HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-26, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Thuraclay, October 26th, :1916
to• Ve
1 ar
Rhone 78
Couch &Co.
Dry Goods
Mouse Pur
We Merin a cun-
your trade for
If good relia-
ble merchandise
at lowest possi-
ble prices. fair
square e a de l-
ing. careful at-
tention and sin
cere desire to
please you, are
things you like,
we can count
you for a curto-
mer again.4this
A good time
to put us to the
test is earlyyin
the season. soosueJ
We are show-
ing over 100 dif-
ferent styles in
our Mantle De-
Every Day is
Already we display'
latest styles in
Ladies and Misses
Coats, Suits and
and Furs for Fall
Newest Styles
always shown
here first
Great gaanti-
ties of new fall
merchandise has
already been en-
tered intostock.
er d
A mom; the fore-
most things it
pleases us to
show are
New -
Dress Goods
We like to show
the new things
as they come to
Come and in-
We show herewith
one of our many
good numbers, and Always
would be pleased to Something
have you come and
inspect our large New
Local. News .:s
It is time to
commence your
Christmas saving if you expect to
Bo your Christmas shopping early
The North windsdo blow
And wewill have' snow,
.What wilt the silk stockings do then
Poor linings??
Next Wednesday/ will be the 1st
of November f
10e gets the New Era untie the
1st of Jenuazy 1917
Several from (here attended °'The
.Birth of a Nal;itom" at Goderich
en Saturday;
A mouse can, make dress goods
go up bigher than a War ,tariff
You will have to do your Christ-
mas shopping early -for the boys
at the front
Readers of this paper are urgent-
ly requested to favor us With
Personal or other local news Many
things •of local interest escape our
notice which we would be pleased
o prime d'dw k
lour subscribers and readers
ade s
to assist us in our fleece news
gathering ,
Children c y
`i, ,AST O R I A
The nut crop like most every-
thing else this season, has proven
a failure Butternuts. Walnuts,
and beech trees have nothing what
ever on them in the shape of nuts
this year The old adage has it
that where there are no nuts for
squirrels it is a. cure sign of an
'open winter We 'would however
(advise the good house provider
not to neglect, the coal bin
• m
wRpippE s
'• M
• O
Theet a
ew Era
for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
following prices:
1000 Sheets $2,25
Sheets 1.
5 0
250 Sheets .75
• loo Sheets .35
J'lLeer2i£5O llneetNete 1iclat a eef setes mcogasmialtocceettattettee
We make' these only from
Genuine Vegetable Parchment
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
.Choice Dairy utter
Wrappers specially printed from your own
copy, we can supply them at the following
prices -
500 $2,00
.. 3.25
..,,, 2.
.., erlVT
2 t NL... ,
4 75 P
5 M 2.5 r
o per M
TO VI - 2.25 5 per M
acron, Pt4No-:mL01or ,os
i,E�,S-I-YT�-A i..
The children's
Aid Sicie.ty
As LIre annual public meeting of
the Children's .lid Society 16 to be
hold shortly in: Cllinton, a few
words respecting the, work of the
Society may interest many whose
attention has not been directed
to it
W e hens- much today about the
conservation of natural resources
But the greatest wealth of a nasion
lies in the character of its at
Therefore the conservation' .of
human life transeends. aril other
forms of economy in importance.
Of this many a enciese which have
been authorized by hiw for . the
expressed purpose of conserving
human beings one of the most ef-
ficient Si the Children's Add Society
Its work is .eine in which every
true and patriotic citizen ought lo
take alively interest Tf we are
to prove ourselves wise master
builders of our nalion'l destiny
we must seek to build on a soled
foundation, and the chief corner
slope of that foundartion is the
Children of our country, the
men ane women of tomaIIOW neon
whom will rest the responsibility
of carrying forward the progrests
of our cation
The matin object of the ebciety
is to prevent las far no possible
any childt�in the community to
grow up under conditions 'that
will render: his future !life amen -
ace to the state andto give Shim,
no matter what those conditions
might be, the best possible chance
to become e worthy citizen The
Children's AE t Sock: Ey while inter-
ested in; maintaining the integrity
the home, while taking into con-
sideration, to the full, the inter-
ests of both parent anti child, is
interested to ,the greatest extent
in the welfare of the latter It is
only where every possible means
has failed to produce favourable
eonditions for child growth that
Grp tr"# 1st a . wif
k 4>
the Society will interfere to dis-
rupt the hpme The Children's
Aid Societies of Ontario are in-
trusted with a peculiar and deli-
cate task, a task ,which would not
or could; not be undertaken by an
orgnnizalion not supported by
lane During the past year the
lives of over 20,000 children were
directly influenced by. the Society
This however gives but a faint idea
of the amount of work done The
patlrent oversight of children al-
ready placed in foster homes, Lhe
help and advice given, the guid-
ance and admonition given to of-
fenders, the earnest endeavours of
i ]e r •
a1J Ctfr 5 inworking n 1
out prob-
lems s
leets so that the family may ,nott babrok n uP.is Perfcied with slight
gratitude ;from those whom they
seek to help and pisses altogether
the recognition; of the public.
The Ch1 di
en s
h Aid
Society is,
S t
"the open ^'�
pe door to shelter � and
prote etioe when parents are lost
through drink or depravity to a
sense of their privilege and re-
sponsibility, to the deserted or
nL •':
unwa ed child, to children wlroso
mother greatlyoverworked in
household affairs is taken ill and
needs rest or hospital treatment
where site may recover knowing
that her children, will be well ta-
ken care, of in the meantime until
she can again resume the duties of
the !atonic, to motherless ehildrou,
during rho' period of perplexity
over the marking; of suitable ar-
rangemenls The Society forty ice
in many instances, weak parental
control yes tt1iHS wayvv,rrtl
ten unlit lhev are Won river to
better xo,ndilct in t1 esn and
many °then ways the Sor.,icty Is a
realblessing+ to parents' a'nct clhrld
'ren alike and is al practical 'sol-
etien of many soeisl problems
In every town and vil)blgethere
ere warm7licarted people who love
cl i ,r Wion wisti 1n reaiar, in
tkieir tare Sind picot e0l.r011 There
are many homes where. the hos.
ballti1 and wife would be infinitely
happier and better with the pre-,
serncr' of a, bright young lire in the
housented ,Jr perhaps 1.116 young
life might. help Infill the void that
surroonLIM the, '11iI3O3 Vnean1 chair
The fThildreills Aid Society ,mods
your 11e7.1) your 1(IIIVe interns t and
,your tinnnei,•il 'support: Wo are
forturnate in:h p ing a most of'lcient
agent Who is thoironehly interest -
oil dis thea work of the Society in
the person ofNfr 0,M' Enioct of.
Goderich, who .stales time i:he so,
ioty is wanting ;houses for stuti13
boys frons, two to eight years or
ago .113 there no• Christian home
L l Oti n
s !1 ess unbroken, by a
childish v r
who willI•
r 1 a.receive
one of those little ones? Retoam-'
ber hoist He sa.idc'Whosoever re-
ceiveth cele ,such little chiles ro-
ce venh Mei'
1C D. '130U01(, President...
Saskatchewan's Premier
Y Au cadlA evidence of the es
i It
enation in• which he is held lies in
the fart thee in the "Reciprocity',
election of 1911, while the Liberal]
Government Ives o ver lurn ed. and
many 'ine'i1 of the party met defeat
for the; first time, the member for
Regina Wasreturned
with an over-
whelming majority, which totalled
It Was characteristic of Trim, that
even in the face of hp personal tri-
umph, he was entirely unelaten
and all his thoughts were Withthe
country as a, whole and especially
the west-eountry, to which- the leo
sue meant so much.
Western Ontario V1w
.Western Ontario has a special.
interest intim new premier, even
as in Hon, Waelter Scott, from the
tact that Western Ontario was
his birthplace, and it was here
he received his early education
A son of Rev W. M.. Martin and
Mrs Martin,. now of 268 Ridout St.,
L "o
South and n Melville Mai•Lin, ass
he is best knownvi
1 to his friends
and the public, was born atNor
with, Oxford, County, Aug 23, 1877,
where his; lather was the Presby-
terian minister
While he was still quite young,
Rev Mr. Martin was called to
Exeter, where rte. subsequently re-
mained 26, years
This is how it aurae about that
:Melville Martin received his pub-
lic sehoo) education in Exeter It
is not on record that any of his
early teachers predicted for him
the brilliantn
t career
which has been
his Those who knew frim at that
time do not,recall any character-
istics of the infant prodigy They
do ,remember that he was always
ready for any boyish prank that
offered itself, ,and that he wan a
groat enthusiast over 33.5Fe' al';
lacrosse, and in fact any kind of
Attended Clinton Collegiate
It was when he entered the ('lin-
ton Collegiate institute, of which
John Houston was principal, that
hebegan to'ttke hie first zeal
no. t,
connectioninterest in wish learpubising• �eehLoiinleastin
ing work in the Exeter school, had
brought to light a particular ap-
titude for langu iges, consequent-
ly it was on the advice of Prin-
cipal .Houston that he took hp the
claslsidal courses In Hess than
two Years lh, made r, cord prOg ess
in Greek and entered Toronto
University with first-alese honors
in Greek and Latin
In the eui'versity he elected to
take the Hebrew course, which Was
optional, and graduated with hon-
ors 111 classics, He .subseque,ntly
attended the Normal Collllge at
Hamilton, after which he taught
for twoa years from 1899, to 1901,111
Tiarriston High School
Enters T.en'
It was, then he deeidett to make
lanv his profession and, with this
in view, he entered Osgoode )tali
Notwithstanding strenuous out-
side work, he took the second
scholarships both years in Os -
geode and the highest average
standing for the whole time This
is explanted by the feet that the
man who took lite first scholar,
ship the first year was behino
him the; secovtd year
During. his law course in Os -
goods Hall he augmented his in-
egme by teaching three evenings
n. week in a night school and also
by reporting the Osgoode Hall
news for two Toronto papers
A11 the time he Wass demontra-
ting that brain power cannot Al-
be eC ? t V
la ll a C a 1
1 u e in
early school! days, he was' l;ceping
up his active interest 11)11 Letitia
and making] it possible for himself
to accon'plis71 rho ma:xirrluin of
worts with the least strain
In 1003 11e responded' to the call
of the west, in this case an in-
vitation from a cousin, James 1W: -
four, a prominent lawyer with a
repidll growing connection, to
become a member of the firm in
The partnership of 'Balfour se
Martin was formed which was suis
sequently extended ro take in
Avery Casey formerly of Loudon
iMai tied in 1906
On Septanruer,€6" 18x8,, the mar-
riage took plane of the young la'w-
yer, whose anility Was 'already at-
tracting much attention, to Vic -
tette Florence Thomson. elneehter
of the late Walter Thomson, of
Mitchell, Ontario,
They have three sons, Waite 8& *
Douglas, and. a baby 'boy
In January, 1006, Mr 14iartie ems
offered the nomination for the
constituency r e c of Wclstern 59' '
A ni-
y t
'Jia to Sl1Ceeed the e
b h Hat Walter
> 1
Scott. who had 'resigned to eeeome
iitenlier of Saskatehew,ke He de -
reined, but rate for the House or.
C'oinneelln at the general ell ctions
in Innsadd'w'as elected hy' .t Ma-
jority of'91i0 His next successful
campaign to which reference has
already been ma.fle, was in 1911.
In addition to many other, tal-
ents the new premier has develop-
ed an exeeptionaul gift for uublie
fepeaking ,More than six feet tall,
well bui.ilt, and anoticeably hand-
some, man, he has the edvtlatage of
an impressive presence, combined
with a good voice of is confidence
inspiring quality
1?owant Speaker
I1 hip littela11MMS 11e 1s a1Wny5
dignified and logihn], end an ex-
2c'ptta),r;lily ,Wodcs$ mann Por this
reason 1361 al,wil70lp'ets a good hear,-
lig, evert Pram those Witte tire net
in SylnpIy" wtlhhiq Vio1vs
`rhe 5)hoier of )f WiIli 3.3511 lyre is! v11e
Martin, ' M :I'., ,foe 1:11e Pret11 erati'ip
lslikely to be a; most popular. one
Mr's Marinol will grace with 'distine,
tion the position of wife of the
looado r r 11)6 Goy
&rnmont Voss -
se Een.uty, (rgtir, 1 an'I 01)arul.
silte a.lim has mach n1)13(' as 11
speaker, r5' ea3ed pa] t.n.ul.trlly in
hui ()Mee of rggenl'liryt of i.h5
(Forget Cha PIM'. Imperial al ortfer of
the Dtntg-1ters of the Empire, the
first elle pter to be fnratlnd in ,•t11r
Province of Sa.1,tch4wa11 old
lator am president of the provin-
cial chapter Very talented (115(3-
(61)317),sire is I .graduate -113 Tor-
onto Co nit or valory of Music in
singing, and during. her• residence
11 liegulal :her services have boon
much in cleniand for musical en-
ter ttinto 0015
When time permits, her com-
pliance o dw''
h roc/nests' is always
gracious, aflpeeially when; the oil-
%ect la: at chlritab11 or pal.riolLie
one Kr, and Mese Marion arc,
Lnenlbere of Knox Presbyterian ,
chortle, !Regina
Made Strong By Delicious Vinod
Lakepoi t A. H. -"Our little girl 8
years of oge -woe in a debilitated, run-
down condition and had a stubborn
cough so she was weak and ailing all
the time. Nothing helped her until.
we tried Vinol.'rhea her appetite
increased and she is strong and well, and
1 Nish other parents of weak delicate
children would try Vinol."-Cao. A.
Clem, s.
This is because Vinol contains beef
and cod liver Peptones, iron and
manganese peptonates and glyeero-
phosphates which. she needed.
J. E Bovey druggist, ,Clinton.
Also at the best druggists in all
Ontario towns:
Ratllowe',en, are; la],l small goys
know is Tuesday, October 3J:
Annual Heetiog
The regular,. Annual Meeting of
the Clinton Horticultural Society,
twill beheld, in the Council Cham-
ber, - on Tuesday, Nov '76, 1036,
at' 730, Tem. ,
. T COTTLE, Sec. -Treats,
A gold broach, With figures 34
on it Suitable reward offered.
ipinder please leave at Couch
Co 's Store.
ita►llSC't9 tic ni
Cottage on the west end of Mary
Street Apply to
Rattenbury Street
' Douse for Sale
A ono and a, half storey -frame
house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary
street, barn, y acre of garden and
orchard, waterworks ,and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton,
Anetioti Sako
Mr W. J: Cooper will ;sell his
household effects on Saturday,
Oct 2811,, at 2 o'clock, at his
home on Townsend. Street Geo.
Elliott, auctioneer
Coat Heater for Saw
A good' coal heater for sale,
nearly new Apply to
Cooper Street
Auction Sale of Farin Stock
and lmilk mtut,.
Thos Brown has received in-
structions from the undersigned to
sell by public auction atLot 25,
eon 2, Tucker'smith, on Wednesday,
)Nov 151 at 1 o'clock P.m. the
£loillonv%i'ig-!Horses-a (aglricull'trial
mare rising 12 years supposed to
be in foal; agricultural gelding ris-
ing 5 yeas old, agricultural filly
rising 3 years ,old sired by Tung
Thomas broke loharness, driving
eolt rising 3 sired by Me 'Temple-
ton, broke to harness: aged driv-
ing mare, with fon. by her side seed
bytJr Templeton; driving rhorse
rising 0 geed Moll harness and
en exceptionnlly good road horse
Cattle -cow 1rising '5 due to oalve
Dec 25 cow rising • 5 due to calve
trot 6the cow rising 4 due to calve
March 20th Holstein
00W. rising 8,
as exir,LilteavY mj k;r, du: to cave
1st of Aprialt cow rising 8, sup-
posed to be in calf, freshened the
end of eet 'cow rising 9 fresh-
ened in eft 1 , cow rising' 12, sup'Pos
ed Lobe J]1 calf; 3heifeis rising
li yens; 3 stems rising two; 9
spring calves About 80 liens all
young Implements -Massy harris
bieerer, no,nt sheaf carrier• , sund
trucks, Jeering mower, hay rake,
wagon, land roller, walking plow,
Premier- riding:plow; combinedcu7
ttvator surd seeder, acorn senffler
with bean attachment, 1 cutter, 2
top buggies, set heavy harness, set
plow harness, Set 'si,ngll:: erivinte
harness, set 'slings, 140 ft rope, car
fanning mill, Empire cream separ-
ator used 2 rears, Wheelbarrow,
disc, sot of harrows, set of sleighs
chains, forks, shovels and other
articles too numerous to mention
25 t ons!'
o hay; 800 bushels
of oats and 160 bushels of buck-
wheat No reserve as the proprie-
tor has given up the farm Tanis
-All sums( of e1.0 an dander cash ;
over that amount 8 months' credit
111 he given 0'
o furnishing aP
r v
joint. i tnotes
discount not of 6 per
cont, tier annum allowed off for
cash on credit amounts
T Brom), anat. S.'McKenzie, prop.
An. ton Safe 01 i''aarilillt St,, ck
anti Illi, >!lcnncnts
Thus Brawn hast received in-
slruetions item, the undersignedto
9,e111 by public a,cution on LotJ;7,
con 6.1Iullett Twp., .on Tuesday,
October 31 ateone o'clock P m..the
following- v '
Driving. Horse 7 years old not afraid of
nems, drat filly rising 4 years in foal,
draft filly rising e 2 year old short
horn bull, 4 good dairy cows supposed
to he in calf, 2 year old heifer, three
2 year old steers, 0 yearling heifers, 5
calves, 2sows to farrow the flrst week
in December, 9 good feeders, about 100
hens and pullets-Andalusiars, Anco
nes and Barred Hocks, Massey Barris
hinder, Massey Flarris mower, Massey
l hums hay rake, Massey Harris 13 hoe
drill, Deering hay. rake, Deering hay
loader, ieeering rrnitivator Deerintr
disc, 4 section set harrows, Premier 21
spiky1GV Mow. No,8 N inal rra
plow, 'No. a1 Fleury plo'v, No 4 Wil
ainsen plow, 3 in eh tire wagon, sleet
wheel wagon set Bain sleighs, rubber
Lire n,ugi,c•, a' eel tire hu a$, Portland
meter, No. ,4 Maxwell churn, 11'lassey.
11 reds No. 4 600 lb cream separator.
bill or worker, double harness, plow.
h uanpss, (Topline rubber single harneea
Set niekhi single harness, Root unifier,
Gravel-hnx Grindatone, (Anton fann
int; ruin, limy fork, ear, ropes arid'
'n Sia
Robesblankets, gs, t ta, chains, she..
A large qu;anlity of hey, straw and
;;rain, also at pinch silo 14x20, in first
class condition.
Terms -mils of ,'ll) tend under. 1
A c ez cash;
twee -r n;,l
llaLMinnie t 0 months s0r
h ,edit op
(11011 hiug approved joint notes. dis
r.nrint of C per 0501. per annlrmwill be
allowed for cash on crceditamounts, F.
Bruce Medd, proprietor; Tilos, Brown,
Position Wanted
A position as housekeeper -farm
u a preferred bya.
ried woman Apply' to
care of Mrs Ward, 'High Street
Farlit to Rent
100c '
a nes
two and a ahalf mi1 •
south of ChM ton, on the 'i3ay,y-
field Road. -A brick house, bank
barn, young orchard bearing Po-
ssession April. 1st, 1917 Tenant
ean go on farm to do' fall plow-
ing Por _particulars apply to
Mrs Wigginton, Clinton,' or
Bayfield, Ont
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of William George
1r 1►eatley, deceased
NOTICE is hereby given theta]
persons baving;elee/is against the
estate of William George Wheatley
late of the town of Clinton in the
County of Huron, contractor, de-
ceased, who' died 06 ue about the
twenty-0)ixth day of August 1916,
are required to deliver. to the un-
deesi,gfeed ad ahnistratrix or her
-solicitor mem', before the 15th day
od November 1916.afun statement
of their claims together with Dar -
particulates thereof and the nature
of the securities, if any, held by
them all duly verified by affidavit
AND TAICI1 NOTICE that after
the saltiest mentioned date the
t4aid a`dmitnistrietrix will proneed
to distribute the estate cif the
said deceased amongst the persons
entitled thereto, having regard on-
ly to such claims as she 'shan.
have received due notice and in
accordance therewith
Dated at Clinton this 18th day 01
October., 1516
Administra trig
W. BRYDON.E, Clinton. Ont.
Solicitor for the Administratrix
t oun.g Men
Young men or others who are
unable to enlist for overseas ser -
DOING HIS BIT. Steady work to
good .men. Apply to
The Robert Bel] Engine and
Thresher Co., Limited,
Seaforth, Ont.
Houso for Sate
Moose on Rattenbury .73,, formerly
necupied by the late Mrs. ,t'illiam
MVIueray. Appy to
te. D. MCT9.GGAltT
For Mahe
That desirable piece of property
known as the ole) post office, Clin-
ton For full p :rtcul r i apply to
Thomas Watts. on premises, or
R R,No,'1, Barrie, Ont
to the Estate of DonaldAteCorvle
Notice is hereby given that all
persons having claims agaiust the
estate of J)onale McCorvie, late of
the Town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, retired inanufaoturer,
deceased who died on or about
the eighth day, of July, 1016, are
required to deliver to the under-
si n d ad rnisttatri
x or her so-
s -licitor on or before the first day of
November, 1918. a full statement of
their claims together with partieu-
Lars thereof and the nature of the
securties, if any, heft by them all
duly verified by affidavit,
AND TONE NOTICE' that after
the said last mentioned 'elate the
said admiaistriatrix wild proceed
to distribute the estate of the said
deceased amongst the persons en -
tilled thereto having regard only
to such claims as she shah have re-
ceived clue notice. and in accord-
ance therewith ,
Dated a€ Clinton this tenth day
of October, A.D. 1916.
Ann Jane 11'IcCorvie, A.dminis-
tratt'ix with the will ennexecf,
W. Brycione, Cl nton Ontario,
solicitor for the said a,dministra.
Notice is hereby girent hat the
Municipal Council of the Town of
Clinton has adopted the Assess -
men) Roll for 1916 as authorizers
b Ll a Assessment 'ick sub -sec-
tion 3, of section 56, R.0.0., 1914
and the ,said Roll may be accepted
by the succeeding Council as the
Assessment Roll for 1917, and fur-
ther take notice that la meeting
of the Court of Revision of the
Town of Clinton win be held in
the Council Chamber on Monday,
the 30th day of October, 1916, at
8 o'clock p.m, for the purpose of
shearing and determining cons-,
Plaints against the said Aseess-
ment Roll. Persons basing busi-
ness at the Court will please at-
tend at the said time and place.
D. L 11 TA.CP.13'1)RS017
To stn Clerk
>>:��.>.all ,:z Coal ..d, s
Let us reduce your coat
We �, sup-
itb u
.� P
;)lying yciu with a coal t" t •
lasts long, gives a 81czdy
'lent and leaves only a $'-'' ;.1
t.MOullt o. f ash. This coal 11
nal lga VALLEY
Coot a'ltat S'afrsf'rw.••'
R. J. Holloway,-Clinto!
Western University, Load
Income Doubled -Now 7$75;
Another` large addition to Facult
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in
Write for particulars to:
President. -
Fowls of all Rinds
Taken at any time.
Highest Marketr'
Prices '
Phone 14 on 166
Farm for Sale
Farm for sale, containing
acres of good clay loam, imitate
for agriculture or grass, bei
north half' of lot 77, Maitland co
cession, Goderich, with five ac
of choice hardwood )bush, and
never -)failing 'spring creek r
ning through, all under grass
present, possession can he gist(
at once. Apply to
R, R, No. ern `Clin to
or phone 12 on 143.
For Sale
Property occupied by Dr. Gan
dier, including two lots, house, of
five and stable. Will be sold sep-
arately or together. Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stable. Hard ,and soft water in
bath -room, kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply io
Farm tor Sale
130 ACRES of good clay land. 133
miles north of Londesboro, being
lot 26, concession 13, 'Mullett. Two
houses, 'bank barn and driving
shed; Cneverefailing ;well, and
spring at back of farm; silo; or-
chard; convenient to church and
school; rural mail and telephone.
Price and terms reasonable
R.R. No, 1, Auburn.
Painting & Paper Banging
Painting and Paper Hanging neatly
and promptly done, Orders Left at
Hunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
The Iaousewite s hest Aid
To good baking g i9 A; saek of our
sour It is so fine, so perfectly
blended, .so absolutely clean, it is
both a delight h ht to
use 't
g 1 d
oar a
sure help to better results A
great many women ]save found
this out Why don't you give it
a trial, also
Highest Prices paid for, Grain
W. Je
Phone 199. , Residence 9 on 142
ed the 12)1 day of October, 1818 Was Troubled With
}-or Sale
I still 'have for sai,e-1 dresser
and commode; folding bed daven-
port; 1 round extension .dining
room table; 3 -buffet, rand a few
email articles,
' Rattenbury Street
Back e a
cK �o h Lod
0 c' s o. h t t o ii 5 7000
1 3 ase G genet o v s1 ip �
00 acres, Coiberne township 6000
90 acres, Colborne township 4800
60 acres, Colborne township 2200
5 acres, Goderieb limits 1 1000
10 acres, Goderieh township 2600
All these have good 'soli tend
buildings and are "reale bargains.
Write us about 'others. If think-
ing of makiug your home in the
county town, don't 'buy till you
see Os. We can placel you at easy
prices: We are Huron's! largest
dealers. '
The Real Estate People,
Goderich; Ont,
Staunch a -a -d Liver
Mrs. Thomas Sargent, Berkeley, Ont.
writes; #, X have been troubled with my
stomach and liver for the past seven
years; also have had constipation, caus-
ing headaches, backaches and dizzy
spells, and at times I would almost fall
down. I tried all' kinds of medicine,
without obtaining any relief. I com-
menced using Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills,
and the
.have cured Y u ed ire. I have recom-
mended them to many of my friends.
Che they are all very much pleased with
results i
s th ey have obtained from
!their use." -
Milburn's Laxa-Liver fills have been
en the market for the past twenty-five
years, and eau be procured from all
price is 25 cents vial,or
vials for $1,00:
If your dealer does not keep them, they
will he mailed direct on receipt of price,
by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To-
ronto, Ont.