HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-21, Page 7Thursday, Dec, 24st, i916. tramarittometagtwatomarious.twarsototerotrouratanArranton....wata Sug • THE CLINTON NEW ERA. ,..lattolsteur....matsuingomasastmastsmscomanstaamts¢...mtemocootavnraunautuelovalt sti ns 1=3( f r the 11 A . . . Page Three /1st ,4 • r ers wasmhortmentordeter rot Pr Ai :4'.4404 ' miviGius sHOEs' Socks! Socks! Socks! Twenty thousand little stitches go to Make YSoldier's Sock That's not counting up the hitches nor the Minutes by the clock." The Young Ladies Patriotic Auxiliary intend holding a Sock Shower, Early in January, for the Clinton men overseas. ;A WE WANT YOU TO MAKE A PAIR. BE WELL FORTIFIED Buy "Invictus" "The Best Good Shoe for men"—and buy now as prices are soaring. About that Xmas pre- sent—why not some up to -date practical 'Foot- wear? See our Empress Shoes for Women. Estate, R J. Cluff It flILUU' killot4r ?'sr 1 • h rifintlInnituti tilt 1114,r(I$R1.111,. The Iitnan's Women admire flowers. Their fragrance is dear to them. They love them just because they're sentimental. Send her flowers that are properly clustered and selected, Leave the choice to us. You will be delighted with your purchase. T. COTTLE PHONE 102. .r, 4(AAAeA AISA'"A;SAAA'rr . • ASI•441.i." 'AVY* 31, rA A Vkk 411{1 "Ar k' A .".4 \ 14"/- .\\VA t4Wtfilitafdir .-'-'• ['h .,- • i- '''' - I,:• % ;,, f'',, ' ' 51, 'llfilagt1/1,1,11:1JA'.:,.:,61':1.41i :,:,.":, at) •i..1;''0 ' rlill'iltir. 1 41, '• i[74.)P11*,:i)-41.1i14, , •...s;it4'c:l:,..:, .1,.i:..1;),1‘,.i1t))1.k.'\r'' ; , •lini0e83 t Al'illo''' Orif $. , , - , ..• , , : , __, ... . ..ti.,,,v,,,,,,,...„„.•„.,,,,,41,.....,••-‘,.., .,.... ..• „_., . ,• ,:„ • ,...,: ;,,,,• / . -11 •'..7,71,777.,t7z2-s-7-z-z.:::,:',17.-. -,:-..--L.-.7,--fr-i,,L'IL„,;,.:,-„n ••• • 'I ' f FOR YOUR THE NEW SOUTH END STORE. wants ,your by quality, SCITI.. P. AU New Stock. Wer Invite Trial 'Orders. Everything you wish that a good groeery • $.„ vitt, A CAREFUL BUYER is of great importance -to any householder.. Therefore a trial 46,.•-e'f;'-'*- order from bur large stock of i';e• fresh groceries will convince you that they have been well selected, an.. pi•ices are as low as can be, consistent with quality. p•it Phone carefully anti r> D. N. vtihnoii prorrapay enatded to. ' • - — . J. It Paxina)), wishes to thank the people of LOW.11 and -vicinity for past pat. Nronage and having etilarg- ed our Garage hope to be s. in a better position to look after then- needs ill future, We have on hand a very good assorttnent of flash -lights, which make a very useful•Xtnas gift and we would be pleased to show you at any time, b&,... •''IS telepht,—, A MERRY XMAS To ALL FitZ511110115 56113 Shippers of LIVE HOC& CATTLE OMAN ,trtt and Butchers in all t ' a 41 kinds of Meats. PHONE, -76,4. R.V410,i,#.13434A 4 , ..t, 1 jii• il , 1 We have taken choicest in all Poultry to We also have Christmas Beef, kinds of Sausage J. SCRUT :41->•.• tkty ••••- D. L Macpherson 1, at. ' J.9t5,' ',:. 1.Wahlf. Aa•ttatiam f,.:, •)s.'I' -tea, hrist General Fire Insurance Agent Representing Twelve of the Leading Insurance Com- panies. Losses are Always Promptly Adjusted Phone 130 Marowngezggrapammram fiv,W4h„-4, ea Vv'edding Cakes and Birthday Cakes es All our own make, and intended for people who must have the hest. We spare nothing to attain perfection. Our CHOLOCATES and CREAM BON BONS combine the veatest of purity and freshness, rarely equalled and never excelled. Handsome boxes and baskets filled with the daintiest and richest of confections. • Kji .,113 (L14. „,„ xt.m. ConfectiOner so ing ithout 4,Jewing Machine?6 Sr No one article of Furniture means so much to the !',7 • ; lady of the house as a Sewing Machine, Our • I line is complete and the prices are specially low for 11 1.!;,• theCHRISTMAS TRADE. .,; Phone 1 ', tooiver • 1,, I{ I ! , , /hi/; • , • • • /1/, ' Cl',: ,'on' Ci,,, -.•,=3; Tolmco, Ci r • , 1 , ' IS ,,..1:„..,,,,.:,,,,:c. ''s' r 1 ' • '''' 14;'':. i i; ;1etret', Pines, etc, for to swell to ••- . . ••`.-"7".•. it;•,/,!I rt.,"1‘`.40;`• .r .%• ,t';'; •• Vr'4"1 II!' !I fi. et Ce Front, also a full ..- line of everytl..ii%...; in Smoker's ‘11 , ."'" $1Th, . .• . - ` ni 1 ,- `..' Goods for Xmas. ' - ' ‘'.- I A 'I' ''' • '',..,- ::,''.• ' ''' I 1,711 (M14 • 1 pains in selecting the kinds of Christmas be found, a nics choice variety of Lamb, Veal, etc. All and Cured Meats. O -N, Phone 109 .ta' ,r• ,Wj „ ;€14 '9X--:''''77f-;';r:- 11....7:',H%.,Lifl'...7•1,it'el till j) • -- '1 Z'1rstiiJfl1 A " • . —.,„ ,„ • " • ' ,4 . • .57 , ' sthc-11.1,41'9 DELEWARE, LACKAWANA AND WESTERN COAL COMPANY'S in all sizes Chesnut, Pea, Stove and Furnace Also Soft Coal, Cannel Coal, Sinkiang and Coke . Standard.. Weight, ..Standard.. Quality .. Its the good Coal We always keep a good stock of Portland Cement, and 3, 4, and 5 -inch Tiles. TRY US. & POIRAE3HS Opposite the G. T. R, Station — Phone 52 iV421.4,11.eteltlg t• Tta.1,,,AMTM,Mfalianyj...?1,0441PirtiMS Owing to the prevailing high prices it is im- portant there should be no waste. We stand back of every article we 'sell and will mum .1 cheerfully make good any just complaint. Thanks for past favors. Your Patronage for 1917 will -be much appreciated. Wishing one and all the Compliments of the Season. tiprAilk;,,a1112EMO 11 Wiltse PHONE, i): t• • ... ;7 • \\\ 1.11'V DO YOU USE CLINTON FLOUR? When buying flour ask your dealer for— North Star Maple Leaf or Snow Flake Brands Manufactured by JOHN SCHOENHALS Clinton, Ont. ratilr a' . njoy 19 li. 4 ':•'•• C ..STLE'S MEAT MARKET Home of Good Things ChriAmas Beef,. choice roasts and cuts, [ft Poultn..----Geese, Ducks, Chickens etc. targe supply, We solicit your CHRISTMAS ORE)ER. I wish my customers a Merry Christmas and a i;,„fi \ very Prosperous New Year. \11)I Phone 107 THE QUALITY CAR. In it's Price Class, $650. f. o. b. Oshawa.—The quality of the Chevrolet appeals to people of wealth --the price permits owner- ship for those of moderate means. ' olet Selective Sliding Gear Transmission with Three Speeds forward and reverse. Auto -Lite Two Unit Electric Starting and Lighting. System; Valve -in -head Motor; Centre Control; Speedorneter; Cantilever Springs; Non-skid Tires on rear wheels. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. of Canada Limited, Oshawa, Ont. ''r.'ht • g :CPNTON, ' ONT. etrATlyrUnT.44.2Sk1-mall..`tt.77.7.,itteg .MT701==ireillgRa .E.M12=1:=12i7RM-r Enhanced pleasure and satisfaction .are attained,. byown- ers of a motor equipage embodying efficiency; cornfort, !loeauty and economy. McLaughlin engineers have perfected a .rnechanisin of maxuntun efficiency around the valvelo-had motor. McLaughlin body types for 1917 are exquisite models of our master coach builders' art. • ,i, When miles .are measured by the galon, McLaughlin .• • .. ada l• 41. Pgasoline 'economy' is pr.oved beybnd, argument. The fuel 'sying, with the McLaughlin power, „speedand dei- ibility has established the McLaughlin valve -in -head =Act' car ANAIM'SSTANARD CAR - 191 7 sees' McLaughlin motor cars even further in the lead than before. Our new series includes models of Four and Six cylinder cars from $$80.00 up to .$1.520.00. In' roadster and touring car bodies, and a Sedan at' 2350 Agents -T. -Clinton. • , • ""•iv. WW1 'Teri'il • ,4$1;k g; 11! te YfR