HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-01-07, Page 1No. 1866 -36th Year
Look over the Clubbing List, select''
what you want, then come to
Major Combe gave an address at'
't week "Astronomy."
s on
the .Club la w
His delivery was easy and dfreer and.
his talk, revealing as it did a wide
1cnowledge ; of a big subject, was
somewhait of a surprise to some of
the members who were not, ;previous
1)t aware that he, had given so Much'
time to a study of, the heavenly both-
Mr. W. Hale willt at the -next pneet--
fog deal with conditions _in Mexico
with which, he is conversnt having
spent several years there.
The citizens were rudely awakened'.
from, their slumbers ' about four o'=
clock on Tuesday morning by the loud
clanging of the fire bell. The fire was
found to have originated in a small,
s con James St.
Unoccupiedhouse .
anil be-
of the town b
at the south end
fore the, alarm was given had gained
such headway that it could not bo
checked. The budding belonged to Mr.
James Reid of Stratford and as it
was unoccupied the origin of the lire
is a mystery. One theory is that a
tramp might have taken shelter in-
side and by lighting matches set fire
to the building, but it will probably
never be known just how it started.
The Women's Patriotic Society will
hold their first meeting after the
holiday recess in the council chamber
tomorrow, Friday, afternoon and it
is hoped there will be a full atten-
dance, of members. The ofricers ,.are
also anxious to add to 'the ;member-
sliiljand will. be glad to receive 'the
ilames,'of any, ladies 'wishing to jinn.
The membership fee is„only twenty-
five cents.'' rhe 1'adfe's• have been.
wonting,, even during the holiday
soaeon and purpose continuing.' While
hone on leave of absence from the
London camp'Mr, W. Britton, an-
other Clinton boy who is in train-
ing:to go with the Second. Contin-
gent, was presented by the ladies
with a complete outfit of comforts.
rywhich are being
The union se riee s v b g
held in the different, churches in town
k in Well attended
this week r ac being
re f a particularly, im res5ive char -
a o p Y. p
atter. Tonight the service' will be in
Willis church. the speaker rbeing Rev,
S. J. .Arlin, and tontorro'i, Friday,
the. last one of the seriei,, will be
held in St Paul's, Bet, J: K. Fair -
"full being the speaker.. The ministe1
in charge presides Mille own church.
IN r,:
Miss Ela May Lindsay, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsayt of town,
was married tin Regina, - Sask., on
Tuesday of last Week. to Mr, Albert
•M. Chalmers of that • city. Rev, D.
McKinnon performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs'. Chalmers left ii idiabe-
1y for the east, travelling by way of
Chicago, and are now with friendsds in
Toronto.Theyare expected ected in Clin-
ton this'week and .will visit the
bride's parents for few weeks be-
fore returning to their home in the,
Saskatchewan capital Tho News -
Record extends good wishes and con-
gratulations to the young people,
RevR. I,w
in of Victoria Univer-
sity assisted the Pastor at the ,nr
ning service
on Sunday. -last and
preached a thoughtful. and interesting
sermon from the words, "The Truth
Shall Make You Free." Ile gives
promise of notch usefulness add, is al-
ready a clear and forceful speaker.
At, the evening cerriee, Rev„ S. 3.
Altn, referring o ay
I' ferrin t the -day as one for
special intercession .on behalf of the
warring nations, cited other historic
occasions when,. prayer „was :made to
God for guidance and help.
Between sixty and seventy, young
people of the church went out to the
House of Refuge: on Monday evening
and besides carrying , with them a,
Christmas, treat for the inmates 01-
tertained• thein, for an (tour in a way.
that, was evidently enjoyed by all.
Messrs. Melvin,' Hanley, Glen Cornish,
kindly • t fished. the
andI l d.T doll t d t ftrn
sleighs that conveyed , the Large cont-,
pang. ..safely, out and back again.
rhe pastor will preach on Sundays
next both morning, and evening.
Miss Courtice's class , and. Junior
!,eagle! will meet :tomorrow,' Friday,
evening at seven o'clock.
The ladies of tine congregation pur-
pose giving a supper in the lecture
room on the evening of the
. r Sl
t 1
Tuesday in the month. The gentle-
men n ill furnish the program, which
!itemises .to be an interesting one.
After an illness extending over.sev-
eral weeks and one ,of severe suffer-
ing, Mrs. Daniel -Eckmier passedinto
the, other w'orid at her home on Prin-
cess street on the evening of. New
Year's Day,
The deceased, whose maiden name
was Elizabeth Haddock, was a n a
of County Down, Ireland, and came
to this country with her parents
when she was seven yi ars of age.
Site was married to her now bereat,-
ed husband at 'Cranbrook, Grey
township, in 1881 and it is eleven
years since they became residents of
0linton. Mrs. Eckmier : was a Melth-
odist in religion, being a members of
Wesley church. She had few. relatives Cooper.: They leave tomorrow on
in this country Two brothers still their, 10ng ,journey to Wif-wn,3Honeni,
reside in Ireland and one sister in China, where Chep expect to arrive a-
San Francisco; Oal Misses Belle and bout March first and where they will
Susie Iiaddock,, the former of Whom is spend ,the next couple of years, study
in the Deaconess work in Vancouver, ing the language before Dr. Struthers
and the latter having just gone to is assigned to a definite field in .the
China as a missionary nurse, are hospital work, Dr: Struthers is being
nieces: Miss Belie Haddock was here sent out by the Missionary Board of
for the, funeral, • Mr. John Haddock, a the Presbyterian Church of Canada
r i e British Columbia.
esd s m r
nephew,oder the support of
and is going u s ppm
Mrs, Samuel Ratliwcll `ol Goderich McNab, street, church, Flamilton., where
township. is an aunt: Mrs, Eekmicr an induction service and reception was
paid a return visit to the Old count held for them on Monday evening and
try several years ago, Dr. Struthers was presented with a
Mr. 17ckmier' also survives and has handsomely bound Bible. 1)1 and
the sympathy of all in his ` bereave- Mrs.
Struthers will meet 1)y\..
meat, and Mrs: Reed of Toronto in
The funeral took place . on Monday London tomorrow evening and ` the
afternoon froin the residence en Prin- party sails from San Francisco.
cess street, interment being Rhode in Mrs. Struthers has- been inuch in -
Clinton '
n -Clinton`• cemetery, The services c at terested' in missionary ;work for years
house and graveside were conducted and has made a special study of the
by :Rev.' Dr., Rutledge and Rev. J. work in China, '1t was Heir desire to
L' rs. were : M'es-
Greene. The pallbearers w go out under the auspices- of the Metho-
srs, 0, J. Wallis, It B. Chant, J. dist Church a"couple of years ago but
Braun;. A. J. Tyndall, , T. E. East, her faintly were loath to give: their
and J. O. McMatli, consent. Iter marriage has now tak-
Among those from a distance, be- en her 1ton1 the Methodist to the
sides Miss FIaddock,,,who were present Presbyterian Church and she goes to
for the 'obsegiiios were, the three bro- another part of the Celestial Empire,
thers, and ststci-in-law of Mr.-, Eck- the ,Methodist Mission being situated
mier, Messrs. August ,and Christian in West China . Metitodisls and
Eckmier, Ethel ; Andrew Eckmier, Presbyterians alike in Clinton, ` how -
Stratford :. Mrs. George. Eckmier, ever bid a hearty God -Speed to this
Jamestown and -Mrs. Menzies, Oran -
brook," and a niece of Mrs. Eckmier's
Mrs, Chambers of Ethel.
' Mr, Will Johnson has - bought;: the
ro u 'nes carried on fortheg coyRb St S �
past u I f ea ••Mr. S Bari
eo e o s bya
p Y A
v retired '1 h'l;al h. M r.
v ho eU r d owing to ill b M
Johnson is a native-born and being
ener tic• and'. up-to-date will• unques-
tion ly make 'a success of his new
"MOVIES" ry.
AT TIIb FIof ,
Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., who fs neves
so happy as when doing something to
add o the happiness of others,, ar-
ranged for a moving picture show at
,h, useof fu
the 10 Refuge Tuesday
ening, A sleighload` of those.interest
ed drove down int the evening and
were present for the perforinanee,
whit was greatly en;joyel, by the in-
mate •, many of whom had never seen
the "movies", before. , . The pictures
were articularl • goodand there • s
o e o wa
) g.
besides music rn v' r 1•
fo a ictoa anda
real social time which brightened up
the company one and all of those who
heardand saw.
The Patr�lotic Ball given in the town
ening of last week
hall on Tuesday evening 3
s ices' f the Sewing
underthe au n S
P e g
Club was a very successful and pleas-
ant affair. The arrangements were
of the completest kind and those pre-
sent enjoyed the evening to the full.
The guests were dearly all Clutton
only a few being presentifronl
people, )
piuside points, and many of those
who were unable to 'attend sent "to
to tickets.
the Gomiuftteo'the price of i,l
A'S ai result of"tiie'gatltering the'Olub
'Was able ii hand • 'over 'to the trees-"
titer' 'of the Wome•t's 'Patriotic"Socic-
ty the stun of one'hundred dollars,
fifteen or 'so 'having been` taken •froin
the Club's. treasury: This is an en-
ergetic company of young women who
have been assisting the W.P:S. in
various ways since its organization,
and their ellorta are meth appreciat-
The "Wanderers" successfully ntet
and defeated' the Juveniles1. 0.
team in a fast and exciting game. -of
iockey on Monday evening, the score
being 9 - to G, 'Yule line-up was as fol-
lows :
A. O. Is. -Goal, TVI. Cook, R.. de-
fence, E. Macdonald ; h, defence, 0,
Gracile ; Centre, 13.. Sleeves „ Mover,
�r C I . Mogi irr W.Great, b'.Law en h l v t C ai L.
wing, W Cuter:
Wanderers -Goal 1.. Steep; 1t. de-
fence, P. Wheatley? ; L. Defence, 0.
Johnston ; Centre F. Wallis ; Rover
M. Elliott ; R. wing, 1.., Deeves ; L.
Wing, G. McCartney.
R. Swot, referee,
At full tion the score stood 6-6
but in the ten minutes over time the
Wanderers won three more goals._
The following from the Louisville
(Kentucky) Herald refers to a_, one-
time resident of Clinton
A. T. !Macdonald, one of Louis-
ville's best-known business Hien, has
just been appointed general' manager
of the Louisville agency of the Com-
ntonweilth Life Insurance Company.
Ivlr, Macdonald's ability as an or -
d his friends
ganizer is well-known an r
predict=measured success for him
r di
niti from
new work. Recognition Om
the Commonwealth Company,' a Ken-
tucky institution, conies after . a
splendid record set up by Mr, Mao-
donald during the past year, when he
wrote insurance for a foreign com-
pany. For fifty consecutive weeks his
name appeared on the' honor roll of
agents writing the maximum amount
of business in this period,
In addition to having general charge
or insurance agents in Louisville and
Jeff County, c t l 'i
Jefferson Go n &1'. Ma dot a d will
v. �.
took out after the publicity end of
the work." -
Dr.: and Mrs. R. Gordon Struthers
returned Tuesday from a short honey-
moon trip antl.a visit at the parental
home of the former: ,in Galt and are
gueshs of the latter's mother, Mrs, W.
yews -R ecor
Mes. W. Cooper received with her
two daughters, Mrs. S. .1. Armstrong
of difornia, and Mrs. R. Gordon
Struthers, `yesterday. afternoon and
evening. Mrs. Struthers wore her
trot I wedding weld n
gown and looked re -
1 ) g g.
dian and
happy as, she t:eoted her,
Ply\ g le,
young friends and old:: Though the
weather was vetfy disagreeable many
friends of the family! tools advantage
of the opportunity of bidding the
brideGod Speed and . also of see-
ing Mrs. Armstrong Before ltor de-
parture • for:her • home-
ome Tit California, .
Litt a Miss Olive Armstrong admitt-
ed a callers and Sire:" A:. T. -Cooper
also assisted'` in -the drawing -room.
Mrs McNeil poured Ata,. -the table be-
ing daintily, done in pink and white
with a great bowl of pink carnations
in the centre, while Miss Olive Coop-
er, Miss Isabel Gunn - and Miss Helen
Bell assisted. in the tea room,
Tl e result of the contest on Mon-
day surprised even' the knowing ones
who did not look for so large a ma-
jority • s 'Ir.r
. J.Ford
a A 1 oiled t
1 Yt
Forty-seven f 's 'rt certainly` go-
o aleadt cc ai p
smile and Reece -elect Ford has
•now tits assurance that his fellow cit-
izen appreciate his past services and
that, as well, they like him personal-
13y- a majority of 115 the electors,
said -give married )apnea NV110 own
property the municipal franchise. It
is understood that: the 151) who ,voted
nay were not all of the nate sex.
For Reeve. .
'.Ford ' Taylor
53 56
86 52
62• •56
82 51.
263 215
Majority for Ford --4.7,
For 73xteesion of Franchise.
't. Andrews 71 28
St. James . 75 42
St. Johns GG 40
St George 53 40
265 150
Majority for 115.
happy young bride and her husband
and wish Mem success and happiness
in the faraway home of their choice,
, •t, Andrews
^t, James
`t, Johns
't. George
On the 5th day of January • 1866
Mr. D Fair first sawtlight
M . 1 1 the
0f dap. This took place inClinton
of which he has ever since, with the
exception of a few months spent in
Chicago, been a resident. ''W. D's."
friendship is most valued by those who
have known ]tint longest for in repeated
"try -outs they have found hint gen-
uine.. He is up-to-date in his business
methods, an indefatigable worker and
a good citizen,
Mr.and Mrs: George M
CKenzie of
e Tests of `t] e lot
Toronto re th t t
we ,
t r' uncleand aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
e s nc t,
Fred Stanley over Sunday.
A large number attended the ball
given. in the town hall on New Year's
night. 311 report' a very pleasant and
enjoytable evening, -
The fishermen and ,merchants are
busily engaged this week storing u1'
ice for the summer. •
Rev. W. H. Cole of Flint. Mich., oc-
cupied the pulpit of the: Methodist
church on Sunday morning last wben
he gave a very eloquent and able ad-
dress on -"Preparation for Service.
Miss Lizzie' Ferguson of Toronto is'
spending her holidays under the par-
ental roof. She was accompanied by
Miss Mary Horn, who spent a. few
daps with her alter which she return-
ed Toronto on
d to 0
e Y•
Dr. Alex. McLeod, who is going to
locate in Ilarriston, spent a few days
this week with his parents in the vil-
Rev. Mr. Johnston and wife of Var-
na were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
George_ Cppeland on Now Year's,
Miss Edna Beatty of Varna was the
guest ofheraunt, Mrs. Spac'Sman,
the past weeic, •
Messrs. Johnhn and
Charles Toms re-
turned home from Port Stanley -last
Mr, Jctlm ,Thomson of Winnipeg is
the guest, of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Janes Thomson.
Mr. Robt. McMurray 'spent a few
days during the h•olidays with friends
at Toronto.' - •
"1VIis's Maud Stelling of Toronto is
visiting: lvith Isere mother, •.Mss • Win.
Sterling in the tillage
' 'thc'B R
f eid" The arii4iiai Meeting 'of ay
Agricultural Sooiety'iwill he belch on
the 20(11 inat, at' one:'o'clock. If', a
men>ther, please attend. •
Mr, 1. 14, Hovey is younger than
Mr: Fair, but not a greet deal, his
forty-third birthday taking place on
Thursday next, the . 14511 inst. He,
too, is a native horn, and has spent
practically his whole life here, He
has been the winner: of many trophies
at local, county aiol provincial gun.
club shoots and has been successful in
the practise of his profession as drug-
gist: Personally he is a most genial
andkindly titan fox, whom his fellow
citizens have a warm regard:
Mr. T..1, Holloway is another citi-
zen, a native-born too, who will ob-
serve a• birtlfday ' anniversary this
week, on Friday to be more exact,
when he will entertain a number of
personal friends at the Club. .1VIr.
Holloway tnow rounds the half cen-
tury marls in the best of health and
spirits and, .so far as the human eye
can see, with manyt happy years a-
News -Record, o n behalf of our
citizens, wishes these gentlemen
"Many Ilappy Returns of the Day:,"
People You. Know.
Miss Bell,: London, of the Clinton
School of Commerce management, is
in town 5106 week..
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lantlerkin, of
Crystal City, Manitoba, who have
been visiting at the home of Mn
Duncan McEwen, left today for
Portland, Maine,
Mfrs Hattie Trick ke t
utned to Ge
Grove on Saturday
i sun e her
teaching duties after: spending the
Christmas, and NOW, Year's l:olidlys
at the parentalhome, that of Mr.
and Mrs. Levi '!'tick, the -ixteenth
A .patriotic concert will be hchd in
the town hall, Varna, on-ThClrsday
nest for vvthich a splendid program is
being ir+
a cd. 130 sure' to
i • of t 1 t' rih Lea, '1'ht membersh v o
CI beC
gue of the Goshen Methodist church,
Met at the home or Mr, Richard Rob-
inson on Nevi 'Year's evening and spent
an enj0yuble time.
Miss Ray 1ayldi'of Detroit, is vis-
iting at the house of her ,brothe , Mr,
lt', J. 'Taylor. -
Mr. Jag, MCClonaghan has purehas-
cd a tcateamof horses f om M r. ''S.
Reid of 'l'uekersmith, for which he
paid a good figure, considering how,
horses, are selling now, but Jin knows
a good horse, and don't mind paying
the price. -
Me. J, W, Reid and Mr. John Ste-
phenson were the guests of their M-
end, Mr, 31. J. Stinson of the Sauble
Line, one day last week.
Mr. Harvey. Reid, who is, attending
the, Dental College at Toronto, - left
on Monday last to resiuine his duties.
Mr. and Mrs. !Vin, Foster spent New
Year's at the home of, . the
brother, Mr. Isaac Rathwell of
Goderich township..
Mr, and. Mts. J. W. Reid entertain-
ed a number of their. friends on New
Year's evening of. last week,
School section No, 3 held its annu-
al meeting on Wednesday Of last
week, when Mr. D. H. McNaughton,
Pt trustee for the ensuing
was appointed s n
iL g
Mr. Nelson Reid having ing
sibued Mr. Alex: Parsons actedas
chairman.: in his usual good natured
way. •
Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Reid entertain-
ed a number of their friends on New
Year's evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McClinchey' en-
tertained a number of friends from
Bayfield on Wednesday evening of last
Mis.s Myrtle Keys of Varna was
successful in passing with first class
honors the first year theory
e1 maa-
tion at the recent mid -winter exam:
in connection with the Canadian Ac-
ademy of Music, Toronto.. Miss Keys
repeived the highest marks obtained in
this district. '1VicNews-Record extends
congratulations to the young lady.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. ' 4, North Stanley for the month
of December, names in order al titer -
it : 5th, -Bessie Tough. Sr. 4th.-
Clifford ,Scotchiner, . John Watson, Ed-
na Scotchnfor, Alice Stinson, Bertha
'Westlake, Susie Westlake. Jr, 41-th,-'
Elva Dewar, Maggie Tough, Harold
Scotehmer, Russel - Sparks, Jr. 3rd -
Am ie Dewar, Roy Scotchnnen, Bessie
Watton: Part 2, -Charlie ' Scotchmer,
Part , le -David Dewar, Charlie
Scotchmes,-Mary' MacDougall, Teach--
er, .
The following is the report for S.
S. - Np. 1, Stanley for the uiontlt of
December, names in order of merit' :.
5th, . -Frank MacGregor. 4th, -Clif-
ford Stewart, Winnifred Jervis, Abbie.
Stewart, and Spence Jackson, equal.
Sr. 3rd,-Zetta Jackson,, Edna .Alex-
ander, .Jr. $rd; Margaret,1VI'acGre-
gor, Annie, MacFarlane, Clara Potter,
2nd, -Marian McEwen, John MacG e
gor, Mary Stewart. Sr. 1st, -Betty
Stewart, 1Vlaloolin MacFarlane. ,Jr.
lst,-Donald Glen, Jeati McEwen, Ar-
chie Sparks, < hazel Potter. -Jessie,
Aikenhcad, 'Teacher.`
Mr. and Mrs. I3.' R. Forster and
family, who lave been visiting
1 ,rents Over the holiday
season, se-
eturn d to their home at Locust Hill
on Monday.
At the atntuat school, meeting belt!'
last week M , E. J. '1'rewarrtha was
elected to tete board of trustees. Mr.
George Mair was the retiring trustee.
The school opened on Monday with
a good attendance. The trustees are
considering the installing of a new
furnace, :the old ono being very unsat-
The sleighing is fine since the storm
of Saturday last and the young people
aro already organizing sleighing par-
ties, thus spending thel winter even-
ings in pleasant social gatherings with •
a good time going and coming.
Goderich Townshi
Mr. John Ilalstead Lias been elected
trustee. of 5 S. No. "J, succeeding
Mr, Guy Hicks, and has been ap-
pointed secretary -treasurer, -
Miss CIO Of Dungannon is the
new teacher of S. S. No, 9.
Mr. David Churchill has been re-
elected to Tho trustee board of S. S.
No. 11. its colleagues are Albert
Issard and David Deeves.
Miss May Elliott returned to
Stratford on Monday to 'resume the
Normal course.
Miss Hattib ;!'rick after spending
the holiday period ab her home here,
has returned to licr school at Cedar
' Miss ''Aiinie'031 jre't of •the`1Vingliatir
hospital.,ePail' spent New Year's- Day,
6.t, the parental. hole on the -9th 000.
Mr. and Mrs. •James ... Mose ,of iMo-
Killop township are visiting in this
Miss Evelyn McCartney"spent-a few
days at the home of Mr- Adam Can-
Lelon of the 755 con.
Miss Cleft of Dungannon . arrival -
Saturday anti commenced her duties
as teacher in S,, S. No. 1) on Monday\
Mr. Thos. J. Cooper, a ptosperoes
resident of. Killarney, Mau., was elec-
ted councillor ofWard 1 in 1t town
ia the recently Eel(civic elections.
Mr. Coopet is {she eldest son of Mr. •
Cleo. A. Cooper aiicl has tesicicd at
Killarney for twelve wets. Ile is a-
gent'''. for the imperial Oil Company
Manitoba, and, as the election to the
council proves, has the confidence of
his .fellow citizens. -
Rev. W. 11, Cole of Flint, Mich.,
occupiedthepulpit of Sharon church
on the past couple of Sunday after-
noons, preaching excellent sermons.
Mr, Cole is an old Goderich township
b,oy and his old-time friends are glad
to have him In their midst again for
a while.
Miss Mayne Hall at the recent mid
winter examinations 1n connection
with the Canadian AeadentY
of Music
Toronto, passed the first year exam
in theory -With first cllass,honors. !Miss'
n to
Nall is to be Co granula dn her o
success and the diligence with which
she has einem! her studies.
London Road'
Mr. S. C. Rathtvcll and little chute
ghbcr of Lucknow were visitor's with
1• townshipg t
friends tierin • li
holiday season and spent the week-
end as guests of the-former's brother-
in-law, Mr. A. B. Stephenson.
!Misses Rose and Maple I itertnore
have returned to '1otonto'after a vie -
it at the parental home here: Their
mother, who has not been :ia good
health for some, time, underwent an.
operation in the Clinton hospital last
It improvingn
•creel .tint snowY
NII and Mrs,Wheeler. leet have ave Let
to their home in London after a vis-
it with the lady's parents, Mr, ami
Mrs. A. 13. ,Stephenson, -
Mr: C'lutl Davidson is home from the
west, where he has spent the past
fety years, and will spend the winter
here with' his ntotiier.
Miss Ethel Lane has been visiting
het brother, Mr, John Lane of 331c••
Killop township.
.'!'lie Eipworth League meeting next
Tuesday, will he held at the home, of
Mr. Frank Grant. The program will
take the form of a song service, cony
renting at eight o'clock,
Hallett Township
Miss Mary Snell was a guest at the
home of iter uncle, and aunt'' Mr, and
Mrs. Appleton Elcoat of Tuckers>ni'lh
during the midwinter vacation' deme.
We regret to state that Mr, Harry
Freeman is in very poor health at
present, -
Mr: John Flynn spent the week -end
with Stratford friends.
Mrs,Pui•cel of Seaforth and Mrs,
McCauley of Stratford are, visiting ,
relatives in •this, neighborli.00d.;
With one escestion the fancily 61
Mr. and Mrs. John Mole spent. the
Ing holiday with tli.em, Mrs. Will
Sparks conning down from Elgin, Ed.
up from. Seaforth'and Will from Dun-
gannon. The re -union: was much ert-
joyed by all. •
Mrs,: F. A. Mcllveen, whospentthe,
holiday week with heir • parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. tAsquiih, has returned to
Watford where her husband is mana-
ger of the Sterling Bank, Mr. Mcii-
voen'also Caine up but was only en-
abled to make a short stay.
Wheat $1.15.
Oats 46e.
Barley 60e..`
Butter 22c to 230.
Eggs, new laid, 84c, Yield 200.;
Live hogs 57.10.
Heb y
Watch is -as
movement of a. , Hellyo r Wa h
as perfect as possible -that is why it
our store so many people xvho
brought to y P P
must have accurate time.
There are several grades of "Hellyar>
movements all trustworthy: ,
ha'be to be articular aboutthe and f i
- o est ',priced
keeping u o the P
9 9 f
P f.
`'Hell ar
that bears our.-�zame, y
watches mustsatisfy ythe -purchaser
h `I
1Y Ye11qar
,jeweler ana Optician - - Clinton
TheRo. a1Bakn
Incorporated 1869.
_ . Oa tial Authorized $25,000,000
Capp Paid-uP ' •': "'"- 11;560;000 _ ':
'•' 0000
Reserve.apd Profits Lofs,1300
Undivided ,
-Total Assets ' • :185,000,000.
i h orld, wide"connebtfbn. -Interest allowed •
380 BraBranches,'4y\ G Sv •
on Savings vi Deposits. General Bunking business transacted..'
g . -
R, E. MANNING, Manager.: Clinton Branch ,
Ti QQ Molsons•
Incorporated 1855 Established in
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
�, •. 1
.,, � a k .
Clinton 1879 •
At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
C. E. Dowding - Manager - _.,Clinton Branch..
You may
y now
All overcoats
• v
step into this store
overcoat you want-abso=
none reserved, values
QQ 0r
10:00 f o 7.90.
and se .
1 50
up to
- t2.50
up to
up to
next season.
worth up •to
$13.00 for
worth upto
16.50 for
worth up
20:00 'for
oats worth u p
25.00' for9.
overcoats worth
4.00 for
overcoats worth
6.50 for
overcoats worth
10.00 for
over into
will get best
...TNG CO.
Motto : ASquare Deal lfor Every r Man
Major Combe gave an address at'
't week "Astronomy."
s on
the .Club la w
His delivery was easy and dfreer and.
his talk, revealing as it did a wide
1cnowledge ; of a big subject, was
somewhait of a surprise to some of
the members who were not, ;previous
1)t aware that he, had given so Much'
time to a study of, the heavenly both-
Mr. W. Hale willt at the -next pneet--
fog deal with conditions _in Mexico
with which, he is conversnt having
spent several years there.
The citizens were rudely awakened'.
from, their slumbers ' about four o'=
clock on Tuesday morning by the loud
clanging of the fire bell. The fire was
found to have originated in a small,
s con James St.
Unoccupiedhouse .
anil be-
of the town b
at the south end
fore the, alarm was given had gained
such headway that it could not bo
checked. The budding belonged to Mr.
James Reid of Stratford and as it
was unoccupied the origin of the lire
is a mystery. One theory is that a
tramp might have taken shelter in-
side and by lighting matches set fire
to the building, but it will probably
never be known just how it started.
The Women's Patriotic Society will
hold their first meeting after the
holiday recess in the council chamber
tomorrow, Friday, afternoon and it
is hoped there will be a full atten-
dance, of members. The ofricers ,.are
also anxious to add to 'the ;member-
sliiljand will. be glad to receive 'the
ilames,'of any, ladies 'wishing to jinn.
The membership fee is„only twenty-
five cents.'' rhe 1'adfe's• have been.
wonting,, even during the holiday
soaeon and purpose continuing.' While
hone on leave of absence from the
London camp'Mr, W. Britton, an-
other Clinton boy who is in train-
ing:to go with the Second. Contin-
gent, was presented by the ladies
with a complete outfit of comforts.
rywhich are being
The union se riee s v b g
held in the different, churches in town
k in Well attended
this week r ac being
re f a particularly, im res5ive char -
a o p Y. p
atter. Tonight the service' will be in
Willis church. the speaker rbeing Rev,
S. J. .Arlin, and tontorro'i, Friday,
the. last one of the seriei,, will be
held in St Paul's, Bet, J: K. Fair -
"full being the speaker.. The ministe1
in charge presides Mille own church.
IN r,:
Miss Ela May Lindsay, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsayt of town,
was married tin Regina, - Sask., on
Tuesday of last Week. to Mr, Albert
•M. Chalmers of that • city. Rev, D.
McKinnon performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs'. Chalmers left ii idiabe-
1y for the east, travelling by way of
Chicago, and are now with friendsds in
Toronto.Theyare expected ected in Clin-
ton this'week and .will visit the
bride's parents for few weeks be-
fore returning to their home in the,
Saskatchewan capital Tho News -
Record extends good wishes and con-
gratulations to the young people,
RevR. I,w
in of Victoria Univer-
sity assisted the Pastor at the ,nr
ning service
on Sunday. -last and
preached a thoughtful. and interesting
sermon from the words, "The Truth
Shall Make You Free." Ile gives
promise of notch usefulness add, is al-
ready a clear and forceful speaker.
At, the evening cerriee, Rev„ S. 3.
Altn, referring o ay
I' ferrin t the -day as one for
special intercession .on behalf of the
warring nations, cited other historic
occasions when,. prayer „was :made to
God for guidance and help.
Between sixty and seventy, young
people of the church went out to the
House of Refuge: on Monday evening
and besides carrying , with them a,
Christmas, treat for the inmates 01-
tertained• thein, for an (tour in a way.
that, was evidently enjoyed by all.
Messrs. Melvin,' Hanley, Glen Cornish,
kindly • t fished. the
andI l d.T doll t d t ftrn
sleighs that conveyed , the Large cont-,
pang. ..safely, out and back again.
rhe pastor will preach on Sundays
next both morning, and evening.
Miss Courtice's class , and. Junior
!,eagle! will meet :tomorrow,' Friday,
evening at seven o'clock.
The ladies of tine congregation pur-
pose giving a supper in the lecture
room on the evening of the
. r Sl
t 1
Tuesday in the month. The gentle-
men n ill furnish the program, which
!itemises .to be an interesting one.
After an illness extending over.sev-
eral weeks and one ,of severe suffer-
ing, Mrs. Daniel -Eckmier passedinto
the, other w'orid at her home on Prin-
cess street on the evening of. New
Year's Day,
The deceased, whose maiden name
was Elizabeth Haddock, was a n a
of County Down, Ireland, and came
to this country with her parents
when she was seven yi ars of age.
Site was married to her now bereat,-
ed husband at 'Cranbrook, Grey
township, in 1881 and it is eleven
years since they became residents of
0linton. Mrs. Eckmier : was a Melth-
odist in religion, being a members of
Wesley church. She had few. relatives Cooper.: They leave tomorrow on
in this country Two brothers still their, 10ng ,journey to Wif-wn,3Honeni,
reside in Ireland and one sister in China, where Chep expect to arrive a-
San Francisco; Oal Misses Belle and bout March first and where they will
Susie Iiaddock,, the former of Whom is spend ,the next couple of years, study
in the Deaconess work in Vancouver, ing the language before Dr. Struthers
and the latter having just gone to is assigned to a definite field in .the
China as a missionary nurse, are hospital work, Dr: Struthers is being
nieces: Miss Belie Haddock was here sent out by the Missionary Board of
for the, funeral, • Mr. John Haddock, a the Presbyterian Church of Canada
r i e British Columbia.
esd s m r
nephew,oder the support of
and is going u s ppm
Mrs, Samuel Ratliwcll `ol Goderich McNab, street, church, Flamilton., where
township. is an aunt: Mrs, Eekmicr an induction service and reception was
paid a return visit to the Old count held for them on Monday evening and
try several years ago, Dr. Struthers was presented with a
Mr. 17ckmier' also survives and has handsomely bound Bible. 1)1 and
the sympathy of all in his ` bereave- Mrs.
Struthers will meet 1)y\..
meat, and Mrs: Reed of Toronto in
The funeral took place . on Monday London tomorrow evening and ` the
afternoon froin the residence en Prin- party sails from San Francisco.
cess street, interment being Rhode in Mrs. Struthers has- been inuch in -
Clinton '
n -Clinton`• cemetery, The services c at terested' in missionary ;work for years
house and graveside were conducted and has made a special study of the
by :Rev.' Dr., Rutledge and Rev. J. work in China, '1t was Heir desire to
L' rs. were : M'es-
Greene. The pallbearers w go out under the auspices- of the Metho-
srs, 0, J. Wallis, It B. Chant, J. dist Church a"couple of years ago but
Braun;. A. J. Tyndall, , T. E. East, her faintly were loath to give: their
and J. O. McMatli, consent. Iter marriage has now tak-
Among those from a distance, be- en her 1ton1 the Methodist to the
sides Miss FIaddock,,,who were present Presbyterian Church and she goes to
for the 'obsegiiios were, the three bro- another part of the Celestial Empire,
thers, and ststci-in-law of Mr.-, Eck- the ,Methodist Mission being situated
mier, Messrs. August ,and Christian in West China . Metitodisls and
Eckmier, Ethel ; Andrew Eckmier, Presbyterians alike in Clinton, ` how -
Stratford :. Mrs. George. Eckmier, ever bid a hearty God -Speed to this
Jamestown and -Mrs. Menzies, Oran -
brook," and a niece of Mrs. Eckmier's
Mrs, Chambers of Ethel.
' Mr, Will Johnson has - bought;: the
ro u 'nes carried on fortheg coyRb St S �
past u I f ea ••Mr. S Bari
eo e o s bya
p Y A
v retired '1 h'l;al h. M r.
v ho eU r d owing to ill b M
Johnson is a native-born and being
ener tic• and'. up-to-date will• unques-
tion ly make 'a success of his new
"MOVIES" ry.
AT TIIb FIof ,
Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., who fs neves
so happy as when doing something to
add o the happiness of others,, ar-
ranged for a moving picture show at
,h, useof fu
the 10 Refuge Tuesday
ening, A sleighload` of those.interest
ed drove down int the evening and
were present for the perforinanee,
whit was greatly en;joyel, by the in-
mate •, many of whom had never seen
the "movies", before. , . The pictures
were articularl • goodand there • s
o e o wa
) g.
besides music rn v' r 1•
fo a ictoa anda
real social time which brightened up
the company one and all of those who
heardand saw.
The Patr�lotic Ball given in the town
ening of last week
hall on Tuesday evening 3
s ices' f the Sewing
underthe au n S
P e g
Club was a very successful and pleas-
ant affair. The arrangements were
of the completest kind and those pre-
sent enjoyed the evening to the full.
The guests were dearly all Clutton
only a few being presentifronl
people, )
piuside points, and many of those
who were unable to 'attend sent "to
to tickets.
the Gomiuftteo'the price of i,l
A'S ai result of"tiie'gatltering the'Olub
'Was able ii hand • 'over 'to the trees-"
titer' 'of the Wome•t's 'Patriotic"Socic-
ty the stun of one'hundred dollars,
fifteen or 'so 'having been` taken •froin
the Club's. treasury: This is an en-
ergetic company of young women who
have been assisting the W.P:S. in
various ways since its organization,
and their ellorta are meth appreciat-
The "Wanderers" successfully ntet
and defeated' the Juveniles1. 0.
team in a fast and exciting game. -of
iockey on Monday evening, the score
being 9 - to G, 'Yule line-up was as fol-
lows :
A. O. Is. -Goal, TVI. Cook, R.. de-
fence, E. Macdonald ; h, defence, 0,
Gracile ; Centre, 13.. Sleeves „ Mover,
�r C I . Mogi irr W.Great, b'.Law en h l v t C ai L.
wing, W Cuter:
Wanderers -Goal 1.. Steep; 1t. de-
fence, P. Wheatley? ; L. Defence, 0.
Johnston ; Centre F. Wallis ; Rover
M. Elliott ; R. wing, 1.., Deeves ; L.
Wing, G. McCartney.
R. Swot, referee,
At full tion the score stood 6-6
but in the ten minutes over time the
Wanderers won three more goals._
The following from the Louisville
(Kentucky) Herald refers to a_, one-
time resident of Clinton
A. T. !Macdonald, one of Louis-
ville's best-known business Hien, has
just been appointed general' manager
of the Louisville agency of the Com-
ntonweilth Life Insurance Company.
Ivlr, Macdonald's ability as an or -
d his friends
ganizer is well-known an r
predict=measured success for him
r di
niti from
new work. Recognition Om
the Commonwealth Company,' a Ken-
tucky institution, conies after . a
splendid record set up by Mr, Mao-
donald during the past year, when he
wrote insurance for a foreign com-
pany. For fifty consecutive weeks his
name appeared on the' honor roll of
agents writing the maximum amount
of business in this period,
In addition to having general charge
or insurance agents in Louisville and
Jeff County, c t l 'i
Jefferson Go n &1'. Ma dot a d will
v. �.
took out after the publicity end of
the work." -
Dr.: and Mrs. R. Gordon Struthers
returned Tuesday from a short honey-
moon trip antl.a visit at the parental
home of the former: ,in Galt and are
gueshs of the latter's mother, Mrs, W.
yews -R ecor
Mes. W. Cooper received with her
two daughters, Mrs. S. .1. Armstrong
of difornia, and Mrs. R. Gordon
Struthers, `yesterday. afternoon and
evening. Mrs. Struthers wore her
trot I wedding weld n
gown and looked re -
1 ) g g.
dian and
happy as, she t:eoted her,
Ply\ g le,
young friends and old:: Though the
weather was vetfy disagreeable many
friends of the family! tools advantage
of the opportunity of bidding the
brideGod Speed and . also of see-
ing Mrs. Armstrong Before ltor de-
parture • for:her • home-
ome Tit California, .
Litt a Miss Olive Armstrong admitt-
ed a callers and Sire:" A:. T. -Cooper
also assisted'` in -the drawing -room.
Mrs McNeil poured Ata,. -the table be-
ing daintily, done in pink and white
with a great bowl of pink carnations
in the centre, while Miss Olive Coop-
er, Miss Isabel Gunn - and Miss Helen
Bell assisted. in the tea room,
Tl e result of the contest on Mon-
day surprised even' the knowing ones
who did not look for so large a ma-
jority • s 'Ir.r
. J.Ford
a A 1 oiled t
1 Yt
Forty-seven f 's 'rt certainly` go-
o aleadt cc ai p
smile and Reece -elect Ford has
•now tits assurance that his fellow cit-
izen appreciate his past services and
that, as well, they like him personal-
13y- a majority of 115 the electors,
said -give married )apnea NV110 own
property the municipal franchise. It
is understood that: the 151) who ,voted
nay were not all of the nate sex.
For Reeve. .
'.Ford ' Taylor
53 56
86 52
62• •56
82 51.
263 215
Majority for Ford --4.7,
For 73xteesion of Franchise.
't. Andrews 71 28
St. James . 75 42
St. Johns GG 40
St George 53 40
265 150
Majority for 115.
happy young bride and her husband
and wish Mem success and happiness
in the faraway home of their choice,
, •t, Andrews
^t, James
`t, Johns
't. George
On the 5th day of January • 1866
Mr. D Fair first sawtlight
M . 1 1 the
0f dap. This took place inClinton
of which he has ever since, with the
exception of a few months spent in
Chicago, been a resident. ''W. D's."
friendship is most valued by those who
have known ]tint longest for in repeated
"try -outs they have found hint gen-
uine.. He is up-to-date in his business
methods, an indefatigable worker and
a good citizen,
Mr.and Mrs: George M
CKenzie of
e Tests of `t] e lot
Toronto re th t t
we ,
t r' uncleand aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
e s nc t,
Fred Stanley over Sunday.
A large number attended the ball
given. in the town hall on New Year's
night. 311 report' a very pleasant and
enjoytable evening, -
The fishermen and ,merchants are
busily engaged this week storing u1'
ice for the summer. •
Rev. W. H. Cole of Flint. Mich., oc-
cupied the pulpit of the: Methodist
church on Sunday morning last wben
he gave a very eloquent and able ad-
dress on -"Preparation for Service.
Miss Lizzie' Ferguson of Toronto is'
spending her holidays under the par-
ental roof. She was accompanied by
Miss Mary Horn, who spent a. few
daps with her alter which she return-
ed Toronto on
d to 0
e Y•
Dr. Alex. McLeod, who is going to
locate in Ilarriston, spent a few days
this week with his parents in the vil-
Rev. Mr. Johnston and wife of Var-
na were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
George_ Cppeland on Now Year's,
Miss Edna Beatty of Varna was the
guest ofheraunt, Mrs. Spac'Sman,
the past weeic, •
Messrs. Johnhn and
Charles Toms re-
turned home from Port Stanley -last
Mr, Jctlm ,Thomson of Winnipeg is
the guest, of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Janes Thomson.
Mr. Robt. McMurray 'spent a few
days during the h•olidays with friends
at Toronto.' - •
"1VIis's Maud Stelling of Toronto is
visiting: lvith Isere mother, •.Mss • Win.
Sterling in the tillage
' 'thc'B R
f eid" The arii4iiai Meeting 'of ay
Agricultural Sooiety'iwill he belch on
the 20(11 inat, at' one:'o'clock. If', a
men>ther, please attend. •
Mr, 1. 14, Hovey is younger than
Mr: Fair, but not a greet deal, his
forty-third birthday taking place on
Thursday next, the . 14511 inst. He,
too, is a native horn, and has spent
practically his whole life here, He
has been the winner: of many trophies
at local, county aiol provincial gun.
club shoots and has been successful in
the practise of his profession as drug-
gist: Personally he is a most genial
andkindly titan fox, whom his fellow
citizens have a warm regard:
Mr. T..1, Holloway is another citi-
zen, a native-born too, who will ob-
serve a• birtlfday ' anniversary this
week, on Friday to be more exact,
when he will entertain a number of
personal friends at the Club. .1VIr.
Holloway tnow rounds the half cen-
tury marls in the best of health and
spirits and, .so far as the human eye
can see, with manyt happy years a-
News -Record, o n behalf of our
citizens, wishes these gentlemen
"Many Ilappy Returns of the Day:,"
People You. Know.
Miss Bell,: London, of the Clinton
School of Commerce management, is
in town 5106 week..
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lantlerkin, of
Crystal City, Manitoba, who have
been visiting at the home of Mn
Duncan McEwen, left today for
Portland, Maine,
Mfrs Hattie Trick ke t
utned to Ge
Grove on Saturday
i sun e her
teaching duties after: spending the
Christmas, and NOW, Year's l:olidlys
at the parentalhome, that of Mr.
and Mrs. Levi '!'tick, the -ixteenth
A .patriotic concert will be hchd in
the town hall, Varna, on-ThClrsday
nest for vvthich a splendid program is
being ir+
a cd. 130 sure' to
i • of t 1 t' rih Lea, '1'ht membersh v o
CI beC
gue of the Goshen Methodist church,
Met at the home or Mr, Richard Rob-
inson on Nevi 'Year's evening and spent
an enj0yuble time.
Miss Ray 1ayldi'of Detroit, is vis-
iting at the house of her ,brothe , Mr,
lt', J. 'Taylor. -
Mr. Jag, MCClonaghan has purehas-
cd a tcateamof horses f om M r. ''S.
Reid of 'l'uekersmith, for which he
paid a good figure, considering how,
horses, are selling now, but Jin knows
a good horse, and don't mind paying
the price. -
Me. J, W, Reid and Mr. John Ste-
phenson were the guests of their M-
end, Mr, 31. J. Stinson of the Sauble
Line, one day last week.
Mr. Harvey. Reid, who is, attending
the, Dental College at Toronto, - left
on Monday last to resiuine his duties.
Mr. and Mrs. !Vin, Foster spent New
Year's at the home of, . the
brother, Mr. Isaac Rathwell of
Goderich township..
Mr, and. Mts. J. W. Reid entertain-
ed a number of their. friends on New
Year's evening of. last week,
School section No, 3 held its annu-
al meeting on Wednesday Of last
week, when Mr. D. H. McNaughton,
Pt trustee for the ensuing
was appointed s n
iL g
Mr. Nelson Reid having ing
sibued Mr. Alex: Parsons actedas
chairman.: in his usual good natured
way. •
Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Reid entertain-
ed a number of their friends on New
Year's evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McClinchey' en-
tertained a number of friends from
Bayfield on Wednesday evening of last
Mis.s Myrtle Keys of Varna was
successful in passing with first class
honors the first year theory
e1 maa-
tion at the recent mid -winter exam:
in connection with the Canadian Ac-
ademy of Music, Toronto.. Miss Keys
repeived the highest marks obtained in
this district. '1VicNews-Record extends
congratulations to the young lady.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. ' 4, North Stanley for the month
of December, names in order al titer -
it : 5th, -Bessie Tough. Sr. 4th.-
Clifford ,Scotchiner, . John Watson, Ed-
na Scotchnfor, Alice Stinson, Bertha
'Westlake, Susie Westlake. Jr, 41-th,-'
Elva Dewar, Maggie Tough, Harold
Scotehmer, Russel - Sparks, Jr. 3rd -
Am ie Dewar, Roy Scotchnnen, Bessie
Watton: Part 2, -Charlie ' Scotchmer,
Part , le -David Dewar, Charlie
Scotchmes,-Mary' MacDougall, Teach--
er, .
The following is the report for S.
S. - Np. 1, Stanley for the uiontlt of
December, names in order of merit' :.
5th, . -Frank MacGregor. 4th, -Clif-
ford Stewart, Winnifred Jervis, Abbie.
Stewart, and Spence Jackson, equal.
Sr. 3rd,-Zetta Jackson,, Edna .Alex-
ander, .Jr. $rd; Margaret,1VI'acGre-
gor, Annie, MacFarlane, Clara Potter,
2nd, -Marian McEwen, John MacG e
gor, Mary Stewart. Sr. 1st, -Betty
Stewart, 1Vlaloolin MacFarlane. ,Jr.
lst,-Donald Glen, Jeati McEwen, Ar-
chie Sparks, < hazel Potter. -Jessie,
Aikenhcad, 'Teacher.`
Mr. and Mrs. I3.' R. Forster and
family, who lave been visiting
1 ,rents Over the holiday
season, se-
eturn d to their home at Locust Hill
on Monday.
At the atntuat school, meeting belt!'
last week M , E. J. '1'rewarrtha was
elected to tete board of trustees. Mr.
George Mair was the retiring trustee.
The school opened on Monday with
a good attendance. The trustees are
considering the installing of a new
furnace, :the old ono being very unsat-
The sleighing is fine since the storm
of Saturday last and the young people
aro already organizing sleighing par-
ties, thus spending thel winter even-
ings in pleasant social gatherings with •
a good time going and coming.
Goderich Townshi
Mr. John Ilalstead Lias been elected
trustee. of 5 S. No. "J, succeeding
Mr, Guy Hicks, and has been ap-
pointed secretary -treasurer, -
Miss CIO Of Dungannon is the
new teacher of S. S. No, 9.
Mr. David Churchill has been re-
elected to Tho trustee board of S. S.
No. 11. its colleagues are Albert
Issard and David Deeves.
Miss May Elliott returned to
Stratford on Monday to 'resume the
Normal course.
Miss Hattib ;!'rick after spending
the holiday period ab her home here,
has returned to licr school at Cedar
' Miss ''Aiinie'031 jre't of •the`1Vingliatir
hospital.,ePail' spent New Year's- Day,
6.t, the parental. hole on the -9th 000.
Mr. and Mrs. •James ... Mose ,of iMo-
Killop township are visiting in this
Miss Evelyn McCartney"spent-a few
days at the home of Mr- Adam Can-
Lelon of the 755 con.
Miss Cleft of Dungannon . arrival -
Saturday anti commenced her duties
as teacher in S,, S. No. 1) on Monday\
Mr. Thos. J. Cooper, a ptosperoes
resident of. Killarney, Mau., was elec-
ted councillor ofWard 1 in 1t town
ia the recently Eel(civic elections.
Mr. Coopet is {she eldest son of Mr. •
Cleo. A. Cooper aiicl has tesicicd at
Killarney for twelve wets. Ile is a-
gent'''. for the imperial Oil Company
Manitoba, and, as the election to the
council proves, has the confidence of
his .fellow citizens. -
Rev. W. 11, Cole of Flint, Mich.,
occupiedthepulpit of Sharon church
on the past couple of Sunday after-
noons, preaching excellent sermons.
Mr, Cole is an old Goderich township
b,oy and his old-time friends are glad
to have him In their midst again for
a while.
Miss Mayne Hall at the recent mid
winter examinations 1n connection
with the Canadian AeadentY
of Music
Toronto, passed the first year exam
in theory -With first cllass,honors. !Miss'
n to
Nall is to be Co granula dn her o
success and the diligence with which
she has einem! her studies.
London Road'
Mr. S. C. Rathtvcll and little chute
ghbcr of Lucknow were visitor's with
1• townshipg t
friends tierin • li
holiday season and spent the week-
end as guests of the-former's brother-
in-law, Mr. A. B. Stephenson.
!Misses Rose and Maple I itertnore
have returned to '1otonto'after a vie -
it at the parental home here: Their
mother, who has not been :ia good
health for some, time, underwent an.
operation in the Clinton hospital last
It improvingn
•creel .tint snowY
NII and Mrs,Wheeler. leet have ave Let
to their home in London after a vis-
it with the lady's parents, Mr, ami
Mrs. A. 13. ,Stephenson, -
Mr: C'lutl Davidson is home from the
west, where he has spent the past
fety years, and will spend the winter
here with' his ntotiier.
Miss Ethel Lane has been visiting
het brother, Mr, John Lane of 331c••
Killop township.
.'!'lie Eipworth League meeting next
Tuesday, will he held at the home, of
Mr. Frank Grant. The program will
take the form of a song service, cony
renting at eight o'clock,
Hallett Township
Miss Mary Snell was a guest at the
home of iter uncle, and aunt'' Mr, and
Mrs. Appleton Elcoat of Tuckers>ni'lh
during the midwinter vacation' deme.
We regret to state that Mr, Harry
Freeman is in very poor health at
present, -
Mr: John Flynn spent the week -end
with Stratford friends.
Mrs,Pui•cel of Seaforth and Mrs,
McCauley of Stratford are, visiting ,
relatives in •this, neighborli.00d.;
With one escestion the fancily 61
Mr. and Mrs. John Mole spent. the
Ing holiday with tli.em, Mrs. Will
Sparks conning down from Elgin, Ed.
up from. Seaforth'and Will from Dun-
gannon. The re -union: was much ert-
joyed by all. •
Mrs,: F. A. Mcllveen, whospentthe,
holiday week with heir • parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. tAsquiih, has returned to
Watford where her husband is mana-
ger of the Sterling Bank, Mr. Mcii-
voen'also Caine up but was only en-
abled to make a short stay.
Wheat $1.15.
Oats 46e.
Barley 60e..`
Butter 22c to 230.
Eggs, new laid, 84c, Yield 200.;
Live hogs 57.10.