HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-01-21, Page 4ti
Clinton Nevus -Record
January 21st, I91,
Bayfield . Coderich Township
The Patriotic Society is making p
0.y -stations for a concert in the'near to al
futirc, Partioudats will he given la-
ter on.
Miss Ellen Met,eod of Detroit is 'the
guest of her brother, Mr, W, J. Mc-
Leod.; Biggest,
Messrs, Jobe -and . Percy gE
'tier mics Mrs. Welsh, all ' of
Mrs, Ba
Toronto, were calledhome last week
on account of the serious illness
their mother, Mrs.. John Biggest.,
Mt. Mills of Jluroii College, Lon-
don, occupiedthe pulpit of 'trinity
church on Sunday 'last.'
Miss 13. Ravell of Brewster is tlie
guest of Miss Evelyn , Pollock just
The lanimal, meeting of the Boy field
Cemetetyl Company Was held in the
town hall on Monday of this wee's,
when the following officers and direc-
tots were ;smite inted ' for the, ensuing
year ; President, Jaynes Thomson ;
i T1ce,
James Campbell, ; SeC,-Treasur-
or, A, E. Erwin ; Directors, John Mid-
dleton, T. Marks, John McNaughton,
Lobb. IlaOley', Thos, 13mownett, John
McDonald Sexton, Richard Elliott
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
Agricultural Soeicty. was held on Wed-
nesday. Tho reports sera considered
quite satisfactory. When. the election
of omcers was taken up,Mr. R. , rens
hale, who has been a director: of the
Society for thirty-six ]'ears acrd ice -
president for a number of terms, ex-
pressed a desire to retire. Vie mways
has been most loyal and was aver
ready to do what ho could ro ad-
! - dance the interests of the soei Ly. Mr.
R. Delgaty was another of ih stand-
bys bys who retired. The officers for the
current year are as follows : 3, 11 Presi-
den' Snowden lsl
Vide, J. W.
Reid • 2
Vi i ;
. WoodsSecre-
tary,and Vice, A. L ErwinErwinm
Preaser, l!. A.
Edwards ; DfreCto,s, G. A. Ccoret,
R. McMurray, L. Anderson, ; J. Mc-
Clure, W. J. Stinson, (i. Copeland, J.
McKinley, J. 03. Stewart, R. Talbot,
S. Huston, J. Mossop, 13. R. Higgins,
D. I3. McNaughton, M. Woods,
Mr. W. 11.. Lobb returned
on Sat-
i'(lay from Caradoc township, Mid-
dlcsex, with a carload hof personelle
selected cows and young 'cattle which
he will place on sale at his home-
stead on Monday. The stock, with
one exception, ar:e'Durbants and. Mr.
LOW) _Says it' is• .one.' of the best
bunches„he has yet bought This will
be his last sale this season.
Messrs. G. H.
ElliottElliottliott and II.
Graham retitled on Saturday: from
Toronto where they went to attend
the funeral of, Mrs. Jos, Williams
who had on more than' one occesi011
visited the Elliott and Ctraham fam-
ilies. '
Miss Vera Lobb 'left' on Saturday
last' for Pontypool having accepted a
position as teacher ,there,
Goder.ich ..
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Film have re-
turned from a visit with their: sons
in. Detroit.
Mite Martha Edwards has gone On
as visit to friends in Chicago. •
Miss Jessie Ford returned to Tor-
onto last week to resume her art
;studies, •
Miss Elsie ]Farquhar of Clinton has
been visiting the Misses Goldthorpe,
Mrs. P. `McFarlane and Miss Edna
left Mr Los Angles, Cal., last week.
They will spend the remainder of the
winter in the south,-,
Miss Hazel McIver, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs7N. McIver, town, was mar-
ried recently in Detroit to Mr. EVer-
rat MacQueen of that city, ,forinerly
of Mount Forest, Ont.
Mr, Ernest ('ole Gild bride of Ethel
spent a few clans here as tine guests
of Mrs. ']'hos. Pollard. They also vis-
ited Mrs. Adam Glazier of Clinton.rt
The trustees 11010 an At -Ammo on
Friday evening. All report an enjoy-
able time,
The ladies of the congregation of the •
Methodist church are preparing a bale
fox the soldiers. The ladies of this
community aro as loyal as any and
hive been working quietly for sonic
timie, so tt is expected that the bale
will be a generous one.
People You Know.
Miss Belle haddock, who came from
Vancouver, B,C., of account of the
illness and subsequent death of her
aunt, the late Mrs. D. Eclnnicr, re-
turns this week to resume her work
• as a Deaconess in the. Coast City.
Hullett Township ;
M. Given Reynolds returned home
Thursday doling after spending the
past Lew months in the west..
Misses Marys and Alice Gaffney of
near Kennicott visited at Mr. and
Mrs. `John Sllanahan's a few days
last week. •
The township 'courted at its recent
meeting wound up last year's , bus-:
mess very satisfactorily, that is
there is not an item of last year's
business known to the council out
standing. The selection of officers •re3;,
suited as .follows i
Clerk and Treasurer, Jas.' 'Camps'.
On Thursday evening last the 'con-
cert under the auspices of the Worn -
en's Patriotic Society was given In
,the town hall and proved to be a
great success, not only as regards the
excellence of the program but also
in the numbers attending. the hall
was crowded .and many had to he
turned away for lack of room. Thci.
program was varied and of a high
Order. Among those taking part were
Miss Reta Keys, who gave a couple,
of readings in her usual pleasing man-
ner, Messrs. 000. and Win. Beattie,
R. J. Richardson and Wm. Logan.
rendered two dilartettes very accept-
ably, Miss Grainger of Brucefield,
who sang a solo. Rev. A. W. Brown
gave a violin selection, Miss
Palmer, a • solo, • and Miss' L.
Workman a recitation. A military
trio was rendered by ` Miss Rota
Keys,.. and Messrs: Wm: Beattie and
Warnock Cole, the 'Varna orchestra,
composed of Messrs. John Reid, Geo.
Clarke, Wm. Stephenson, . Alf. Ings
and Nelson Clarke rendered several
selections very' -acceptably: •anll ' a
couple of dialogues and a 'ladies' quer-
uette were also "well rendered, , Miss
Annie ].roster ,presided at the piano.
The whale elrtertaminent':ty as most
enjoyable' and the proceeds amointed
to ninety dollars. 'rho,W.P S. is to
be congratulated upon the splendid
success of their efforts.
Assessor,' John, Sn)ith.,
Collector, „Wm. Moon.
Auditors, M. Braithwaite; 1W. Bea -
Board of Health, John Corbett, the
Reese and M. 1:1. 0.
London Road
Mr: and Mrs. G, B. Hanley 'spent
Tuesday visiting G•oderieh township
Mr. Scott Davidson has been haying.
bees lately hauling gravel for the
new barn which he purposes building
in the spring.
Mt, Bert 3Wiltse, who is down frons,
Wrmnifes visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 11 Wiltse of Clinton, spent
a few days in the vicinity last week
calling, on relatives.
Mrs .lames Nott .has been in Olin -
'on visiting hot daughter, Mrs. Win.,
Mrs. I. Dodd of Clinton was the
guest last week of her daughter:,
Mrs. G. W. Layton.
It looks as if the corning season
' ' C one FOT building!
r lSl O
n''ll be a U
:epairs on the farms along the Lon -
ion Road or adjacent thereto. Among
triose who have iu view improve -
newts are :
Mrs. Davidson who will put a cem-
ent foundation under her barn.
Lane Bros. are getting ready for
repairs that will make their barns
more commodious and convenient.
Mr. G. W. Layton, in addition to
other improvements about his place
will make quite an expenditure on
his barns. -
Mr, Fred. Waldron will place a
n' sou
vent wall under south b
and is now getting the material
' A' 'neither from this vieinity- uticnd-
ed the supper and enternntnt at Au-
burn on Monday everting.
The opportunities of the conning
year, from 0 farmer's point of view
api)ear to be many. Owing to the
war there will be a shortage of crops
in l:ll101>e, and therefore an cxtra
demand for all. kinds 'of faun pro-
ducts in Canada, This will afford
an' opportunity- for the farmer who
•manages his farm in a business like
way to reap a rich harvest. Every
farmer wino is farming for profits,
should be a reader of the Weekly
Sun, the Farmer's Business paper.
There is no other farm paper in On-
tario that supplies the farmer with
the same reliable • information as the
Sun does, By perusing the Sun, you
will gain a knowledge of the mar-
kets, which will enable you to sell
your products to rate best advantage.
The subscription price will onljr be a
fraction of the additional profits you
will make by reading the Sun, When
renewing your subscription for your
local paper, you will make no mis-
take if you subscribe for the Sun,
the Parmelee Business Paper.
Mrs. James Beattie has gone
to Winnipeg to visit her longi
tor, Mrs. Bond. She well (
so visit her son, Mr. , F.. S.
Beattie of the Bank , of Commerce,
Neepawa, Man., before retuning.
Mrs. Geo. Riggin is in Markdale
visiting ]ler daughter, Mrs. C. W,
Mrs. Alex. Beattie of, Moose Jaw,
Sask., is in town on a visit le her
brother, Mr, John Beattie.
Mr. D. W. Canton - of Victoria,
B.O., ' and Mr. 'Fisher Ganton'of )Tills -
dale, Ont„ were an town for a few
days recently visiting their aunt,
Mrs. W. W. ]Meredith, and uncle, Mt,
J. '11'. Reid.
Mrs. Broderick, Sr,, :mother of Mr.
M. Broderick of town, is very ill , in
Mr. Chas,' Ilolmes returned !sst
week to Toronto after a vacation
spent at the home of his parents.,
Mt. and Mrs. S.' T. lIolmes,
Mr. T. H. Nixon was in London
last week owing to the .liners ei his
father, the Rev. Mr. Dixon.
Miss ICate`Teller of Brussels, who
recently, returned from Alhctta where
sire' has been teaching school, was a
Soafortli •visitor last week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ireland and des tew er,
Miss Winnie, of Hamiota Slam, have
been visiting the lady's ni ,they', Mrs.
Turner, -
Mr. Will Muldrew of 1lam IIt. n is
spending a fortnight. with his sisters,
Mrs. R. Scarlett and 1rrs, R.
Miss Brovii, daughter of ie,'.. and
Mrs. Brown, left this 11000 10 visit
friends in Montreal.
Mr. '1'. Ward of \Wetasbiwin, Alla„
has been visiting iris mol'bet and
( r'ill
I'l lU 011 1 C and ether
sister in g
triC 3
friends in v1Ciuft'.
Miss A. C. Lawrence atrivet ]ante
from Palmer, Sask., last week on a
visit to her mother, Mrs. Law:erica
of McKillop.
Mr, Wm. Mulcahy, after a visit
with his mother and sister Erre, Las
returned to Columbus, Ohio.
At the first meeting of the new
council last week the 5100)ling com-
mittees of last year were re -appoint-
ed, also all the town officials u3 1011
at the same salaries. Ona lunched
dollars was granted to the lielnian
Relief Fund and fifty dollars to the
Red Cross.
Lieut. -Col. Wilson leaves about the
25th for London where lie will be in
charge of two military divisions in
'Connection with the 3rd contingent.
Miss Parker of 'Detroit has been the
guest of Mrs', R. S. Hays.
. Stanlep Township
Mr Thos,' Reid and his sister,
Miss Ruth, who ti. sFc.'visibing friends
arotnrd • Lucknow, returned hone a
few days ago. -
Mr. Richard.-1VIlCorkindale, •''.yho is
IOmC•fromthe nest, is spending a
short .bene With. his _fat -lay
her m
Mr. ,Janes Boycg Nr. McCorkindale
brad the misfortune to loose his part-
ies in life last October.
Miss:Annie Armstrong, eldest
• laughter ,of Mr. Nelson Armsirotg,
who has been at Saskatoon for the
last two years, returned hone -on
Saturday last,
Mr. (leo. Armstrong visited at the
mine of his daughter, 'Mrs, D. J.
Mr. -Wm. Taylor shipped a car-
load of cattle and hogs on Saturcia:y
last to Toronto.
Miss h. Keys, who has held the
position of teacher in S. S. No. 12,
Ilay, for the past year and a hall,
has severed her connection with the
school. While there she won many
friends who regret her departure from
the vicinity. IIer faithfulness in
school duties was mt1511. apprheiate'l.
Icer labors were not only confined to
the school room, CIS Miss Keys was
always ready,and willing to aid in
other literary, and social matters. On
Tuesday afternoon before school broke
up for the holidays the school • root))
was the scene of a large gathering of
parents, pupils and friends. A splen-
did programme was gives by the
pupils, which was enjoyed by all
present. Miss Keys was made the
recipient of a handsome ebony toilet
set presented. by Master Lorne l'file
in behalf of the pupils, who Hunch
regret her dcpartue as their leacher.
The following address was rota by
Master Percy! Seim!) :
Dear 'Feather,—
Te achei —
The• time has conic when yon are
about. to lane us and r10, as your
pupils, lest 'that 'Ce (cannot. let this
opportunity pass without expressing
regret at; your departure and, also of
showing our appreciation for the
many sacrifices you have trade in our
behalf. In the discharge of your
duties you have been very*- earnest and
faithful. If there was anything which
we dict net understand at first sight
you noe always -willing to show us
aright, no matter Trow often we im-
poser, on you your: only desire was
the advancement of all your pupils
and to impart- such knowledge as
world be of untold value in our stud-
ies, '1'o accomplish your aim you
spared neither time nor labor, in and
out of school thereby showing that
your: heart was in the work, and thus
won the honor and esteem of flit
whole section. We ask you to ac-
cept this toilet set a token of the
sincerity' of our, lose and esteem
while we unitedly wish you most
heartily a large measure of success in
the future. Signed ort behalf of the
pupils of S. S. No. 12, play',—Percy
Schoch, Lorne Pfilc.
Miss Keys, although entirely taken
by surprise, replied appropriatel3r,
thanking most sincerely hal pupils
for their much appreciated and beau-
tiful gilt, also thanking all present
for their many, kindnesses .duting her
stay here.
Mr, L. Moore of Wilkie, Sask., is
the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr.
R. J. Watkins,
Mrs. J. Rapson spent a few days the
guest of her aunt in Stratford.
Mrs. Wnr, Lawson loft on Tuesday
for an extended visit with friends in
the State of Oklahoma.
Mrs. Norman Ball treated a few
of her friends to a quilting bee o1
Mrs. C'. Tyner has returned home
after spending a week with her pat-
ents, Mr. and DIrs. J. Taylor.
A number from here attended the.
District meeting at Winthrop an
Tuesday keel..
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drunsion
Spent Sunday at Mr, >
R n. Mats.
Mr, and Mrs. W. C Nethery spent
Sunday ]tic guest of Mr. 'Tyner.
Mrs. (leo. hill has gone to Parkhill
to spend u, few clays with her moth-
Mr. W. J. Mcl3rien has dis:resect of
Pts fifty, acre farm to Mr. Win.
Brown. Dir. DIcBlien has not. de. -
sided where 11e, wrill. locate,
Staneig Township
Dlrs. George Baird has been quite
ill for some time and ler friends are
anxious 'regarding her. Her two sons
Robert anis Peter, 'and daughter, Miss
Tina; are house from Moos^ .Jaw,
Sask., being called to the bedside of
their mother. •
Mr, and Mrs. 1.,. Clark and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Peck were the guests
of Mr:. and Mrs. Joseph llichardson
on Tuesday last.
Heid Bros., sons of the ex -Treasur-
er, 'sold a. Shorthorn to Mr. IIugh
McGregor of the 2nd "concession a
few days ago for which they realized
a good figure.
St. Joseph.
Another move is being made to
upbiuild this village The large brick
Klock erected some years ago is un-
dergoing changes and 1)10(13' other im-
provements throughout the village aro
being macre. The north end of the
big block is being converted into a
summer hotel and a large, general
store is being stocked for the accom-
modation of visitors and for the
farmers of the neighborhood; A fac-
tory for, the production 'of 11 patent-
ed heating apparatus and other house-
hold necessities has heed equipped
and will soon continence operations
A large, piece of ground between the
hotel and the lake is being parked
and beautified, The present manager
says St. Joseph will get be a desir-
able summer resort for city, :people
who desire healthful surroundings in a
cultivated community..
The Fishermen .are preparing for the
rvinter's wort: and a greater effort
than ,ever will be exerted to supply
the demand for fres]] herring.
St. Peter's church at this place
has been repaired, painted and decor-
ated, and is now one of the finest
finished edifices in Western Ontario.
The steeple has been .beautified with
aluminum and the large cross at the
top is finished in pure gold leaf, giv-
ing that part of the church a rich
and elegant appearance. The gold
leaf for the cross cost $50 and the
altar carpet cost $225. A new
driving shed is' being built for the
accommodation of the patrons of the
church that will gost, when finished,
in the neighborhood of $700. Father
Rondot, who has been here but a
short time, deserves groat credit for
Iris business -activity' in raising funds
to accomplish a work so much needed
in the French Settlement.
Mr. Milne Rannie was in Toronto
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sterling are here
from the west visiting friends.
Mr. W. McConnell of .Moose Jaw,
Sask., is visiting at his home in
Mrs. MaL. Smith spon;t a •few days
last week with her father, Dr:, host
sick of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton are. home
from: the west on a visit to friends
and relatives.
Mr. M. Williams of Pembroke and
his sister from Cincinnati, Ohio, have
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. De Jean.
Mr. Wm. Fee has purchased Mr.
Hugh McDonald's file residence on
Ring street.- Mr. McDonald will pro -
haply remove to Toronto.
The council bold their initial meet-
ing in the
eet-ing'inthe new town Ball last week
and the fact that theyhad at last a
home of _their own, 5ot0 speak, was'
appreciated by every member. After
making necessary fixings about the
new building the work of the council
this year " will be largely routine.
The following town' officials were
re -appointed at the same salaries, as
last year : A. Murdock, clerk., (J.
Cook, treasurer ; W. 1Jarburn, as-
sessor ; A. E. Hemphill, collector ;
H. Arnold and C. A. McDonnell,
auditors ; Geo. Fallick-, rite chief ; T.
Parlmer, constable and sanitary in-
spector ; Geo. ,'lbdcl, peuidkeeper.
January Sale ofDry
Boots Shoes.
Commencing Saturday, January 9th and con-
tinuing for three weeks,,
Now that the Christmas rush is over we find we have
a lot of odd lines and broken sizes' in all departments
that must not be carried over ' iato another season.
These must be cleared out during the next three weeks
and in order to do this, hundreds of dollars worth of
good new up-to•date merchandise will be sold at man-
ufacturerspr=ices mid less,
Ladies and childrens mantles at about 1=2 price
Ladies skirts at less than wholesale price.
Ladies furs at about 1-3 off.
Mens and boys suits; and overcoats.
at big reductions.
Plumsteei1. Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
Mrs, Fred. Mann, son and ciaughier
returned to their home last week af-
ter a fortnight's stay in town as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol.
Mr. Clarence Blackall has gone to
Acton where he has taken a position
as manager of the hydro plant.
Mr. R. Van Norman of Hamiota,
Dian., has been visiting his brother, •
Mr, V. R. Van. Norman of town,
Ur, 1 . Macdonald of London was a
1Wingltam visitor for a few clays re-
Mr. John Robinsons of Brandon,
Man has been east visiting his
mother, Mrs. John Robinson.
Mr. A J Armour has been in
Montreal mut Halifax: on a business
Mr. I,, Kennedy gave the proceeds
of an evening performance and an
afternoon matinee at the picture show
last week to the Women's Patriotic
Miss Olive, Cruickshank, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. - Cruickshank of
'I'urnbetry, has been appointed as-
sistant dictarian at the General hos-
pital, 'Toronto.
Mr. Colwell. of Danville has been
appointed choir leader and organist
of St. Andrew's church.
Little Mary Chandler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Chandler, fell on'
the ice one. dap recently and broke
her, collar bone,
Miss Hazel Bran don has been visit-
ing friends in St. Marys.
Miss Nellie Nichols left on Friday
to resume bet studies at the Faculty
of Ethication.
Mr. John Gemmel has returned
home front Pilot Mound, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Donaldson and
Master Stewart were in Bayfield last
week attending the Golden Wedding
anniversary celebration of the form-
er's parents.
gEE i
200 copies
Home Book of
Fashion, Win.
ter Issue, to be
given away to
lady COStoi11-
ers. These
books show
the latest .ad..
ies.' Home
Journal pat.
terns, which
are on sale
with us. A. s k
fora copy.
Practice Economy..
you no better way can y ou practice economy
by dealing on' The Pay as You Buy Plan.
know buying on credit encourages extravagance,
now we have some very special offerings.
Men's $5 00 reefer coats for $2 98
Men's $9 00 quality raincoats, guaranteed 7 39
Women's guaranteed raincoats $5 00 for 4 79
Men's $1 00 sweaters 79
75c fleeced underwear 59
F. A
Edwards, Bayfield, y
Made in
Made in
The sn s
have bcen recorded
exclusively on
.w. T ia
atriotic F. erns s
85They include the following selec-
� tions -all double -disc records, will wijc
Each fit any machine. Each
Your King and Country Need You
Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue• ' `'
Bravo! Territorials)
Soldiers of the King I
Sons of the Sea 1
Tommy Atkins X'
Here's to the Day (We've Got a Mailed
Fist, Too) c
The Trumpet Voice of the Motherland is 8
Boys of the Old Brigade}
Veteran Song
Goa Save the King
Lord God Protect the Tsar
La Marseillaise
French Regimental March
And All the National Hymns of
the Allies.
If you don't know the quality of Columbia Records, we
will, for advertising purposes only, supply ,you with our
demonstration double -disc record for thirty cents, intro -
Maple Leaf For Ever and 1
Home, Sweet Home
You can obtain these and all
other PATRIOTIC and POPI.i1,AI3
Dr' Goiods
Fit 1 1S hl]'
Beady -
1101i • 0)
arcl ana
Come to
We were
print, percule,
last day of our
Last �
eek of
mill ends of
for the .
This Store Saturday
Big Bargains.
fortunate to secure
towelling and'ginghams
January sale.
500 yards of Eng-
lish print and percale 1.0
to 20 yards in a piece,
They are good last colors,
Would be good value at
121c, sale price 1Oc a yd.
500 yards linen tow-
elling on sale, As tow -
ening has advanced in
pr'icenoW is your time to
lay in a supply, reg., 10
and 121c, sale price 8c a
We will also have 200 yards of good gingham,
black and white, and blue and white only, rsgular
121c, sale price 9c a yard.
Not a ,yard of these goods will be solid before Sat-
day. See those in window.
Ladies', misses' and
children's coats 1 price.
Your choice of any
fur or fur lined • coat 25
percent. off,
Bargainsin every department Saturday, the last
day of the big sale..
Mrs. James Beattie has gone
to Winnipeg to visit her longi
tor, Mrs. Bond. She well (
so visit her son, Mr. , F.. S.
Beattie of the Bank , of Commerce,
Neepawa, Man., before retuning.
Mrs. Geo. Riggin is in Markdale
visiting ]ler daughter, Mrs. C. W,
Mrs. Alex. Beattie of, Moose Jaw,
Sask., is in town on a visit le her
brother, Mr, John Beattie.
Mr. D. W. Canton - of Victoria,
B.O., ' and Mr. 'Fisher Ganton'of )Tills -
dale, Ont„ were an town for a few
days recently visiting their aunt,
Mrs. W. W. ]Meredith, and uncle, Mt,
J. '11'. Reid.
Mrs. Broderick, Sr,, :mother of Mr.
M. Broderick of town, is very ill , in
Mr. Chas,' Ilolmes returned !sst
week to Toronto after a vacation
spent at the home of his parents.,
Mt. and Mrs. S.' T. lIolmes,
Mr. T. H. Nixon was in London
last week owing to the .liners ei his
father, the Rev. Mr. Dixon.
Miss ICate`Teller of Brussels, who
recently, returned from Alhctta where
sire' has been teaching school, was a
Soafortli •visitor last week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ireland and des tew er,
Miss Winnie, of Hamiota Slam, have
been visiting the lady's ni ,they', Mrs.
Turner, -
Mr. Will Muldrew of 1lam IIt. n is
spending a fortnight. with his sisters,
Mrs. R. Scarlett and 1rrs, R.
Miss Brovii, daughter of ie,'.. and
Mrs. Brown, left this 11000 10 visit
friends in Montreal.
Mr. '1'. Ward of \Wetasbiwin, Alla„
has been visiting iris mol'bet and
( r'ill
I'l lU 011 1 C and ether
sister in g
triC 3
friends in v1Ciuft'.
Miss A. C. Lawrence atrivet ]ante
from Palmer, Sask., last week on a
visit to her mother, Mrs. Law:erica
of McKillop.
Mr, Wm. Mulcahy, after a visit
with his mother and sister Erre, Las
returned to Columbus, Ohio.
At the first meeting of the new
council last week the 5100)ling com-
mittees of last year were re -appoint-
ed, also all the town officials u3 1011
at the same salaries. Ona lunched
dollars was granted to the lielnian
Relief Fund and fifty dollars to the
Red Cross.
Lieut. -Col. Wilson leaves about the
25th for London where lie will be in
charge of two military divisions in
'Connection with the 3rd contingent.
Miss Parker of 'Detroit has been the
guest of Mrs', R. S. Hays.
. Stanlep Township
Mr Thos,' Reid and his sister,
Miss Ruth, who ti. sFc.'visibing friends
arotnrd • Lucknow, returned hone a
few days ago. -
Mr. Richard.-1VIlCorkindale, •''.yho is
IOmC•fromthe nest, is spending a
short .bene With. his _fat -lay
her m
Mr. ,Janes Boycg Nr. McCorkindale
brad the misfortune to loose his part-
ies in life last October.
Miss:Annie Armstrong, eldest
• laughter ,of Mr. Nelson Armsirotg,
who has been at Saskatoon for the
last two years, returned hone -on
Saturday last,
Mr. (leo. Armstrong visited at the
mine of his daughter, 'Mrs, D. J.
Mr. -Wm. Taylor shipped a car-
load of cattle and hogs on Saturcia:y
last to Toronto.
Miss h. Keys, who has held the
position of teacher in S. S. No. 12,
Ilay, for the past year and a hall,
has severed her connection with the
school. While there she won many
friends who regret her departure from
the vicinity. IIer faithfulness in
school duties was mt1511. apprheiate'l.
Icer labors were not only confined to
the school room, CIS Miss Keys was
always ready,and willing to aid in
other literary, and social matters. On
Tuesday afternoon before school broke
up for the holidays the school • root))
was the scene of a large gathering of
parents, pupils and friends. A splen-
did programme was gives by the
pupils, which was enjoyed by all
present. Miss Keys was made the
recipient of a handsome ebony toilet
set presented. by Master Lorne l'file
in behalf of the pupils, who Hunch
regret her dcpartue as their leacher.
The following address was rota by
Master Percy! Seim!) :
Dear 'Feather,—
Te achei —
The• time has conic when yon are
about. to lane us and r10, as your
pupils, lest 'that 'Ce (cannot. let this
opportunity pass without expressing
regret at; your departure and, also of
showing our appreciation for the
many sacrifices you have trade in our
behalf. In the discharge of your
duties you have been very*- earnest and
faithful. If there was anything which
we dict net understand at first sight
you noe always -willing to show us
aright, no matter Trow often we im-
poser, on you your: only desire was
the advancement of all your pupils
and to impart- such knowledge as
world be of untold value in our stud-
ies, '1'o accomplish your aim you
spared neither time nor labor, in and
out of school thereby showing that
your: heart was in the work, and thus
won the honor and esteem of flit
whole section. We ask you to ac-
cept this toilet set a token of the
sincerity' of our, lose and esteem
while we unitedly wish you most
heartily a large measure of success in
the future. Signed ort behalf of the
pupils of S. S. No. 12, play',—Percy
Schoch, Lorne Pfilc.
Miss Keys, although entirely taken
by surprise, replied appropriatel3r,
thanking most sincerely hal pupils
for their much appreciated and beau-
tiful gilt, also thanking all present
for their many, kindnesses .duting her
stay here.
Mr, L. Moore of Wilkie, Sask., is
the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr.
R. J. Watkins,
Mrs. J. Rapson spent a few days the
guest of her aunt in Stratford.
Mrs. Wnr, Lawson loft on Tuesday
for an extended visit with friends in
the State of Oklahoma.
Mrs. Norman Ball treated a few
of her friends to a quilting bee o1
Mrs. C'. Tyner has returned home
after spending a week with her pat-
ents, Mr. and DIrs. J. Taylor.
A number from here attended the.
District meeting at Winthrop an
Tuesday keel..
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drunsion
Spent Sunday at Mr, >
R n. Mats.
Mr, and Mrs. W. C Nethery spent
Sunday ]tic guest of Mr. 'Tyner.
Mrs. (leo. hill has gone to Parkhill
to spend u, few clays with her moth-
Mr. W. J. Mcl3rien has dis:resect of
Pts fifty, acre farm to Mr. Win.
Brown. Dir. DIcBlien has not. de. -
sided where 11e, wrill. locate,
Staneig Township
Dlrs. George Baird has been quite
ill for some time and ler friends are
anxious 'regarding her. Her two sons
Robert anis Peter, 'and daughter, Miss
Tina; are house from Moos^ .Jaw,
Sask., being called to the bedside of
their mother. •
Mr, and Mrs. 1.,. Clark and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Peck were the guests
of Mr:. and Mrs. Joseph llichardson
on Tuesday last.
Heid Bros., sons of the ex -Treasur-
er, 'sold a. Shorthorn to Mr. IIugh
McGregor of the 2nd "concession a
few days ago for which they realized
a good figure.
St. Joseph.
Another move is being made to
upbiuild this village The large brick
Klock erected some years ago is un-
dergoing changes and 1)10(13' other im-
provements throughout the village aro
being macre. The north end of the
big block is being converted into a
summer hotel and a large, general
store is being stocked for the accom-
modation of visitors and for the
farmers of the neighborhood; A fac-
tory for, the production 'of 11 patent-
ed heating apparatus and other house-
hold necessities has heed equipped
and will soon continence operations
A large, piece of ground between the
hotel and the lake is being parked
and beautified, The present manager
says St. Joseph will get be a desir-
able summer resort for city, :people
who desire healthful surroundings in a
cultivated community..
The Fishermen .are preparing for the
rvinter's wort: and a greater effort
than ,ever will be exerted to supply
the demand for fres]] herring.
St. Peter's church at this place
has been repaired, painted and decor-
ated, and is now one of the finest
finished edifices in Western Ontario.
The steeple has been .beautified with
aluminum and the large cross at the
top is finished in pure gold leaf, giv-
ing that part of the church a rich
and elegant appearance. The gold
leaf for the cross cost $50 and the
altar carpet cost $225. A new
driving shed is' being built for the
accommodation of the patrons of the
church that will gost, when finished,
in the neighborhood of $700. Father
Rondot, who has been here but a
short time, deserves groat credit for
Iris business -activity' in raising funds
to accomplish a work so much needed
in the French Settlement.
Mr. Milne Rannie was in Toronto
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sterling are here
from the west visiting friends.
Mr. W. McConnell of .Moose Jaw,
Sask., is visiting at his home in
Mrs. MaL. Smith spon;t a •few days
last week with her father, Dr:, host
sick of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton are. home
from: the west on a visit to friends
and relatives.
Mr. M. Williams of Pembroke and
his sister from Cincinnati, Ohio, have
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. De Jean.
Mr. Wm. Fee has purchased Mr.
Hugh McDonald's file residence on
Ring street.- Mr. McDonald will pro -
haply remove to Toronto.
The council bold their initial meet-
ing in the
eet-ing'inthe new town Ball last week
and the fact that theyhad at last a
home of _their own, 5ot0 speak, was'
appreciated by every member. After
making necessary fixings about the
new building the work of the council
this year " will be largely routine.
The following town' officials were
re -appointed at the same salaries, as
last year : A. Murdock, clerk., (J.
Cook, treasurer ; W. 1Jarburn, as-
sessor ; A. E. Hemphill, collector ;
H. Arnold and C. A. McDonnell,
auditors ; Geo. Fallick-, rite chief ; T.
Parlmer, constable and sanitary in-
spector ; Geo. ,'lbdcl, peuidkeeper.
January Sale ofDry
Boots Shoes.
Commencing Saturday, January 9th and con-
tinuing for three weeks,,
Now that the Christmas rush is over we find we have
a lot of odd lines and broken sizes' in all departments
that must not be carried over ' iato another season.
These must be cleared out during the next three weeks
and in order to do this, hundreds of dollars worth of
good new up-to•date merchandise will be sold at man-
ufacturerspr=ices mid less,
Ladies and childrens mantles at about 1=2 price
Ladies skirts at less than wholesale price.
Ladies furs at about 1-3 off.
Mens and boys suits; and overcoats.
at big reductions.
Plumsteei1. Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
Mrs, Fred. Mann, son and ciaughier
returned to their home last week af-
ter a fortnight's stay in town as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol.
Mr. Clarence Blackall has gone to
Acton where he has taken a position
as manager of the hydro plant.
Mr. R. Van Norman of Hamiota,
Dian., has been visiting his brother, •
Mr, V. R. Van. Norman of town,
Ur, 1 . Macdonald of London was a
1Wingltam visitor for a few clays re-
Mr. John Robinsons of Brandon,
Man has been east visiting his
mother, Mrs. John Robinson.
Mr. A J Armour has been in
Montreal mut Halifax: on a business
Mr. I,, Kennedy gave the proceeds
of an evening performance and an
afternoon matinee at the picture show
last week to the Women's Patriotic
Miss Olive, Cruickshank, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. - Cruickshank of
'I'urnbetry, has been appointed as-
sistant dictarian at the General hos-
pital, 'Toronto.
Mr. Colwell. of Danville has been
appointed choir leader and organist
of St. Andrew's church.
Little Mary Chandler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Chandler, fell on'
the ice one. dap recently and broke
her, collar bone,
Miss Hazel Bran don has been visit-
ing friends in St. Marys.
Miss Nellie Nichols left on Friday
to resume bet studies at the Faculty
of Ethication.
Mr. John Gemmel has returned
home front Pilot Mound, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Donaldson and
Master Stewart were in Bayfield last
week attending the Golden Wedding
anniversary celebration of the form-
er's parents.
gEE i
200 copies
Home Book of
Fashion, Win.
ter Issue, to be
given away to
lady COStoi11-
ers. These
books show
the latest .ad..
ies.' Home
Journal pat.
terns, which
are on sale
with us. A. s k
fora copy.
Practice Economy..
you no better way can y ou practice economy
by dealing on' The Pay as You Buy Plan.
know buying on credit encourages extravagance,
now we have some very special offerings.
Men's $5 00 reefer coats for $2 98
Men's $9 00 quality raincoats, guaranteed 7 39
Women's guaranteed raincoats $5 00 for 4 79
Men's $1 00 sweaters 79
75c fleeced underwear 59
F. A
Edwards, Bayfield, y
Made in
Made in
The sn s
have bcen recorded
exclusively on
.w. T ia
atriotic F. erns s
85They include the following selec-
� tions -all double -disc records, will wijc
Each fit any machine. Each
Your King and Country Need You
Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue• ' `'
Bravo! Territorials)
Soldiers of the King I
Sons of the Sea 1
Tommy Atkins X'
Here's to the Day (We've Got a Mailed
Fist, Too) c
The Trumpet Voice of the Motherland is 8
Boys of the Old Brigade}
Veteran Song
Goa Save the King
Lord God Protect the Tsar
La Marseillaise
French Regimental March
And All the National Hymns of
the Allies.
If you don't know the quality of Columbia Records, we
will, for advertising purposes only, supply ,you with our
demonstration double -disc record for thirty cents, intro -
Maple Leaf For Ever and 1
Home, Sweet Home
You can obtain these and all
other PATRIOTIC and POPI.i1,AI3