HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-12, Page 3• hursday, October 12th, 1016. THE CLINTON NEW HRA Slid It PAGE THREE CENTRAL add STRATFORD. ONT. COMM( rcial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Students may enter at any time, We place graduates in positions. During July and August we receiv- ed applications for over 200 ounce assistants we could not supply. Write for our free catalogue at once, D.A. McLachlan. Prineipnl I1V OUIR For the Coming Poultry Season is fi TORSO! 0I P4 1r t 9 100 To ship the aibove amount will irequire at least,= L 20,000 Chickens, s• L 20,000 Hens, 1 5,000 Ducks, 3,000 Turkeys, 1,000 Geese, your We in the e Poultry atket opfor pricels. ENQUIRE FOR. BleE, S BEFORE It will pay you to give your Laying Hens the' best httention as NEW LAID EGGS are expected to reach record prices this winter. Go10-LU>loloio & Co., L illliteQ Clinton Branch Phone 190 Y►AaonarA AAAAAa.:AAAAtt4tAAA� ► V P. P.E ► MI ,4 4 il 0 See and here our finest gNew Stylish designs of 1 Doherty Pianos and Organs, E 4 a lo ,Special'values iu Art C ► M Cases ; ► • Pianos and Organs rent le s ed. Choice new Edison te 0. • : phonographs, Music & E variety goods. . E Music EmporiLIul 4 C i41 C C. Hoare ► 4 0 V ► a . s tlfvsvYV VYve Pianos ROOFILNG isimsmsotomismstimmiinnensmoimistmwo Corrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and_Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly MIMIBMIMOWIIIIIMMOMMIWOOKIRIXDO Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. W. BRItiiI)V 10 BARRISTER SOLICITOR 'NOTARY PU131410, ETO CLINTON (CHARLES 8, HALE Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton. G H. T. RANCE Notary. Public, Conveyancer. Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In surance Companies.... Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. dames Doherty wishes to in- form the e p ublic tha t he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive nrompt attention, - M. G. Cameron. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made. CfYice hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medi�.ai• DR 5. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon. Pito evect Ey . Her. Ton hroat. and Nom, of the Eyes . ,fully xapmt ed. cud suitable glaseee reOffice and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Hots Huron St. DRS. CYAN and CA.tJi1ER Dr. W. Gunn. L. R. C. P., L, R. C. a.. Edi Dr. C unn'e office at residence High Street Dr. J, C. Gaudier. B.A. RI.B. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls at residence. Rattenburr St at or OR. P. A. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work. a Specialty, Graduate of 0,0.D:S..t Chicago. and R.O,D.S Toronto. Hayfield OH Mindoro, Nov lot to D Olt. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental treat meat se painless as ooeaible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stock and general Auction ter GODERIOH ONT Pat es Nitta Elm sales Clinton, pnm tiyralit ends to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' enlo not, discounted! _ _ Drs. Geo t& M. E. Whitley PI01 CM `:11111 Osteopathic Phy. Better Pay The Price Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous DisOt dere Ey CO SULTATIONd FREE., Office—Rattianbllry 'Hotel, Tuesday and FridaY, 7, to 11 p.m. G, D. McTaggart M. 1). McTaggar MeTaggart Bross BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOlh General Banking Huainan transacted ROTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. �Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite as Well as .Dr. Simon — all distinguished authors—agree that whatever may bo the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing us with a clue to the princi- ples upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu- matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo,. N.Y.; send a sample of urine and de' scribe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr.'Pierce's chemist has examined the urine—this will be carefully done without charge, and you Dr. Pierce no obligation. be under will during many years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which be finds is thirty-seven times more power- ful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheuma- tism, go to your best drugg et and ask for a 50 -cent box of "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak women and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the blood have been favorably known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies to-day—as well ae Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 'for the liver and bowels. You can get a large trial package for 10e. of any one of these remedies by writing Dr. Pierce. Doctor Pierce's Pellets are unequaled as a Liver Pall. One tiny, Sugar-coated Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilions Headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. The McKillop Mutual ]fire Insurance eo. Perm and isolated Town Prove erty Only Insured. Head Office—Seaforth, Ont Scones for Luncheon. Dissolve half a saltspoonful of baking soda and five ounces of fresh butter or lard in one-quarter pint of warm water or milk; put ten ounces of flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and stir in the liquor to make a stiff dough. Roll this out into a round cake one-quarter of an inch thick, mark this into eight portions and bake on a griddle or in a thick frying pan. Split the scones, butter them well, and serve very bot; time to bake, fifteen to twenty minutes, it ren Cry d FOR FLETCHER'S CSTQRIA World's Best Pearls. Perhaps the finest pearls in the world are owned by the Duchess of 'Marlborough, to whom they were given by her father. They formerly belonged to the Empress Catherine of Russia. OFFICERS. 7. Connolly, Goderich, President. Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Treas Directors—D, F. McGregor, Mea - forth ;,J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rina, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEwen, Clinton; J. B. McLean, Seaforth; T. ^onnolly, Godertehr Robt Berrie, Earlock; Geo. Mc- Cartney, Tuckeremith Agents -Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth;, W.'+Chesney, Eg mondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Bolmesville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton R. S. Jareauth. Bro0hagen Payments matte at Morrish & Co Clinton, and Cutt's grocery store Goderich and Jas. Beide store Bayfield. Don't he tempted to choose cheap jewelery: Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the'. most economical. - That bas been said so often that everybody by this time should know ib -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would. like to miss that sort'altogether-. CSOM.E HERE If you would like to bits where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair .R. rl'tinter Jeweler and Optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses A Carload of Canada. Perlia®d Cement Phone us tor prices it will pay you John. Hutton LONDESBORO CASTO R IA %FO'RD 111cLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). For Infants and Children In Use Foe Over 30 Years Always bears ��GCGIF!/Y the v J. 11. I Si,nature of C Dc„ in Ilosoned Station, After 1, lug cel,mctl 22 hours in the burned Bounven ❑re Station in Montt'enl, a four -months -Old Italian police dog, the. property of Lew Rit- chie, an employee of tue Grand Trunk, was found in the wreckage. The animal, nearly dead from cold and exhaustion, was successfully re- vived. Cook's Cotton Root Compollmd. We also have on hand, ;Alfalfa.. Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on. hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Peed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Ray and all Ckr'aina. 4 safe, reliable rep, a.tinp medicine. Sold in three de. Was It . the Guardian Angel? By F. A. MITCHEL • a Percival and Arnold Stewart, broth- ers, enlisted when the pan-European war broke out in a regiment of in- fantry and crossed the channel into Belgium. - That was when the 'Ger- mans were driving the allies south- ward, and it was expected that they. Would drive right through Paris. One evening, when the Germans were pushing the allies toward Lille, the regiment with which the Stewart brothers served made n stand. The in thesamecompany Stewarts were p y and fought shoulder to boUlder. Per- cival was two years older than Arnold and kept an eye on his brother, dread- ing every instaut to see him fall tothe ground. Presently, true enough, what he feared came to pass. Arnold fell, literally torn to pieces by a bursting shell.' Maddened at the sight, Percival pushed forward, but the stand of the British was only a temporary one, and the order was given to fall back. The young soldier, exasperated at not be- ing permitted to wreak his vengeance on those who had killed his brother, refused to retreat and, remaining be- hind. continued to fire at the enemy. But presently, seeing blood on one of his hands, he knew that he had been bit and followed his comrades, By this time darkness had fallen, and Stewart saw the retreating Brit- ish line through the gloaming. They were to make a lengthy retreat this time, for the French were being push- ed back rapidly, and the British, who were on their Flank. had a greater dis- tance than they to go to keep the alignment. Percival was marching some 500 yards behind them. The enemy on that part of the field bad thrown forward skirmishers to harass their retreat. Percival trudged along, following the men ahead of him. at times trying to catch up with them. He had been shot In the arm, but fortunately the artery had not been cut, for in tbls case he would have bled to death. His mind was on the brother be had lost, and neither his condition nor his surroundings engaged his attention, Stragglers were hurrying past him, and he was passing stragglers. The former were in better condition than he, and the latter were mostly more severely wounded. But there was one who neither seemed to gain nor lose on Percival. Ile was in Percival's rear and a couple of yards behind him. How Percival became conscious of the man's presence he did not know, for he heard no sound coming from his follower. He was simply conscious that some one was behind him. Turning, he saw through the darkness what appeared 'to be a person. Whether he was old or young, soldier or citizen, Stewart could not tell. He only knew that some one was there.. The soldier trudged on, or, rather, staggered on, for by this time he was very weak from loss of blood. Now and again a bullet whistled past bins, sent by some skirmisher, but none came dangerously near bim. Twice during the retreat he looked back and both times saw his shadower in the same relative position as before. Once when he turned a flash from a distant cannon slightly increased his vision, and he sow the person behind him a trifle more clearly. For an instant there was a flash of joy in his heart, for from the glimpse he got of the person's face it seemed to be that of bis brother, Arnold. But he had seen his brother blown to atoms. and he knew this could not be. Nevertheless, from the time of this in- stantaneous view he became impressed that there was some connection be- tween this figure and Arnold. Presently, when the skirmish line was passing so near the British line as to harass them with scattered shots, the Englishmen sent back a email force to drive back their followers, This line passed Percival, dashed in among the German skirmishers and drove them back upon their own main force. Percival, who was now safe with his own comrades, looked for the man who bad been trudging behind him. Ile had vanished. On ceacbing the British lines Stewart found himself among those who had been near him on the retreat. "Who was the fellow behind you?" • asked a man who had traveled near him. ."Directly in my rear?" ' "Yes." "Did you see any one?" "I did. and he got between you and a German just in time to save you from a bullet. The German. was about to fire, Mit lowered his piece. • There wasn't much light, and I jndga'd that he was afraid of killing one of Ills own. men." Stewart asked no more questions. What he thought was the result of feeling rather than reason. It was far stronger than reason, Indeed, nu one could persuade hint that the spirit of hts.brotller had not followed him and Protected him from death During the past' half century the be- lief in the guardian angel his greatly deteriorated. This is simply because there has been so tnurh of the 51110). ous in science that it has overshadow- ed all that is Inexplicable by nrtturt" s laws. lilt our knowledge of these laws is infinitesimal, There are those today who are looking for some scion, title connection with those who have Passed into the great unknown. rtrete of strength—No. No. 2. 00, No. 3, 35 per bort Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free .pamphlet. Address: THE, COOK MEDICINE CO., " TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wlatsor.) Plums are a drag on the, mar- ket. Why not make arrangements to have them turned into jam for use by our soldier boys at the front ? Break year match before throw- ing, it away. is a pew fire tpreven- tive admonition. FORD & McLEOD Grapes green or ripe, in jelly, spiced con- serves, or simply preserved in light syrup, make a delicious andinexpensive addition to your winter supplies. • Cantle Sugar because of its purity and FINE granulation, is best for all pteserving. 2 and 5-1b Cartons 10 and 20-1b Bags "The Ail -Purpose Sugar" PRESERVING LABELS .FREE 54 gummed andprinted lbels for n red ball te,do.mnrk. Send to Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd. rower 131dg., Montreal 69 HELP FOR WORKING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf- fered too much to continue. How she regained health :— Frankfort, Ky.—"I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I took three bottles and I found. it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all my own work again. I recommend it to any woman Buffering from female wea mess. You may pub- lish my letter if you wish, "—Mrs. JAMES CONLEY,516 St. Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky. No woman Buffering from any form of female, troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinitham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice,—it will be confidential. Route or via Chicago, St. Paul. and Duluth and are good returning two months from date of issue. Thro- ugh tourist sleeping cars are op- erated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Toronto . 10.45 p. m via' Transcontinental Route without change. Reservations in tourist sleepers may 'Se obtained at nom- inal charge on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted ,cheeping cars. through the newest, most picture- sque and most rapidly developing section of Western Calna,da. Be- fore deciding orf your trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnieh full palrticsfuiors or lIvrtte C. E. !Horning. District passenger Agent Toronto, Ont. Heart Palpitated Would Have to Sit Up in Bed. FELT AS IF SMOTHERING. not seem to have decreased in the least during two years, for they were still full of grievous complaints against him which they could not prove (verses 2, 7). He was having wondrous fellow- ship with the Lord Jesus, for whose sake he was suffering and of whom it was written, "False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not." "Reproach hath broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness" (Ps, xxxv, 11; xi 20). When we colxinsider such. words as these, "Thou shalt be hid from the scourge ofthe tongue," "Thou shalt keep them secretly, in a pavilion; from the strife of tongues," "There shall no evil befall thee,' "No 'weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" (Job v, 21; Ps. xxxi, 20; xci, 10; Iso. fly, 17) and other similar assurances we are tempted to wonder a little, but then we remember that Paul was told that be must suffer great things for Christ's sake, and he taught others that we must through much tribula- tion enter into the kingdom of God and that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. And our Lord said to His disciples that in the world we would have tribulation, and after He ascended Tie said to one of the churches that the devil would cast some of them into prison, but they were to continue faithful even if they died for it, and some who had been killed were told to rest awhile till oth- ers should be killed as they were (Acts ix, 10; xlv, 22; 11 Tim. ill, 12; John xvi, 33; Rev. ii, 10; ri, 11). He certainly loves His own and will to the utter- mo;,t, yet He allowed the disciples to toll nearly all night, against a con- trary wind, and 1: -Ie allowed Lazarus to continue sick and die and be buried that God might be glorified. We must bear iu [Hind that just be- cause we are His we have the world, the flesh and the devil to contend with, but He will not suffer us to be tried above that we are able, and all our trials and afflictions are working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory (1 Cor, x, 13; II Cor. iv, 15-18). When from the kingdom and the•giory we look back over our life story and consider all the way by which He has led us we may per- haps see a reason for everything He has done or permitted. But we shall surely say right was the pathway lead- ing to this. It therefore becomes us during this little while to say, "As for Ged. His way is perfect," "Just and true are Thy ways, 'Pilon Ring of na- tions" (Ps. xviii, 30; Rev. xyd Jill. If only we could have no will of our own and rest wholly and fully in the perfect will and love of God we would have a foretaste of heaven in spite of all our trials here. When Paul refused to return to Jerusalem and appealed to Caesar that decided hatters for the present, and Festus said, "Uuto Cae- sar shalt thou go" (verses 0.12). It may be that the Lord's night message to him, "So must thou bear witness also at Rome" (xxiii, 11), helped him to decide to appeal to Caesar. for Cae- sar meant Rome, and this may have seemed to him his opportunity. King Agrippa and Beruice having come to Caesarea to salute Festus, the whole matter was laid before them, and Agrippa expressed a desire to hear ?''aul for himself, and that will be our lesson for next weak. Thus was being fuldlled the Lord's message to Ananias concerning Paul, "no is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the gentiles and kings and the children of Israel (ix, hi). As Festus rehearsed the matter to Agri) pa, Ile said that the whole matter seem e5 to be a question of Jewish supersti- tion, autl specially concerning one Jesus, who was dead, but whom Paul affirmed to be alive (verse 111. Does Pat that seem to describe the knowl- edge that minty so called enlightened people have of Him even now? Many are like Gallie and cure for none of these things txviti, 14-17), while many more, even among churchgoers, who take some part in the public worship outwardly, know nothing of IIim as a personal So vlour and friend. It is written of such In Ise. mill. 13, `This people draw rear me with their Mrs. Francis Madore, Alma, P.E.L, writes: "My heart was in such a bad condition I could not stand any excite- ment, and at times when I would be talking my heart would palpitate so that I would feel like fulling. At night, when I would go to bed and be lying down for a while, I would have to sit up for ten or fifteen minutes, as I would feel as though I was smothering. I read in the daily paper of a lady who had been in the same condition as I was, and was cured by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I bought a box, and they did me so mtich good, my husband got another, and before I bad used hell of the second box I was completely cured, I feel as though I can never say enough in favor of your Heart and Nerve Pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are Composed of the very best heart and nerve tonics and stimulants known to medical science, and are for sale at all dealers, or will be mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 MINO0, LOCALS. October. • :Five Sundays this month, Get your auction sale 81115 p5'. - ed at the New Eral 'office, The 51.00 newspaper in Canada is almost a thing of the past. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA YOU CAN 'HELP. Readers of this poper are ur- geneLY requested to fav or us with Personal or other local news. Many things of local interest escape our notice which 'we would 'be pleased to print. -did we know of them. We wish our su'bscriber's and readers to assist us in our local news gath- ering. 1 HOMESEEKERS EKCUSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem issue round trip IHomeeeekers, tickets (at very low fares from stations in Canada to', points in Manitoba, Sasktachewan and Al- berta each Tuesday until October Mat, inclusive via North: Bay, Mood's Phosphodiao; The Great EogiisMPRcmeelt, Tones and invigorates the whole nervous eystom, makes new Slood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Menial and Brain Werrp, -.Despon- dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Menton,. Price $1 per box, six for Sao .One wollplease, mx, will curo,tSold by all druggiete or mailed in plain on receipt of pprice. Nero penvphletmai.lyd free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. ONT. (Female Weide, SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson IH.—Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 15, 1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Acte xxv, 1-12. Memory Verses, 10, 11—Golden Text, Matt. x, 25—Commentary Prepared ley Rev.' D. M. Stearns. The successor to Felix, Porcius Fes- tus, seems to have been in some re- spects like minded to Felts, for he, too, was willing to do the Jews a pleasure (xxiv, 27; xxv, 12), and he would have sent Paul -back to Jerusalem had he been willing to go. This was what the Jews desired, that they might lay in .r wait for him by the way and kill him '1 "Although I Had Little Faith in Them RR That is the feelingof hundreds who havo' been helped by Gin Pills. They ad- mit alter the euro that when they used Gin Pills it did not seem possible that such a simple remedy could relieve such omen suffering. The line above, for in- stance, n Herbert, mPfrom ea ie evi the letter 8'. P. in •Its FORTH Et` VCID1' EY5 fie says, in part, "I suffered from Kidney trouble for several 9 ea ra have tried nnmerons remedies and used medical Lief, without haviag permanent relief, myy case being chronic. I decldod to try 0111 Pine although I had but little faith in them. The first dose gave me relief. co have taken four boxes of Sia tires pills and d I And myself completely oared." If yon have lame back, swollen jetats, cenetant headaches, urinary troubles, atone, gravel, inbcoumand iemy remmPeir M. Herbert's At all dnaggtate-500, a box, or 6 boxes for 02.60. Eemember our guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. Write for a free sample to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont. v. S. Addreee—Na-Drn-oo. Inc. 202 Mafia St, Buffalo, N.Y. so memo anti will) ilteli' hits au 1100100 me. but have remevt•,l their heart far from Pte." Also to i:zcl:, xxxiii, 21, "They 1,01' thy words, Lot they will not do them, for with their mouth they chew much love, but their heart noctlt,, after their covetousness." In Matt. ' xv. 8. 9, Mir Lord (tooted the wards from, Isaiah eonr'el?ling the hl•lto'.i'`tes of Elis day. Can you net hear aur Lord saying to yott. "\t'Iru think ye fir Jesus? Whom tlo ye say that I ant?" Does your heart 0911y, "f) Loral, thou art to me my own Saviour, who dirlst bear my sins on the cross anii'•ha.st re - 'deemed me by Thy precious blo")li:-(lint I might live for Then. and after 1 has'e. Suffered awhile share Thy kingdom ind glory." Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They ars•' brutal--harsh--unnecessary. Try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable, Act gently on the liver, eliminate bila,and soothe thedeli- c temembrnnc ofthehowel. Cure Con- Ifipation, Bilious- ness, Sick Headache and Indigestion, at millions Maar. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Pries, Genuine moat bear Signature Cochrane and Transcontinental a1 O?toir .bnf"nil DUX% S ` Dust' NO I —not from the heating system we put in your home. No gas either. We guar- antee it, and Clare Bros. makers of the Hecla Furnace back our guarantee with theirs. This is the only warm air furnace with gas -and -dust -proof Fused Joints. 01d or new, these joints can never open. Dust and gas must always go out the chimney. And thus"`clean" heating comes from the furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask for booklet and plans. T. Hawkins, Clinton Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the FIECLA MELLOW AIR ltrl UrbEiACa E