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The Clinton New Era, 1916-12-21, Page 1
Established 1865, vol. 51, No 25 CLINTON vONTARI O THURSDAY ' DEOEME3ER 21 1916 The New a *\ n.ts the News FrC)rfl 1H very Sideline I- ach week W. H. Kerr, Editor and Publisher vvVwvi+VVr oe, VVVVv'VVVVVVVVV,NAAlk"ANNWAMANNONAnr AAA, A HELPFULL LIST 3v'o ere now ready to show you a beautiful stock of Xmas Goods of - EBONY BRUSHES; MIRRORS AND MANICURE PIECES AND SETS IVORY BRUSHES, MIRRORS, MANICURE PIIJOIJS AND SETS, JEWEL CASES, HAIIi RECEIVER TRAYS, ETC. A NEW 'TOCK' OF UP 10 DATE IIAND BAG', GILLETTE, AUTO STROP AND EVER" READY SAFETY RAZORS AND 'SHAVING BRUSHES. KODARS AND ALBUMS, PACKAGE PERFUMES in a variety of pleasant odors - Beautiful new goods -- ata THE RIIXALL STORE W. S. Pie 1.10LIvIalS Phm,B, d * WVvvvevvyvVVVVVVVWWWWVVV VsnoWWWWvvVvVVWWWWv 1 S 93 e Royal Feick OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 0 11 0 up5G0.0 tlpitRi paid Reserve and undivided profits " 13,236,000 'Total Assets .,...... ..�....s,..1 J...` 234.0.000,000 3SQ 13 I[ l t� I .30$* withWorlld-Wide Conneetioa1t4 Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking .Business Transacted, • 11 TURNING, tug ulinta>l Branch 'V4aeeeees:vvvveewv MWb?o-'vedvVRreev.ewe bcavgd,vNhdwVee4?e eseeaefeess aJVIAf "�• INC©RFDRATED 1855• r•rur.•rr..a tRr.rrwi s C'A NTAL AND RESERVE $$8,8110,050 96BralielieS in Canada General 8iankina-Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS a in IS bank Department Ilnterest Allorveal at 11Igitest )ii i.•ent.:tate (.E IDi)14'tU ur, %8;1iB:Ocra'r on I4ramit p iltil* 0A0*lRO!• 0***aoo,1•0000 ise 0 0 m 0 4 1r •r, 0 a !! Look over the ,list -presented and you will im- mediately decide that we are ''First Aid to. the Puzzled ehristmas Shopper.• tins. • 4 • • 4 • 4.4.+e44.9+4.0 000000004404 001000,00000+000GAIto0(6030MC:4'tGI9+Ld BotTOOCets3® S001iX06000 io • ,9Va+ .set gr,ja Mta,O „moi: • ' 4� m rs cA 0 Q • e • • • co • • • • • • OTHING is so well appreciated. Noth- ing else recalls the Giver to mind so • often. Nothing else so sure to be "Just what I needed most," 0 • 0 • ;f: - ' ,mei ..iC tor ,ac X0 c• 0 0 P. e e ca 0 0 • • Yes, By (1 Means! 0 • • i r s 9 o 0 s N p! !!lloWR!lNN/w*..ss*. lw!!!l�NI�A!lolNwlwlN! Neckties 25c to $1.00 fir r 'Vi11f s 50c to 12.50 Hosiery 25C to 75c Suspenders 25c to 75c' Umbrellas 50c to $3,50 Wool Toques 2: . _5c. to 75c Fur Cmhiar Overcoats O $13.5ot 20 o0 Hen's Overcoats $10 to $25 Boy's Overcoats $3,50 to $12 11011545 Coats $3,50 to $10 Sweater Coats $t to '1$6.5o Gloves 35C to $2,50 Night Robes 7:5c to $1.50 i'3jamas $.t.50 to $3.50 Unit Links 25c to $1 )<uit 11i Ran.ukereluel 25C to 35 C Fur .Coats $25 to $5.0 Ben Suits $8.50 to 825 Boy Suits $2,5o to $15 Bath Robes 65.50 to $t0 Permit us to hint that you make your selection early, while the "Picking" is hest 4 �• e �O h Clo fi lV�o 9 National Service Week in Canada Card Will Be Issued to Every Man in Dominion -Numerous Questions There is to be a National Service week in Canada. The date is the first week in January as, announced by Mr. R. B. Bennett, director of National'Ser- the i al armed and Questions questions are as follows: - 1. What' is your name? ' 2.How old are' you? 3. Where do you live. Province: 4. Nance of city, town, village or postoffice, street, number. 5. In what country were you born? 6. In what country was your father born? 7. In what country was your mother born? S. Where you born a British sub jest? . 9, If nut, are you naturalized? 10. How much time have you lost in last 12 months from sickness? 11. Have you the full use of your 81'1175? "is. Of your legs? 13. Of your sight? 14. Of your 'leering? 15. Which are you - married, single or a widower? 11. 1iow many persons besides yourself do you support? 17. What are you working at for 'a living? 18. Whom do you work for? 19: have you a trade or profession? 20. If so, what? 21. Are you working: now? 22.11 not why? 23. Would you be willing to change your present work at the sante pay dur- ing the w.tr? 24.Are you willing, if your rail- way fare is paid, to leave where you now live, and go to some other pace in Canada to do such work? Two Million Cards Two minions of these cards will be issued and it is understood that the services of Canadian postmasters will be requisitioned to issue thein. This has nothing to do with re- cruiting. but the object is to secure an accurate inventory of the number of !nen available for the vital industries su:h as agl'ieulture and, munitions manufacture. There is nothing in the cards which can be interpreted as showing a ten- et p 1 ,f but t t o •arils conscription, t ncv t w ie course. the number of men of military age available fur recruiting will be tie- certairMed. postoffice to Handle 'Code Here With a view to making e complete inventory of all males in Canada be- e tween the ages of 16 and 65, the ua- 4 tional service board of Canada, in order to do this without undue waste of time has asked the co-operation of the mach- inery of the postofi;ce department. In he request Post- compliance with t q master-Geller:a Casgrahn has sent out notices inviting every postmaster and postmistress to use every means at his or her disposal to insure the complete success of the project and, by so doing, render vital service to the country at a moment of great national peril. • An order riceived last week by Postmaster Scott announced that a sup - et ply would be furnished of national ser- vice cards and addressed envelopes, saf- e ficient for the estimated number of. 4' male persons between the ages of 16 * and 65 served by the Clinton post - O office. 4 Several suggestions were contained 6 in the order received for etl'ecttve de - e livery of the cards, namely handing tt card :and envelope to every person in- t quiring for mail, placing the same in Athe postoffice boxes, and in general, ! using every nnea'is deemed advisable, in a co-operation With teachers, lawyers, O . notaries, c1ereYmen. bog scouts, etc. a • W One of eatures of the week will be the issuanceof a card to every man in Canada. his card will have printed upon it a number of questions regard- ing nation service and most be filled in and rets by all men between the ages of 10 65. , Q ons to be Asked. A QUESTION FOR ONTARIO, 002000006em®e0710091109e,csi er:eiu'. O• e Over The Teacups • Dr. Bunter of Goderich, was in town last Friday. Mr. Thos. Greeks is working in Tor- onto at present. • Couitcillo' C. J. Wallis returned From Isis Western trip last friday even- ing Mr. Bell, of •Seaforth, district agent for the Maxwell car, was in town last Th ursilay. Mr. John Ballantyne of Brussels was in town on Friday last assisting The New Era for the day. C.:uncillar Hawkins and family are spending the Christmastide at the par- ental home at Hamilton. • - Miss ilia Bowden, milliner, at Zurich, for the season, has returned hone for the Christmas holidays. Signaller Geo. Webber, is here re- cuperating after an operation at Lon- don. George's 'British pluck" is bound to get hint over to the front yet. Rev, J, S, Duncan, of Luckuow, who preached for a call at Willis church, has; accepted a call to the Presbyterian church at Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario. Rev. .T. M. Wesley, Presbyterian minister at Wroxeter, who is now over seas with the 401st Battl,, has re- signed from his church duties. Mrs. McGarva and'1Miss Wallace are spending the Christmastide ,at Paisley, with the Rev. :and Mrs. Diehl and family THE CANADIAN SOLDIER'S WIFE Mr. and Mrs.Robt, McLaren, of "lvanhoe" Farm liensall,, announce the engagement of their only daug, tier husband is fighting for you, so that we' may live in pease, comfort ;Mary Atiec, to Ldwacd, sou of Mr.:uhterrd and security at home. Are we going to let his loved ones want? Airs.. Wo, Glenn, of Clinton, the tear- riage to take place early in January. The Kingsbridge Correspondent to Meth is Proud of Sim 4 9 4 d • 4 O b 0 9 4. 0 'A • ra • 1 Era The New Try � Job Work in for J 1917 Dr. Harold Taylor Receives the Military Cross for Heroic Work in .France. The Goderich Signal Hakes referen- ce to Capt. (Dr.) Taylor, a grandson of K Victoria <tieet :out a uep- hips, Kerr, ' coin coneerieing those members of the beau of tr, Andrew 'reeler of town,- Trench -Canadian population who ac - It was with touch pleasure and gnu- lively cit, eourege the participation of itlrati,,n the people of his old home their fellows in Canada's war, and the town learned that Capt. (Dr,) A. apathy, the r esrieted interests and the FRENCH-CANADIAN PACES OSTRACISM Should Honor Young Jean Baptists Why Breves Criticism of Own People to Enlist 1"'i'ltatt ver opinions one may enter. Haruki Taylor, C. A. M. C.. land been local preiIdtcea of a large proportion awarded the ,Yui;itart Chant ti,r con- et the Frertc:lt s„uai:ing population, spicuous valor at the battlefront in France. An artillery officer who was which give the preachers of disaffec- -d,serving was kilted and two of his tion their hold and their opportunity,. ,• ount n Tat - the • r ,td e w ., p• � ane a men were 1 it is ituputtunt stays tact. C MINOR LOCALS. Renewing seasren.. Considerable sickness, A merry Christmas to our resxlers. Renew your subscription to the New Era.. Model School Exants, were on last week, Christmas entertainments are all the go now. A merry Christmas to ail our Readers. Who will compose 1917.Council, 11) Clinton? Goderich is advertising the Doty Engine Works for sale. 51111la cues' Wants to meet alllittle girls and boys in Clinton and the sur- rounding .country, accompanied by their mothers, aunts, and sis- ters on the afternoon of (FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Deceieaber, 22nd and 23rd at O' N E I L'" S i t the abo tt ale is not particular men, all he wants of .them i5 to come next year and pay the bills. f, W EIL W. e THE RUB GROCER Phone 48 ' Gaderich Signal had the fol ow ng personal hast week: -Mr Jesse ley and Miss Tye, of Clinton, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Quigley. Air. :and Mrs, Thos. Grieve of Sea - forth announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Agnes, to Mr. Thomas 13. Hannon, of Mitchell, the marriage to take place the Latter part of this month, ebt EDITORIAL *4,444+444 44444+4.1,4411 The New. Era wishes its readers the compliments of the season. ' -0- Last Sabbath of December' is sug- gested as an appropriate date ter day of National prayer for the war, The Allies' want no truce with the Teutons as it is proven the longer Belgium is under the iron heel of the Kaiser the stronger the proof that the doctrine that Alight is. Right is false to the core, , -0--- We 0- We are pleased to notice that the Teeswater News, edited and-owned"by Miss M. L. Fairbairn, is'now the pos- sessor of an Infertype type' setting machine. The appearance of the News. is greatly improved by its new dress, _0 Give the chain letter the cold shoulder. All the perils promised if you neglect are the worst kind of bluff and we wonder at people being so silly as to write such fudge or pay any attention to it. .-0- Many of the aeroplane so called ex- hibitions hi rural Ontario prove that folk are "up in the air" instead of the planes. It's well to be on guard but some of the pipe dreams are very gauzy as well as gasey. -0_ inspector of Bruce County house of Refuge recommends the engagement of a trained nurse as assistant to the ma- tron. There's considerable sound seise in the recommendation where so much decrepitude and old age is as sentbiett, -0- Belgtunn Tag Day in the city of Tor- onto produced no less a sum than $e4,519.72, which Is only another roof of the generosity of the Queen icy and pusibly a tangible reason why Mr. R. J. Blacker, of Keppel, Sask., the Provincial capital has still solve.. accompanied by his mother, arrived in right to be des;gnuted "Toronto the Clinton to spend a few months with relatives and old friends. It will 1-e Good." if "the Iiberal soul shall be remembered that Mrs. Blacker, sr., tttade fat" there should be considerable was injured in a cyclone last year out ,adipose tissue :adjacent to the Toronto West lett is now about as well as ever. Folk. Mr. and t Glean W. Garnish, . -0- Michigan from titch' wedding trip in Michigan and are now getting settled Perth County breeders are to be in their home on the Buse Line. congratulated on their prize winning I Winter Ice Guelph !t ries at t talon in hog, enc 1 ('a • '1 ran f badly', wounded. di Mrs. "lf. 3 Manning and children Taylor went to them and dressed their ler, that Canadians should award full •Brussels, are t.laristtaas visitors with .Fair. Four well known men carried wounds right out in the open. On an, the Bozell faunal The former is Air. '° anfl honor to thosey'• off numerous awards. We often won Rozell's sister. u lne:tnry barrage to cess the wuunns u, >xencu•uanr,airars fund there are many der why Huron County stockmen are ttflieer who had lust his leg. His Ray. E. G, Powell was preaching at an tltuuaamds ui chert) 11*11A heaTsi 'li• B 1 of Sunday Islet not more :ambitious to set the pace. commanding officer states that he isae Butte good work continuously." call of humanity and are fighting In his letters home Capt. Taylor or I,r, easing to fight themselves or says nothing about his work and the senali,tg cheer beat and dearest to do distinction confared upon hint, and so, Mrs. (Dr.) T. T. 11cltne, Brussels, the information given, above has In a very' real seine the French- who has been seriously 111, is making l d Goderich f iter courses favorable `mpr,v improvement we are pleased t grave t t Fur so large a County anal peopled by ltensail Observer -Miss Gerile Wal- r at - r rise the sunibe lis, of Clanton, visited Miss Janet Smith oleo of cote F Cur a few days hast week. tempting to get in the limelight are few. Huron ought to hold its own with the best of thele, and hlrs. Taylor, of Goderich. He sesitled to a lame' measure reached rout othin war is i t e 1u credit to repack. _p - Capt. Taylor is the son of Dr. Alex ( ar-ePn tu.tm N Hunter 's nursing •1 patient at This is surely the farmers' innings graduated ;n arts at 'roronto in 1908 and in medicine in 1910. For a num her of years he was superintendent of the general hospital in Calgary. He volunteered for medical service with the Canadian forces shortly after war broke out and went overseas with the first contingent. ale was in the tren- ches for thirteen months, but at latest report had been transferred to the base hospital at Boulogne. o••••®®•eeesea•csolSt�g•0 • - w • WITH run CHURCHES, • 0 • Wesley Church. Last Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Rut - Minnesotans end. the Ohioans. ledge took as his subject The °Wiest of Life." In thea evening he spoke on Called a Traitor "A MistakeofMoses." Still more Important than 'this is The Junior League, packed a Christmas Box on Tuesday evening the social. pressure, hostile to partici• alt::t, the l s lila-('anudiau or the British -born. It ri quires at/distinctly ftroncr t effort c the ilauginution for the french-uanaaian-trained to foous his attention almost exclusively on the affairs of the nortltesn itel'f of North America, and to regard with suspicion any close relation with any European Batton, even with has ancestral France -to perceive the bearing of flits, struggle upon ,His own interests and Iris owa ideals. The' people of ,the United States hn.ve, not as yet per- ceived it at all; anal the Preach - Canadians are almost if not quite as "American" in their outlook se the which was sent to the Montreal Mis- lation in this war, which must be' slow laced by every lih'euch-Canedlee who Special Christmas music by .lite ,offers himself or encourages mid de choir next Sunday, srt up, fends the enlistment of blas follows. into office who take little or no interest 13aptiet Church. ter, sand Mrs• C. D. Boucle and dao- Abstention Irorh the war taus peen titers are spending th.e Christmas bringthe office into The Sunday School hold their Christ. S in public affairs, S y national ,holidays at Balmoral near Hamilton. eni,a • elevated into the status of a a y and deter optimists frena pro- posing is week, entertainment On Friday , y disrepute a P of this week. duty by a number of the meet vne;fer- ' Dr. .and Mrs, W L. Rutledge' will osin, lapis vital to progress. A St, Joseph's Church, 'one leaders ,of L'1'enclt-t..ii 'dian opine 'spend Christmas at 'Toronto with their p g. P The Christmas Tree entertainment tori; and lite man who goes to the front ''sons. good Council is a boon ton Muutctpai- wll have to .face the rebukes or many rt • of, his frfone?s, the charge ,(sincere y made, no doubt, en most erases, absurd it in fact)that he is desert- ing the cause of Isis suffering 'brethren Nurse , Brussels. ;f the folbwing is a fair spple:-A. marketed his K tows t 'd e It Schindler; 2 .a attended dthew wedding S ch,n g Miss Wotik, at d g ' of her brother in Mount Forest on Tues l beans last week, receiving $4,0 t5 for day,. liensall Observer -Miss Wise of Clin ton was the guest of Miss Jessie Buch- anan over the week end. • Seaforth News -Miss Levis, of Clin- ton was the guest of Miss Sparks over Sunday. A. and Mrs. Adair, Clasher, of town announce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Gertrude Aileen, to Mr. Robert Da pp his crop of 37 acres. Here's another -Kent Farmers' Produce Co. made out a cheque for $4,500 to John Ben- nett for his beans. .0f course these instances cited may not be the rule but are, nevertheless, noteworthy ex- ceptions, The ileum crop s one u mortgage lifters this year surely. -0-- Mrs. Ki en. The marriage to take place this ntosotlt, Ridgetotvn Dominion says that town Mrs. J. B. Levis visited over the is ditiigerously ill with "sleeping sick- ness," There were worse days than those in which the electors were called upon to pick a Council from a ballot of 15 to 20 candidates. Do you remem- ber the occasions when horses and rigs scoured the.municipality and not a. possible vote was left unpolled? This "up -and -at -it" attitude is worth while` in any place and outweighs the modern easy going style that often foists men week end at the home of her cousin, Dr. J. 'Y. Peck, at liensall. Mr.. lielstrop, teller in the Molson's Bank, is holidaying, at his home in Meaford. Nurse Edith Neeiin, of Seaforth, left on Tuesday for overseas to 'resume her duties as nursing sister. The ninny friends of M.r. David Tip - lady, will be glad' 'to 'hear he is able to 1 ild f St J les 1 Mrs, (Dr.) McCallum, of Kingston is ity. the young children o' osep, ' " ; Municipal Numb anion Day Friday of of this week. • Walls Church• 'though is g this week. Go and hear what the Rev. J. R. Laverie, of Forest, was 1 candidates have to any. It's some - the preacher last Sunday. ,expected Saturday to spend Christmas with her parents, r. an Mrs, John Wiseman. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, of Aber- deen, S. D- are expected Isere to spendIn Ontario that he is fighting for i the Wintei here with relatives. church was held on Wednesday .evening 1 Al d 11 Rev. Mr. McIntosh preaches this coo ipg Sunday. 1 Ontario .Streot Church. on service TThef following is Christmas Sunday: - Morning Doxology. tY. Hymn 140 -"Joy J0 at the R edesmers' Birth." Anth eiat-"Christians , aavake, Salute the happy Morn" Hymn 143 -"The Adoration of Christ." Anthem -"Glory to . God in the Highest ,. Sermon, subject ---"The Christmas Message" Quartette--"lt calve upon the mid- night clear llymn 14? -"On earth Peace, Good will toward then" Benediction. . Evening God Save the King, Hymn, 1.08 -"The Cornation of Ch" Aristnthem-"God from on high haat he:ttd, Hymn 143 -"On earth Peace good will towards men" AnthemuAri a S - blue" s Sermon, subject -"The Wonderful Name" Quartette-" fhe Anthem Celestral" Hymn, 115 -'Grateful Prate to the Saviour li Benediction.. , .V:r. "English tyranny;' and than Orauge- 1 Mr. George Sevirllow, of Rowley, men and bigots will marclt over his ,Beau body to the suppression of his i Albertiy gad a former grocer in town, is i1,' genetv m old ac uamtance 5 town. t, q tongue, his ;institutions, his religion Mr. Rich and A. Brown, of Bdnton- and all that •lie holds dear. ton, Alberta is "t visitor at his mother's home in Mullett this ,geek. During the TakesHighHi h Courage s past weak hehasb been attending a n rhood , ited Bro.tl e c nvention of he U t U t r melt, anadian The vision of a F e -0 of LoeomOtive F;remeu and Enghteers must be far -ranged, his faith clear, meld at Ottawa, being sent by his sense of duly stern, to,enable him R. While in Ontario be intends to to overcome ,these obstacles and`'visit his Ipalther acsister in Detroit. id range 111:m.se1'f alongside :of tleose whose duty is more obvious, whose social environment is alt in favor of their participation. All honor„ there- fore, to those .men whose antelent Preach names adorn the rolls of so many of our battalions, and whose achievements in tate field of battle •will be told at the 11reeiries or Quebec and Aianituba and Ontario when the very names of those who now bellow forth tato shibboleths of a narrow Nationalists are forgotten or aocursed. The. Christmas trade promises well chis year, the farmers are realizing good prices for their. produce: Besure and hand in the names of the Christmas visitors, or if your own fans - fly goes away. These newsy items are always welcome, MINOR LOCALS. The size of railroad- :air-kets will be reduced to make a saving in price of 'Heavy paper used,, The Windsor Record has the follow- liiNg interesting contntent:-"The in- crease in the price of newspapers Will cost, the 'Toronto publishers about $600,000 a year. Papers with circula- i tions about the same as the Evening Record the increase in cpst will am- ount to about $7,000 annually. The in- crease to the whole press of Canada will exceed $3,000,000. It is :estimated that Chicago rpapers :lope will have to raise $2,0.00,000 to meet the extra price and New York $3,000,000, Bos- ton $2,000,000, and prpportionately: in , .continent. Some- thing town on the . c t thing is bound to give. 11 goes with- out saying that there will be fewer newspapers in this country, in 1913. Hisses quite amusing to see the readi- ness of the unitiated to promise won- derful doings to cut down taxes if they were only 'elected.' Occasionally the expenses they were going to "cut down" put on a Jack -in -the -bean -stalk development and their little hatchet was unworkable. Money wisely ex- pended in necesary intprovements is generally deserving of approval rather than censure, A pennywise and pound foolish policy sitows„poor states nnanship. Boosting the taxes is not a popular avocation however and in times likes these wise economy is not to be sneered. at. -0-- Beef was probably never quoted at a higher place than in the old nursery rhyme when "the cow jumped over the moon," but a good stagger was: made to reads this record when 50 cents a pound, live weight, was paid at Toronto Fat Stock Show, for the champion steer, "Blue King." 1390 pounds was his weight,, which cabled. for $095.00 hard cash to his otvuers, Jaunes Leask & Sons. Latter sold ;an- other steer at 40 cents a pound. More people in Toronto will have steak cut near the horns than those who feast Continued on page 2