HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-21, Page 6e'en' ,• Page Six' ettesentememermanzastemessetteseesitstasemeee nOteseeeteggee0ealeetitelieeteeeeateleteeee Loca1 News • 840000feterettettlittlettetefelleleeleteieeeie liefeOle MAN PRESIDENT. • Postmaster Scott, Brussels, was elect- ed President of the Indepemieut Tele- phone Association of Western Ontario, at the Convention held in 'forma° re- cently, tie is an enthusiastic support- er of the system. NO STICKERS ON FRONT. It is contrary to postal law to place Christmas seals or stickers on the face or address side of a letter or any item atoll. There is, however, no object- ionto these seats or stickers being placed on the back of letters or other articles of mail, GOES TO WINDSOR, Lieut, R. 1, Ferguson, 33rd Regiment • has been attached for duty to the 21st Regiment guard details, Windsor. Limit Ferguson, who is a Belgrave boy, was one of the first officers to be selected from the 061st Battl, to go overseas in a draft of officers, but was unable to pass the medical examiner on account of his heart. He is still serving his Country to the best of Inc ability. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A MINOR LOCALS. R.enewieg season. Considerable sickness. A 'merry Christmas to our readers. Renee, your subscription to the New ' Era. Model School Exams. were eft last • week. Christmas entertainments are «11 the go now. • A merry Christmas to all our Who will comprise 1 9i a Council -Clinton? - • Griderich is advertising the Doty . Engine Works fur sale. Nominatioe meeting for Cliaton on Friday evening of this week. Council met last Friday evening to receive the Treasurer's statement. • The early bird catches the wenn. This applies to Christmas shoeing. "Watchful waiting" seen* to be the policy of Clinton's Municipal espirants, There are 30- girls employed as mu- nition workers at one factory in Stoat- fard. There will be the vacant chair et many mere anent firesides this Christmastide. Huron Horse of Refuge keeps them all gueseing in keepine, 'down the eost. • of mane -gement. December Sessions of the County Court was hold.hist week. at Coderiela with a heavy - docket. It ape of your goeds are a little elow, try an advt. in the New Era, It • is. sure to bring resulie. The Christ tees trade p remises well this 3 sar, the etamers are realizing teed prices for their pi -educe. Besure and hand in the names of the ehristines vieitere, c.r. if your own fam- ily goes 'twee, These newsy itetns . are always weleeme. - Since lenuary 1,355 izettetpapere and other pereeiicele published in Germany 1 bave -gene eel 01 businese The total 'ember discontinued sincethe war be- gen is letoo. . The Po.totliee Department ims again • istied instrnctions nett levee's for over-; seas soldiers. must not contain matehes solid alcohol. or any other initamable Subeeance or liquids, which might ignite, causing a lire on board that would:have serenia consequences. Brantford Expusitort—Friday the: municipal nominations will take place throughout Ontario. It is no wonder little. attention is given to 111 ueicipal 111 - faire When the elections' are breuellt on when men are too luisy with their men affeirs to give the affairs of the neml- ticality any thought. detnirameareenareate 111111111111111HINI New, Issue of the Copy for the nett Telephone Directory closes on the above date! 11 Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new Issue! 411,1 Report changes required to our Local Manager to-do. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, Dec, 2 tSt, 1 9 1.6. satteseseesatestmetremeasweesesetemeaseestmmemeseetestmeneaseseeeseeeeeseseemeemesseeeeeemareeeeseeleeeeesteseeteee,reseatesesetteveraeeesteetemennesemeseeemeseeeeeteeeemeseentestsesseweesesenne - GAS AND SHELL STORM R°Ee Pe" C""Ich°8' ' HER REST ROBE. vor fres!' on -nt«t hater with • 1111111111111111111111 Telephone Book. WENIMILIMMIZIIV one time whets he was out hunting he was overtaken by darkness, and, Mining to a esherma.net hue knocked 1 - An important Exception 16-5-1112i 4 .1 :1 Papa: "Yes, my son, if yo,u want to learn anything well, you must be- gin at the bottom," Bobby: "How about Swimming?" Taken at His Word • Among the American Presidents about 'whom many stories were told Watt Grover Cleveland. One which he musk himself was that SOME AD.. TALKS. at the door. The family had retired, Why should you advertise? Have you ever asked yourself this question Mr. Merchant and satis- factorily answered it? There is onlyeme mein reason, and It is this— ,1 Because you want the people to' 1 know your store, your merchandise, and your business methods. et the public are acquainted with these three mein factors, and are satisfied with them—you will do a greater volume or business. Every bneinese in the country— yes, the workle-that started in a i 5111011 Way and attained prominence ) elinthed the ladder h of success with/ the aid of printer's Ink. The majority of shoppers are at- tracted to a store in one of Mese trfo ways— Their ads, in the weekly paper, and the windows of the store itself. Dow many articles that you early van you put in your windows? You tarty have Jura the thing a slimmer wunts, but not have room itt tyro 'enlace,/ fur that particular arti- cle. The columns or your local weekly rem -perm. offer yon unlimited settee et (1.] 25 your 51250,i, and to des- cribe 'them, to the feeble'. 1 (me ad. Is rend 13y more people in one et -ening, than would enter your attire iii three days, . That's why you should advertise. Money spent in advertieing IS a itood investment., hut after repeated enockings .a man put bis head out the window and Asked: "Who's there?" "3 am—Grover Cleveland," "Well, what do you watt?" "I want to stay here all night." "All riglat, stay there." Gent (engegleg 12 new groom, ett 10 has a black eye): "Aro you married?" Groom: "No, tar; it isn't that. I was throne off a horse on to MY face!" The Wit The e'auterbary is extremely 111111 a fact which 0000 011111511 in .100 a very witty remark. selee of a chess congrrnn I are not a brilikki,t 1 t:;:..1;. elehn to repro. sent all the id., the pawn. 1 have to do with hinge, and 1 luvk liVed in two mel3 nes probably the only men lielna la beth a knight and a, lestiee." pi:E:qr,"-I-ruY or HURON, The Presbytery ,11 Buren held its re''tbar December meeting (51 Tuesday, 1 2th, at Clinton, The fellowing were eresentt—Mr, Lang, Moderator; Dre. Fletcher and Aitken, and Messrs. Sharp Setlineton, Carswell, McDaniel, Mac- farlane, Smith, Woods, Abery, end liamilton, ministers; and Messrs. Spar- row,- Urquhart, McLean, Cunningham and Young, elders. The treasurer presented his annual report and esti- mates for the ensuing year. A rate of 32 cents per family was agreed to. The remits from the Assembly were considered. It was agreed to approve of the remit allowing the retention upon ihe roll of the Presbytery retiring therm of the names of retiring min- isters. The remit reducing the Pro- portion of representation to the As- sembly, from one le six to. one in eight was not approved of. The standing orders of Presbytery were revised with but few changes in the order of busi- ness. A special committee, composed of blesrs. Johnston, Smith, Lang and McDermid, was appointed to consider the Budget allocations, The next meeting will be held at Clinton, on Tuesday, Feb. 27th at 1 a, ni. REEVE BISSET RETIRING. Reeve Bisset of Colborne toWnshie, announces that he will not be a candi- dale for re-election for the coming year. Mr. Bisset has held the Reeve's chair for four years. 11 you have somethting to sell and want people .to know about it advertise in the New Bra, WA V/ n5E.,.2DOWN " NERVES." Many women beernae rim down and wran out by their household cares and dunes never ending, anti sooner or later find themselves with shattered nerves and weak hearts. When the heart becomes weak and the nerves unstrung it is impossible for a woman to look after her household or social dttties, On the first sign of any weakness of either tee heart or nerves, 1.nke Milburn's eseart anti Nerve Pills, and you will end that lr: is very short time you will become ',term and well a3..0. • Mrs. 9. A. 'Williams, TilLeonburg, Ont, writes: "I cannot ,.peek too highly of Milburn's Heart end Nerve Pills. I suffered greatly with' my nerves. I* was so weak and run down, I could not stand the least excitement of any kind. f believe your Heart and Nerve Pills to be a valuable remedy for MI sufferers from nervous trouble." MIlburit's Heart and Nerve Pills are SOc, per box, 3 boxes for 31.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by T, leftenuere Co., Letaerete Toronto, °ate THE "A. I. C." AILWAYS THE BOX GAR 'tee l'Asiste N the carrying out of its work there would be difli- culty in finding at instrument that has been of more assistance to modern industry than the freight ear. Its uses are manifold, from a traffic Inandling point of view,, for it serves alike the shipper of mer- chandise, the coal deeler and at times the livestock When we consider the history and developmeht of the freight eee we Sed there ,a redaction of the rapid, progress made In INc industrial world of, recent year* M but a eller+ time *SO, eomparatively, when the 111011.4Ard ear, of light weo4tt oaf tructipik hada .,• maximum carrytng capacity of only thirty thousand pounds, and to -day we have the modern car equipped with heavy trucks and constructed of steel -through- out, transporting at high speed a load of from rttnety. five to one hundred and tell thousand pounds. . The value of the box car to 'shipper and railway has inereseed to a degree commensurate 'with its de- velopment and particularly so during the past few Years, when the more expeditious release of equip. anent after reaelting, destination, hue porMetted an la- orearte in ear mileage which represents just so mach • ,• ." .1 1.- . rikmjfk,T DAumlri .1,tz1.1 ro.w pra.1,11, t in o elosod voSset 501.- 171 .1"1: The Wore f re ern Isere t 13e finer 31A eeeeePee pounded isy It 1lik•10 1t 3')']' or rn6t, 105006. Precieeick Psi rner Deecrlbes How Dublin Forriliaro Stood Fast and Then Charged --- Freeerielt Palmer writos from Brit- ish headimartern, Prala,:, as follows: "Wo would like 11105 Cruumiont along hero and give 0,1 ('1 a L5. 10 of the German t;as," sale 1'6l sol- diers who repulsed the west g,ss, at, - Welt on ilte British front 0,M.0,> her, 1515. This, the sixteenth, known as the Irich divbf101i, 0ittl 1 riah of- Ecers and an Irish general, has bean reer111t0,01 150111 all ports of the Nationalist Ireland since the war he,. San. 'While holding a Inmet 101' tilt' I first timc they got their baptism 05, lire tea s leluge. 'One of the Main paid LS of attack Is a 0112110 pit salient In the Loos re- gion, held by the Duette Fusiliers, all of whom were recruited Crom Dublin and loniskilling. A heavy artillery beeuhardment and a big cloud of gas started here at five thirty in the morn- ing, the wind being right. The com- bination of. gunfire and •gas is the ,hardest Lest, for the.. troops in their' first action. The Germans sent an Infantry at- tack on either side 01 the salient. The attackers in the eolith were unable to get through the beet wires. Here the Trish,. who had stuck to their trenches, killed and evoinided by ride fire, nearly every German before they could retire. On the north side, where the gunfire had destroyed the wire and wr'eoked the trenohes, the Ger- mans.penetrated the British line, The Irish fell back to a support trench, where a machine gun commenting the position 'was turned on the in- vaders. A sergeant went about re- assuring, the m.en and led a counter- attack against the surviving Germans with the bayonet, over the shell - pounded earth, close quick work in which the Irish excel, according to the accounts of the men here. So far as is known no German escaped death or capture. Such a successful repulse and well- planned attack by the Irish et tilts Juncture 111 1 illed the whole of the aemy. It Wee at the time of Case- ment's landing in Ireland. Altogether three clouds of gas were loosed against the Irish and on the brigade adjoining, WIlielt showed equal gal - !entry, svelte demise ofwind forced the atternttes to evacuate some of their front trealc..tr, •••••••••••••••,...., bece.:0, 305 leritt,jt'e'playa los r":11113171”::: and lit.' all, wl"ir last 11.:w olany 117 ;",:;.: nes, tl:N1 1,117 15•I ; ;1 '35 ere3 011 11 ,h,-., 1'.'] 1)11.),),. 3 1051 1133 ;r.1101 0.051in';••,• Ai. 13' c tin. 1,1 1 ail 1., Di,' 1,• 1.',len S)ra . ; Ie e- 1,73 II„' II. 3 er 313;;,217i1 ale? , , "1 ",t. tire 'no .• 1 t ,1.! • 1)1 1,' 11011 01 OW go':11. ward:: tile dovor innuirted.•• Allow the Initter to rcanaio w1111 the wises 0Yeellight. ellt the theae dainty good- 'Wlelies in Liiin stvipa rir :spread 5a6h with the perfumed better jitd Latest NaasteisonctorAl!oui,tht,ehle,gelee:tis and For the fashioning of the artietie, fascinating robe 1.ntitne there is a vat rlety of suitable materials these cloys. Far instance, there are brocades' and quaint flowered silks that might; have stepped straight out of the seven- placo soyerto free, „„s„8 Meath century, combined with some 0, the modish sheer fabric's. One lovely robe is Made of ivory faille silk em' broldered With empire leaves in gold. The classic cut at the top recalls the commencing outlines of a Greek pep- lum, and this is coetinnea en petucesee to Nevin a pointed tunic in front and s ellort train drawn into a hell rope point at tbe bade The uederdress and the lining of tbe brocade alta sleeves are of the most delicate, shell •pink chiffon, while an effective tench of contrast is given by a folded sash belt of chartreuse gveen satin, turned over at toe top n ith a nee .of old bet:Wein) tbe nliet.v415, thr, wigps show. 8011felialeN (atke i0,1040(1 slwea6 with a eonsorl'el0r10,10 frona roue lea ves , or oraiige 111011101 lad 0. The l3t's Pea st a gercio s iseese. Whooping Cough, although specially a disease of childhood, is by no means con- fined to that period but may occur at any time of life, It is one of the moat dangerous diseases of infancy, and yearly causes more deaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diphtheria o and is more common in female than in male children. Whooping Cough starts with sneezing, watering of the eyes, irritation of the throat, feverishness and' cough. The coughing attacks occur frequently but are generally more severe at night. On -the first sign of a "whoop," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be administered, and weeks of suffering prevented, as it helps to clear the bron- chial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm. Mrs. Nellie Barley, Amherst,' writes: "I have much pleasure in saying that there is no cough syrttp like Dr. Wood's Norwa3 Pine Syrup, My little girl took whooping cough from' a little girl who has since died with it. 5 tried lots of things but found '3)r. Wood's' to give the greatest relief. It helped her to raise the phlegm, and she 15 12010 better. My young brother is also taking the cough, and I am getting '33r. Wood's' to work again." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper: 3 pine trees the trade-inark; price 25c. and 50c. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured only by 1‘..4 T. MIL, BURN CO., LittuTrat, Toronto, Ont. British "Fa D. C.'s." The British soldier will make a joke even against himself. An elder- ly lady in a bus noticed the initials "R. D. 0." on a eoldier's tunic. She puzzled her brains but could not save the mystery as to their mean- ing, At last her curiosity overpow- ered her and elle atte,0 what they stood for. "Reformed Drunkards Corps, Ma'am," said tee eoldier, grevely. Dear me, said the lade, "how very intereeting." And prob- ably not one of those who Iteuehed at the reply could have mei:Aimed what "11.D.C." rceliy means, 506,003) Germans Disabled. Competent, authorities estimate that e.bout 500,00 G ermans have been disabled in the Verdun region alone slave el, the beginning 01 the great German offensive there. rose. The edges of the sleeves are worked with little pale gold silk loops and gathered at the wrist into a rude. Keeps Chopper Upon. When l'imning dotes. flee or raisins through 11 food ohopeer add s taw drops of lemon ;Mete te preeerer 1115 frnIf from etomsim, 115 ,,j,„„„„.. • Lnristrnas and New Near Fares • SINGLE FARie 1 Ieee 23, 21, 25, good for, ratans Mao. 20 11, eine ,Dee, 80-3181, 1010 end Jan. let, 1017, valid fur 3"etttrn flt1L, date 2rr 1017, • 30 15 AND ONE:eel' Re) Der, 21, 22, 23, 21, good for return 1111111 Deo. 271 le else Dec. 20, 20, 1)) and' elst 1810, valid foe 15,011 151 ;.1111,11 Jan. 8rd 11117. Above reduced Naas apply to all autionn in Canada east of .Lent AvlAltre tied to Del roil, a rid 1301.1, Huron Buirele, Black Rods, Niagara Pails nen Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Por ful], information -write to C 15, fIORNING, N Hnion Station, Toronto, Ont. John itansforcl &Son, city paesen- eel. and Ttcket Agents, phone 11 5,0. Par1150])stanon azeor MINOR LOCALS. Look at the label on your.paper. Nomination 011 Friday of this week from 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. Today is supposed to be the first day of winter. , CLUBBING RATES FOR 1916-17 New Era and Daily Globe $3.85 New Era and Mail and Empire . . 3.85 New Era and Daily World 3.40 New Era and Daily Star 3.40 New Era and Daily News . .. ... 3.40 New Era and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 New Era and Northern Messenger 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Farmers' Sun 1.85 New Era and Daily Free Press .. . 3,65 New Era and Daily Advertiser 3.6,5 New Era and Farm and "airy 1.85 New Era and Farmers' Advocate . 2,45 Prices are subject to c;iange at any time owin td advance in paper. Ordam to be Addressed to 7IUM7 74 Fn. Tip k‘ lill ANAA !AA • 4 Wore Colonel's linierenn, 1.11 Correct What is Eionte P5110315 wwit aoazt London (l5''1 1,111 ttaye: A yentte of. fICOr in or wIr 1115,1,11w tortes, who is bate: ''5) the from on 11 few days' leave, seytt Dint they caught a (Ionian sty. De was 11,01,7-51 in the toiliorm rd a British colons', tend wan moving around inside ore lines, as huge as lire, limiting where certain battalions were located, about 1:110 skration og varioes &Maps, and o 'ill' helpful peetieulars. Early In the couree of hie activities, a 1111.1 was told oft to wnteit him, and after his little game Mel been revealed De was taken prisoner, and duly disposed of next mornings leer you see there had been one tiny flaw in Ids beauti. ful get-up as a British colonel, and that wee the fact that he \vita wear. leg a Tommy eapl King's Busy Life Since be reeoveree tient his acres dent at the front, Ring George has thrown himeelf wholehtsertedIy into the affairs et the /laden. The aver. age amen has Mlle idea of what the labors of Xing George entail. Only at meals and Fleeping tines has Ills Majesty respite from the Ceres and anxieties of Slate, and frequently even theme periods have been cut down to a 111111111111111. His Majesty per. sonally attends to despatches and other documents from the various various Government Departments, and every Wednesday and Saturday there is an investiture. Of audiences, re. ceptions of Ministers, and the like there is a beavy daily list, Lore, Levees Corps "Lord Loeat's well-deserved pro motion to the rank of brigadier. general has been expected for some lime past," esys an English military expert. "Lovat's and Tulltbardine's corps are in fine fighting trim, and oontain the pick of Sentland's man- , hood of all elasses of society. 13eskles being colonel of Isis two regiments of scouts, Lerd Lovat *honoree:3, colonel of the Fourth (Territorial) Battalion of the Gordon Highlanaers,, and a mili- tary member of the Inverness Terre torial Forces Association." Gaticild to Princess .en amusing confession was made 05 die PrieeeSS Royal. She told an intimate fr'omi that she suffered so dre,acifillly from shyness that she could not bring berself to tell her guests to go to bed. "Well, ma'am," wee the reply, "I wish you would depute the honor of ' doing so to me. Think of the amount OS smothered yawns that would be seeed." The Princess tioontl wag trikttly %Mesta; ' Cook's Cotton Root Compoilnet .4 safe, reliable reensaiene medicine. Sold In three d4, vets of strength--hlo. 1, sie No, NO. 8, 55 nor bosl, Sold by all drukonsts,nr sent prepaid on tempt of price, Feast pamphlet. Address ;, Mg enter( amoscmcco TO11011TO.Offf. (Anse* lVisist.) Fit Any Meadnenadia8 C up Machine "HEARING XS BELIEVING" The Columbia dealer.nearest to you will gladly demonstrate. Very easy payments Little cash required. Dealer will explain terms. Send, for a new free catalogue. COLUM:t IA G APE HONE CO. "Creators, of the Industry.' "Pioneers end Leaders in the Art! "Owners of the Fundamental Patents." CANADIAN FACTORY„ TORONTO Ain l.