HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-11-30, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Ready -
to -Wear
Phone 7S
cDry Coeds
Donee fur ouSe
s ti,> ui flings
.._ 1..
Big Special in Ladies Coats
We were fortunate to secure eighteen winter coats
all new styles in greys, tweEds and a few blacks, sizes
34 to 40. 1f these coats were bought in the regular
way they would be good value at 16 and $LS. As we
do not want these to interfere with our regular coat
b.isiness we put these on sale for one day, Sat- eD
urday, Dec. znd, each at I Q'S
These coats will not be shown before Saturday
rimming, Come early.
i1Hr c>L y--'-$2.98
We put on sale Saturday two dozen Ladies trimn
ed hats; all new this season, Values up to $6 for $l,:?v
Reductions on all untrimmed hats and trimmings.
nam t_. __,P3.'rs41:% .3'mmtiau iersai...n w,..m-A.•i7il.•..nm'i -mw
Ladies Sults at Half Price
After the largest suit season this store has had we
have only 6 suits left to clear, We do not want to
carry these over to next season. Your choke of the'
six at half price.
triMIC ssaaZEB='S.sc=mvs,amarav,rAL=Sv oaama'srilt.I a:rM8e11321 510
Every Day is Fashion Day—Always Somethin ; New
1 G
65'dl Ifi E'er' r'11r ra W ®V ti
How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism,
owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment!
It is the exact 'combination of the Purest Cod Liver
Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in
that has made Scott's famous for relieving rheuma
tism when other treatments have utterly failed.
If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first
symptoms, start on Scott's Emulsion at once.
scot & Boerne, Toronto, Ont. te.a
. •
We make these only from
Gennlile Vegetable Parchment
stock a line. printed with the words
�i e carry ins o
Choice Dairy Butter
for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
® following prices: •
1000 Sheets
500 Sheets 1.50
250 Sheets '75 _.
lou Sheets .35
o Wrappers specially printed from ,your own
• copy, -we can supply them at the following
• prices --
1 M ,. , ,..., . '3.2:5
2to 4 M,,,
'.75 per M
2.50 per M
toM .. . ............. .2.25 per h2 .
The New Era
000000110061110111111110001100111100r strmi7GskDes
Tells How Vinol.Made Her Strong
In her eighty-second year Mrs, John
Wickersham, of ltuseoli`vi41 .'ea s:
"1 was in a run-down, feeble condition
and bad lost flesh. A neighbor asked
me to try 'Vine', and after taking two
bottles my strength returned; I am
gaining in flesh, it has built up my
health and I am feeling fine for a
woman of my age, so I get around and
do my housework " ,
The reason Vinol was so successful
in Mrs. Wickereham's caro was be-
cause it Contains the very elements
needed• to build ]ler up.
J. R Hovey, druggist, Clinton,
Also at the best druggists in -all
Ontalrio towns. ,
ler John Wiseman, Customs
Collector received wort' on Sunday
that his San, W. 3. Wiseman had -
been culmitted into the Edmonton
hospital, London,ngland,as a result
o1 gunshot wounds in the right leg,
3eeei'ved atthe U'elgaiu froet, after
being in the trr.lrehes'for a few : clays,
Pte, \\Tieentao, who was serving on
the 'Canadian Alnunted Police when
war, broke ont and only .had two more
months lir serve on hie tiute,purchased
his, release and ioined the Gist 'Balla
lion, but when, be ,arrived in Etgland
he wns transferred to the .10th Bat-
talion. He got into the ,resents the
let of Oetober, He had hero in the
teenehes on two different ocenelens,
and Ivir. Wiseman received a letter
this tt eek dated the 1'2tb stating he
was b wh for a rosi, iced between that
time and the need he was wounded.
While in the la( -niches he met RusSel'
13trrhind, son of Will llnrland uuw of
Cinelplt,tvho is ole of the strtictnre
bearers with the Battalion. The
niany friends of the young soldier
will 11ig3e for a speedy rcun'ery.
At the seventeenth anneal meeting
of the leui'o13t,Oh1 Boys'Associer,loo at
the Oafe,It.ryal, Toronto, last Friday
night -the following officers were elect
ed 11)11 the'ensnmg year;
Eton, Pre$idc.fri Slr' John Willison,
Lieut. Do1, W. R McNaught, U 111 G.*
John Robertson. President, It. S,
!;'racket vice president. di B. Cohhlc
dick; aecetery, 11. Flnbdy, re-leoted:
teerislter, R Sbel,perd: finaneittl.
seeetery, Thomas 1A'ince; honorary
cha.plain,11.v. h` E. Powell ; auditors,
A. 'I'. Macdonald and John' Fried.
Executive Uouemittee— Miners. 11
T. B. Dungan, l)r 8yO ulnu'y, Major
Beak. John S. 1433 s.'ni o 1, Resort
ijoiitl4s, 11. 3. Morrie, S. L. Scott, I',
t -V ldudson, W. 1. Pridharu. K. Mc
Laud, J. P Timmins, .5 L. Scott,
G, A. Newton Rouert Miller and
Thomas Meliilheurly,
.l'11e seer« buy reported that the
sum et 9150 had been raised among
the 111111011538 in 'reroute and forward
ea to the lttst Eleven Battalion now
overseas, The ;lssoeiation suffered
two deaths at the front in the persons
of Lieut. IV 11 A'PsL.iren and Lieut
\Villiaou, sons eespectivelyy of J. A..
McLaren and Sir John Willison,
`rill Ire rsorer reported a receipt for
cite yeet 3532 and expenditure of $791.
Al. the couelusi00 of the election of
officers a beom el, was. hell, at which
the dev. 13yt'au FT, Staulfnr and Mr.
A Griggex31 1'. P., were the p,'in
cipal spc.d.ees Others who spoke
were Mrs. John S. dieKiuoen, Dr.
Stsnbury, Robert 'l! filmes,• Alderman
Russell Nesbitt, 13. .f. Newish, Thos,
MaGillicndJy, Dr. Sellery and 13. El,
McOreath. Tne President, 401,
Orooker is ,t native of idxeter Lind
graduated tram the office of the
'1'iines. He is now head of the Crook -ex'
Foundry Oo. The vice president, 5l'.
Cobbled Irk is also a native 01! Exeter,
a,ndis•now one of the leading sunder
Leiters of the city, The secretary
Mr. L'llndy, who teas molt iad0111big
able and never Ieises an opportunity of
promoting the interests of the
assolration wits granters the stun o1125
110 a 3118hr, recognition of his servic •s.
A. nnwber of ladies were present and
the annual gathering was most
eejoya+hie, dispersing a few, members
herore 12 eV ocse.
If anyone has-- y
Left town,
Lmbehzled ,
Had a< tire,
Sod a far.
Had to baby, ,
Been arrested
Come to town
13ought a home,
Committed murder,
Fallon from an aergplane
Th' rut's naves—telephone us.
N011111 TO Clli, Ili)l�
041 the 3,state of lOttunall la'ia,ls,
Notice is hereby given that all
persons having claim§ against the
estate. or 13:,nnah I3itksl ate of the
Township of r1oder,ell, in the
Connie 'of Boron, widow
deceased, who diel) on or about
(lie 2nd day o1 November, 9 6,r re
required to deliver to the under-
signed Executor, or his 4301-
renter -on or before the 16 day of
December, 1916, 1fullst temeut of
their claims together with particle -
lays thereof and the nature of the
sere ties, if any, held ley them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND T.'1I1E .NOTICE that alter
the said last mentioned 'date the
said Executor will proceed;
to distribute the estate of the said
deceased amongst, the persons en-
titled thereto having regard only
to such claims es she shall hav'ere-
'coived due notice, and in accord
anae therewith
Dated it 'Clinton. Nov.'18.,
JOHN JERVIS, Executor,
W. 13R'tiDONr, Clinton, Ont., Soli-
citor for the Exccu::o•,
Alexander Clrahatn.Bell
Is Classifying Data
Regarding Long Lie
A N abundauce
eof iantenesely in
teresting material on long-
li' d people has beencol-
lected by Dr. Alexander
Graham Bell, the celebrat-
ed Canadian scientist and inventor
of the telephone.
His work is associated with the
problems of evolution and eugenics.
First and foremost Dr, .Bell asserts.:
that long life is due to heredity; and
many authorities maintain that 90.
per cent, of an individual is what
heredity made• him and only 10 per
cent, the product of environment,
A popular and erroneous belief
among the majority of people is that •
long life is attained through some
particular method of living, such as
practicing calisthenics, conforming
to a prescribed diet, living Persist-
ently in the open, keeping cheerful,
conststently,riding a hobby, deviating
not one whit from the abstemious
life, making lintel work one's motto,
‘As a rule long-lived • people are
those who walk in the humble paths
of life and are not addicted to luxur-
ious habits:
The prevailing, opinion is that
there are comparatively few old men
and women In the,world. In the face
of thi, ',moiler ides, it is neemishine
to learn that statistics report in 1910
32,000 people over 90 years of age n
the 'United States, and it seems extra-
ordiuctry, indeed, that there are ap-
proximately 4,000 centenarians.
Another incorrect impression that
is prevalent among the people is that
old age Is synonymous wilit decrepi-
tude, great feebleness, impairment of
the faculties, and general physical
debilitation. ' But a surprising, num-
ber of the casen invcstieeted showed
no Infirmity whatever. Many of
them reported being hale and hearty
and possessed of the greatest vigor.
• Dr, Bell wisher' to learn the facts
'concerning the ages of lathers and
mothers of long-lived people. In
order to provide himself with a
complete and thoroughly accurate
record from which to compile au-
thentic tables he inquired tato the
full particulal's of lice, habits, and
characteristics, as well as the ages
of. various n• tubers et a family,
brothers, sisters, their children, etc.
He has Proved to his ewe satisfa-'-
lion that lone 41€e ir, inbcritecr froet
young fathers and mothers. The
children of a young mother will live
longer than the children of an old
mother, The ago of 26 is the aver-
age for mothers; hose under that
are regarded as young mother's.
Likewise, the children of yottug fa-
thers have been '.found to live a
greater number of years than the
children of old fathers.
Atlotlier interesting Point discov-
ered was that children of families of
eight live' longest, and o1 these the
Wird clllld, is tLe Longest lived. -The
only child is, as a rule, the shortest,
lived. In families where the e1 ildren
exceed eight the tendency to groat
years isnot so noticeable. The luno
or store than ten children weakens
the mother, and as a result infants
horn after the tenth child arc liable
to the evhile very young,
This seems to be a day of explod
mg theories, The well-known theory
of family intermarriage is another
one relegated to the scrap ]reap. 1T
first cousins marry and both sides
are 01 good stock their issue will be
wound of m111(1 and body, proving
that such a marriage Is of a distinct
advantage, 1L is only when one or
the other pa ty is the vietbn of some
weakness that such a union is bad,
'1`bere are countless letters en tile
at l)e, Bell's office, written by risen
and women 30 years old and over:
Many of them show a smoothness and
JIM/108S of penmanship that is amaz-
ing. The letters are also well writ -
ton and 'clearly expressed, and show
no mental confusion nor muddling of
Pasts, faults so frequently attributed
to nld age.
Hydro' is being installed ihr the
f t
basement o lie Public School arm
also in tho JirnrtPa s,
roe ,n
,'hese hall days, would "it not he
a sleeving of ' eyesight on'. 1t1^k
he1'eeo? 'lights There ,New placedin
does not think onera'tep1yer would
object to this wise expend&ture•
Thursday, November, 30th, 1016. '
Local.' News
A i
Mr. Thos, McMillan, whoi was to
speak tonight' at P t, ai 1e
is sick and will- not be able to
come. Some local speaker will ad-
dress the Club 'tonight.
The Executive I h D e uLrve of the Young Led
les Auxiliary wish to extend it
!hearty vote of thanks to all those
who in any way( helped to make
the Bazaar of last Saturday such
a success. Special mention might
be made of our country 'friends
who donated the beans,
Capt. (Rev l 0. E, Jeekins, of
Deantforef who is well known here
being, a lotrner Rector of SI'.P u.'s
church, and who has lust recently
returned from the battle front,will
preach le St. Paul's church' en
on Sunday Dec 10th and on Mon
day evening following will give
his address on \the Battlefront.
'Fuller pal:Geldnra wlll be given
next week,
Afire. James .Young,' Victoria St
paesed away on Wednesday after a
illness or a few we k . •Deco sed's.
maiden mill t, 00,.9 M•ss Si'nel it 13a0born near Whitby, She resided for
many years on ..be London road
before comingo Clinton. She
bad a family of fwo daughters
and ono son. 1VTt's._Mclniosh, of
M nireal, and axon surviving. The
funeral arrangements, up to: press
time, !hag not b:.e;i imide, amid ing
wort( from the son.
There was a very good turnout
of iinomhers of L. O. L. No. 710 on
'l'r'iday e-vct'ing 1. t the regale... et
inn. During the evening the elec._
ion or ofi,o r, (for the ensuing year
took place and five candidates
were initiated. The following are
the officers to be installed the
last Friday/. December;—.
W. M.—t'in Walker.
3). fd.— W. J. F4lcoeer .
Ch:r,p—Rev:' Wm, M u,ton,
R. S, --AG ,liar (', Clarkson
10. 8.-1T Ulaxier
Treas.—Pet r C'tnii1011
le of C.-1.1 M. 'Hanley
ferturors— D. Mon a and L. K.rr
181 t.ore.J..s. Demised ,
end --.Phos, 4 0ltre
3rd -Jas, Finch sr.
'rth-J, 1', Shl'pbcrd
51h --Josh. Cook. ,
Only abo1.1.1 'Cour weeks to Christ
MRS. i
Renew 3.0111 enbscrip1100 to The
New Era.
lite Women's, Institute is one of
the most. wo.katee Lig encii s known
in Ontario to -day Every woman
in the fluid should be enrolled in
its membership.
If you hive sometleing to sell,
and want ,people to know about
it adver,lst rn the New Era,
The New Era clubs with ail''the
leading Canadian J ournals. It
trill pry you to lied our prices be-
fore going eIsen'here. Ask your
neighnor if he slid not get prompt
Srrviee at a nzorleratel pride.
The price of 'steal has advanced
So rapidly, that !0313-011.i" Inate'fal
is r.ow n;010 Valu able than the new
was ono ve-,r ego,
This is the best time to sub-
scribe for The New Brs.,
Snot' flurries,
Heavy 30.,ts .and wraps are com-
ing into evidence.
Some twenty days now remain.
;Before Lee hurls -burley;
Take a tips and be prcpared—
uo Clu'fslmas shopping early.
A.nyonea found With a He:u'st
newspaper is liable to a, fine of
!$5,'.00, ,At last the government h, s
banned these pro•-G,.roan publiea-
ti0nS. J
In theillustratedpart of the
011011•. o f t 1, We. k y last Sa'urdev
apho;u'ed 1.'pielu,re 'bearing the
lieadine. 'tt',ctur,sq. e 1 otn: n fz
�voilstag of L:anaoi•ins" and the
fullowing appeared below— "Lieut.
R,L, Duusmo o. of St, Ti omee, and
his bride, ,Miss Riosabel Voelden,
of Petorboro, emcrgine 1.011 84,
.5013)15 Clouds at (` 00lsdon, Su'rey
near London, En l.tnri. after hav-
ing been ma' 1'0l. St John's
church, 15 over boo years met. Lieut,
Dnnsmo3e and 'Miss Vo:rden were
schoolmates anti while: he has re -
lathed his unit; the Oth kozeld,Go.,
C una:dian Engineers, the beide is
nursing in an English heepitii''—
J'he groom is a 4r,,nrlson of Coun.
cillos W. J Yai-slel and .a son of
Postnncteter and Mrs. Robert J.
Dunsm01.0 of St. Thomas. Lieut.
Densmore, 33, Se.. is 14. engin-
ter, a grariu.to of 'Queens Uni--
t ereity., Kingston, and en fisted fo,.r
days after. war Was declared. 7:he
young soldier (helped lay out . the
camp at Valeart:er beloxe going to
to England and! served in Belgium
at the first of the g m
friends exmen cf lent His old
yintorr offal
be rty con,ra ull.�. \ ,o the bride
and groom, ',
At three o'clock lust Saturday
afternoon the 'Made in Canada"
Bazaar was formally de'dared.o;en
by the President of the Young
Ladies Auxiliary, under, wh080
auspices the affair wets given. The
town hall i1n0ked very festive with
gaily collonred 13ootlrs built along
the walls land tea hash's, drr,oiat
ed with, yellow ehrysaxlhemtnus
spread thr•oughohil• the centre! of
the r00111. The Ca.ndv Booth.
pretii y dt coraled iii C1 e bed Cross
colocrs was presidectt over by
Miss Dolly Cantelout Miss Jean
McP nggart anti" Mrs. .'earl. Lavis.
1.he Doll) Booth built. in bungalow'
51y1e,,wvas Very popular with; ilio
411 ut'n-.11)5 as well .Qs ;thee 011;131-,
ten Miss Grant and her helpers
331100(1 Cho eager buyers, The
:Raney Work Boot1; nttraceivcly
decorated in green and white was
fin .ea' wan a great ein.r•iety of
needlework, made. by the. girls 'of,
the Society, and their friends. 1VIrs.
MaPaggart and Miss Robertson
were in charge. The "fslacle-in-
Cainada'' sample beolh, decorated
with Ca.nedien enears and nags.
contained ?sample articles! of
Canadian manufacture which had
all been donated. Miss Thompson,
Dorothy Rattenbnr, and Miss Ma-
deline Shaw were busy all after-
noon sert•ing their, many custom -
ers: Tho }Some (Made Cooking
io charge of Miss Howson, nee
Torrance and.' Mass Levis, and the
'White E138110nt Booth in charge
s, Rttto
Y, Ii
and M(sst AiV.Illr:inshrw tlttracted a
mega numbest of people. The tl+islt
Pond under the direction of Miss
Lois "Holmes, 'made the kiddies.
happy, Great ' cro'wdsl of people
were in attendance, both for the
saletheof r on
inate aro 111 I
and tieB SIV
mess Men's• Supper in the evening.
,'here W0.1,0 three taffies, The
C'heistg3as Cake which had been on
display for somel time went to Kr,
Charlie Carntelon. The dressed,
doll,presented by (terve. Malcolm
McTaggart 'Went t little Miss
Sybil Proctor. The box of home-
made candy was won by M'ss Hat-
tie Courtiee. Att ,J2e, closet of the
At the close of the day the young
ladies of the Auxiliary were very
happy to #hill they had realized the.
handsome ,uteof li210. This money
will be used in sending parcels to our
Olinton soldiers overseas.
,From lot'.24, con.: 6, Ilullett, a.
yearling heifer with a mark on
dewlap. A suitable"reward will he
'palei01 information leading to
its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R, 35,.
No, 1; Clinton, Phone 18 on 166,
A young girl to die house work
in the city of Toronto. Reply to
Box 1 Clinton,
Voting Atilt
Young men or others who are
unable to enlist for overseas ser -
DOING HIS BIT. Stoutly work to
good men. Apply to
The Robert Bell Engine and
Thresher Co„ Limited,
75eaforth, Ont,
fatmlieu Taxes
All taxes not paid by the loth of
December, 5e, will he •iddtd. The
Collector will be at the following
places!;—Auburn, Dec. %7th '; ate -
tole, Dec, 9th at Graham 'nous,.;
Constance, Dec. 13; Londesl one,
Dec. 14th and 11413),
5 7VIrCoo1, Collector
Lost about h month, a whiten:L
about 125 pounds Reward of•
fered, ,Finder will Ittied'y notif,z,
WIV Mc•EWAN S an.ey
.Phone 9 on 147.
lime tor Side
A one and 1, half storey frame
house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary
street, barn, Ft acre of garden and
orchard; Waterworks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton.
glow the Little Dales Enjoy
brea4 0,tfd Butter or jam if the
bread is ;made with our floor,
it has such a goody geod'y
taste, So easy to bake with
our bread flout' too. Just ordin-
ary skill inserts the finest r -•
sults. Better order a sack. It
costs no more thou o.her flour's.
Iligllest''rices paid for Grain
@ Je la
Phone 199. Residence 9 on 1(2
Back le Em Laid
108 acres Goderichtownship 11;70.00100 acres, Colborne township Mee)
'90 acres, Colborne township 4800
00 "acres,. Colborne township 2200
6 acres, Goderieh limits 1 1000
40 acres, Goderieh township 2660
All these have good soil .and
buildings and are "reale bargains.
Write us about 'others. If think-
ing of making your !Borne in the
county town, don't buy till you
see us. We can placel you at easy
prices. We are , Huron's largest
The Beal Estate People,
Goderieb, Ont.
I' O U,
SPECIAL Fares nerd, in effect to
resorts in 'Florida, Georgia, No:th
and South. Carolina, Louisiana
and other Southern States, and to
Berra -ado acid; the West Indies,
ftetiu'fi Limn May !elate 1917
Liberal Stop -overs I li',.wesl
For full information write to
o 'Union Station, ^
• Toronto, OnL
John Ransford &Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 6i
A., 0. Pattison, station agent
•mallei Coal Bills'.
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plyingyo'!1 with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small'
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give
:t atrial.
71. J. Holloway, , Clinton
FIIWIS of all Kinds
Taken at any time,
Highest Market Prioee
• Phone 14 on 166
otlse tor Sale
'.louse on Rattenbury Rt„ formerly
occupied by the late Airs, William
Murray. Apply 'to
For Sala;
Three Colts 2, 2, ani 4 ye rs
old, Deansley Lerr^ee, Stanley.,
ISAAC 1311)1ZO.
Shorthorns For Sale
Three young Lulls, 2 reds and a
roan; 111013 menthe o,d, s'red by
a bull rrom u record milking
strain and are good growthy
kind. Come and see them or
write. 1 H.R. 'WISE.:
Phone 12 on 16'. 13 11.3 G in' on
;fleeting of Huron
Comity Council
The Council of the Coriaorlttien
of the County of Huron 00111 meet
in the 301)120 1 chamber, in the
Town of Goderieh, on Jursdtaythe
6th day of Decemner next, et 3
o'clock. W. L ANE, Clerk,
Dated, Nov, 20th, 1916.
%link Shins Wanted
Will pay $3 00 for 1a, ge dark
skins. Highest pricks p..iu for
all other raw furs, FOR SALE-,
Barred Rock Cockerell, April
April hatched 'fired from 232 egg
strain, $3.00 each. ,
BOVEY, Clanton.
�solITtiilln Wanted
A position as housekeeper—farm
house preferred, by e. young unu.-
r(od woman Apply�to
care of Mrs Ward, High Street
• Farm for Sale
Farm for sale, containing 65
acres of good clay loam, suitable
for agriculture or grass, being
north half of lot 77, Maitland con-
cession, Goderieh, with five acres
of choice hardwood 'bush, and a
oever-failing 'spring creek rune
Mug, through, all tinder grass at
present, possession can he given
at once. Apply to,
R. R. No, tin C1in to
or phone 12 on 143. ,
For Sale
Property eceepied by Dr. Dan-
dier, including two lots, house, of-
fice and stable. Will be sold sep-
arately or together. Electric
lighting ,throughout, water in the
stable. 'Hard and soft water in
bath -room kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply to
aarlat toe' Sale
150 ACRES of good c1aY land, 1%..
miles north of Londesboro, being
Lot 25,, concession 13, 'Hallett. Two
Houses, bank baro and driving
shed; tneverefailing 7,ve11, and
spying at back of farm silo; or-
chard;; convenient to church and
school; rural mail and telephone.
Price and terms reasonable.
R.R. No. 1, Ati urn.
Painting it Paper Hanging
Painting and Paper Hanging neatly
and promptly clone, Orders• left at
Hunnilord's (31•ooery Store or at my
residence, Victoria, Street,
%any WornesI Staffer
Frons Pains in the Beek.;
Wizen the back begins to ache it is a
sure sign that there is something radically
wrong with the kidneys.
What you want is a kidney medicine.
Doan's Kidney PiIIs are not a cure-all,
but a medicine for the kidneys only,
Mrs. I.. Melanson, Plympton, N.$„
writes: I am sending you this testi-
monial, telling you whata wonderful,
cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me.
For years I had suffered s0 with my kid-
neys I could hardly do my housework.
I used several kinds of pills, bet none of,
them seemed to be doing me any good.
At last I was advised to try a box of
Doan's Kidney Pills, When I had
taken the first box I found relief. I have
used five boxes and; to -day I feel like a
new woman. 1 cannot recommend thew
too highly."
Doan's Kidney Pills bear the trade,
mark of a Maple Leaf and arc put up in
an oblong grey box. See that you get
"Doan's" when you ask for them.
Price 500, a box, 3 for $1.2,1r
, at all
dealers, or 'nailed direct ,on receipt of,
price by THE T. MQLnuaN Co,, Literrsn,
Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify "Doan's.";