment' on .our counters and shelves. A number' of these are new lines which ane bound to be hp- prciciated, Assented': fancy Uiset lits, from, 100• to, 750 per ib, Delicious: cocoa 10e to 288 per tan: Olives: plain or stufsed. 30e to 25a per bottle. FancyCherries n f tie , of U ttsri, Foie d''essert-felly Powders in various colors. Aero is a list of sagges= tions::' Potted Meats, Peanut Put- ter,, Salad Dressing, Loaf Stag - ail, and a score or stare of Dither articles. E. E. UUNNIFOIZD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Buy Your Flour Now. Now is the time to put in your supply ' of Flour beige another raise which is sure to conte. We handle the best lin- es of Flour made in Canada - Purity, Five Roses, Exeter., Clinton and Milverton. We can sell you above front 25 lbs. up to one ton lots, Another car of Bran and Shorts expected this week. We have also on hand Oil Meal, Calf A'Ieal and Poultry Foods. INCUBATORS. If you intend purchasing an Incubator the coming reas- on call and see out Prairie State. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Live poultry and new laid eggs taken every day. BUSINESS BETTER, T1IAN USUAL GUNN, LANG LOIS CO. The Up=to=date Finn CLINTON. N. W. Trewartba, Wm. Jenkins Syrup le S � Y p Time Will Soon Be Here. How are your Sap Pails ? Call and see our stock of Iran, BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. The STORE of`C UALI'TY. Quality tells when purbhasing Groceries. Give us a trial and we will look after your interests. We carry the Magonlic Brand of canned goods in Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, etc. .411 made -in -Clain ada goods, A full line of Breakfast Ccr- eale, Rolled Oats, Corn Plaices, Shredded Wheat, Krumble Gusto and Puffed Rico and Wheat. Try our Jelly Powders also Jello a most delicious desert. Syrups can be had in bulk or pails. We can recontanend it to our patrons. , :A nice assortment' of cakes and oranges for the social even- ing. Jolmson & Co. Jtave a full line of Groceries and prices right in- vite' a call to the Store of Qual- ft , Y M;c, S. Barr will be with Johnson &• Co, .for some time where outstanding a � o abs will , g e u be received. HIGIILS'l' PRTCES FOR 'BUTTER AND EGGS. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended to. NE W S-RECOR D -:NEWS -LEADER. OR MA MARMALADE E ANCI E5 ---and- This we liuarRu 1 eESOSkiU r hrstconsignment f:Se 11- le or Bitter Oranges, They;. are the very best giti:elity alldw ill produce Marmalade. "Made -in -Canada:" We are also ready open the Fish Season with I-Ialibut B. C. Sallnoii White Fish Steak Cod , Oiscoes Filletts Oysters . TO'Nei1' EVERYTHING IN TINNING and sheet metal work is in our line. Wo fix tire furnace in the cellar or the skylight on the roof ; put a new smokestack on your chimney or a new zinc under pour stove. LEADERS ARE LEADING•. Does your residence or outbuildings need looking after right now ? Bet- ter let us take a look at them. A little of our work now may • save you a lot of trouhle later on. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53, ELLO i S ITave you ordered your kindling for the winter yet 7 Stave edgings and eclat blocks on hand. Malted grain and stock food for horses and cattle always in stock. Quaker Oats, Cornflakes, Flour, Oat nd Corn Meal to be had at tate North End Feed Store. A General Delivery Done. Frank W. Evans (Anton, Agent fur I-Ieintzman Pianos. TERMS : CASII, Phone 193 Are you V 'T'roublpp d with Headaches ? .1611.1, 1f so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure, •It is worth trying, Come to us and we will !rake a Careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the matter and what you need, In our long experience is the Optical business we have made a groat number of examinations and it is a source Of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably givea great satisfaction. If your eyes bother come to us and learn;' you reason why. `, A. J. G'RIGC Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Slabs for Sale ALSO] 12 INCH WOOD Stapleton o'n a t Saw Mill.