HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-07, Page 5dltursi�.ay, December Sith 1.470:
TBS. lin4ii
�Ie Are Nov Sh'owk ig the,,
tnestt Stock :e Ever Carried
It is Large, Corni)rellerlsive,
o. -
(� ilk- cal to..
Cl 13
Pot weeks back we have been. receiving goods from the
leading CANADIAN Manufacturers of Jewelery, Silver Plated
Ware and Cut Glass.
A full -line of 1847 Rogers Bros.' knives, Forks, Spoons,
WATCHES - IR'IYG1S n11..o0011175 - PENDFGN7J
Make Your Selections Early
Oldest Established Jewelry Store in Clinton
Odds end Eods of
The Voice a1 the People
QeeSSES 1SPOSi ln80630OregLVQ, 6COSise
Clinton, Ont., Dec, 1, 1910.
To The Editor,
The New Era.
,. ' Dear Sir:=41Ti11 you kindly allow
r�mo as an old citizen of Clinton, a
little jot your space this week to an-
uounoe• to the people of Clinton and
people 10 the country that I would
like to see the Town crowded in the
:evenings of Monday and Tuesday,
Dec. 18th and 19th, to an entertain-
anent that will be worth going to and'
at a pries) that no one can- afford to
stay away and elle7uoceedsare for
a. local rolhef fund.
• The moving pictures that will be
• shown will be the finest of the kind
• ever shown in Clinton and the many
'other features also will ,be most in-
teresting and profitable.
A matinee will be held on Monday
aftorn000fatthree o'clock, free to 'all
children of the Public School, their
' uiothets• and grandmothers, All
Others- will be 'charged 10 cents for
-s any ( the three performances.
Pvetiittg performances will begin
at eight o'clock sharp and from 77,00
8, while the crowd is assembling,
1 Im 'c from
the l'ie r 1'
t o1a and
you awake :• p Iand
tere t
a -Swing my time and
::til'' and will 1
.J•7.tP 3•r• r'ePaid for :'111y
work in the pleasure. of seeing a
crowd to enjoy a good show at a
small cost. No tickets will be of-
fered for sale, Pay as you enter,
Further suggestions from any Citi-
zens to help this entertainment, will
be greatly appreciated,
Py yours truly,
(Sgd.) Tom Jackson.
,9.iid.ren. Cly
Temperance Meld Secrein1'y at St.
St. Mary's Argus -Rev, L. Powell
of Exeter, Temperance Field Secre-
tary, of Huron and Perth counties,
preached at the Methodist Church,
Sunday a mornint, g and Knox ol'Church
in the evening. addresses Were
much appreciated. Fle spoke on the
en9orcement 01 the Temperance Act
And urged his hearers to co-operate
in the work, •
,arm ,
The pay sheet for November for
street work was $40.79,
'Wilson Elliott had an account for
$10 and one for $12.50 for doors for
doors at the grandstand.
I $197.50 was the Hydro account
:for lighting streets and $5.85 'for haII
It. Rowland had an account of
$5.08 for hardware.
For housing machinery o: the town
W. Steep had an account
for $0.25.
Angus McLood had an acoopnt for
grass seed at Cemetery and the Lib-
rary Park of $7.30,
The salary . of J. 15'. Shobbroolc,
Superintendent of the Cemetery of.
$37.50 was ordered to be paid, 0
H. Carrick's salary of $5 Was or-
dered to be 'maid.
J. Whoa reported $i
e1.S f r
5 0
market scales and $11 for or hai
l lent.
J. W. Shobrook, Superintendent of
the Cemetery reported $9 tor sale of
lot; $20 for care in perpetuity; and
$134.00 for work:
M. & M. Forbes had an account off
$2.60 for coal for Charity.
Wont vote on
lit concert for Charity,'
The question of the Gold Roads to
be discussed at the Co. Council this
week, was brought up for discus-
sion and on motion or Councillors
lViltse and Paisley, the following
Was passed by the Council: -In view
of the Good Roads Bylaw being dis-
cussed by the ffuron County Conned,
we strongly insist that clue consider-
ation be taken of the roads already
built in the towns'of, the- County and
that the County Council give pro-
portionate grants thereto,
Council adjourned to meet oni. the
15th to receive the. Treasurer's
statement, •
New Era and Daily Globe $3.85
and Mail and
Empire 3.85
New Era and Daily World ,- 3.40
New Era and Daily Star' . 3.40
New Era aid ally News. �.,3.40.
New. Era and Family Herad and
Weekly Star , , . 1..85
New Ira aaad.l�er$fl,ier �n .
Mes e e 3..60
� ir+
New Era and Canadian Farm . , 1.85
New Era and Farmers' � Sun , , . 1.85
New Era -l°
New and li�ail
Free e
Daily Press . -'3.65
New Era and Daily Advertiser :3.65
NewEraFarm and.�.'et>z'IY0. and i,rll
airy ...,. 3..85
New Era and Farmers' m_d
vacate 2.45
Prices are subject to change at any
time owing to
advance d a
rice in paper.
Orders to be Addressed to
E -' NE •
I �
Stalnley :;.
Mr.Geo, Baird had an operation pet
formed' on his eye on Thursday of Mast
Mr, Frank Lane, who went oitt West
on the Harvest F,xcursion, returned 'home
on Monday last week. ,
An's.: Jean Campbell, of ,Clinton, ;and
Mr, and Mrs. Simon Mckenzie visited'
41 the home -of Thos. Campbell at She
first of the week.
'' l'iiupen -
Several from here attended the funeral
Soatf (herday,'late James Moore in Hensel( last
Carson Moore, of Sault Ste Marie and
Miss Moore, of London, '' were home
attending their brother's funeral. They
Spent a few days in the village the guests
of their brother William.
Milton Love and Miss Lillian Work-
man, of • II'illsgreeu, were married in the
manse last Wednesday and left on' the
five train on a trip to Detroit and other
places. • They will • reside in Hensali.
School Report -:The following is the
November monthly report of S, S. No.
14,' Stanley. Nantes ere in order of
merit, Fifth -G. C. MacLean, 13. W.
Rathwell, S. H. Thompson, Senior
Fourth ---ST. A, Cooper,R, V,McClymbnt,
J. B. Moore. Junior Fourth -G. J,
Cooper, .E. P. Fisher, ' G. Fairbairn,
Senior Third-A'I. A'I Ross, E. L. I-Iyde,
T'. 13otvd.. Junior Third -W. L. Work-
man, L. S. Near, L. M. Foster. Senior
Second -L. Workman, W. A. Ross,D.M.
Foster, Second Part -E. .Anderson A.
Bridges. First Part --13, Dinsdale, G.
Foster, P, McKenzie. The best spellers'
in She monthly spelling matches •were: -
Fifth and SentorFourth-Maggie Cooper,
Junior Fourth --Ella Fisher, Senior Third
Erma Hyde, Junior Third-WalterWork
man. Second Part -Elva Anderson.
Stratford Beacon. Mr. tVm. Leitch
of 13,aSfteld is visiting- his sister, Mrs,
Powela, 121.0hureb street, on his way
horue•o West,
tri the \\ est,
There was a good sized attendance
at the meeting in theMethodistObm'ch
Tuesday evening under the auspices of
the Ohil tress's Aid Society, Councillor
Cott oboupied t:he chair, T.M. Elliott
county see/ etnry, of Goderich,deliver-
ed`a splendid address on the work, ill
tS l
l t'
aced by views, handled h, ndied ti • Rev. D.
CS, Powell A liberal offering was se
Front a St. Thomas paper we take
the following obituary notice- Which
refers to the death of Mrs, 1). Oritten•
de'n's mother, who in past years visit
ed here: -In St. Thomas on Nov, 23rd,
in the person id: Thomasine Yenhate,
in her 85th year. Dteeased has resid-
ed with her daughter' about two years'
and dustn
that time nehadne n in
(,lning health
doe to advanced years.
'13011) in England and ensile to Canada
with her parents and atter, her lnarri-
.ege to bar. Penhale they settled on the
farm now occupied by her son George.
Deceased was highly respected by ad.
'The husband died 32 years ago. Font.
sous and three daughters survive,
John of California, George of Stephen
Srurnlel of Parkhill, Henry 0f Colling.
wand, Mrs, Killmer- of St, Thomas,
(3race of Brandon, and 9s, Critten-
den of Blyth. With the execpttons
John and Grace, all were present at
the funeral which v tch Cops plane from the
Exeter stt station au Sutti
dly morning
to Eiseter cemetery. Many beautiful
hnrul tributes were laid on the casket,
as a tribute to her wor'tb two being
Nom the Methodist church, and Sun-
day School in St, Thomas,
I-Iay Council met on Saturday.
Mr. Robert McBride, of Stanley
township, has purchased the 9S acre
farm at Wagner's Corners from Mrs.
for 95000. Possession will
be given on January 1st. Mrs: Quack-
enbush w111 reside an' the farm for an-
other year. •
Mr, Robt'Dougles, of Saskatoon,Sask.,
is renewing acquaintences in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs 'Henry Stecklcy, - of -the
Bronson Line,' Stanley, mourn' the death
of their fi ye'ar old sen, Aron.
Mrs, R. T. Dunlop, and . two ' sons
Harry and Jack:Visited relatives inBruce
Held for a fele days last lveelci '
The merchants of Zurich Dashwood,
Blake and Drysdale have decided to do
away with the old much abused twelve
month's credit system. On April '1st,
July 1st, October 1st and January ist
the accounts will be doe and must be
settled by cash or promissory notes. The
system should work.
Mrs, Knight, of 'Mandolin, is visiting,
her brother, D. SGtfliei•1'and.
Rev Mr ^Powell "of 'Clinton, 'delivered
a line Temperance seriiion 'on Tuesday
The Woman's Alult Bible" elesS met'
this week et the Dome of Mrs. : Geo.
Wheatley for serving.
Mrs; D. Tndor'spent Monday and
Tuesday as the guest of her parents, 111r.
and 'Mrs. Wm. Stanley, of 'Clinton,
The•lnany'friends of Mr's: 'N. T.'
Adams, of Blyth, formerly. of Hallett
Township; will be glad todaear she has
arrived at herhome nl0511 improved in
Mrs. Jaynes Taylor, of Iisrriston, is
visitinghter brothers Andrew and Ben
Tlie Presbytcr'inin Clallrch AnrIiver5ary
servicis_will be held on Sabbath, nest
nvhenRev Mr, McDermit, of Goderich,
v:911 preach. Special offerings will be
taken '
Miss Glenfield' came to our village, _ to
visit; 1'itl herbrother, b outer, Dr, Glenfield, . , ,
Dr. Rodgers and;farnilyleft last ,\\',ed-
nesday for their new home at Markham.
56 jars of fruit were last` week sent
from our village to the front for one of
the soldiers hospitals in France. l'he
fruit which Was mostly jam and jellies
were given by the woolen of the neighbor•
hood and packed by Rev. Mr. Woods.
Miss Addison, of Londesloro, is visit-
ing her brother Mr. Addison of our
Appleton Elcoat attended the e Guelph
Stock Showthis week,
Mr.Elsie, of Stanley, has
S Y, rented his
farm to a party at Exeter. Mr. Elcoat
will go to Egmondyillc.
n¢able: .
The Gleaners' Mission' circle purpose
having a bazzaar-on ' December I5th. A '
ten cent teaill
w be Serve 'i -
Served n addition o
the sale of things, ' 'Conte'ants bring your
friends'tvith you';''
Rev, Mr. McKiiiley, • ' of Seaforth,
Preached two very able'serrnons on Miss -
I ions Last Sunday,
The School' Has been 'closed several
! days °Wing to the teacher being ill.
The Christmas entertainment is to be
•held f hursday`Decenaber• 21st,
Re. Capt, E. Jeakms' will preach fn
St. John's Church on Sunday afternoon
next' at 8 o'clock Ayll'tyelcome,
An A. Y, P A., was organized on
Monday last ie connection , with St. i
John's L
beech: Rev.
W. Moulton,.' was,
elected ('resident and Mr. Lawrence
Churchill, Secretary, The first meeting
wilt be held onTilursdayrevening of this
week at the home of Mr. C. W.
Williams, sr when a good time is antick-
Council -Council met at Iiolmesville,
on Monday, December 4th, with ' all
members present. The nomination and
election by law was passed as follows.
Nomination to be held is Holmes' Flall,
flolmesville on Friday December ` 22nd,
1916, at 12 o'clock noon and the election
(if any) to be held on Monday, January
1st, 1917 as follows:-
Ward 1 -Place .Orange IIall, Deputy
Returning Officer C,W. Johnston, Poll
Clerk, R,Mcfkvain. Ward 2 -House of
Melville Sturdy, D, R. 0.. Melville
Sturdy, Poll Clerk, I3oward Sturdy,
Ward 3, Place, Albert Harrison, D.R,O
John Woods, PollclerkAlbert Harrison,
Ward 4 -Place, Mrs. W. 1!. Elliott, D.
R. 0., Robert Cluff, Poll Clerk, Lewis
Anderson. Ward 5 -Place A. 0; Murphy,
Deputy Returning Officer, A.O. Murphy,
Poll Clerk Ira Merilj, Ward 6 -Place
MraHerl;: Hicks, D. 19. O., Guy Hicks,
Poll Clerk.Atlam Cantelon. The follow-
ing accounts were paid Gravel, Tames
Thompson, $'7,04, John Potter 92.24, S,
T, Walters 614.36, Giles. Williams, Jr.
99,10, John Fraser -$9,87, Mrs, W, West -
cm 94,90, F. W. Farncount. 'legend
Drain Award 92075, John Colborne, re
paid of clog tax 91. Councillors services
at board 91.30, N. W. Trewartha, Cierks
salary 181.05. Postage and stationary
91 9.22. J. E.Whitley, Treasurers salary
8185, J. R Holmes hall rent :645, 0. \T7,
Potter,Sanitary Inspector $180,89, Dr.
Whitley, Medical Health Officer 937,50.
Board of Health $40,70, A. Sterling,
shed) claim 1F21,Ilkram Hill, cement work
977.74 Writ. Weston, cement wort:
91110.72: Council adjourned to meet
December 15111 at 10 a. nl.
N. W. Trewartha
tiderieir Tow nShin
il'Iiss Edna Wise has been appointed
organist of St.' James church, Middle-
ton in succession to Miss h-Iicics.
A large number of members of St.
James Church, Middleton, assembled at
the home of their recent organist, Miss
Nellie Slicks on Friday 000010g last and
a very enjoyable evening was spent.
During the course of the evening a Pres•
entation was made.: Miss flicks being
the eve of her, wedding. Miss Ilicks
made a very fitting reply. The address
which was read by lite Incumbent, Rev,
1Vr. B. A'foultonwas as follows:-"
Dear Miss Hicks:-
People congregate for something,
We are no exceptions'.
\Ve have met here tonight, not
only for the purpose of \visiting you un-
told joy in that new sphere of life where
"they twain shall be one flesh", but to
also express to you our very heartiest
and most warmest appreciation of the
invaluable services which you have rend-
ered to us and our 51100511 and the regret
that those services are now terminated
As organist of our church youhave been
faithfuli n out season and o d of season"
and always ready in Your humble, e quiet
unassuming way to do whatever you
thought best for''Cls-island His Church.
By your devotion to duty and your
general demeanour you have endeared
yourself to us all and therefore we ask
you to accept these gifts as a slight
token of the high esteem in which you
are held by us. What we offer is,indeed;
an imperfect symbol of our feelings, but
we know you will. receive them kindly,
as a slight indication of fie attachment
which each one of us their wishes for you
that we may, yet see you occasionly. We•
ask you to accept this mantle °leek ant
these spoons as a slight token of out
and respect to you, with our hearths
wishes for h ppinesss in your new dome
Signed -Chas, 13. Middleton
Robert Cluff
Di A. Lindsay
Mr. Welsh very fittingly replied, ' re-
marking big th'atalthough noose such occas
ions,are unjustly called' surprises this was
to, Inns a complete surprise, and although
one always felt sorry leaving old 'friends
aril places they would ' always 'look for
ward to making them es welcome in their,
new home as in their old one. After the
presentation the remainder of the evening
was spent in social intercourse.
Mr, Wm: McLaughlin arrived tills
week from the West to visit his sister;
Mrs Henry Solden. •
The body of the late -Walter :Shilling.
law, who died in London, arttived in
Hensel( last Tuesday morning. The fun-
eral took place from :the G. T. R.,station
to Cromarty cemetery.
Mr. C. R. Purdy who has for some
time past, been wiring douses fp1' Hydro
in Hensel!. has accepted a position in St.
The Connilercial hotel parrowly'
escaped from what threatennd to be a
very serious fire a few days ago owing to :
a match or stub of a cigar falling' into a
box in which there was ' considerable
waste materia(, but fortunately the blaze
was detected by a traveller who was in
the sample room at an early hour in the
morning, and assistance being speedily
secured the fire was quickly extinguished
jet as it got under good headway.
Mrs. Drake's residence was also
threatened by fire ou Monday last owing
to the explosion of a coal oil hung, but
timely assistance got the blaze out with
very little damage to the kitchen part of
the dwelling.
Mr. Janes F. Moore, who has been
very ill for the`past month with pleurisy
mid' pneumonia, died on. Thursday morn
ingof this week., despite the best medical
care, Dor. Moore had not been in ; the
best of heaith for the last few years and
after passing the crisis, his •heart gave
gave out. The late Mr. Moore was
born in "Shakespeare, in the year 1859,
'being'at thetinle of his death in his
58th year He was married in London
nearly 32 years ago to Miss Leah Dir-
stein, and settled in Kippen, Aaron
County, where they lived for '12 years.
They then moved to 1-Iensali,where they
lived for the past 'twenty years. Mr,
Moore will be greatly missed in the
village, 1Ieleaves tomourn his loss his
wife and one son, Wesley, who is serving
his country in France, and they have
the sympathy of a large number of
friends, The funeral was held frau the
Methodist Church on Saturday after -
i\Jr. Chas. barber, manager of the
Seaforth Creamery is in Woodstock
recovering n frOm an operation for appendd
icites While in Toronto on business
took sick and was removed to Woodstock
hospital where he underwent an opera
tion. However Ile is doing • nicely at
Last Sunday Auburn Baptist Church
held their Anniversary services. Rev. G.
Holmes, of Goderich, preached special
sermons afternoon anti evening. There
was special music by the choir rind Airs.
C. Fingland sang two solos. There was
good congregations at both services,
The Th
1 minister's bride will be again pre
sented in
Auburn on Wednesday,Dccem
ber 13111. The play has been hugely en -
enjoyed wherever the Anburn Dramatic
Club have presented it. After repeated
request they have consented to repeat it
in Auburn,
Children Cry
O .A, S '"9T O R i A
in our heart of hearts _ When in future
days you look upon these memento's may
they remind y u of the pleasant days
ort l th Doctor Goes.
spent amongst us, and the good wishes we
extended to you on the eve of your wed-
ding day. —_
Signed on behalf of St. Janes' conga Dr, Allison Reports for Ditty Wtth
gation, Middleton. C, A, 191. C,
Rev. \V, B. Moulton, Incumbent
Ed. 11. Wise, Warden.
The fine Indian summer weather of
late has been of great benefit to the
fatniers as it has enabled them to get
their fall ploughing finished.
Mrs. Fred Leonard has been visiting
with her neice, Mrs. Jas. Barclay, of
Puslinch Township, Guelph, during the
past week,
Air. E. H. Wise reports this week that
he has sold one of his shorthorn bulls to
Mr. Riibt. Medd, Jr., of Auburn. This
was one of the good ones that Mr. Wise
had advertised and should do extra well
for Mr. Medd ,
L. 0. L. No. 139, held their Annual
election of officers. Speeches and lunch
followed Following ed th e &.re
officers for the next year: -
1V. M, -Albert Harrison
1). M. -W. Vanderburg
Cnap-Jno, Woods
91 S, --Walter Emmerson
F. S, Jno, Emmerson
1'reas-Geo Vanderburg
D. C. -Russel Currie
Lecturer -Adam Cantelon
Committee -Jiro Halstead, Geo.Monlc,
Ern Vanderburg, Wm. Currie. Jas,Elliott,
The following is the report of S. S.
No. I1'for November. Sr. TV -Elsie
'serge son,Ruby Churchin, Pearl Clturchiil,
Francis Powell, Bruce 1-Iolland. Jr. IV-
(Sleti Ferguson,, ClilTo•cl Castle, Howard
Currie: Sr, 11 -Elmer Trick, Laura
Currie, Oliver Ferguson. Part II -Verna
Colclough, Primer -Viola Holland,Mer.
vyn Badkin. The best spellers for file
nloneh are --Sr IV -Elsie Ferguson. Jr.
-Glen Ferguson.. Sr. I1 -Elmer Trick,
Part 11-V.crna-Colclough,
Presentation -Oa Monday evening of
this week a large number of friends and
neighbors met at the home of Mr.Arthur.
Welsh to spend one more pleasant even-
ing with Mr, acid Mrs. Alex Welsh prior
to their departure for their new bome in
Clinton. During the evening Mn,• and
Mrs. Welsh were presented with the
following address accompanied by a
beautiful clock and case of silver spoons.
Bayfield, Dec, 4th, 1916
Dear Mr, and Mrs, Welsh -
We, yoiir friends and neighbors, have
stet together tonight to spend atleast one
more pleaantevening with you. You. T
1 is
with regret that we learn, of your depar-
ture front amongst us,for
we have
ways found you kind eighbors,
ready to
lend a he1 ing• hand wherever needed,
cheering us atl''by your genial dispositions
and always upholding what' is true 'and
noble int character. ,While we regret your
leaving us we•are yet happy in the fact
that your new home i5 not far away lint
Dr. Allison has signed up with C. A.
14. C., and reported for duty on Wed-
The doctor and Mrs. Allison will be
greatly missed by their many friends in
Blyth, but alt honor hint in the stand
he has taken,
itirtLY&,. y 3ittr9'ltlgees at _,:)..a:1 8m6
BLACKER -in alinton, o11 Dee. 1.st,
1010, to Mr, and Mrs, P. Blacker, ra
NIVILANS-In Clinton, on Tuesday
Dec, 5192, to Mr, and Mrs, John Neil
any, 0 daughter.
Children Cry
The following notes have been
taken from letters (mitten by Gnome.
A. Livermore, to bis father. IS1r.
Hee es, Livermore on the London
Road, coning Sept 23rd,
591 11)rivicl at IH,alil'nx on Monday
and laid in the iha11)00 until Wednes-
day morning, about 0:30 when the
boat headed for the Atlantic., and
W111111 cycling ch'Cw seal there \yore e.
till of long f,rcos that looked m-01 the
.tailing to take one lung last look nt
the slimes of old Nova 100110. ICvehy-
thing went pretty well for -the first
couple of days the wate2 was very
c01111. iVe had pr -ratty good quarters
and the meals 1001•4 very good. We
had an hours physical drill in lite
morning, then we tvot7kl have file
bind/hill, There are abnnt 35 meet-
three offic.ors, th) eo sergeants and
about 18 of the ,ahiv's 'mew declared,
for :each lifeboat v'hen the alarm is
v tat u
sounded eVevyo.4e has .to et his lire,
jackeIt lineup for
'acltetal 1 his boats
were fo tnths orts all lett
together, 1n chat of the
to c m P Uriatscr,
11, 151 5 *Drake carrying 1` 000 men.
y � o, 11
We all sailed in a line, one behind the
-other, about .10 knots an hour,
Friday we strucle bad. lvetuther and
it got pretty rough. ' Most of the fel''
Are ` you getting the Very Best that money can
buy in Rubber Footwear? Areouibu in
Y , �,. Y g.
these Rubbers at the lowest possible prices?
Give us a call for your next pair, We handle
only the best and sell them at the lowest prices
. possible for high grade goods.
u. �1� 'moi �''
: r
``pp °i
Small Pr.•oilts . Phone 25. More i9nsiaaess
Agents—New Ileal Pattern—Send-Ready . g
•trsm� ...�,
1o1vs 501 seasick. I1111 pretty funny
myself brit 1111Sln't get sick. \Ve batt
no church service on Sttucbay as the
Chaplain \vats sick and Chit officers
wore as bad as the men but on Mon-
day the water calmed down anti
things event better,
About ulidn'glll on 'We'dnesday we
came into the danger zone calci 4)11
Thursday we picked tip our c seo(10
and got orders to melte a. .ash foe
Bort 11)110 117 1)1)1 boat did pi els up
sptod then and left the other boats
011 01 sight by dors, Thal night no-
body was allowed to sleep down be.
low. rhe men 511)41 in the (lining
looms, and on the deck with the lite
belts nearby and through the day we
wore them all the time.
On 5729110)' mingling when it b010111e
we wpm, all plctased to sue
land 01104, 111(141' 1)11(1 it proved to be.
Ireland anti by two o'clock we n>ere
pnlliu into the harbor on the coast
Of i. untan4,
lay lone o'clock. \t•4 \1'141'14 in the train
(again (leading for 111e vamp and
arrived hove at .11ilf,u d station at
o'(leek in the morning, anti alter un-
loading W4 had a couple of utiles to
w01k. It wits after tout. before we got.
to quarters and got, too bed but reveille
went .dtogotbth 40 soon at 8 o'clock.
11 c h arc been a long time getting
here as it is nearly a month. since the
bat 1 rh l- left Pr 1 awawia.
J ust gut back from 1:13' leave or tone
Clays and bawd_ a 1,41)40)) of moil, 1
10115 up to Scotland most 19' the Limn.
It 1-1 to vet.)' !)telly puane amt suite
very interesting 11Laees Lu eon, 1 wets
otttto Lock Lomond one clay. IL is
very pretty, butt of ennl:tie it 1)115 ' 100
late in the season to be at its best,,
All lite boats had stopped rennin:;,
5l. 1n1g castle and I3allunl: Castle
are file old. 1
I slat(11. rained nearlyrl*
vet d • } ay T v\ as taw11: but we aro
getting used to 4t now,
Olt tits way heel: ( had a day in old
Loudon and went through \Fest'•
ncinster Abby, 11is not lin ell to
look at now as 74)1)141, ni tlu' best work,
1u(hrding the Royal Vaults are all
(10)11-11)91111) prole.: thine against air
raids. 1 went into. 111'. Parliament
buildings 0n11 lvtati out: 10 see Bunt:
ingha01 palace and Hyde l'ark. I did
not get up is sea y0110 old home town
but intend to do so before 1 leave l;ng-
land, perhaps on lily next), leave,
Must (dose this letter ins 1112 011'
0dutn wail gots to night.
It hc4114s 11 140111 a year since we left
('lana a
Canada and tt. only about six weeks
-the time scorns t o drag bot it Will be.
11('.110.1' 11)1)0 14,14 \l'e, ail gett .imp,' our
equipment 1(1111 horses ' This 111e11i11) 11
1111 of 1'o1.1t but I like ;;uunely its it is
an interesting study.
di.l not. think it gut roll( in this.
minutes, bit 1 know we 11112'0 had 501110
pre(ty cold nights lately.. IVO have a
straw Del; to sleep on here lour heavy
e av)-
bl ankets, and Nome nights 1 nearly
froze, lately my 2111)141 and 1 have
been sleeping together and this way
1014 are able to have eight 921101kets
00(.1' 415.
The i10)911ings we are in are evbvut
00xt5 with one ply of lumber. on the
ontsiile and. lineal oo Lite inside with
asbestos. AVE have one 111111' stove
for each bud which aceontodates be -
1 lveeu 311 and 35 men,
You wanted to know hots I liked
ht 11x1 I slimiest-
) l i wellIt may l e
Alright, bu11 can C 1)111 hilt )1 bias
anyllling on Canada, i',verything is
very dear bare now,
I don't slunk our Battery . will 990
over until Spring, but they may send
leads any 11(111'.
I rui getting fat, got weighed the
other night and balanced the scales at
170 pounds,
'With hive to all,
219080,Ciunnel' Albert IAvermur0.
S.1st 13atcvy, 16111 Brigade.
C. P. A O 14. P.
1\ itity Canto
Milford !Surrey -
,oral News a
A. J. I•Iolloway, the Victoria Street
coal elan, has had a phone installed
at his coal oilice, Remember the
'Phone.No, 8.
Whileworking on the dry kiln at
else Piano Co., Mr. Wm, Elliott fell
off a scaffold about four feet alp and
landed across a scantling. IIi5 Pape
was scratched up a bit and he had
a few sore joints,
Mr. John Jenkins, Goderich
Township, has purchased the. home
lot o Mrs, t i M s, Jnhn aL Johns u' Battens
0 11 t
biu'k Street, Possession will be given
On Saturday morning next, drays
will pass your door malting the final
collection of junk for the season.
Have realty on your Prone (looreto),
newspapers. scrap paper. magazines„
rags, copper, iron. lead and zine.
Help the Patriotic work along.
11Ir. Thos, McMillan, will address
the Liberal Club on Thursday even-
ing, December 14th, at the club
1 04)105.
R. Fitzsimmons & Sons shipped two
loads of choice rattle and one tie hogs
to the Christmas market at Toronto
on Wednesday. °
Miss B. Roberton was the recd
pieml of a fountain pen given by Mr.
Treleaven to the one obtaining the
highest, stades in Forth 1T,
Prizes are bong offered by 1\Iiss
Mcdougall and gill•. 'rroaleven in
Forms IIT, and If, for the ones who
get the highest, marks and the 01101
W110 make the highest gain,
9 collection was taken no among
the pupils and staff to send the old
C. C, 1. boys Xmas boxes.
79 babies have been born in Clin-
ton since the war started and J'om
Jackson wants to know whose baby
will look the hest on the slides at
Ids novel entertainment on Dec. 18
and i0. Blethers better get your
baby's picture taken by hall the Pho-
tographer, and at once; it won't cost
you anything and if 10 entries a good
prize will be given,
ROBERT HANNA, )✓ ,r b I .
The r1iilvo tv r n 1 contains the
following obituary notice of the
father of Mrs. S. S. Cooper and Miss
Hanna of town: A great and for-
cible personality ended his career
when the soul of Robert Manna of
Bike winged its flight to the regions
of the Great Beyond. Mr. Manna had
130e11 111 but 0 few short weeks with
001110 acute ga.stonomic trouble. The
end came •su11(900ly on Friday last,
November 24111. Mr. Hanna was born
in the County or Mayo, Ireland. over
eighty-four years ago, and came with
his .1100001s to (011011a in 1611;, sett-
ling In Bustard Township Leeds
County. Tines were hard for the
immigrant and Mr, 25n11111 bad but
few advantages in ,early life, educe-
tional or otherwise, but he had pluck
mid determination and <tt eighteen
years tl s of Mage he left horse and went
to new York State, where he found
employment on the New York ('choral
Railway, which was then under con-
struction. A short time afterwards,
when nineteen years of age, he cattle
to Blanchard, Perth County, where
ho worked at oonlract worst and help-
eel to build a log store, in 1119110u
for tee late Timothy Eaton. He then
looked over, several townships in
which 'settlers were then flocking,
and finally decided to settle in Ellice
01 101 29, con. 15, and has been one
of the most outstanding figures of
the district, politically and socially,
ever since. In 1890 he was married
to Miss Bessie Fair, of i\'Ioruington,
b Rev. A. A. Drummond, th '
v at at
time pastor of Parns Church, Milver-
ton, He is survived by his wife and
-family- of thirteen children, namely:
Mrs. Acheson, I-Tonsall; Lizzio,- Clin-
ton; ill's. S. S. Cooper, Clinton;
lames, Mornington; Mary, Toronto;
Rebee'ca, • Clinton; Tillie, Toronto;
Mrs. R. 3, Brantley, Port Elgin; Ada,
Toronto; Robert, llhlicc; Joseph, 101 -
BM William, 1011100, and Lottie,
Toronto, 1117. Hanna had boon a
0101nb01' 01 the Orange A.asoeiati.on
for (18 years, and .luring that time
failed to walls on on "twelfth." T -I
e e
was buried unclor the colors of No,
45, 0f which lodge he was an affiliat-
ed member, the following members
of tate Association acting 11.5 pa111)0as-
o,s. Wm. Lindsay, J, G. Hamilton,
J. T. Carson, Wm. Schauboh, Isaac
1Vesduan ariThos, AIoliit. Six old
friends: Sheriff Magwood, Wm.
Body, Robert Rainey, Allan Mc -
Mane, D. J. Smith and James Smith
acted as honorary pallbearers. The
funeral, which took place on Sunday
afternoon, was conducted by Rev, P.
G. Powell, rector of Christ Church,
Milverton, of which deceased was a,
member. 111r. Powell was assisted
by Rev. J. II. McLeod or Chatsworth,
a former rector. A psalm, was read
and is hymn sung at the 1001150, after
which services wore held at the
church, but so great was the attend-
ance that many w000 unable to gain
admission. Internment took place at
Greenwood cemetery, Mr. Fianna
was a Conservative in politics and
always tool( a deep interest in the.
welfare of his party. Among the
friends from a distance who attend -
'ed the funeral were: Mrs, Eliza Mc-
Andrews, sister of deceased, and her
daughter, Mrs, Clifford Greens, of
Athens; 11. and Mrs. R
J. Ramsey,
of Port Elgin; Mr. and Airs. S. S.
Coopo', Clinton; Sheriff Magwood
and Inspector James Smith, Strat-
ford. A large number of flowers had
been sent by friends,