HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-01-21, Page 2,Galaumasualamparkis • ma. G. D. MeTAGGART M. D. itTAGGART McTaggart Bros. RANKERS A "CIENKRAL RANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES •'DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON pp - POSITS ' SALE NOTES rim . , CHASED. - - II. T. RANCE - - NOTARY PUBLIC. CONVEY. ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE ANT) FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES UIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. 11RYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block --CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses FIURON STREET, - CLINTON ORS. GUNS & GANDIER Dr. Vie Gunn, L.R.C.Pa L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C:Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. on. J. W. SIIAW - OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. TrrompsoN PHSTICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able gasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST -- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.0.D.13., To. routes Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the Cdunly of Huron. Correspondence -promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by galling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. - ran, Shorts and Flour From the Beet 711111s at the lowest possible price. • 04'; i LWalleY -0,11VT. 1VE PAY TEE HIGHEST PRICE foe OATS, PEAS and BAR- .. 'LEY. eiso HAY' for Baling.. - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depert from Clinton Station as follows: iturvALO AND GODER,ICEI DIV: Going East, .. .4 Id 44 Going 4. If 11 44 7.33 a. m. 9,03 p. m. 5.15 p. m, 11.07 a. in. 1.35 p. 5.40 p, m. 11.28 p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV f Goi,ng South, ,Going North, .4 14 8.10 a. m, 4.23 p. m, 11.00 a. 03. 8.35 p. OVER EIS YEARS' EXPERIENCE . TRADE. MARK* DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS eth. AnyendeendIng a akeksh and deocription maY quickly tiecertann our opinlon free Whether ass invention is probablynatspiable. Communion- • lams atrietlysontmential. HANNON 01.Patellidil sent Gee. Did est agency for sem rifig pateiits. Placate taksn Vermeer Munn O Co. itemise •peciat aLottcc, without deluge, lit tlig • • • A hatiesemety illustrated weekly. Largest cis ciliation or any scientific Joartial. Toms for (smarm, go.% a year, poolage prepaid. Sold by all newsesalain. & Cf),,aaler"dw4Y' New York. nespou 00100. 08186 St. Washington. D, C. 1 MONTHLY IVIAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIElleattlY The Rest in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS' 412.60 PER YEAR ; 26 CM A OOP!, 'NO CONTINUED STORIES - EVERY NUNI1312R COMPLETE IN ITSELF Ford & McLeod ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, . TILE BRICK TO ORDER, All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52, The MeNillop Mutual Fire Insurance Conipany Farm and Isolated Town Property • only Insured - OFFICERS - J. 13. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas, _Connolly, Vice-Presi. dent, Goderich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. -Directors - D. F. McGregor. Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rims, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; Janice Evans, Beechwood; M. Maven, Clinton P.P. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hindi - ley, Seaforth ; Williarn Chesney, Egrnondville; 3. V. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money. to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on am plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective posts offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. There is a Cold Day Coming Whv not prepare for it by . ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Colt'. None better in the world. House Phone 12. Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY Clinton News -Record Sovereign Cure for Rheumatism Mrs. R. W. Iftalett, 1113 Wyandotte . Street, Windsor, Ont.,.says there is only One Kidarey Remedy in the Weald. Ter awer-GIN nI Pfils, 8 'know Pram personal ieXporie,Icht, tho spveiidi gin remedy. Shr Rheumatism and Kidney Troahlo en rely feria I was carol by Mime after months of Suffering. I whs lichtless--harl several <tailors and ninny {OOP !CM UCH,: Wit all failed to cure me, Then I tried Gin Pins with then:milt that I am well to -day. I heartily meeniniend them to api' net - son sr Se rin g from Kidney or 131Wider Trimble". A A Gi ill 111S sem THE KIDNEYS cure because they act directly on the K idneys and Bladder -soothing and healing the niflannued tissues, mud neutralizing uric acid. Trihl treatment free--regnlar size, 50c. a box, 6 boxes for $2.50 and every box ectld with our spot cash gnarantee of satisfaction or money, back. Steld in the United States under the name "GINO" Pills. , National Drug and Chemical Co., el Canada. Limited. Toronto 261 CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper eliscon• tinue.d until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the puke licher. The date to which every eubscription is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising Rates -- Transient ad. vertisements, 10 mute per non. pareil line for first insertion and - 4 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise. went's not to exceed one inch, Such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," eth., inserted once for 15 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub. lication must, as a guaranteei of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. - W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. ?CEFRAt STRATFORD. ONT.emee Ontario's Best • Practieal Training School. We have thorough courses and eaperi- aimed, instructors in each of our three departments. Commercial, Shorthand ,an.cl Telegraphy,Our graduates sitcceed, a,nd you should get eur large, flee .catalogue. Write foe it at once. D. A. 1VMLACHLAN, Principal -mmimmamseminme! Who Would Get the Cores? Teacher -Mary, how would you divide five applee among six chil- Mary-IIVIake apple sauce-. How is Your Cutlery Supply? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the 0001 - mon class. At 1 -east, OURS It •eanies, a distinctiveness - an air of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest <tare and ut- most skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can use some of 'this Cutl-ery in your home, You will be proud of it every time you see it en the table. Carvers,. cased, $3.00 up. Knives'Forks and Spoons, $i.00 dos. up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us dhow you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the most deeirable that you can put your money into. ' W. It. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of 3IARRIA GE LICENSES. Constipation-- the bane of ole age is notto be cured by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, use Chamberlain'a Stomach am! Liver Tablets. They stir um the liver. tom the nerves and freshen the stomach find bowels just like an internal bath. e • sea. • MURIA" NIS Woman's bett friend. From girlhood to old age, theee little red health re. aterers are an unfailing • guidetoanactiveliverand a Mean, healthy, normal stomach. Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and the . sour stomach arid fer- mentation, and the headache. have all • ;none by morning. All druggists, 25e, or by nual from Chamberlain Medicine Company, TO101110 12 IIVIRCDPAIIMEN4E1110. VALLEY FA Or, Felicity's Inheritance. MAPPER II. we? . Why, it io. July next week, and who i6 gOiltto mow my fields-41meg what I "Sister Anti, Sister Ann, do you see anY. want, •tog body comingr • Feiletity's gay voice floated down the Sone looked at the pre6111±11.1tiVO owner long wilderness of' a garden • to where of the Valley Farm mita, real concern in Joyce was setting out the tea unsler the her lovely eyee: big lionsocheetnut. She was coming clown , "I never thought of that. What 01,41. . . the geass-grown Path, carrying a jug co! 700 d F ,t, ." orearb end a plate o0;bread and but. leer shining halewas 50 beautifully, ate ranged, her white embroidered drees was as dainty as if visite:Ds were eepected; but there eas no one but Joyce to talk Felicity leaned forward and spoke 6111- preselvely, isla.i61flbeWlia'r; not to knorw; where rt Stone? JOyee repeated the name questioningly. to-nioryo.vne1ioeyajte.ofrien,! and igth ire her; and, tha r•Robtbiw, e_rtS,Inionczngunfoi: n r Ige; 0 rth 1 Behind her canto Eliza with the tetepot. few years. I tilde% tell you about him Ber severe face Yes heated, riot' dltogother because -well, I wanted to spring him en with the warmth ef the Suns afternoon; You, .I thought he would be a nice little she had been too hard et work to change surprise, Una° trusted him im,plicitly- her 'lilac print' tor a black' (I -resat -a etate left:everything in his handis. I believe Ito Of things that tried her, method -loving lived .here with him but I'm not sur0. soul; and ,*he ateeeprovee of fressemd. kop Andinc.isnwNillhowVh eedydheolei,oud pet 1,0 0 1 601100111411 He knowe I in. here -I wrote and told him whateday to expect me.' - Perlia,ps he ia that old mart himseil. perhaper-, Felleite burst out laughiny,. easy meals in the open air. That she wee not' likely to have things all her °wit way for the next hew: eve,Olce. -was Eliza's ,grievanise. • • • i ! But Joyce' Ilasnilton. had fie grievance at MIN bite semned suddenly to have come to it standstill in 'iti green wilder- Phe very ideal As if anode would meke newt Forgotten were the ,•etre'barraesing a friend of him. You absurd child! events of the lest few _claye..the vague Detele may have been a fernier, but he forebodinge roneed by arise Ohester'e was a gentleman. 13esides, that man's P41165. the donhtis as to -whether she was name is Ike -old Ike. No, I feel convinced doing right. Her beast Pas eo charged 'Bohan' Stone is young -or youngish, snd with, the peace and beauty around that she felt alMost like one in a trance, while p f tnIlijc0i.gehe:r shf :eel at Ile diuoleek u9litfe ri 1 1.6 head,:v• the old gardee Warr reflected in her eyes. "I don't see what grounds you have for . affeetionately, something of the brooding 6weetneoo She laugher' in sheer glitelnees ot heart so thinking so. I'm afraid the wish id father she took the things train Felicity and to the thought." esibiottoirk up the cuehione of her friend's • so'in.DeThi''bitgbeolift''toYf. OltseabfisrrdlinSati.°•yn !or Mn "I don't want to me atiebodY-11, would Fairlle mentioned in one ot hie letters Spoil everything," sald Joyce. "Besides, 11,11faale:,uizvisitorigeml,socie.itrolynudttiyh.egthirotioung jilbsi.t.cistaiocrwnhenuritimzo this bower doemet 'command a view of quisetion I" A distressed little frown puctkered Joyce's brow ' "But you couldn't make a friend of your -uncle% form,balliff or agent, or ewitehtlaitehilr , hpeotivoiatei..„ You nt- could' -e r--11 i re "Couldn't I?" retorted Felicity gaily. "Not if he throws hie :bitches about. or towhee his hat to me, or Cate with hie knife, any dear, oertainly not; but if he's what I think it ie. he will do to ease the time away. llow shall I exist for a month without a mazi to speak to?. Now don't look 60 prim end old-tuaidish-it spoils you. ran sure you'll do for a. chaperon - you have juet the right expression. She laughed merrily at the thougbe 'thee yawned and stretched her arms. '1 evieh some one woald walk 1,, 111310 very* minute -Mr. Anetrather, or Bobbie Lowe .for -n. stance; wouldn't it be idyllic?" Joyce. who knew these gentlemen only by repute, looked doubtful. At that moment. as if in answer to Fe. licity's speech, the latch of the little white gate clicked, and a tall ntan COMO into the garden. He elosed the gete be- hind him, and was about to walk up to the house when he eaught sight of the two girls, end after a moinentes hesita- tion, canto tow:Li-de them, lle bared hie head, carrying hie etraw hat in hie hand ea he came 011 WINI E 1011g lazy stride. Ilia elothes looked unconventional to tho town -bred girls-breeebes and leggings of Bedford cord, and a welletut though shab- by Norfolk jacket. They had a swift im- pression of broad shouldere. of a tanned face, and keen grey eyes; of a quiet eelf- Peesessionthat stamped 11 im as belong- ing to their own order, and then he was close to them, and Felicity rose and held out her Mod. She had never felt embar- rassed or ilLateenee in ,her life, and she 'wad quite equal to a. situation that ap- pealed to her by its piquancy. She hod rever looked more levels, than a.t that mo- ment, Her eyee Ware tie blue as the corn- flowers thee rioted in a bed neer the walk, and her cheeks were like the wild. tho lamella? Mize says she down t under- roams that flushed the hedge behind thorn stand them and pretends to be afraid." 1 with every shade of pink. Jewett tumented se eagerly that Felicity; "How do you do, Mr. Stone? I was just I talkine about you and wondering when looked at bey almost euriouely., "You're a good sort." she eaid. e'IL's You were coming to look me up. Em so nice to have you hero. You ha,ven't grumb- I very glad to see You.' led (nee since we came." For a moment the man stared down ut "Whet ie there to grumble about? I'm the pretty eruiling rage, forgebting to BO happy -T can't tell you liow 'happy! T. drop the white hand, then he gem an 0413' 6411011 this place is perfect -I love every 1 barraseed laugh and looked away; and bit of it teready, And if the house 16 Joyce notie.ed that Ile stammered a little rather bare, We beautifully clean and when he evoke. neae. Mr. Carleton'e houeekeeper must "What makes you think -how do you know-" have been a treastire." "She W`06. I believe she was with h'm "That you are Robert Stone? Well, 1 over twenty yenye. Ile loft. her nu me don't ehink there tire many more men like nutty and she avent Intek to Scotland ter. you in theee parte. Joyce, thie le Hr. ter the funeral, taking evevything but the Stone. My friend and chaperon." JoYee furniture 2111d. beve neceseltiee With her- ; bowed nervonely, She could not anima Thiele George timid she might. I dont ; ciate Felt:site's little joke or smile. in re. 11111101, but tha.leee why, the house looke go ' eponse to the mischief in her friends I eyes. "Will you sit down. Mr. Stone? Did unfurniehecl I expect.' 'Tom pretty Wilms would soon melte a' you got my letter?" difference here." I "Yee. I have boen away for a few days Felicity shrugged her shouldere but del or X ehould have come before." I .He eat down at the OSA of Joyce's bench n0"61'ir'eu'lls.weeic..11 can't deny that the garden I and listened with a. grave enille 10 Fe. is a paradise whatever drawbacks the i eicity's gay nonsense. ewingitig his hat house may 1110:0. Look at the roe% and , .between hie knees and turning it, about in the sweet old.fesbioned flowens, to MY hie strong brawl, handle. Joyce reit that nothing or the Quaint little corners whore '606 sone reason or other lie 0.05 06 eery - eve 60.11 sit 321 1.110 6bn.do, and the fruit ous as hereelf, though she coule not bave true, and the long sweep of lawn-' ettid why. He epoke little -indeed, dime "Don't forget the vegetables 101 going was no need, Felieity wau laying herster wrong for went of eating, and the weeds out to be charrueng, anti was talking away a foot high," Felicity interrupted, laugh-. evith le pretty mixture or friendlinese elm ing. "It must have been lovely when . condescension that demanded nothing uticle George could eee to it -it MI6 hie • from her lieteners-but appreeialion. 1 hobby; but it has been neglectea all the Joyce listened to her in. growing wonder; time he lay ill -yon can sea that," she even felt a, little envious. She wee "I hoect lie didn't know," the other ea'd alwaye shy and ellent with num, knowing, eeftly "But like the wildness, the die- I incleel, very few, and being naturally re. order. It is nay ideal of What a. garden • served. Haw gauche and tonguctied she e would have been If ehe had had to enter. 1 ail' woo 5 noel, t laOntigelbenfoTele he thawed sonic. what under Felicity's eunny nonsonee, and grew quite tedlattive when they teach. emclo, ginuattt'eterr-night," he said. "I'L's tr:Futif:R's!i;m0 time the hay 'was down: I was waiting for orders, Yeti see. We will bo gin tho long meadow at hielf-past four to. nnolrfr.olliv.pen.Lot.rniionugir.; what. an un..thly hour! Won't it be dark?" Mr. Stone laughed. Joyce liked the THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are -in their in- door play, or at their outdoor play -they are constantly of- fering temptations for the Let it keep them for you as they are DOW. Let it keep many other hap. . penings that are a source of plea'sure to you. BROWNIES,' $2 TO $12; KODAK'S, $7 TO $25, Also full stock of Films and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing.- Remember the place: 1 ;THE REXALL STORE the high road, Fatima, so that if any 0110 eere spurring to your rescue you wouldn'e eee them." "High -reed, indeed! There'e only 11 cant -track threugh the fielde to a lane We're out off front our kind with a ven- geance! That little gale over there" - nodding to where Its white bar.; M0.110 ft brea.k in the tan hedge -"is our next beet link with eivilizntion; there's a path from it leading through the fields -I oats see it from my bedroom window." "I don't suppose it leads to a shop," grumbled Eliza.. "Yoder' better order some maces along with the other things you're writing for -I can't do anything with time old-faehioned grate." "Well, if you can't, nobody MD." Fe Hefty said with artful flattery. "Beeidee. 'we min do without cakee for a bit." "You can't do without meat. and thet, grinning idiot of a boy mem the butcher only calls mice a week." "My dear Eliza, no 0110 calls at a farad It is supposed to be selkupporting. We meet kill eheep or a calf aud eat Sp ono aide end down the other. That's what farmers do." "Yo.u'll have to do the killing, thee, naletsie," said the woman grimly. She still called Felicity by the IMMO of her and - hood. "It'll be bad enough having,,to kill our own fowls when we want 'em. Penalty made a grimace at her retreat. Ing back. 'Orem old thing!" alto exclaimed. "She has been grumbling all day. She says the parlor chimney smokes, and that there ere mice in the pantry, and she's „sure the botesta la damp with an that Ivy on it." "Ferhapes she has tee tench to do,' Joyce euggested. "She may be better tem- pered when we get straight. I shall bc only too elect to do rtnything to heln--yott know that, Felicity." "11-m!" replied Feliciey doubtfully. "I didn't ceoine here to work, my 'good child. But I think I hild better carry up the wa. ter for our baths, perhaps. or I shall hear every day ;Mont the inconvenience of having no bathroom. And will you do though he epoke quite ociurteousle to 1110 ft:ir,:3,11::10,,,,,b, p6111 her liytn.linule :nu:0, yi 4; cv: tuai 011:0:0,f1::en., 'Will you forgive me, Nisei OraY, if I sink into the earth under such a snub, but tt was e.00n 1mA-enema Velielt,Y. She neheidm..,t.Ydoi,311. cluriukie4y4:e1:rhaukiegie.leim7, ')...I'neippinnk4,2091°•tvvee'l Joyce ,folt. elm ehould have *anted to fuesounted for his words,. .afterwards In her b00141 P007, - R,'Ytoorustm,bo'u'Yt. 41:0741 duore3 0114 hoef tfheealtf'gsverY Tha tgwitr1,1,".svhcersraodind iteo.i•Johyleme, t'h'ILlie.lpelgeLeorg.et . htiej.1110,3111geoeto.rveo,itilletr,,,Iiitnadi los,eicc,,,p't for,ri.,00, And although Joyce was cotivinced emu, B.iteleis.'evEvadis Liiototht, i•ntlige. true view of the case, They left her ,sitting under the loose., cheetn ut when Felicity carried bite or to :c.bdfe ftiLinnotr:,aidntuidlet.101,110,4sBitt,1111:i.. vbFacil,..aicittAy enxi3.111••ari no' "Lliza-dtheRiVdse Mrs. Eliza Wilkins -le our drag,oni she oltif after 116 Mot WiselY Vet too Well,' and rules us pith a rod ot ikon. Sbe evil] rule you toe. I expect., eI hope she edit 'take to you; or .we 0115,16 see, mash of you -she will eee to. that." hope ebe .will." he replied, "What can I do to propitiate her?" Their voices floated bitek to Joyce as they Went up the, long garden -the girl's laughing ,,tones, the enan's deep pleaeant note, and again that faint feeling of entrY stirred ther heart. ' . Robert Stone had turned to lier and amid "Good afternoon" on Geeing she Itarl 1102. 001116 with them, and, acting on impulse, Joyce had risen and ebielten hande. "I see Y,011. have been robbing the mow- ing-grase, '.Ite said. Her eyee followed his and reelect on 'the big bunch or white clover she had fitstere en In the boeom of her dress. Then she looked up nt him, and something in the intentneee or the menet gaze caused the warm coloe to lloott her cheeks. "Yes,' she stammered. "I think thee are lovely, and they emelt so eweet. had no idea thee anything growing in green could he to beautiful." Rhe found herself going over the lietle scene again when their TOleee bed died away aad ,the old garden was quiet, save for the hamming of the bees and the drowsy ewitter of birds, "Felicity le eo .sweet, so preety-I don't wonder no 0210 COM reeiet her," elm emir- mured. "I 'plot I .were not 60 stupid and so plain, It must be pleaeant to weak and talk with sorne one big and etroug, and wiser ellen onesell. If I had a, friend Or -Or S. lover I should like Mtn to be, dike Mr. Stone. eyee are so kind- fille broke, off in confection, blushing at her own thoughts, and buried her lace in the poey of white clover. ere be continued.) 100111(1. Joyce looked up 1vith dreamy eyes al the big hotseee.heeenut above her; Its creamy bleesorce, faintly touched with pink, reminded her of lighted candlee on a Christmas tree. Behind stretch'ng envey on eithev side, was a, tall thick hedge up which bryouy end bindweed rust races, while here and there oreamy dime of the elder 11011011. brightened the green- ness and filled the air With faint sweet scent. ' Felicity was sitting in a cushioned bee. ket•chair she had brought with her, bat ,Toyee preferred the rough old bench with sound of It. twisted bougbe that stood under the tree. "Dark? It's the lovelieet thne ot Lhe She leaned her elbows on the rustic table .day -the bloom 16 61111 on everything. Bo and -wondered if the old 201111 had on8 tti(le•S, it le beet for the horses to gob it there in the evening, gmoking and read. Mg after hie dUY'd week. They had ga- thered ?rota one 'ef the lawyer's letters tbae he tied been failing ever since Christ. matt It, hurt Joyce to think how lonely 110 mo,ot 166140 booli. Felicity loosed at her speculatively over her tett-eup. ,Toyee was wearing 0 deem bau,do._ of inauve linen, made very plainly, and "Does tame mean 6011 will COMO to me finished off at the neck and wrists wiik for orders? Row' delightful 1 I elmene, be "Peter Pen" collar and man. The color a hard taskinistrces, Mr. Stone. I eball be stilted her creamy skin and soft dark hair. aewaye begging 7011 to leave off. I hate "Some people wonld admire her more NN'.171'k myself, and I'm so eorey for those than me," Felicity thought. "She hasa vim have to do it." really beautiful inouth, and those 01111(1' -Yoe needn't be. Hard work 80 0 puma - owe under her eyee are very effectiee. She cal for meet of the ills of tile," ho re - looks 60 scrioue, co much in earnest; turned gravely. Thitee not My role, thank goodness, but "That is how Mies Ittwnilton 6114110 - I'm not narrow.' I can aehnire it in..ether ,gushos a.bene thedignite of labor and peoplee' bleesednese of finding 0110 6 W01.12, and all "You look lettee already, Joyce," ehe that nonsenee." med., "although we have only been here , The man's keen eyea -were turned full on two daYe. 1)0 Yon know, 2 with I had let Jo.yee for •the Oast time, atel 0 pleiteatit 110, Fairlie come down with 110.00 he sug- smile %showed a penrcet sot of teeth. vetted." "FeellePs Miee Hamilton speake from "Tbe lawyer? Why?" experience -like I do," he meld. Ileoeuse :f feel so ignorant -I knew 00- "Yes, I bave always heel to work," she F1iir1 at all about the place." • -• • Why didn't you let him come?" 'Eliza saidit was throwing moneY away. Re woUld be sure to make Me pgy all his expellees, Ile will havo to corno 111 few weeks' time to talk things over and .000 what 2 have deeided to do, and she though • I luid bettor pat him oil' tell then, 13u6 1 went his :advice aboub the farm." "Phe farm e -vaguoy, "Well -what there et 'eft of it. I tem etee-t left them at st when I went away, you uncle George had a big sale when be You Mustn't be hard on him, Miss Gray. isnew he couldn't, get better, bat there He's an old man, older than your encle done before the eun is toe strong; it mauls 'Olean so when 16 10 11(14.-40 moy no- thing of myself.", "Are you going' to drive thelia?" "Certainly -with your perm esion." There was a, quizzical ...mile 111 ble °Yes, and Felicity blushed and clapped her answered soberly; bat I don pity 103. Pelf at all. 10610011(1 be inieerable 0 I were "Do you think you 00111cl induce old Ike to try EL Mite or your panacea?" Fetid LY broke in. "He's simply crawling about whenever X see him -thee 10 night and morn ;,,g --and he <Reappears all day, gpod11060 IS1101V0 'where." 'I expect -he and Inc go eingling tote are lots or anneals and things lore it seems to me. We can see the com driven into tlie sheds to be milked, and hear the salves 'biarting,,i-thises whet the boy calls it -,for their supper, and smolt the Pigg a, mile olf! Jo for the pouitry everywhere where it shouldn't be. And 111117 aren't those lumbering carthorme atework-thatee what I. want to know. They're in the big nteadow aJt day, dieing nothing but eat.' "Isn't that old MOO looking after things? Won't he tell you what 7011 want to itrionv?" "He's as deaf as a poet, I tried him this snorning hut I could get nothing out of him. I fairly screamed at last, but he only shook his head. Then I tackled the boy, but I'an smie he is Intlfiavitted; he Ire -Pt on grinning -never said a .word." ePeramps 003110 0110 Win 'MU toemoreoese -a, friendly farmer or a neighbor---" "Neighborl"-with scorn. "More isn't ft .110060 for railea-of If there le, 1 can't, eee one. We nee just loft, to ourselves in a wilderness of fields. It's, quite uncaney. Three lonely women!. And talking of fields, I know uncle George • didn't sell V71113, and I believe he hos worked here for fifty yeere," 011, Mr. Sto.ne, I couldn't be limed on any ono! rra glad you told ine-poor old fellow. Why didn't anele Pension him off P" elle aid, but rthe old man comes ;Met the same. X don't think he could aive awey D'Oel OW piece. He's 46 good cowfran, and he will do -till you want to snake ohan god" • They talked idetusantly enough .on 10 yartety of isubjeetS, butt it seemed ea Joyce than Robert Stolle turned restive when Felicity began Ito grow Personal, 110 alliTered her questions ,briefly, but vol- unteered no information. Yee, he had lived avith old Mr., Carleton, and had seen to everything during bit Met Meese. She was quite eight -he heel felt his 001611, very meek. No, he did not think her unele had been lonely. Yee,- Mre. Macilottalti had been a eeitstrus house. keeper; pereonally ho haci liked her and got en ;with her, Of course he had heard or Mies Gray. He 11114 110' friends about ltere-any more than her uncle had -end 00 011, till Joyce irate began to them, and 00000 Of thOM ouetht to he mown ',bun' Wital filtaano, Sale OV.116 not serprieed bY this time. We time plenty 411 1,14.7 00010 whenat lengeb ho got etra to go. There tsei we 01.0E10 alone in the 10161 ,1, 110111 (1641106 %MB a grian look about this mouth, CANADIAN TROOPS FIGHT VALIANTLY Battalion Charged Enemy with Bay- onets and 3Von. Treadles "For ettlitida and. Old :England." A &watch front Louden myse The Canadian regiment at the front hae distinguished itself in a. stirring bayonet chaege at a place near Ypres, known as "Dead Man's Al- ley," aecording to the Daily Chem- icle's correspondent' in North-east France. "The Germans," the COd, respondent says, "had moved 'a great math of men against this spot on the largish front. Mud helped the thin British line to hold, but the honors evere barely even until the Canadian regiment hurried up from the rear. Soddenly there- was heard a roar. ef issices, and a long line of 1l0nch-hatted men with fixed bayonets rushed forward with the battle cry Toe Canada and Old England.' The Germaine broke be- fore the charges, which carried everything before it, Trench after tren•ch fell, and the Canadians did not cease until the Germane brought up 'their artillery. Tho ground gained extended over a mils in front." The Canadian losses were twice killed and fouvteen wounded. _ ENEMY MASSES 500,000 TROOPS EVERYBODY NEEDS PURE, RICH BLOOD Pure blood epables the stomach, liver and other digestive organs to do their work properly. Withont it they i are sluggish, there s loss of appetite, sometimes faintness, a deranged state of the intestines, and, irogeneral, all the symptoms of dyspepsia. Pure blood is required by every organ of the body for the proper per- formance of its functions. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, and this is why it is so suc- ceed& in the treatment of so many diseases and ailments. Its acts di- rectly on the 'blood, riddieg it of scrofulous and other humors. It is a peculiar combination of blood -puri- fying, nerve -toning, strength -giving substances. Get it today. CANADIANS ARE NOW BILLETED Marked Betterment of General Health in Canadian Contin- • gent is Noted. AThe off Orom rfnescitolinenssa710:0:' • resulted in a, marked imprevernent of the general health conditions 161 the .contingent at Saliesbury a,nd the extension of the billeting system is proceeding. The outbreak of men- cingeickd ti:i.yi s beallieorvere.4, ve.a tiaheovoel. o beuT h vie and Lieut. Murray are arrang- ing the details CtE SL Canadian base post -office at London. German Socialists Seasoned Fighters Sent to the Aisne to 31ttke Final Effort, Under Kaiser's Direction. A despatch from Amsterdam says; It is repo-rted filet the Germane ha,sre concentra.ted a -hall a million men on their lines betwe-en Flan- ders a.nd Rheims foe the purpose of breaking through by brute force, no matter what the eust. The scheme has been .aided by the fact that floodon the Lye and the Aisne forced the allies to withdraw in two or three important places. In Flan- ders floceis hold the Belgians and French in check, and the Germane believe that second lino troops tan maintain their front there while the seasoned fightees are .senb to Soissons and along the Aisne. Gen. von Falkenhayrs, chief of staff of the Geeman army, ie at the front with the Kaiser, according to informa- tion re-ceived hove from Bruseele. The harbor at Zeebrugge has been heavily mined and the team has been teaneformed into a fortress, a.s has also Knoeke and other plates 011 the icoat. German troops ,on the coast etre Commanded by Gee. von Arnim, 1'4 BRITAIN WANTS ENGINEERS. Qualified Men for Naval Service Ad- vertised For. A despatch from Ottawa sere: The British Admiralty has netified the Cassedi a :1 Menne and Naval De- partments that &ere are opemings in eat.: British wait sere:se for a considerable number ef qualified marine engineers. They ere need- ed fte artitieere and for other branchea ed. the SiSrlikS. to Fight War? A despatch from Havre saye: 111 is generally lonown that the Sooial- isb Deputy, Dr. Lieblenec•ht, who alone in the Reichstag, vote,•d against the military credits, incur- red blame as a result Already the state of affaies, has change,d. Dr. Liebkne•cht hae just, informed Vie chiefs among the International So- cialists that a, .serious movement against war is maniaestin.g itself among German Socialists, and that almost unanimouely the Federations ehare his point af view arid cleeeee thenthelves, against war. .1. German South-west Africa Invaded A despatch from. London €a)-4,: The forcesof the Union isf Seuth, Africa have occupied Swakopmund, German South-west Africa, accord - Mg to the Pretoria eurrespent'oet of Renter'e Telegram Company. Swakopm.und is a port of call at the month of the Sw,akop River. Ie is -a trading and mission etatioe, and is c•onneeted by rail with Wind- hoek. 41. Most of us would be satisfietl with the silver lining iwithout the clsea. Dr. Morse's Indian Mont Pills are not a new and untried remedy -- our grandfathers used them. Half a century ago, before Confederation, they were on sale in nearly every drug or geeeral 56000 110 the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness,Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to 03 'Cure Common Ills NEWS-RECORO'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1914 WEEKLIE5. eewtettecord and Mall Si Empire ....51.60 k.eweitecord and Globe 1,63 Neweitorord end Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.81 Newa•ltecord and Weekly Sun ...•-• 1.55 News -Record nnd Farmer's Advocate2,36 Newe-Reeord and Farm & Dairy 1.83 Kewsiltecord end Ca nitrite n Farm .51 News -Record and Weekly Witnese 1.53 News•Record ILLICI. Northern Meese 0 ger 1. 63 News -Record and Free Press I•55 News -Record and Advertiser1.55 News -Record and Saturday Night3.50 News -Record and Youth's Conunution 3.23 News -Record and Fruit Grower end Partner . .. • • • L'75 MONTHLIES. Newsitccord and Canadian sporte. man,'. . . '.. . -... ... $3.25 Newe-Itecardatul`LliMineotV'S Maga DAILIES. News -Record and World .e3,15 News -Record and Globe CO News -Record and kfnil Sn Empire. ,31e News -Record and Advertiser.2.81 News -Record rind Morning Free PrC0P. 3,35 News.Recorcl anti Beetling Free Press, LSI NewsiRecorcl and Toronto Star • „2.„85, News -Record and Toronto News • If what you want le net in this liet let Ite know about le 'We sneele Yen to lees than it would cost you to send direct In remitting please do so by Postmeire Order Postal Note, Expres.s Order or iter isiered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher rsleutre-IieeerJ ( LINTON, ONTARIO ogolifff LABATT'S STOUT Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME or THE YEAR IT IS NEED If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LO±ItON CANADA 81 oese ktrA-3,31t,u,