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The Clinton New Era, 1916-10-12, Page 6
PAGE SIX. mmessmemenemommezeigmerere S E Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SEDGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of only the finest AUSTRALIAN wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. They ate SOFT AND PLIANT -yet firm and strong. They are RICH IN FEEL AND LUSTRE -and will neither grow "shiny" with use -nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art, INeIDENT2 LLY-We stock INDIGO SERGii. in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing -do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. Buy .i Fadeless Indigo Serge because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee, Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada, . Come in and see them. WOMAN'S STO:dE Dry Goods and House ,Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank 1 1 MEN'S STORE. S Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishings. Phone 103. Oppo siilePu bticLibrary ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY.SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SIXTEEN Pcrcaknikr and terms: R. 1. Warner,M. A.,D.D., Alma College, S!.Thomas, Ont. 1141.1.4 Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light fn nun struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in ninon to buy all ]rinds of Furniture A.3JZ7 �.► . G9.T E I1TsO Nd Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 --RESIDENCE PHONES- .V. D. Atkinson 186 It's s Easy to BEAT EGGS ! But it's hard to beat theQuality of our Bulk Teas. Every tea drink - er enjoys a good cup of tea. We 1 -,ave put in a line of teas that is. sherd to beat for Quality and flavor: The first time you coins down Bulla Teas. Green' Mixed or Black. Other seasonable drinks that you you will enjoy is a nice cup of Cocoa. Postum ('Cereal or instant) And last, hut not least, ask for our Excelsior Brand of COFFEE, which -.town drop in and ask' about , our has a quality of its own, 7IGHEST PRICES POR B]JTT.ER AND. EGGS. JOHNSON & Phone 111 TUE STORE OF QUALITY i/aseemeasseessaaasasassYsaslaatoosaeaae86eseso06a9400 04) i Special Lines in O e1 i f A RE w w We carry a Large Assortment of HARD a Piles Saws, Statins Enamel's Scissors Tinware Varnishes • , Wrenches I Hammers Nickel Plated Tea and Coffee Pots Teakettles and Trays 0 Granite Ware • Screw Drivers Butcher Knives • Carving linty 09 r Paint Remover* Furniture Polish Alluminum Ware Knives and Forks All kinds of Brushes Pen and Pocket Knives e) , Sherwin -'Williams Paints ao N.P. Spoons and Porke New 'Home Washing Machines Galvanized Tubs and Pails Darisy Churns One second-hand Furnace, medium size, for sale CHEAP. a A stock of Happy Thought and P andora, Fangos -rend others a a 0 .,' "tARRDWAkE AND NiOVELTIES 40000300000000041,0s®F9tE9eposueuengfRiecisse tuge4d+•fi+aE3mati36eose • Grand TrunkRaitway system Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and l:oderich Goindto Stratford 7.33 a m 2,55 p 5.15 pm 11.07 p m 1.35 p w 6,45 p n' 11.03 pm London, Huron and Bruce Going to London. , . 8,05 a m 4.15 pm Going to Wingham 11.00 a m 6.40 p m 4,1 it .Going to 13ode'ich „ SCARLET' MEETING AT SEAIFORTH. An L.0 L. Scarlet meeting will bo held at Seaforth on Friday of this week. Several candidates from ' Hull':• tt district will attend the meeting. PAIR SEASON.' W fNDS 01?. As Lar as this community is. concerned the, fall fair season of 1910 is a, thing of tiro past. Bay- field Nair on Wednesday was the last, aed ahgoodrr crowd frornhere COM. RIC'HARDS' VISIT Commissioner Richards of the Salvation Army, Toronto. will pay Huron County a visit this month, He will be at Clinton, Oct. 17th; Wingham; 12th; Goderich, 13th ; and goes from Clinton to !Med- ford. ' MINOR LOCALS. Many went to Bayfield on Wed- nesday to attend the fair, The C.0 I, sports were very good last ,Friday. Commissioner Richards of the S. A will; visit Clinton nett Tues- day, He will address a meeting in the Ontario Street Methodist Church. Trains were away late on Sat- urday. • Mr. Will, Kennedy haat his house re -shingled last week • The hunters have been making good use of the fine d,ys. Did you let the New l:rahave the names of your guests over Thanksgiving ? A number of the L.0 L. mem- bers attended an Arch. meetingait Summerhill on Wednesday night. Locals and personals as well as district news, always acceptable at The New Bra office. OCTOBER ROD ANI: GI'N. In "The Outlaw" in the October number of Rod and Gun Magazine which is now on the news stand Il, C. Haddon gives some intimate details in the life of a; •family; of wolves, which the Writer o;oserv- ed at first hand, from the birth of the cubs up till the time when one of their number become a famous hunter and a destroyer of cattle on the ranch of a Western farmer. In "A Bull of Triple Creek." A. Ray Giddings gives a dramatic account of a fight be- tween two, bull moose, the human element being supplied by the two trappers and a woman, the wife of one of the trappers, who witness the encounter between the two rival: ,buliia,; e.nd whom is narrowly rescued from death. The Light that saved; Camp Magic ; On, the Trail of the Wounded .Bull Moose: A Story of Eggs and 'Skins , and other articles besides the regular, dopar,tments,. constrtuuto an interesting issue for the sportsman whose thoughts at this time of the • year are turning to the opening of the big genie season. W. J .Ttylcr, limited, Woodstock, Ont., are publishers of this representative Canadian pun- llcation, eco ees ase eaaae oe'D Nm•nffi•®:d• 4D• 0 tateleeio(e**67teapeodee54i•ia 1 Tho'favomen's Patriotic Society will meet on Friday afternoon at three o'clock elsaup The ;noel - dent -would like a full attendance sons to discus: the best method of carrying on,, ;the work for the winter, , Tun CLINTON NEW I ERA, kgmaileassaesimumFmematii Perfect cooking and baking with least expenditure of beat' is assured by the double flue system forcing heat twice around the oven of WOWS' ndora Come in and I'll show you why the Pandora stays as good as new long after other ranges have to be repaired or replaced. sass oid by flAIRL1•IND 'BROTHERS S AdA41kAA•A`Al'AAAAAAAAAL11A,1. hA®OAAA1LA0AkAAANa,1•141.1AA♦ 1 ► Local News ► r rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv rvvt,vvt+vwvwvY+rVevvvVsvv11/.. REMEMBERED THE BOYS. On Saturday evening Mr. Jack Middleton of ,evening Township, came into town and to the soldier boys on the street gave them a basket of peach:% It is need] sato say the buys enjoyed the treast. A'CLOSE CALL • Word was received last week of the close call Mrs. Jae ,fair, of Calgary had on Sept. 25th. Mrs, .Pair had gone down cellar to at- tend le the gas furnace when a small explosion' happened a.nd she was ,.tuned severely about the Shoulders and herdt., Her o:d friends Wil: be glad to hear she is rapidly reeottering from burgs and shock, REMEI1IIiERJID THE BOYS. As the boys of the 101st Bata. left town for Camp Borders, Miss Jean and Master Willie 13e11 pre- sented the boys with a nes of home-made taffy and a basket of snow apples, wishing the boys'the best of luck and a safe return. ;Willie's heart is with the boys and wit es he was Gild enough to go with them., ' • FORMER CL1NTONIAN DEAD. The London papers' report the death of ;Mr. Charles Edward Tanney, who was an employee of The Doherty Piano Co., The press report states, -Mr.. C. E. Tenney, 371 Maitland street, traveller for ,the Shoriooh-Manning Piano Co., died on Saturday night at Char- slottetown, P.E,L, where he was taken 111 while on a. business trip. itis sons Harold. was summoned to his bedside last week. Deceased was 57 years of age nad had re- sided in this city for twentyyears. Prior to that he lived In Wood- stock and 'Clinton., Ile is survived by his widow, his. son Hamad, and a daughter, Luella., The body will be brought to ,.his city for burial, Deceased was in Clinton about three weeks ago and was in apparently good health then; COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY blies Glenn of (Ilea i. •Oharl es, Toron- to, Canada's Heir 1lsshinn store, will twin 01intou Wed' Oat. lhtb, Rattan• bury Hotel, with a full line of hair goods, if you are not satisfied with the appeernce of your ha r consult Miss Glenn, Five demonstration. GOING To BRUCESIEL D. A load of Oddfel.ows't are going to attend a, special meeting at Brucefield tonight when the Past Grand Degree will he conferred on thein., The Grand Maker' of Ont- ario is to be. present and Rev. J. A. Robinson of town, who is Grand Chaplain is also going to be pre- en t: C. C L WON.. Last Friday afternoon the Sen forth C.I. boys played the C.C.I. team agave of baseball of five in- nings but Suffered defeat. The score was 11-0 with an innings to spare. (Following was the. score by Innings;- Seaforth-0' 3 3 0 0-6 Clinton -4 2 0 i .-1.1 ME'PEOROLOGICAL REPORT NOR SEP77'EMBER. The highest maximum temper- ature was 85° on 13111. The low- est minimum temperature was 29' on 'loth: The highest range was 32 on 2nd. The lowest range was 8° on 17t11. Tho means were max- im= 09 17' ; the minimum was 50.90° ; and range, 18.27' . The total rainfall was 2.41 inches Thunder sltow er on ist. ,Fall Wheat looking fair; first part of month very dry. Pastures bare. T orest leaves turning` at the end of the month PROCLAMATION ISSUED. An extra of the Ontario Gazette. has been issued containing apro- clamatron 00 the Lieu,tenant•+Gov- ernor of Ontario, requesting the Mayor of every town .end the Reeve of every municipality, to comply with the Patriotic and on elf Hist MI Rod Cross organrzaLrons hi las e eemrnunity and call a publfcrueel ing in each and every locality for Deposited gq8 el88i rho purpose of organizurg a earn- eposited EY ith sheriffpaign for the collection of funds, on the 19111 clay of October, and -�-• urging all clergymen, members of Godoricb, Oct. 8 -With due cere- mony the colors of the 151st Huron Battalion were on Sunday deposit- ed with thea Sheriff 'of Huron Co., for safe keeping until the conclus- ion of the war. Lieut -Col. Combe ,presented the colors which were received by Sheriff Reynolds after aceremony conduct4d by Rev. J B. S'otheringhania- Speeches were made by Lieut -Col. Combe, Dr. J. R.'13olmes, County Treasurer and Sherriff . Reynolds. Local detach- ments of the' 161st Battalion, the battaaaion band,( and a great con- course of civilians were present in the Court House Park, where the ceremony took 151ace. . Parliament, school teachers, and the public generally to assist in '.I the movement. "SAFETY FIRST' , WITH FII Et6.RMS, Each year the shooting season records a long list of accidents due to carelessness of hunters in the forest and in the use of fire - 1113119. A gun going off accident= ly and killing the owner, climbing fences with the gurr loaded and cocked, Cr shooting ,at a com- panion in mistake for an 'animal are stereotyped causes. With the knowledge of the danger of hand- ling firearms, it is surely incum- bent upon hunters to exercise ev- ery precaution and keep continu- ally before them the motite, "Safet]z Are You Bald ? Have You Thin and Faded Hair? Is your appearance not what it should he because of the lack of Hair ? Then come and see DORENWEND'S Display of FINE RAIR GOODS the Rattelfbnry (Rouse, Clinton The fat-Is"t productions in LADIES TRANSFORMA- TIONS. POMPADOURS, ETC., and " FOR MEN WHO ARE BALD', THE D011IONWa7ND TOUPEE which represents the htgheet achieve- ment in chieve-mentin the are of h.tir construeing, 1ieatherweigbt, hyt, enic and so r atnral in appearnnee that the elpssst o'bservee could not tit it, from your own hair. They tuiuut be di iturbttd or removed except sit the wearer's wish. NOT A PAY) GUT AN ABSOLUTE NI1LP: hl ll. TO LVPuli1. MAN Wada1S BALD. ' Thursday, October 120, 1916. ren with +t1 1St Pen. © g!P� Ours 'is the store that serves you as good as any for books and alittle better for gen- eral supplies. We try to make School Supply trade a mutual advantage ,proposi- tion. ft's an radvantage to us to have your business, and we believe it's an equal advantage to you to secure what we offer at the price' The W. D. Fair ens Often the Cheapest --Always the Best _ ... _. seem, onsigme Berger's English Paris Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse' than useless. It won't pay you to experiment, Get Burgers then you will have the best, in original a lb and s lb packages. Arsenate of Lead also in stock. T. EL, IIO T:E NYAL QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist wormamr The Features of Our Furniture To which we invite special attention. are its beauty, its assured comfort, its. solid construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of these points' would he sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are all corn-. bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor.. . tunity you cannot afford to ignore,1 1, JAS.� t tt '� t �, . f11G'1 ff it '� �• undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Caills answered at Residence over store it will pay you to l The eog ilei• Grocery "Lucre and Let Live" ciet.;, ur p" rices Busy at Douse -cleaning 1•U' 1"OlJ ARE 'Li0 T US HELP Y'01.7 SAVE LABOR IN COOKING Wo have a delicious line of Cooked Ham -ready for the tittle Heating or EBVttCOU 'ilia -that the entire family will ap--- • gg' preciate. Or 11 you prefer, you can 'have your choice of a number of other • lines' that are easily made ready- to eadyto serve. Reade hi.s Estimates given free cooped Hant, Veal Loaf, Corn Bees, Jelled (Hock, fanned Salmon, Kippard Herring, Fin- an Saddle, (Chip Beef, and Material and Workmanship Bologna, •For quick desserts eve would - suggest ,felly Powder; Tapioca- ready really to serve in a minute; and all kinds of fancy preserves. Agents for Ueda Furnaces SPECIALS Grapes, Oran es. Bananas, Lemone- cranbgerries, Celery • SweeSpanisht Potatoes. Onions and on your Plumbing the Best. Thos. Hawkins (�; Plumbing and Heating E. E. 11unnif® `d{' Shop -over It'•owland's hardware PRONE 46. 1441+N+44..4.4.444.4'•II:4'+•E4••t'4++.14✓r&.'°aril +++ 44.44+++• 4. 4. 444. Family Shoe Sty re We meet every footwear requirement c.f every member of the family. Among our 'patrons there are many families where we shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby. We shoe every member because they know where to come for. Perfect Shoe '`,Satisfactio; Shoes of comfort for elderly people, shoes of style and durability for middle aged, shoes made for strenuous wear and adapt- ed to the growing feet of boy or girl. We stand ready to prove a benefit to any family It will be worth your while to test us. You will bequick to discover why so many families call this “lheir Shoe Store,'' @Itl1 r6 A ItEllilNITTRATIN ill T'infrd' ay, 9e,itIl} i ,v With, Ilia 4�4 01918 DAT gQ�t�yM N.) i° lli011.E.O WJINDS 99 llc:ul Office and $iioivroO8lIS 105 'Nage Street, Toronto. FR EA). J t7 'eK e HOUSE OF BETTER I-I0ES gz+t4'09** t tl«g„1l4ate'II31i8?t3"1°i'1"kd