The Clinton New Era, 1916-11-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR.. EN YEARS Pi2GV. nC q Win oiF IR 1�rovincial Winter' Fair will be Mold at Guelph from iirida•Y, Dec. 0RTURE lett to the Jth, All entries nmst 1 U be made before November 15th. Are yon planning -to attend? Let the boys go if only. for a day. They Will' nevem forget it, Nothing Helped Him Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ALBERT VARNER Buckingham, Que., May Srd, 1915. terribly er d arsls suffered. For seven years, from Severe Headaches and Indigestion. I had belching gas •from the stomach, bitter 'stuff would conte up into my mouth after eating, while at times I had nausea and vomiting, and had chronio. Constipation. I wentto several doctors and wrote to a specialist in Boston but without benefit. 'tried many remedies but nothing diel me good. _Finally, a friend advised "Fruit'a-tivoS . I took t made this grand fruit medicine soil i me well. I am grateful to "Fruit-a- . tives ", and to everyone who has miso- rablehealth WithConstipation and lndi- gestion and Bad. Stomach, I say take ".Fruit -a -rives„ and getvell . .ALBERT VA1INE1t. n ..5a: o trial size tela r� .50 u0c a box, 6 for , > At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa. gINDENBURG HAS A DESPERATE JOB 1. -Tse Cd. 6h•6jll�jfg�� dG'<asv4 iv� !s a ter Russian Advance Will Defeat All His Skill. THOUGHT IT WAS CHECKED Not Only Ras the German "Iron Man" to Deal With a Revived and Refreshed Foe on 1:615 Own Front But He Has to Mend the Breaks Caused by Failure of Austria: EN. VON RLIICK used to be Germany's prize general,. after the Battle of the a but f GMarn there was an unspok- en ok- en request that his military reputa- tion should be buried without flow- ers; Then came Hindenburg, who has remained the great hero of the war to Germany. Hindenburg ap- pears to be a regular general. A. year ago be drove back the Russians great reat'losses, recapturing all the with terr`ery that Russia had gained in her great a.vance and taking much Russian territory. '1.'hen , having P*n:hod his advance as far as he thought was advisable. hedug in and strategy. 1 tr at gy. i imperial In :.ccerdaut.e with p Germ7nY began to attack upon other fronts. Gen. i;ru ssilaff found that + +osiGon, t we:e not i' i. the German Irma 1 „ • 4th na s r. -hla. nnA Tor e i..irn.a n a asksaNDIN 6. in'" .d47S.`1s a'eJ:iASt(D�M X13° M 1 When you come here for az suit of clothes or an overcoat our object is to make you perfaane:rft satisfied customer of this store. We know no better tvay to do it than by selling you TT APPE S 20 LHS. • Pure Cane (.. . l0 LHa• ' n1 Pure Cane atuq PuYeCy,e 1I I .S � ipg �j r' l gqggjjoA,-`��� Ipt�p ,traCluatily �N /11110,0 2 and 5-1b. Cartons 10 and 20-1b. Bags Don't buy sugar by the"quar'ter's worth or "dollar's worth". when you can buy a iTE feLINT ON NEW ERA.loasanioneemeann 0000000000000®00l 1000,0®•® ••••••••••••••••••••a®a•a0 --- e I Ask Your achicken s1iI Druggist for • •• a ►d1Sni, ih4 • • a , ib, Thursday, November 23vd. 1916. g . inthese full welbht original ackages, con- 'Ca1n,In.bthe b 'n g f fP lyre"craw- latioll every 'housewife likes„ ' s "TheAll-Purpose ose A p Sugar" issomszosm="mmasmteas • • • • • • • • a W w • Chatter • vu • /,\*� ai-vftQ�`,7/r J •• • Fl �'y'+ r �y , �le � �?!!Ilii, •rr Y ,rte 1 1 i 1�t "( .. •ig: o •• i j jt�� �CG2Vy ai • X..rat zR'Ul 6 • •l • • Rhuster • • 0 µ s"A i • "'ms'µ''-"• Wit^ ••••••0•®•®®•®0 0 0) months has been, shattering all re- cords, ancient and modern, by he 0 aaa••0••00 • Go ae 0) a <0 • • • • • *umasxsras We make these only from Genuine Vegetable Parchlcflealt We carry in stock a line printed with the words Choice Dairy Butter for immediate delivery. They are sold at the following prices: 1000 Sheets........... ....... s,... $2,25 Soo Sheets 1.5o 25o Sheets Ioo Sheets .75 •35 Wrappers specially printed from your own copy, we can supply them at the following prices -- 500 1.M 2to4M 5M 1.O M $2,00 3,25 2.75 per.M 2.5o per M .......... ..........2.25 per M. Era The New IeAle01. Cr%1NTON •QAdO.O•••O•• ^ ' WHY EVERY FARMER See You Get This Box r "(4j T3eca,. the ,names from the SHOULD KEEP HENS poultry house will make a valuable compost for use in either vegetable garden or orchard. The birds them- selves, if allowed to run . in apple P. Source of [sig Increase in Income , orchards, will destroy many injurious Is Due to Poultry -An Occupation insects." Which the Family C.:n Share "t6) Because, while cereals and fruit can be successfully grown only Writing in Thpotion:), e Weekly Witness, Mr. in certain -sections, pocan be M. A. Jull, poultry expert at Mae donald College, gives some practical _nems reallypart bleb try talk, w poultry to the i issuedan recentlyis , 11 iu yu ofpoultry raising ofse o1 Y o Because p boys and the girls of the Province of • employment in which tho' farmer's Quebec. ee. Jull says in part: "The breed which a farmer should wile and anddaughters imnfreentotatt attend near willsdepend largely upon hie at the to Bother departments. nearness to the market, nd what Because It will bring the best market demands. The ruling price of "(7) eggs and - poultry will. also decide i results the the in winter season, new -laid whenethe s Nether he will give his chief Often farmer has the most time on his raised for table use or for egg pro- ductionin all parts of the country. All Can Assist tion to egg production or to the pro- duction of the eggs and poultry flesh. The egg laying breeds produce, good broilers, while the general purpose breeds produce excellent roasters. As far as the eggs are concerned, the general brown eggs, wh le the egg breeds haying breeds lay white eggs. Opportunity For Fortune Position "The farmer is in the best p osit of all to make money with poultry; nd s O that plenty of la has le Y 11 ulnaP i o Y his fowls be clean kept on sweet, et, 1 can p soil year after year. e has Hplenty of room to give his plant a good loca- tion; he is generally in a position to. house the fowls comfortably, and he can secure feeds cheaper than any- one else. Also with the small flock on the farm it requires comparatively little time and attention to make It a su"These following reasons are given why poultry should be kept by farm- ers:- (1) Because the farmer .ought, by this means, to convert a great deal of the waste of his farm into money in the shape of eggs and chickens for market. with intelligent "(2) Becauso, management, ahinkens ought to be all -year money-makers. "(3) Because poultry will yield him a quicker return for the capital invested than many of the other de- partments o(. arg> cteltureo._.- bands. "(6) Becauso, to start poultry rais- ing on the farm requires but little capital. By good management poultry can be made, with little coat, a valu- able adjunct to the farm. "(p) Because eggs and poultry are necessities on the farmer's table, and consequently he should produce these as economically as possible." Cyi,N1 RAL VON HINDENBUf{G rapidity of his advance and the num- ber of Teutons he has captured and killed. Where Hindenburg has been in the meantime nobody knows, but it is certain that he is now on the Eastern front to with the Russian adva ce,ing It wast reported that he had been asked to take charge upon the West, but had de- clined because he disapproved of the Verdun campaign. At any rate, ire is now back in the East trying to maintain the earlier reputation he made against the ill-equipped Rus- sians. When Hindenburg had finished his work, as he thought, after driving. back the Russians a year ago, he had left them "safe." .He believed that the Russians were rendered impotent for attack for the, same reason that it had been concluded impolitic to attack them. That is to say, on the greater part of the front ;between Riga and Pinsk, they were protected by bogs and lakes. In Russian de- fence these bogs and lakes prevented a further attack; having been won by the Germans, they prevented the Russians from attacking. Herea dozen men with a machine gun were the equal of a hundred or two hun- dred, . The weakness of the position lay in the fact that the only part of the line that might be attacked, and then only by a powerfully rejuven- ated Russian army, was in the region south of the Pripet. This part of the line was held by Austrians, and Aus- trians in this war have shown them- selves to be outclassed by both their allies and their enemies. The R00 - scan advance has been against this section of the Teutonic line, and one of the tasks which confronts Hindeu- burg, now that he is again in charge, is to rescue the Austrians. With the whole Austrian portion • of the line crumbling day by day, • • •• • • •General Hindenburg's first task of a course is to prevent a debacle. Plain- ly there must be a yielding of ground SEE FOWL AT NIGHT itis FORTBE . KIDNEYS T11101 Road, RE. May Int, 1915. "My trouble -was gravel. in, the bladder. My case was very serious and my death was daily expected. No suffering could be worse than I had to .endure. I beg you topubnah my letter s6 that people may know what Gin Pills had done for me. The first box relieved the a groat deal. Eight boxes were sufficient to core me entirely and to bring me back to ,perfect health Isadore Thomas.' Your druggist sells Gin Pills 50o. a box, or 6 boxes for $2,50. Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DRG at OXIBMIOAL Co. 01 CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, -Ont.. 62 U. S. 'Address-Na.Dru-Oe, Inc. 202 Main. St, Buffalo, N.Y. rtn 6 ^ me ^ verywen au eantioE gel:, a. day when the birds object to being caught, It will do much to put you on the right footing for the future treatment and handling of your nock. iThe New, Era from now to Janus airy 1, 1911, to new;subseribeas £or 1 ono dollar, Subscribe, now, ANIMALS AS DOCTORS W ' ' S ' t' EA How Large and. Small Creatures Be- come Crocodiles - yen e Fr Icnd s com _ -- There There is more than one kind of aminal that, when in a state of alarm, employs animals of auoti,er kind to protect 11 from disease and other ills. For instance, crocodiles in the Nile make friends with a little bird called the Egyptian plover, which fends oil the insects that infest their jaws, and also on the „feces of food that cling to their teeth. No crocodile will ever harm this bird, for not only does it save him 51<i,n having ban teeth, but t ider- it prevents hfm from being consider- ably irritated by the flies. An even more curious animal partnership than this is that which exists between the hermit crab and a worm called a nereis.• 'Ilse hermit lives in the empty shell of some other shellfish; but as he is a very untidy creature and littera s h is ` I ', term to tare, v t 4 "11011se" with bits of induces s the he Many Poultry Troubles Are- Located afood, •,_.•_ a.-..,,-.. l come attd Iltt. with. him. In return an There is no better way to find out L condition of k for shelter, the worm cleans up the hermit's dwellingby eating all the ;efnse that is ls;.t about the shell the health, and goners con your flock than to go to the hen house 1 -- at night alter the birds have gone fit to roost. Colds aro often detected in this way and the ailing birch can be located and removed front the Hook. 9180014 bird, should be lifted off the roost when its weight con be discover- ed. Some will be found too heavy . while others are light, due either to I over or underfeeding or tiro presence ` of some disease, or insect pests. 1 If they are all too fat it will give 1 you a chance to determine the trouble and if what you are feeding is doing this. It it is caused by feeding too much corn yen can reduce the amount , and substitute some of the lighter grains. Then again you can examine the birds for lice. An investigation e> tltii 111101 reveals nany things you THE LATEST WEAPON �II Italy Is Using it Against the Aus- trian Troops iI There have been many extraordin- ary weapons used in Ulla war, but Perhaps one of the strangest is the use of the avalanche ns a weapon of offence, This has already been done on he Italian front. Italian troops reach the summit of a mountain, and below them in the valley lie the Aus- trian armies. The Italians place a land wine deep in the earth, explode it, and a terrific avalanche 1s the result, which hurtles down the moun- tain side, completely blotting out a certain number of enemy troops. These artificially ',reduced avalanches are p it'cularly useful in destroyht railways told road. and preventalg the n1< tnt•llt 0;lin, tri ops. It ,s eat- ineh d flirt 91 ?111e0 the tremendous d v. to of ^_rly, the Austrians have tort mon then ey this means. X1.T Four Used Baby's IVCs, Albert Nie St, Vleicue,Saslc., Little (111'S Own 'Tablets vto find a defensive position that would hold. At critical points there ® must be strenuous counter-attacks to check the Russian advance. The troops at Tarnopol must hold on till the ot out just before tthe ejaws ofment dthe be trap closed. Apparently this part of 111e program has been successfully carried out; the Russian advance in that sector during the pact week appears to have. Yielded few prisoners in comparison with the early'part of the campaign. • • • • 0 e0 •• • C0 ® Whether the more difficult problem 0 of dnding a new defensive line that t9 will hold has been solved must soon appear. If such a line has not been found the problem of extrication will •• recur in a more "acute form at Lem- berg, upon which the Austrians are 0 noW being driven. • WvriLen; "1 have been using ]3al y s Own Tablet's for the papa ten Years and they have done my four 1111310 ones Di great deal of good:4• The Tal lobs apways do good -they cans not possibly do harm -being gu r- an:eed by a government enalysl to be absolutely .free from injurous drugs. They are sold by mediainr dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box ft'onThel Dr Williatus' 'Medi -i rine Co., Brock., Iile, Ont, That Berry Tart. t Mix together with a , nlie or fork •t Gunner of o 1�apnrl or butter with t potted of sell' raisin'' flour 1111(1 it pinch Jt salt. Hent two eggs, mix with two Cupfuls of milk slid udtl slowly to the flour and butter. Ilix well 11n<1 roll out in a thin sheet, Cut with a circular cut- ter ubter and put the circles in muffin tins. Lill with deb McWe1 raspberries. bake for a quarter of an hour and serve very cold with whipped cream. • • Blamed for Mesopotamia Fltt000. 0 General Sir l3eailohap .Guff, who, it is alleged, is chiefly responsible 0 for the breakdown In the arrange - monis for the campaign in Mesopo- • tamia, has been commander-in-chief •. in India since 1913. He comes. from Aberdeenshire, and 10:61 years old, Ile has served to India since 1874. • • ."I • •' '' r Children tld C ren Y a sisesoll FOR FLETCHER'S CA#STORI All Illusive Collars. Collars are very smart, and they have to be watched every minute it one wishes to keep up with their rash - Woo&ts 21.tosphodinoi The Great ILnpfishlIte0nedlr. Tones and invigorates the whole netvoteeyetota, makes new Blood in old Votne, Caeres Nervous Debility, Mental wad Ba at,t. fVarry6 Despon- dency, Loss of 10,0721/ Palpitation the Heart, FaiUOO Mea,t.m yl Poe box, by ix' for $5.'r Ono will please six will rnrato druggists or moiled PA plain pkg• on receipt of price. New 9910991911<9iird rive Tt00 W000 MEDICINE co -renown). Mer. tNiala,ioWiadta, and RUN !)OWN\ 9�, 1 N�� SUFFERED @9i1�-� ,, Many women become run down and worn out by their household cares and duties never ending, and sooner or later' fed themselves with shattered nerveall and weak hearts. When the heart becomes weak and.; the,nerves unstrung itis impossible for a woman to look after her household orl social duties. On the 'first sign of any weakness off either the heart or nerves, take Milburn $' Heart and Nerve Pills, and you will find) that a very short time you will becomei strong and well ,tee n Mrs. 1. A. Williams, Tillsonburg, Ont.. writes: "I cannot speak too highly of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I, suffered greatly with any nerves. I was stand t not s Ic could so weak anddown, d. I n anyla nt of x 'tees t excitement the leas. believe your Heart and Nerve Pills to be a valuable remedy for all sufferers from nervous trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e. per box, 3 boxes for 31-25, at alio dealers, or mailed direct on receipt oi'l price by Tun T. M1LBURN Co., Uvulae.i Toronto, Ont. - MINOR LOCALS. ' Patronize The New Era for the best results, in advertising. We Ire giving this, branch of the business our special atten'ion this fall and winter. - They do tell now, that formers aro killing off the chickens because it costs! too much, to, fees them. "An egg; a day or your neck," 70111;, bo the{ barnyard slogan from now The annual election. of office's of Murphy Lodge L. 0. L., ill tako place on Friday Nov. 24th. i? :O:,,L4s' deb at"i Wise Precaution. •.� In making up wash materials one al- ways has to take into consideration the fact that the fabric may shrink after washing. Lf you wish to avoid undoing, the hem in order to lengthen it again' try this method: Before you hem the bottom of the skirt rim a. tuck in the hem on the wrong side. Sew this tuclfl i with long stitches nearly at the top ojil the hem, then finish the hem as usual,' taking care not to take stitches of thd'I tuck with the hemming. If theskirt a er of a few mo- it is sett rinks shrinks menta to rip the long stitches and let it down without undoing; the hem. e fffier 1 (1 Moose Hunting "Party In Camp. /THOUGH HODUGTI perhaps not so famous 9 for its big 'game as British Co- lumbia or New Brunswick, On- tario 113ssssses many valuable wild animals, which the hunter loves to pursue in the fall and early winter. None mors in erest ng thee thee game of this s ovinee imoose. He is to be found ill many haunts, but his favorite resorts seem to be in the Timagami district, aro'_nd Desbarata, Bisco, Missanable, and White River, and is ofton 'to be seen in the region stretching froln Fort William to v: abigoon Lake. ^.This season tate hunters in North- ern Ontario aro spore to have au er- ceptionally geed `tilr.e, for thegrew forest fires that have recently o' carred there have driven the bi 2) A Trophy. (3) �a. tk Calling the Moose. game from -their secure homes in the recesses of the vast woods and now they are forced to shelter themselves ander scantier cover than mould satisfy them formerly. Furthermore, the season has been extended from November 16 t0 the end of the month. Not long ago, the delightful sport of hunting big game was confined to the mile sex, but now it is quite fashionable to nee ladies with rifles In stand out on the hunting grounds,. and often their elm is steady as that of some of the members of the sterner six. Just as there 'is some- thing of an accomplishment' about a skilled fisherman there is also somotiting of an accomplishment about a competent moose hunter.. ��'�as'aii m�''� vsl 3 ti t ene There are two methods of hunting •the moose -the "calling" and the "still hunting." The "calking" 1s done early in the season, and in fine fa11s. In the cold Weather the "still hint- ing" is adopted. The details of these methods, and particulars as to how the moose feed "down wind" and how the hunters pursue their prey "up wind" should be learned by many novices in the 'bracing and healthful atmosphere of the woods of Northern Ontario during the met sent hunting season.