The Clinton New Era, 1916-10-05, Page 3Vlinraday, 'October 5th, 1016. , ' CENTRAL adi STRATFORD. ONT. Comte reial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Departments Students may enter at' any time, We place graduates in positions, 'During July and August we receiv. ed applications for over 200 office assistants we could not supply, e Write for our free catalogue at once, 1). A. McLachlan. Principal r R IM V For the Coming Poultry Season is 100 Tons of P0111111 rat least,- To ship ve amount will L 20,000 Chickens, C. 20,000 Hens, 5,000 Ducks, 3..000 Turkeys, 1,000 Geese, e are in the Market for all your -Live Poultry- at top p 'rices. ENQUIRE FOR YOffiSELLS BEFORE It will pay you to give your Laying Hens the hest #ettentioo as NEW LAID EGGS are expected to reach record prices this winter. Goon-Laialois & Co., Lniiitea Clinton Branch Phone 190 a.AAAWtA4nAA.LAAAAa ua,ALI,. s pans La See and here our finest E 1 New Stylish designs of E I Doherty Pianos and ro 14 41 Organs, S. 4 lie s .5peeial values in Art •1. P • Cases w 1Pianos and organs rent • ed. Choice new Edison e s phonographs, Music & t 1Evarietygoods. Li muste Emporium E 440leSe b. I C. Hoare E 4 le le I. tegwepOCIPIWirwwvvvvrcryvvvvit AAAANAItetonAAAAAntreAMAAANNAM RoOFING Oorrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. wantAiwanaaneweetwaowaftry Better Pay The Price W. BRYDONE BARRfSTER BOLIOITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO OnINTON CHARLES S. unix Oonneyancre Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron fit., Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE A4>t1NT-Representing 14 Fire In [nuance Companies... Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at. W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thureday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron, Medial. DR S. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Eto saeois) attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Noee, Eyes o dully xamined, and suitable glasses Prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial nets Huron at. DRS. GL'1111 and CAABIER Dr, W. Mum, L. R. C. A.. L. R. C. tl.. Edi Dr. Cuan'e aloe at residence High Street Dr. JAI. candler. B.A. 111.15, Office—Ontario Street, Clinton. Night c amt abts isiidence, Battenbar, St o OR. P. R. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specie ley, Graduate of C,C.D.S..a Chicago. and R,O.D.S Toronto. Reyaed on Mondays, May 1st to D DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Ofnoee over O'NEIL'B store. r Speoisl oars taken to make dental treat men( se painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ie.. GODERIOH ONT Fat co stout cares a apeotalty, Orders et r DOM ERA race, Clinton, pramrriy not cede to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sal., unto discounted! Drs. Geo, t M. E. Whitley i1t'.ilelll:A:Isu Osteopathic Phy. Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what von are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is eaeily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss shat sar tlialbogether- A71)M10 BFRi9 If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -COME !JERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfeir w. nt'ili•+t1 Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattianbury 'Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart M. 1). MoTaggar Jeweler and Optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses McTaggart Bros„ BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Basilian transected SOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. ]lead Office-Seaforth, Ont OFPICEFB. J. Connolly, Goderich, President Jas Evans, Beeehwood, Vice -Pres. Thoe.E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec,-Treas Directors -D. P. McGregor, Sea - forth ; ea -forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W, Rinne Seaforth; John Benneweie, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; IvM,. McEwen, Clinton; 3, B. McLean, Seaforth : 3. Connolly, (loderieh Robt Perris, Bariock; Geo. Mc- Cartney, Tuckeramith Agents -Ed. 'linchley, Seaiorth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo. 'Iiolmesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton: R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish & Co Clinton, and Cuttt's grocery store Goderich and Jas. Heide store 13nyfieid. A Carload of Canada Penland Cement Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO FORD & McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). WOMEN OF CANADA. Fort Coulonge, Quebec. -"I am happy t0 tell you that your medicine did me Wonderful good. I was troubled with weakness and I tried wines and other things but received very little benefit. 'I was young at thetime and knew very lit- tle about medicines till a lady friend came to me with a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Ibecame strong and a year afterward had twine. "-Mns. J. 13mun, Fort Coulonge, Quebec. Thousands of women right here in Canada who are now blessed with robust health cannot understand why thousands of other women continue to worry and Bufferwhen theycan obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish atl 'pain, distress and misery and restore the womanly health. Young mothers who preserve the charms of face and figure in spite of an increasing family and the care of Wowing children are always to be envied. Favor- ite Prescription" gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood depends. It 'enables the mother to nour- ish the infant life depending on her, and enjoy the happiness of watching the de- velopment of a perfectly healthy child. We also have on hand, Alfalfa,. Alsike, and Bed Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Ray and al) ,,Grains. A GREAT BOOR THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. Over a million copies of the "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" are now in the hands of the people. It is a hook that everyone should have and read in ease of accident or sickness. Send fifty cents (or stamps) for mailing charges to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and enclose this notice and you will receive by return mail, all charges and customs duty prepaid, this valuable book. FORD & McLEOD sanoonsseesseneesseesdsses Local News 000000eeesddddddddtdddddse ANOTHER APPEAL. Trafalgar Day Oct. 19th, win again be made the date of a Pro- vinci(al appeal for further aid to the British Red Cross Society. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORIA VOTERS' LIST COURT. The Judge of the County Court Will hold a Voters' List Court, in the town hall, Clinton,, on Satins day, Oct. 7th, at ten o'clock, for Clinton's Voters" List, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA EVERYBODY READS T'Hti NE WI ERA Everybody ,in town and vicinity reads 'Phe New Era, They must have it even if they borrow it. 'Have it sent to your address for 25 cents to the end of the, yeer, HOMESEEKERS EX.CUSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA, Tho Grand Trunk Raiiwa.y Sys- tem issue round trip 'Homeseekers tickets fat very low fares from stations in Canada tot '.points in Manitoba, Sasktachowan and Al- berta each Tuesday until October gest, inclusive via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental: Route or via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth and are good returning two months from date of issue. Thro- ugh tourist sleeping cars are op- erated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Transcontinental Routewithout change. Reservations in tourist sleepers may Be obtained at nom- inal charge on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed. electric lighted bleeping cars. through the newest, most picture- sque and most rapidly developing section of Western enfilade, Be- fore deciding on your trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnish full pairtictlli'rsor write. C. a. +Ho1'ning.,District passenger Agent Toronto, Ont. Pears For clear, white delicately flavored preserved pears use The ideal sugar for allpreserving. Pare cane. "FINE" granulation. 2 and 5 -Ib cartons 10 and 20 -Ib bags "TheAll-PurposeSugar" rReStirv1NG LABELS FREE: 54 y m ned ,,d p1, iuted 1, seta for a red L 1r Irada.a sr1. send ro. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd. Power.T3rclg., Montreal e0 VIE CLINTON NEW ERA Olt ,-.,s He Got Hold Of the Wrong Stenographer By EDWARD T. STEWART The president of the G. Y. and W railroad was sitting in his office at his rosewood desk when anoffcial entered in reply to; a tap on bis silverbell Handing the subordinate a letter, he said: "Take that hito the office of the corn - pane's attorney and tell him to, treat it in the usual way." The letter was from a young woman who made her ,living' by stenography' and typewriting. Site had traveled on h Cortina rs 's trains,an as it one of they d was nearing the station stood at the door, bracing herself against the car end. The engineer- stopped the train suddenly, and the car door slammed against the ghee hand and crushed her. fingers. Tits injury ended her ability to make her living as site land been do- ing it. She asked i:he president of the road if he.would indemnity her. The "usual way" referred to by him was to get an offer to settle, then pigeon - bole it. This wa:' done, and. the girl having refused to settle for a song, beard nothing more from the com- pany's attorneys. A few months after the pigeonholing of the girl's offer the president sent for his stockbroker and said to him: "Mr. Barker, I have noticed a very slow rise for a month past of the shares of our road. 1 know of nothing to put them up. Our monthly statement shows some falliug off in the earnings, and there is some doubt about our main- taining the regular dividend. Can you explain the rise in view of the facts?" Mo. Barker could not explain the rise. He thought that some person was menipnlatIng the stock. putting it up for the purpose of making money on it when it went down, again. "Please sell a thousand shares for my account," continued the president, "and every point the price of the stock rises, sell another thousand shares" The result of this order within a cou- ple of weeks was tbat the stock went up five poinis, and the president was "short" of it 5,000 Shares. That means that be had sold shares which he did not own at less tha.0 the market price. When the stock denl'uied to a figure be- 'low r'low what he had 1'ald for it he would buy it and make the difference, As Its president, he knew that the stock was not worth what he sold it for and did not doubt that he would make It good thing of the transaction. But the stock did not go down. In- stead it continued to rise. The presi- dent, who had good nerve, kept on selling stock that he did not own, and one day having called upon his bro• ker for a statement of his account was informed that lie was "short" 30,000 shares. This was somewhat unsteady • ing, and the president directed the bro. ker to hedge by buying 10,000 shares in lots of one and two amuse ed. The broker reported that his buying of 3,000 shares had put the stock up 2' . points. The president looked grave. The road was a small one, and its out- standing stock was not more than 500,000 shares, most of it in hands that had beld it for years. If the seller could not buy the stock he had sold for delivery he Wbuld lose a fortune,, Ile Pint CA taking any action till the next day, when there was a flurry in the stock on the market, and the shares jumped twenty points. Then came u report that the stock of the G., Y. and W. Railroad company was "cornered." That meant that some person or persons had bought up the stock and there was none for sale. One, three, four, six hundred per cent was offered for it, but no stock was brought out. Few persons had been selling the stock except the president, but he was ruined. In cases where a stock is "cornered" it is customary for the seller and the buyer to get together and settle, agreeing on a certain fixed price. The president sought his un- known enemy for this purpose. He found him to be an enormously rich operator. The president went to his office iv fear and trembling and asked to what figure he was to be bled. "First let us settle a little account held against your company," said the ,operator, "by a former employee of mine. My stenographer has been so seriously injured that she has been de- prived of making .her living." , The president asked for further in- formation, which the operator gave "How much damage do you think our company should pay the lady?" asked the peesident. "What will give her an income of $2,500 a year. 1 flunk fifty of your first mortgage bonds would be accept- ed." The president telephoned for the bonds, and while they were waiting for them he and the operator settled for the stock the former had sold the lat. ter. Butt the operator said that he would not exact a fictitious value -for the shares he had bought and made a settlement by which the president lost nothing, "Thanit you very much," he said, "for letting -me off so cheaply. When another women mattes a claim against our road. I will inquire where she has been employed." "In this case you got hold of the wrong stenographer." "elost decidedly." "G nod >norning." . "Good morning." it may be expected that there 1s a sequel to this story; Hint the operntor n'onlfl not have token such pains on betielf 01' 1115 slcno0111Th i' had he not boon nMoe wSoo interested in her, But lie tuner an old luari'led 1511511. ,'vcroocl's Phostl'hot an; The 4,reat P.ngiistMlie,dedy. Tones and invigorates Sho whole nervous oyatem, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nsrvo,uo Debility Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- dency,'Loss of Einem, 1Paipitation, of the Heart, Pailtng Memory. Price 51 per box, six for Moo Ono twill please, six will curc;aSoldby all druggist, or mailed in plain pkg. on recsipt of price. New pamphlet „tailed free. T14E IWODn MEDICINE CG..T0901IT0.011f. (Fauaerli Wledisr:. WIFE TOO Ill TO WORK IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Indianapolis, Indiana. - "My health was so poor and my constitution so run down that I could not work. I was. thin, pale and weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed moat of the time. I began tak- ing Lydia:E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later 1 weighed 133 pounds. I do all the house- work and washing for eleven and I can truthfully say Lyda E. Pinkham's Veg.' etable Compound has been a godsend to me for iwould have been in my grave today but for it. I would tell all wo- men suffering as I was to try your vain. able remedy." -Mrs. Wet. GREEN, 332 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis,Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood0n this country, wherein some woman has not found health by using this good old- fashioned root and herb remedy. If there is anything about which you would like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Motorists' Delinquencies Some drivers violate the law by turning their lights so low that the numbers are not visible. Sec. 11, cjg•use 2, treads•;- Any person who drives a motor vehicle; on ahigh Way; recklessly or 'negli- gently,or at a speed or in amanner which is dangerous to the public, shalt be guilty of an offence under this act.' - This clause effectively eliminates the popular fallacy than a peace officer must stand with1 a lstop•- watch in ifs hand to ascertain the exact rate of speed <a car is going before a conviction can be made. I bax'e repeatedly noticed cars this month pass up and down Mite street's splendid pavement at a speed of between thirty and forty miles an hour, and no stop -{watch was needed to' tell alny one the speed was "dangerous to the ,pub - lie." 0 would give my unqualified n:orai support teeny . constable who would arrest and any magis- trate who would convict an ;of- fender under this clause. Soc. 12 says; "Ivo person shall delve amotor vehicle anon it highway in a race. Sec, 13, -No person under '15,0 age of eighteen shall drive, it motor vehicle. Sec. 1d -No intoxeated person shall drive a. motor vehicle. Sec. 17, clause 2-A person' hav- ing the control or charge of a mo- tor vehicle shall not, permit any unreasonable amount of 'smoke to escape from said motor, nor shall such operator at any time. oy cut- ting out the muffler, or otherwise cause such motor vehicle to make any unnecessary noise. What about those drivers who appear to deeigtht in making all• pvstsib$w noise m'ith their cars? In some towns we know in Ontario arrests would immediately follow this absolutely unnecessary pract- ice. Penalties for the violation of these clauses are heavy. Sec. 31, clause 1, says ;-"Every peace officer who, on reasonable g,rounde Ibeiieven an offence against any of these provisions hes been committed. may arrest such per- son without warrant.`' Sec. 2; Every person called upon to assist apeace officer in the arrest of a person suspected of committing any such offence, shall assist if he knows the person callinghim is a peace officer. The Act in its interpreting Casio - es says ;Peace Officer shall include aReeve, Justice of the Peace, Con- stable. Bailiff, or other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace With this array of peace officers in Acton surely we may expect that• Chore persons who briosr contempt upon the utility and delights of motor driving by vio- lating the very reasonable provi- sions and regulations of the 'Motor Vehicllzs Act will hereafter be brought to book promptly for their sometimes criminal and oftener annoying viclations. lambuidashiams Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief ---Permanent Cam CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS now fail. Purely veget- sble-eat seedy tuipently on the liver. Stop after dinner dirks en cure lath- gestioa-improve die complexion-641am the eyes Smell Pile Smell Dene, Small Pries Genuine seg bear Signature 141111 1 NOYE'S DEFENDS RUSSIAN PEOPLE' Her Sacrifice Saved the Allies, Declares the Poet. INFLU NC PROGRESS E E ON Roform in Many Fields Was ,Quick- ened by the Work of the Great Russian Writers --Even a Ger- man Doctor Realizes Dif- ference Between Slays and Own People. NE of the causes of the eon- () fusion of opinions in the European war was aptly 11-' lustrated recently by the bewildering remark of an American of German descent. "I should like America to join in the war," he said. "The only trouble is that I should like one expeditionary force to be sent against the Germans in France and Belgium; and another to keep the Russians out of Germany.' Possibly the war may reveal the true Russia to both Germany and America, as it has revealed her to France and England. The fact that the first serious proposals for an in- ternational peace conference with a view to the limitation of armaments and the substitution of law for force came from Russia, nearly twenty years ago, and that they were swept aside -almost furiously -by Ger- many should certainly make the Am- erican people pause and consider. Generalizations about any nation are almost always hopelessly false, for they are nearly always based upon a very few factors in the pro- blem. In the case of Russia perhaps the most important factor of all is the very simple one -that she has a ALFSl:I) AOYES. religion. "Holy Russia" is not an idle phrase; Liebknecht might be _ zi 9;hroi4m into Pilsen for 'Critics ing the e Kaiser, but not Tolstoy for defying autocracy. She is the one country in Europe which even to -day may pro- duce saints and martyrs. But, ex- cept as a poetical background, this us all-important aspect of R s•ia has received little of no consideration from those in America who compare her civilization to -day with that of Germany. All national qualities have been re- vealed, again and again, during the present struggle. It was the Russian suffering and sacrifice that enabled the Allies to hold out in the west ee more than one critical moment, to•use the words.of Noyes, the poet; and it is quite conceivable that their Confidence in the goodness of hu- levollaissitenv STARTED WOR AFTER 6 St. Raphael, "roar gears ago I had tun in ey book that I could not I read about Gin 5111. anti. for a sample sad used them, found the pains were leafing and that I was feeling better. After 2 had taken sir otk boxes of ' oll&PJETh KIDNEYS I felt as wall and strong as It did. at the age at 30, I aro a farmer, now 61 years old. prank. Lealand,"• All drrtggists sell Gin Pills t4 ''"s. n hex, or 6 banes for 92.50. Sr;hsle free if you writs to NATIONAL DRIIG k CHa1MICA3 CO. or CANADA, LIMITED Torontor Oat. ,8a inanity may ye tuey nave sInasn- tad through to Berlin) lead them once more to suggest quite unmilitaristic" arrangements for the future. Dr. Steiner dwells on "the soul quality," as he calls it, of the Slav immigrants as contrasted with the complex spirit of the American secretary of the mission, in whom Teuton and Celt were blended, and with the Herr Direktor, "whose soul had hardened under the discipline which Germany had given him." Many of the American experiments in prison reform and social work generally were quickened, just as English literature was quickened, by the compassionate spirits of Tolstoy and Dostolevsky; and those wbo be- lieve in the final success of the great American experiment in the mingling of races will at least find support in, the fact that the Russian is at least strong where the American is weak. So seldom in the war has one en- countered a German mind criticizing Germany that it is with a sense of re- lief that one reads Dr. Steiner's acute comparison of Russians with his own original countrymen. The Herr Direktor did not realize that "all his Germanic searching and, classifying, all his minute, painstak-' ing investigation into the innermost of everything, left him where the Russian had long ago preceded him: in the holy presence of the unknow- able, unsearchable wisdom of the Eternal." "We don't understand it," I said to him, "neither do you nor I, but one thing I do know, when the coat bas been dug out of these hills and these cities shall have gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah, and your churches may have vanished because •it did not pay to keep them going, this Russian soul will endure; and the sooner we learn to understand 11 the better for us and for them and for our country." Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint, -Danlos Web- ster. I]ad Weak Back and Kidneys. COULD i1ARDLY MOVE IN BED. When the back becomes weak and starts to ache and pain it is a sure sign that the kidneys are riot performing thein functions properly. On the first sign of backache Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken and serious kidney troubles prevented. - 1 Mr. Praucis McInnes, Woodbine, N.S,. writes: "I deem it my duty to let you know the wonderful results I have re- ceived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Per a long time I had been suf- fering from weak back and kidneys. b used to suffer the most at night, and some tunes could hardly move in bed with the pain. I could do no hard labor on account of my back, A friend advised me to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial,i and I am glad I did for the pain in my" kidneys is gone; my back is strong, and I can perform any hard labor and get my good night's sleep. I only used three boxes of the pills." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents pen box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Dean's.' Save it every week during the Winter. The Hecla Steel -Ribbed Fire -Pot saves fully one ton of coal in seven, • That is an every -year economy good for the rest of your lifetime. This coal -saver to be had only in the Hecla Furnace looks good to most busi- ness men. It is guaranteed for five years. Ask us about it or write for booklet. T. Hawkins, Clinton Representatives of CLARF, BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the ECLA MELLOW AIR FURNACE