The Clinton New Era, 1916-11-09, Page 1reit Established 1865, Vol, 51, No. i9 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9 1916 W. H, Kerr, Editor and Publisher The New Era Waits the News From EverySideline I ,ach week �(° MAAMAM E 1 11 `S.1 SFIAPE will well As the dull wet weather is $• iprri aching, you wr do w l ea �11 1\ t,tnr'es hest gift, to guard. carefully your Il 1 For Colds -Use Rexall Oo Id;Ou re 25c .For Coughs -Ilse Holmes Ling Tonic, 25e. For a Codi that is hatd to sits 1e—Use ltexall Cod Liver. Ci1—it is easy to take and it is different to most other tasteless preparations in tht there is not 2-1- per cent of teleohol in it. You will lied i very beneficial, 1 Best Quality Drug Store The Pte ,all Store K� -C%CT. 8: R. 1-10 LaVIMS Phm.B. vsivvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvwwervvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ..-..tee--'c VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVINV WIN(4.4AAAAO.AAANNAA `NAAAAA � u T1s Royal Bank OF CANADA • 5 Capital Authorized $25,000,000 lapital paid np . • . 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,236,000 Total Assets ,,................. 234:000,000 ' 3S/Clo 331z INT C3 XI S.5 • With World-wide a®itmeetiousA interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. • 11' E laIager, Branch 1 'e VWlshnAYVVVVVVMvvvess VNNVVVVVw'MVVasVWMVVVVVVVVVW'asseivWJs INCORPORATED 155 HE MOLSONS BAN K CAPITAL\ AND RESERVE $8,890,000 90\ Brandies in Canada General B'a, ikiur Business Transacted CiRCUCyl�R LETTERS OF CREDIT ANK MONEY ORDERS ergs Balk Department Interest Allowed it Iliehcst Current )tate ('.E Dowding', §f Sl llilwr'r fit`:l,ili'4I15 n'sf`.Ll'lt'li t»e®e®•®••aia 44490.04,4•000049 OVe,t9.9490 4,09 .44 • 4, i' 1 Ordered Ready -to -Wear Clothing Clothing a + 4- TIiisdav r th 0. Sult w Jy • i n. 11 Fifteen Dollars is Your Price for a Pail Suit, Then it is Intended for You. ou.. • ••••.s0Y•••eea•esposeeees essems•eas 4) 49ee•e 'e • • 4. SP a 0 • 0+ • 4. s • 4. e Q 0 • e • 0es • m • • 4. s +•••••••oea•u•••o•••••wss,aso•o•ee teams ••• • N 0 • 0 b • • • a4i sa 4 .4. ma. dgers 4. a 4 •b .4 • 0 G Qa ia,iiK i'.1•''i14r•SrDFY49%u`•r'Ys^i'tr'4 "1044n4t49,469a90494,¢+6+6949,449 • o' • • • a m 0 4' • a 0 • • a,. rs rl tJ W A 4. e ai is rs s fA We choose to put forward our greatest valueg iving effort at $15.00, because it • such a good average figure—the price. that hundreds pay. - " We will show you a display of color and pattern assortments. a quality of fabrics and a freshness of fashionable models at $15.00 that are simply out of the question at most stores, Then Again The man who is wearing one of our $15 Suits is not subject to the unpleasant rtflectinn that he might have gotten more for his rnoney elsewhere•--fe.r that is im- possible. 5102400Yfnlm The Morrish Clothing (fe. Agent for C. P. Re 11!elegraiali tie. 0 .' e, -; ear tor l V 3 Man 1r` Th -e.' 7, l3 h g• :fOr Their Term , Expires This Year, With a season's work drawing to 't close and the prospects for next' year's municipal bodies be- ing more or less discussed; it will be of interest to note those' members whose terms expire this year. The list follows;— Public School Board St. Andrew's S. Kemp St. James'-'H.H, RZeB,'ien St, John—Thos. Cottle. St. George's—W.H. Hell yah. Collegiate Board Dr. Axon, who is filline oat 111:D McTaggaet's term. ' Public Lierar'y Board- R. E Maiming Public Utilities Commission, S:`J. Andrews, On account' of the 'uses] Munici pall' Nomination -Day, falling on Christmas this year the meeting will be held or ;the i5ritiia.y pre-' vious, December 22nd, as provided by Statute. Election ;will come on New Year's Day as it is not 'sub - Sect to change res in the former ease, - No Individual Parcels Sent 4• J y a. s • 4 •0 •� 9 4 4 4 4 •• 4 • t To Prisoners of War in Germany After Dec, 1st -Central Organization Ottawa, Nov 1—An explanation of ;the; new British order prohibit- ing the sending of parcels direct to individual prisoners of war iii Germany has been received by -the Government The new plan has been formulated by the, new Cen- tral Prisoners -of -war Committee of the British Red Cross, Society and the Order of St John of Jerusalem in England, and 'the British. Gov- ernment iia- approved of it, to take effect December 1st The Government !here l>(as cabled for further information as to the ef- fect that this will have on ship- ments fef Christmas parcels now being 1re ared in E ennuia The object' of the new plan 15 10 eliminate the neees .ity of the Bri- tish censorship( by 'preventing, the use of your parcels as a. means of conveying i,nfo1mation to the en- ema', also to co-ordinate and control the supplies of food for the prisoners The order will apply to all British prisoner's, naval, land military, except officers, parcels addressed) to the latterbe- i,ng dealt with apcogding to ' an existing system Under 'the new plan -supplies will be sent to every prisoner, but only through one central organ ization; the British Red Cross The central committee, or and organiz- ation authorized by the central committee will examine and pack all parcels before sending, theta to -the prisiouers While adequate eupl>iies of food. will .be, sent by authorized organizations out of their own :stores to all Prisoners, it Will, still be possible foe persons to sencl parcels to individual prisoners through the authorized, organizations It is piotPled how- ever, that such arse sl sent to an , P 1 e individual prisoner must, not ex- ceed' 30 pounds gross per Week'a.nd must not 'contain bread, cake or tinned food,.as such articles ere difficult to, censor without: Spoil- ing This is on outline of the scheme, .full' particulars\ of which are being. ,forwarded(' by mail c, ' ,. In our South window ,will be raffled: at 4 cf the Y. L. P. S. Tickets 3 fol 26 cents For Sale here. v.~ L Phone 13 esseesseassisse wasmeammawav O-ntario StreetJetho-dst Church Celebrates Anther tiversary ����yy P� London $n common places. 'Have it 11 Reu. . J. Howson, of London hold it. The discourse took- hold Preaches Splendid Sermons of the people andt'they' felt "It is good to bo here,', and no doubt left the sanctuary with the clear to targe Congregations, LX' cut words of eneoerangemelntand celiena Music �y Choir.aptimism b1 Rev. Mr, Rowson ring ing rh (belt ear and heart, _-- In 'the evening the churelr wns crowded to the doors, 'Wesley church having withdrawn their service Rev. Chir, Howson well sustained his well' known reputa- tion as' a. fine preacher his sub- irer b_in,• "ilio Muret of Squares'' Tho text was from peel's letters to the Ephesiaa church - aadiming them to "apprehend the breadth, length, depth; and height. or Clod's Love" It Was a ivasterly dis- course, Well, reasoned out and ap- plied \vith an earnestness that could t * c notmistaken 1r a 11 not c t li ..o be e rsily forgotten, 'Phe pnst0r and last* Dr. Rutledge assisted in the service anthem, "I will sing of Thy power" was 'given with good effect turd Air .1dInla sang a solo entitled "He'll wipe the tear from every lye '• - Rev Mr, Rowson was heartily complimented bv mrnv on the ec- ecnemy of his discourses and the old time t-iigpr with which they were given Ito mit many old friends and parishioners Al- though euppose!i to be on the re- tired list the reverence gentlemen is not idle! many Sundays ar d this is not to be 'monde re dl at when his pulpit ability Is properly es- timated 'He will always be wel- come at Clinton 'The Trustee Board asked, fol' an offering:, of $30,1 to m;,et expense of improvements to church property and that amount will he reached when 111 moafes have been pia in Ontnria Street Chu: ch h is a large ane influsn,i 11 membership: is un- hampered by debt; its various or- g,anteaitions gra thriving under competent ,- o i. f•ciar,v and their pas- tor, Rev M a Agnew, i both in and out of the pulpit is rendering ex - a. eelient :sea'vF1: Under such lav- oraible auspices and with a worthy record 'to rev,ew, tee c:ongr: gegion should make notable advances in tihed• mission of Faitle and Good works in the coming years of their history , anosticaesseozeocoomaseciesosica • • • LIBERAL ivLBET1NG t0 • • • • • The Liberal Club will meet • • to -ns ht ,Tli'ursday) ,as• i,.. int 1� otant'business is to be is • brought before them. All e • Liberals are, urged•to be pre- e • lent. 0 • • Soidden Beath of Mr, Jno, Tamblyn Saiturday evening as John Tam- blyn, an OIL& nasi highly respect- ed resident of the 131h. Con„ of 'Hallett, Was walking, de the street, in Llyth,,'he was suddenly strick- en mid( fell to the sidewalk, Ten- derly he was. carried into the • Cliei1•ew furniture store, a Dr. called and iris wife sent for. When Mrs. Tamblyn arrived, by motor, her husband recognized; her, drew her. toward him but was unable to speak. Arrangements were rat once made for his removal to his home ;batt he passed quietly away - to his reward in the Better Home while on the 231 mile journey to the earthly possessions. Deceased was in his 60th year and had lived in Hallett for pro- bably 40 years, His birthplace was in Cobourg locality. Mr. Tam- blyn was a, good farmer, ,owning a fine property consisting! of 200 acres. 'His wife was Miss Josie Hiles, also of Hullett, 'who 'with two sons, Pte. Will., 'who went overseas from Kingston ea amen-. ber of the ;medical corps, . and drank, who; taught for a, time, but is now at home, will 'be largo ;sharers in the sympathy of the community in their sudden and un- expected bereavement. The subject of this notice was an official member of the Methodist church at Londesboro; a Liberal in politics; and had served ns Councillor in the Township Coun- cil. He is survived by 3 brothers, one 'in Toronto and 2 in the West and asister who is married to J Snell. The funeral - took place Tuesday afternoon to the Union Cemetery and was largely at- tended showing the esteem in which deceased was held. Rev. C. C. Keine deceased's paster, cen- ducted an appropriate service, It was surely a, sudden esll ";11 sunk 5135 11001 -o nt"-ant 1110 warning sashouldythink not poass byi unheeded, - Anniversary Day ]las placed many rich stores of good things in the minds and hearts of lh'' people will, ' worship in Ontario Street- Church treet Church in Ore passing years and their splendor is not Waning judging by last Sabbath when fine audiences were present and delighted by the sermons. The weal iea• was beautiful and the' congregation meg in goof voice the grand old Dosoloy. After the 1) 30(13,' 11033 .bv Rev, Mr, Agnew, the Pastor, the hymn "Cod is a name my soul ,dort:'et+ir ail to give tact) ex• w 11 pressutti to 010 nssetuht t e acid pp parte them Por the nniene but warm !warm' menthes !payer. (Idling the thought to the Goodness of Plod. - - "I,enil K11111iy l,iglrt" was the title of 1,11e anthem trait 11.11t10 1'01 by the ex• cellent clioir, with 1.1)5, Treleaven leaven per'• siding to the otq;all. 1 eougrr„utinn is 0111 1) forget 1111 of the delft they om, (1goadchair,15 they lead liraE4VVVICT of praise and with melody and halt - minty sing the Gospel iron) Sunday 1'.0 `iunday...'. v1 e hope Ontario Slrerl.. Church people do not fail to 'wove. then' ppe , tbion, After the 1.171.13 Psalm was road as ate morning lesson, annnuurt'rnonts made /53331 rthymn sung 1tev. 11'. .1. Howson, of Londnn, a former well re- membered pastor of: old Rotten bury , (1(ul later Wesley Che '11, Clinton, an(ouneed his text, Isaiah 111 chap 3 er mad 5 tt ouls 01 l s1 111(15, t 10 Temple." R.ev, ill., trnixr'Hll1trlil Prtt,lc l not a 4 s 1 . til x 1.1. Howson is , r t in c a..v unit r r t I. asthe cold print is necessarily r•ily stiff anti shorn 01 1110 3000611ynira.' ndirsnr and lx rsoiial to ieh so largely posse ss - ed by the spudker. His theme was "The enlarged eoneeption of Grid." and as the discourse progressed it was 1111110 01111 that it influences the life by soul measure ; that thel)ivine pres- ence Dan be made in unexpected o ,l t i •'rrs,�rt .is '•: plaices;danttht t Ian r 10 what is 011315d seenlar and saered .fn is in • Go the of i Master d, the mindtmind touch with the lowly plaoos but we need. Divine. sensitiveness , God's presence ;manifestedin the beauty and splendor • of o:ttere Sanctnl••y and Sar,riwmen1 most; not be septeiatedt Gott comes to ns through our spirit. no -1 ' soul Crater I nattily% man's S 8 being being y than his circumstances or 0/1V11`011- 111 Close fitting illustrations wort'. given in limes of Sohn of Patelos John, Bunyan, Chas, Dickens and' Helen Keler, The upward levels of religious' influence are ;possible to allif sought for g Seek fullyy the transformation of the soul by. prayer, loving, living and expecting. Some places have "Moving Day" time a yearn but God' wants every day to 'be is moving da;,' Culti- vroh0 wings, have fellowship wvith the Divine 'This enlarged don- ceptior) will give beatific visions, affording mystery and marvel, rap taro and peace Gott gives exper- iences :that are ,prtc;ical sud they are at our disposal note if we fol- low the 'vision, are obedient, prove its potency and power. ').here's warmth in the vision and it is rr real experience; no myth or senti- ment. Grad comes near•, anti we feeleHis Press n e. Co;l can bring Summer temperature to our 11 05 Chri'dt to es is' 1ho revt('uation of 1 m Nunn Boys in Casualty Data --- KILLED IN ACTION. Brussels- Pte russe1s"Pte Pat Cra.msey Pte Wells .•Whitfieed Wingha.m Corp T. Vs Hughes Ethel! - Pto.` H. S. Heron„ prey:oasi , miss= ng Seaforth Pte James 1foean WOUNDED Dunlop Guneer 7i. A. Lautenslayer. =DUD IN ACTIO;(', late, Tit/tenter Vette, son of Rev. and 'Mrs. 17, A Pear,. of Wheatley, W115 killed in, action on pet; 21th. Bel eallistedt with the "gist Battl, Back to the Bid. Q N Memo Sceiles Ekk444EDITOR A 144444+4444414,4411 Somebody has wisely said "A man is le r nal vn b the company Yom P Y h e keeps,' but .an addition; to the above aphorism is "A man' 15 known,'by the company he keeps out of Da( you see the point? 'How thousands upon tlloliarrda of prisoners are reported captur eel from week to week and yet a strong fighting force maintained is a problem not easy of solution to the reader; of war news Either the figures ,ars wrong, or are the - plicated, or else the wastage must not be as' heavy as figured' on If correct the end meet soon arrive, especially if it comesto fighting in the open , • Testimony as to the practical value in' dollars and cents of Pro- hibition in Canada is piling up and the man who does not hear it must be very deaf If you are skeptical shout it ask dr write the police authorities in the cities or Inc Police Magistrates for their version Of tourtle there are trans gression of the law and may be until the case-hardened violators are all rounded up in jail --ea-- Probabilities for an early Peace among the warring Nations are thought by many to be small The , Allies evidentlyt do not desire) it without honor, plus the shattering of Prusnianismt It would be a great day even for Germany if the fallacy of "Might is Right" were forever destroyed After the Price that has already !been paid ne patched up arrangement shouldbe considered for an instant "War may be hell'' but if through the fiery furnace a heaven may be obtained ultimate good is secured Every man' who enlists with the Allies brings the day of glad lid-' Ings nearer --e0---- The increase of pugilistic events in Ontario, in which a few hntnp- tious pugs enter the listsdfol• the dollars behind the scrap, is not evidence of the betterment of the P00ple under the shadow,of a great beardbreakine war If the law per.' inits these rowdy, exhibitions un- der the guise of "sparring events,e or Pomo other sort :older namefoe' a prize fight, it is ample proof of, the reed of 111011 pos'aessed with more manhood to sit in Parlia ment to alo=e up such loop boles- Is tolesIs a prize fight a gond schooling for your son? Would yb l nee to ha} -0 your, mother, wife or (laugh ter occupy a front seat at 0110 'of these, shady bouts?? "Who Ins not Found how sadly sweet. Tile dream of bene, the dream of home Steals der the heist, too soon to Fleet, W110316%1. o'er sea or land we roam ivlaore--'Phe Liman of Home. The New Era Was favored with a calf on Friday afternoon of last heel from Mr, Joseph Leighton of f3ay City Mich- igan, who had arrived the night before and paid a short visit into iIullett town ship. In •speaking to the New Era Mr. Leigh- ton stated that it is 50 years since he icft the old home scenes, His parents had resided near Meh'ille's 11•Iills in 1•Iul' let township, about 2 utiles from the now village of Londesboro and after the death of his father,his mother had kept store and the Post office at what was known as Bandon Postoffice. A few years later the mother with the family of small children moved over to Bay City. In the years that have passed the family has prospered 'and today our visi- tor is at the head of a wholesale fruit and vegetable business. Two other bro. Ii r theta, one a doctor lives in the Northern partof•Michigan and a sister hi Cali- fornia. Mr.Leighton has often wished to conte back and visit the old sights of his early childhood. but never seemed able to elo so until last week. Early Friday morning he hired an auto and went out to Londesboro where he, was directed to Mr. John Lashbrook,who recalled his people and directed him to his old home farm. The old house had been torn down but Mr. Leigh -ton walked over the ground, h river it Went down to the r v0 and sfterwards called on Mrs, Gavin Hamilton, who re-, membered his mother and family and recallen old times and friends that they had known over 50 years ago, Mr. Leighton left Friday afternoon again for his home in that busyMichigan city, refreshed and satisfied at having that longing in his heart gratified 'at, being able 10 come back to his early boy hood surroundings. hi speaking to .the New Era he staled thatthey still had good l3ritish blood in their veins overthereand were proud of the way that Canada had answored the call of the Motherland.. The Now lava found that Mr. Leighton's visit, was far too short and 11,0 11010 that he will be able to male a }early visit track after tin` i(�`�{J'{�.i�e ea ,a_ ,I.711�j!•1�,1`t�a '�'jp. 1°19 C1 L`.d 4'Y�l1.UG J� �.>r �wi�Q e 4i r'eseltaian,Genteeseereseecne'wTd+;relSOGG Tha regular° meatier; of the W0 - metes Patriotic Society on ;Friday afternoon. Afternoon tea; wilt be aeiwed; If 13oufass.e and a fete' of his ilk were told' to close off the disloyal guff they appear to have a super- a'bundanco of or Lukea few months in jail, avithout the oP;Jon of afina,, EL ray of new Tight might find its way into their, "thin): tank" that might save them from disgracing - themselves Comparltie eli fec>i people are 1310133 iflfluerc,- 51 by ih0ir dirt throwing but even so a fellow, tack ing,in the constituent elements of What a British stablest should be may need to bd plainly told that the Dominion .or Canada is .not the sere on which rebel random ranting, will 'be permitted to take root; Too- much freedom has been a1 - ready shown 'Mr 33,, partieularly, when so mai loyal sons r y l Y l of Can- acfu, are doing: their part so her- oically, and it is fell_ lime to calf Halt -- 4.ta--- A new: day is dawning in the tgeicultural world by the intro- duction of the tractor in Ontario farming While they may not be as workable as on the larger acre - mos of the West 'it was made mays before 'thousands of spectators, at Whitby last eek, t hat 'f the prob., lens over shortage, of labor will be partially ,,solved 'by the entrees duetion of power driven machin -i- ery The combination. of plow$, harrows, dfrilf and roller, all at work tit once, will prove a:r eav alley to the up -bo -;date tiller of ,the soil These .practical tests are worth more than a wagon load of books dealiing 'with ' the use Of tactors, Some ,fearejd the price was going to be prohil,i1ive but such is not the case and should, reduce es they come into goners) use • sq, --GO-- We cant: help but feel that the decision of the Courts rn Saslr.,tch-• avian tail sonding•�Mr, fierce, an M. P R,. 011110 Lib hal, petstrision, to jail for 0 months with 1leuid 'labor, for acceptance of a ii150J bribe from. the 1151001 inters',ts for his vote . and influence on elle recently ad -t Continued on Page 5 , - d t\