HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-14, Page 5'irHURSDAY; Deceenbet 14th, 1 91 6 1 THE °LINTON NEW ERA. INV!GTUS Sy Q ESt j *04 Socks! Socks! Socks! Twenty thousand little stitches go to make a Soldier's Sock That's not counting up the hitches nor the minutes by the clock." The Young Ladies Patriotic Auxiliary intend holding a Sock Shower, Early in January, for the Clinton men overseas. WE WANT YOU TO MAKE A PAIR. �( rf PAJGB FIVV BE WELL FORTIFIED Buy "Invictus" "The 13est Good Shoe for amen"—and buy now as prices are Soaring. About that Xmas pre- sent—why not soine up to -date practical Foot- wear? See our Empress Shoes for Women, Estate, R J. Chiff rsa 131 FloWerS 111 The girl" s Women admire flowers. Their fragrance is dear to them. They love them just because they're sentimental Send her flowers that are properly clustere• d, and selected. Leave the choice to us: You will be delighted with your purchase. o OTT a THE NEW SOUTH END STORE wants your trade, and by quality, service. All New Stock. We Invite Trial orders: , • Everything you wish that -a good grocery sells� D. N. WATSON the Clinton J. it Paxinan, wishes " to thank the people of town and vicinity for pastat- ronage and having enlarg- ed our Garage )tope to be in 1 better position to. look after their needs in future We have on hand a very good assortment of flash lights, which make very useful Xmas gift and we wouid be pleased to show you at any titne, Batteries- j , , , fights telei ,t, t I ,!tors, A MERRY XMAS TO FILL �RY,lp�r.`pHfkF'tr's34 IL A itzEIftlmenW Sons Shippers of LIVE HOGS CATTLE and Butchers in all kinds of Meats. PHONE --76. ')11/0(NH IN] JtUo(II(11it:r!��ii��LlLIIIII matt. ai` PHONE 102. ' 4 ' 0-$.w`i$i tC Yc i5" General Fire Insurance Agent Representing Tweive of the Leading Insurance Coen. panies. Losses are Always Promptly Adjusted. .. . Phone 130 ri A CAREFUL BUYER is o1 great importance to any householder. Therefore a trial order from ourlarge stock of fresh groceries will convince you thatthey have been well selected, and prices are as low as can be, consistent with quality. Phone orders carefully and promptly atternked to. J. �. Bpd s iCtD Phare 83 All'our own make, and intended for people who must have the best. We spare nothing to attain perfection: Our CHOLOCATES and CREAM BON BONS combine the g`eatest of purity and freshness, rarely equalled and never excelled. Handsome boxes and baskets filled with the daintiest' and richest of confections. a ti�rtliff Confectioner FOR YOUR Ma . No one article of Furniture means so much to the lady of the house as a Sewing Machine. Our line is complete and the prices are specially low:for theCHRISTIVIAS TRADE. 't+ t Get your Cigars, Tobaco, Cig- aretts, Pipes, etc., for to send to the Boys at the Front, also a full Iine of everything in Smoker's Goods for Xmas. AT We have taken pains in selectingthe choicest in all kinds of Christmas Poultry to be found. We also have e nice choice variety of 4 Christmas Beef, Lamb, Veal, etc. All kinds of Sausage and Cured Meats. S C 1i; U T O 1'd, Phone" 109 et DELEWARE, LACKAWANA AND WESTERN COAL COMPANY'S in all sizes CheSnuAlso Soft Coal, t, anPeaneltCoal,ove nSmithi Furnace and Coke .. Standard. Weight, Standard.: Quality . ' Its the good Coal We always keep a good stock of Portland Cement, an3, 4, and 5 -inch Tiles. ' TRY US. -re WI- &• O AE3- Opposite the G T. R. Station Phone 52 Till " 't- yea qcd a `<1\, i t15'i;Ifir tt+ � DO YOU USE. CLINTON FLOUR? _�.. ,. IF NOT WHY NOT? When buying flour ask your dealer for— . North Star Maple Leaf or Snow Flake Brands Manufactured by JOHN SCHOEN-HALS Clinton, Ont. Owing to the prevailing high prices it is ien- portant there should be no waste. We stand back of every article we sell and will cheerfully make good any just complaint. Thanks for past favors. Your Patronage for 1917 will be much appreciated. Wishing one and all the Compliments of the Season, > PHONE 40.' ti_'•L�3 0.,t ) F ;. 1' 1' THE QUALITY •CAR. to it's Price Class, $650. f. o. b, Oshawa.—The quality of the Chevrolet appeals to people of wealth—the price permits owner- ship for those of moderate means, \ -� adtuur.w a � . 4 .M,•,s..;;nc;:•,:+�...eA�.b.. CASTLE'S MEAT MARKET:4 it { to tiu;tlt as !,6 i 7 • r�r Home of Good Things! Christmas 13eef, choice roasts and cuts, Poultry–=Geese, Ducks, Chickens etc. Large supply. We solicit your CHRISTMAS ORDER tr 1 wish my customers a Merry Christmas and a i. very Prosperous New Year, Phone •107 Selective Sliding Gear 'Transmission with Three Speeds forward and reverse. Auto Lite Two Unit Electric Starting and Lighting System; Valve=int-head Motor; Centre Control; Speedometer; ` Cantilever Springs; Non-skid. Tires on rear wheels. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. of Canada Limited, Oshawa, Out. {, CLINTON, yy ONT. +l; `17?`Y':•+an",u^'3>w,..s.=1=„74.3..._c 11021 "., IM '':'!".M`,C.svTIM%`g.' =ia"""'-"�' � n:k,cuw.u�,.,"i.Z-t w+. d•u.• sxt �, 7 • �; �y � �,,a.... � .fin Nd, �'�o• a Enhanced pleasure and satisfaction are at ained by own- ers of a motor equipage embodying efficiency, comfort, beauty and economy. McLaughlin engineers have perfected, a mechanism of maximum efficiency around the valve -in -bead motor. McLaughlin body' types for 19 17 are exquisite models of our master coach builders' art. When miles are measured .by the .gallon, McLaughlin rxvty?'{rFtni ra •;aa eeey gasoline economy is �' Y proved beyond argument. .The fuel saving, with the McLaughlin power, speed and flex- ibility has established the McLaughlin valve -in -head !rotor car as CANADA'S STANDARD CAR 19'1 7 sees McLaughlin motor cars even further in the 4:) lead than before. Our new series includes models of,,) Four. and Six cylinder cars frena $850.00 up to $•1520.00. in roadstcr,and touring car bodies, and a Sedan at $23,50. Agents—Clinton,