HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-19, Page 6TAt E SIX. Yin CLINTON N iWI ORA, ; 'r1'11 Thursday, October 1 th, 1910 siaacmemarsonsamso IVIALit mat a'• Easily rocked are th three -bar grates which smash up clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three - sided. wRe PFIIICS$ Tho pen with Garments sob ai 432 WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67.. Nelst to Royal Bank 465) MEN'S STORE. S Custom) Tailoring Men's Furnishings. Phone 103. OppositIePu hl ieLi brary u R ',JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your .work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in nun struction and design but ex. tremely well made in,every de• tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, The Cheapest Spot in Duren to buy all hinds of Furniture ellannIOM B,.A,.L!!L s& ' .A.' 'CI 6014 - Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 It's Easy to BEAT EGOS ! Bulk Teas. Green( Mixed or Black. But it's hard to beat the Quality (of our Bulk Teas, Every tea drink er enjoys agood cup of tea, We have put ,in a line of teas that is hard 10 beat for Quality and flavor. The first time you come down Other seasonable drinks that you you will enjoy is a nice cup of Cocoa, 1>ostum ;cereal or instant) And last, but not least, ask for our Excelsior Brand of COFFtEE.,which (town dropl,in and asks' about our has a quality of its own. HIGHEST PRICES FOR WITTER AND(EGGS. JOHNSON tie eo. Phone 111 THE STORE OF QUALITY 01100011•0000•00000000000130000000000000000a60000000001100 4.0 0 1 Special Lines in IHARDWARE!: : '• • We carry a Large Assortment of • • • I^ Granite Ware ,.,» f•. •. Piles Screw Drivers : '•' Saws, 1 • J� Stains 1 • Butcher halves • '• ' Enamels Carving Knives v. ie- Scissors , , r Paint Remover .. 1 • le • Tinware !Furniture Polish 0 to Varnishes ' Alluminum Ware .,� wrenches f Knives and Forks � 6 99,a Hammers ,: .All kinds of Brushes e (® Nickel Plated Pen and Pocket Knives • fid m Tea and Coffee Pots , Sherwin-Williams Paints .W Teakettles and TrayswN, N.P.P. Spoons and 'Fortis 0 s•i Now 'home Washing Machines a 0 • Galvanized Tubs and Pails Daisy Churns : 10 0 a • One seeoncl4and ;Furnace, medium size, for sale CHEAP. du j A stock of 'happy Thought and 1' anclors,. Ranges -and others 0 et a mca'rr. uG',<'i5°tt�nw4W 5'Nil s.�P.3iHT"�' yErs.+mwor 19.JL"•k7,,s m 8 e N. RI, • • f. e ca 14 R• a7 STOTES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 6'e30fi060aa6600gs:0808d")0000iPaeUa¢sto)grAe sffiE 000000aaaec,a sS14Secon Grand Trunl:Itailway System Time Table for Clinton Bufi'alo and - Goderich Going to Stratford 7.53 a rn. . 2,58 p 5.15 p m Going 00 Gloderieh 11.07 p m 1.55 p ui 6,45 p w e 11.08 p m London, Huron and Brace Going to London 8.05 a m ft 4,15pm Going to Wingham 111.0000 q mm ., BAYFIELD FAIR LIST, A great many from town at- tended the Bayfield Pair on Wed-, nesday. This week' we publish the prize list on another page. SCARLET MEETING. :Hallett Distrirt L. 0 L: will hold a. Scarlet Meeting at the Clin.on L.O L. rooms on 'Friday evening of this eveek. There are several candidates to ride the "goat." A GREAT IAIPROVEIIMFENT Chief Wheatley and his men Have Made agreat improvement ,when they raised the cement blocks on the east side of Ontario street so that it will not ben mudpuddie af- ter every rain now, GOING TO'BAMILTON, Mr. John Ilrswkins, who has been working with his brother, Mr. T Hawkins is leaving shortly with his family, for Hamilton, where he will probably go into business for himself. We are sorry to see our citizens leave town. HIT IN SHOULDER AND LEG. Pte. Emmett A, Kelly'of Sea - forth has 'been admitted to No. 12 General Hospital at Rouen on Sept 29th, with gunshot wounds inthe ehoulder and hip. Pte. Kelly is a son of lain. Rebeccai Kelly of Sea - forth, is only 18 years of age and enlisted with the 34th Battl 'kle is a 'brother of Vincent Kelly who was aformer typograpii operator with the New Era. TEMPORARY JUNIOR JUDGE, Owing to the t.nability of Judge Holt to occupy his position as junior judgd of the County. MrrR. C,'Hays, 'barrister of Goderiehe has been appointed deputy judge. No- tification to that effect has been received from Ottawa, last week. Last August Judge Holt suffered 'aparalytic stroke,/ the effects of which have incapacitated( him for duty. , MINOR LOCALS Test erdITieone; tomorroWmay never come ; today is short, get busy! Personal preparedness consists in keeping the .powers of your mind and body so vigorous and alert that they can be mobilized for effective nee ata moment's notice. This is the very beet time to subscribe for The New Era. 25c gets it till 1 Jan 1917 Over half of October gone •al- ready. Get your envelope ready for the collector today. The Red Cross deserves your support, Send us the, .news from your tee - don. It is always welcome tinristaina .sh,opphng will soon be here. Get'. your lists made out now, , M1arft Pandora ;deal nemssussateertemee ph o' cUr-.cap The man who designed the Pandora knew his job. r know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well as the makers'. Me Sold by HARLAND BROTHERS Inname u AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,AAAAA•AAAAAAAAAArAd4,64pA D• ► Local News yvgervYvvyvvvylvyvvvyvev yvvt,tvvyvyvwrvvwyvvvvvev\is (NEW 'FLA G; WORKING OVERTTMF. The Postoffice flag pole has a The Doherty Piano Co , are isew Ensign' ,floating at•the mast working Overtime to catch up head with arush of orders for this TEAC3I''ERS' CONVENTION ; well-lltnotvn piano a Mt is Notes East Hu. on Tor eher Conven'ion Is being held- at Winghantl today and Friday The local public and Model School is closed with the exception of one room for the two days WOUNDED AGAIN, Last week Mr. Geo 1),11IcTag- ga.rt received, a cable from London Beg., stating that Ms oldest son, Capt. Broder McTaggart has been wounded, but was not serious. This is the second time the young 501- dier has been wounded while fight ing at the front. MOVED TO TOWN Mrs Kennedy. of M tehell, who purchased the brick cottage from Mrs R. Mutch moved to town last week and is busy getting. settled The new comer is a sister of Mrs Harry Fitzsimons and Mrs A. Mc- Murray The New Era welcomes her to town A VICTROLA EVENING Under the auspices of the Giris Patriotic Club a Vfetrolai Musicale was held last Thursday evening' Music was given at the lsonies of Mrs Brydone, Mrs. G 3). McTag- gart, Mrs R E, Manning, Mrs. 11, T Rance and Mrs. Ross The Club wilt have agood surplus for pat- riotic purposes OLD RESIDENT GONE Mr William Scanlin, who was one of the early pioneers of 'Huron County, passed away on Saturday morning at the ripe old age of c7 years Deceased was born at Chineyne, and came eo Ontario in 1850 The funeral was held on 'Monday; service was con- ducted at Sty Joseph's church nt 9 am. Interment was 'made at the R C. cemetery, Hullett WHY NOT The town flag has been ronsp'e- uois by its absence too the, last two occasions when word has been received that our s'o161ie,r boys have made the supreme sacrifice Surely the matter allaying the (rase at half mast is one of the small est ways in whirl. the otwn can honor our boys' Let the Mayor notify the Plainer person toa.ttend- to this matter Several citizens have expressed surprise at this absence of honor to the dead WOMEN'S IN STIT UTE The October meeting of the Wo- men's Institute is to take the form ofa Birthday party .It will he hely at the }some of Mrs Thos 111c - Kenzie jr, on Thursday Oct. 26th, at 3 o'clock, The proceeds will• be used for Christmas gifts to the Clinton boys overseas A five cent tea will be served All ladies are cordially invited to be present There will bean address on "Men and Womenj of the 'Future'' t0 •; ,1 he meetieg ,of the ,W, P S„ is isetel on ;)ruby at 2 o'clock sharp, when there wilt be towels and pillow slips to make. Please bring needles and thimbles and conte to do a big afternoon's work, •Box Contributors ,please Dotice that instead of the several boxes that have been used there wilt in future be only two -one in W, D 00air'a and the other in Co01,er & CO s. store, • • MINOR LOCALS Trafalgar Day -today The .heavy rain on Monday night was what the farmers needed The Women's Patriotic Society meets on )'Friday afternoon At Willis church tonight, Mrs ;Bey 1 'McRae of(Lolndonl will act - the Missionary Society Several are talking of seeing "Tho Birth of a, Nation' at Gode- rich on Saturday Uncle Tom's Cabin Will appear in the town; hall Clinton on Saturday of this week See advt. on another page W C. T. U.' The W C. T. U. will meet at the home oMMrs J.W. Nediger, Mary St on, !Friday evening at 8 o'clock There will tie an interesting pro- gram All the ladies are welcome. CARD 00 APPREC'IATION D S. and Mrs. Cluff and family desire to thank all for their kind expressions of sympathy in this their sail bereavement in the los= of their only boy, who gave his young 11fo for his Country's Honor in ;France, Oct and, 1916. TALKING GOLF Severn( citizens are _commenc- ing t0 talk of reviving the game of golf here next Summer The same has become ; very popular in Can- ada and has many devotees now in Clinton at present The New Era hopes the ideal isnot frozen dur- ing the coming winter ORDAINED A special ordination service was held at the Soo .last week when Rev Robert Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs 3. A Irwin, or town, was or- dained by the ;Methodist church Itis understood that Rev , Mi, I^win will be made Chaplainof the Soo Batt1 es he has, 'been recommend- ed by the Officers, of which he has been Recruiting, Offfoer. and has been very .Successful with the work GRANDSON KILLED AT FRONT. :Mrs Joseph Livermore received the sail enessn,ge on lannclay that a gran.lson. William 13. a2, L 1sc d been killed in action on Sept 16. Pto McLean, was 22 years old and is the only son of Mr and Vtrs.11. McLean, of Toronto The young soldier has been at the front since May Mrs, Livermore! has another granchton doing hospital duly at Shorncliffe and two more just about to go' overseas HONORS GRAND CHAPLAIN The Clinton 10.0 Fa lodgeNo, 83, honored the Grand Chaplain of Ontario, Bev Br. J A. Robinson, Rector of St Paul's church, on Tuesday evening, at their lodge room Addresses were given by local Ocldfollows and 'a stirring speech was given by the Grand Chaplain Lunch was served at a convenient hour There; were many visitors present Two initi- ations will be put on next Tues - clay evening FLYNN-McCAUGHEY WEDDING The marriage of John Flynn and Mary McCaughey, second daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs John McCaug- hey of town; was solemnized at St Jot;eph's church ,on Wednesday morning of this week by Rev Fr. Rogan .Tho bride enteired the 1 church onithe arm of her father, to the strains of the Werid:ngIVt rah , played by the bride's sister. Miss Edna NicCaughoy The bride was dressed in a navy blue suit with black hat trimmed \vith a white dove and wore acorsnge baguet tds'weetheart rose; a&d lilies of the valley The young couple were attended by, Miss Rose Mc- Caughey and bit Thos. Flynn, Af- ter the ceremony awetlding break- fast was served at the bride's home after whiehi the young couple left. on the afternoon; train for a short honeymoon trip to Toronto and Buffalo On thein return they will reside on the groom's farm in the township of edullett The best wishes go with the young couple ••••••••••oe••••sso0is•o•oo•••eat0ootato9peacaoa aeacetisee0 se 0 fa. 31 JUST ONE NIGHT el • • as sae S • • Saturdav, 4c 0 ?est .., 0 6 Oe Mr. Wm. Reap presents Town Hall, CLINTON d0 OD • • • • d0 Palmer's Spectacular Production • o 's, Ca zi g • S ecia! race's 5 6c. 25c and Wee Tex ai t. 6 oneme sesoweeezoweee^uneee0Je eel ced4't eeeemC+, eass0eeaaeea0 Ours is the store that serves yPu as good as any for books and alittle better for gen- eral supplies. We try to make School Supply trade a mutual advantage propo.9i- tion. It's an advantage to us to have your business, 'and we 'believe it's an eq\ral advantage to you ''to secure what we offer at the price 1 The W. D Fir eo. Often the cheapest --P llways the Best ffsesawassaime Berger' English Parts Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless. It won't pay you to experiment, Get Burgers then you will have the best. in original lb and 1 lb packages, Arsenate of Lead also in stock. IIO V .d 1r NYAL QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist d5 The Features of Our Furniture. To wbicb we invite special atten"on: are its beauty, its assured comfort; its: , solid roustruotion, and its below the - usual prices. Any one of these points( would be sufficient to earn it your' preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize' that this ie a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore,Class e Uudertakcr and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Snildlay Calls answered at Residence ovcrstore • t will pay you to The earner Gr}}oc.e't°y °Live and Let Live" get our Prices Busy at ()longe-ekea.111ng 2. on.your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best, Agents for Recta )Furnaces Lr' YOU ARE LET 115 KELP' YOU SAVE LABOR IN COOKING' We have a delicious line of Cooked Hatn-ready for the table -that the entire family will ap- preciate. Or if you prefer, you can 'have', your choice of a number of other litres that are easily made ready to serve. Readt his Cooked Hem, Veal Loaf, Corn Beef, Jell'ed ]Rork, Canned? Salmon, Kippard Herring, Fin.... tun $addie, iChip Beef, and+ Bologna. For quick desserts ave would'." suggest Jelly Powder; Tapioca - ready to serve in a minute; ands all kinds cf fancy preserves, SPECIALS Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, - Cranberries, Celery Sweet Potatoes. and Spanish Onions Thosella.wkins 1 �i Plumbing and 'leafing ° �• E. 11unniforc Shop -over Rowland's Hardware PHONE 45. C SOECOS:! �,. Everybody is aware that there has been a universal increase in the price of shoes, The many advances lately in the cost of leather and of everything else that enters into the construction of shoes has compelled manufacturers to advance their prices -it could not be avoided, HO.ci.,i• EVE Please remember that this store of Good Shoes will continue to give its patrons the very limit of Shoe Values for their money and still says:— beg el Shots iil8P174sama Prim FR J.t l K SON 1-IGUSE OF BETTER SHOES 1