HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-26, Page 1THE cLINT
Established 1865, Vol, 51, No. 17
W, H. Kerr, Editor and 'Publisher
-The New. --- _ ..ra Wants the Nems F- m I ,very
0/0V0.0wd.wv�t VwvVwvwnw«wwnnnnnnnnannA nNane. A Clinton Soldier ®I letter From Pte. William Bezzo [DITORI I.
Each wee
As the dull wet weather is approaching, you will do well
to guard carefully your health -Natures best gift,
Foe Colds- Use liexal1 Cold. Cure, 25c
For Coughs •• Use, Holmes Lung Tonic, 25e,
For a Cold that is batd to eheke Ute itexall Ond Liver
mese other
Oil -it is easy to take and.it is
to mo her
tasteless preparations in th•it there is nee. 24 per cent of
alcohollin it, You will find it very beneficial,
Best Quality Drug Store' The Iliexall Store
W. s. R, 10Phm.B.
The Royal Bartk
Capital Authorized $2o,000,000
Capital paid up .......... 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profi13,236000ts �
Total Assets -.. • • • 234,000,000
3E30 $R.. .NCH361.
with World-wide ConrnectioI><*
Interest Ailotived on Savings Deposits
General Baniting Business Transacted.
R. E. FANNING, Manager, Clinton Branch
Epworth Leaguers
Gathered at Clinton
Annual Convention Held in Ontario
St, Church - Election of
Clin tole on Wednesday last was
the Meeea of the Epworth Lea-
gues of Goderich District Dele-
gates from the district 'attended
'.the three ,Sessions which were held
in Ontario St Methodist church.
The first session was held in the
forenoon, Mrs devotional exercises
biiing conducted by Rev A. Sin-
clair ofHolmes villle Dies nuoint-
ment was felt by the delegates and
officers at the absence of Rev E.
C Wilford. Medical Mislsionary in
China Mrs. J. '8, Marshall, of
Blyth, gave a paper do `Practical
plans for the Social and Literary
Department," and the discussion
was led by Miss Della McCool], 3rd
Vico Presidelnt
Miss M Irwin, of Clinton. gave
an excellent paper on "Our Jun-
iors " Tho aim! of the Junior
League, is the conversion of the
children The children of today.
aro the citizens' of tomorrow, and
one great qualification needed by
aleader of Juniors is a yearning �.
love for children and •i witting -
nese to give tareely of tine c;nd self
in preparation for their meetings
The Business Committee then
adjourned to appoint the new ex-
ecutive for the coming year ---
The afternoon session opened KILLED 1N ACTION.
at 2p in. and the devotional ex- Dasthtvoucl
onducted by Rev A.
PTE FRED. L. FORD, son of Mr.
John Ford of town, \who eras 'a
Corporal with the 33rd Battalion
and afterwards transferred to
the 98th Highlanders He, vas
reported wounded last week but
, we are glad to report that be is
still fighting and received no
\wounds yet
•..•y'.1...1'• •••...1..•
96 Brpuches is Canada
A General Banking Business,Transaeted
Savings Bank Department •
Interest Allow ed at'.Ilighestcurrent Irate
C.E 1<➢t�ee,(li¢rw', ]fin aL0,•t'i° n'lln@toll l.raotteh
N0®♦♦O ♦♦♦♦♦•00♦•♦• oe•••••®011♦•♦••♦0•••••b•0•
Ordered Itc Clothingc it
• Clothing
♦ ♦
The Al
♦• •
Nothing takes the place of a Raincoat
for its Particular Service.
The_ _incoat is as - _,_ _ part of ., man's
2 ♦
as his overcoat. i
Z ` We have raincoats that were made to wear out Z
t. in the rain and keep', ou dry—to be comfortable and
v a friend in need. 'ii ♦
UM Bos in
Casualty Lists
The following letter is from.
Clinton's` first "home brew" that
joined the first, contingent and
who hens been wounded for the
second time, -
26th 191.6
Sept ,
Dear Mother and - ,leather, '
Just a few linea to let you know
whore I am and how I ani getting
along I'm well except a bad
wound ife my' left hand I am in
hospital in England I think the
'place I'm at is Norwich I got
here last night I have not written
for a long time because I was
' not able 1 was laid up for two
weeks with' fever, and when I got
better 1 was fiery we. and my
battalion bad moved to another
part of the line It was yeti
hard marching, the weather was
,,Splendid assortment at
ereises were c
Brown of Varna i Mrs. McKinl,cy
of Zurich had a paper on "Devel-
opment of Spiritual Life in the 'Ep-
worth League," and the discus-
sion was led by Miss Marjorie
Atkin, lst Vico President. U. S.
Savage of Seaforth, had as his
subject `'Social Servtee for the Com
munity by the Epworth League'"
and discussion followed led ' by
Harold Lawrence, Rh Vice Presi-
"The Epworth League Analyzed'
was the topic chosen by Rev S. T.
Bartlett, General Secretary and
Rev G. G. Harris, the League Mis-
sionary in China, closed the fleet-
ing with a short talk
The opening exercises, of " the
evening session were conducted:
by. Rev, Mr. McKelvey, of Dungan-
non Two excellent addresses
were delivered by Rev Mr. Harris
and Rev S.T. Bartlett •
Tho following officers were
uamocl as the Executive for the
coming year
lion President -Ret T•31. 'Ford.
Goderich, Chairman of District
President -Rev Sinclair. Hoe -
en esv
1st Vice -Miss NI Al tins, • a -
2nd Vice -Miss 33 Wiltse, Clinton
3rd Vice, Mrs H. J. Marshall,
4th Vice -Mr 1''.S,- Savage, Sea -
forth '
6th Vice -Miss M Irwin, Clinton
See -Trews -Miss H; Lavis, Clin-
District Representative- Rev
W Conway, 13.A., 13.D.,
3.90, 12.00, 15.001 20 001
tee•to keepyou perfectly .dry, no matter how heavy
If you`come here for one of these coats, there
will be no risk for our strong guarantee will always
protect you.
•. ' ****O******0****sea N*!N OO•••••••••• *O*homes 2
'• it rains,
♦ w �
• M
To the Ladies
♦ • Men's ser es for Ladies Suits. in blue.
3 black and grey, colors guaranteed abso-
® lutely fast. Drop in atyour convenience
* and we will take pleasure in showing em.
Thi, Morrish sh C'lothing 1e,
Agent for C. P. fit. Telegraph Co. ,
. ,,, Man
Square r Every ivl
s Or�
i l +?5al I Y
^! Y � r'<PfN•30M41J1'�•i�4'iy�bpA'W't,WM+/+C1H.•G„r, 0tpdJaT,941tirD00O A®moi •k'i®,bC',i F60Q°Q,1G11°146
Miss Violet Rowe, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. S. Rowe, of Ingersoll,
and formerly of Clinton, recenti,y
had the misfortune to hiive her
hands badly burned while cleaning
a pair of long gloves She hail
lust cleaned them with gasoline
and Iliad them on drying them.
She was near the stove when they
caught fire. One glove wain gift
off without burning the hand very
much but the other hand was bad-
ly burned' and she• was laid up for
several days,
•r' y e �T
for Job Wr ^rk in
%2T t�I
`A d 9 SY sLw/
'MN Space
Ne xi, Week.
�' ID" 1 rtl ;Is
The Store of Quality
C• 4•e 4
.�, a7iv GROCER
Phone 48
Pte Warren 'Livingston
Ple F. Skelton
Capt Geo: Lynch
Driver D Berry
I ' Exeter;
Pte J. G. Hogarth
Wingham •
Pto R.D. Jordan
t Clinton
Pte D J. Ross
God erieb
Lieut W•Prondfoot
Pte J. Goodhue,
Pte F.N. Mallett
rte E• G• Anderson
Pte_ J. T. Boardman'
Pte T• J. Downey
Pte V. McGrath
Pro C.E. Wiesen.
Pte Walter McIntosh
Pte . A.W. 'Porter
hot a:nc1 we had
way each day,
there we were put
a long
we got
some hard fighting The first
time' in we were in for Len days,
hardly any trenches, just fierce
fighting and whatever cover` a
person' could find I was in three
attacks one afternoon We drove
them back for a long piece The
•t continual
•e just , c
is fierce, s
artillery , 1
roar of shells bursting night and
day They certainly are giving it
to them'noav The British are near
us and ,\ve_have lots of big guns;
they send ten to fifteen shells to'
the German's; ono I got wounded
on the 20th of this month in a
bombing attack It \viil take . a
long time for it to get better
again, but the doctor's say they
can savemy hand soIdon't mind
I would have written sooner but
it was impossible T will close
now and will write. more in a day
or two
From your living son,
East Huron Teachers' Convention
The forty-third annual conven-
tion of the East Huron Teachers'
Ae"ociatien was held in the town
hall, in Wingham on Thursday and
Friday, Oct lith and 20th. Al-
though the weather was not fav-
orable, there was Marge attend-
ance of teachers atthe various ses-
Tho chair was occupied by the
President, Mr C.D.. Bouck, Prin-
cipal of Clinton Model School, and
devotional exercises were conduct-
ed by Rev Mr. Diamond of Wing-
The. Minutes of the 1916 meeting
of the :association held at Seaforth
were adopted and a Re9olution
Committee consisting of Messrs
Shillinglrw, Beatty, 13.•- 6• Scott
and 'Misses Curtis and Fargnhar-•
son was appointed
After Inspector Dr 'Field and
ilio President hadl spoken briefly
on behalf, of the Red"_Cross Fund.
the following committee wase ap-
pointed toy solicit subscripti0i
from thel teachers; -Dr Field, Mr,
Mr W.BrYclone B A„ aWee tern
Ontario representative of the"Can-
adian National Service League,
the wae•nc a of thb pa ftyewhoWveiesleits
tl►o P1Rwi a Que,
ago, gave ,amort ln`ieresting And.
instructive addrA9s before the
young people of W'es]ey Methodist
Monday onday nigh Mr. Bry-
done stated that he had, in com-
mon with many other, of our citi-
zens asomewhethostile feeling to -
weeds Quebec when heeler ect on
his trip Find acknowledged that
his viewpoint had materially cbang
ed after neeting some of the hest
class of French citizens in that
province He remarked that if
Canada da
was t
o be
n that allC1
classes, must be united
nl ec sear'v
to e
ubso u 1
was 1
't K Y
9 or our future prosperity
two great provinces should work
I l'armoniously together
Patriotic Notes
How ionld, you get along with-
out your, telephone?
Don't forget theChristma.sgeed
cheer to the boys in khaki over-
verseaB Play Santa Claus ' d'
1yan do it
'Agriculture and its needs wee
much in evidence at the Liberal'
Convention !held in London re-
cently 1
No column in tho Daily press h,
read more regularly than the Cas-
ualty list Nearly everybody hey
relatives or friends oversewn
Many afine fellow bears scars for
the Empire
C H. Holland, Miss Grace Walker
and Miss Mabel McDonald A bus'
nese Committee composed of Mr
George H Jefferson and Mass M.L.
Brock 'was also, appointed tolook
after the program as to re -arrang-
ing of papers, etc
The Association them adjourned
to meet at 130 p.m.,
.1•iternoon Session
Mayor McKibben, of Wingham, in
a brHef, but; neatlts"-tworded Ad-
dress, gave the teachers ahearty
welcome, ca,end.ng to them all the
privileges and liberties of the
town i
Mise Florence Buchanan, dele-
gate to the 0 E• A, convention
held in Toronto Easter week,gave
a very full and concise report of
the proceedings, synopsizinti some
of the More important addresses,
and expressing the hope that more
'teachers mirht attend.
Miss Mabel McDonald then gave
a splendid talk or physical' cul-
ture, emphasizing the importance
of making the work as enjoyable
Continued on Page 5
SaStatdleW 'S P roar
A most lamentable 313 condition]
of affairs exists owing to the en-,
"actment of the Prohibition of the
liquor traffic, yiz, a most pronoun
cad falling off of labor atthe jak.
farm Toronto "We told youse.'
"Put on your ghat and meet rue
at church next Sunday,' ,s the
invitation printed on a, hat -shap-
ed card and used with good effect
by an Albertan pastor It is em;"
neatly practical both in precept
and example
There appears to be consider-
able disquietude in both politiealt
parties these days pointing to
the clash that must soon come 1La
a Dominion election The, po]it
cal wan armistice has been work-
orked over' time;
The Red • Cross workers deserved
great praisd for the faithful man-
ner in whichl they keep the knitte
ing needles and sewing neetleee
at work for the brave sons of Cats-
ada, in the trenches, hospitals and
training camps
Trafalgar Day has a larger
meaning to us today than when we
read of its significance in public.
school years ago Canadian purse
strings were very genererous1F`
loosened Thursday of last week,
Our soldier boys deserve: it
Our epicurean taste for young
turkey, 'when Santa, Claus time
rolls round, may have to be sat-
isfied with an old hen ora tough
specimen of a cock -1, -doodle -do
John Bull and Uncle Sam appear
to bo willing to put up the coin to
secure the turkey output
Eggs at 3 cents apiece are apt
to give hens something, to cackle
about but this is somewhat offset
by the market price for wheat and
e•hould modify any overdrawn ex
citing on the part of biddy es she
fills her crop with this $150 pee
bushel cereal
a Frmer C. C. 1 Stufl
The appointment of William
Melville Martin, NIP. of Regina,
to succeed Hon Walter Scott as
premier of Saskatcheitvan, has
given to the persistent rumors to
this effect of'the past six months
the value of genuine prophecy
As far back as early last \vin-
ter it was whispered in political
circles that should Mr Scott re-
sign owing to illhealth, and Hon
J A. Calder, several times acting
premier, decline the honor,
first position in the gift of the
Province of Saskatchewan would
be offered to the young member
of the Dcminion House
One of the leading lawyers of
the capital city of Saskatchewan,
Mr Martin le widely and favor-
ably . known throughout the pro-
vince and the west, and commands
the respect and confidence of doth
colleagues and opponents; politi-
Continued on page 2
009***11300 ***+*•00600sss**
The attendance at the meeting
last Friday) was very, good, about
forty being present, and a good
+ a •
lot of work done 'Friday at
this week twill be sewing on
pyjamas and helpless shirts The
ladies of these departments will
have a supply ready Work be-,
gess at two o'clock
W M. MARTIN a former C. C. I.
student now Premier of Saskat-
A Pen Picture---WhO is It? No.
o. 4
A change comes on the program his vorsability by the imitation of
as the subject, who we will en- .characters he sees pa the stage•
leaver to portray in the fourth and even n goes to
the \length disof
Sketch , our into
of Pen from a phonograph; one in piir-
Skefiches, steps 'into the 'Mime ;flatly
sneaioers tieulair for which he is very'
tight Unlike preindus
he is not short, indeed, he may celebrated; Is a, jewislL. character
be described' as tall-neitheil is he called Cohen, who,
ogets in onteat
stout, but decidedly then -angular trouble by ni p o
He is possessed of a striking phY- English words This is really his
siognomy, a lofty brow ,surmonncs masterpiece, and' his many friends
to to
g� help Men lost a pair of keen eyes, indicative of give him no rest
Irene requests
s eststo
ht Goderich 'etl kindly 1 g
The t ar-
on ppb{g� p Intellectuality of aliiglr order tion of "Co fen• tine vied, the c
lr I os on Merida nose, the feature which indicates pester and re siimttasr' Tiley
It so much of a man's eliarOeter, co- can
11 too
often It
neverpalls 'His great elig
ht is
incides well with the eyes, and
forehead; the whole. •terminating to please cildren: neVUs �
\cVhiiCnh ielfI i v stoPvlL \m\oountrchl n,snt vdka�plealtrtehaatn \ChhieenvC$sroulto10
at sight
, most
remarkable, liberality; he
has bknown
netn,firt-"lsI busineesin; bcnrowfive rents,1hangeitinto
neatly astir•cl .c tweed LausinesB coppers, t•o'gtve to the kiddies on
t u1 tunes inclined slightly to .Lho street It does notdo
suit unsaid, i
\ C ]0.n a
B � C 'CC t
O len ,
6 n tl
i etc
of i
e „p
ores , •i
co x that
fish 1 n h
a nic c
flashy n i e
his i u i
t' ,d r 1
l I L
ea• s e eh
i•ro m e L
'welt, I, o , 1
.germ h
cr l ''ends,
linen, y
be a4 3" ( iT gl cane tFor} Clinton carry- he i gl-no rngoes intimate friends
g .s quit rix
nits a cLinly; h,� is thr: Thilantlii•opivt,'' that i Where he
lac :s R• never is he so happy -
perfectly ,
2 cr 1
]le is Y
life of a p Y•
inarvellnus Inlnllr,; he his co.ntu).s- ; ne\er cloys ]Lis face radiate With
ed his b'are's by repenting ithe pleasing smile so much ars when
�� _ people
cit h c
r Y 0�t...3. (x p p
�orieu l
rd be
1 t a when
t rhockec y
1 wet'* greatly i
weld wits r,utvPd that: Ili+ 'ttea•mi[
eitellah+i gone down with 9 sailors
fr.ire tbr, town and surrounding conn.
try, 'fire iitt enetiins Roddy Mot\on•
A r r
7 dc.clt
s DIY aid
ale Feu f f ( �l'i 1111 t ,
Mittel -1,y,
, i , tr P Il ti .
n, t.h, iii t o atm., t A }, y
son ,,1 John eine ay; Angus Grids n
Do ,.e C'. th'11, a'no of Lawts; 1.lrilh
y ! i^ J0,1' ph Cl . u :nor, 3aC1. (�' u{ ,'�
Ve ill'r'i ' 3 rk.Lin and lack (Jl,i1gren,
:Leaned fleld.
r ,.. lsh
'the l nee ;tlf lived ..z
All this 'nen Gvcie dit)1 1tunlvn around
Western wheat crop for thie
year is estimated' at 150,000 005
bushees Although this looks like
an enormous crop, and it is, it Is
short 200.000,000 bushels when cora-,
pared tolast year's record The
good prices ruling will hellp melte
amends for the shortage
Buttor, eggs and chesws stielt
aeroplane and the ordinary houae"
holder is.puzeled to adopt a Inc
priced menu when eucu'ry is made
as to cost of meat, bread and
potatoes Even pea and bean loam
that used to be staples, .require m
step ladder to got up to sample
their flavor
School Pairs should be encour"'
aged 'They e'ive a, tilti toWarei
Agriculture that many ahomilyon
the same subject! 'could not ap-•
pioa.ch Any school could at
least plant atree, grow a rosy
bush and cultivate abed of flowers,
Ier ;
A Ealy potted plants Or fiantr
baskets in the school room he
within the' reach of every; Section.
Ontario people will be sorry tai
know that! Hen Walton Scott, the
well known Premier of Saskatehe:
wan, hast been compelled, to r:etsigir
t ].
his post on account of a i hes ifiIt,
He has had a strenuous 15 years at
public lite but we hone a good rest
will tend to his invigoration We
O 7]s SnC
terror• Premier MtLti
a former
Hnronian 1
In whose place would you pre-'
, Con-
the vacillating.7 c•
i" '0 F-'
f 1 be
t eco or stronger
aln.ntine o£(a e
spimed\ Vcn1r01.0s4 It should not
be difficult I.o make a choice both
Tor present and future ic•ul
t s The
adios have given King '<Connie'
sumo very bitter mediclna and ire;
Continued on Page 4
ley•my eliance. may be able
eery .1'\vo ,,l fha hays, Rnttll Oto 1 very woixls style; voice intone tan Le,
Donald anti Angus (Anthem, had just of, a preacher; net coal ning him- to coiitriltute to others Have We
joined the boat. !self to theserious„ he displays said enough?. Who is he?