The Clinton News Record, 1915-01-21, Page 5.January 21st, 19I5 Clinton News -Record More Local News Willis Church Is Prospering ><n e P g ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED, Mr: • Will 'Caldwell- of Londosboro an, uounees the engagement of his sister, Mabel, to Mr, John Cochayne of Ni- „agate i- :a ara falls • r •'• n the ma uta, e to tale g e placethis month, p p T. MEETIfnCG. The Women's Institute will meet at r a,' e bons •MLs e Johnston . Sadat �'�i1 e of of 'Thursday afternoon'' next when Mrs, H. Iowler will`. give'' an address on "Dress as an Expression of Personal- ity,” and the roll call will be re- sponded to by something bearing on -the subject. MAKE ELECTRIC PIANOS ONLY, The Solo Player Piano Company 'f. will, The News -Record is so informed, in future snake electric players only and, With new men on the director- -ate it began operations on Monday i, The Company has been strengthened by outside capital and as the market for electric players is yet in its in- fancy the Solo Cornpan Y, is expected in due course to become an industry It -of much promise. DIED AT ALMA. Miss Rudd received word on Mon- day of the death of hex uncle, Mr. Robt. F. Rudd of Alma, which me- -cured u ed on Saturday. r. As a young ng man many years ago the deceased 'owned a farm on the Base Line and -may be remembered by some of the older residents of Goderich township, Ile was the, last member • of his family and was in his eighty-ninth year. Ito leaves .a family of sons and daughters, A MISSIONARY BANQUET. The congregations of Wesley and -Ontario street churches intend hold- ing a nsens' missionary banquet in the leoture room of the latter church on Tuesday evening next. Supper will be serye d from half past six by ..the ladies of the two missionary auxil- iaries. Rev. J:,H. Arnup of Toronto will give an address and there will be other e numbers' on ther p ogrant. A11; the men, young andCold of both churches, are expected to he present. HU'S! COAL TOMORROW. • Anyone buying a ton of coal from Me. A, Forbes, tomorrow, will be contributing fifty cents to the Pat- riotic Fund as Mr. Forbes, has offer- ed to give fifty emits for every ton of coal sold on the elate of January " twenty-second to the Woman's Pat- ptotic Society. If the coal bin, there- fore, is beginning to show signs of ivear and tear it might just as well be tomorrow replenished torr - 0 ow as any outer day. Order a fresh supply and help :swell the funds of the W.P.S, .CURLERS LOOSE GAME. couple of -rinks of curlers look another journey to Seaforth on Fri- day last, on this occasion losing to the players of the sister town. The rinks were as follows : J, W. Neel - ger, Rev. J. C. Potts, Rev, P. 0. Harper, B.` .T. Gihbings, skip. 1T. E. Paull, C. J. Wallis, G. D. Meraggart W. Jackson, skip. Mr. Gibbing's rink was twelve and Mr. Jackson's one st down, thirteen altogether. Thirteen was an unlucky number for Hinton curlers on that particular day, i . :ANOTHER TREAT. iN r, T. Jackson, Jr., seems to be always thinking about the pleasure of the children and this time it is a free entertainment in the town hall, tomorrow, (Friday) evening for the scholars of thq Model school and Col- legiate,chiidren from the country, and also to all mothers and grand- soothers. To all others the price of admission will be ten cents, and the proceeds to go to the Children's Aid Society of the County of Huron, The program will he mostly moving pictures, along with a good musical • program, which will , commence ` at 7.30 and Iast till 9,30. That it will be good one goes without saying, and the people who attend will spend a pleasant tw'o hours. Zurich Mr. David Schiuclher of Elkton, Mich., visited relatives and friends here last week for a few+days. The banns of marriage have been published for Miss Josephine Foster of the Babylon Line and Mr., Leo Strupp of Berlin. At the, annual meeting of the Luth- er League last week the following officers were elected 'President, A. F. Hoes ; Vice,. P, Deichert ; Secre- tary, W. Whetton ; Treasuror, R. 1Calb ftetsh rIVIIPACAMWMPOWelget JaVA I JANUARYSALE win be contin-. ued until Sat- urdag Night, Jan. 30th. .a 4 Biggest Bargains we have ever given It will pay those need- ing Clothing or Furn- ishin s to . do their buying at this Sale. See lis of IBargstins page 3, r, MOR� iSH CLOTHING Company.larmaiwatmovame i dr The annual business meeting el W' lis church was held last Wednesda evening, being openedwith v h r turf devothon g, g exercises led d byRev.'Frank C. Ti Ha per 13. D. The lecture room of fib church was well filled with the larg attendance of enthusiastic member and adherents, of the, churoh. Mr. Br do ; cltai • th e chairman of fie id Y n , Boa Trustees, 'vas elected chairman of th meeting and Mr. G. Dl MoT'aggart secretar y Rev: Mr. Harper gac. the review of the year by the Kirk -s•. stun, showing. the growth of the eon gregation to 130' families, a me gain of 20. The membership rob ha been purged last autumn, and Hier were 254 members at the opening o the new pastorate. Since that dal; in 'September, there had been 1 new members received, bringing th membership to -270 at the end. o 1.911. The average attendance at prayer meeting, 60. The various re- ports of the organizations in the con- gregation were then read and adopted all showing good progress and eviden- cing ' the ]healthy condition of the church financially and spiritually. The cong regatienal treasurer's "roport showed progress' ail along the line, total receipts being $3243, an increase of $224 over the preceding year. Tile expenditures w r a e 2873 leaving $ av a g balance, on hand of $570. Contribu- tions to the Missionary Budget $944, of which suns the Women's Missionary Society gave $195, the GirIs', Chili $160 and the Sunday school $50. The Sunday school report -showed 160 scholars and 21 officers on the roll, a gain of 7 olrtcers and 20 scholars ov- er tine preceding year, and the reven- ue of the school was $240, an increase' of $110 over 1913. The Girls' Club reported an increased membership to 25, an average attendance of 20, and an increase in receipts from $102 in 1913: to $209 in 1914, while their Missionary contributions' - uicrease Yd from 78'1 '1 $. o ro. $ The Covenant f Bible Class reported for its l months his= 'tory, a gain hi ,mombership from 23 in September to 57 .at the end of the year and an average attendance of 32. The Women's Association paid off $100 of the church debt, their total receipts being $162, and there was a balance on hand of $14. The members of this society have been prominaat- y connected with the Women's Petri- otic work in town, a fact that ac- ounts for.their year not being as pro- gressive as it otherwise would have ten. The Women's Missionary Society hawed contributions of $195, an in- rease of $31 over 1913 and a bate of lathing of value of $33 was sent to he west. The adoption of these re- orts was given with much enthusi- stn, and the congregation regard hent as but indicating the, still high - r mark that will be attained in 1915. Messrs. Chas. Lindsay, Geo. 111eLen- an, and J. W. Stevenson, the retiring rustees were re-claeted after ballot, tut Mr, Herbert Alexander was elec- ed to fill the vacancy on the Board f 'Trustees in place of the late Wm_. reliant, Esc. The auditors elected ere Messrs, W. D. Fair and John Wiseman and Mr, Thos. Jackson, Jr. vas appointed -to represent the con- regation on the mtisical committee t the church: 13y unanimous vote Ire meeting gave instructions to the Cirk-session and Board of Trustees o carry out an ".Piety Person Can- es" for subscriptions in aid of the issionary budget and Ilia congrega- ional revenue. A conference of the Kirk -Session nd Board of Trustees met on Mon - aye -evening of this week anis appoint - d committees and arranged for a eneral meeting of the men of the ongregation at the church on Monday vening next. •Lists of hales will ba ado anis final plans for the simultan- ous campaign for revenue and mis- lonery budget on the following UR'a aye. There *will be an invitation mail this week t tpersonallyb o en, Y very person in the congregation to ssist in God's work in the world y their offerings. The annual S.S. sleighride and sup- er was given on Tuesday afternoon nd was most thoroughly enjoyed by Ire girls and boys. Rev. Mr. harper will take up the Every -Person -Canvas" at both see - ices on Sunday next. Cl- ay al r- e e s N, of P S• t d e e G e Zuriah Mr. Robert Ross Johnston, senior partner of the firm of R. R. John- ston & Son, died at the family resi- dence Friday week at the age of 69 years, He' leaves.' his wife and six' children, three daughters and threw sons. in 1874 he married Miss Annie Happel, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Happel of 'Zurich, with nvhotn he reared a family consisting of Wil- liam, junior partner and ;manager of the Dominion House,, Mrs. (Dr,) MacKinnon, of the village ; Miss Vic- toria, Mies Pearl and. Wellington at home, and Orland of the Molsons Bank, Clinton, all of whom went present when death came. ND:. John- ston wasIreland, in horn in Belfast 1846, and when a young man he im- migrated to Canada; where be en- gaged in -the hotel business. ' In; 1866 he was associated with Mt "Joe" Wright in the Huron House, Goder- ich, where the officers of the Militia of Huron County .were quartered dur- ing the Fenian excitement ' e( that Year. Later he took an active Past in the erection of the hotel on the Park Faris, north of Goderich. In the early part of the 70's he carne to Zurich and engaged in .various bus- iness enterprises and finally; purchas-ed the Dominion House, where rte re mained until his death. In the 4s0 odd years of his business activity in', Zurich be accumulated- wealth., The funeral,, which was well attend- ed, took place from the family rezi- deuce,' where the Services Weise 00h ducted on Sunday afternoon, to the ' The pall- bearers bine cemetery. 1 p hearers were : Robert Williams, Al- bort Heideman, Henry Lippert, ,Char- les' Iiartleib, Fredetiek lialbloiseli and Henry Yunghlutt, Zurich • A livelrunaway took place onthe Y Zurich h R oad Wednesday � a of last week. As'Mr. William Battler, of the Baby- lon Line, was .passing through the. village los horse, attached to • a, ct- ter, tookfright and startedon a brisk run. The driver, when the animal had, gained, considerable ntem- entum, checked hint up short, but, as though be ' were on skates, the horse slidY ver the e r u ley road a. dreg. fiancef 0 30 yards. ' He then Fell and before the could resume his wild ,pace he was caught by an officer and held until his, nervous fit was over: Bel yond the shakeup no great (tannage was done. The latest ,invention of. Sir- John Foster, the local inventor and .:Pert . mechanic, is an fee• sawing machine. On lyIr. Foster's farm, near elm, lege, there there is a smait lake fi one which tate village has been supplied with ice for many years .past. Orig- inally the space covered by the, lake was a brick yard, the brick clay of which reaching to a great depth; Millions of bricks were manufactured atthis yard, when nuinerous springs were tapped which ' a entualiil filled the space with sparkling water. The old brickyard was no more, but the owner had a lake instead. It was a delight to him. Wild geese, ducks and other water fowl paid annual visits to stie inviting bird resort. In course of tins small is 0 1 fish or spawn eLe de- posited posited there by wild ducks, it is said. Then came the turtle, which built its nest in the bank and soon outnumbered ail 'other „animals 'at this healthful spot. Indeed so numerous had the turtles hermitic that a tourist scribe christened the big pond !'Turtle Lake." The turtle gets its food on land and in the water. In the latter it dives to the bottom and when the writer fowl are swim- ming on the surface .it catches, them by the feet and then snakes a meal of them. Many escape, however, ntinu.s a leg. In the fall time the lake,. whenyr frozen ver, 15 oused cl as an open skating r' nk and is pati onized by lovers of that sport fol miles around. Later on ,comes the iceman, when a. g eneral ice harvest ' is in v 1 vogue. uc. "stere isriCper a fixed pride load for the ice, the owner pf the lake Supplying it in squares, 16 x 32 inches, of even .thick - nese, so that a good supply can be stored away in a small place. Here it is where. Mr. Foster's Invention— the ice sawing machine—shows its labor-saving. The sawing -machine is ?laced on a frame with runners sinilar to that of an ordinary road sleigh, having on top a gasoline en- gine and a circular sate. The sew is secured in a movable frame, so that it can be lowered or raised at will of the operator. The sleigh is drawn along the ice by a rope cable. After the first cut is made a guage is in- serter in tice gutter matte by the saw, so that the squares of ice will be of even width. The whole sur- face is gone over one way for width and then crossed for length. The squares are separated by hand, In the use of the machine labor is econ- omized ruin the uniform size. of the squares makes it easy to store away. Mr. Pester hs malting drawings and specifications of the device aaui in- tends having it patented. The death occurred at Cavalier, N. D., on Saturday week of Menne Sar- erus, brother of Mr, Ban, Sarerits of the 11th and of Mr. Joseph Sar- erus of the Bronson Line. It is about thirty years since the deceased left here to settle in Dakota. Miss Nettie Well of Detroit has been visiting her parents here,. Mr. and Mrs. H. Well. Marriages MANNING—TREBILCOCK— In Lon- don, on January 14th, Minnie Trebilcock to Wilber N. Manning, formerly of Clinton. Births Mc A"--1 14I lII t c ••c t Cr 1 t h o q i on Jan 10th, to Mr, and Mrs, S. R. MacMath of "hillside," Goderieh township, a daughter, (Helen Louise.) VEiTC:H-In Clinton, on Jan, 1.4th, to Mt. anti Mrs. Voitch, a daugh- ter. O'BR"IEN—In Goderich on ,7ait. 8111, to Mr.' and Mrs. D. M. O'Brien, a slaughter, Deaths SCOTT—At Canfield,, Ont„ on Jan - nary 19th, Annie Pickett, wife of Mr. Thomas Scott, formerly of Loidesboro. BRADSHAW-1n Clinton, on'January 18111, Harriett E. Booth, wile of Mr. G. A. Bradshaw, ,teed 42. years and 6 months. RUDD—At Alma, on January 16th, Robert F. Rudd, in his 89th Year. NI-MORD/TS—At London on .January 13th, Robert McMordie, formerly ' of Kipper, aged 76 years, LSF WANTED TO RENT WITII a view- to purchase. To be of filed - S.17,0 and .in good location. Wanted about middie,.of February.— , -08 Mrs. '1'.C albea•dt TOR SALE -LOT 24 '0N HURON ST, acre. Also 2nd hand 60a1 heater. —A, J. Tyndall, -67 ORCIANIZATI,ON MEETING. — AN organization meeting of the Libeal- Consprvative Association for the Riding of South Huron as constitut- ed for Dominion purposes will be held in the town hall, Clinton, on Saturday, Jan. 30th, at one o'clock p.m, for the ,purpose el organizing the tiding as now . constituted, re- ceiving reports and transacting -otic ee important business, Besides J. .J., :Horner, M.P. and H. Either, the mee'ling will be address- ed'by'otioer prominent Federal rep- resentatives. The executive will meet et 11. o'clock am. el the same day. By order, of the exeeu- bive.-H. Horton, President ; R. N, Creech, "Secretary, • LO 1`A SHORT CK S HAIRED, BLACK Fox 'Perrier with white breast. Has s collar with k Utas ossa t h lot and theam n e "Frank Hodgens" inscribed. A re' ward will be given for its recovery: —Wilfrid Sedley. -08 AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND Sroung eattle Mr. -W H. Lobb has instructed the undersigned to sell by public 'auction at Lot 47, Mait- land Con., e Godert'h T •U 2 Tp., a o'clock sharp on Hondas', January. 25111, the following 20 Choice Selected High Grade Durham. Cows. —1 to calve about time of sale, 5 to calve,in. February, 2 to calve in March, 4 to calve in April, 7 to calve in May, 1 farrow cozy milking well note, 1• choice' Auiyshire to calve at -timrs of sale, 7 last spring cal- ves, Durham grades, 2 calves 10 days old. Guarantee : Any cow rep- resented to be dii calf and proving not to be within ono month of date of sale may be returned and note or money will be refunded. Terms j 6 months' credit ivill be given on approved joint notes or a . discount of 6 percent. per annum for cash. Sale will be conducted indoors it weather is. stormy, also accommo- dation for horses. —W. II. Lobb, Proprietor ; T. Gundry, Aitctioneerf A Gr T U IONSALE OF IIOUSEIIOLD Furniture,—The undersigned has been instructed by MI Jas, Medd to sell by public auction at fits' residence, 2 doors west of Dr. Thotnpson's on Huron street on Saturday, Jan. 23rd, commencing at 2:o'elock. A quantity of House- hold Furniture, Terms—Cash. All will be sold without reserve as Mr. Medd is leaving for Toronto.— Jas. Medd, Prop. ;' G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer:, UNRESERVED' AUCTION SALE of Farm a Stock ai 0 d Implements.— 1 Mr. Thos.- Brown t n has received in- s4ructiorts from Mr. Alex. . Sparks to sell by public. auction , at •Lot 24, Con, 2, Stanley Tp,, on Wed- nesday, Feb. 3rd, at 1 o'clock, the following : Horses—Brood mare 13 years old supposed to be in foal to Shetliin Stamp, Driving horse 12 years old, quiet and reliable, Geld- ing rising 3 l!ears old, Span of fil- lies rising -2 years old, Sucking colt,, Cattle -4 milting cows supposed to be in calf, Ilcifee rising 3 years, supposed to be in calf, 2 steers ris- ing 3 years old, Fat heifer 2 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 4 calves. Brood sow to litter is March, 4 fat hogs. About 75 hens, Intpletneutq--Massey-IJarris binder, 6-14, cot, neatly now, Steering mow- er, McCormick ]pay rake, Reversible disc harrows, Broadcast seeder, Drill, Set diamond harrows, Gang 1) 10W, Double furrow plow, Walking plow, SeaOler, Set double harness, 3 sets plough harness, 3 sets single harness, 2 lumber wagons, 2 bob- sleighs, Set leg bunks, Steck rack, Play rack, Wagon box, Gravel box, Cutter nearly new, Top buggy, Democrat, Cart, Fanning 1111111, Bar- ley fork, Set weigh scales 1200 lbs,, ii'heclberr'ow, 40 rods woven wire, Car with rope and sling ropes, 28 ft. extension ladder, 3 robes, 8 sug- ar kettles, Daisy churn, Melotte cream separator, Forks, 10 ft, gal- vanized water came, Bags, Shovels, Pulleys, New coal heater. A num- ber of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms : All suns- of $5 and under, can ; ' 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 4 cents on the dollar oft for cash on credit amounts. Everything , must be sold as the proprietor has sold' his fares, --Thos. Brown, Atrction- eer; Alex, Sparks, Proprietor. APPLICATIONS FOR. OFFICE. --s Applications addressed to tate un- dersigned and marked "Application for Office" 10111 be received up to 0 o'clock p.m, on Friday, Jan, 29th, for the following positions : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Constable, etc., Tax Collector, Night Watchman and Assistant Con- stable, Cemetery Superiutensent, Poundkeeper. As there is to be a change in the ]hours on duty of some of the officers intending ap- plicants should call at tate Town Clerk's office for information be- fore putting in their application. - 0. L. Macpherson, Cleric, . —98-2 9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT I will not be responsible for- any debts contracted in.my name With- out a written order from me.—Mrs, Mrs. Robs. Mason. 07-3 FOR SALE,—A SECOND HAND cutter in good condi-Nom—Thos. Lep- pington, —67 . WOOD FOR SA I,— AZU QUANTITY_T Y of good hardwood, in large t.r small quantities; any length from one to four feet, This wood will be seal oheaA. Wm. Wheatley, Huron St, Clinton, Phone 71. --65 TI -IE CANADIAN LAUNDRY. -WE are prepared to do first-class laun- dry work and make your collars white without the use of acid or lye. If laundry is not done satis- factorily it will be redone free or your money refunded. Cleaning and pressing also done. Goods called for and delivered. Clive us a trial. -R. 'L. Moore, the Canadian Laun- dry, - —61 NOTICE—I HAVE A ThORO1;31tED Hereford Dull which will stand lot the dmprovement of stock at lot 10, eon,,• 4, Mullett. . Terns,: $1,00 with the privilege of returning.— ' John Manua.1 NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER. M C LAMER C r OST, I .file 13ARRIST- et, Solicitor, Conveyancer, .etc, Office on Albert street occupied b YMr Hooper. In Clinton on every Thurs.. is day, and on any:daji for which ap- pointments and made, Office hours from- 9 a. m. • to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with office, own tion yarn the Office open every v e , y Mr . hopper,will make arty a,,7oin'.nients for Mr. Cameron. FOR (SALE.—A' GOOD CIENERAI. store in the country, about . seven miles from Clinton. Dwelling and store combined. A1so a first-class stable and driving shed. Possession given at any time to suit purchas- er. • For further information apply to Box V care News -Record. 66-4. TENDERS WANTED.. — TENDERS will be received by the Council of the Township - of Ilulieljt for the supply of 3500 ft. of first class Roeleeim plank for bridge flooring, only the best will be accepted the said plank to be 14 ft. long and 2'• in. thick, to be delivered on or be- fore May 1st as follows: 3000 ft, at Wm. /Risk's, Lot 17,, con. 8, and about 500 ft, at Reeve Fingland's. Tenders will be -opened at the town- ship hall on Thursday, Feb. 411h, at 2 p.m.—James Campbell, Clerk. —67-3. ANNUAL MEETING. — THE AN- nual meeting of the McKillop Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the town hall of the Town of Seaforth on Friday, February 5th, 1915, at 2 o'clock, p. m. The busi- ness will be to receive the annual statement, tate Auditor's and Direc- tor's reports, the electing of the di- rectors and other business which would be considered for the good of the Company, The retiring directors are J. B, Mer,ean, Malcolm McEwan e r n and D. l I14G c or who are eligi- ble g ble for re-election. — Thomas L. Hays, Secretary, —67,. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY Council.—The sc uncia of the corpor- ation of the County of Huron will meat -in the council chamber, in the Town ot Goderich, on Tuesday the 26th. inst. at the hour of 3 o'clock, —W. Lane, Clerk. Dated at Goder- iel1, this 12th day of January, 1915. —67. NOTICE—AFTER THE NEW YEAR Miss Mildred Evans will be .prepar- ed togive treat/nerds a nten s byele•••,: ,, oly- sis for the removal of superfluous hair, also electric massage for the cure of baldness, falling stair and dandruff,—Agent for Mrs. E. Coates 'Coleman's Ideal preparations as Ideal Flesh Food,, Ideal Velvet Crean, Ideal Hair Tonic, Ideal Hand Lotion, Ideal Acme Cure, ate. FOR SALE—ONE UPRIG3IT PIANO in fair condition $120, one upright piano used less than a year $190, was 9375, ono Edison phonograph slightly used with 12—records $35, one coal range High shelf with reser- voir incl water front complete, good as new, $20. Will be sold on your terns.—Wesley Wallcur. —05 FOR SALE.—ONE BLACK BEAR- sicin Robe good as new and one kit- chen cupboard. They were taken in exchange for new goods and as I have no use for than. they ivill be sold at a hargain.—Wesley Walker. —65. NOTICE.—CITIZENS ARE I3ERE- by notified that the practice . of emptying ashes on our streets must be stopped. The police officers icers 1av e been instructed to enforce • com- pliance with this order, By order of the Mayor.—Jos. Wheatley, Chief Constable, —65 BIBLICAL—PROPHETIC AND OTH ther subjects studied on Sundays at 3 and 7 p.m. at J. Ilolmes'• "The Evergreens," Huron Road. ' All in- vited. Malachi 3.17, —54. PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L G S M Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice Specialist. Teacher of Organ, Pl- ano and Artistic Singing. Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays, Re- sidence and studio, 620 Duflerin Ave, London. —49. WANTED. — BRIGI.I'r COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Batter, for which we pay highest prices.—Can- talon Bros. —52. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. . Be h Ladies s and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to de good work. Room over _Mr. Grigg's Jewelry Store.—Win, Jago, —55, CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply twa cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques :twice each mouths cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent .man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and testedlou arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream :with Mr. Hall •who'tvill ',deliver it here. ;Write for sans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforth. NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER. THE CORNE RSTO� flE Live and Let Live Daintiest of FOODS. For the Reception, Sot'iai or Evening Party.' When ye))) entertain you atilt to please. Dainty refreshments are placed before your guests. We make a speciality of getting together the daintiest of foods for just such occa- sions, and at the present lime }veu will ;finda splendid as- sortment on our counters and shelves. A number of these are new lines' which are bound to be ap- preelated. Assorted fancy biscuits frena 10c to 75c per lb. Delicious cocoa 100 to 2i'c per tin,: Olives plaid or stuffed 10e to 25c per bottle, Fancy Cherries ,in fa'icy bottles. For dessert—Jelly Powders in various colors. Here is a list of sugges- tions : Potted Meats, Peanut Bet. ter,; Salad Dressing, Loaf Sug- ar, and a score or more of other articles, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE . AND LET LIVE GROCER.. Buy Your Flour Now. Now is the time to put in your supply of Flour bete e another raise which is sum to come. We handle the best lin- es of Flour made+ in Canada -- Purity, Five Roses, Exeter, Clinton and Milverton. We can sell you above from, 25 lbs. 05 to one tort lots. Another car of Bran and Shorts expected this week. We have also on hand OSI Meal, Calf iMIcal and Poultry Foods, -- INCUBATORS. — INCT BATORS. If you intend purchasing as Incubator the coating eeas- no Cali and' see our Prairie State. Satisfaction guaran- teed, Live poultry and new laid eggs taken every day. 3USINPISS BETTER 'lIIAN 'USUAL GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to=date Firm CLINTON. N'. W. Trewartha, Wen. Jenkins AGENTS FOR Sunshine Furnaees. All kinds of Repairs done promptly, .SKATES SHARPENED. DYAD & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers.. Phone 7 The STORE of QUALITY. Mr, S. Barr, having sold his grocery stock and business to Johnson Co.,n � thanks his cus- tomers for o theirr pat onage of the past three years and wishes them a happy and prosperous New Year, Ho respectfully commends oh neon -tC Co. and the Store of Quality to his for- mer patrons. • Mr. Barr will be with Johnson &s Co. for some time and out- standing accounts may be paid to him there. Johnson & Co, have a full line ot groceries and their prices be- ing right invite you to call up, the Store of Quality. Johnson & Co. TheStore ore of Qualtiy. Successor to .S. Bart, Phone 111. Phone orders promptly, attended to. Belgium peas. At the beginning of h g � 1? Ware w were fortunate ie securing a quantity of BELGIU M PEAS .cr These are the finest and sweetest Selected Peas grown and canned in Brave Belgium. As the supply is bound to be limited we offer them for sale inourSouth Wind- ow for this week only at Is cents r 5 per tin.; THE STORE OP QUALITY W. T. O'Neil EVERYTHING IN TINNING and sheet metal work is 1n our line. We fix the furnace in the cellar or the skylight on the roof ; put a new smokestack on your chimney or a new zinc under your stove. LEADERS ARE LEADING. Does your residence or outbuildings need looking after right now ? Bet. for let us take a, look at them. A' tittle of our work now may save you a lot of trouble later on, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. E L LO M! Have you ordered your Kindling for the winter yet ? Stave edgings and cedar blocks on hand. Malted grain and stock food for horses and cattle always in stock, Quaker Oats, Cornflakes, Flour, Oat nd Corn Meal. to be had at the North End Feed Store. A General Delivery Done. Frank W. Evans C(nton. Ageat fdr Heintzmaue Planes, TERMS : CASH. Phone 199 F Are you Troubled with Headaches .64 1'f so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and erre. •It is worth trying. Come to us and we will snake a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the matter and what you need. In our long ,oxperi.enee in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fit tut s have invariably1 Y, given great satisfaction. 11 your eyes bother you :conte to us and lenru the reason why. • A. J. VeRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 1 • I ALSO) 12 INCH' WOOD • i Stapleton Saw Mill.