HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-14, Page 53f
.Thursday, September 14th, 1916.
When in Doubt
Fora Present for
the Bride•to•be
Choose Silver
There is no other gift
for the bride that is so
universally certain to be
greeted with joy, used
with pride, and treasured
for years. We carry a large,
and well assorted stock of
Knives and Forks, Berry
Spoons, Cold Meat !Forks
Pie Servers, Tea, Coffee,
Dessert and Table Spoons
and numerous other use-
ful pieces.
Also a good assortment
of Silver Plated Hollow-
ware, Cut Glass, China
and Clocks.
Local News
Last week .1,Tr..7. K1 Wise pur-
•,c3aased the eoftnig,;,.on Kirk ,St.,
which he has been lrt.3.,•e in rill
winter, from ,Mr. Joseph :!'own -
.•send, gr. Wise has made a good
Owing to Thursday being Clin-
on's clay at London Fair, and our
.staff wanting to take the day in
we got to press Wednesday even
1 ing and many items of interest,
both local and district have 'been
held over until next week. •
The House of Refuge Committee
suet at Clinton last week and made
the usual inspection, finding every
;thing in satisfactory ,condition.
There are eightyethree inmates
' +'t the present time.
Ladies' Aid concert in town hall
.on September 19th.
!Lori Ion Fair is the drawing
.card this week. • ,
Bale of September gone tomor-
...row.. , 1 ti
This week at the Western Fair
London Mr, !red Bell made six
.entries with his BlackJayne and
+captured 4 firsts and 2 seconds. Mr.
'rhos. Watts made 12 entries with
his Light Brahmins and English
:Red Ca.ps and took, 6 firsts, 3
.sec'd,nds and;!. thir(a 10 gimes 4n
..all. This shows that good fowl is
.rafsect in '!Huron County alright.
Corp, Sid. Watts. son of Mr. and
-.Mrs. H. IV, ' Watts of town, and
Pte. 'P. W1 Lee of Seaforth left
the 161st 'Huron Battalion, on
which they served on the signal-
.:ing corps, and on Tuesday' joined
the Divisional Signalling Corps at
'Ottawa. Mr. Lee and wife resided
.in town while the company was
,here for this twin ter. 'Sid ;s. old
friends will be glad to heal' of
,his advancement,
;The 0. 0. 1. opened again last
Tuesday with only one change •iir
the staff, Mr. Graham has been
.engaged as mathematical master
.anc1 drill instructor.
An Athletic Association has
.been formed with the following of-
ficers;—Hon. Pres. --Corp, Lesllie
1,Tasmann; Pres. • gr. Graham;
.bee,-Teas.—peter Moffatt; `Vice-
.Pres,—Les, D:anley.; Executive--
. a orvn 1-A..mcDonatd;..2-1l,Shrink
�- Lawrence; 4—A. Dewar.
(With the completion of the, four
inch waterworks main on North
and Dunlop streets the "deadends,4
.at the foot of ,Joseph and Isaac
treets:have been clone away with
�i• d the Water in that part of the
wn will now (have better circul-
a,on. ( Another "deadend' on
Queen street atPorrester's corner
will be overcaorne by (connecting
the Queen street main with the one
.on Albert street north, and the
work on this is to be started at
once. /Connections are now being
..completed for Mrs. McIver, Adam
Glazier, it. Mennen, J. Taylor, Jas
Appleby, John Derry, Mrs: Wm.
Cooper A.T. Cooper, T J. McNeil,
.Vers. Watts, R.Carrick and others,
•Births, Muffing es & &AU'S
ELLIOTT—In Clinton on Sunday
:Sept. 3rd, 1916, to Mrl and 1VIrs. G.
•3 , .Elliott, e daughter, (Margaret -Jean;) ea
JACKSON—In Clinton, on Wed
`nesday, Sept.13, Mr. John Jackson .ta
aged 88 years and 8 months, •
31, REGOR—In Goderich Town-
ship on Monday, Sept. lith,
lianss J:. P. McGregor, aged 30 years
,and 8 months.
COWLTHORP—In Loudon on
Tuesday, Sept.l.2th, Annie Dunion ,
wife of Albert 12, Cowlthorp, aged
.55 years, 7 months and. 11 clays.
HARPER—Pte Hamilton T, Har
:per, per, dearly beloved and only son
ofNieols and Winnie 'Harper, 267
Perth ave., fToronto, aged 18
' 'Years, killed in action, somewhere
Asn France, t
August Specials
During the Balance of August we are Offering
some Wonderfully low Prices on the '
following Lines
Women and Children's Wash Dresses, Gowns, Under—
skirts, Drawers, etc.
Wash Goods, Muslins; Voiles, Ginghams, etc. .
SHOES—A11 white canvas shoes at cost. Special
prices on patent and don. pumps.
Also extra special prices on boys School Suits and odd
pants, boys and girls School Shoes, etc.
Give us a Cali -We can Save you Money
Ata:ats torScntiiteadyTailoring and New Idea Patterns
Plunnsteel , rose
Small Profits
Phone 2:3.
More Business
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R(dthhy and fam•
ily autoed to Exeter on Saturday re-
turning the same evening
Miss M. B. Erra„t accompanied her
nieces Misses Ethel and Laura Mur•
(loch to Zealandia Sask. where the
girls intend making their house.
Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Sturdy spent
Thursday visiting friends' at Summer.
!hiss A. Sturdy is holidaying at Tor.
onto this week,
There will bean, ',Old Time Corn
Roast" held in the grounds of the
l[in'o1) School, Section No. 5. Hullett
on Wednesday evening. The pro-
ceeds in aid of the Rea Crossdiand
Everybody welcome, Come and
have agood time together.
Last Monday Mr. Riddell took
.load pf ladies to Clinton to
attend the Patiortie ;Conference
;held, in the town hall.
Mr, Archie .Robinson who has
been suffering for some time with
an absess in one of his limbs under
went an operation on Modnay after
noon performed by Dr. Weir and
ItJaeklin, We hope it will prove
successful and that Mr. Robinson
will soon be able to be out again.
Rev, A, Lang attended the meet-'
ing .01 the Huron Presbytery at
Brucefield on Tuesday.
Mr. Marshall of Godericha• (spent
Sunday at the home of Mr•Eastman,
Capt. J.K. Fairfull took the ser-
vices in the Baptist church last
Miss Greene of Clinton was the
guest of Mrs. E Yeo over .the
week end.
Rev. Mr, Sinclair has returned
from his vacation and preached
two very able sermons Sunday,
(Miss LeRoid, neice of Mr. Wm
Rutledge, sang two very appro-
priate solos on Sunday, accom-
panied by her cousin, Miss Mary
agars, Holstead, 'who has been ill
for some time, although nearly
80 years of age, is improving,
Goderich Township
After a sickness extending over
some weeks. Win. J. P, McGregor
Passed away at the home of his
father, on Monday, at the age of
thirty years, The funeral Was
held on Wednesday afternoon to
Bayfield cemetery
condition, hir Robert Pearson
was one of the first .to ,have his
wheat sown he having it in by Aug•
'Mr. Wes.. Stevens of the BaseL'ne
purchased aline Overland ear re-
cently from the local agent, Mr.B.
'Mr. • Robert Brown is now 71e1P-
ing make shells atSeaforth. • He
commenced work last week.
The funeral of Annie Dunlop,
wife of Albert • R. Cowtthorp will be
held at Burn's cemetery on Friday
afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock,
Deceased died atLondon on Tues-
day and body was taken to the
home of Mr, W. Rogerson, near
Brucefield where funeral will be
held from the home to cemetery.
Loudon Road
Mr. J,: Ashton lhps instal(led .a
gasoline engine on his fare to be
used for general use,
Miss Maple Livermore of Toron-
to, was Thome on her vacation.
The friends of Air. ;Fred 'Waldron
aro sorry to learn that he is not
improving ,as they would like to
sec, but ;hope that a.turn for the
better will soon take place.
(Mr. B. Rowcliffe has a gang of
men putting ina big drain.
Mr, Phil Rowclli.ffe rand Mr. La
Beau have built hew silos on their
The yield olgrain this year is
light and a, poor quality,
r. 'Henry ,Peacock and Mr. J.
Blgg1{ns took in the iroronto Ex-
hibi'ion last .week and report
having Agood. time.
Mrs. Jas, Nott looks well after
her trip out West and Iwe are all
glad to see her back 'again. She
reports having a good time during
hen two months' trip.
Mrs. Rowcliffe, received word on
Monday that her son,. Mr. George
Rowcliffe had fulilen while, work-
ing in London (bricklaying ana
had broken his back. Last reports
he was still living. Ilirs. Joseph
Crich, asister, Accompanied her
A Sluggish Liver
Mr. 'Harry .Baker left last week CAUSES LOTS
on a business trip to Saskatoon
and Prince Albert, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs: (Fred Warning of OF TROUBLE.
Delhi visited with their daughter,
Mrs, George Crooks, over Labor
Weiss Marion '.8ibbs has been visit
ing, with her aunt in Toronto, has
tar.en aposition ina munition fac-
tory there,
Quite anum her of the farmers in
this !locality are cutting their
clover a second time as the seed
is of very good quality this season,
We are pleased to see that Mrs.
Harvey;, Jenkins is able to' be out
Rov. T. J. Snowden, of Ailsa Craig
has been visiting with old friends.
:;Messrs. C;rV2. Barber and Robert
Johnston paid" a hurried call to F.
Leonard's last week,
;Mr, Herb Jenkins took in the
Torontq,Exhibition last week also
visiting his sister, Mrs. Nixon
Welsh. e •
Many of the farmers have aband
ones the ilea of sowing fall ;wheat
this season owing to their being
unable to get the soil in 6uitalbie
Unless the liver is working properly
you may look forward to a great many
troubles arising, such as constipation,
severe headaches, bilious headaches, sick
headaches, jaundice, sick stomach, etc.
Mrs. 3. Shellsworth, 227 Albemarle
St., Halifax, N.S., writes: "I take
pleasure in writing you concerning the
great value I have received by using your
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a sluggish
liver. When my liver got bad I would
have severe headaches, but after using a
couple of vials of your pills I have not
been bothered with the headaches any
Milburn's Lata -Liver Pills are, with-
out a doubt, the best liver regulator en
the market to -day. Twenty-five years of
a reputation should surdly prove ibis.
MMTilburn's taxa -Liver Pills are 25 cents
per1vial, 6 vials for 51.00; for sale at all
dealers, or. mailed direct on receipt of
pi'iee by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
• •••••••••••••0••o•••0••••• ••••••se••••d••0•••s•o..•rs
s •
Niagara District Crawford Peaches are now in, and
the best varieties of pears and plums are ready for pre-
servirlg or table purposes.
o•••94)00000001100••0001400•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Housekeepers should not
delay telling their grocers
what fruit to order for them
and should insist on the
label with the map, repro-
duced here.
it is a guarantee of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruit
and good gsality.
mother to London.
'NB,. and Mrs. Fred,. Nott is tak-
ing' in the 1,ondorr Fair.
At a joint meeting of 'the con-
gregations of Kippen and Hi.11s
Green held in Kippen aunanimous
call was extended to Rev. W. E.
Aitken, Phil., of Banks, Barrie
presbytery. !The call includes a,
stipend guarantee of $1015, a free
manse and four Weeks holidays.
The' Daily Globe contained a
very good photo and write-up on.
Major S. R. McMordie; who was,re•
ccntly awarded the D,(S,0. for
bravery at the front, Atter Mc-
Moitdie was born on the London'
Road a, short distance south of
Kippen, being aeon of the late elle-
berg McMordie apromi'nent , rye-+
sident of the county for many
years. 'He was well -!known and
popular member of the famous
"Hurons" football teach when that
club was almost a household word
in Ontario and his many friends
here are !glad to sea him !sake.
gdod in the more strenuous game
in which he is now engaged. The
Globe says i—Major S. P. McMordie.
who recently received the D. S O,
was Avery popular athletic in the
Varsity class of '99. Later on in
life in partnership with Mr, Barry
he undertook"and suceessfully ear•-
Tied to completion,- the building of
the first detain the NiagaraRiver
for the development ef'Hydro elect
ric power. EAllaior McMordie was
n command of parties of men which
took art with Brigadier-,Genera3
Hill's brigade in the fighting_ on the
nights of June 12 and 13, when 1500
yards of lost Canadian trenches
were regained. Particular men-
tion has been made of his (gallant
conduct, and the manner in which
he conducted his part of the oper-
ations up to and even after the
received severe 'wounds,,'H a right
eye has been removed. Major Mc-
Mordie is the son of the late 'Ro-
bert McMordie London and bro-
ther of Capt. M'•eMordie, Instructor
• •
▪ New Canadian
War Loan
• •
• Subscriptions to the New e,
• Dominion War Loan maybe •
• 'forwarded through my of- •
• lice without charge. Call 0
• or write for information, •
• Clinton, Ont. •
• 0
Subscriptions for
DOMIN1QN:.:0:-....:-..CANADA...:.. •
5.35 %
As with, the previous Loan, we predict a great succes
for this issue. During this period of stress our Government
needs our help and counts upon our patriotism. But a chance
is given investors of placing their money in securities of the
highest grade, upon terms the liberality of which will, perhaps,
not be fatty realized until the return of normal times.
If this Loan were issued to yield 4l,%, instead of about
5.35 %, the price would be 105.41, instead of 97.50. A 4% yield
(the basis on which Dominion Government bonds sold so recently
as 1914) would mean a price of 111 for the present issue.
We will forward your application, procure your allotment
and render other services free of charge to you.
To ensure allotment application should be made at once
A. E. A M ES & C01
Toronto, Oana .da
(To amoid delay wo soma um7w form below, if regular form u est oa haat.)
Dominion of Canada Loan Due 1931
MESSRS. A. E. AMES & CO., Date 1918
53 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.
Dear Sirs:
1 hereby authorize you to enter my subscription for $
at Canada Loan in accordance with the terms of the Qfficiel Prospectus
Name in full An•$.
o,•hf ax
Street address (or P, O. Roz)
of Engineering in Shorneuiffe, Can. Eleanor F. Dougherty, S.hep-
adian Military School. pardton. . .
At Normal School
lFolloowing is elitist of 'Huron
County Pupils atStratford Normal
this year;—
!Myrtle Evelyn Alain, Dungannon
Laura G. Ament, Brussels
Winnie H. Denman, Brussels
Leona; W. 1!'inkoerner, credit )jt
Annie M. Harding, Gorrie
Ethel Irene ,Herrn, Seaforth,
Easel I Hartwell. Goderlch
'Mabel G.Isai•cL Winghain
'Edna M. Jamieson, Clinton
Vera A. Johnston,_Gorrie
Mary E.Xennedy, Wingham
Annie Louise King, Bayfield
Elva 142. Little Seaforth
Ada Luella 'McGill, Wingham
Martha I.MeLauchlin, Brussels
,Mary A McLelland, Ethel.
Agnes McKay, Seaforth
Annie H Noble, Belgrave
Lillian E,- (Pentland, Dungan.;
non, ,
May Robertson, Wingham
Elizabeth C. Sanderson, Blyth
!Hattie B. Shaw, Bluevale
Gertrude B. Speiran Brussels
Mary R. Stoddart,'doderioh.
;Margaret 'E, Walsh, Seaforth
Grace E. Wootton. Goderich
Adelson v,•iieman,,Daehwood.
At London Normal
(03,E. Morgan, Rensall.
, 14111111:Ile;111111111111IiQIQQU11111111111111lilii1111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111 MIIQiMIlIIIIIiIQIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIil111111111IIIIIIIIIiII11Allllillll11liii'
Issue of $100,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing lst October, 1931.
Tam MINT57'Cn or FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of
the Government, the above named Bonds for subscription
at 97, payable as follows: -
10 per cent on application;
30 " " 76th October, 1916;
30 1l, 00 15th November, 1016;
27l " " 15th December, 1916.
The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited
to one hundred million dollars ,exclusive of the amount
(if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equiva-
lent of cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus
of 22nd November, 1915.
The instalments may be paid in full on the 16th day
of October, 1916, or on any instalment due date thereafter,
under discount at the., rate of four perr cent per annum.
All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the
credit of the Minister of Finance: Failure to pay any
instalment when due will render previous payments liable
to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation.
Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent
of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through
the medium of a 'chartered bank. Any branch in Canada
of any chartered bank will, receive subscriptions and issue
provisional receipts.
This loan is authoried under. Act of the Parliament, of
Canada, and Both principal and interest will be a charge
upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Forms of application may be obtained from any branch
in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any '
Assistant Receiver General in Canada.
Subscriptions must be for even hundreds' of dollars.
In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be
applied towards payment of the amount due on the October
Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in
accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered
or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange
for the provisional receipts.
When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and
payment endorsed thereon by the bank reeeiving the
money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared,
with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as
to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared,
without coupons, in accordance with the application.
Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made
through the chartered banks.
The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any
income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted
by the Parliament of Canada.
The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations
of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without
coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000
or any authorized multiple of $5,000.
The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office
of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa,
or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax,
St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg,
Regina, Calgary, or Victoria.
The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid
by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on
bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons.
Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange
at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.
Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each
new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without
coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the
denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds
with coupons will have the right to convert into fully
registered bonds of authorized denominations without
coupons at any time on application to the Minister of
The books of the loan will be kept at the Department
of Finance, Ottawa.
Application willbe made in due course for the listing of
the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges.
Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a
commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments
made in respect of applications bearing their stamp,
provided, toWever, that no commission will be allowed
in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the
surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus
of 22nd November, 1015. No commission will be allowed
in respect of applications on forms which have not been
printed by the King's Printer.
Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916.
•'�..: DEPARTMENT of FYNANWa, OTTAWA, September 12th, 1916. —'
�l 1111111lIIiiIIIIIAIIlill1111111111 II II Q I I II 1 ►