HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-12, Page 2PAGE TWO. eharettateiwerehrantemerrateiraehaterrechwirsheat Itaillir a ;!i 9 ' , fl CO Ready.ear to -►V A:trltnents Iliulll,®Jlrit Phone 78 Dry Goods Furs Ileum Fur uisJtin S choose voor Hill 51111 From the magnificent assort- ment we are showing .at $J 6 to . S3500 Cleverly designed models in Serges, Gaberdines and Cheviots and other favored fall fabrics, in black, navy. African brown and other colors, Millifterg In our Millinery Department we offer many flats of distinction at $5 to $10. Every hat a splendid model, made of rich Lyon velvet and hatter's plush with trim- min of old silver and steel embroidered flowers,. g Millinery Department buds, etc Be sure and visit our ]4�llhnery D p An Impressive Showing of Women's Distinctive Coats Dainty or dressy models with large collars and deep, cuffs of fur, plush or self ma- terial. Full' flare, belted and semi -fitting styles, In wool velours, broadcloths, chin- chil:as, plushes, and English tweeds. Remember—We -are show- ing one of the {argent range of Ladies and Misses Coats in the county. Every Day is ltlways Some Fashion Day thing New .ao111ea1101 WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN. 14Tade Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro, Pa. -"I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis 00 it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains in my chest and took cold easily. A friendasked me to try Vinol. I did, and it built me up so I am Strong and well and 9 am able to do my housework which ,I had not done for three months before taking Vinol."-Mrs. Y. R. Ilouaooaa, Waynesboro, Pa. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges- tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. J. E Hovey. druggist, Clinton, Also at the best druggists in all Ont:aria towns, The Churches and Recruiting To The Editor. ofthe nen. e Sir -The following tollowine� vppeatttl��" the Mail and Empire Sept.in Nese, Fara, Sir -The following appeared in the Mail a,nd of Sept. 26 Sir -'From the census statistics of 1911, the relative strength , of the tions in leading various lea, i g do nomina 'below.army £ane I Y d• is even Canada g of 494,489 were raised as desired, the various denominations should on the 'basis of 1911, famish the numbers given under the column "share,"' The numbers they have actually furnished is given below Actually Denominations Census Share l+nrn'd Roman Oath, 2,833,0.11 108.01:7 51.426 Presbyterians 1,115,321 70 577 70,071 Methodists 1,070,892 74,1:33 35,908 Anglicans 3,043,037 71,021305,140 sJdaptists 382,060 2S 481 18,459 Zrongregation 28,203 Jews 16,401 1.,1511 851• Other Denotns. 700,009 13,002 12,109 491 489 324•,928 ' Yours, Stat'Istican. Toronto, Sent. loth. Deeming it worthy of wide cir- culation, I would ask you to be good enough to publish the same. What are we to gather from these figures? Evidently the good old Presbyterian stock has not deter- iorated,. eter•- t d But what can be said , MB CLINTON NEW BRA. Personal Notes 44. he • 1t those having relatives or friend N?,. 4, visaing in town or going Sway 4. notii'y ee of the'taot eaoh week, we `ate would auuouaoe it is the Mirk 16ne, 714'++ ' ' ' 0144'1 14+4 U Mrs. J Taylor has been visiting with rellrtiives and friends in town, Miss ,Florence Diehl ie 'visiting at Mansall,. Miss Hattie Sutherland, of ortown tiv s visit i into on en a a H salt Wednesday of this week Mr, R. eaiifull of Leamington was the guest Of his brother, Capt. J,K 9iairfulu,over the weekend, Majdr Hays and family of Sea - forth forth spespent Sunday. with friends i•n town. ' Mr. A J. Holloway paid Bay- field avisit on; Tuesday. Mr. Walsh of Stratford was in town on Wednesday. Barrister Thompson of IVZitehe], Barrister Rest of Seaforth; and Crown Attorney Seager of Gode- rich attended court here on W'ed- nesday. ' Mr. Gordon McDonaitd, ofBrus-. se1 a was, in town on Wednesday Mi 'Powers of 'Stratfoid spent Thanksgiving with, his daughter. Mrs. .9,K, Fairfttll.-' Mr. Oliver Johnson was down from Goderich on Wednesday, 0ealene eell00m00000110060000® Local News 00000000000000000000000000 MINOR LOCALS. Essex merchants iwho entered into hold agt weekly nt with ln other ,have found It so profitable they will continue it, When in need of visiting earls leave your order at the New Era office. All 'orders neatly and promptly executed. Prices "mod- erate. r • The New Era does all kin s o Job Printing in anent and attrac- tive manner. The office is ,well equipped for this class of work, and your orders will always re- ceive prompt attention. The old song• "Nobody knows how dry 1 am,"' may now besting in earnest. GOES TO OVEN SOUND. Mr, Ed• Miller left Listowel this Week to take a position as lino - type operator with: an Owen Sound paper. Ed. wars' a former employee, of the New' Era office. and son of Mr, and Mrs, J.Milfer of Orange Street, Thursday, October 1211i, 1916. nesday night 'at the home of Mr. 13 Livermore. Potatoes are a poor crop. Some -" people are not getting back as A good general servant wanted much ars they put in. apply to MRS. H. T. RANCE Wanted, i1UTIOE TO CREDITORS Its the Estate of Donald aleCorvie Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Donaad McCorvie, late of'. the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. retired inanufaeturer, deceased, who died on or about 19 6; are of J 1 • eelh eighth day'July, > the g Y required to deliver to the under- signed administratrix or her so- Bettor o Nevember, 1n or J]6,a hilre lefirst state statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof and the nature of the thein all if n held' 'b 1 s curries any, Y, Y duly verified ;by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE' that after the said last mentioned date the •said''ad.miniatratrix wilt proceed to distribute; 'the estate lof the said. deceased amongst, the persons en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims as she shall" have re- 'eeived due notice`, and 'in accord- ance therewith Dated a;Clinton this tenth clay of October, A.D. 1916. m n's- J ZtiS Corvfe Ad r i Ann Jane McCorvie, > will t .i • with the itannexed. iia r � v1 W, Brydone, Clanton Ontario. etolieitor for the said atlrnieistra- trim. Mrs. Akam is visiting friends at Gad's Bill. Mr. John Sutl•'er spent Thanks- giving hanks- g iving athis home in Stratford. Mrs. J. ' Cornish and Mrs. W Henry spent Thanlesgiving; with friends at Petrolia. The Prilfia Packet makes the following' reference to a son-in- law of Iyllr. David Cantelon -Mr. A. Weather ti ax has sold his resi- dence on Mary Street to Me. Tan - ling of Honeywood, father of Mr, Mortimer Tupling of Ovalle, who, with his family, is coming here to live, Mr Wcathertoax has bought TI.F. Edwards' house., corner of Mary incl William Streets Mr Edwards has moved to Toronto. • Brantford Expositor, -].Rev. CW. Saunders, for the pest :seven years iota a rector of St. John's church, 'West for f others 2 'There never was any Brantford, and also rector of the 'glir can church ,it Mt. Pleasant doubt as to what No. 4 'would do t, when called upon, 'How about' No. 3? Are we to understand thac water, used as a beverage, to the extinction of anything 6tronane, exercises an emasculating ,effect upon the recipient? Or does an inordinate propensity to interfere with other people's attain, 'mind the eye to a rightful conception of duty? ENQUIRHJI. Births, liarriages ct Deaths ,BIRTHS. ADAMS -In Londesboro on Sent. 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams a son. GBI'F391T'HS-In Londesboro on Sept. 21st to Mr, and, Mrs. V✓illiain Griffiths ason, .WAYMOUT'H.-In Woodstock on Sept 20th to Mr. and Mrs. William Weymouth jr,, ason, Premier Hearst has cabled his ender dation of the British Red Cross Appeal on October 19th its follows; ''My visit to Englend and •1"e'arrce has aroused deeper appreciation than ever of the splendid work of the Red Ornss, Tt deserves every support, and 1 trust the peon'e of Ontario will respond with h their usual generosity to the British Red Cross Appeal for October 190h." Home bread baking has become very popular again. Not in defeat but victory, the brave leaves put their color on; and mot in grief but estacy their autumn tints( they don. • ART CLOTHES add to your per- sonality an d inr'- 5 p i r e self -conA& dance. Tc.i1orl'`.'.d to your measure. sagetaraielei allahc.7 et Elk • 2M�9 thin fie; 4ttittetrs se 1'fai.'k'xt7l:"aasite LtaR1918 L.,thalla L.& hand handed in fes resignation, which hon been accepted. When interviewed regarding, his inten- tious, Mr. Saunders said that he had not yet made up his mind what be was going to do, in the immediate future, but would take a needed: rest, bir. Saunders is an old Exeter boy, and a former school chum of 111r•. Harry 13artflf2 Epworth league Convention NOTICE. llort;;ahe Sale Under and by, virtue of thePow- erecontained in a, certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there, will be of- fered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, at the dwell= ingi house on the lands, on Satur slay, the of October, A.P. , 1916, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following pro ert Park Lot No. Eight in the Vil- lage' of Brucefield, containing tee, acres of land, more or less, On the eproperty are a good d six -r mid frame house and kit- chen with !brick cellar, a frame stable, one acre of good young orchard, and Ia plentiful supply of water. Terms, -Ten per cent, . of the purchase money in cash on the day of sale and the balance in. thirty days with interest at six per cent. per annum, For fur- ther terms and conditions of sale apply to R. R. Higgins, 'Bruce - field, or to 1 i W,N • Clinton, 1 8RYDO D olicitor for' C ithe Vendor Dated Sept. 2811i, 1916, Notice is hereby givent hat the Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton has adopted the Assess- ment Roll for 1916, .as authorized by the Assessment Act, sub -sec- tion 3, of section 56, R.13.0•, 1914 and the ,said 19011 may be accepted by the succeeding Council as the Assessment Roll for 1917, ,andfur- ther take •notice that at meeting of the Court of Revision or the Town of Clinton will 'be held in the Council Chamber on Monday the 50111 day of October, 1916, al 8 o'd.ock p.m , for the purpose of hearing and determining coma plaints against the said Assess- ment Roll. Persons having busi- ness at the Court will please at- tend at the said time and place. D. L MACPHERSON Town Clerk Dated the lath day of October, 1916 The minus,' convention of the hp worth Leagues of the Goderich E istriet wilt be held in Ontario 8t. Methodist ebnrah, Clinton, on Wednesday of next week, Gultowing is the program that has been artaoged;- Mor„ing Session - 10 a. m.-Devo tional exercises, Ray. A. Sinclair; 1015 Practical. plans for the Social iaiid Lit Seery Department, Mrs J. A. Marshall Blyth; 11),45 -Our Juniors, Miss M. Irwin, Clinton; 11.15 address, Rev, E. U. Wilford, 11 45 -Registration etc. Afternoon -2 pin --Opening Rev. A. Brown: 2.15- Development et' Spirit eel Life in the lilptecrrh Leagues, Mrs. J. McKinley, 'Zurich; 2,46 -Social Service for the Onmmunity by'the 1 pwortn League, 0'. 8, Savage,iSea. forth; 3.15 The Epworth League Analyzed Rev, 1:, l', J3artlett:415- Addrese Rei N. G. Barris, Evening 7 30-Openinit, Itev, Jones 7.45 -address, 'Rev. G 11. Harris; 8.80 - Closing words, Rei, 8. T. Bartlett. London Road • Mr. and. Mrs Geo, Layton spent Thanksgiving at :Peterboro with Mr. Lay ton's, brotbor. Mrs. Taleoner visited with friends at 'London, Mrs. Stephenson, Sr,, is 'back af- ter 'visiting With her daughter, Mrs Alex. Wels:h Mis. Herman was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H Livermore, over Thanksgiving in Meand lairs Geo. Hanley took BayfiMr, and Mrs Wheeler of London were 'visiting the •tatter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson: 8.910 Offing. and the herrn harvest is over for another year. Everybody hada, good time at the Lea:gae..Fowl Supper on Wed- Private Sale Clinton • iH or Sale I stall 'have for sane -1 dresser and commode' folding bed daven- port; 3 round extension dining room table; 3 buffet, land a. few small articles, MRS. C. W. WHITMIIORE; Rattenbury Street 9 ick to The laud Voting lien Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work. EVERY MAN SHOULD BE DOING HIS BIT. Steady work to good men. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Limited, lSeaforth, Ont. 108 acres Goderich township 57000 100 acres, Colborne, township 5090 90 acres, Colborne township 4800 50 acres, Colborne township 2200 6 acres, Goderich limits 1000 40 acres, Goderich township 2660 All these have good 'soil and buildings and are "real'' bargains. Write us about 'others. If think- ing of making your 'home in the county' town, don't buy till you see us. We can place{ you at easy Prices. We are Huron's largest dealers. i O'NEIL & COMPANY, The Real ,Estate People, Goderich, Ont. Mrs. Johrefia vhins. ataxy Street offers the following by private S Ste -J i lge, coal 07 woorl, .with ate back and niclilepla.ted warm- ,ng cachet ;‘,2 parlor tables; 1Rug; 3 parish rocker's, Buffet sideeboarrd ri kltehen ,ch.aia:s: kitchen talble;;. 2 iron 'heels ; 2 mattresses; ;L sets seri ng,s bedroom dresser with ov ii, g115s; wash stand; .baby eot; Zoll paintings. Sale storts Oct 14. BURDOCK BLOOD ill'ERS CURED DV'W'a PIs. Unless the stomach is kept in good shape your food will not digest properly but will cause a rising aced souring of food, a feeling of rawness is the stomach, pains in the stomach or a feeling as if a heavy weight were lying there. Burdock Blood Bitters cannot be surpassed as a cure for dyspepsia and all its allied troubles. Mr. Tames R. Borns, Balmoral, 79.8:, writes: `About two years ago Iwas badly troubled with dyspepsia, and could not get any relief. I tried 'Most everything, not even the doctors seeming to do me any good. One day afriend told inc to try, Burdock Blood Bitters, as be triad seen it advertised. I did so, and by the time the first bottle was gone I felt better, and after taking three bottles I. was coin:- pietely cured. I highly recommend it to all sufferers from dyspepsia.' B.Ii.B is manufactured only by. The I.A2i11 .111r*r.Go., Limited, .xorontcl, t•. ,louse for Sale nailer Coni Bilis Lot us reduce your coat Ulla, We can do it by sup - p Y a yout ✓ ing with acoal that lasts •loriggivers 1 ctoad7 haat and leavas only a amount of as.'i], ''his coLi i.l ]�� .VALr pI' ARM RACITE. .: ha Cont That 'Sot,sit- R. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University. London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Doubled -Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment' in view Write for particulars to: Incorne E. E. BRAITFIWAIID, M,A„ Ph,D. P resident. Fat REDS and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time, Highest Merkot Prices W, MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 106 Farm for Sale, Farm for sale, containing 55 acres of good clay loam, suitable for agriculture or grass, being _'al'3ouse on Rettenhnry 191., formerly north half of lot' 77, Maitland con- occupiei by the late Mrs. William cession, Goderich, with five acres of choice hardwood ,bush, and a. G.Murray. Apply to D. McTAGGART never -failing 'spring creek run- ning through, alt under grass at FINEST present, possession ran 'be given THET at ,once. Apply to WILL1AM BEDOUR WHEAT GROWN R.R. No. 2m Clinton or phone 12 on 149. The finest wheat grown is used in making our flour. And each kernel. is carefully scrutinized be- fore using, the slightest fault or defect causing its rejection. This accounts for the fine nourinhing quality of our flour. Tho core used in milling. and packing as- sures its absolute cleanliness. Why not test our flour by try- ing a sack? • 1 I Highest Prices paid for Grain • W.JenkinsMon Phone 199, Residence 9 on i12 For Sale Property occupied by Dr. Gan- dier, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable. Will be sold sep- arately or together. Electric lighting throughout, water in the stalble. 'Hard and soft water in bath -room, kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply do DR. GANDIER& Farm tor Sale amnia 150 ACRES of good clay land. 131 miles north of Londesboro, being lot 26,. concession 13, 'Hulled. Two houses, bank barn and driving . shed; (reverefailing ;well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church and school; rural mail and telephone. Price and terms reasonable. HOLTZHAUER BROS., R.R. No, 1, Auburn. Painting tit Paper Hanging Painting and Paper 13 teeing neatly and promptly done, Orders left at tlunnttord s Grocery Store or at my residence, 'Victoria Street, GRAELIS WHO Is Going to Control Sales of the t rot In Yoaer Territory? COMPLETE ti+tg Plays All s 3>' Standard Records The demand is here and must be supplied. We help you with, our big advertising camoaign. People are enthused over this musical in: novation. Sales' possibilities are' immense. Our arrangements are liberal. You must act promptly as territory is being rapidly taken up., Write or wire. soy r i� 341,4,1.; Se Cs ;yY .t"ri,;armR., 0 COMPANY OF CANADA ,(�amitccl 59 Yenisei Street TORONTO,