HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-21, Page 6PAGE SIX, OIROMMASINIMAINOIN.011int164 GES MEI CLINTON NEW ERA. Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS SERIES, are in the SPOTLIGHT' of POPULARITY for men's and women's suit§. They are made of only the finest AUSTRALIAN wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. They ate SOFT AND PLIANT .yet firm and strong.- They -are RICI-i IN FEEL AND, LUSTRE—and will neither grow "shiny" with use—nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art. IN e1DENTTILLY—We stock INDIGO: SERGE in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing—do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. Bay a Fadeless Indigo Serge because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee, Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada, Come in and see them. WOMAN'S STOR.61 Dry Goods and Rouse Furnish)ngs Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's S'm'nishings. Phone 103. O'pposiftePubl i cLihrary ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE ' OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & .SIXTEEN Poi calendar and terms: R.1. Warner,M. A., D,D., Alma College, Si, Thomas, Ont. Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspeotion. Light in con struotion and design but ex. tremely well made iu,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in I1uro n to buy all hinds of Furniture Furniture Dealers and Fun;ral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 memannarsmrs A Biscuit For Every Taste. The upward tendency of flour \atnd shortening markets has rais- ed the prices of all lines of sweet cakes. • iWe were fortunate to secure some good lines of good eating cakes. Just the thing for the ,table at any time, and the old Popular prices. , I TRY OUR 2 LBS FOR 25e. LINE Lemon Cakes, BIGHEST PRICES BUTTER ' Van711at.Bar , Royal Fruit Biscuit 0,U11, 15c. LINES Fruit Biscuits Oatmeal Sandwich Pineapple Sandwich Raspberry Tarts Arse other lines that are dainty and wholesome. Wafers for the reception or evening party. All at popular prices. AND EGGS. JOHNSON & ee• Phone 111 THE STORE OF QQUALITY o•.•••••s••eoe•••••••a•••••0e0e0•••e•Oe000®®•®®s•e•o• 0 O Popular Lines A • • • 1 JSherwin-apalacriVilliaans Paints, • Campbell's Varnish Stain • Ailuminum Paint • Gold Paint i tFlioorlaic • • 0 • White Enamel • Buggy and Wagon Paint t 0 New Home Washing Machines ea Garden Hose and Sprays' • Perfection and Puritan OR Stoves 0 ' Three Lawn Mowers at cost • o e ! Are all carried' by Harland Bros,, and Everything • e • • • •• else hi R ardware. ®• • • • • • =fl • 0• • t .. • • Po rine la. tk t qqqq t Bleck t di Cylinder • Linseed ,, '1 w Separator r" r Castor rr,,, 'Harness Neatesfoot e•+ 0 : ..fa • and the celebrated K S X X Heavy Machine Oil—TRY ;IT. 0 • 0 to ® 8t urea :t aiOOOIraiOOtar,Si'" uterr'a r.,irsurx%i,7.7 94s"•�6i 51an M1l .rig rJ TI'c or the 0 Mrs, William Proctor and Mrs. Guy Jones received the sad news that their nephew, Private Ham- ilton Harper of Toronto, formerly oil Clinton, was officially reported killed in action. Private Harper enlisted on Sept. 151h, with the 81st Battalion. 'He spent his 18th birthday on board ship on his way to England. After reaching England he was drafted to a CM. R. unit. He had been in the tren- thea onuyi a short time when he met this death. .The news came to his mother last week, and she received a letter from him the next day. .Mrs, Procto'' had just received a letter from him stat- ing, that he had received the par- cel from the girls and that he was well. The letter was very cheerful throughout Mrs 'Harper. when speaking of her son to the reporter of a Toronto paper, said "I really Iwas not particularly anxious about him going overseas but he answered, .than he Was named after Inc soldier 'grand- father who fought 10 the.Ameri- can war. Just as soon as you named me after him you eplantoll 1111 me a desire to emulate' his ex- ample, and 'off to, the war :he went)• He was boa) in- 'Fingal; Ont 18 year's ago, and prior` to enlistment he held a loiition )n the Dodge Pulley Works. He was oh rmnnc p 1 e in C `'t a circles, 1- 1 1 t - t h in won three tee f', 7r sL 117.08 f tL t West End Meet under the auspi- ces of the Perth Avenue Scheel, •besides carrying o`f three b n- /10r0, ors ]te v to n the gold d 117- g 1 edit. 'lIe Was ' not only 1) 1',eocl. runner and s\y.mmer, but was considered a crack shut. He Grand TrunkRailway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and Goderich Going to Stratford 7.33a io 2,58 p ru Going to Goderich ,. 11.07 p m 1,35pw os 6.45pm 11.03 p m London, Huron and Bruce Going:toLondon. ...... ....., S.05 a m 4,i5pm Going to Wingham ..,11.00 am 6.40pm LIEUT. J. U. C'iARROW DEAD Just twelve days separated the death of Lieut. John Tire Garrow, who left ;for active service with the 94th Battalion. and his father, Ron, Mr Justice Garrow, of Os- goode !Hall. and formerly of Goderich, who died Aug. 31, Lieut• Garrow is reported to have died of gas poisoning, Aug, 1.9. No par- , tirulars of his death have been recetved by his relatives at 49 St. George street, Toronto. Lieut. Garrow. who was 27 years of age, enlisted with the 74th,13atttalion, leaving for overseas 1sst March. 110 followed the Profession °rpm and had been called to the bar bust afew months befnve enlisting. On his .errival in ;England he 1 transferred to another battalion, which was going intd active r er- vice. He went to 'France. in June, and was less than three monthsjn the trenches before he was killed. During Iris time spent on active service, he wrote several lettere to his relatives of a bright, op- timistic nature. He apueared to be ill good spirits and seemingly en- joyed the trench Wen rs,.,,t Ger- row received his early education t Upper Canada College, later at - 'Vending; the University of Toronto. Ile entered 'Osgoode Hall, and after completing his course, grad- uated In law. He was a member of the University Club and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 'Ho enjoyed alarge circle of friends due to his genial nature rand good-Cellow,ship. A brother, Cant. A.B. Gal- row is now overseas. serving as adjutant with the. 74th Battalion. DIED IN iFRANOP. five nicked out of his unit , 510 expert its,i,kSInen, • 'Iris nate IS on ih Honor it I'o 1 I of the Perth .Ave.Methodlist "melt, and was e member of the+ y,lT(1,r\. for f.nur' years. .Il'o is the only s011 of Mr and Mrs. N Harper. 257 Porth Ave., Toronto, arid 18 survived by seven sisters, ' S STOTES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 0 ea Qaee060d12t9GtG'4i'Orild9°.A'C3®00c400000i001100CMO041,.0t',36i <d 0 ' D rd'2a�'aVdDQ4�A�0td0 ND BRO • Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash up clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three - sided. MCQary The man who designed the Pandora knew his job. r know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well as the makers': • 840 Sold by ElARLAND BROTHERS 4AAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAALAAAA£AALAAAAAAAAAAAAi*AAVAAA Local News ► ► P ivvvvvvvvvvvvvv . 'swvvvvvvvvvtt•vvv��evvvvwwvvvvav®®tl GRAHAM TO 'L 1]N IN - TORONTO. t C. C.I. DO1NGS1, It 'snow reported in Toronto Liberal circles that Hon. George P. Graham may be a candidate in one of the Toronto ridings al the next election ' W. C T. 17. The W. C T. U. will meet at the home of Rev. J TC. iFalrfull on Thursday everting at 8 o c;o5lr• The program , twill be on the suffrage question. Ladies welcome THANKSGIVING DAY, The Ontariq Gazette carries the announcement that Monday, Oct. 9th, has been set aside as a day of solemn thanksgiving for "bauuti- ful- harvests and other blessings,'• LOTS OF VISITORS. (Friday afternoon saw a., great number of lady visi'fors in toevn, They were West Huron teachers returning to their Otomes after attending their annual convention at Goderich. MOVED OFFICE. Mr. Wesley Walker, who has had his insurance office out the "Mid= way" moved this week to Mr. 'H T. Ranters office on Rattenbury whe"e the business will be attended to in future. HYDRO WAS OFF. Again Hydro twinkled irnd wont out last Friday evening and after alone wait it came on again, much to the satisfaction of the househol- der. Trouble was down at Dun- dee. TO OPPOSE UNION, A call has been issued 'to The members and afherents of the Pres byterian Church in Canada to op- pose church union at the present time and in its present form. A convention is to rte hell in Beene rto October 17th, 18th and 191h. 13URON CO,'FAIItS The County .gall Fairs are now on the program, Exeter was on Monday and Tuesday; Zurich was Wednesday and today rinrl Seir, forth opens today and the 'We, clay rsUriday, Goderich Fair starts next Wednesday and ends on Fri- day. LIEUT. MUFF NOW ADJUTANT Rev. and Iilrs W, T. Cluff of Stratford have a letter from their son, Lieut ]I Chaff, Jn which he states that he has recovered from his recent operation and that he has been matte adjutant of the 71st Battalion. He is now with the headquarter staff atOxney Parse. THE COUNT) EMERGENCY CORPS. Will all societies of whatever name, in the County of Huron, doing and sending away supplies for Rod Cross or trench work, please send name of secretary to the County Secretary, Mrs. Saxon 'Fitton, Exeter, Ont. BLYTH MINISTER. GOING `1'O MONTREAL. Rev. W D, Turner, of Blyth, has accepted the cell to Calvin Pres- byterian church, Montreal, at a salary of $2,058. He will succeed Rev. James Macll.ay, ;who 'went to New St. Janes' (Church, Loudon, Ont, It is proposed to unite Cal- vin and Westminster churches wi h Mr. Turner as minister CLINTON BEATS BLYTH, Two very exciting games of bowls were played on the Clinton greens on Thursday night when two rinks from BIM autoed down and although threated by two shots, theye.Vwett'eree good genies. The following were the500505; Clinton ' Blyth Robortons 22 McTaggart s...22 Hovey, s :, _-1.7 Dr, Albson,s,..15 39 - ' 37 EDITH - D CAVELLA'Y IN ONTARIO'S ,SCHOOLS. Hon, G. Howard 'Ferguson, act- ing Minister 01 Education, hasap- pointed. Tuesdt.ay,. 0etoher 3, ars "Edith Cavell Day" in the public separate and high schools, of Ontario. In a •signed 'latter to teachers and pupils in Provincial schools, made public by Dr. A. H. U. Colquhoun,.1Deputy Minister of Education, ,the Minister states that, itis proposed to erect in Ontario a memorial status to the heroic martyred nurse, and takes 'n:urb pleasure e r) ;recommending tn school`beards and ' teachers I;lze desirability of permitting the merits • nd claims el. this worthy undertakirig to be pi :teed b :for,, the ut s in r1 order 1 p 1 t,latt the young people of Ontario • may take such Pert and lend such aid as the scho: 1 authorities and their parents con- sider appropriate." )Por this pur- pose the day has been eat apart ton the consideration of the life and death of the martyred heroine in the scheois of Ontario, "It is helaeved" says 'the Nlinisior in his letter,, "that the children w'1.1. 1)0 glad 1:0 subscribe. and the teachers aro requested topoint out that no sums is too small from each eland? e Tho boys 'of the C. C, I. are busy practising 'baseball le anti- cipation of playing other teams on ,Field Day. A new baseball and football out- fit has been purclluded 'by the Athletic Association. MOVING BACK TO TOWN. We in lerstancl that Mr. and Mrs Robert Sweet and daughter are moving back to town from Sar- nia, Mrs Sweet has been under the doctor's cure practically all the time she has been away and they decided to move back to a healthier 1otwe. We welcome sheat back, CAR OFF TRACK. A freight car was off the track near the Y on Monday and the 4 • o'clock train did not come in at the station and at night the ferredgarthetlJet, Title &B Deetnadnos Deendon train didnot get into' the station until nearly b o'clock. A GOOD AUDIENCE. There was agood audience that greeted the 'Forest City Quartette • in the town hall on Tuesday even - mg when they appeared under the Auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of Ontario St. Methodist churc]t. The greater part of the program was made up of comic quartettes and choruses. The solo work (vas e•ood as was two of the quartettes. MADE,' A Ct llAN-1UP. James Snell & Sons made aclean up at the State Fair held tet Syr- acus0 Ni„ last week With 'II `flock of 8 sheep.They won the Grand Champion prize for the 'best flock of Leicesters; Champion prize for ewe and Champion prize for ram. They also took first for flock;. fleas ewe lamb a 2 -year-old ewe; shearl- iug,00e; lambs aged ram; shearl- ing ram; ram Jamb; ram and two of his get, There were four core- potiters, Mr, James Sia ell who had charge of the flock sole(' them all before returning }tome. Peo- ple hardly reailize that itis • an honor to Huron Co„ as well as to Bullolt township and Clinton. al- so to have such men as James Snell & Sons to keep this part.' of the Country before the eyes of the, people in Canada and in the States. SPEAKS WELL OF THE; BOYS. Col. Combo, cComman'1rn:; Off of the 181st 'Huron Batt}., retch ed l s thoelf followin;- g. letter from the 0.')' 11„ General agent whichspeaks for Camp Borden, Ont., Sept 1.3, Lt,rCol (Jambe, 0. C 161st: Battl. Camp Borden, Ont. Dear Sir ;-1 feel constrained to say award of praise regarding the conduct of your batta,y:on while they have been on our trains for week -end leave or otheu•wise. I th.Bit I can s felt say withoutdan- ger of being suspected of undue Iflattery that' the 161st Brannon has conducted itself at an. t'.mes in such amanner that it could not bo considered .otherwise than I highly creditable. They ,have respect for their of- ficers.. for their Battalion, and for themselves, and this has taught Iothers to )resthe, am euro .that' such conpectductm10)15 bring its own reward. The way in which, they, go on Linc( ;off trains ,puts them in a. class by themselves. • Yours truly R. W, Thom General Agent, JOHN JACKSON DECEASED. Last Friday afternoon the fun- eral of the late John Jackson was mAmid from the family residence. Rev. 3.B. Ford, Chairman of Gode- rich District; and a, former pastor of the deceased conducted the services at the house and grave- side: The pallbearers were:— A.J. Snell, Toledo, Ohio ; W. Jackson, E, Jackson • 'Prank Jackson, Barrie; Walter 'Jackson, Brantford; and Murray Jackson, $m' A s reported last 'Week the late 'Mr. Jackson passed away at his home early Wednesday morning at the advanced age of 88 years and 8 months, 'Ho was a native of Bob•- r ee ly, England, and in the early fifties came to Canada and settled in Clinton in1854. He commenced his trade as a ,shoemaker and for many years carried on abus- inoss •here. Some 18 years ago he. retired from active work and was suceeeclecl by his son. Mr, Freer. T. Jackson, The hate Mr. Jackson never tools ar, active part in town or political affairs. 1 l (far s He 1 was the lust of the first'Trustee and Qirsrt�riy Beards of tate od Ratteii bury St. ;Mothodi.st church, , and. later known as Wesley church; He was a sen t, nt r " s zt at.i.orirl rnL' at all the sort.iees. Two !years aff(, a hall ago his aged partner inlite passed before him to the Better Land, He is'survived by five sons and one daughter; Pred. T; Clinton Arthur Kaneoas City, Xatt: 1lrank,. Berrie; Wii.tcr, Brant'for0;. Sidney Lethbr"dgc, Alta,, and Mrs, Harry Steep • of Toeento, 'Two brothers Isaac of town, and 'Rich arcl of Eartney, Man„ liner ono; sister, Mrs. Jno. Snell, of Toledo, 0., also survive. 00110:00. Thursday, Sept, 21st 1916 X14 i i �lr� � e�i'��9�1'�� The pen with, K: 43.- the cps, -Cap Ours is the store that serves yon as good as any for books and alittte better forgen- eral supplies. We try..te shake School Supply trade a mutual advantage pro;posi= tion. it's an advantage to us 'to have your business, and we believe it's an equal advantage to you to secure what we offer at the price The' W. D,3 Fair eo. Often the cheapest—Always the Best diliasuoundlEWINIIMMINOS Berger's English Paris Green WiliTZTEISSIREW Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless. It won't pay you to experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best, in original lb and I Ib packages, Arsenate of Lead also in stock. 120VE ` 1 NYAL QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist - The Features of Our - Furniture te. To which we invite special attention•= are its beauty, its assured comfort, its solid ooustruction, and its below the usu't1 prises. Any one of these points would be sufiioient to earn it your. preference. When they are all com— bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor• tunity you cannot afford. to igfi'ore"'!"" Alif ®r.4 til? Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 23. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store F l R will pay you to I The corner Grocery "Live and Let Live" Get our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing 'Rome grown` peaches of the • best quality Crown in Huron County and tree ripened. 'Why not preserve a good' sup— ply of this luscious fruit. Now that sugar has taken a drop, and you only need half a pound of sugar to one pound of peaches. Most other fruit takes pound for pound, e 1 Intending purchasers. would - do, Agents for llecia Furnaces l well to call and leave their orders:. ' for Home Grown Peaches. Prices guarasnteecl. i E. E. Hunniford Plumbing and Beating Shop—over Itowland's Hardware' PRONE 45. r4.'4•++++.+4.++3-14+ +414.41+++++ 41+++4 4.4.4.++(8+.H•F4 Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Thos. Hawkins a 0. 0 0 . Family Shoe Store We meet every footwear requirement c.f every member of the family. Among our patrons there are many fai1 S where w e shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby. We shoe every member because they know where to come for Perfect Shoe Satisfaction Shoes of comfort for elderly people, shoes - of style and durability for middle aged, shoes made for strenuous wear and adapt- eded to the growing feet of boy or girl. We stand ready to prove a benefit to any family It will be worth your while to test us. You will be quick to discover why so many families .. call this "1 heir Shoe Store." 021010351LEAP1010F01=28=0406=0=MINIMITME0EMM)1707=10010aZIMI FRED„ .1216.2.11. HOUSE OP BETTER SHOES -4..:d : ettifd.:t `moiti*BK-1 l 544.4.4••II'4•• l-roi a &K:4.!m.'