HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-28, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 51, No. 26 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY DECEMBER 28 1916 W. H. Kerr, Editor and Publisher From Ever - - S1cleline , Each week The New Era Wants the News VVVe4ete. V.4eVeeeeteVVVVVVVWM00400441 44.44444441J4M4MFMM A I-IFLPFULL LIST \\"e arenowready to show you a beautiful stock of Xmas Goods of- - EBONY BRUSHES, MIRRORS AND MANICURE PIECES AND SETS IVORY BRUSHES, MIRRORS,11IA1NICURE PIECES AND SETS, JEWEL 'CASES, HAIR :RECEIVER, TRAYS, ETC. A NEW STOCK OF UP TO DATE HANSI BAGS GILLETTE, AUTO STROP AND EVER READY SAI1'�ETY RAZORS AND SHAVING BRUSHES: • IODAI{S AND ALBUMS, PACKAGE PERFUMES ' in a variety of pleasant odors - Beautiful new ,,goods at; THE REXALL STORE B. RJ M1CDL17i Phm.B,knowvwkivoovvvvw~Nv WV VVWVWVWVVVVVWVWVWWV An Interesting tetter The Hydro By -Low. from Pte. C.V. naherty What 0ur Echanges Think About The By -Law. Seaford,' Susses, S. Camp Nov. I5111, 1916 Dear People:-. Well, its a long story, 1, thought that I would be atible.L'o give you all the details in one long letter, but'.1': see now that 1 won't be able to. Things happeued so all of 0 sodden and so Often that more or leis they have become ablate., on my memory. But I think the main events' outlined will be all you deem( necessary for this sitting so will begin at the front and crack the hardest nut first, As yon know the were not allowed AAMMA off the train all clown to Halifax unless nudr•t strict gu• ard and there • for just a minute. Prom Truro, N. S. PieRoYa1 a B OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital paid up • .. 11,560.000 p 13,236,000 ' lied profits Reserve and coldly 1 �OUO Total Assets ................... 2 34,000, CI -130S. �C30 JBA�:.�N ro�iit;ti wV ®rld Wide Connection Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits neral Banking Business Transacted. General R. i M 11 G, Manager, iliatoa. Brand we were not allowed to Communicate in any way with the outside • world and sconeof the boys got C. B'd fol; even buying Dies that the kids elan ed through the windows at Halifax. I was one of the guards fol nue last night on the train , and for the nue spent in Halifax, some 5 hosts before we went on ship board. We sailed in the "Southland" ar.- companied by the•'Laphtnd," Uorotia" "Empress of Britain", a big cruiser nod when we got off the North Irish (mast were met by a fleet of ff torpedo bolus which buzzed around ns throne' the irish sea and down to Liverpool, mu here we landed on Nov. I ember I Ith after 1Oldayti on the Ocean, t slrk in the least 1 hough only ones t+ere thn c . 111111 l t • ( irit Ata ICln , 1, had • our 1)Illl rb. 1 (- ,`y7p��. c h (l WPM! 1 u{ 1 i1 7 . �� (litys of heavy sCorlu but the old 1 etas .lot sem -sick g 1 . yt ship rnaad Che. 11.101111 14611 11101 t4 •(yes �N,;s+bWVVM'y�jyK,ayr�op�gdly dpeeWVNCrM,eb�NVldb'vV'dWVMetd' 1 l 111 pr'rfet'tiou. - The a -.her companies �..,,, - ''''' '^�"'� of the 106111 were put in the 21111 chess _ ivel 4 r.)m mull platoon Y though •h nut lL 1 1 I y - s. I., ----- -+ !lathy getting • into the S rd elm • 1 plat cons cc is in the teerage with the. iD"Co. Lordlythe airwits lout teal it stunk and the meals stuok lust as i had, We only the 1.10 0011 to keep 1 Hee going and there were no canteens. or ;ulytlnllg •.1 board where ' you nutted buy .tile', Bill .\1itelhnutld Was 4•4,1'y .Aiel: and un top of it till had to live for b) days 1111 the dozen cu se rhuenitttr bars the boys Lohk with thrut Grout Sewell \Vo envied up on the clerk to sleep whet) ever the 4whea- fetor o nhld al1144' who votes to " on the tate 4111 ques i t ;alt liners hut•lu'+ who l: leachltl;; 111 tel rh'ariv titin, de tures that he lav,ira the rtuni-, I„44,1 v,•huttil at \limirn, shetti Nori11n,1t1O11S for IilitCU1', Rdeve Councillors, School Trustees and Hume 1 ((two thing: aim 11144 A in I of l.frn•r ur .i, c+pillit.;as which etre Hydro '4vpo • „ .,;,,4• "t las house here. Public Utilities CUon1111h.i0nor passed oil very quietly last Friday sttuul out whim I think i pots r i Li-"'' i1 6 I 1 I In 11,,ill •ing thepea projected C new S f 't ,, 'v'(lhla' even though t1'ero was a big list Of Candidates for Council 1' I [1/ h'' wig,. ,'; ut �, � �„and•+ , - +�'c • 1 z I I I1 11 u' INCORPORATED 155 ,O•Lt WtO1lt*S„ -14 fi l 11�1i i';� 9. kalt� itlIt EtaVE $8,8111 ,0 4 9t Sts' theles in Canada. •e t ., ,n `I nlnmr,ftid`6J �,1t"19�'1aC,: x''all6ffua4iM t„lb<�lal�'s� CIRCULAR LETTERS OF' (3a:off �5�BANK MONEY' O D',i ,r,'a'� k� �r�'" �",k ,Iryy J EltI.H .I . 4,44` � 6 9 .t '.+..�� V ',1 " (.Ai ti � I 1.raera',,, /' ','+ I � ' 11 !!.':!!!'t As election day is drawing near, and a vote is to be taken on a Hydro Bylaw The New, Era has been watching the various weeklies and daily papers for more "light", and we give a few editor- ial views from a few:- (Stratford Beacon) The passage of the bylaw requested by the 1•lydro-Electric Comntisison will not commit the city to any expen- diture" without another bylaw. Pro- vision .is made In theactpassed last. session for the development of power at Chippewa for its being done by the Government. The.Government 11 will- ing, it appears, to have this work done by the Hydro -Electric Commission if municipalities interested or that be- come interested by requiring more power are in favor of that being done. Whether it would be better to have it done by the Commission inay be ques- tioned. Some of the movements made by the Commission have not shown thatitis any safer than the Govern- ment would be, but that may be dis- cussed further before the time of vot- ing comes. There' is a suspicious look about the haste in endeavoring to get the bylaw passed in such a short time: It ' could have been ready sooner and have given the people a better oppor- tunity to understand it. (Stratford Herald) Hydro ownership is a question for there w h t decide, d .titles o ici •t the mum r is no fatult to find with the Gity Coun- cil for passing this matter on to the ratepayers for an expression of opinion on January 1 st. There should, how- ever, be lie doubt left in the people's minds as to the significance of the by- law. The qu-estion the ratepayers must answer at the polls is: Are you to favor of having the nittiticipality develop or acquire through the hydro-IffMeeti r Power Commission or Ontario, whatever • over The Teacups • • Dr. and Mrs. Axon spent Christmas at Chesley. Miss Cowing was at Mitchell for the Christmas tide, Mrs. 1Ceisrns is visiting over the holi- days at Goderich, Mr. John Sutter was a Christmas visit- or at his home in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Paxman spent Christmas at the former's home in Parkhill, Mr. Norman Uoltzhauer of Preston, Wee 0 Oh,'istnnits visitor in town. Miss Crandall, milliner at Couch & Co. left on Saturday for her home in Clifford. Miss Margaret. ' Carter spent the Christmas holidays at her. home in Westfleld. Capt. F irful Writes. from England. Lower Dibgate, Shorncliffe, .Kent, Eng., December, 2nd; 1'916. Dear Mr. Editor: It is impossible to convey to you and the folks at home any idea of tite-con- ditions in the old land compared with Canada. Here we see more .of the real preparation and'also more of , the real effects of the war; Everyone seems to bear a burden and yet there is a feeling reflected in the speech andman- ners of Ole people here, that we will win out but Ole price is staggering. The .1 dist boys are all fine and set, tling down to their new conditions very well. It is a: regret that we can- not keep together as a Battl. but we are a good deal more fortunate than most battalions, we have only lost two Mr, and Mi's. Harry Houlden, of drafts of too each these being sent to Medicine Hht, were welcome visitors in France as you will know before this. town, I don't think home and :ill it means, Miss Mabel Oolcough, of Blyth, WW1 is dearer to anyone, than the boys a visitoi'with Miss Al tie gavot Cartier; who 11(0 1(1 the army. It's a fine sight of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Counter and Master Billy tvere at Seaforth for Christ. 9nas. Mr. mull Mrs T. A. Greig anis Miss Hattie spent Christmas with Aurora to stand in a Y. M. C. A. but and look over the tables filled with ellen all writing home, or take a walk througb, . Capt. (Rev.) Fairfull the .huts where the boys are quartered Chaplain of the 161st Hurons said everywhere one looks, they are writing letters, The Y. M. C. A huts longing for the end of it all. We take with S Sall. off dur hats to ,you one and tcicnxls, are a great boon to the boys, wi r the Amos Osbaldeston, of Stratford, spent canteens, concerts and .last but Thefar Christmas week with his mother, Mrs. from least the religious services. Cardtvcil, hut connected with our part of the i\4r, and Mrs. C. N. Connor were camp every night has its special fea- Christn as visitors at the former's home in fea- ture, Saturday night only being free, ItIount Forest. that is called home letter night, Mr. and Mrs. 12. E. Manning, Master Harold Manning and Little Miss Helen were Chrisnmas visitors at London. Perhaps the 'greatest part being played in this war, is the part taken by the woolen, they have given up of their l do not know what part the Hurons will be called- upon to play but one thing the Old Country can rest assured on what ever the part may be they will play it well. We send you the Season's Giihetings r us ecce t to may the New Year bringr :end -Home. 1r. and Mrs. Frank Hayman and best, and homes are lonely because of Sincerely Yours, little daughter D's 10)10 spent Ulutisl this and hearts ate yearningand J. K. Fairfull. utas at the latter's house in R rstlield, l Willie, �s�•--•M' outs (n \\ it ala tl F eill.rl I Mrs. I c li I • of AI t's. in Ar Ms's! 111.tit t ,7it +ihWert tof 3 � b,:R',t„Irhl�and Reeve are 7i' in Frank l:lollyntltu )144 taut M Irl. Millet au(1 lin by. , (4f'1ht l S1011 1111, pen1.1114 lhrislinns holidays with 111(4lorine parents. works may be required for the still ; Miss \'ren Bowen), till( is eulpiny ply of electric energy or power in 11, i :tt 6 1r:tue, is ;„•'• !ing the Christ. clition to such electric power tie iv ora t id.• al lee. 111)010 (0 Sitlntocrhill, ready obtained under the ot101 'e. , 111,, :1'illi^uh l u4wtls( nd , nnl ;.lave: 1.o^.tract 01111 the IIydzo I1'e1 a' i tin. 1 1(10, l(1 i 41 {lin), 1144,44 Power -Commission of Ontario: i „nrtbtl Mrs. (,torte Nutt. :44(11 rx- It is ,,nh fair to say that tete :'linen ; .14.'1 to letnnuh for he Win ter. - Coanmissio.rer Anri.rew's is Untoppose6 -A Run for the Council and in 51. Andrew's Ward for School Trustee 1 h' lir L 1`• LID' r uu ta,c ( l"' \1 t l 1 ., el (•:t 411 , 1, w• 4 L 4 eli; v •'opi'nr* plans t i ut] p 's .t ' 'Mrs, 1' t' 1 i �" t Air • •til ° hn•-r had passed, Mr. David Cantelon, was the iaPlune R ; • ,• ,1 �ltet1 1111111 1 1.1- :•,' n 1 (1U1 w•, 111 1. ,,„,1 tt...: k 1 tomake grid , he .•111 roll t1 t'r,1112(1 'hieing the w:•(1.. la to„ural with. !erne. That i'; the franc: lei e °` n It I eilaitnian for the sepe hes ..ind •many of -them took advantage m hri as tin 11)0 1 t•t11 1 ,• ens 1 . 1 and ir. ; ?1! ( P,. Inn and ` 1 1 r Gordonh ='fel t r(,'•r I ienin'- t+i 1':1;,141{' i'i- til tet l 1.14:11 .n. .re .'incl. ()t :the plat c'ater's vi0rk, , ti, 4.444 :4,1131'1 4,':'i•(n ,i-hiu:; :a,1ur.1„ •-, , 111., lu4• which. is 4. ,.F; that : Ms; I ^ e .0411.-44. ate 4 a 1 tilde t1.!• wi e• were. the - names that ;.::re placed before Mr, D. L. Mac- to t:,, n•' c• a: ••:iia,,, a,ui(,1;,t w,.h;:, l"11110, n�. 1, a l,a,u no \X 4411•444,: l t lift .1 t,1_;,t 11,1 1,1141•(', `fur, 1",1(([1,1.,11,,.,,,.., ;:.•111 ati;-1,.:'11 t1• 114 11+.--: ill ill 41 61,,,..,;,, .1(011111111 by 1115 p CI:,011, Rltt11111n4 (,)111(t.'.r1. 1 thins 44a. 11 (14'- u!' 1"utllmi:ls .I11( 511 ui.,1.1 4' tel leei 1 holiday 1.e• . icer,: Leet „u boatel till our Lain l s -mitt e any en -L e:in obi til n :.:_. s.no r, • Ino bete -1,; t) , , n 1 FOR MAYOR 110 •;ia, t auit111,),crs,t D suit W Jackson i -- - -- - � - i tt•tls ready tit about loll 1L in.. and ! pr.wnt vote, but it 44111, 1 t oo i 11 eas, a"d las sol z ! .t, 11x.„ 1 tt il='11 44 r t rail .�.K•-•-1.e••'.-r- ... - ;art el city 4iltlti •t l i111.,l• Lound olu,, ny the ratepayers tit.. in the even.;t .t T 1:• s)a1 loom}, and 1.,1. (lad0eil E w t pavements, t, 1:+ . ai the municip:chiles timing me+r• the ;Ivo, 1 Stratford, eere It their father's, (1 es; p(,r,�oarU c e sae+ E 111 ,u 'r (t, ;iirt NV 1 et trot u,u• eon- 1 puicar plxuts oat of the tltu rs (.t etc 1I„-, Cantwell. for Christmas. •'4 t*tfi'+a000 ¢> 004!), wwcrc.me s '0;(1 .0='goo t? sleru41 101/ 1._1!' flu' tide ee.u,e in 10 1 Government, each, municipality will .\irs. \V. S. haliutt of gut., Clare s1v0. Continued OD page 2 ( Toronto le spending, her Christmasnp level s9 ir. .r, W., • os0000Ctevot;tZti,tratii,marlt1 , ,,,M...'• 06,00w�_0;';Or3 00000(tSIID ,s sec 1110 w11.611 emifeinldezl. tinter; rise , +A with the rest oftho city. Smehmi ii l) c1 c;, i Wearfor 4 4.• in et tn I t } th ea t 4. • k 0 CO 5' 0 4' a, Foe D a 83 • • a iY 0 - 4 etasoseeeelbecoessessocosinsouac 9(i!®I,eusou sesesool isee 4 4' , Yes, By All Means! • s 0 tai OTHING is so well appreciated: Noth- ing else recalls the Giver to mind so 2 e so sure to be often: Noth'►n.a ,:els "Just what I needed most," 2 • Look over the list presented and you will irn- mediately decide that we are "First Rid to the : ♦ Puzzled ehristmas Shopper." •• ••• m Neckties 25C to $1.00 '.duffle rs 50c to $2.50 hosier %' 25c to ,75c Suspenders 25c to 75c Umbrellas 50c to $3.50 Wool Toques .25c. to 75c Fur Collar Overcoats • $13.50 , to $ao.00 • Men's Overcoats • 4- 4 4, •' • • Permit ins to hint that you make your selection early, "to to $25 Boy's Overcoats $3,50 to $12 Rouse Coats $3.50 to $ t0 1 Sweater 1oa�ts - $ I to $6."0.. 3 (Awes Z 35.1 to $2,50 Night "lobes 750 to $r.50 a':ltillnas $x1.50 to $3.50 Cult links 25c to $1 Initial f'landkerehiet, tee it (411. 11 4.041:01' . \Vo 0,14444 out 10fl lento to marvel ureic d oil GI..601.k t i o llo_ but ,vein int train awl We sLtuLifl w•h1.144or Mee, telt like taking its. :And sur l ht00 ! 1 wanted to bey a couple to Fend home as ...110e11i11113111(111, e 011(•1)11 401 000 h1111(1 nut they 11100.111 busi- nese as 4cc W11141,11 1110t1g al 41 rate, of 72 hilt's leer hour. -If. yon van be- lieve what these 111 'Mollie said. each little car lnn<13 compile lmenls and cul lcf us Fat facing' the othenteue tent fellows getting a whole one• to 0111•- sllvos. It was tau hull IL had 1,0 be night, time for our 111,11 but it 'was• Moonlight and the !rain kept in dark,r. news so we could x( I:awee, mlL e`r ' got little sleep that night even tired though \t 0 were, as we kept hobing nor heads out t. he doors for glimpses of berry L+nglaud, But the 1itiee w0 •pressed. through Wel11, fin1(4 thttltlt0ss 1110011 111 our dlsapOintutul1 _ Wee pts e<1 through a Mlle section 'of London ,111.1 slopped at Kensington Garden Station, 1. think Boiler - aw lives in that section dues he not 2 We were two hones ,and 45 melodies in London. And we crossed the world-. famed Mu -eines Rivet Lorrlic we stuck 0131' heads out so fat that, Bvn r lost his hat over the bridge and it may still be -floating down the river." I suppose when somebody finds it he will say "One more unfortunate gone to his death. ! rashly imporielninte,. Weary ell breeth It too 4414sen•0wd- ('1 with ships but talk about history and geography L11at, (loud your Main tis yen cross, Gee I 'Well .c, kept on going= and snoozing Lill we • 1 were rudely 141vakened abet.' L 13 t1. 10 ,at this place x11(1 1. a limy 111111b - 'e to `1(111 in" and Si mit t , t uutrrh clot, to runll>. Not till that )minute, 11111 we know w1101•0 we were. We were pretty much (lobe (at by litie time its y(ni Il lay itougine I. was Mighty gla(1 to get Oehl• and istretched ilt9 el h31iri ft 25c to 35c Furt Coats $+25 to $50 Mn-eSuits $8.50 to $25 Boy Sults $2.50 to. $15 Balint Robes. $6.50 t0 $10 while the "Picking" is best • Clothing (;o„" ♦ The Morrish g o'. New Era a` Try The l�+ e for Job, Work .> o r�., tri 1917 Continued on Page 6 TO OUR Many Customers and Friends We wish you all a Peaceful and Prosperous 1917 W, T. ' NEIL THE HUB GROCER I Phone 48 i holidays with her parents Mr, :1111 Ml .1. 13, Lindsay ill town 1 All rind MIS. 1,. 11. d'tlt1hews and Master Bill 1 1 (1oderull accompanied ���''ryjj by Mise Olivet', of A mono, twee -Xmas HUGHHorneO alt { vi0lt: 1c al tn' Immo 111 511', and Mrs. o \\ S, i)uwu' 'hiss M. 1% Clark'spent her Christmas Municipal nominations through out holidays at Collingwoo1l. Huron on Friday were unattended by 1 Sir. George M. McKenzie wase visitor incidents of note. 111 many places all over Christmas at cKenzro, with birs, were returned by acclamation. Follow- Lover Ch ie's parents. The latter returned ing are the nominations to Huron Co„ from her visit on Wednesday. that we have been able to get:- 114x. 'Thos. 11, Watts, of Stratford spent eve, NB1IRRY Mulvey, TOWNSHIP:- .Po 1+or Christmas at the parental home. reeve, Jcnn Mulvey, T, Killers Mr, Frank Granit, of Toronto, is visit <•�rlhnr Wheeler; for councillors, J. , Moffat, 5. Scott, J. McBurney, sVn4. Altair, Wm. 13olt, T. 1� innrn, UOLIBORNE TOWNSHIP;- Reeve -Gordon Young and John Mc tarty. Council -Levi Synder. Aaron Fisher, Joseph McCann, Alex Young„ George Currie. John Wilson. t GODLI2IUH TOWNSHIP:- Reeve -John, McClure, Wm. Lobb, Council -Geo. Falconer, Geo. Holland, Bert Lindsay, 0, Ginn,' Geo. Vanderburg, Herb Ooze Jos, Sterling, Jas. Harrison BEIIJSSPLS;-Reeve, J, Leckie, H. T. Plum: councillors, D. Walker, M Fraser, G. Best. V', 5.Smith, Dr. Buena, R. Cardiff, W.Ji McCracken, S. Wilton: school trustees, M. Black, J. Cunningham, P. Stewart, kacciama- Lion). RENSALL;-'I be following council] ors go in by acclamation at Heneall: urday. Thomas Hudson, Geo. Hudson. John Mrs. (Dr,) McCallen, of Kingston, was Coulter and W. E. Pfaff, A contest , unable to get to Clinton for Christmas for reeve between Alexander Smith l but is expected for New Years', Mrs. L. Grcig, who has been visiting at Toronto, returned to town last week, Ivtiss Dell O'Neil, of Toronto, is home for the holidays. -' Mr. Iieppler, of the Royal Bank Staff, ate his Christmas turkey at the parental hone in Stratford., Air, and Mrs, Jas. Finch are visiting with relatives and friends at Toronto. and Stratford, Mr.. and Mrs. 5. W. Hill, of Oxbow, Sass:., arrived here last week and will spend a month or so with their daughter, Mrs. Will 1'lutnsteel and other relatives, They are indeed welcome visitors. Air. Jost, Manager of Piano Co., left for Boston last 'week. We are sorry to hear that lie will have to' undergo- a will go in,y tt.r.lo,mat um, +and are as severe operation on his eycs,but his many Iai.l :foht5 � 9 in 1n town. Miss' M. •Fremlin; of Stratford, spent Christmas fn town with her father and •11105. Cottle brothers. , Miss Rudd, the obliging Librarian et Duncan McEwen the Public Library spent Christmas at ll Toronto. C, W. Thompson Jas. A, Ford Arthur C. Clarkson W. J, Nediger R. J. Miller - Murray McEwen W. T. Hawkins Langford Bert FOR REEVE • J. P. Sheppard FOR COUNCILLORS Harrison Wiltse H. Fitzsimons Paisley W. J Pa Y L R, Rattenbury • J, P, Sheppard C. J. Wallis SCHOOL TRUSTEES St. Andr,ew's Ward Samuel Kemp H. W. Watts St. James' Ward H. H. MCBrien •R.. B. Carter Mr. McBrien, the old Trustee retires in favor of Mr, Carter St. John's Ward St. George's Ward - Chas. Hellyar W. H. He yar My.; W. 1.1. I-Iellyar, the old trustee and Mr. McEwen both drop: llyar a new trustee. out giving the seat to Mr. Chas, He y PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONER S. J. Andrews NIr. Roy Connor spent the Christmas holidays at Mount Forest.. - Mrs, Beacom and Miss Celia were visitors over Christmas with relatives at Cranbr0ook. Mr, and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr were at Brussels for Ohristntas, Mrs. (Sergt.) Seeley and children, were in Bruceficld for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilleipie, of Brussels spent an hour or so in town last Satur who has served as councillor for a number of years, and George 0, Petty who has served in the past for a num her of years as both reeve and coon oilier. promises to be a spirited 0'ne. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP:- Reeve and old Council relected by acclama, tion, , M[TB' T'OWNSHIP;- TUOIZLIt +! £reeve - filer lett• Cinch and Jas. 000(50 m Councillors -R, Coleman, 120111. Doig, James A. Bell, Itebert Watson, W. 11sy. WROX1ETESI --Reeve and ,Oounail 41) by atilhmatlen, GODLI'1t.1OL•1:-The fight for melte pal has now simmered down to two lchairs, mayor and deputy reeve, others 10110w4; 1.J Mosret, W.I . O friends hope for the best Sloeey, 12. tl Untr, and J. c). Wilson, the reline niug ones nominated on I('ri MARRIED MONDAY. clay night dropping, 0411 or running for. A quiet but pretty wedding took higher honours The mayoralty con promises to be a hot one between rlace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. former Councillors E. .Lt. Wigle and B, James Miller, Orange Street; oil Christ - O. Mumminge Mayor R. McLean drop mss Day, when their second daughter, ping out. AA,, J. Pertzidge is left to Jennie May, was united in marriage to contest J.C. Laithweite for the deputy Mr. James Alva Barnes, of .Toronto; in Continued on Page li the presence of only immediate friends. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked very pretty in a dress 'of mauve ninon and corsage of pink Localand white carnations with maiden hair ^News fern. The ceremony was performed by a Yr Rev. J. A. Robinson. After the usual congratulations the newly wedded pair easoofDeueetsefeeeeffeemeaseamteseetes 0 egessesmesswees•••••••••••• f led the way to the dining room where. MANY PUTTING 111 HYDRO, the wedding feast was .partaken of, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left amid showers Many of out uti7.uls intend iaknlg oe'confetti, on the 3 03 train for Tor C onto, the bride aravellung in a handsome advantage of the Public Utilities Gom- mission's offer to ipstel hydro Electric green plush coat with hat t0 match,' during the winter season. Messrs. > . with which she wore a white Thibet Jackson, A. T. Cooper, Jas. Grid', Wei tette:, the groom's gift, The bride was D. Fair, Jas. Appleby, Wilson Elliott, '• the recipient of many beautiful pre also Mrs. Jas. Crich luld Mrs. T, John , se)11 showing the high esteem in which, stop have recently had their houses „she is held by her many friends. , wined. C. ii_ THOSE ON THE BALLOTS The following have qualified for the Electors to pass judgment on them on Monday next. • •, FOR COUNCILLORS CLARKSON Arthur C. Clarkson, of the town of Clinton Mechanic FITZSIMONS Harry Fitzsimonsof the town of Clinton Butcher HAWKINS W. T. Hawkins, of tie town of Clinton, - r Tinsmith • LANGFORD Bert Langford, of theA9wn of Clinton AutoanolaDealer 1VJjc E W AN Murray 1'lcEwan, of the town of Clinton Mechanic MILLER R. J. Miller of the town of Clinton Mechanic NEDIGER W. J. Nediger of the town of Clinton Electrician PAISLEY W. J. Paisley, of the town of Clinton Carpenter SHEPPARD J. P. Sheppard, of the town of Clinton - Grocer WILTSE Harrison Wiltse of the town of Clinton Grocer School Trustee for St. Andrew's Ward KEMP Samuel Kemp of the town of Clinton, Mechanic , WATTS ,, ' H. W. Watts of the town of Clinton, Caretaker ,1