HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-21, Page 2PAGE TWO. Tal CLINTON NEW BIRA. Thursday; Sept, 21st1916, Millinery Ready, to -wear Garments Phone 7S Goods Dryds Furs house Fur uishings . AUTUMN MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT September list 22nd d Couch and CompRny beg to announce their Fall Opening Display of High-class Millinery, and invite the, ladies of town and surrounding country to come onthe opening days and see the newest creation in high-class Millinery. New Autumn Suits and Coats The styles of the season will be on view in our' Ready-to-wear Department this week, E eery favored good style for fall wear is included in our collection. Come and see these moder ately priced suits. We show many novelties in fashionable outer gar- ments. The new coats are exceedingly handsome in appearance and are made of handsome. materials. Broad- cloth, plush. velour, and vel- vets. Over 2n0 styles to choose from. GARMENTS FURS OF QUALITY We are showing a very large range of high class Furs including all the new styles. The Furs that will be worn for the coming season—Red Fox, Beaver, Black and Natural Wolf, Lamb and Mink. Even day is Fa,sliiibn Dav—Always Something New 7vit�t�AtIn ICI=MMIv hl iihnlil!'i'i ro:liiF::.. '•il 3 sai''JP:,'' The foundation is not the most important thing True, you can't have a good barn without a good foundation, but don't forget either that the roof has to stand most of the punishment. Upon it falls the burden of resisting the destructive influences of weather and changing seasons. Now, ,the question is "Where am I going to find a roof which will meet these conditions?" Certainly not in wooden shingles whichhave rapidly deteriorated during' the past few years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron, which lets in, driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral composition such as Brantford. Roofing. Now, let us look ata section of Brantford Roofing. First, you notice it has a pure, long -fibred felt base. This ,is thoroughly saturated with a filler coat of asphalt or mineral pitch. Then it is given another coat. Finally, the, surface is thickly covered with crushed slate. You can imagine what a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof like that. As for comparing rantford Nature's Water- e•oof ing e proofing with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison.' You put a Brantford Roof on once, and it will last as long as the building; it will always look well and it will never need repairing. •Why not let us send you samples, also a copy of our booklet which explains how Iirandord Roofing rs always on the job?' Or, if you will give us the dimensions of your barn or house roof we will gladly submit estimates without charge or obligation. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada as FOR SAEH R;1 IiA11tLANI1 BROTHERS F Nephews ore for Country ulr,emt, / 1.111119' `yd ac_�Mp i'!reser 0 '�i.df. Plums have aspicy zest which makes them a favorite preserving fruit,and several excellentva- rietien are plentiful this year. Preserve all you can with an is Sugar for the sakeof economical andwholesome desserts next winter. Lanticsugar comes in 2 and 5 -lb Cartons 10.and 20 -lb Bags Purecane. FINE granulation "The All -Purpose Sugar" PRESERVING LABELS PREF 53 emn d t/ primedl hole, for a rad tion troda•n,arh Sand to Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. Fowl": nrd,;., iliontrenl 6S A letter from Capt In one corner of the hot is our canteen, where we carry a line of stock that meets the nee& of the soldiers, with such things as can- ned fruit and vegetables, fish, meat, milk, also chocolates, to- bacco, pipes, cigars, towels, bru- shes. polishes, shoe laces, writing pads, Pincils; also lemonade when itis hot, tea when itis cold, tooth brushes. soaps, etc In this but we do from 10++0 to 1600 francs ($200 to d320) worth of business a day, I have a staff of five men at present. At the place two and a half miles from here we have .a tent 30x70 feet with a similar canteen, no piano but a small moving picture outfit, four men 'being in charge The place Six and a half miles away is a rtuined house. It is in full view el the enemy by day being two or three miles from the trenches, so that we have 1.o keep away from there by day. 'One day a shell 'was put through it, but of course no one was there then. It is only open for night, when practically alt the moving of men and sup- plies t isclouie undercover of dark- e just a small, place manned l• y two soldiers. Its chief function is to give a tired, hun- gry, wet, Cold passer -'by n cup of tea and a bite to eat. A small stock of stuff is also carried there but as the place is frequently Booted when no one is there to look after it; the stock is kept smell. I have now a staff Of gcod boys, so that I leave them large- ly to themselves while I put in my time with the battalion run- ning sports, concerts, or talking. with the men. They cone to me With all. sorts of requeets. It is hard to get money orders, postal notes, etc., cashed here, so 1 give them the 'French money for ti'em at the current rate of exchange and send them to my bank ac- count in the Bank of Montreal,, in London, England. So many peri - p10 write wanting particulars of friends who hii.te been killed and itsomelimes takes a ,lot of time getting this, but I know how much it paeans to relatives, My tune seems to be spent hi doing a multitude of -little things that do not make .a spectacular show, bull things that I thinb. are worth while and things that mean some th'ng; to ,the contentm et; Oleo: - fulness and efficiency o'i the men. One example 'will suffice. A low battalions of the 1st division who have been tried 111 many battles, were detaliled to make a charge, Amongst these were the 13th and lath .Bat s, the two to which I am attached and amongst whom I have made a host of friends. 1 shalt never forget the night they went in to make the charge. It was Sunday. I had sbeet the day amongst the. men getting them to write a. letter or card to loved ones; for both thea', and I. knewthat for many it would be their last message OM earth, Many of thein gave inc Che address of friends to Whom Ui write "if any- th ng happened,'• es they put it. Many left their ,money or ratter valuables with me. Since then it has been my sad task to send many el these to friends in Can- ada, and the Old Country. It is hard to write to friends and tell them of the death of their rela- tives in battle. So 'many write back for particulars,, which are often too horribl.o to give. 1 lost some of the best friends that I had amongst the officers. When one is standing under the deadly fire of the German foe and knows not what a few' intnnies may bring forth he thanks 'Heaven for the comrades about hum and it does not matter whether they are Pro- testant, Catholic or Tow. We ese not afford to Wit sip our, ener- gies over these trifling diversions of opinion when there are strong- bolds of evil to be bt okerr down. Iam enjoying my work' and te:ling fie, '11ie cake kin,) socks arrived 0 K. Your Loving son, WILL .Last Week Mr James McMath received Word that his nephew, Pte. Arthur William Is cMath, of. Goderich, had died of wounds at the Casualty Clearing station on Sept. 6th Pte, 'McMath was a son the late Jadnes MeMath and of Mrs. Jenne Me.Math, Goderich, and his widowed mother and three sisters is accorded the heartfelt sympathy of the commun'ty in the loss) of their only son and brother. In July oflast year the: fenlfsted with the 33rd Battalion at London. Ear1Y in this year he went overseas and after training;. at Shornetiffe for ashort time he moved ,aerots the channel in a draft to fill the minks '00;n(nfother `battalion. V. ie had ;been on the firing line about five months. He Was only tWeniy-, two years of eget Mrs. 1VIcMath also received Word from Calgarry that her nephew, Pte. Hugh S'Polley had died from m wounds an Sept. 6. The Calgary Herald mttkes the following re- ference Cyclist Hugh Stirling Polley, a well known Calgary youth, has— according •to official word re- ceived, diad of wounds. 'He is the first member of the corps that was recruited in Calgary under Major C. Th. de Kam to lay down ;his lite for the Empire. The telegram which his. father, T.J. Polley, who resides at 411 Eighth street west, has received, :states that his son died at No. 10 casualty clearing station on Sept.- 0, owing to to gunshot wound in his side. The gallant young cyclist, who was in his 22nd year, was a prominent member of the Central Methodist church Sunday School, and also with several ofthat class joined the cyclist unit referred to. ',Before enlisting be was employed as a sten ographer with Edwards & Morgan and had previously ,been in thlz employ otL.T. Mewburn and ram pnny, and the Bank of British North America: Both soldiers have visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McMnth. and Pte. Policy spent hie leave from Niagara Camp 'here before going overseas. mimes essieeinifiesoesteeoeemome • o II4EJMORI i s of the 1`ou� e o ✓ aid'•es trees••sttieso•teemsee• Spoke With Conviction C�'?AY.tln4e7a,;ena,�a,.s,o,vare+c �••,�•-•-,• ve Your idle i New Era Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 0 AS - il' 0 R l A which Will be held in the Council Chamber, ;Friday afternoon, Sept. 29th at 3 o'clock. Yea' are also invited 10 the 'weekly Greeting to Morrow (Friday). . A ten 'cent tea will be served. Mater for Sate An Art Souvenir heater, coal or wood, in first-class condition. GEORGE MCKENZIP, Station Street, Clinton Private. Safe Private sale of high-class fur- niture, Serle starts Suturday.23rd, for twos weeks. ,' C, W. WHITMORE, Rat tenbury Street Private Sale Private sale of choice furni- ture and electric fixtures. Hours Mammoth 1111+ tieu Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p;m. -- MRS. EDMONDSON, Isaac Street, Consisting of goods that have out 6n, rental, used in my own home, :and others taken in ex- change. all in Perfect condition. on the evening of Saturday, Sept. 30, at 7 o'clock sharp, inthestore formerly occupied by W. A Me - Connell, opposite the town hall;— Buffet, surface oak; linoleum, kit- chen; Range, new, Happy Thou- g,ht; 3 rugs each 3x3 yards; library. table, mission' oak; solid oak desk solid oak bedroom suite; surface oak dresser; hall Seat and mirror solid oak; large Turkish rocker, davenport, solid oak: walnut bed room suite; 3 -piece living room suite, upholstered in leather; 25 mirrors, 13ritish plate, framed in solid oak, size 9el!i inches; 10 hall mirrors, 'solid oak frame, size 12x24 inches, British plate; Pipe top organ. a very fine instrument suitable for home of small church; Heins Bro., Square piano, a very fine toned instrument; extension table ; extension table surface oak; sideboard, elm with glass; set of dinners; verandah rockers; is yds stair carpet; Brussels carpet; hall ltinoleum ; !bath room 7;inoleum ; Standard sewing machine; lawn mower; lawn seats; large cage suitable for animals; .book case, mission; 2 tables surface oak; 15 cot mattresses; Typewriter. Em- pire; Stretcher woven wire; 25 pillows; 2 kitchen tables; dresser acrd' stand white enamel;, steel swage with water front oak 'side- board; oak buffet; quarter cut oak extension table, ' TERMS—Cash or a satisfactory note WEE. WAL- KER, AL-KER, ,Prop:, Thos. Gundry, Anc. THE FINEST IVHE AT GROWN Good Man: "Ali, my poor fellow, I feel sorry for you! Why don't you work? When I was young, for ten years I ivas never in bed after tive— an hour's work before breakfast, then five hours' work, then dinner, then four hours' inert work,. then supper, then bed, then up again at five the next morning—" Loafer: "Where did ye serve your time'7" eaceegooeseseeeolieseeeeese • Patriotic Notes • ' • The Women's Patriotic Society ash: all women tot keep; in mind the annual meeting of the Society Court of Revision, Voters' List,. Town of Clinton Notice is hereby given that a court will beheld, pursuant to the Ontario's Voters' List Act,. by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber, '^ inion, 00 Saturday, the seventh day of Oc- tober, 1916, at 'ten o'clock a.m., to hear anti determine complaints of errors and oririssteps in the Vot- er's List of the 'Municipality of. the Town of Clinton for 1916. Dated this 21st day of September, 1916. D. L, ,'MA.CPRERSON, Town Clerk.. HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE For SEVERAL MONTHS DOAN',S 'KIDNEY PILLS COME D IIIM. Mr. ifred. Stevens, Raymond, Alta., writes: "I am writing to bear my testi- mony of your wonderful medicine. I had suffered .for several months with kidney trouble. 1 had been under the doctor's; care for two months, whin 7 read your advertisement. 1at once purchased four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, and when I had used two boxes of them I was cured. I have recommended this treatment to several of niy friends." When you ask for Doan's Kidney Pills sec that you get "Doan's.'" The wrapper is grey' and our trade mark "The Maple Leaf" appears on every box. Doan's kidney Pills are 50 edits per box, or boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or MINOR LOCALS.. , mailed direct on receipt of price by The Tha.nlcsgiving Day—Oct. 0th Limited, Toronto, Ont. If it's the news you. want, nti you M, When ordT. Milburn Co., eringducotspecify"1Poe can't boat The New., Era., Era, r � Smaller Coal Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves Only a small amount of ash. This coal is L[HIGHwVALLE)' e' ' ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies Wanted It will save you money. Give it a trial. r forPublicLib- A caretaker the +Ti.J. Holloway, Clinton rary. 'Duties to . commence at , - once, ;Apply to W. BRYDONE Western University. London Chairman. The finest wheat grown is used in making our flour. And each kernel is carefully scrutinized be- fore using, the slightest fault or defect causing its rejection. This accounts for the fine nourinhing quality of our flour. The care used in milling and packing lin- sures its absolute cleanliness. Why not test our flour by try- ing a sack? : 1 : Highest Prides paid for Grain W.Jenkins&Son Phone 1419. Residence 9 on 112 Wanted Men to learn moulding,good wages' according to abilit. Per- manent work over' the winter to good, steady then. 'Also laborers wanted and girl's to learn core-, making. Apply. International Malleable Iron Co., Limited, Guelph, Ontario, Farm for Sale Farm for sale, containing 55 acrds of good clay loam, suitable for agriculture or grass, being north half of lot 77, 'Maitland con- cession, Goderich, with five acres of choice hardwood (bush, and a never -failing spring creek run- ning through, all under grass at present, possession can he given at once. Apply to, WILLIAM BEDOUR R. 11. No.2m Clinton or phone 12 :on 143. Young Heti Young men or others who are unable to enlist for overseas ser - work. EVERY MAN SHOULD BE DOING HIS BIT. Steady work to good men. Apply to The Robert Bell Engine and • Thresher Co., Limited, Sea0orth, Ont. Private Sale Owing to the undersigned leav- ing town he offers the following for sale—Oak Sideboard, Rocker, Extension Table, Gasoline Range, Parlor Lamps, etc. May be seen any time during the afternoons for next two weeks, W. COLLYER. ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $76,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A., Ph.D. President. • Fat fens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 106 Back 10 Ike Land i 108 acres Goderich township $7000 100 acres, Colborne township 5400 90 acres, Colborne township 4800 50 acres, Colborne township 2200 5 acres, Goderich .limits , 1000 40 acres, Goderich township 2600 All these have good soil and buildings and are "real'' bargains. Write us about 'others. If think- ing of making your home in the county town, don't 'buy till you see us, We catt place) you at easy 'prices We are 'Huron's! largest Wanted, Machinists and lathe hands wanted) Apply tb. WOOD MOTOR Co„ Clinton, Ont. House for Safe House on Rattenbury SI,, formerly occupied 'by the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G. D. MoTAGGART For Sale Property pccupied by Dr. Gan- dier, including two lots, house, of.. face and stable. Will be sold sep- arately or together.. Electric lighting throughout, water in the stable. 'Hard and soft water in bath -room kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply (tDR. GANDIERt Farm for Sale 150 ACRES of good clay land. 1'16 miles north of Londesboro, .• being lot 25, concession 13, ''uilollt. Two houses, bank baro and [driving shed; (never -)failing well, and spring at back of farm; silo; or- chard; convenient to church and school; rural mail and telephone. Price and terms reasonable. HOLTZHAUER BR0S„ R.R. No. 1, Auburn. Painting & Paper Hanging !ntin and Pa er H'un Lu neatly dealers. . Pa g l p timing 1 own'', &COMPAN'Y, and promptly done, Orders left at Ltunnitord's Grocery Store or at my The Real. Estate People, residence, Victoria Street, Goderich, Ont. THOS, GRAELI8 WHO Is Going to Control Sales of the rot In Your Territory? COMPLETE Plays All Steondard Records The demand is here and must be. supplied.. We help you with, our big advertising campaign. People are enthused over this musical in- novation. Sales' possibilities are immense. Out arrangemcn(s are liberal. You must act promptly as territory is being rapidly taken tip. Write or wire. TIrr h1 `� gi.* •Ir V' 2',tir� 7iii �r �y ! ti 51tu 'V .'l. d.+ i v"ll'i ,V114 rat0 cOMPAN\' OP CANADA 59 Yonga Street k ,amidst TORONTO