HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-14, Page 4-w
Men and Events.
MR, 'HENRY MILLER.: ex-M,P.. for.
' ' South Grey and Liberal candi-
date for the 4'edel House in ` the
next general election, •who died
at his home in FTanoverla:st Mr. a.
(day morning,. He was 55 years
of age. t•
Fall fairs 1916
Bayfield . -O t.10 1 3flnd and 11
Blyth .
Bruasels ....... .-. Oct. 5 and 6
Dungannon Oct. 5 and 6
Exeter -- Sept. 18 and 1°
d'ordAvich . Oct. 7
Goderich Sept. 27 to 29
Lucknow ..... ....• Sept. 28-,29
Seaforth ...... --.Sept. 21-22
Zurich ... -... Sept. 20 ana 21
For Infants and Children
in Use For ever 30 Yenzs
Always bears
Signature of
Huron Co.
Another of the venerable ladies
of Goderich passed away in the
Person of Mrs, Margaret Angus
Victoria street, who had Leen a
resident of the town for about
21 years, coming there from Tor-
onto, She was the daughter of
the late George Stoddart and
Nancy Aussen, and was born at
Dumfries near Galt,
A very sad 'event ryas the death
of Ella May Brownlee, daughter of
Mrs. Robert Broavinlae, Goderich,
following .an operation for tonsil -
itis. The young girl Weer only 12
years of age.
Sincere sympathy is fat with Mr.
and Mrs. Gallagher.. and. family of
Colborne in the death of the second
son, Harry. The young man was
only thirty-seven years of age and
was very highly esteemed. He had
undergone three operations, two
in Goderich and one in Toronto,
Hohn Ziegler ofMcKiliop was
overcome with the heat recently
and died before medical aid reach
ed him, ',lie was an honest, indust-
rious man and Roman Cathclic,
Mrs. Sone.] of Anglesey, Wales
has recently arrived in Canada
and is taking up residence in Due-
gannon with her daughter, Mrs..
(.Rev.) R. Williams.
Work was commenced on the
new cement dam inLoWer Wing -
ham on Monday, Mr. Robert Vint
has the contract.
The Belgrave Patriotic Society
are making preparations for the
holding of a. field 'day on Mr. Jor-
dan's farm adjoining the village.
Mr, and Mrs. join]) G. W'ard of
Bracebitidge, Ii1tusko(lta\ fermi City
of Wingham announce the engage-
ment of their eldest daughter, Jes-
sie to Mr. Ernest Sheppard.i
The name of Sergt. H. J. Dor-
ranee, a Seaforth .boy, appears in
the official list 'of the stun- com-
missioned dfficers, Who have been
awarded the military cross for
distinguished service.
Bev. Jaques Argo ofEgmondvine
left for (3oronto, to consult a
Specialist in regards to his health
which has not been very good of
!Mr. E Coughlin of Toronto is
visiting his nephews James and
Geo. Etherington of,,Usborne. 'Mi.
Coughlin is 87 years of age and
enjoys excellent health and hi qu to
active. He has 'lived in Toronto
since he was one year old. Before
'the L.H. & B. was built ,through,
this section Mr. 1 Coughlin on
several occasions 'walked up from
'The name of Pte, J.J. 'Hutchison
of Seaforth appeared in the of-,
ficial list of those who died . cif,
wounds. The late .,Pte. I utchisen
was born in Armagh Ireland and
came to Canada about twelveyears
ago at the age of twenty -taro. lo-
cating inSeaforth, He 'was en
electrician by trade and was care-
taker at the Collegiate for lave
ORS[IJ-POISONINI.1 (4be etcakeonLieuftoehahven ceaseed m me 'YETI
The Dangerous Condition
Which Produces Many Well
Known , Diseases.
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" — The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine—will Protect You
Autointoxication means Self-poison-
ing, caused by continuous or partial
constipation, or insufficient action of
the bowels.
Instead ofthe refuse matter passing
daily from the body, it is absorbed by
the blood. As a result, the Kidneys and
Skin are overworked, in their efforts to
rid the blood of this poisoning..
Poisoning of the bloodin this way often
causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite
and Disturbed Stomach. It 'may pro-
duce Headaches and Sleeplessness. It
way ixrilate the Kidneys and bring on
Pain in the Beek, Rheumatism, (out,
and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief
�e .
cause o£Eczema—and el keeps the whale
system unhealtlrvbytlio constantabsorp-
timeinto the blood of this refuse Matter.
"F)^rdt-a-fives" will always acre Auto-
intoxicatian or self-poisoning — es
"Fruit-a-tines"acts gently on bowels,
kidneys and skin, strengthens the
bowels andtones up the nervous system.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt o f price by Prude:Aives Limited,
Ottawa. •
I 1 1 11 I 1 I I I -I -i -i 1--1-A•1-1-I-I-I-i+1t
Farm and
. Y
3 d-•3 1 1 1 1 i I I -1-I••1- I d .-I I I 1 -I --
private dwelling,' house within the
meaning of this act during Pile
time the Person so convicted oc-
cubies the said house or any part
thereof. The effect of this clause
is that where a man abuses, hie
privilege of purchasing outside the
Province., suchprivilege ceases..
Section 55 Whenever any per-
sort has drunk liquor to excess and
while in a state of intoxication
from such drinking,hast come to
his death by suicidor drowning,
or perishing „rom the cord or other
accident caused, by such intoxica-
tion, the person or persons who
furnished or gave the liquor to
such person When in al state of lin-,
toxieatiop..oron whose premises it
wag obtained by such intoxicated
.person while intoxicated, shalt be
liable to an action for a wrongful
act and as a personal wrong, and
the amount 'which may be recover
ed as damages shall not be less
than $100 or Imolre than $1,500.
Where aperson is found upon the
street, highway or in any public
place in this province in an in-'
loxicated condition he shall be
guilty of an offence against this act
and upon any prosecution for such
offence he shall be compellable to
state the Hanle of the person from
whom and the place inwhich he
obtained thel equor which' caused
the intoxication. and in case of his
refusal to do se he shall be im-t
prisoned for a period not exceed-
ing throe months or until he dis-
closes such information.
Section 56-1f aperson in a state
of intoxication assaults any Person
or injures any property, the 'per-
son who furnished him with the
liquor which occasioned his intux
'c•ation, if such furnishing. was in
violation of the act, or otherwise
in violation oflaw, shall bejoint-
ly and severally liable to the same
action by the person injured as the
p e to
SectioSOn nrt64—1 Ift codmplaint be lis made
to the inspector or any pollee con-
stable that there is cause to suspect
that some person is violating this
act, it shall be Iris duty to make
diligent enquiry into the truth of
such information, ,and to enter e
complaint in his own name, with-
out disclosing the name of the per
son giving such information. Every
poort�refuiing orceman inspector
i nap y onute nd Ling
force this act.,shall incur apenalty
of $10.00 and may be sum'mar-1Y d s-
isse nom office
movants Hoghouse.
A. cheap, movable board house, large
enough for one sow and her pigs,
mattes a satisfactory shelter.
A good style is an A shaped build-
ing, eight feet wide, eight feet long
and with each side of the roof eight
feet in length, It takes a little over
225 feet of lumber to 'make such a
house. There should be doors in both
front and buck, 9SS feet by 21/s,feet
. years. � '_.,._�
Lord Fisher's Family
Hearty congratulations to Lord Fish-
er, "the modern Nelson,' as he has so
often been termed, who was married
on April 4th, 1566, to Miss Frances
Broughton, a parson's daughter, There
haye been four children of the mar-
riage, three daughters and a son. The
son is the Ikon. Cecil Vavasseur T'ish-
ex, the owner of Iilveretone Hall,
whence his father takes his . title,
which, it is feared, may not continue
after his son; for Mr. Fisher, who
was married in 1910, has no children,
His with is one of the few women to
hold a license as a master mariner.
fastened at the top with leather hinges,
su that they will swing both ways.
The north door should be closed in
winter. Such a house can be moved
from field to field easily. It will shel-
ter a sow and' a litter of p'igs., 'When
a sow farrows in cold weather a light-
ed lautern hung inside from the roof
will keep the air warni enough for the
newborn pigs,—Farm Progress.
Break -proof Glass
One of the most recent )trench in -
smithies affords remarkable protec-
tion against breakage of glass panes.
It consists of two plates of glass with
a sheet. bf transparent oelielo1d be-
tween them, cemented and hydraulic-
ally pressed together. '1'lte glass is
said to be "burglar proof." It cannot
be cut with a diamond. This makes
It of value for use in shop windows,
espocially those of Jewellers, or
where costly articles are displayed -
The average amateur gardener and
often, too, the man who has bad sev-
eral years of gardening experieuce
often make the mistake of trying to
grow too many different things in u
small space, the result being that not
enough of any one variety is produced
to amount to anything. an planning
for a garden It is well to bear in mind
a few points.
Go over the list of vegetables of
which the family is especially fond,
writing out the list on paper. Then
eliminate such things as watermelons,
cucumbers, cantaloupes, potatoes, seg-
ar eorp., the, growing of which requires
far more space than the average small
gurddn affords.
Plan to Seep the garden Bard at work
during the entire growing season,
which lasts from the time the earliest
crop eau, be planted in the spring un
til the season is lute enough to bring
danger of'fro'st.'
Do not be stingy- with fertilizing ele-
ments, )tut ttse al,l the old stable ma -
mire obtainable. Too much cannot be
Don't try to begin operations too
early, but wait until the frost is outof
the ground.
Don't buy cheap seeds, because such
seals are dear at any price. Buy only
the best. Results will more than pay
for the difference in price.
m' dl f f r'
Section! 66—Any officer, pot ce-•
nam, congeal .'e, tori(nepectoa' -may
ata,ny time enter iptC any ,'and
every part of any place of public
entertainment, shop, warehouse or
other Mane Wherein refreshment, or
liquors) are sold, orrepnted to be
sold, and make searches in every
part thereof and of the premises
connected therewith, Any person
refusing to admit such officer, er
whoobstructs the entry of such
officer shall be guilty of an ofg
fence against this' act.
Section 67—Any magistrate hav-
ing jurdisdiction may, upon in-
formation Pram any officer, signa
warrant to search any suspected
premises; doors or fastenings of
such premises, or part thereof, or
any; closet, cupboard, box or other
receptacle likely to contain such
liquor may be broken open, and in
the event of any liquor being found
the occupant thtereof nshall. until
contrary is proved,' be deemed to
have kept such liquor for the pur-
pose of sale, contrary* to this act.
Name and address of frequenters
may be demanded, Such liquor as
is found may be destroyed.
Section 70—Where any officer
finds liquor in transit or 11r worst;
of delivery uPorr the premises of
any railway company, or at any
wharf, railway sttaion,,express of-
fice, warehouse or other place and
btlieves that such liquor is to be il-
legally sold,he may forthwith seize
and remove same together With the
packages fn which 'such liquor is
Section 85—The burden of prov-
ing the right to have or keep or,
sell or give liquor shall be on the
person accused,
gram of:a'ddresses, mimic etc. pif.
somebody weutd introduce this
question at the Municipal 2�omina,-
tion in December aCommittee of
Management might be named and
perhaps a day set for the gathei-
ing. Such an ,aeserebling could
hardly fail to be productive of
good results, particularly in the
renewing of greater sociability and
friendliness among the people, to
say :nothing, of the advantage of'
comparing notes or , developing
of mottles help-
fulness. !What do you, say about
Community Day?
some undertaking
kG(liN rT•FlEt9 D
� t .:r• •,
Far' more effective than Sticky Fly
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Druggists and Grocers everywhere -
an act that gives the Provincial
Legislatures power to prohibit the
importation of liquor into any such
provinces passing a prohibition I
law, .The Ontario Legislature may
now prohibit the importation of -
'liquor into the province if it so de-
Lies Through Rich Blood
and Strong Nerves.
,Debility is a word that fairly ex- found out that he was not the leader of
Presses many ailments under one a band of murderers, he stood on the
name. "Poor blood, weak nerves, stairs, and, beckoning with his band
impaired digestionloss, of flesh.
till there was a great silence. spaK
Lesson XII.—Third Quarter, For
Sept. 17, 1916.
Text of the Lesson, Acts xxii, 17.29.
Memory Verses,27-29-Golden Text,
Ps. xci, 2—Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns.
This chapter is the record of Paul's
account of himself and his conversion
given to the people from the castle
stairs. The chief captain having giv-
en him permission to speak after he
no engery,, no ambition, listless and
Indifferent. This condition is
perhaps the penalty of over-
work, or the result of neglect-,
ed health. You musk regain your
health or succumb entirely. There
18 just one a.hsolutely sure way to Jews from Asia who started this riot,
new heajtll—take Dr. Williams' and the fact that the Lord had spoken
Pink Pills. These pills will bring to him from heaven at the time of his.
you, new life, fill every vein with conversion in the Hebrew language
new, rich blood, restore elasticity may have led him thus to decide at
to your step, the glow of health to this time (xsi, 27; xsvt, 141.
wan cheeps. They 'will supply the When the Spirit records an event or
vital There is
of mind orne d body.
isnot a corner in Canada a bit of history several times Be must
where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have have some special reason for so doing
not) brought health and hope and and desire that we give special atten-
ltappiness to some 'weak "debilitat- tion to it. Note the threefold roped-
ed person. if you have not used tion of Paul's story in chapters ix,
this medicine yourself ask 'your xxii and xsvi and partially in Phll,
neighbors and They will tell you of and I Tim. i and compare the three
some sufferer Avlro has been re-' es repeated record of Flezekiah and
stored to .health and strength
through using Dr. Williams' . Pink Sennacherib in Kings, Chronicles and
Pills. One who bits always a
good word to says for Dr, )Williams'
Pink Pills is Mrs. Luther Smith, of
West' Hill, Ont., who writes; "Ifeel
it a duty as well as a pleasure to
tell you what Dr, Williams' Pinle
P1119 have done forme. 1; hasten
operation for tumors. The oper-{
ation in itself 'was quite success-
ful, but I was so'badly run down
and anaemic that I did not gain
strength, and the incision did not
heal, amcl kept disclStrging for
nearly aYear,• until I weighecton
ly eighty-six pounds and 'could
scarcely walk across the floor. I
had got so sick of doctor's medic-
ine that Iwould vomit when Itried
to take it. A •ggoon .friend urgers
me to, try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
Aa I bought egbox. Before they
were gone I thought I could feel
a'difference, and I got a further
supply. By the time I had taken
five boxes the wound ceased dis-
charging and commenced to heal. I
took in all thirteen boxes and' am
today enjoying the best headth 09
my life. and weigh 140 pounds. T
sincerely hope anyone suffering as
I did will give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills afair trial, and I Leel fare
they will not be disappointed?
,You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents abox or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co, Brockville, Ont,
unto the people in the Hebrew lan-
guage, aud, hearing him speak in their
own language. tbey kept the more si-
lence (gel, 40; xxii, 1, 21. It was the
On Wednesday Lorne Weir of the
Royal Hotel Seaforth was fined. by
Police ;Magistrate Andrews of
Clinton, for keeping intoxicants
for. sale.
Section 128, Subsection 2—:Every
druggist shall record in a, book to
be kept for the purpose every sale
or other disposal by him of alcohol
or orther liquor when Sold by it-
self or forming, the principal) in-
gredient intiny prescription. and
record shall 'show as to every such
eale or disposal, the t_me When, and
the person So whom the same was
made, the quantity sold; and the
prescription, when,. tine is rest
ouired'of•euch medical pract tiorer,.
and in default of rut h sale of dis-
posal being ,se pieced on record,
every such sale shay], be heldto,be
in eontraventiidn ofthe provisions
of Sec. 40 of this act, '(131 Such
book, shall' he open to the inspect-
ion of the License Commis:goners,
iispeetor. provincial ins(pectgr, or
'any other person appointed by the
board. (141 In atownship a drug-
gist 'w,ho is peep, atlegail'y' qualified
medihal praf,titioner. may h(meelf
give the prescripl;io:nproiidecftor'
to this section, and may, 111Se 'give'
such prescription in any village or
police village where there( is aro
other le'gaily qualified medical pra-
ctitioner resident .and practising
thereinTautnot ohterwise (5J AnY
druggist Whc sells or otherwise the
poses of.ar'y liquor to be consumed
u ithin his shop for within She
building:.of which such shop forms
Part er Which eommun•cet.s by the
entrance therewith, either by the
purchaser or by any other, person
nett usually. resident therein, as 'a
beverages or with soda water., selt-
zer, appollineris, ginger beer, ser-
satparilte or any aerated, mineral(
Or elferveseent drink Shall incur
the penalties imposed by Sec. 59 of
this a,ct.,, (6,1 Nothing in this .act
shall prevent adruggist from sell-
elling wine for sacramental purposes
td aminister of the gospel upon
his written request which may be
in the fo_m of Sehcdu P E.
iSection, 130—'this act shall not
affect ,and is not intended ot.af+foct
bona fide transactions in liquor be-
tween aperson in the province of
Ontario and la person in another
province or In a foreign country
and the provisions of this act shall
be constt Lied accordingly.
.This means that liquor may be
imported from outside the pro-
vince for one's primate home use.
There is no'l,imit as to quantity..
But such liquors cannot be suld
They ma.y however be given to
gileets, but even this muni he done
with great discretion, as drunken-
ness, is an offence undej• this act.
I here was passed by :he Domin-
ion House of Commons:in May last
Isaiah and other repeated records. I
have no doubt that the conversion of
Saul was typical of the conversion of
all Israel, when our Lord shall appear
to them in Bis glory, and on that
event bangs the conversion of all na-
tions tbrodgh IsraeL The miraculous
deliverance of Hezelriah and bis peo-
ple from the army of the Assyrians
by an angel from heaven is sugges-'
tive of the future deliverance of Israel
from all nations at the second coming
of Christ.
Paul acknowledged that he bed been
a great persecutor of the followers oil
Jesus Christ, with the consent and in-
dorsement of the hlgb priest and the
elders, and that with letters from them
be was on his way to Damascus to
bring those of that way bound to Jens
salem to be bunkbed when this great
event happened to him, and his whole
life was changed (verses 3.61. Be was
full of the,spirlt of persecution until
be had neatly reached Damascus,
when suddenly a great light from
heaven, above the brightness of the
sun at noonday (tor itwas_ about
noon), shone upon him and caused•him
to fall to the ground. and be heard a'
voice saying to him in Hebrew, "Soni,
The poly, fatal casuplty among
men of the district was Pte. Hugh
Phillips, of Belfast, in Huron Co.,
who is reported killed in: action.
Pte. Phillips was a brother of Mrs.
Wm. Naylor, of the 12th concession
of Last Wawanos,h,
An Honour Roll (of all ,giou.ng
men who have enlisted. for Over-
seas service from Stephen Town-
ship, has been framed and hung
up in the town -hall at.Crediton,
The Thos, Lovell farm on the 4th
con. of Howick now occupied, by
Mr. Alex, Pj Edges was sold to Mr.
Robert Earls
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
4 gale, reliable re1+d.ntinq
rmodieinei Sold in thre° do-
1iTena ot-strength—Na 1, ,$h
ile. 2,.53; No. 3, 55 per box.
Sold by all dru gist), 01,')7,1.
pp�ropafd o,- recot(Pt of• ppr,ee.
itree ,pbmpllet. A,lOrOss..
0 TORONTO, 0N7. (F riidYWlttier.)
e •
Editorial Notes
• •.
ley, peas and beans, 'Yield for
1916 is said' to be inferior. to 1915
per acre in covering) the .stapiie
crops. There is not much room to
grandam this season when a gener-
al; :survey is. taken. 'tlntario .will
have .good reason to observe
Thanksgiving Day next month and
be in a,cheery mood iaswe place
ourselves alongside the people of
any ether land. .Canada is a great
country in, more respects than its
The New Era (approves very
heartily of the idea of a, Commun-
ity Day 4n every municipality on
which &picnic or,other gathering
would be held and a,program, of
edmes anto this Hugh tort9 0e anarraslaor�'t (pr'o-
A Beauty Secret
To have clear skin, bright eyes
and a healthy appearance, your
digestion must be good—your
bowels and liver kept active
and regular. Assist nature -take
1cao Women
Sold orywHede,29co
Thursday,' September 14th, 1916.
Book of
Preserving -Labels
Mail us a red ball trade-
mark cut from a bag or
carton of
100, 20 and 10-1b: Bags
2 and ..5-1b. Cartons
to the address below and we will send you a book of
54 gummed and printed labels for your fruit jars:
LANTIC SUGAR is best for
every kind of preserving- Pure
cane. "FINE" granulation. High
sweetening power. Order by
name from your grocer in our
full weight original packages.
"The All -Purpose Sugar".
� 9 Grano �'l nenQ � l: itulatea' Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd.
Power Building, Montreal
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching your blood with the
ail -food in Scott's Emulsion which ie a
medicinal food and a buiiding-totuc, free
fronn• y g
an ]?armful dru s. Try it.
Bowes. & 8owtomato. Oat
ee e••••e•ee••ee••elle•rill•••••e••••ee•titlf••titi••••••ee•••
e ••e•�••�e•rie•e•.•ee•s•ee •
caul, wny persecuted 1111,11 rue':" me
repetition or the name was unusual,
being used in the old Testament only
of Abraham. ,larnb. Muses Lind Sam-
uel (Gen. axil, 11: xiri, 2; Ex. iii; 4;
I Sam. ijt. 101, and l have wondered
if it roused gout to think of the God
of Israel as revealed to these men.
To Saul's question. "Who art thou,
Lord?" the reply 1•ame promptly, "k
am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou per-
seentest" (verses ti•31. What n thrilling
reply, what an eye iiHoer Jesus
Christ really neve from the, dead. and
all that He said He was. and Ills fol-,
lowers believed Elim to bel Tbeu the
Persecuted ones were right. and Saul
was all wrong. Quickly came the
heart cry, "What shall 1 do. Lord?"
And being told to go into Ditmascus
and there he would be further in-
structed, he, having become blind by
the great light, was led by the hand of
them that were with hint into Damas-
cus (verses 15.11. ?)any in the city,
were fearing the arrival of this per-'
smatter told no doubt praying to be
delivered from his cruel bands. Per-
haps some prayed for his conversion,
even though he seemed. such a hope-,'
less one to pray for. Now. see what
God had wrought, and let all who are
keying for the salvation of others
who are laid on their hearts be of
good courage. for when God's clock 1
strikes the hour the thing shall bel'
done—not in your way perbaps, but in
His own time and way.
He will see to It (Ps. eslv,19). Ever
since I wrote on this lesson last, some
six or seven years ago, the words oft
verse 11 have been much with me, "I;
could not see for the glory of that
light." Paul was three days without
sight and did neither eat nor drink
(chapter ix, 9), but for all the rest of
his life he was blind to all but the
face of Jesus and deaf to every voice
but His, just as Jesus Himself was
blind and deaf to all but )lis Father's
face and voice (Isa. ilii, 19). Did fon
ever pray to be thus blind and deaf?
At the hands of Ananias, one of the
devout brethren at Damascus, Saul re.
eeived sight, was baptized and heard
his commission, as a chosen vessel of
God, to see Jesus, know His will, hear
His voice and be His witness to all
men of what he had seen and heard
(verses 1216), Straightway he preach-
ed Christ in the synagogues, that He
is the Soo of God (chapter Ix, 20). The
„ICiaeaC 0r Verses 11-.1 111.1111,441 11111p toe
trance grid vis on at el Lisa e
temple tells ns that Saul 11000r forgot,
the day when be kept the raiment of
them tbat stoned Stephen,
Who can tell how Many incidents
lead up to and have Pt10 h1 the con-
version aif a soul? The multitude,
listened, until Pant spoke or being sent
unto the gentiles, and then the unbar,
became so great that the etl4'• d
him brought into the castle and would'
bave scourged him to 11nt1 lilt what it,
was ell about. bur Paul was saved.
from this as u Romeo eitizeu..
Nearly Lost Little Girl fron
She Was Cured By Using
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Dysentery manifests itself with varying
degrees of intensity, but in well marked
roses the attack is commonly preceded by
loss of appetite, and some amount of
diarrhoea, which gradually increases in
severity, and is accompanied with griping
pains in the abdomen. The discharges
from the bowels succeed each other with
great frequency, and the matter passed
from the bowels, which at first resemble
those of ordinary diarrhoea, soon change
their character, becoming scanty, mucous
or slimy, and subsequently mixed with,
or consisting wholly of, blood.
Never neglect what at first appears to
be a slight attack of diarrhoea or dysen-
tery may set in. Cure the first symptoms
by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry.
Mrs. John Peterson, Radville, Sask.,
writes: I cannot speak too highiy for
Dr. Powier's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
i I nearly lost my little girl, aged three
years. I took her to the doctor, and he
told me her temperature was 104, and
forbid me taking her out to our home,
six miles from town, but I was forced tot
goon account of leaving my small baby
home. We managed to get her home,
but the fever did not go any lower,
and we thought we would lose her sure,
as she was so bad with dysentery she
even passed blood. A neighbor came
in and brought Dr, Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry, and told me to give
her a few doses. This Ave did, and the
next day she took a change for the better,
but it was quite a time before she was
on her feet again. I do believe if it
had not been for 'Dr. Fowler's,' 'My little
one would have died."
The genuine "Dr. b'owler's" is manu-
factured only by the T. Milburn Co..
Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents.
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