The Clinton New Era, 1916-09-28, Page 4*Thussday, September 28th, 1916. '
. _
COMM I. Mai, Shorthand
and Telegraphy
i Departinents .
Students may enter at: any time,
We place graduates in positions.
During July and Augutat we receiv-
ed applica.tiorte.O.Oh over 200 office
assistantraave could not supply.
,Write for our free catalogue at
'D.A. McLachlan. PrinciPal
(91..3R IM
ffor the Coming Poultry Season is
100 TO11501 P0111111
To ship the above amount 'Will
require at least,--,
L 20,000. Chickens, , -
20,000 Hens,
5,000 Ducks, •
' , 3,000 Turkeys,
, 1,000 Geese,
lWe are in the Market for all your
Live Poultry at top prices.
It will pay you to give your
Laying Hens the best, hatention as
NEW LAID EGGS are expected
to reach record prices this winter.
Glltt-Lual* & Go., Tailed
Clinton Brandt Phone 190
VIM160&• AAA&A/Likh.a..4.dkikkitall.ALAI•
4 9,
e and here our finest t
Stylish designs of
erty Pianos and
ial values in Art
os and organs rent
• Choice new Edison
pi nographs, Music &
• variety goods.
• Music Emporium
C. Ho
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly
Byam &Sutter
Oonneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Breuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron Eit., C)inton.
Notary •Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In
mance Companiee.:
Division Colurt °Mee.
Plano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he i pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. G. Cameron, K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Stveet, occupied by
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on apv day for which
appointments are made. Cflice hours
from 9 a. M. to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointrnentsfor Mr. Cameron.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc
eneeial attention given to diseases of the
Eye. Ear. Threat, and Nose,
Eyes dent, tarnined, and suitable glasses
proem the&
Office and REISidarte0.
TWO doors west of the Counneretal Mete
Huron St.
DES. GLM 011dCtlJSflhi
Dr. W. Gunn, I. R. C. F.. L. R. O. A.. EMI
Dr, C unn's office at residence High Street
Dr J, (1. Gandier. D.A. MX,
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residence. Rationalise. gy
or atlaosuital
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and P,0.11.13
Illaydeld en Mondays. May 105 to D
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dented treat
ment as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction air
turn Moog sales a specuili,r, Oder) af r
NEw ERA office, Clinton. prumr sly alit aunt
to. Terme reasonable. Fareteraeels not.
Drs. Geo tk M E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Childrep's Diseases
Acute, Chromic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat.
Office—Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
This is a recent discovery of Doctor
Pierce, who is bead of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
N. Y. Experiments at Doctor Pierce's,
Hospital for several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric acid
that can be compared to it. For them
easily recognized symptoms of inflam-
mation backache, scalding urine
and frequent urination, as well as Bed',
ment in the urine, or if uric acid in the
blood has caused rheumatism, it is
simply wonderful how surely "Amnion
acts. The best of results are always
obtained in cases of acute rheumatism
in the joints, in gravel and gout, and
Invariably the pains and stiffness which
so frequently and persistently accom
pany the disease rapidly disappear.
Go to your nearest drug store and
simplyask for a 50 -cent package of
l'Anuric," manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for a
large trial package. 10 you suspect
kidney or bladder trouble. send him a
sample of your water and describe
symptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist
will examine it, then Dr. Pierce will
report to you, without fee or charge.
NOTE : —French scientists affirm that
3.Anuric" is thirty-seven times more
active than lithia in eliminating uric
acid, and is a harmless but reliable
shemical compound that may be safely
given to children, but should be used
only by grown-ups who actually wish to
restore their kidneys to perfect health,
by conscientiously using one box—or
more in extreme cases—as 'I Anuric"
(thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement)
Is by far the most perfect kidney and
bladder corrector obtainable.
(1. D. McTaggart M. 1). MoTaggea
Sanitary PluMbers
Phone 7.
Colonist Fares
Genera 1 Banking Basineall
Drafts issued. Interest allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance leo.
sarm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
Shore 511 Stations in Ontario to
certain points in
Mead Office—seaforth, Ant
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original
little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for
a laxative—three for a cathartic.
Local News
Winnipeg, Man.—Indians assert
that the coming winter will be
ono of the mildest in recent years.
They base their assertions on the
following signs,—
The oak trees have no acorns.
Squirrels are seldom seen.
Muskrats have not started to
Yurebearing animals have thin
Bark on poplar trees is loose.
There are some iothee signs
they go by for their lessertion
that the winter will be mild end
short They are 'seldom wrong.
Children Cry
The committee named by the
General Assembly of the Presby-
terian Church in Canada to revise
the Book of Praise now used in
the church, is in session atKnox
College. This committee will
carry the work to a conclusion as
soon as possible, but the new
book will not issue until the war
is oyer, The reason ;of this 10
because of the high cost, of pa-
per at the present time. It is
hoped that when the. wax is over
the cost of production twill fall
again to normal, and the new
hymnal will then be placed in the
Had Pimples and
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres.
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas
Directors—D. Y. McGregor, Mea -
forth ; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Itinta Sea forth ; John Benneweis,
Dublin: 3. Evans, Beechwood ; M.
MeEwen, Clinton; J. B. IVIeLean,
Seaforth : 9. "onnolly, Goderieb
Robt 'Ferris, Harlock; Geo. Mc-
Cartney, 7uckersmith
Agents—Ed. 'Hinehley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W.
Yeo, Holmesville; Alex. Leitch.
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish &
Co Clinton, and Cutese grocery
store Goderich and Jas. Beide
store Reynold.
On sale Sept. 24 to Oct 8 inclusive
Esurther paaticulars from agents or
John Ransford &Son, city passen-
ge,r and Ticket Agents, phone 57
,4, 0, Pattisom 'station agent
A Carload of Canada
Per111114 CC111011
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John 1-lutton
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standaad.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover,
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest 'Market Price(' paid for Hay
and all Graina.
Festering Sores
"What a delightful life you mus
live," she said, "conjuring up these
picture plays. How in the world do
you make people out of nothing? And
having created them, how do you make
them do things that are interesting?"
"It's all built up, just as you would
construct a house. First you must
get your motif; that's the basement.
Next, you find certain complications;
that's the framework. Finally you
make your characters do it all in ac-
cordance with your scheme; that'
putting in the body of your house.
Then, when Ws all laid out, you put
on the finishing touches; that's deco-
"But where does the romance come
[When the blood gets bad, boils,
pimples and festering sores are sure to
break out on the face and body. To get
rid of them the blood should be cleansed
by Burdock. Blood Bitters,
Mrs. Charles Jewell, Orrville, Ont.,
writes; "I feel it my duty to write and
tell you about what Burdock Blood
Bitters has done for me. I was so pale
I had no color at all. I also had pimples
and festering sores on my face, and my
head ached nearly all, the time. I had
been reading in the paper, and saw that
Burdock Blood Bitters was good for
such troubles so I tried a bottle and before
it was half done I felt fine, and when the
bottle was finished I kit like a new wo-
man. I tell all my friends about it, and
advise everyone suffering from such
trouble to use
There is only one B.B.B. That is the
genuine, manufactured by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
.sY t.t41211111111
V)111) & MCLEOD
"I can't tell you, but I can show you.
Lot tis enact a picture play. We'll
make it very simple, only two charac-
ters—the man and the girl. Rosalind,
the girl, leaves her house with a letter.
She meets the fellow, Jenkins. Be
sees the letter and the address and
surmises that she is going to the office
to post an acceptance to a rival. He
leaves her very sad. The next day he
goes to a foreign country and doesn't
return for two years. Ee meets Rosa-
lind, and she tells him that the letter
she posted was a rejection of his rival
instead of au acceptance"
'What a stupid man!"
"If plays didn't make lovers do stu-
pid things they wouldn't be true to
Ufa Furthermore, there wouldn't be
any plays. Let us play this one."
"But I don't see how we can enact
tht." There isn't anything for us
"Ws a two
leave out the first reel and enact the
"There's not much in either of them."
"There's a lot in the last half. Yon
go down there by the stream and sit
on one of those rocks. That will make
a pretty picture. You see, we must
look out for the artistic features. Yon
will be thinking of Jenkins."
"Can't you find a better name for
"Oh, his name doesn't matter. Be-
sides, you have said he's very stupid."
She did as be directed. While she
was sitting pensively on the rock he
passed oh the path above, saw her and
hurried down to ber. On reaching her
he uncovered, bowed and moved his
lips as if talking to her with a distant
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"I'm telling you what might be ex-
pected at finding you after a long ab-
sence. There's no use saying it, for
photographs can make no sound."
"Oh, I forgot that."
"You ask me why I went away so
suddenly. I reply that I saw the letter
of acceptance of my rival. Then you
inform me that it was n letter of rejec-
"Well, we'll consider all that said,"
He raised his eyes to heaven, as ir
giving thanks. Then he beat his breast
"Wgatfefiat"?" she eskea.
"Satisfaction at learning that my ri-
val was turned down and self reproach
at the loss of two years of happiness."
"Happiness! How do you know that
Rosalind will have you?"
"True enough."
"I shouldn't think you would be
much of a picture play writer to make
such mistakes as that."
'The theme doesn't work out right.
Having failed to put in anything about
Rosalind loving Jenkins, I shall have
to go back to the beginning and do it
all over."
"I don't see any reason for that."
"How shall I supply the deficiency?"
"Why, let bim ask her, of course."
"Right you are."
He sat down very near her, so near
that his cheek almost touched hers.
and began to make his lips move in
dumb shcrw.
"Don't you think," she said, "that
yon would enact the part better if
yon spoke the words? How can a
man show feeling while making his
lips move without saying anything?"
"Right again. Characters in picture
plays really sneak their parts." Then
reel Play. Suppose we
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Par better to pay a fair
price and know exaetly what you
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry—for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it—and. vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal—If you would
like to miss chat sort:altogether—
If you would like to buy where
nothing, but high qualities are
dealt in-001V1E HERE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records and
Jeweler and optician;
Issuer ol Marriage Licenses
green or ripe, in
jelly, spiced con-
serves, or simply
preserved in light
syrup, make a delicious
and inexpensive addition
to your winter supplies.
because of its purity and
FINE granulation, is •
best for all preserving.
2 and 5 -lb Cartons
10 and 20 -lb Bags
"The All:Purpose Sugar"
54 gummed and printed labels for
a red hall trade•mork. Send to
Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd.
Power Bldg., Montreal 69
Lesson I.—Fourth Quarter, For
Oct. 1, 1916.
Ig In Jerusalem, and tins young WW1
wail her son. We might infer from
Zech. 11, 4; Jer. 1. 6,7; that both of these
men were carted to be the Lord's mes-
sengers as young men. Paul's sister's
son was certainly the Lord's messenger
on tine occasion to save Paul from
these murderers. The result was that
Paul was started off to Caesarea by
night with an escort of 200 soldiera,
200 spearmen and 70 horsemen and a
letter to Felix, the governor, stating the
facts as far as the chief captain was
able. The letter also contained a word
in Paul's favor to the effect that the
chief captain knew nothing against
Mtn worthy of death or of bonds (verses
22-33). As in the previous chapter, the
best word to me was verse 11, so it is
also in this chapter where we have the
record of another night visit of the
Lord to Paul, with the message, "Be of
good cheer, Paul, for as thou hast testi-
fied of Inc in Jerusalmen so must thou
bear witness also at Rome," This made
him sure of reaching Rome in some
way and in due time as the Lord's
messenger. As to this word (tbarseo)
which is translated "Be of good cheer,"
or "Be of good comfort," our Lord used
It on just five different occasions, and
this is the last, the others being inrid,Matt.
Matt. ix, 2. 22; xiv, 27; John rid, 33. He
is just the same Jesus in glory as when
He was on earth. lie will be just the
same Jeans when He comes again hi
like manner as He ascended from
Olivet He who in the same discourse
said, "In the world ye shall have nib -
elation; let not your heart be trou-
bled," Is able to do it 10 us.
Text of the Lesson, Acts xxiii, 14-24.
Memory Verses, 20, 21—Golden Text,
Jer. i, 19—Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns.
The chief captain, who with his sot-
diers, had rescued Paul from the hands
of the mob, gave up all thought of
scourging him when he found that he
had a Roman citizen to deal with, and
one that was such by birth, for it had
cost the captain a great sum to obtain
his citizenship. Then he determined
to bring him before the Jewish chief
priests and council that he might if
possible learn the cause of all this up-
roar against this man (a-xii, 27-30).
Just a word about our heavenly citi-
zenship and joint -heirship with Jesus
Christ, which no amount or money or
good works can purchase, but can only
be obtained by birth, the new birth,
born from above (Tit. iii, 4-7; Ps.
XII; 6, 7: &Db. John 8, 8, 7).
When obtained, then *whoever touches
as touches Him whose we are, and all
the power of heaven is ready to de-
liver us it neceesary.
Paul began his testimony before the
Jewisb council by an assertion tbat he
had always lived in all good conscience
before God. This led to a command
from the high priest to smite him on ,
the mouth, which brought from Paul
some true scathing words, "God shall
smite thee, thou whited wall," for
which be apologized when he knew
that he was the high priest- He was
certainly not God's high priest, except
Isa name, like the nominal believers at
Sardis, wbo had a name to live, but
were dead (Rev. iii. 1; lesson verses
When Paul perceived that he bad be-
fore him in the council both Phari-
sees and Saddueees he began a testi-
mony which soon set them one against
the other to such a degree that again
the captain had to rescue Paul from
their bands by force, lest he sbould
have been pulled in pieces by them
(verses 6-10). The captain must have
been sorely perplexed by this strangest
Roman citizen he probably ever had on
his hands, for this was the third riot
from wbich he had rescued him.
It may be well to note bere a simple
"How happy I am to find you in distinction in doctrine between Sad -
51118 beautiful spot, Rosalind. I have"— _
ducees and Pharisees, the former be -
"Do you need to keep the name of
the character In the Play?"
"Effie, I have known you now a
year, and"—
"Why, you've been away two years.
and you knew me before you left."
"Tell me, Effie," he went on, chang-
fug his tone, 'was that letter to Colt -
right I saw on your table when I. call-
ed yesterday an acceptance?"
"Yesterday? Why, it Wag two years
"Never mind the confounded picture
play. Tell me, is it I or Cartright?"
.A t this juncture she played her part
beautifully. She turned away her
head and left her band hi n position
Very onlvantageous for being grasped.
Then she bent forward so that his oth-
er. hand could not very well help en-
circling her Waist,
Plays are like lovers; they put the
best foot forward. In the real thing
there is usually a lot behind the scenes.
rn this case the leading lady, who lind
been angling for the leading gentle-
man for some time, had adopted the
Mee of a rival. The rival not proviug
Immediately effective she adopted the
expedient of leaving a letter address-
ed to him where the leadiug gentleman
would not fall to see it the next time
he called.
The Great ,English*Hem WV.
Tones and invigorates the almle
nervous system, makes new 131—.1
in old Veins, Cures NWT 0 is
DebilitII Mental and Brain 1Tiorr7/. Des1,0.•
(Toney, Loss of igneron, Palpitation of the
Heart. Palling Memort. Prise 51 Por box, Biz
for $5.0 One wall please, six will eure,e9Sold by ell
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
prim NMI, painviact nta.iled free. THE WOOD
ittRDICitag: co. TORONTO. OHL (bowls Windsor'
Devine in no resurrection nor angel
nor spirit, while the latter are said to
have believed both (verse 8), but when
we recall what the Lord Jesus geld
of tbe Pharisees in Matt. xxiii, calling
them hypocrites, serpents, generation
of vipers, on the way to hell, there was
no choice between their beliefs in the
light of eternity. They were all in the
same boat, in the same broad way to
destruction. Oh, how they bated the
truth of God even as they had. hated
Him who is the Truth, and.conspired
together to kill Him, which they final-
ly accomplished (Acts ii, 22, 23; Ili, 13-
15; iv, 10; v, 29-32).
They so hated Paul and bis testimony
to Jesus and His resurrection and a
full and free salvation without dram -
erasion or any works of the law that
over forty of them took an oath that
they would neither eat nor drink MI
they had killedFaul (verses 1244,21,30).
We are sure that they did not succeed
in killing him, and how long they fast-
ed we do not know, but we remember
some words which are still true, "lle
that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh,
the Lord shall have them in derision,"
"The Lord bringeth the counsel of the
heathen to nonght. He maketb the de,
vices of the people of none effect."
"Take counsel together and it shall
come to nought" (Ps. it, 4; xxxiii, 10;
Isa. viii, 10).
Now we come to a young man
story reminding us of Samuel and • the
whose loaves and fishes fed more
than 5,000 and other young men stories
in Scripture. We aro also told just a
little of Paurs family affairs and that
he bad a married sister seemingly liv-
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30Years
Always hears
the EX411
Signature or oWarl-07-:
for Hunters and fishers
*Many people suffer the tortures of lame
muscles and stiffeaed joints because of im-
purities in the blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system. %
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as
poatantto improve your general gestates
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its niedieinal nourish.
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and npbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every day who could not find other relied.
Refuse the alebholic substitutes.
Private' pi oPerty., An decoys shall
be removed from the water dur-
ing else hours in which shooting is
prohibite&. and no person shall set
out, More than one flock of decoys
No person shall kill more than
200 wild ducks in one year. It is
unlawful to diseharge in hunting
any gun between sunset nnd sun-
An ng
In aeglang rtmone person shall
use more than one fishing line,
and it shall not be provided with
more than three hooks.
Bass -
170 one shall fish for, catch or
kill any large or small -mouthed
bass from 1st of January to June
15th, both clays inclusive. But R
bass are 'allowed to be caught in
one day by one person.
No person elte' fish for or
catch any maskinonge from lst of
January to the .trith of June ie each
year, both days incletelve. Any
person is allowed to, 'catch four
maskinonge in one day.
No person shall fish for or catch
. pickerel (dove) from 1.5th of April
to the lath of June botk days in-
clusive. N ot mare than 12 picker-
el may be taken by one person in
one day,
Salmon Trout
Noperson shall fish for or catch
Fts am icleau Lt raokuet jinn oenitehde ar yB bi gy oal a• ig nt ge
more than three salmo a trout,
water fowl, snipe, rail, plover or 'Speckled Trout.
No person .rout 'or brown trout
shall fish for or Catch
banajd ootrhsveladbeirrdshioncm n‘Vell baes,
except from the lst day of Septemo from 15th of September until April
a tsahkoernt
y speckied t
ber to the 3ast of December, both 30th in the following year
days inclusive.
Hares •
In trolling not 'one shall use
Hares may be taken and by any more than oneline nd not more
means at anY time between the 35th than two lines shall be fished from
of October andthe 15th of Novem- ono boat, rend no one shall troll,
ber, and between the 23rd 'of .Dee- from aboat which is being towed
ember and the 2nd of January is 'by another boat,
the following year. and may be
taken at any other times by any
other means than shooting.
Nio muskrat shall be token hen
' -
ed or killed in thet part of the
Province lying eon* of the French
and Mattawa Rivers, except be-
tween 1st day of March and April
21st. 190 muskrat shall 1)0 01105 or
speared or muskrat damag-
No mink shall be hunted, taken
or killed between lst of Ma.y and
1st of November following,
Li eell CS
N o 'perscin olha11 Iapt, take or
kill any deer, moose, reindeer or
rceribou except under the authority
'cif a. license and the animals ehell
not be unde.e the age o000e year.
Number of Deer
No person 'shall during 0110 7051
or season kill or take more than
one deer, one , bull moose 91 000
bull reindeer. Two or more per-
sons bunting together cannot Itill
an aggregate of more than one deer
for each member of the party. Dogs,
are not permitted to run it large
during the dose season in any
locality yhon beer are use:illy
Water Fowl,
No hereon shall hunt water fowl
such as ducks, goose, etc., from a
Hadboat, steam or other power
boat, No, 'blinds or decoys Shall be
placed at a greater distance than
200 yards from the shore or natur-
al bed thick enough to concere a
boat or from a water line bounding
Make the Liver"
Do its Duty
Nine times in tea when the liver is right the
stomach and bowels am right.
gentlybut firmlycom..
pet a lazy lives to
de be duty.
Cures Con-
Hoadacliso, and Dietreas after Eating.
small Pnl, Small Deasy Small Prime.
Genuine PA tot bar Signature
TAMA PACCMINSIMS.1111011111.1.1.0.
Stop the waste of coal. The furnace we
put in your cellar saves a day's coal
every week. ,
It saves one ton in seven.
It is the Hecla with patented Steel -
Ribbed rire-Pot—a coal -saver proved
in thousands of homes—a fire -pot that
is guaranteed for five years.
Installed under our guaranteed system
this economical heating is healthful, free
from gas and dust, and costs less than
other good Heating Systems.
Ask for plans and figures.
T. Hawkins, Clinton
Representatives of CLARt, BROS. & CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the
mni,Low Al