HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-10-12, Page 1is THE CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1865, Vol. 51, No. 15 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER 12 1916. W. H. Kerr; Editor and Publisher he New Era Wants the News From every SidelineHach week VVV0,VWVVVVVYWN0A WWWWWWVRWV NWWAAMNMMhN 0 E IN SHAPE As the dull wet weather is approaching, you will do well to guard carefully your health -Natures best gift, For Colds—Use B,exall Cold Ouse, 25c For UUough9- Use Holmes Leug Tonic, 25c. Fora Cold that is hard to shake—Use itexall Cod Liver Oil—it•is easy to take and it is different to most other tasteless preparations in that there is not 24 per cent of alcohol in it, You will find it very beneficial, Best Quality Drug Store The Restali Store Ph: mB VVVWVVVVVWVn/WVVVWWWV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWV W IOM MAM e oa.i ak OF CANADA Capital I Au horized$25,000,000 p LapItal paid np + 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,236,000. .. .......... 2 TotalAssets 34b00 000 } 3E3O' •$lR..ANCI S 4 it.;litWorld-wide Connections; Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking gBusiness Cr ansaeted R. E. MANNING, lamp, Clinton Branch wwvvvwwvwV W WvvwwwV V Wvvvv.V VMV WrwV— INCORPORATED 1855 TME MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND REsElttiE .$8,8l10,o00 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT - BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department interest All oot ed at highest Ceirrent Rate CA, Dowding, Manager Clinton Broach 4 zo 4 •e • • ♦ 4, •4 v ♦ • • • • 2 •. • • 99 94 • • ••e 's s 1' • • 0 reseseenneeziremeannessrnesiratesieseniesesetnanzeseviessaven a. •000004000.4♦00004.4•••• •• 0 4 4 4, 4 ♦ 4 4 4 g. 4 4 3♦• 4, ♦ Ordered Clothing Ready -to -Wear Clothing The R!NC .races Nothing takes the pace of a Raincoat for its Particular Service. The Raincoat is as much a part of a man's wardrobe as his overcoat. We have raincoats that were made to wear out in the rain and keep you dry—to be comfortable and a friend in need. A Splendid assortment at 3.90, 110.00, 12.00, 15.00, 20 00 tee to'kee Our $20 English Melton Raincoat'swe'guaran- ou perfectl dr. no matter how heavy pY . Y Y it rains, I If you°come here for one of these coats, ,there will be no risk for our strong guarantee will always protect you. AS006SS/W.SS006000eeeee•er e06608,0080 .•9is•e4 • 42. SPECIAL I I .4 40 • To the Ladies :-�- e • • a Men's serges for°Ladies Suits, in blue, o •. e • 2 and we will take pleasure in showing them, 2 e.re4 eeee6e6666666666006666966.0omoseCAROes 006666664,100 i I 4 4 • • • • ♦ 4 • •. e 0 • e 2 black and grey, colors guaranteed • abso- lutely fast. Drop in at your convenience f • 4 4 v •. 4 The Alorrish clothing ',9„ Agent for C. 1'. R. 'Telegraph Co. it Square Deal ton' Every Man 'A014,009460 +44444V.stl+BY;M,.@41 ',404•4,++$•4 444 4 Try t, for o work 4a$, Many. Thanksgiving Visitors Mr. Alvan J Barnes of Toronto;, . wisrtodat the ]noire of Mr. .T S. Miller over the hollidaiy.. Mr. and Mss E. Saville of town spent the weele and inLondeseoi'o. Mr. and Mrs Otto 1Fielc, of Ham- ilton, were holiday visitors in town, on Tuesday. Miss Jennie Killer, 'Who teas spent the past year 'with hr sister, Mrs, WL. Cantelon, of 'Moose Jaw, visited at the home of her 'parents for the past month 'before going to Toronto to take a position, Rev. Mr Fotheringham of Gode- rich, was in town on Friday last. Warden , Livingston of Huron Co. w s a visitor in town ottn last week Mrs. (Rev,] Diehl of Paisley is 'visiting her mother, Mrs. Met3arva Dr. Holmes, Co. Treasurer of Huron Co,, was in town on ,Friday Lieut. R Y. McLean of the 16•t.st 33att1. was acaller? on friends in. town on Friday last. 'etre, Harry Twitchell of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holidays in town., t, • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Rance, of Toronto wore holiday visitors in town. .Serge, 'Thos, Britton of the Kent Bate. was a holiday visitor in town. 3eh'. Harry Twitchell came up from Toronto for the week end,. Messrs. J Wood of the Motor works and Mr, Dies, of the Plano Co., spent Thanksgiving atStr<a.t- ford playing golf. Mr. Wellington Cook of the (Ford Co. Hamilton, spent the :holi,ilay at the parental home, Mr. W. Collyer, who noes holds a position in Hamilton was avisitor with his wife and family everSun- day. Capt, and' Mrs C. G. Venstone were Sunday visitors in town Mr. Carl East, Of the Royal Bank staff, Toronto, was home for e few days. Y Mayor ilieleibbon and wife of Wrnghem were In town on Sunday Mr. John. Wiseman, Custom of- Ilear attended a muting of the var lens officers at Stratford on Mon- day. c . Mr. and Mrs, J.R. McNabb a net family of Dungannon were visitors ur t.'wr' or Sundry Major Campbell' of the 161st was a Sunday visitor in town, Mr, Frank Wiseman of Toronto spent the week end in town. Signaller Sid Watts was ep from Toronto over Sunday, He expects to leave for the old lend in a couple of, weeks. Mr.. ,'re in who has been STrml , herr making' home at Sombr since i1 a g her husband has been connected with the, /61st, was a holiday vis- itor with, old friends. Mr. T. R. Watts of Stratford was a visliitor at this parental Nome over Sunday. ' Miss ,Fremlin of Stratford was a holiday visitor in town. .Messrs. A. Willem, G. McLennan F. T Jackson and Councillor 'Haw- kins attended the Liberal, meeting MADE 1N.CANADA Is the only Goods to Buy in Canada thcsc hays , HOW, ABOUT "CLARK'S, Chicken, ' Ham •and Tongue, Pork and Beans, —in all sizes. THESE Ave. JUST TEES. THING FOR OVERSEAS PARCELS. Also Clerk's Peanut nutter in bulk, The Stare of Quality W. t ! THE BUB GROC3flt Phone •18 Newman Cuff Dies in France Word was received this morning that Newman Cluff, Who was driv- ing a motor transport in France, had died of,phenmonia, To the parents, Mrs and Mrs. 1).SCletl', and sisters, the heartfelt. sympa The Britisb Red Cross Appeal Spacial Canvas Will be Made on Thursday Next, Trafalgar. Day. A number ur e of the citizens t o s C o •1 i ens met in h o,ou t 1 m' f, i( Y g t e nn he cath the Council C espon on o else of their only son., In another evening, in )respone to Ithe column we publish a letter whlich Mayors request i, in order to invite wl'eok. e received From Pte Clff iIas1 discussion as to the best 'means of a•aising funds to meet the appeal ANOTHER BOY WOUNDED of the Red Cross Society, Serge. Fred Ford; son of Mr. 3nv, The matter was discussed' at 'Feld of town, who went overseas J with the 33rd Batl,is reported to be wounder] today. ' We hope the and banquet at London, on 'Wed-tvolinds are iiolserious. nesday yy Take Their Mrs, McGarva, Mr's C. D. Douck, Nomas Take Their Miss Wallace, Miss 'Florence Diehl and %beter' Lewis Diehl spent a few hours in Goderich one day la<t week. Mr. and Mrs. Rny Runnbalt of hearty Send -Off Given Officers and Goderich were week end visitors in town. Men of the 161st Battalion final Farewell Pte, Norman, Fitzsimons/ of the Tuesday afternoon. 198th Battl., "Tho Buffs; • was a weak end visitor at the parental ']Come. ' Mr. Leo Charlesnvorthi of Blyth was 0 visitor in town on Saturday The Clinton detachment of the length, it was felt by those present that Clinton had riot done as well as she ought to have done irk the the collection takeh up on Tyne, faigar Day, last year, Seaforth and Wingham far outdoing us.last Year we collected $1000, This year we ought to at least double it. /Fin-' any the following resolutions 'were passed. Reso ve d i that this meeting ex- press their sympathy with the Bed Cross Society, and in order to as- isist the Town Officials in raising the towns share of finances, we recommend the following plan -- 161st Huron Battalion/ along with yc�t, appoint Ward Committees the othei+ boys who+ hacl cone in who will look efts' the distribu_ on •the' earlier trains, was ggiven a /roaring send-off on d Tueday i f- tion of Circulars and envelopes al- Camp Borden after their lastleave c - enw elopes. of absence. 2nd.—Appoint ternoon, on hest departure of so, toile t ' Pte. Fred Rumba]] of the bath At 12.95 the then lined ui> in An advertising Battalion wad home kin his last in front of the post 0f jee ' and Committee, leave from Petawatva before ;go with a sharp eomirand pxnarched 3rd, Ask the Ministers of the ing overseas. We all hope for a down to the band Land, wvhere town to make safe voyage and a sate return. Mayor Thompaou and Rlev, We L. Spacial reference to Rutledge, D.D. spol.e on 'behalf the Societies work on Sunday Oct, of tl 0 citizen; of the town Lieut.15th, Mrs. Thos, Jackson; sr.,was a Col, Combe, i�., replied .briefly visitor in Soaforth. for thea men, and gave reports on ?ilrs. L, E. Mckenzie and son, of the conduct a.nc1 efficiency 01 the Carman, Mao., is visiting hersis- battalion at the various camps, i:Headed by the Clinton. Riltie ter, Mrs, B 3, Gibbings, Ba1id and school ehild[en, the men Mrs, Fowler and children were tuarehed to the station, The men presented a fine ap- pearance visitors at Seaforth, The and, could not but arouse a thrill of pride in those who Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil ane( watched then. The effect of the Miss 'ennuis( O'Neil spent Thanks- strenuous training of the past giving at Toronto; months was evident in the elastic step and soldierly heating. Mies L. Cassette .of Brussels, is Big Crowds at Station. tho guest other sister, Mrs. Harry At the station further crowds Bariliff. , had gathered and all united 10 giving evidence of their apprecia- Miss Jessie Poster, of Goderich. Lion of tho action 'of the soldiers. was aholiday visitor in town, The special was late in arriving' from t:lodeirch but when it slid no few days With her f ithsr in town. from every window there soon eV" Letter Fro peered a happy, sinning face, Mr. Liddy of Winnipeg end Mr ea.gerJy searching for loved ones Emmerson auks -see, were guests in the crowd Then as, the first And a second resolution, that the opinion of this meeting, the Council berecommended to jug_ meet the funds for Red Ceoss pur- poses 'bye direct tax, Another meeting' has bee'] call- ed for Monday evening next, when pamphlets, envelopes etc„ will be ready to address for distribution, The ministers of all the churches titre 'being asked to specially men- tion this appeal et both services on Sunday next, Mrs. Wiltse• of Seaforth, spelt n. time a was lost entraining and of -Mrs. R J. Cluff, puff of the engine broke in on the silence, giving forth a warning Lis )Cd Shepherd,afPeron re, eves that tileaetuul moment ofdeltart- ur0 ]tad arrived n n• s t f - 11 e yo1 or , 1 holiday visitor with his mother. ward enrnasse as if to'bettet vice' the husband o Misses May and Norma Bo.ntle' t d, son aov minorher,whia, � the little ones claminorecl for a, are visiting at London and other tiothetFii sight of "daddy'` Slowly through the columns of your val.- here to me and I sure do enjoy, points. f puUect out anti Inone oft e h British Red Cross rest stations in Frenoe, 30,000 men were fed and 1,500' dressings done in 9 -single day. Mr, N. W. Rowell, K. 0., Leader of the Opposition, on his return from the Front, gives the following tribute to the week of the Red Oross; "1 bring a message of cheer to those who have re natives at the Front and who fear they may be wounded. I believe every. thing human skill can do, that human care andsympathy 'can provide, r vide ' p , is be ing done find provided each day and each night throughout the year'hy the ' Army Medical Corps and the Red Cross. It is a perfect p marvel of eft cieneyl' 000eooeaooie®eee oopeempee `e I Men and Events 'r. J. W. WOODS Ex -President of the Toronto Board of Trade, one of the six Canadtani leaders of industry who were ap- pointed to go to Europe to examine into the possibilities of extending, Canada's trade with the Allied � Pte. Kew an Ckff The following letter written 00 in handy, You knouswelive most-' Sept, 10th was received by the Ed- ly on "Bully Beef and Biscuits and icor as 1 ewe ic— e ]ami, when on the, move as eve. have Just view ]area to ask a favor hardly any time to cool anything. of you a.ncl it is that, I wish /that Mother sends your paper out the crowds stood transfixed on the nab's paper you would extend to reading it. I see you not ot The Misses MIY..bfTo.onto,were cars as they faded }nothe distance. the ladies of the Women's' Patrio- roasting anyone about having their tesfto • at the pat'ental home aver There was little ur no. ehegring. tic Society also, to the ladies of the cutouts open. 1 guess you miss Thanksgiving, Miss O'Keefe, of Seaforth, was a • holiday visitor with Mrs. Ba.i•tlif1 Oilttario Street Alias Pearl Brown, of Hensel], was a holiday -visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo., McLeenan, Miss McLennan and Miss Mable Cluff were visitors atTeeswater. Mr. and Mrs Keating and child- ren of S@aforth. were visitors i t Mr and Mrs Chas, Baste-R.N. Mr, •, 1's l3.'ownof 1 0 Kincardine spent the holiday with his aunt, Mrs, T A Greig. Mr, and Mrs. E.G. Matthews and Master Bill of Goderich were visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs W, 5, Downs over the holiday. 'Reeve Ford Was judge of grain at Bayfield Fair ,on Tuesday. Capt. Percy Toth, of the /61st, was renewing old aegnaintanees in town on Thanksgiving Day, , Mr. and Mrs.. 1. nagger were in Goderich Tuesday attending. the funeral of Mr. Ba•gler's sister, the late Mrs. John Bromley Mr. and Mi's Nixon Welsh of Tor ointo, spent the hpl`!day in sins around Clinton./ Miss Pearl McKay of Kincardine spent the Holiday' with Mr. and Mrs, T A. Greig. g. Mr,. C D: Bonek end family motored to Goderich ,on Sunday. ;Mrs. Miller/ returnee( toiler home in Brooklyn'last week after visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. T Haevl ins, Dr, William Shane of Michfman was , the guest of his brother, Mt,'John Shaer of town. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Rutledge of Toronto 'Were 3sOlida;v visitors with Rev„ Dr anct Mrs. Rutledge. /Hiss Thompson of Goderich wits a. visitor in town' on Tuosclny. Mr. 13 'Hawkins of Hamilton was the guests of his son. Councillor, T. `]Hawkins and Mr, John Hawkins Continued on page 2 , } , WITH TiSS CHURCHES. e • • 800000,0006)000000146970 . WaLLIS CHURCH The Tha.nkuffusing meeting, of the elissionau•y Society of Willis church will beheld Thursday even - lug 19th, Inst ,Mrs(Dr.)McCrae of London wv111 give an address. Spec- ial scuste ONT,iin10 51'. CHURCH. Anniversary ser vices twill be ;he d next Sunday at Turner's sap- pointment. Bev T. E. Sawyer, a former pastor, will preach.' Ser- vices at 11 a.m and 7.30 p.m., The oflroiaals are asking for a thank - offering of one lurndred dollars. The paaten will preach 'botb morning and, evenings in Ontario Street Church next Sunday Ev- ening sebject, "The Valle. of Friends! tVLSLils' , ClLUllC1d, Rev. IsIr McKinley of Seaforth took the morning service last Sunday, a S y y, d, n tovlc for this subject, "Sowing and Reaping." At night the pastor gave his impressions of Billy Sunday a meetings at De- troit 1 The Junior League will held `a: rally re -opening 'service on Friday evening of this week, All the. boys and girls, axe ,invited, The W.NI•S. ,w1Ji meet on Thurs- day, lath lust., to quilt and .hack a bale of goods. 13Atemp CHURCH. Sunday was the S. S Rally Day and et 11 a.m the following pro- gram wars rendered, ;:theme, "The Great Ware' • ]tally hymn, ;Welcome Day, The Lord's Prayer by school Responsive .Reading., Eph 6 1.0-15, Recitation by Miss Myrtle Bell' Address, "Our Xing and Our Foes' by ;Mr Bestmman Solo by Miss Beulah McIntyre Address,, tOui Victory" by Super- .intendent and Mr eairfull. Hymn, As a, Volunteer Hymn, God Bless outs Rally Levy The (Monett Roll was unveiled by the -superintendent Mr.:0, K. Prior who gave a short address, 'and Use names were read) yMissDonna. Cochrane, the school. joined in ;ringing the, NetionalAnthem Pas- tor Nairftill closed with prayer The church was beautifully decor- ated witil maple leaves• and. flags Tn the evening Pastor Feirfull occupied his gown pulpit and . Preached a very practical sermon from 2 Dings 0 17 Mr. R. Fab/ - fell of Leamington emsderett a solo very a.ccoptaibl;y Auxiliary. Society my thanks our( gratitude for the parcel which they sent out here to nleeend which I have received today. 1 tell you Les. it sure 'was appreciated as ave as a on the move end hfuve been for the last .couple of days and the eatables sure came A Pen Picture the sound of my old cutout on the Clinton. • Now Imust close, thanking yeti in anticipation ' of seeing this in your paper, T remain, • Yours truly, c S Cbuff. Who is It? A clapper, Neatly dressed, and yet almost more, to the keen eyed in- formed observer, for such, en one would detec • a ,- Lir res of the eland Y, be seen almost any flay on our streets. He too is small like No. 2. He is fair! He has alittle hair. not much, 'but more than No.e. And like No, 2 he is no longer young, But bens just as much of a boy as ever he Was, when in the poet's words, "he crept like asuail unwillingly to Ischoole He does not walk as mach as be did, for of late bels generally to he seen reclining in the ,back rseat, of his cssr, nodding and smiling to al hie friends sus he speeds along to and front his place of business Hehas been what is generally call- ed a fairly successful businessmen. He made Ihimeealf. By that, term Is mean the nem:muletedl whole, ever money he hes, has had or will, have, by his individual exertions, 'He has always been a free spender", orho might have been wealthy. In- deed had' he ijved like some do, had he pared clown every expen- diture as the manner of some is, he today would be deeided}y rich His delight is principally ceases/1 in two things, iFormost of the tevo es an inveterate love for practical iolting, the next is entertaining. Never ishe so happy, never does Ids face I -gelato with perfect pie sere, to ouch en extent, as when carrying out /practical joke—rend do not let it be for„often—eslteri- alty when Met joke has fon' its subject n certain very intimate ' friend of his own, He has 'been the the author, the cr'ea'tor, designer alder and abettor of more con- centrated @ dev} e t ' 1 n an thea ' m hallo of practical jokes 1 than anyone known to naoldern 4liistory.— And that's going some( He has not been let off unscathed. esar from 111 Many atime has some old Chum of his, pna;alt•tiing under the effects of some reeent ' ;effort planned and carried out by the subject of our sketch, got back in royal shape. We said he loved eno tertaining. 'lie does! Never does he appear to 'better 'advantage than when loyally assistr:cs by his churning wife, they throes open their splendtu home and welcome to the best they have, company numbered by the ten, the 'score and. by the hundred. But even or, 'hese ocoasions his love of s, joke can not be kept in abeyance, and, it is recorded that be laughed till he almost died, at.thte sight of a death -defying combat between one of 'Itis dearest friends, who by his amnnivauce hwv had been prevailed upon to make a speech, and a di- minutive, tersre legged, fully Logged out .specimen of the 'High -a lend bag 'piper, who in his turn had been brined to interrupt the spoeoh, with the [blood-rcurdiing screeches of his native instrument. Politically he is a Tory -111 d proud to so proclaim him=self. Ile beton cant and humbug, Ho is a good friend co many. Like all humanity, he is not perfect; but he is mighty hard to beat, 'Who is deo? - • t