HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-11-30, Page 3PAGE 'FOUR. WOULD FLOOD HOLLAND I THE T6�iC TIIAT antlre Defense Scheme Based Still on Land's Low Le'iel' n'�• An attack on Holland from the ,sea , Ike theoretically almost impossible. Tlie BRINLS coast for the most part is low and Candy with a great stretch of shallow water which prevents large boats ap- proaching nearer than half a dozen miles. The few openings at the ports are protected with cunningly planned forts where great gune could Pound a hostile squadron to pieces without themselves being in serious danger: But the 'unique feature'sof Holland's defense system is on the land. If at- tacked t'rom the east, the Dutch would almost, immediately abandon the eastern halt of their. country, No large cities stand here and the land is of little value compared with the western half. , Wilheledua's aruites could retire behind weal to known as the New Holland 'Water Line, A stretch of country starting from the sputh shore of the Zulder Zee and ex- tending south and then west until it reaches the Holland Deep just west Meuse of the mouth of r the River or Haas) would be flooded to a depth of one foot. On the West edge ot this gigantic moat stands a line of strong fortresses commanding, it. The only ways across this moat are roads, rail Way lines end river banks. These are higher than the sea level, while most of the land is well below the sea, in some places as much as twenty feet. All these causeways could be raked by a harrowing fire froni-tli6 barrier forts. The Dutch could flood the Country much deeper, but they do not wish to do so. A foot of water prevents navi- gation avigation even in flat bottom boats. It also prevents wading for several rea- sons. The ground below the water becomes a soggy mass in which the feet sick and are held. The country Is cut up with many canals, ponds and other depressions into which soldiers. of an invading army would fall and perish. The Dutch have plenty of men to defend this line -for an enemy could ouly use a few neon against them. Even if the enemy, with in- credible labor could build enough paeesageways across the water line to storm the defenses in the rear the Dutch would not have to yield. Tliey would then retire to a second and stronger water line, starting at the same place as the first and making a great circle to the westward and north- ward to terminate on the Zuider Zee again. Amsterdam is about in the centre of this water line. ANARCHISTS FOR FRANCE "Fruit-a-tiyes11 Builds Up The Whole System Those who take " Fruit-a-tives" for the first time, are often astonished at the way it builds Them up and ;makes '/tern feel better all over. They may bo taking "Fruit -a -Lives" for some specific disease, as Constipation; Indigestion, Chronic Headaches or Neuralgia, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rheu- matism or Pain in the Back. And they find when "Fruit -a -lives" has cured the disease, that they feel better and stronger in every way. This is due to the wmtderful tonic properties of these famous tablets, made from fruit juices. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by 1 r'uit- a-tines Limited, Ottawa. MINOR. LOCALS This is the best 'tithe to sub- scribe for The New Era, Snow' flurries, 'Heavy coats and: wraps are com- ing into evidence. THE OSI.Y WAY TO CURE RHEUMATISM ]4'Ilal•t lit; r[I, ,, .t((I Through 'Elia" Blood and ' the PoisonoUIS tlQ'1(i Driven out War to End War is Hope of Strange Classes Germany not only made the Apaches disappear from Paris; she also trans- formed all anarchists into patriotic Frenchmen. As a matter of fact, prac- tically every known anarchist turned Patriot, not unwillingly, but with the greatest enthusiasm. A Paris paper began to investigate what had become of the anarchist leaders and found that with the exception of those too old to be accepted even as volunteers, they were all in the trenches; • One o1 them, formerly a professor and a champion of the most violent anarchistic doctrines, wrote the follow- ing letter from a trench in the Ar- lor himselfin hiby he xceptionualpbr verrotiy: "There have been moments when 1 have asked myself why I am here, and. I have answered: First, because I had to go; but, later on, because I realized that it was my duty, and now nothing but death or victory will make me quit. 1 have won prpinotion and I, who a year ago would have despised the stripes on my sleeves, ani now proud of then' as I all proud of the sixty men under my command. 1 have sixty comrades, sixty friends, the soldiers confided to my care. "A little more ' patience and this dreadful war will bo over..1 am sure that it cannot last much longer. War is even more horrible tlean I imagined, but not for a single moment have I doubted who is to blame for this war. My hope is that it will be the last, and it is our hope that our children will never have to engage in another which inspires me with an almost superhuman strength and a firm deter- mination to endure until the end," FANCY BATTALIONS OLD CLINTON NEW 1 R& Shackleton Tells How Marooned Men Existed On Elephant Island -- The (Win;es an 1 tortu"e'3 of,rheu- reatism aro not due to cold, d'tmp weather es so many people sup- s from pose.tn ntheblod, This is a. medical truth that everyrheu- matic rsutferer shouid realize. There cure rheuma'tism,.and the, sufferer is only one way to cure rheumet ism -it must be treated through the blood. All the linaments and rubbing and so-called. cicetrical treatment is the 'world will not cure rheumatism, and the sfferer who tries them is not only wasting money, but is allowing the troubae to become more firmly looted in the system and harder to cure when the proper' remedy is tried. Dr. Wil'liiams? Pink Pins have had remarkable success in curing xheumeatio b because troublehoo right t 1 0 blood, driving out the poisonous arid, rele.bsing the stiffened joints clearingaway the torturing pains and giving the victim renewed _health and ease, 1i17r . Vincent Brow. 'Havre Boucher, N. S., says; ",Por two, years, I was an almost constant su-feror from rhiumarism the trouble be,nee so bad at tithes that I could scarcely, .get about. The. trouiltlseemed to (ring With it .anaemi ,and altogether 1 was in a very bad ennd'itien. I nsed doctor's med(lcine for almost a year without relief. Then on the advice of a fiend T devised to try Dr. Willeam.s' Pink fills. I think I took altogether: stout' a dozen boxes,, with the result that I am again enjoying perfect health,' You cart get these, pills thi cough any medicine de tier or by mail, postpaid at 50 cents t box o Six boxes fon 32.50 from The Dr, I'Vil1- Tams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, OD f. tsa•:»:»»:a:: 0 : .. 00 yet sIR ERNEST SHACKLETON has pulled his men out of the bad fix in which they were put by the accident at Ele- phant Island. His message from Punta 'Arenas sets . at rest any anx- iety which existed, "Our fourth attempt to rescue our comrades left on Elephant Island succeeded. All arrived here safe and welt. "The Chilean Government very graciously placed at my disposal the steamer Yeleho. Under Commandant Pardo, the steamers; manned and equipped at the expense of the Chil- ean Government, left Punta Arenas on August 4. 4 On this occasion 1 set Au the course which would enable us to approach' Elephant Island from the north-west, my reason being that I hoped the ice had worked towards the northeast. 'This hope was realized on August 30. After steering in a fog through numerous stranded bergs I reached George Third Nicknamed "The Devil's Own" of Lawyers What are known in the army as "fancy battalione," such as, for in- stance, the Navvies', Sportsmen's, Puisl Schools' Bantams', Footballers' b and Bankers' are not quite the novel - Hee that some people imagine them to be. So long ago as 1703 a Miners' Battalion was enlisted for service un- der Marlborough, and did good work during the siege of 'Tournay, where Immense subterranean works were constructed by both Bides. The 12th 'Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment, popularly called "The Devil's Own," 'used to be composed entirely of mem- Imre of the legal profession. "What!" exclaimed Xing George 511. one day when reviewing them; "all ;lawyers, are they? Then call them 'The Devil's Own,' " And the Devil's Own they have been from that day to this. "John Company's Quildrivers" was the unotilcial title of a battalion of clerks who; in the early days, band- ed themeelves together for the defence of Calcutta. The old lOth Foot, now the Lincolnshire Regimeint, traces its origin to a Sailors' Battalion recruited entirely from amongst the local Bail- ors and fishermen. In memory of its _inception the regiment was for a long ,time permitted to wear blue, tunics,. 'at a petted ' when all the other bat- talions of the line wore scarlet ones. MINOR LOCALS. Rumor alas it that Captain Koenig, the intrepid, commander of the German subinaeinr. a"Prutch land, is a brother to Adam' Koe- nig, formerly of Brussels,, now living at Paris, Ontario. The raise in the price of paint- ing paper Will mean an increase of 3500,003 a year in the cost of white paper to the Six Toronto daily papers, Portugal's Wealth ' Three-fifths of the people of Portu- gal are engaged in agriculture. The chief exports are wine -of which the British Isles import about $5,000,000 worth and France a similar quantity -corp, cattle, sardines, fruit and cop- per.. Portugal's resources, which are very rich, remain unworked because of the ,scarcity of ooaL CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signatutere of For Emergencies a bilious at- tack,en you have When illness feel or when you or coming on -promptly move the bowels, start the liver working and put your entire digestive system in good shape with a dose or two of the time -tested You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a severe illness. Beecham's Pills are carefully compounded from vegetable products -mild, harmless, and not habit-form- ing. Buy a box now. You don't know when you may need Beecham's Pills. A reliable family remedy that always Should Be at : ri an Largest Salo of everywhere. In boxes, 25 cenMedicine in the ts. corner of the carton and pour out the pure, clean, extra "FINE" crystals of tic ugar rrT'h a A.11 -Purpose S ug ar" 2 and 5 -lb cartons, 10 and 20-1b bags Send us red boll trade -mark fora 1,5515 book or Preserving Labelo Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. rower Bldg., Montreal 85 SI1( E11NEST SR. ACKLETON. Wild's camp, all well at 1 p.m. At 2 p.m. we were homeward bound, "To the Chilean Government and Commandant Pardo and Lieut. Aguire 1 owe the deepest thanks for the means of rescue. With Wild lies the credit for having kept the party together in strength and safety under the most trying and difficult condi- tions. "Of Orean and Worsley, wbo have seen this thing through with me, I cannot speak too highly. "The following is Wild's report: "'On April 23, the day after the departure of the boat, the island was beset with dense pack ice. The party 'was confined to a narrow split of land 250 yards long and 40 yards Wide surrounded by- inaccessible eli)fs and ice -laden seas. Wo were forced to abandon our ice hole, which was made untenable by the snow. We made a dwelling out of aur two boats, supported by rocks set up as far as practicable from the sea. 'The weather continued appal- ling. It was difficult work, and the vitality of the whole party was 10w - omit owing to exposure. 13lackboro, Ituatten, Greenstreet, and Rickiusen ,, an o ill, and several others were `During May a heavy blizzard nwcpt much valuable gear into the 'sea. We were in grave anxiety ow- ing to the danger of being swept by 1 ea heavy seas raised by the blizzard whicl, was blowing at a velocity of seventy guiles an hour. Fortunately, owing to the low temperature, an ice tool was formed on the seashore. TI. -5 protection was the means of Ciao :'ug us from total destruction. " 'Un several occasions an adjac- ent glacier 'calved,' throwing up heavy waves. On one occasion blocks of lee were hurled within fifteen `eet of our dwelling. Observing how the isltuid was beset, I realized the ,lilticulty our leader must experience in effecting our relief and as a meas- ure of precaution I drastically economized with our food, allowing only onedaily. nl hot moal From Juno onwards the weather was better es regards wind, but we were under a constant pall of fog and snow. " 'In. the middle o1 winter Black- boro's toes had to be amputated. "'Whenever the sea opened, our hopes for lelief were renewed. Three previous attempts at relief have been synchronized with the times when the island was beset with ice, " 'At the beginning of August we were able to collect seaweed and limpets, which formed a valuable change of our diet, but the deep water, heavy seas, and the ice pre- vented us from fishing. "'On August 28 a gale drove the ice park from the island, and on Au- gust 30 through the lifting fog we caught sight of the Yelcho, steering through the maze of stranded bergs. An hour later we were homeward bound. ' 'I wish to place on record the good morale of the entire party, es- pecially the energy and ability of How, Hussey, Hurley; Kankltn, Mc- Ilrey, Kerr, and llickinson.' " A PLEA' FOR NEWS. If anyone lints -- Died; , Eloped, Married, Left towns , Had si fire, Sold a farm, 'Ravi a baby, Been arrested. Colne to LOW 13 Bought a home, Committed murder, /Feliten from am ,aeroplane Thait'a: news-telephond us, ' MINOR ),OCAL5. Some twenty days now remain. Before the hurly burley; Take a tip andbe prepared, - Do Christmas shopping early. Anyone found with. a Hearst ne\vspaper is liable to al :fine of 35,000. At last 'the government hes banned these pro -German publica- tions. .- TNANM MOTHERS 1 Thursday'', N'o,'ember, ;30th, 1916. SUNDAY SCHOOL forammasamismaiimmirwageawaimir , ri Lesson X. -Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 3,1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Thousands of thankful Mothers ,hroughteut Canada -many ot them your own ;neighbors -speak with Many mothers would have eo oth- did need/dims Baby's Own Tablets. er medicine foo their Halt,. ones, have heel nosing Baby's Own Tab - Among 'these is Mrs. Albert Nie, St. Brleux, Saslc who s lets; "1 have been using Baby's Own Tabe lets for the, past seven nears and they have done my foto' chilclrcn a World of goods I would not be without them.a The Tablets nee sold by medicine dealers or by 1: ail tut 25 cents •e boxfrom The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Text of the Leeson, Rev. 1, 1-8, 17-20. Memory Verses, 4.6 -Golden Text, Rev. i, 17, 18 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It is certainly a rare privilege to have some studies in this last and in some respects best and most wonderful of • all the sixty-six books of the Birble, the only 'one that has a special bless ing pronounced upon those Who read and hear and keep its precious words 3). The correct title of the book is found in verse 1, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," and it is the summing up and unfolding of all things concern- ing ells cif It t ing Him and Hls Kingdom:. that which God gave Him to show unto ua, and He sent it by His messen- ger unto His servant, John. It doge seem most unkind to and rebellious' against such a God and Father to turn away from such 'a book and refuse to read it or refer to it, "as many, even among preachers, do. It :was" John's business, us it is once, 10 bear record off the Word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, even though we should be banished :or it, as John was, or even killed, as others were (1, 2, 9; vi, 9; xii, 17). He is and was and will be ever the same Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whose goings forth have been from of old, from the clays of eternity; wbo in the fullness of time came as God man- ifest in the flesh, the word made flesh, and is coming again to set up His kingdom on this earth (verses 4, 8; MM. v, 2, margin; Gal. iv, 4; I Tim. tit, 10; John 1, 14). The message con- cerning Him is always to every -sin- ner the grace that saves and the peace which He has purchased by His own blood (verse 4; chapter xxii, 21; Meth. 18; Col. f, 20). The: Spirit loves to bear witness to Him, and the seven Spirits suggest the perfect fullness of the power and 1estimony,of .the Spirit (verse 4; chapters iii, 1; iv, 5; v, 6), He is the faithful witness, called Faithful and True, and all His words are true and faitbf111 (verse 5; chapter iif, 14; eix, 11; xxi, 5; xxti, 0). He is the, first begotten of the dead, Christ the first fruits (verse 6; Col, i, 18; I Cor. xv, 23). Because of Hie resurrection others have risen and others will rise - they that are Christ's at 'His coming. He is the Prince of the kings of the earth, King of kluge rind Lord of lords, and all kings shall fall down before. ]rim, all nations shall serye Him (verse 5; chapter xvi), 14; xix, 16; I Tim. vi, 15; Ps. Lexit, 11). How glori- ous He is and will be! Does not your heart cry out, "Yea. He is altogether lovely; this is my Beloved, and this is my Friend?" (Song v, 16,) As john thinks upon these things he by the Spirit breaks forth with the ascription, "Unto Ulm tbat loveth us and washed us from our sins in His own blood," reminding us of much we bare so recently written in the lesson notes concerning Ill beiievers being washed, sandaled, justified i1 Cor,, M, 11). In .101111 xiii, 10, Ile said. "Ile that is washed is clean every whit." It is our staudiug in Him )which is perfect because of His come- liness (Geek, xvi, 11,: Then, as to our future, see the wonder's of His grace and glory in milking us 'dugs and priests unto God to reign in Isis king - dem (verse 0; cllnplers v, 0, 10; xx, 0). "Behold, 110 coined' with clout's" (verse 7). 'l1s1at 1s 1118 coming in glory With His saints, as the Sun of Right- eousness, of which Enoch prophesied before the deluge; His coming to judge the nations, when they shell wail mud be angry because of llim, when Israel shall look on Him whom they pierced, and become a penitent nation and re- ceive Him as their Messiah (Jude 74; Zech. xiv, 5, 1. ea Slttl. iv, 2; aleph. ill, S; Zech. xit, 10; ale, 1-0; Rev. xi, 18; vi, 15-17). Ile is Alpha nue Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first :DIED IN CALDFORNIA, Word has been received of the sudden death of Mr. Wm. Cullafo,:d of Los Angeles, Cal., which oc- curred in a hotel in Kansas City. Dar, anti Mrs Cullaford visited in Clinton during the Late summer, being for some days the guests of Mrs. B.ilty of town. Arriving in Kansas City) they went to a hotel and almost immediately on being !shown to Mar apartments'Mr. elide ford expired; 'Heart trout le was the cause. Mrs, Cutleford was a daughter of the tete lire. Kilty and a sister-in(law of Mrs. .Kitty of town. Cash Box in 'Trench. Bonds to the value of one million francs were discovered in a cash box found in a trench on the Somme by Private Bottala, the eon of a Bor- deaux contractor, and four comrades. Their captain found among the pa- pers a will bequeatbiug $20,900 to whoever recovered the .melt box. More than 1(4,000, therefore, was given to each man. - . Gook's :0%t! Root Compound: d sale, reliable refry: tin') medicine. Sold in throe de. 'tes 2o1*3rNi$r Nop. er1,bSO, Sold py all druggists, or Bout prepaid on rocmpt of ppier-. Free pamphlet. Address: THE COOT( MEDICINE CO., = TORONTO' ONT. (Fermrhy Windier.) eiWer old OMI 0-1ER LUNGS. RAISED IPIILE 1M Alli BLOOD. Never neglect what at fast seems to be but a slight cold. You think perhaps you are strong cnouub to fight it oft, but colds are not so easily fought off in this northern climate, and it they are not t it attended 4o at once S e Inter will sootier develop into some serious lung trot.ble such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and per- haps that dreadful disease, consumption. Miss Rasyc McDonald, Sydney Mines, writes: "lent winter I contracted a severe cold, and it. settled on my hugs. I would cough and raise 'phlegm and blood:' I had the cough for a month, and had medicine from the doctor, but it did not seem Le do me any good. I really thought I had :consumption. My friends advised me to use Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup, which'I did, and it gave the great relief. I stn very glad T used ' DDr. Wood's,' and would recommend it to every one." You can procure Dr. Wood's Norway Pine. Syrup from atey druggist or dealer, but be sure and get "Dr, Wood's," when you ask for it as there ere a number of imitations on the market, which some dealers may try to palmoff ou you as the genuine. See that it is put up in a yellow wrap- per; three pine trees is the trade stark; price 25c. and 50e. Manufactured only by Ting T. Mu: - AVAST CO., IJIMrreit, Toronto, Ont. 000000000000000004100000000 • • SOLDIERS' 'JITTERS s. • • ARII WANTED • • • • • • The Now Era Would be, b • pleased to secure for Tuthill- 0 • cation any interesting let-' • • ¢cry arriving_ in Clinton from • • the 'seat of waw. Personal • • ,and other- matters of whtoh • • it is deiced that no mention • • upon requeslt Letters will • • be 'returned- in good, condi'-' • • • bre left att The New Brletters att o -ould b • rice or mailed to the news • • department.• 0 ••••••••••••w••••••••••••• • be made, wilt be elrountted and the last (verses S, 11; chapters Ir YrTheroprtaroiienMi Altetal a'ePreparttonhrAs.• aanhatinr Dictate kind lus,!uts tiO3)ho ioineresandtowtisof • 10113 til?estlbilt'IiilsileiOer:, (gip :.: 191p'. rc norNil^rtih NO`a NASIC'ostc. '.z;voo£OTrllli SSI IFT(Ylllt nn/u(m S'ui1^ 9cvra id rsr rin(- lditnrt�otln(ar>da+ )lura feed Ndfi rl Ot?sr• h ' 1rarF(arer (,po,, et aeterSy' eColislis lion, rS(my0hee,y Wornbou„ConvulusioocnsttvCtish•r+rr flees end )!OSS Of 81182 maleic Signaturecf dfa w%v. The CENTAUR. Cw 1PP,i'l. eiONTRL'ili&NLW Y011lt For Infants and Children, others Kp.® T hOt , Genuine ps poria Always J. Bears the Signature g re of In Ilse For Over. IrNry Yours. 'c't^1•y 9'1951 Exact Copy of Wrapper. r„e-NrJ.uN cbM ANY. Maw k e,rY• (ti1RFe'€��:s ;gee eta l,uaW, 'l,0!5'S 'Sldiliyi(Oesti For the etaby. Get a store box about three feet) square and eighteen inches deep. See 1 that inside and edges are made. very I smooth. Make easily laundered pads for bottom from an army blanket or'' table felting. Place a baby and his playthings In. side. If he is inclined to throw them out fasten by strings or ribbons to edge of box so that he may haul them in again if he likes. By holding to edge of box he will learn to walk and will be protected meantime from cold and drafts, to which a creeping baby on the Door is always exposed; also from dt'e, hot liquids and many things of which the little child- who has the range of the house is always in danger. If the baby has not previously been spoiled he will be happy and contented in his little pen. The city of Saskatoon advertis- es in one or its newspaper's fit columns, over seven pages or toSVn lots to bei 'sold for non-payment of taxes. ANs :1014 aoo.eaer tttail's 19; xxi 0; xxli, 13; iso, xli, 4; elite 6; xlviii 12). , •• Not all His titles can tell of Him as ag He should be known. and it will al- • ways be true of min, at least while • we stay here, that the half has not IP • b cento1l. John, being in the S a irit , beard behind him a gent voice as eE, .Y s trumpet, amt, turning to see the • voice, he caw seven golden candle • sticks, which, he was told, represented seven diuretics, of which we shall heat 0 more in our next lesson (\levees 10-12. • 20). In the midst of the candlesticks ••, he saw Him on Wtlese bosom he bad .• leaned when Ete was ou earth, but tie • bad never seen Elike this, hot even • EMI when He was transfigured, and he was so overcome that he fell at II is feet 5* as dead (verses 13-17), hilt the seine right hand was laid upon him, and the same voice said so kindly, "Fear not; I was dead, but 1 am alive for- evermore." In studying this book 1 have always. used the following outline: Chapter L- Chr•ist in the midst o1' the churches. • II and III. -His last messages to the • churches IV and t'.-Tbe church gone ,.,• from the earth 1'T to ,XVII1.-.Be- • twecn the 'rapture and the return. XIX. -The marriage and the return. • XX. -The thousand years. •XXI and s XIII --The New Earth. I would_ urge 01) all to memorize the description of Him • in verses 13.10 mitil you mut close • your eyes and see IIicn somewhat nsl t„ John saw ITIee memorize also the A description of Hila as given in xix: • 11-10, for then we shall be coming e with Turn iuHis gluey. ...-... ... • • • w ,i'9Wzood'$ Phosphodiao; The Great EnptisheRemedui, Tdoos and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. Mental. and Brain Worry,. Despot*, don't, Loss of'Ene•ny, Palpitation of the Heart, Pazlinp Mamoru.. Price S1 par box, six for 55.10 Ono will please, six will curo,•Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pl g. on receipt of price New panuphict malted free. THE.WOOD MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO, OT. (Famed' Wladut.'t.. e • • • • • • gy 0 5 • O • CLINTON• • R N••IM•••••!N•••••••••ti)•e •IN•••••••••••008•000••••• -BUTTE WRIWP 1.1.9999.99118B9119101..999199959112.9991911220992999.9.699 We snake these only from Centime Vegetable Parchment We carry in stock a line printed with the words Choice Dairy Y Butter immediate delivery. The for imine y Y are sold at the following prices: 1000 Sheets........ .......... . .... $2.25 500 Sheets 1.50 25o Sheets...... ... .75 loo Sheets .35 Wrappers specially printed from . your own copy, we can supply ,them at the fbilowing prices - 500(0 4 M..,. , 2,00 1M2 3 . , 5 Ni........... .............. 2.5o per M to IVL.. 2.25 per M: .25 2.75 per 11/ etteetannemnaissmsnamantalsemanseavaa The New Era • • • •