HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-01-28, Page 4Clinton News -Record': Bayfield. The young; people of the village will 1 • h' the'" i hall on ho d a dance In own c l 1 tri • i11= f this. vvee'c. Friday evening 0 this. Mr. James Thohtsen, reeve; is • at- tending the county council at Gorier ieh' this week, • 1r. and rs John, Tippet s rent Varna. Sunday last at \ ataa. :J 'fleeting (fthe Women's Pttrietf Bagfleld MGeorge r.. King 1oC 1Iaatatiota M nY� a , •s I visiting c` his �• uncle, Messrs, 1110"si' and George K' • f 73' 'f 11 . IVT ,T11 , 1VIr, on{i�' rater Pet son f vo y b o - 1Straticlaire, Man., who lids a brother residingneat 'ClInten, was the guest here, this week (31 Mr. and, Mrs. Wil-. r liam 1 esterwho for } ' scleral 'cars c lived abStraldlclaire. oc1101)1 lvais held in the town hall or Tlutrsday .afternoon, 1501, wiled they decided to •make miors (getting for the sold'+•: a1 held concerto so[ it>,5, and also to`h0 l a Feb; 1.2th.` Pasllioulars will be give: g later", The annual 1(1:[11;1+t'' of St. Andrew' Meeting congregation war; '1100 last Wednesclaj 1 Rev, Frank Richard of Muncey, newly appointed rector of I3ayfield., Goshen and Varna' churn: s arrived n Ile the village' last week with his wire 1, l , and family and oc,ci Iphed the above 't• the 'first, time' Sunday ,pulp) s fore( t � on S slay s"last evening. IVI, Macfarlane presided and there was a good o d a(te'Mance. of the Varna members}, The Various ((:00ts sib d"itte T s iii d ., d g r' re;*'s i n f s no e St"' y r o every department of the chni:elt's work. The -session reported that srv- l en men,bes had been added to t'ie. roll during the year, mai ing a pees- eat me1iibcrship of 135. Inv spite of the many, demands, made uponthe people in other directions, the finan- • cfal tettii'ns showed asubstantial in- crease. The: total amount raised by the chu,roh and all its organiizatlon's was '32348:00 as compared with $2339.00 • in 1913. For current ex- penses the•givi.ngs amounted to 51278 and the expenditure to 51103, leaving a balance in the areas ire.e's hands of • r a For building fun sum s o to to h L 0 c d a g iC v 11..0 Offerings • of 10 r 00 was realised. 0 0 1 s C n: 0 t• R missionary' budget •3203 00 The, Sun under s' eney da t school 1(d the r eriutend ev 1P of Mr. John Fraser had an o:ccepLion- all successful 'eat t • income y s ;; 1, the t o ofwicl 0 amounting to 15.00v}u 1 2 .)0 9�1 9 was linen to the budget. 'fhe Wom- en's Missionary Society report '0 a total of 331 7.00, which as compared with 3315.00 raised last year by the two Societies, ebow,s that the 111/1011 of the societies has not beet detri- merital from a financial point of view. The Ladies' Aid Society reported an inconie of $101.00, anis the Young People's Guild of 314.00 of which 810.00 were given to missions. All the office bearer[ were re-sleaed, Mr. M. Ross being appointed ,joint super- intendent of the Sunday school along with 11Ir. Fraser. The budget alloca- tion of '$512 was accepted, and the congregation will do its utmost to reach the mark. A discussion tack place on the introduction of the du-. plea envelope, but no definite decision was arrived at, It was agreed, how' - ever, that an individual canvas of the congregation should be made by the managers and the missionary commit- tee with a view to introducing some uniform method ofgiving.The Duplex 0 nD n t 1 already been introduced envo 0 0 ,has a s h 1. Y into the Sunday x311001. The whole tone of the meeting was hopeful and encouraging', and we have no doubt that the congregation will continue , its good work, and that the year 101.5 will be markets by increased en- deavour: and success. At the close of the 'meeting refreshments were served by the ladies and a pleasant lime was spent in social i.iitercourse. Alt's. ms„we regret much to.say , fell the other day and fractured her hip, This is a 1011/000 accide'tt and will confine the' lady to lien bed for some tune. Mess' 13 5 ati - Jolv.t• 'r and in. .l1( were in Varna on .Salol clay` auditing the Stanley township books, V 'r Rev. I Johnstone lonstoi has been quite Ic be c 1 111 the past week acid on Sunday ,his work was taken by Mr, T. Willey. Mr. Wm. Wanless is confined to bell with an attack of erysi.pflas. . The 111, AT, Society had a - 111is010n- ary tea at the parsonage' cal Monday evening. 1 Mrs. Horner - r r 'a visiting t / 111 h is 0 her daughter, Mrs. Ings. -I Stanley ance Township wnsh' p r•,.• Mr. 1' Thomas n is Iirl,guhton of Clinton has the contract of building a new house for Mr. Alex..DlcEvvan 'of the 2110 coir. The Goshen .church League con- ducted the service in the Varna Methodist church on ,Sunday 0.e -l- ing Iasi. 1 11'e are pleased 10 learn that Mi'. !Neilson L:cys is improving in 1305.!11.. Miss Myrtle Horner s; ent the week -end in this vicinity. M1:, and M'rs.. .1cseph llayter• en- tertained a number of their ('otfthg friends on Friday 1.v evening. I. Miss Margaret"`,i. Rouatt of Saska- toon has been the guevt of Dlrs, E. 'Johnson for a short time. . 1 Dir. and Mr's. W. Foster and .Miss 'Opal and Mr. and Mrs. lugs of Varna and Miss Myrtle 11(orner of 'Zurich vaere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. ltathwelJ on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Geo. Sherritt of Grand Bend and Mr. Richard Robinson of S is ua• toon visited friendslends in this vicinity a few clays a a last week. 3 Dills Luella S 1l a , h0u'itt of Grand Bend is visiting 1r:0.105 in this neighborhood at present. 711r. Cleo. Clark purpose; raising his barn .nest sut110100 and 5111liltg a cambia foundation under it. f Reid •Bros. have sold a good Short- ,horn to •ilii. Wm. 'Forrest. This is the second one Messrs: Reid have disposed of realizing good prices. 412314008715.11.0 Ready - To -Wear Garments COUCH 0 1,1 e Home Dry Goods std L .l`u) darnishings 7 dig Tor 11i� L�s1 SalllrEay1a11u8fT. Special No 1. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. 3 dozen ladies' cloth skirts all new styles, colors, navy, black and tweed mixtures, sues 24, 25, 26 and 28 waist band. We do not want to take e int stock01\ n fo c]ay. Take your choice of any shirt up to $5.50 Saturday 1.98 This price for Saturday only, Special No. 2. Ladies Winter Coats. About 12' ladies' winter coats left, all good styles, good warm cloths, most all color's, sizes 3,1, 36 and 38. We would like to clear these out before Monday, valuesup to $12,00, Saturday•for 4.98 Special No. 3., Children's Coats. About 12 children's winter coats left, all styles, sizes 6, 8 and ] 0 years, This is a gen• uine bargain, values uP to $7, forrSfoitl'�'. 2.98 Special No. 4. Odd F yrs.: After one of'the best fur seasonsinthe history of this store, we have about 15 odd pieces of fur. These are new, including marmot, goat, oppossuln, coney. w'. Sold as high as $6 and $7. Saturday 2.98 25 p.c, off all higher priced furs. P Special No. 5. Hat Shapes. 12 hat shapes reg. es left g. $125, $1,550 and •$2.00; Saturday 19c. • Special No. 6. Scotch Ginghams. 200 yards good Scotch gingharns to good washing colors, hlacic ancf white, green and whtie, navy and white, reg, 11%e, Saturday .09, Special No. 7. • Spray and Feather Mounts. We have about 2 to 3 dozen rcond.. sprays and mounts left, most all en - tors, peg SI 12.15 and .9;1.50, Sat. .25 1 Holmesvilie Misses Ma(ig'e and Tillie Rutledge of Pickford„ Mlich„were guests,for a few days with ;their. cousins, Mr: and Mrs. 'George Shcppald,., t 1(l :'., os . Dl, • and 5. II, Sweet celebrated • the sixth anniversary of their wed- ding" day oras l4 cdnesilay ltist, a..gond- ly n , mn tbcr of trn0nds assembling " to Inane Morey with the'ui,''A11 join' in wishing then' .many happy returns of the 'anniversary, Miss Lessief i; oks t 'Clintonwas .••.. rel 0 h visiting; Miss S. Acheson last week. Mrs. Chas. Gibson, Who lhas " been visiting in '(ioderieli, returned to` the parental 1101310, that • of Mr. and Mrs. 1Z'. Mulholland, on Saturday".. Mr, IV, Hutson paid' a visit to" f!ANA'S in London last Week. ' Speei'al missionary Services were held in the Methodist church on Sun - (lay last morning and evening. On Monday evening also a ge neral; rally of the circuit d,as called when iiuv, bir. Army of Toronto and others spoke of Mhr�sfonary s:b`cas.' the p t ladies served refresblilents in ' the basement as the close of the pec - g 'ram, 141r. and Mrs. George Acheson arc spending. the winter at the home of the former's mother and s:stor, Mrs. Robt. and Miss Susie Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. . Acheson have beat inaking their home at Medicine Hat, Alberta, for idle past two or three years, They b lh look well and are quite o optimistic regarding the west, e'en though things are a bit dull jilt now. 'Their many, friends are glad to welcome thein bac;[ to the old home community for o n yatime. The Mission Circle is having = a social evening in the 0111.1r:h ort this 'Thursday elenmg, when Miss Sybil Courtice of Clinton, a returned missionary from Japan, will give an address on the life and customs of (he people of the Sunrise Kingdom. Miss ('ourticc will 0,05(0r in .Japan- ese. costume, .A good musical pro- gram is also being prepared. A new furnace 1 _s been installed in the .school and with a neve sys- tem it. is expected Lunt it will prove much more satisfactory than the old One slid. Miss I losslc Holland spent a few dayrr in (todericb visiting with Miss Robinson, teacher of our Public school. Dr, W, IVICC'orinick visited with his brother at the pnh5011age over Sun- day. Mr. 0. l', Holland had a good silt of stock al Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. Robertson of Goderich preached in the Methodist church 011 Sunday evening last and gave 0 Most iutr- esti❑g and profitable discourse. The die t r1( lc 1of L •' I �. v' O h, I o m.s ills Cheese Co., have engaged Mr. Fred, 11clgeworth of Sheldon as cheesy maker for the conning season. Mr. Edgeworth emus highly rec0nunend- 0d hating been first main for Mr. Fir - by of i'ayne's Stills las( season, the Winner of first prize for cheese at the Dairymen's Convention, held at St. Phomas recently. D'L•, (4. holland leaves for the east on Monday t0 personally tis r t an- other c! f 'I 1r ostock w10011 hr will sell in Clinton in the near future. The A'arifler 's Ins re c and the Women's Institute will meet in Ilol n)estille oh Monday next, The or- ganize Lions 1gcnizeLions will come together for the evening session, which will Ire held in 1lolme s' hall and will be o p en to the public. Good spealvers have been prn0ut d and inter sling sub- jects Will be disecsw11. Teo will he served at Ales., AIu111011and's for those wishing to rel5lain over for the 0en- ing. A collection fur the Belgian Fund will be taken at o the evening meeting, • London Road Miss el, McCartney of .00del:1211 is visiting at the home 01 AI•, anti Mrs; G, B. Hanley, RCN'. W. 1:1. and Mrs, ('ole of Plot,. Mich,, who base been visiting friends in Goderich township for some time, were the guests last wee'; or Mr and Mrs, . (:. B. Hanley. Mrs, Henry Livermore passed away= at her home on the Road on Satur- day last after an illness extending ev- er some months. As a last resort an operation was performed- about a fortnight or three weeks ago and the patient rallied somewhat from the dream of it and for a, time se01111- ed to improve, being removed from Clinton ,hospital to 'lies oonle here, hut later she grew worse and gradu- ally sant until the encs came. Sheds survived by a family of three sons and four daughters : Ilemiy of Chicago, Albert, Mrs, Maddison, Dliss Rosso and (Miss Maple of Toi:onto, Mrs. A. McCartney of Clintonn and Gordon ab home: The, funeral took place Oa. Tuesday afta1:110011 to Clinton ceme- tery. Rev. S. J. Alibi, who was the deceased's pastor, conducted the ser- vices the Pallbearers being •"Messrs. A. 33. Stephenson,, Wm. Hardy, 0. B. TIanley, Henry Peacock, ;john Mc-, Knight' and Cr. W. Layton. The fun- eral was very largely attended. All the member's of the family were Boole. Manny friends expressed their sympathy Wit11,. the familyand their respect for the deceased by sending flowers, among them a lovely spray from the London Roacl Epworth League Mrs, Livermore, during her residence in this community, ' had w=onthe respect of the neighborhood and much regret is felt ab her; Unhandy passing and sympathy with the bereaved husband and :family. ' Goderich Township 'Miss TlisieLob)) left en Saturday last for Radisson, Sastc, to wait ((50(1 Iles sister, Mrs. Nortnan Snider, wits is not in good health. ' The Unity Club • nice on Pl ursda Y latfu at lilis 110016 01 Mrs. J, ;Smftl}, when it number of new members were enrolled and a, pleasant afternoon spent, The el tib, 1 which Th purely social, meets fortnightly, next Meet lug at Mrs. Wan. Merolil's, 0 The Officer ,Williams referred to in the following paragraph -from the Toronto World is Frank A. Williams, son of Mr. 1.. W. Williams of the Maitland con., who joined the Force a few Meetirs ago l ""Air exciting chase between two suspects and two policemen took place late last .night. The: of tees finally caught their men, but 0(11.3 after much athletic ' work: 011ieevs Williams (505) and' English (20(). were 'walking up Portland and stiieob, when' John Gilbert and .Fred. Murphy enlarged from 'a lane carrying some wheels. As snap as they saw the policemen tiheyt dropped the wheels and ran, and, being suspicious, the Policemen ' detar(httued on catching.' then", Over fences, thru lanes, and tip and down. side streets, Gilbert lei Officer 14' tlianns. .In an opposite dir- ection Murphy fled, with ()Meer Eng- lish lifter him Murphy was easily overtaken, being caught in a barroom on Queen street, Gilhcrt, however, vvas very thyc l c but ' , lostL of t on fences, en It was while' endeavoring to put one, between himself and Williams in the rear of 'T0emnseth street, that the, latter arrived an 11:015 to grab a foot: Both, men en w m:e takes to Clare- mont street Police Station tach. on anri charg- ed har6-ed with stealing wagon wheels." Mr. H. Williams (vent clown to El- gin county fast vverjc and personally selected and bought twenty-nine COWS and young cattle which Le will (lis- poso of by, auction on Tuesday nett, The Cows are Shorldhmrns and 1)ur- 10115 and Mr. Williams is confident• their geed quality will he appreciat- oa by intending lilirchasers: Two or three sleigh loads of the young people from the vicinity of Porter's 11111 drove over to the Thome of Mr, and 1VIrs, R. J. Thompson on Tuesday evening and spent an en- joyable few hours 111 soesal inter- course. The party, which included members of the following families : McClure, Burks 1,indsay, Woods, Rutledge, Blair, Veo, Newton, Van- derbut(_h, Tichborne, Elliott, Pickard, Jardine, Cox and others, worn 0111 friends and neighbors of ]Mrs. Thanp- son's before her marriage. When all had assembled the evening was pleasantly s . 1(i: in music, games, es etc: Miss .Woods and As. Fred l'ickard rendered a couple of ducts v'eryl pleasingly and Mr. 0. J. Bruns, having brought along itis gramo- phone, entertained the company with some fine sclor,Lions. Of course re- freshments were served latex and the company broke up at a seasonable hour niter a most enjoyable social time. Reeve Lobb is attending tee nmeet- in, of the county council this week. Mr. W. 1r.Iofbs's , ale 01( Monday = of cows and young ea tile w110 largely attended and in [veil- way a. success, Twenty torts sold at an average of 583. One craw std calf 00111 at 3103 and anoihter cow at 171.01. Mr. hob ascribes the success of this 51110 to the superior etas. of stack 'lie Mae.'s on sale Thel ici• l i o a board of the C'o i c cb c h township Farmer's (!'tub met on Mon- day evening and arranged a series of meetings and pr0gt;mis for the en• suing thee •' 10o0ths. ,.1 number or subjects interesting to farmers . will be dieees5o(1 by able speakers at the fortnightly Mee 111,145 of the club. Port Albert • Mr, Eddie anis Miss Roselle. Schoen- hals of Clinton spent a few clays vis- iting in the village lash week. `Mrs. Alfred Quaid is in Wingham waiting on her sister-in-law, Mrs, A- dam Scharer, who. is ill. Mrs. Dunbar, 21(1 con, near this vil- lage, 10 very ]ow but e hope to hear of her recov cry, but her ago age which is 92 years is against her. Measles have made their appearance in this village but only one case so far, Clallow Smith. One of our young men was up on the carpet in (4oderich for violation of the liquor. act and by the report ft costs a few dimes to feel funny now, Nell Pearson attended the funeral of his nephew, John Taman at Blyth, on Monday :of this week, Miss Maud Cunningham spent a few days at her sister's, Miss. Lane at Larnsville .last week, Blake The local branch of the Women's Institute held a successful meeting at the home or Mrs. A, 1'. Douglas on Tuesday afternoon of last Week. Miss L. V, Land, a Deaconess of London, gave anaddress on her work which was: ,most interesting, Tea was af- terwards served and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. 1 The bale of clothing, etc„ packed' by 1.01 Institute for the Belgian Relief was valued at 3114.58. The donations of good and useful clothing by those not connected with, the Institute were much ap- preciated. i The next meeting will tate piece at the Thome of Mrs. -S, A. Mawson on Tuesday, Feb. 9th., . at half past two.. All women are .wel- come , to these Meetings. Hensall Wingham An orchestra of seven . pieces has been formed in connection with the Methodist Sunday school.; Mr. -J, E. MCDonoll was. in St. Mary's last week 'attending, the funer- al ,of a friend, - Mr. Frank Blatchford is in London receiving special treatment for :1115 eyes, Me. and Mrs, Geo. Walker and ail - dean of Guelph were recent guests at the home of Mrs, SnlaIlacombe, ' Mr. Gavin Moir of Quebec has been visiting friends in the section, Miss Annie .;McLean has gone to take a nurse's training. in Victoria hospital, Misses Aileen and Evelyn Pound of I•la,rriston have been visiting in town, Mr. Wm G. .Anderson of Arcola, Sask., is visiting his mother on the B. Linc, Purnbecry, this being his first visit to the parental hone 111 twenty-two years, Miss L. Ishister has.reburnod to the Macdonald 'Instibute,, : Guelph, after spslnding several weeks at her honk in Zurich ,Mrs, John Brown, who 'was former- ly Miss Annie Schoch of hap return- ed ed to her Lout( aU Winsor, 11'idt•,, on Friday alter a -visit :of several w'ealcs with.friends Mid Relatives 'ff' the bid homes community.,, - Mr.u Lo is Til 1 ache let a and • family J1ave, moved here; Brom Gotleeieh. and are Occupying the'' house at the flax 1(,111,' Rev: 1) Burn n df �4Va'� ''c tall �i� )0 J 45:i5t- ing Rev. Mr, Brawn in s i se' oc at s P I vices in the ‘Evangelical church h $lnfs week, The servi''ees , arc being :con ducted In English, }r I Preston. A. iauR Lrialci al of the Seminary at Waterloo is to de- liver a lecture in the Lutheran church on Friday evening of this week. Hie subject will be, "Lutheran .Pd(tea bion." NBiss Maida lioutleci • gc of Dashwood visiteld Miss V. .Seibert last week, Mrs, J, Galster has returned from a visit with f •' t he li de in Exeter, M. Wnr. Basso'',has rens ned hour e from D. elect1, hear v Y C he ]laxeC visit- ing ❑ V1SI�' t ing friends, Air, P. Sipple c of P'arkliill has been renewing acquaintances in town. Mr. Morris Stumpf is home from the west visiting friends, , The Zurich A•goicultural Society held their annual meeting last ..Week when tite finances ance. 5 were found to -he,in a very satisfactory c tat� S atC a balance of some thirty-five dollars being in the treasury. The election of officers re• suited as, follows i President, John Pfaff Vice Presidents, C. Either and 11 h. Calbnell y"0 le^ LarY0 as '• -tr . seer I). S Faust) : 1 xle rs io , , J. Deitcher, 0. 1.1, 'Hader, Alfred Reichert, James. Green, H. 1.1, Neel), Casper Walper, W. 11, Rattler, Peter Deichert, TI, Kruger. 1111111 tors, Jacob Haberer, Wendel Smith ; delegates to Agricul- tural b'air Convention to be held in Toronto in February, .1. Pfaff, P. Deichert. - .11Ir, Calvin Williams has returned Lo Buffalo after a pleasant visit at This home here. Mt. Perri Sparks is down from Biggar, Sask,, and is buying up a car. of horses for shipment to' the west. Dir. and Mrs..1. Preetet and Mr. and Mrs. w L. Sei.hert visited friends i1) Creditor) recently. Dungannon Mr, Ilaoohlelivers of the Sterling Bank staff has been transferred to Godrn'ieh :for a couple of months. • Mt k. 11of a cOwen h Sound has been 1I stten o his sister, 1( rs. A, Miss Hub" Si (others of Goderich has 13eon visiting friends here. Mss Isabella McWhinney of Ash- field was married last week to Mr, ('Itarles 'Taylor of the same township, .Aiter 0honeymoon Mr, and 'Mrs:, Taylor will settle on their farm on the 3th eon. • The business Wren of Dungannon have agreed t0 close their: shots at six o'clock on Monday, . Wednesday, and Friday ci(.1(in35 of each week, beginning n t s this week, The Dungannon Rifle Association held els ,i annual t t 1 c1 tray last week when the following officers were el- ected Captain (. Elliott ; Secre- tary, .1. 1', McFarlane ; Treasurer, Ernest Dull' , Auditors, ''l'. Cl, Allen and Iii. Bellamy ; 1?xe 511t'e, Rev. G.' Gomm, john 011(1( 1Tcr eau and P. Dhsher:. The Association nnaalnirinsly decided to donate twenty dollar[' from the treasury to the Patriotic 131100, this sunt to be supplemented by subscrip- tions from the members. The list remains open for a month., :11' the annual .needing of Erskine ('hurch last week the reports showed all departments to be progressing, 4300 will he expended this year on the 113teri01' of file church building aid in erecting a stable at the manse. Bread has gone up to twelve cents in Dungannon. The local branch of the Women's Institute have prepared a large hale of quilts and clothing for the Bel- gians and oe Frhlay evening last held a evinced", the proceeds of Which were given to swell the 'Fund. Misses' Jda tiShyard and Clara Sproul spent a few days last week with Goderich friends. Dungannon has e levy cases of Measles hub it is hoped that with proper care the disease will not spread. A friendly game of basket'hall was played between a team from Luckuow and a local team in bhe "Gymn" one evening last week, resulting in a loin for the leads..Mrs, Robt, McKen- zie served. supper .to the two teams after the gann0• Hensall Miss Myrtle Ban: bel.' and . her sister C' of Toronto havee b en visiting g at the home of Mrs. Drake, Mr,Jn ol• r t Maca tui' of London $ eitt a few days last week as the guest of Mr, and Mils, Fi. Athold. Miss Anderson d Oa was. 10 n Iaondon last week. Mr. W. 10. [loggarth is teaching at No. 10, ,Ilay. Miss Mabel Sparks has charge age of No. 14T Ia} , for. this year. Miss Bessiee Mean, only daughter M ) ub ci of Mir. and Mrs, Aloe. Munn, ,was unit- ed in maiyiage,on Thursday- of last week to• Dr. 'P.. G. Wilson of Moore- field, Ont, The ceremony tools place in Cannel church, Rev, E.._ MCL, Smith officiating: The bride wore her travelling' suit and g n the couple were -unattended. Mrs: Milne Rennie played the wcddin O E march. a -their return from their lioaeyinoon:.the t will reside in Mocire.field, t 'The 010-tfuto ball held in the new town00 hall 01( Friday week was per- haps the htgrest gathering ever ate - sandaled Hensel', t n.T' t wasestimat- ed that there were nearly eight hun- dred people present. A couple of hun- dred were obliged to go to the opera house in order to allow the dancing. to proceed and: even then it was crowded. The dances were of the old-time variety and the music was furnished by several local fiddlers and botht o l and Ycorag enjoyed cbh e danefng. Miss Editli Mcldwan of tate Orillia Public 0011001 teaching staff, Who has been 1101130 on sick leave, is now im- proving g nc p and will shortly he able to r0511010 c e her work. vo Mr: Wm. (1ilehrist of 'racoma, Wash,, a member of a '1 faintly well lil101511 herebeing a son of the late John Gilchrist, died at his home as the result of blood poisoning follow- ing an operation on an auitnal in, the practise of his profession of veterin- ary surgeon. He was but thirty -nice years of age and leaves a wife and one 011111, ''1'110 funeral of the late Robert Me,- 1VLordie, Who diol in London, took place to Hensall cemetery on Sat- urday week on the arrival of the London train, The, funeral was large- ly attended, the deceased being well known and highly esteemed here. The Proper shelving and other ar- rangements are being adjusted in the library room of the new town hall. The rate for the library this year is to be half a mill, being so bixed so that; the Caivecnment grant could be applied for, The council are putting an a hi= S dance in the 4e w town .hall tomorrow C'c n 1 n' e iuwhen. n evocybody will he wel- come and the proceeds applied to the payment of fixtures of various kinds for the hall. Plans are being arrang- ed for the placing of handsome fire- places in the council roots and read- ing moll), January 28th,.1915 .3 Hensall. Me and -Mos. Geo. .R 1 eYno ds of it visHam- Moe iatn- ilt f o f visited .the parents of the for: mer here for few 'days recently. -Miss 1Vlarie Carlin has .taken . up her.... dull" t Ls as' -a nurse -in -training' at the TIoly ,Gloss hospital, Calgary, Alta. Mr. Chas. Dick is home 100111 the west; THE SPIRI'T OF WINTER, The Spirit i I of Winter is with us making its presence 1 known in marry`' different ways -sometimes • by cheery sunshine and glistening snows, � t g s1(ov, and Sometimes 'hy driving winds and blin- ding storms. . To many people eo' le it seems to take a delight in making bad things worse, for rheumatism tv' v 11x25 harder, twin es sihaxper, ' cat- arrh b000111es more annoying, and the many symptoms of scrofula arc devel- oped'and aggravated. There is not gg . much Poetry id -this, but there is truth, and .i 1 's wonder that i a vaul0 that more people don'tg et rid- of these aiimenta, The medicine that cures them -Hood's Sarsaparilla -is easily ohafn el and there is abundant proof that its cures are radical anti permanent, i Music leek at 000per's ci Brand new stock of the latest music in- cluding all the new pop- ular Songs, Marches and Music' Books. A great variety ,of Patriotic Music, We have a d a 11 (1 y n e \\' Doherty Piano on which to t r y t h e music. E W. Cooper Co. CLINTON. Our Iig Redilotioll Sale OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES BEGINS FEB, AND CONTINUES FOR 10 DAYS. SEE BILLS, i F.MERiVEE, BayfteId. 1 Patriotism and Production Agrill1tllra1 Conference Under the 1) uuiuion Department. of Agriculture, in co-opera- tion „u 11 the Ontario Department of Agriculture, will be held in the town hall, Winghain, Thursday, Feb. lith 3 p. m. -''The Lu'y and the Ohp0rtanity of the Canadian Farmer," 1"e) -In Relation to ,I' ern Crops.' William Squirrel, B,S,A„ Associate Professor of Field 11 n,bandry, ()nth rio Agricultural College, Guelph, (b) -In Relation 1,, Live stock. Paul R. Angle, B,5.A., Simeoe, 7,30 p, 1(1, -fn addition to the above speakers, A. H. Musgrove, M.P.P. and others, will address the meeting. GOD SAVE THE KING. - .11108.1•00. V lea 1 adv A Word to the Wise on Fence Buying, When You Buy From The Dealer You Pay 1 -Man facl.ui er's factory cost (including materials, tenor machinery, superintendence, etc.) 2 -Mont lecturer's advertising cost. 3 -Ment f,ictueer's salesinen's travelling expenses. 4 -Mani leer urer's salesmen's commissions, 5 -Man( lecturer's interest on dealer's "tame -ac- count." 6- Man lecturer's allowance for brut debts, 7 -Man r facturer's profits. 8 -Dealer's property investment (store, st0e11, fix- tures etc,) 9 -Dealer's interest on customer's "time -accounts," 30 -Dealers allowance for had debts, ].1 -Dealer's profits, No. of g1(,, , eIIhe ,.ehee .PNe,i0 Old Ea6 H Part. - [ h'iimoF,Oa Oumrlo, 40 22 6y, 7,' 8% 9 9 $O.22 40 22 5, 5 , 7, 7, 7%. 8 .24 7 48 22 • 5,:6,44 733, 9, 10, 10 . ,. , .25 8 42 22 6, 6, 6, 5 6, 6, 6,... , .27 8 42 1634 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6:.._,29 8 47 22 4, 5, 5341 7, 874, 9, 9 . , ,. ,28 8 , 47 16% 4, 5, 534, 7, 8141, 9, 9.30 9- 48 22 6, 6, 6,:6, 6, 6, 6, 6 9 48 16:94 6, 6, 6, 6 6 6, .6, 6 .31 109 52 22 4, 4, 5, 534,7,834, 9 9„ .31 21 4, 4, 5, 534 7,.834, 9, 9., .33 10 52 48 1634 3, 3, 3, 4, 534, 7, 7, 734, 8 .35 11 55 1674 3,3,3,4,53;,7,834 9,9` .35 16.% , 3, 3, 3,4,5%, 7,84;9,9 .38 ALi'TiJLL NG.,9 GAUGE. When You Buy Direct From Page You Pay Only 1-111anufacturer's factory. cost (includingmaterials latter, ntrohinery, superintendence, et,) 2 -Manufacturer's act vertising cost. 3 -Manufacturer's profits, And the other eight big items which you don't pay represent the extra actual value of Page ge Fence over ordinary fence the saving you keep in sour pocket every time you buy Page Fence, SPECIAL FENCEa, 00,910liens ghie 8locheBnp0K. No. IJ. 18 -bar, 48 -inch 0 0.43 20 -bar, 60 -inch .48 Set tools. 8.00 3 -ft. Gate 2.25 12 -ft. Gate 4.20 13 -ft, Gate 4.45 14 -ft. Gate. 4.70 25 lbs. Staples .75 25 lbs. Wire.., .70 FREIGHT PAID ON ORDERS OR 510,00. 012 .OVER When yon buy ordinary fence 11irue -h the dealer - you're giving dollar bills for.50e. worth 01' fence. When you bray direct from PAGE you get more nearly 100 percent. real value for your money than with other fence bought in aaay other way, 304 vow order to 1145)0 h,•dail ),ai(1 pain 071 o111erx (0 to or 0+01, PAGE Wire Fence Go. Ltd. DIrPARTAII).xT No. 65 1137 Kl () ST., W„ ToitOte ro. y 87 Ort mics ,9'L', W Ar.atunvit.m.:. nosnemsionsionooslimi C