HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-19, Page 311Ihursday, October 1 th, 1310, CENTRAL /rr STRATFORD. ONT. Comm; rein], Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Students may enter at any time, We place graduates in positions. During Jul and August st e receiv- ed aPc on li for over 2W office ati a P assistants we could not supply. Write for our free catalogue at once, D. A. McLachlan, Principal OUR IIIM For the Coming Poultry Season is 100 Tons oI Poultry To ship the above amount will aroquire at least,- ' L. 20,000 Chickens, 20,000 Hens, 5,000 Ducks, 3,000 Turkeys, 1,000 Geese, 1We are in the Market for all your Live Poultry at top prices. ENQUIRE FOR PRICES BEFORE YQtI . SELL. It will pay you to give your Laying Hens the -best 'attention as NEW: LAID EGGS are expected Ito reach record prices this winter. Glee-L11Ei?is & Co., limited Clinton Branch Phone 190 '4 4 1 V special values in Art Case. ...au.i►aawa Pianos ► See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, ► ► ► ► N ► Lss • Pianos and organs rent • • ed. Choice new Edison i phonographs, Music & variety goods. -11f• C. Hoare 41 Music Emporium ROOFING} 1 Corr ogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate IEavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing .bin and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Byam &e Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 2. MDVaditVVVIeVandiesVatelVtiatroleeOlereAfel Better Pay `The Price e Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -'for as a matter or money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -ane] vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss that sort altogether COME HEI.1B If you would like to buy where nothing het high qualities are dealt in -COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair .: .counter Jeweler snot Optician; Issuer at Marriage Licenses ' MKS CLINTON NEW ERA, W. .BftrISO T BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. QLINTON commas. e. ERLB Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St., Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, 'Conveyancer, Financial Re 1 Estate INSURANCE uranen Ooinpan a g,. 19 Fire Ia suranee Companies,. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the ,public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty's phone el, will receive prompt attention, Vii.' G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper. In Clinton en every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, Office hours from 9 a,m. to 0 p m. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office•open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medi.,al. DR S. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Etc imolai attention given to disease of the Eve. Ear. Throat. and Nose, Eyes • efully aemined, and onitable glasses Prescribed. - Mice and Residence. Two doors west 01' eke Commercial not. Huron St. DRS. Gl'11101 and GA \IIIIJ1 Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. fl, P., L. IL 11. S.. EMI Dr. turn's office at residence High Street Dr. J. C. Gaudier. D.A. M.D. Office-OntarioStreet, Clinton, Night oath^ at residence, Rattsnber, 8t or at hosnitar OR. 1'. H. AXON DENTIST crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and B4O,D.S Toronto. rinyneld on Mond*Vs. May let In 10 DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Woes over O'NEIL'S'store. • Bpeoiel Dare taken to make dental neva meni as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction re- GODERIOH ONT tray In stood sales a epeoial;J, Orders sr , NRw ERA odloe, Clinton, prom.'tiy (tetends to. Terms reasonable. Farmers• este Dots discounted! Drs. (leo dr, M E Whitley Beiietnallll Osteep:ttnic Play. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders ;Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattjenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart M. 1). MoTaggav McTaggart Bros, BANNERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON General Ranking Business transacted ,ROTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leased. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Farm and isolated Town Profs erty Only Insured. Head Office-'-Seafortly Rot OFFICERS. 7. Connolly, Godericht President Jae Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Says, Seaforth, Sec-Treas Directors -D, F. McGregor, Mea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Sea forth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen Chilton; J. 13, lyloLean, Sea forth • T, nonnolly, Goderlrh: Robt &rerrit', Garlock; Geo. Me- Cartney, Tuckeramith Agents•-iod. 'Hinchley, Seaorth; W. Chesney, Eggmondville; J. W. Yeo, Aolmeeville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagee Payments made at Morrish & Co Clinton, and Cutt's grocery store Goderich and Jas, iRefds store Bayffe0. A Carload of Canada Portland Cement Phone us Por prices It vri'il pay you John button LONDESBORO FORD & McLEOD We're now selling' trimothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa„ Aleike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains, FORD- & McI,EOD FftT [IKE A NEW PERSON After Taking Only One Box Of "Fruit -a -lives,,. EAST SHIP HARBOUR, N. S. "It isit w h great pleasure that writee toteAouof t y he wonderful benefits \- have received from taking •"Fruit -a- tives". For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipation and Elena - bates, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicine es seemed to help me, Thea I finally tried' "Fruit -a -Lives" and the effect ryas splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person; to have relief from those sickening Headaches", - Mao. MARTHA DEWOIIFE. 50e, a box, 6 fpr 52.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent -postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Nearly Equal Officer: '•1.11 have you know th'ht I'm a preserver of peace!" Sally. "Yus, and I'm a preserver of Jani, so there!" Was Troubled With CONSTIPATION FOR OVER FIVE YEARS. Unless one has a free action of the bowels, at Ieast once a day, constipation is sure to ensue, then in the wake of constipation comes siek headache, bilious headaches, jaundice, piles; and many forms of liver complaint. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, thus making them active and regular, and removing the constipa- tion and all its allied troubles. Mr. Phil. G. Robichaud, Pokemouche, N.B., writes: "I have been troubled with constipation for over five years, and I feel it my duty to let you know that your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me. 1 only used three vials, and I can faithfully say that they have saved me from:a large doctor's bill," • Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or five vials for 51,00; for sale at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ofjprice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. HOMESEEKERS EXCUSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem issue round trip Homeseekers tickets ;at very low fares from stations in Canada to points in Manitoba, Sasktacbewan and Al- berta each Tuesday until October slst, inclusive via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Route or via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth and are good returning two months from date of issue. Thro- ugh tourist sleeping ears aro op- erated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Toronto ,10.45 p. n cin' Transcontinental Route wtl out change. Reservations in outist sleepers may Oe obtadned 11/ nom- inal charge on application io any Grand Trunk Ticket Office d The Grand is Trunk Pacific a C 1 I R i \ alv y is theshortestand quickest route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed. electric lighted bteeping cars, through the newest, most picture- sque and most rapidly developing election of Western Canada. Be- fore deciding 00 your ' trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnish full pasties iters or iii riite C. 110. IEorning.,District passenger Agent Toronto, Ont. r for a 'die complexion you must do someijMing more than use cosmetics' You must keep the blood pufe, the liver and kidneys active and the. bowels regular. You must also correct the digestive ills that cause muddy skin End dull eyes. P eras offeryouthe needetl'nelp, 'iliey are mild in action, but quickly strengthen the stomach, gen- tly stimulate the liver and re late the bowels. They put the body in good condition so he organs work as nature intend- ed. Backed by sixty years of usefulness, Beecham's Pills are worth a guinea a box Distract; with Every Sox of Special valor to Wigan Sold everywhere. In bowl, 25 cent. PLAYING GRANDMA By M.-. QUAD Copyright, - 1916, by the MoClure Newspaper Syndicate. "Mildred, do you (Mow how old you i are?": • It was Mildred Bennett herself,' W110, with a ladylik e yan laid aa her book and d arsn'area• . "Almost as old as Methuselah." "And do you know that you ou have been married two or three years ago? Here I(ou are twenty-two years old, and, as far as you have told me, you have not even been in love yet What is the matter, dear?" "Well, grandma, there's a good many things the matter, 1 air ; d sort of talk fiancee; 1 talk war." "Pshan, Mildred. You are too hard on yourself.' Go put on your hat and take a long walk, "Yes. 1 guess I will," was the an- swer, and with the words a bright lit - tie thought dashed into the girl's brain, and her eyes sparkled with fun. "Lf 1 am old enough to match Me- thuselah's age 1 am old enough wear spectacles and be a' grand the e gill a3 she took off own outfit and l:rengbt from gr ma's room a different one. When attired 10 grandma's best deception was a fair one. Once outside of the gate she hen down the road and began at^ one practice the gait that naturally with old age. Tbere watt s grove beside the highway s quarter a mile away, which she was bo for. Miss Mildred reaebed the grove w out adventure, hot one was corm and close at band, elle took a seat n log and was wondering if anyth further would happen, when so thing did. A. mar came out of woods on tete other side of the hi way, and, as he saw her, he stop and asked; "Grandma, did you see a rabbit r cross the rand here? I want to sh lie and get one of its feet for leek.' "No; 1 didn't," was the reply as t Irl noticed that the man had a g nd from bis bearing was eviden rom the city. "Well, there goes my ebanee," si d the young man, who was eviden bout twenty -live years old, as ame across the road and sat down he same log and wiped the peropi tion from his forehead. Mss Mildred turned a shoulder int to hide her face. as much as p blc u , but after a minute he continue "Grandma, de you believe they zy luck in carrying a rabbit's foot "There may be." was the mufti `joinder. 1 have an old grandma myself," sa e man after a pause of a minute 0. "She keeps to the old feshione ays, same ne you do, and we net* y 00 modernize her, I beg your pa n when I say abet your attire is n ly unique, but very becoming. \lig asst without rudeness bow old yo e?" 'I feel about a hundred and tweet e years old," replied Miss Mildred.. 'Well, that's a good old ase," sal stranger with a laugh, "and I hop n'11 live to be a hundred and eft ope 1 have not intruded, but 1 mus no1v. I want to get that rabbit i sahle." nil Brian Moore, who did live in th y rind was out in the count/•, for ek's holidny, rose rip and lifted hi and weut on. When be was out o ht Miss Mildred lifted her spectacle pitted them on the log beside lir laughed heartily for the next ten lutes. She must go back and tell udma Parsons about it, and she did back, but when sale rose up to go left the spectacles behind her. She been in the house ten minutes or re. and she and grandma were mak. merry over the adventure, when a k was heard at the front door, '11 see who is there," said the girl, , forgetting that she still wore the ant costume which she had donned n she set out for the grove, she ked through the hall and at the r she came face to face with the who was hunting a rabbit's foot started back et sight of her, and started back at sight of him. 1 -Ie, vered first, and, handing out the tides, be demurely said, and OSnfl- s be said it: lease, grandma, but you left your ares behind on the log. I had to ask there to see if the rabbit had n refuge under it" ss Mildred reached gat and took spectacles, hut she did not thank Sbe tried to. but failed. In- d of thanks. she found herself say- ou look tired and hot. Shan't' I g yon 0 glass of water?" nilnilplease," he half laughed. o water was brought,and then wo sat clown on the i omoda, and n the girl confessed her crime, many a blush and giggle, and tar g 5)1511 confessed that be was not abibits. there was talk' .of ol:ber ere. 11 w should such nn Tveuture end? answer came tree months later. Grandma Parsons said to her 1d iu �hterc Mired.. Mr.. Macre has been stin- kers at intervals ever since he r1 for the rabbit. Flits he been ig for sereetloln,g else?" 1 flit girl kissed her nncl 01d her u» 1101 11 ouldcr and replied In a geese. gthedinn, be IS looking for Ind 1 hope 1 i.lrl rttlg him mane then a rabbiti foot!". slit to to ma,:' her and - the ded e to goes mail of and iib. ng On in0 me. the Ob. per/ LIR 002 be un fly gb- by he on ta- to 05- 's ed Td or 11 er r - of ht u 7• d 0 y e s a s a r a a si ai re th tw 1r iz (10 011 ar Ov lite 7o 1h go p05 A elt we bat Sig and and ml Ora go site had we Ing knee "I and and wh e wal Soo Moan lite she reoo spec ed a sheet �o b tat& 1011 the him, `tea Ing: ,y brie "If Th the t whe with 1•onu after matt Ho The when 11•n nr •'11. Ing; tool.` 100011 fru Pp ren, 1 .uek' MINOR LOCALS. Subscribe for The 1,;w Era. Locals and personal as well as district news always ieeeptable at The New Era office. The hunters have ben znakiog good use of the fine mays. 'Homo bread balring "'as become very popular again, WIFE FINDS RELIEF. TOO "1 was troubled for Mman P,years erd With $fancy Disease, and a friend told me to take (GIN PILLS. ,After taking a few boxes I was greatly relieved, and after finishing the twelfth _box the pain complete-. Gin Fie Inc. and Prywifethano* s husing been greatly relieved of the pain' over her lcidneys, I can safely recommend any one suffering front H'idney trouble to give a fair trial. to QIN PILLS, Thomas Stephenson." Alleta ru f sen d g g GM Pills all 60c. a hoz orsboxes for 2.6 s o. Sample free ' p reo ff you , o to NATIONAI, DRUG , OIi LIMITED CO. 07r CANADA, LIDIITED Toronto, Ont. 67 717 u ♦A Ql1THKIDNE,Y3. A Poser, Indeed I "'112utrim;e, do ions go to heaven?" No, Dicey. "1)o mission:alss9"' "Yes, of course," "Well what ,happens vets a to =ion a.rr 7" when a Lion ST. YITDS DANCE CAN BE EASILY CUBES 4t Tonle tor the Rood and Nel'vvs With 1t!'St AH That is Needed Many a child has been called awkward, has been' punished in in schools for not keeping still pr dropping things, when the trouble was really St. Vitus dance. This trouble may appear at any ngc but is more often met between the ages of six land 'fourteen, 'The most frequent cause of the disease is poor blood, aggravated by in- at schr oollnUnder' oth setale condi- tions the blood fails to carry nourishment to the nerves and the child begins to show listless- ness and inattention. Then, it becomes restless and twitching of the muscles and jerking of the limbs and body follow. A remedy that cures St. Vitus dance ,and cures it sa thoroughly that no trace of the disease remains, is Dr. Williams Pink Pills which re- new the. blood thus. feeding and strengthening the starved nerves This is the only way to cure the trouble and parents should lose no time in giving this treatment if their child seems' nervous or ir- titable. Mrs. A Squires, Canning - on Ont.,ays;`'My only daughter, now fourteen years of age was troubled for several years with St Vitus dance. She was so bad that at times she would lose control of her limbs ands her face and eyes would be contorted. 'We ban medical advice and medicine, but it died not hello ler. In fact we thought the trouble growing \verse and 11nalIY Ne had to take her from school, About ayear ago we be- gan giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ancI by the time she had the ken, five boxes she was completely cured, and is now a fine, healthy girl, I firmly believe we owe this to Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills and are very grateful for her restoration to perfect health: r 'You ran get ''I:hese pills 'nom any dealer in medicine orby mall at 50 cents abox orsix boxes for 51,50 from: Tho Dr Ont. Med isles Co„ Brockville.Ont. God Speed, 161st Tune -Lead Kindly Light. 0 Huron men! Now fit and free for war! God -speed o'er seas. The farewell cheers are echoing afar, Wo bend, our knees,. Go! Nobly go! For heroes call to you., Wreaths crown each brow• joa.vee which our maples strew, • Seems but a day 13 11102 peace was free asair,, O'er Huron"s fields., The vetez•ale old, alone could shoW so rune, His swol'dg and shields.; Youths went for fame both in the East and West. Is this a dyea'm? These all in ichalti dressed? The bugle, shrill, has rung along the shore„ : - Where Huron rolls., The can was heard in Market- place and store. The church ,bell tolls, They have the, blood ; no tie can 1 hold them (back, On ! Heroes on! On in the great attack i Austin L( Budge, :Hamilton. Cook's Cotton Root Compognd. d safe, reliable repay a60IO medicine. Sold in three de• groes of strength -No. I $1.;No. 2, $3• No- 3, $0 per I. Sold by all druggrsto, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO., 50508T0,0800 (Faraeeif Wiad:,r,) Sates on Parcels Sent to Soldiers Postal Charges to France and Gt. Britain -Free Pilail to Prisoners Nir'erous enquiries of late for postal rates on parcels going to :sloldiers in Britain land 19 ranee have been niade,( The following list of rates provided by the pos- tal authorities gives td1 the/ direc- tions required In the mailing of parcels from any point in Canada to any point in Great Britain or France. Parcels for troops known to be in the United Kingdom ase subject, to the parcel, post rate for tete I United Kingdom, which is twelve - PAM, THREE cents per pound or fraction there 00.1 The limit of weight for the PERSONALS. United $ingdom is eleven, pounds, Parcels for the Expeditionary' •Wen -known Women. Forces in Franael and Flanders are Chatham, Ont. -"I was sick for about" subject to the following : Isaltes,--' tour years. Got very weak, could', not 'For parcels weighing up . to three pounds, tweety four cents: for - ',nee. . eat to amount to percale weighing ' over three i '' �• anything. I. got pounds and not more th h /II r(, `` • very thin and had an' seven i ,i,(u pounds, thirty-two centsi The � no strength at all. await of weight in this ease iseeven .; -tj a" ;�l ii { I •was very much poundsP , dis•couraged at Parcels for the, Egyptian. and '+' ,• times -thought 1 Saloniki- Epeditionary Forces' ,are was never going to subject to the following71'%j• get better, 1 1 rates could lib 82.' � cnotwalkw lbs., 40 . alk a e 3 1 s. 48c , 4 ` b ' , s 7 � bio lbw, 4block k 5without , t e feel- , 1 2 8 e t ..lbs/- Oc• 7 `fbs., 986} �� i Ing all tired -out, The limit of weight in this cal s \ i! , /ri I took different is seven pounds, ease 1 edmedicines but did ,letters, postcards or postal' pale orite Prescripption. I began For prisoners of w not get the help I needed. friend of war in Germany mine advised me to try Dr, Pierce's Fay - eels, not exceeding eleven pounds, with the 'Pleasant Pellet' and by the may to ,sent from Canada free of time I had taken two bottles I was well cha nal ;according to 'the inter- on the road to recovery, and in six months ditions4 andel( war con- I was. entirely well. My appetite came ' back and I gained in flesh. Now I am as 'strong and healthy as any one could wish to be. I owe it all to Dr.'Pierce's riled- ' i.cines and I am glad of the opportunity . to give testimony in their favor; they have done wonders for me." -Mien I'anbnr.t Plante; 141 E. King St. Chatham, Ont. -"I have taken Dr. Pierce's medicine with good results. I Numerical Enigma. was weak and run down, lost my appetite I am composed tofo 10 letters. and got very thin. I took 'Favorite My 4.5 7 8 9 is one of the united Prescription' and 'Pleasant Pellets' and States, these two medicines built me up in a very Mell y 3 2 1 7 3 9 10 1 is what most men asoever I found them totbefelt all that ie are engaged in. recommended of them; they are good." - My 5 0 4 1 are need in war, Mus. Wm. Wisest), Cor. Taylor dt Grand ley whole are responsible for interna- Ave,, J;,, Chatham,'Ont. tional difloulties. Every woman who has backache, head - Answer. --Submarines. Words: Maine, tohe, low spirits, sleepless nights, owes it business, arms. before elf to speedily overcome the trouble before a breakdown causes prostration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is .Wog% IltoB,pLodinesanon-aloohnlic remedy that any ailing The 'Great .t;,iplishQl.Remedy, woman earl eafeiy tale because it le pre - Tones and invigorates the whole pared from roots and herbs with pure nervous system, makes new Blood glycerine, containing tone properties, Debility Mental and Brain Worry,ren Nervous Despon- dency, atfo Deapohe t, Loss of Memory. Price II os the Heart, Bailingnwill Memory, Price 81 per hos, six "S A'H`ET. I FIRST' for Map One win please, sir will eure,mrece by all druggists er mailed in plain pkg, on receipt of WITH FIREARMS. MEDICINECO.,TORONTO?CONT (Farmed'WiOuD Eaeh year the shooting season records a long list of accidents 'clue to carelosseess of hunters in Conundrums. the forest and in the: use of fire - Q. -When clues n pig become landed) arms. A gun going off accident - property? A. -When he is turned int" ly and killing the owner, climbing a meadow. Q. -What is the hest way to make a fences with the gun Loaded and coat last? A.- loeot the test and cocked, or shooting -at a corn - coat is first. panion in mistake for an 'animal Q. -Flow many eggs <sin a men err are stereotyped causes, Withe the on an empty stOmncu? n.-N<rue. knowledge of the danger of hand - in 1 zrear When he begins to ear his stomach ir1g ms, ft s ouexe i e ev- so longer empty. bent upon tiontars to exercise nu- ety precaution and keep continu- Q.—Why is a modest young Judy like ally before them the motto, a steamship? A.-Rec r:se she pays nc \`Safety +First.'• attention to the well flint follows her Q. -Why is e watchdog bigger at night than by rink? A. -Novelise he is let out at night aed taken In In the Children Cry FOR. FLETCHER'S CAST° RIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Game of Steps. Any number of persons can play the game named steps. One player is se• lected who gives the number of steps to be taken. The remaining players are to walk and stop at the number of steps given by the leader. The leader turns his back and begins to count. When he has reached the selected num- ber he turns suddenly around and faces ' the players. Meanwhile the players 1 have run fcrward, but when the leader • reaches the selected number they stop. If the leader catches any one moving that player becomes the leader, and the game proceeds. CASTC R IA For Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of . Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right tin stomach end bowels are tight. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutdrmlyoom- pel glary livor to do it duty. CuretCos- stipatioo, Indigos - lion, Sick H.ada.Lq, poi Distress after Eating. Snap P111, Small Dos*, ant." Pre®.. GeRtlllte est Isar Signator® Plants Thrive in the Hecla-heated home. So the mellow, pure air must be healthy for folks. There can never be an odor of gas or a trace of dust. That is a Hecla guarantee. The moisture supply never runs out. This healthful heating comes from the furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask for full information. Plans and Estimates free. T. Hawkins, Clinton Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited,' Preston, Ont., Makers of the HECLA MELLOW AIR FUR.NACIr D5