HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-12-07, Page 2PAGE TWO. Millinery 'featly - to -Wear Garments 11 Phone 78 vuv'a"J.-. ,,... noGootls Furs ILoii a Fur nitltitnes What Shall I dive For Christmas? You may find an answer mere You have but to wane through our store to realize the many opportunities you have for making easy your choice of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Our stocks are larger now than ever before in our history. ' Make this store your buying centre for CHR,TSTMAS,GTF!L'S. handkerchiefs for Xmas Gifts Some beautiful designs in Irish Linen Hemstitched and Hand Embroidered come put u r 1n folder,several different c - 1 a neata nt le signs to choose from. " VERY SPECIAL 25c. EACH. Ladies and Gents Initialed I3andkerchiets, good quality linen. lSvery initial , , ..25e. EACH We have a full range 09 Ladies Gents' and Children's Hand- kerebiefs, prices ranging from ...........Se. TO (31,25 EACH sung Oowvns and Bath Robes We have a very large range of handsome Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes. They are macre correct in every. detail. Th'e material is high grade,. ,Eiderdown and Since. Prices range from $.150 P0' $0.0O Umbrellas for Xmas Gifts We have a very large range ofparasols and umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen. Prices range from....,..$1.25 L i $5.00 THESE MAKE A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT Lades and • Child reti's neater Coats, These popular garments make acceptable foe a school girl or lady. Our stock is a product o1 -the best Canadian mills, We have some very nobby stylesPrices range from $1.50 to •G.00 MAKE THIS YOUR 'XMAS. STORE'. coienawaweetteeemeseneeva=ceereeeeteetesiee 2.'rwM;vm mme+,-.maerace l,rannierar�cma Our hew Machine, brass matrices are arranged in their proper place in an assembling com- partment at the front of the machine, When the compositor presses a lever ou the front of the keyboard, which is arranged similar to an ordinary' typewriter keyboard, the malice enr- respoading to the letter desired is released from its compartment and vapidly slides down a channel to an assembler. As the operator presses the various charn'teie on the key- board. other matrices follow stts 1,"hied side by side and spacer by small pieces of metal, At the end of the Iine which is one column wide the operator presses a handle and im- mediately proceeds to set another line. d3 pressing RC11n the _ eielmentioned. the n elator setS r' n motion a metal pot, containing seven to leupoululs+J of molten lead. which by a. simple process forms in a mold and produces el complete column -wide line, with the various letters corresponding to the matrices. The lead lines, as they emerge from the machine, lie side by stele until the operator takes theist to the table. After the matrices used in that particular• • line have done their work, they aro lifted on a metal :arm to the rear of the machine, where. a revolving screw is in opera- tion. 'Certain idertations in the mat- rices Ot in corresponding parts of the dietribulor bar, and (be little brass pieces are carried along to their destination, dropping off into the proper sections and sliding down ready for use again. HOUSE OI' H'EIrUGl7 COMMITTEn. Tlic house oLf m ni Re use rtee C0 1 met here an Tuesday prior to the Co. Council SO331.011 at Goder•tch. Ac- eohntewere gone into and other bus- inese attended to. The reports of the Inspector and Keeper may be read on another page. F ,-:r'�=w�n�,,:rc c,n•.,.._nvn�szs.uameae.,.oao �,,,,�-.a�mvra��v.�x,.va�•a�aav a -L, fica1 News . Otee++.4004e0A04t4a04.©44400eeee4'Macele+++04+00004009a)OQee44* 0 , df„..„ , y i 0 • . 4009044®tis@000t,o '404.004404oAS .404.400m@04,04.0300®(Y0444 A 9 ENLISTED WITIL BATTERY Ray Laveren0e, erne of err, S. W. Lawrence, of Ottawa, and e former Olin Lenten, has enlisted with the 72nd Queen's Battery. The Free Press of the Capital City makes I.be followille to the voting soldier who is .only I8 years of wee; who is also a nephew of the Misses Whitley of totvnt-Ray Lawrence, another of the capital's pro minent athletic hes joined the colors. Ray Who le ,a noted swimmer having captnee.lthe 100yd. ohampionehip at the Ottawa- New-. Eiirihurg •swinim, ing regatta hes enlisted with' the 73nd Queens Battery and twill leave for Kinoseon about Dee, 1st. Ray was also a member of the Ottatwa-New-• ,i,dinbnr'g champion war canoe crew, ]MATRIMONIAL A eery pretty, wedding took place Nov 32nd, at Manic Grove Farm," the honk of J: K. and firs Baker` nth Cin of (aiey, when their only daughter, Miss' Francis \t as united 10 mrieriage to John A Slac.ir- an, sou of John .and Mn.. Si, hew, 1'21.11 Coo. Grey nt (i o'riocL. The bride ontucd the parlor Minting nn the arm of her Path, e, to the strains of 141.endelson's \Vediline Navel), play- ed by Miss 111 Bele Sporran, consi.n of the groom 1'lvkie looked very pretty in a gown pi ivory duchesssatin, trim rued with Georgotl,a m'ei e and seed pearls and wore 0 bridal veil with a wreath of mange blossoms and 110)) i- ec1 a shower bognct of ercann lmidn,l roses, The only attendant ;Was Mes,C.e Hoare Olinton, aunt of the beide, who tutted as Matron of honor', deeesed .in black sill: and carried it bnlpl01 of avlsite carnations and fern. Oeremony was performed under an ar, r h of ever. greens decorated, With white ohtysan• rRev 'I. 1V bhoni,trins and fit s by Johnso', of Ethel After enngrtatll- hmis ah unusual event occur 1 eel, when (1. Iit.tle 1110(10 ofthe beide, daughter of Chester and Mie. Baker, was baptized ete • -Pearl Andrey-aftoe which guests 11unibevi1 40,stit dawn to at slnllptous Ill0) 1')',. Etein(19 was spei't 111 music singing and social chat,' Bride was Ole 1"ecipi 111 ef. 1011119' (1411th and berm tifnl gifts including a Cabinet Grand Piano atter ca ltanilsone cheque from her parents. heyctntg couple Will make Omit. home on the groou) s fine faro], :101:11 Con. of Gi el with the lest wishes o9 them many friends for tv loug ane happy welded life: GODE.RIC1I DTSJRIOT MEETING '.i`hltrsdet) of last ((eek the Goderich Dietriet meet iuq was held in Walter( Methodist church, is per announce- 11(•nt, and ((as.11 decided success, All the ministers of the District', Were iu attendance excel:)L) <g Rev. 11.. Jones, Rayfield and 1iev. A. 1V. Brown, Van. no,. A goodly' number • of delegates tete also 00 1))) 11. Rev, 1 J Forel, God erich, Chairman of the District, presided and kept the program well hand. Forenoon ((as taken Tip en the. to )re. ' t t at er :Lift lMini, helpfli.l hunts were given. A0 exttell1 eau chane r (('1111 held in the basement 'which was followed by brief, congr1b- nlatory, 1 )111nli11tic al'le1 cdioner Speeches by a untnbee of the delegates 'Country -.01('00.110 and then' 1)1)11)- 10)1)0'' w us l.he inaction,' subject. of dis- ciassion n) the aJte1'noon, led by 1i,ev.' Mr, -Conway, of Auburn, it wee. a' helpful 5000107) as It dealt with Oi'lf.ioul' 11110(1110011. 00'<')'y r11(111 chtll'ge has" lee nu+e'1. • An ltniu]a1ed - and lir ot'.:ee'h' excht>:ni,r el' views rant opinions twits freely' offered and good 'results win, aecure from the discussion.' About. 90 were in lLtendance. after 0 tasty tear' Rev, 1117. i-hbgar, (•loderi.ch, preached a fine scratch. prt the Prodigal •sow or `Lost •and .Fanncl. 'Bee harries were heartily thanked Tor their hospitiality to the delegates and Rev Mr, Chalk the pastor, soil his helpers, fin' the sat is:foctoly arrao9canents so well earned cut. 'Rev. Dr: Rutledge and ltev.Mv.Agnew attended futn)Clinton,.'. • 'I e TO MINTON NEW ERA. Our Mew 491 w achffLa ;j M1111111111 �l111111 111l11l11ll IG 11111(61': aeec(tl '�attttttetttt tecta s t e t tee gglf. eec(CaC:ccttatteeeeteeeecceteeeceeeeeecceeat noh.lhp ,,, 1N4PlQ444lt' lIII L %/l//%1////////1/Uri: ,�... III 00 10 11111 IIIIDI�;Ifi' &410D 40 c lHllUIiIIIUIi1llllll111111li1111111lll Jl IA The above .illustration shows 11or nein Il,'peeetting machine, installed thin week by the Canadian Lino- type Limited, of Toronto. .This machine 111'0100 two magazines with tow Yates., 0+4+04+4.+++++$++++44-+0++04 • 1l�,dite • iett Note • Oa0 1.1-04-0-e+++++.4+4444.+40.4.444.4- Marshall t4.4-00+404.44440444+404444.4Marshall Field, the millionaire merchant. of Chicago. When the Huns wish to emphasize the attitude oL, anada toward the British Empire they are ready to quote Bour- as5es'tot air orations, it is said. Possibly however, they will have difficulty in himr monizing the French Canadian's vapor. lugs with the courage, activity and pat- riotism exhibited by the Canucks on the battId9 kl: ]3oirralsa tvillihave to blow his bazoo for a long time to offset the 6 willingness of our gallant lads to fight, g or if needs be die, for. the Motherland, Henri's music is pitched in a minor key and we are glad to state very few in this broad Dominion are willing to join in his discordant note. Ile should hide iris head in shame, --00-- \\'e are greatly interested in the 001 - cane of those Chicago experimenters who are ciphering out a 40 cent bill o[ fare for each day. Neither prunes nor dried apples are in the menu: Nor will there be many, omelets or well buttered :toast. Guess nobody doubts if plainer living could be quietly installed without feeling that famine werestaring you in the face folk would be healthier and consequently, happier. This code might be hard on ,the medical fraternity and trained nurses but most people would not lie awake at nights wheeping about that phase of the question. Try your hand at 3 meals a clay for 40 cents and weigh at the end of the week. --OD-- Our new Governor General is showing good sense in his eagerness to get ac- quainted early with the working of Can- adian affairs. The quality of the mein who have filled the office has erode much. to-1(proof an old idea that the gentry of the Old Land were a pompous, big head- ed class and lacking practicability as ad- ministrators among e 'democratic people. We daresay this class is named legion overseas but the appointee who• have lived in Rideau Hall have,, in the main, served their day and generation w•ith. credit and ability and both the 0.. G's. anb their families did much to strengthen the ties between. the Motherland 'and this banner Colony., -00-=- The new Liberal British Columbia Cabinet should cut. cinite a dash with two former klieron County boys holding important and. active portfolios. Barrister Malcolm A. i\slacDanald wilibeAttorney- General and has cleverness and • ability that should shine, while Wm. Sloan steps into the important post of Minister of Mines, for which he is specially qualified by his experience. :Cabinet is unique in the fact that there is only one lawyer in it. Bye election, will IiI any ba lrekl 1-e- forc the close of 1016. Political affair. in I3. C , have been a badly tangled skene and Prettier Brewster and his uoad- jutors will Have a man's job to restore chaos to order, There is c;reaj: con:plexs itylu the Province but honesty, integ- rity and c0illmoll sense will clo much to solve their problems. I1T'SINESS SOLD. Charlie Sant has sold his laundry on Huron Street to Charlie Mark, the Ontario Street washer. A. silver Chatelaine pun se, last. Thursday. Small sunt of Money in- side, Finder please leave at Now Era Ofnce, �lyda °r'4'Q)t 1Frem lot 24, con. 0, Rullett. a yearling heifer with a mark on dell lap, A suitable eclvat•d will 1'e paid for information leading to its recovery Thos. Tighe, R. It No. 1, Clinton. Phone 18 on 185. BOCA E }c . i 108 acres Croderich township $7000 100 acres, Colborne township 5000 90 acres, Colborne township 1800 50 acres, Colborne township 2200 5 acres, Goelerieh ,limits 1 1000 40 acres,, Goderich township- 2060 All these have ;good soil and buildings and are "real'' bargains. Write us about 'others. If think- ing of making ,your home iii` the county town, dont 'buy till you see us. We can places you at easy. prices. We' are Huron's( largest dealers. ( O'NEIL & COMPANY, The Real Bstato People, Goderich, Ont. spaip"'-riY i��°'+'ir8 WiNTER j SPECIAL (Fares now in effect 10 resorts in lfYloiida, Georgia, Noack and South. Caroline, Louisiana and other Southern SL•':ltes, and to d !Weal' Indies. Bermuda and the ltCtIm Liotaaa, May dist, 1917 Liberal Stopd3>s en's Per full information write to 0 E. HORNING, o Union Station, Toronto, Ont John Bansford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 67 Pattison, etalion agent '---•-- Wanted A young girl to do house work in the city of Toronto, Reply to Box N Clinton. rlb553l,,c„' HC3I Thursday, December 7th, 1910. Nt.)TilitiirIto clb??1tt Tons 1 111 the, Estate of •lllennab I91,lk, Deceased. , Notice is hereby given that all persons --having claims against the estate of 1rnno11 Hirks,l et' of the Township of • 9iloderich, in the C Ouoiy., of Huron, y ldow deceased, who died on or about (h1 and day of No remher 9 0, iris required to deliver to the 11(ldel'- rgned l+e,xecutor 00 line sol- icitor on or before the '15 day of December, 1913, a fttllet tement of their claims 'together with paa•ticu- ta,rs thereof and the nature of 1he secei'ties, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit:, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the -said Exee11tor will proceecl to distribute' the estate of the said. deceased amongst the persons en -1 titled thereto having regard only to such claims as she sleep have re- 'eeived due notice and in accord- ance therewith Dated tit Clinton. Nov.28, 1910, JOHN JERVIS Executor. W. BRYDOND Clinton, Cue, Soli- citor for the Execu'-ote Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work, EVERY MAN S.ROULD.P,]i DOING HIS BIT. Steady 'work to good men. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Limited, , I . . eaforth, IIrlllett, Taxes All taxes not id t t of ill t e o pt by the December, 5% \n11 be adds el. The Collector will be at the following plece0;-Auburn, Dec. %7th; Clllin- flors, Dee. 9th at- Gra ham Etotns'A; Constance, Dec. 11; Londesl oro, Dec. 14th and 15th. 8 McCool, Collector strayed Lest about is mon'h, a white Veg about 1:25 pounds. ; Reward of- feted, ;Pinder will "klecPy notif,i. 'WM, M^.l1WAN S,an,ey ]hone `9 on 1:17. .t Blouse tier Sale -- A one and. e, half store. frame house 12 rooms, situated on e Mary street, barn, 3 acre of garden and .orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONB, Clinton. Place Your Order for some oe our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will Charge you no more than lt'they were just the ordinary grade of Oats. Ityou witch t0 0000re some of dieser Oats place Your order early as they, are going fast, We always have a full stock of Flour and feed. Aligibeat Prices b)1115 for Grain xt W,Jenkr s&Son Phone 1119. . Residence 0 on 1.12 -Lw NI 1 For 1916 ' To take the vote of the ratepayers of the Tbwn of Clinton entitled to vote ou money by-laws on a guts- Lion to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of hating the municipality develop or a guir'e through the Hydro-Eleetric Iower Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be required for the sup- ply of electric energy or power in addition to ouch electric; power as is already supplied or canbe obtain- ed under•the existing (*tartlet with the hydro -Electric Power Commis - Mon of Ontario. WHEREAS the 'Municipal Council of the Corporation of Clinton deems it advisable to submit to the rate payers of the said Town nt Clinton entitled to vote on money by-laws, a question as to whether the said ratepayers arc in favor of laving the municipality develop or acquire through the Hydro -Elector Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be required for the supply of electric energy or potter In ad- dition to such ele'(rie energy or power es is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing eon - tract with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of, Ontario. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of ,the Town of Clinton enacts as follows; 1, THAT the following question be submitted t0. the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Clinton entitled to vote on money by-laws: Are you in favor of having the municipality develop or acquire through "the Iiydro-Er'ot'ic Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be required for the Sup- ply of electric energy or power in 1d- dilion to such electric power as Is al- ready obtained turner the existing contract with the Hydro -entwine Power Commission Of Ontario? . 2. TITAT the votes of the said ratepayers 01)1111 be taken o nthis question at the followiug Rine and planes by the Deputy ltcturr'ing ()Miters Ind Poll Clerks hlrc_,uafter mentioned, that is to say: St. Andrew's Ward, a1 the Town Hall. Thos. Watts, Deputy Return- ing °Meer; 0. la. Saville, Poll Clerk, St. .Tame's Ward, at the Sample. ROOMS - 8011 ill of the tl.ltteabure House, Andrew Taylor, Deputy Re- turning Officer; Harold Premlin, Poll Clerk. 11 r S1 Ste John's Ward, at GOO, ltl. lnl- 5101110111 Office, 10. ('oultr De- puty Returning 011111 r; Bartlett Levis, - Poll Clerk, St. George's Ward, at Wilson El- tiott's Carr'lage Shop' S. T. Andrews, Deputy Returning Officer; Jno. Crane inghanle, Poll Clerk, 3. A true copy of this by-law shall be published in the Canton NOW Era on he days hereinafter mentioned, that is to say On the 7th, 14t1i and 2,lst clays of December, inst., and a time copy of this by-law shall be posted at; The Town Clerk's Office, the Clinton New Era Office, the Tax Collector's Office, and the Public Library. 4. On the 3oth day of Deeember at the Council Chamber in the Town of Clinton at 11 o'clock forenoon, the faSouwill, i1writing signed by him, appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of this Corporation, and olio person to attend each polling place interested in and desirous of the ans- wering of the said .question in the afl'itnlative, and a like number ou be- half of the persons interested i11 and desirous of the answering of the said question in the negative respectively. 5. The and day of ,Ianuary, 1917, at the said Council Chamber, Clinton, at 11 o'clock 0.10,, is thereby appoint- ed for the summing up by the Cleric of. this Corporation of the number of votes given in the affirmative and in the negative repsectively. MADE, PASSED and ENACTED this fourth clay of. December, 19 16. 0. W. THOMPSON, illayor. D.eL, MACPFi17RSON, Clark, NOTI01,7. TAI0'J NOTICE the alcove is a true. copy of a by-law passed by the Muni °dial Council o1 the Town of Clinton on the Fourth day of Deoenaber, 1918. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the hour, clay and places therein fixed for tatting the Votes,'et the electors the polls will be held. First publication 7th day of De- cember, 1915, 1). L. MACPTIERSON, Town Clerk. Council Chamber, Clinton 5111 clay of December, 1910. Smaller Coal Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can'do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, Fives a steady. heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH'IbVALLEY , ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give if a trial. A. J. HOLLOWAY,-CLINTON .i'caavls oI'all Kinds Wanted. PULLETS FOR SALE IO A Taken et any time Illghteet 'Markets 9ricee W. MARQUIS,: Clinton House for Sime. House on Rattenbury St., formerly occupied by the late Mrs, William Murray, Amply to , For ;nk. Three Coils ^, e,'an1 4e rs old. Deenoley 'J.crr''ce, Stanley , ISAAC BBZZO. Shorthorns. For Sale. Three young Culls, 2 reds' and a, roan; 11. to13 months o'd s'redby- a bull:troth a. rotor 1 milking' strain and are good growthy kind, Conte Intl See them or write. • l 19,'H. WISE.. Phone 12 oar 15'. ft H3 CSin' on 11'f eelivo 01 1/351/1118 C0nouty counicil The C oun .il of the Corporation of rho County o Heron will meet in the ceunc.1 chamber, in the Town of (Jodcrich, on Tuesday the 5th day of Decemner next, et 3 o'clock, W. LANE, Clerk. Dated, Nov. 20111, 1910. iI119111t 51810114 Warned Will pay 8300 for large : dark ]skins. Highest prices p in for all other raw Mrs, 11019 SJ LE- Blared Rock Cockerels, April April hatched need from 232 egg etraan, $3.30 each, 'H.A. HOVEY, Clanton. t'dos€Iinll Wanted A pOeitign 115 housek eepar-farm house preferred, by a young mar- ried woman Apply to MES PATSY, care of Mrs Ward, 'High Street Farm for Sale . ) Palen for sale, eontaicin '•155 acres of good clay loam, suitable for agriculture or grass, being half alf of lot 77, 'Maitland con- cession, Goderich, with five acres of choice hardwood 'bush, and a never -flailing 'spring creek run- ning through, all ander grass at present, possession can be given at once. Apply to, WILLIAM BEDOUR R. R.No. 2m Clinton or phone 12 on 113. , For Sale Property cru ied byDr an- nG P Y P dier, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable, Will be sold sep- arately or together.- Electric lighting ,throughout„ water in the stable. Hard ,and soft water in bath -room. kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply ;to DR. GANDIER+ Farm for Sale 150 ACRES of good clay land. 1% miles north of Londesbor.o, being lot 25,, concession 13, Hullett. Two houses, ;bank barn and driving shed; ehever-;failing well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church and school; rural mail and telephone. Pries and terms -r'eirsonable. ROLi2HIIUER JiROS•, • R.R. No, 1, Auburn, raialtall� it Niter B3>Lll a� L 7'9 M Pain tinuand Pa •r II tnging neatly y tnd promptly done,Orders lett at teunnitnrds Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GR,4.ELIS' HAD�',i E(��taa `( qg1 [p� �� fs�t'�a� Y! ��®14 E LOOD EigTITE1 That grand old remedy; Burdock Blood Bitters, has been on the market for over forty years and we claim, with- out any fear of contradiction, that there is not ,another medicine on the market to -day that can compare with it for the cure of all disturbances of the stomach. Mrs. S. Terpin, Colborne, Ont„ writes: "1 tun writing to .Say that I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters. For a long periost I suffered with iadigestioie, :and nothing I took ever gave int any relief, only for a short' time. I bought several bottles of B. 13, 13. from our druggist, Mr. Griffis, and can honestly say I can eat or drink anything I want without experiencing any bad after-effects, I may say that it 10 the only medicine I ever got any relief from." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by Teti T. Mn.nursr Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.