HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-14, Page 3nursday, September 14th,1016. nog ImINWSINNIONNOWNele CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 00E1111 l'rcial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Students may enter at any time, We place graduates in positions; During July and August we receivs ed applications for over 200 office assistants we could pot supply. 'Write for our free catalogue at once, D.A. McLachlan, Principal OUR* RIM For the Coining Poultry 'Season 100 Tonsof Poultrg To ship the above' amount will, roquire at least,- L ' 1. 20,000 Chickens, 20,000 Hens, 5,000 Ducks, ' 3,000 Turkeys, 1,000 Geese,. We are in the 'Market for all your Live Poultry at top prices. ENQUIRE FOR PRICES BEFORE t YOTY SELL. It will pay You to give your Laying Hens the (best iittention as ,NEW LAID 'EGGS awe expected o reach record prices this winter. G en-L ¶dais & Co;, utmiteu Clinton Branch Phone 190 .4AaaaikaAAA1 • 1...Pianos E ► • See and here our finest l 4New Stylish designs of E 1 Doherty Pianos and L4Organs, 4' E ► at►ecial values in Art a r Cases o P + h s. Pianos and organs rent '► 4 el Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & E 'variety goods. ► MUSIC Eioiporiuln E N B. le ee C. Hoare E a Oprpgvvgyrnavve tfvvyvvve alt IioOfIG i Corrugated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate' Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully Y y given Repairs Done Promptly Byann & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. GRAND INU(K SY$ EM Western Fair 'LONDON, ONT. epte8th-z6th Return tickets at reduced fares- d London, Oni•., from stations in ntario-Belleville, Scotia Jet., d south ort west thereof. Special: ain service 'and low rate exeur one from principal 'pointe on eer- fn dates. For full particulars regarding ain service, fares, tickets etc., nsult Grand Trunlc Railway eats, e , Inn Ransford & Son, city passen- r and Ticket Agents, phone 57 0, Pattison. station agent W. BRYLONt, BAtUUS' ER SOLICITOR NOTARY ' Post aO, ETO CLINTON I GIAR4ES B. HALE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. RE4\L ESTATI6 AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, e Huron St., Clinton. H. T. R A N C E Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 19 Fire In savanna Companies., Division Court Office. Nano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 81, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for whicb appointments are made, Office hours from 0 a.m. to 6 p in. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. Medit,al. DR ''. W. THOMPSON Physioian. Surgeon, Eta (Medal attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes a+eiully xamined, and suitable glasses Prescribed. (Mee and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial Bete Huron St. DES, GINN and CASDUEIi Dr. W. 4nnn, L. R. C. IP.. L. R. C. S.. Edi Dr. C unn'e oalce at residence High Street Dr..1 C, Caviller. B.A. 11LR. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence. Battenbnr• 8t or at hospital DR. rr'. A. AXON DENTIST and Bridge Work a Specialty, Graduate of C.C.D.8.,6 Chicago, and P,O.D.S Toronto. Mayfield on Mondays. May 1st to 0 DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Seeded care taken to make dental treat meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODERICH ONT Tar in stout sales a Beemali J, Older et . Nisi! ERA osioe, Clinton, pram`-uy /intends to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale not. discounted! Drs. Geo. & M. E. Whitley Hello -won Osteopathic Phy. Specialists In Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Diem dere EyCOEar, Nose, NSUand LTATIONFREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 17. p.nl, G. D. McTaggart M, D. MeTaggar ggart Bros. BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Realness transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a deposits The McKiliu Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Prop• erty Only insured. ,Head Office-Seaforth, ant OFFICERS. J. Connolly, Goderich, President Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec,-Treas Directors -D. F. McGregor, nee - forth ; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; W. Rinni Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. McRWen, Clinton; J, B. McLean, Seaforth T. Connolly, Goderirli: Robt `Ferris, Earlock; Geo. Mc - C to a ck r ey Tu a sm' r ith A ente h] g d."Hinckley, Seafiorth; W. Chesney, Eggmondvi:lle; J. W. Yeo. 2 olmesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton ; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhager Payments made at. Morrish dt Co Clinton, and Cult's grocery store Goderich and Jas. Heide store Bayfield. A Carload of Canada Portland Ccmeat Phone us for prices It will pay you John I futon LONDESBORO FORD iS McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standara.), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover: We a1eays have on hand -Goole Wheat, Peas, Baxley and Feed Corn Highest Market Pzleee paid for H'dy and ell Grains. PORE & lirrT,.... MHE CLINTON NEW SRA dram, •wne WHAT ONTARIO FOLKS SAY, ;Hamilton, Ont. -"This is to state that I have received great benefit 'frons the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip. Icy tion, Some time ago I was run down and weak, suffered loss of appetite and was miserable,. Four bottles of the 'Prescription' cured me up in 11 fine shape; it did 1h 'wonders for me and I can recommend it very highly to women who are ailing."-Mrss MARIE Minnen, 127 iless St., Hamilton, Ont. Brantford, Ont. -"Some few years ago I got in a very much run-down condition. Was very weak; could not do anything; had no strength at all. I be- gan taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preserip tion; I only took five bottles ' and it put me in splendid condition. I felt better than I had for /years. Other, members of my family have used this medicine and found it equally as beneficial. I can highly recommend it to weak women," -- Mae. A. GItwoun, 71 Brighton- Row, Brantford, Ont. The uee of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription makes women happy by making them healthy. There are no more crying spells. "favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Like an open -book, our faces tell the tale of health or disease. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps, sleepless nights -tell of wasting debilitating disease some place in the body., It may be one place or another, the cause is generally traceable to a common source. Get the "Prescription" to -day -either in liquid or tablet form -if you want to better your physicaa condition speedily, Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in- vigorate stomach, liver and bowels Reop the body clean inside as well at outside. License inspectors for "Dry" Ontario Appointlnents are Being Made - Salaries to Average $1,200 with Expenses, With the approach of the prohi- bition period, arrangements are nearing completion regarding .the appointment of the license inspect_ ors. It is expected that the pre- sent number will be cut in hnlf,and that in the ':dry" days probably fifty or sixty inspectors will he appointed with! alarger area to cover. Salaries, it is stated, will range from $800 to $1,800. Very few will be engaged at the former figure, and it is calculates that the average salaries will work out at about $1,200. Actual expenses will be allowed in addition. Quite a number of inspectors have appeared before the board. in tbe leen to point out to the likely men last day or two. Occasion was la- the terrl:ory they a:iou:dbe ex- pected to cover, the question of salary, and it was also asked ff they could move to a' central point ea. each county it required, arta if they could devote full time to duties. • • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA,S."1'ORIA Jacob Quacicenbush passed aevay at his Meme on the iel'own Line, Hay, in This 53rd year, Deeeasecf was taken ill a few weeks ago with stomach trouble, Heart Palpitated Would Have to Sit Up in Bed. FELT AS IF SMOTHERING. Mrs. Francis Madam,.Alma, writes: "My heart was in such a bad condition I could not stand any excite- ment, and at times when I would be talking my heart would palpitate so that I would feel like falling. At night, when I would go to bed and be lying down for a while, I would' have to sit up for tea or fifteen minutes, as I would feel as though 1 was smothering. I read in the daily paper of a lady who had been in the same condition as I was, and.was cured by 'using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I bought a box, and they did me so much good, my husband got another, and befote I had used half of the second box I was completely cured. I feel as though I can never say enodgh in favor of your Heart and Nerve Pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are cm osed of the verybest heart and nerve tonics and stimulants known to medical science, and are for sale at all dealers, or will be mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 'Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 31.25 Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. 'Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry-for,as,a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is no scarcity` of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal• -If you would like to miss that sortialtogether- (SOME HERE If von would like to buy' where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -COME iiltiltE And even at that, no person ever eaid our prices were unfair Edison Records and • Supplies W. R. ®®anter Jeweler and Optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses PAGE THREE eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The Stowaway. By LOUfS TRACT eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeieeeeee -'Wen, there's bin times w'en-w'eni I'd 'ave acted different_ Wot do you' say, Jimmie?" Coke, thus appealed to, glowered at. his employer. Sa 'I" he growled, '7 'say ntthink. I koow you, David." Philip and iris attended Carmela's. wedding during their honeymoon, The Cathedral at Itlo de Janeiro was pack- ed, and iris was quite incousplcuous among the -many richly attired ladies' who graced the ceremony by their presence: Nevertheless Colonel Salva- dor San Benavides favored her with a peculiar smile as ue led his bride down the centra! aisle. She laughed, blushed and looked at her husband. Yes, I eaw nim," he whispered, "But I never feared him. It was you that made me ell up. By the way, old girl, let us cut out the reception. 1 want to call at the bank and at a shop in tbe Rua Grande. You will be inter- ested." Well, being a good and loving wife, she was Interested deeply. Ten tbou- •sand pounds' was Dom Coffin's Mem- cial estimate of the services rendered by Philip, and Iris was absolutely dumfounded by the total In milreis. But bet voice came bade when Philip took her to a jeweler's and the man produced a gold cross on which blazed four glorious diamonds. Com Corrin had given tier a• necklace many times more valuable, but ties - "For remembrance!" said Philip. "Oh, my dear, my dear!" she mur- mured, and her eyes grew moist. TIE END. Children. Oryx FOR FLETCHER'S' OASTORIA 15th Nation to Enter cavalry regiments consists of four squadrons for service at the front and one squadron for depot work, The men are armed with sabres„ lances, revolvers and short learbines. The artillery consists of first Line tr'tjgps, . each regiment being composed of aix batteries of lour guns each. There are also twenty regiments of artillery I•e- cerves; , In addition there is a full organ- ization of engineers and tra.ns1 port trains. Chief Romanian Aim ' Rumania`s Chief reason for enter- ing the war is the hope of annex. ing, to her present territory the two Austrian provinnees of Transy Tvania and Bukowina,l They are inhabited largely by Rumanians. While in the Balkan peninsula Ru- mania's aspirations lie to the north. Ire a Race of Latins, Still another factor separtaes Rumania from the other Balkan illtates, that of race. The Ruman- ian prides himself being of Latin. origin and traces his stock back to one of the colonies sent out by Emperor Tr'ajanj it is partly for this reason that Rumania has al- ways looked to Italy for political guidance, while the other Balkan states being largely of Slav, origin have turned (their eyes towarn Russia_ • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S • , CASTORiA, HUNTING SEASON. The 7. duel: and igoase shooting commenced on the etth of this month and will last until the 15th of Dec- ember. No quail. shooting will be allowed fortwo years and' aheavy penalty will be assessed 'if .any Persons are founnd shooting ,or killing this 'bird This ie done to prevent the bird becoming, ex- tinct. NO LIQ.UOR ON TRAINS. Assurances have been givers by all the railway companies opera- ting in the Province -nine in num- bar-that they will comply wills the laav in regard to the sale of liquor after Sept. 16th. The On- tario License Board has 'been in communication 'with the compan- ies for some time past and has now received a reply from all to the effect that after Sept. 1661,, they will selp.'no liquor , on the trains. widamammwimiai Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief ---Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Rem fail. Purely veget- able-actaway : butgently oa the liver. Stop after dinner `nausea- cure iadi- geitioa-improve the complexion -brighten the eyes. Small P51, Small Dote, Small Prior. Genuiine eat boor Signature GI L LET"V S LYE EATS b 1'IRT LPrt Wtl BtrgR[ OPInINq rq,L MALMO. lll,O-,rYlti. 1043 pg)UEBIP 1.,WH,PLI.E.T1 COMPANY MED . TORON7q ON2. s eeeoee®sesainseoessceemem Men and Events 0,00000•00•00000eatase ammo* GEN VON HINDENBURG Who has 'been promoted chief of the aGer- man general staff by the Kaiser .10 concession to popular desire, :,Wood°s Titosp bassos The Great 13,ptis4T;Romed7, Tones and invigorates the whole nervuus O slow, makes new Bloodin old Veins, Vn,-rs N721:o11; nebititlt..elfeuta.t and Braise. 117orr•rl, Jammu - deny y, 1.01oc of Boma, Palpitation. of the Bear`, Filing Memory. Pries 51 per 505, sin tar $5.0 Onu will please, six will rure,(aSold by all druggists or mniletl in plain p5,. no rereint oS print•. hi',, p"nrphl, i ',ail,'ddrec 'fins WOOD MEDIC ERIE CO..TORON70, ONT. (Fcrmer5, Wind or 0 Huron County News eJrt@pet'vtA00selee®e®eadtseeatemle® The Amusement Park bwners, Mr. Smith and Mr. Elsie of Grand Bend were before'Magistrete W. D. Sanders at Exeter for infringe- ment of the By-laws of the town- ship of Stephen and fines and and costs were imposed, IMr. Wm. Delbridge delivered on Friday five /hogs to the Exeter mar ket, ,weighing 980 pounds. He re- ceived 32e a pound. amounting to s $117.60. These hogs were ere bm•n on March 26, and were two `days Less then five months ;old, That is 'changing little pies into big money in ahurry. 'For some months drillers have drilled for salt on the 12th 11 Wawanosh across the road from where the old welt in connection with the Wingham Salt Works eves, Last week their efforts were crown ed with success and after drilling over 1,100 feet they now have 35 feet of salt or about three times as good a supply as t the old well showed. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Archibald'of RWaitton,announces the engagement tof their daughter, Mary Margaret to, Roy ;C. Turvey, -only son of .Olr. and Mrs, George B. Turvey of Elnevale, the marriage to take Place late in September. ei. IMr. N. F. Tonkin, teller in the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Wingham has resigned to take. a position with the 'McLaughlin Mo- tor Co., at Oshawa, We understand that Ven. Arch- deacon Jones -Bateman, who left Goderich some 'months ago for Ragland,' has been made abishop, Ca/,Local News RIVI-UCU- R iAruV{ 13iy1 l1 r ICE CREAM ON TRAINS, Mall & Empire -The introducing of ice-cream paelor ears on rail- way lines out of Toronto lis a. start- ling move by the railways' to melee to public 'comfort. Canadian railways have too often, been run on the theory that their 'business was toget all they could foe the least they could. WORD OF WARNING, Forty thousand lithegraphs ,of Sir Sam' Hughes area being run off at a Toroionto Sithograp.hing es- taiblishment., says the Toronto Z ale grain. They are fine big lithos too, after the stylet of those thar have made Kitcleener's face ee familiar to pll Canadians: Whether they axe intended to en- courage recruiting or simply 08 mementos for the boys who took part in the Camp Borden, review is not stated, They must, however, be for general distribution as even two for each honorary col- onel would ;hardly exhaust the supply; 1t is estimated that the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeseee ® MEN AND EVENTS e ®eeeelteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wit) Y U ffEll T (, ria !gag why that skin trouble, from which you are suffering, will not heal? It is because it is ao deeply rooted that ordinary ointments are incap- able of penetrating to the seat of Vie disease. Zane-Buk, on the contrary, is so refined that it Is capable of reach- ing the underlying tissues, and that is why so many •ses of skill trou- ble, which have defied all other ireatruents, have yielded to Zara- Don't amDon't delay! Get a box of Zam• I;t:lt and prove it for yourself. Not only is it best for eczema and all skin troubles, but 'also for ring- worm, ulcers, old sores, blood -poi- soning, bone, piles, burns, cuts and all skin injuries. All druggists or Zam Buk Co„ Toronto, 50ee box, 3 ' for $1.25. Send 1C, stamp for postage on free trial box. ; sheet oftote-paper, and en n0 .GEN. VON MACKENSON, the Ger_ account must the writing ° e man commander who is in ehsrrge crossed. Post rands are Prei'srred :of the enemy forces in the Bal- to letters,. :a:nd if the former are kan theatre of war•. His troubles sent they must not contain views are commencing. of warships, c' nips, docks bird's-- eye views 01any conspicuous landmarks. Conimtrmap tfons should be confined to family news and no reference to the naval, military or San nolitieal ronin}ons are allowed. Parcels must not eoutain letters, f but outside of that there isnore- e striations as to eontenis of parcels e so long as they are intenifecf for the benefit of the addressees. ,o Parcels sholeicl exceed 11 pounds. Strong cardboard boxes, tin boxes, strong woOclen boxes and several folds of strong nicking paper are rec,onlmtemded as coverings. The h.1drsss s'iouidbeasfollows: Rank initials, etarue, regiment, or other unitsTiritish, Canadian, French or Belgian, ate., prisoners -of -war Plac, ofinternmeta, Germany. bee.. nes- may ,be sent on information from the post -office officials. I AF cost of the 40,000 copies will pro bebly be in the neighborhood of 65,000, but whether SirSa tvill.have them charged ,to his own account or figure them as part o the necessary tear expenditure th future alone will tell. But; th pictures are coming. Save apiece on the parlor wag for: at least one of them. POSTOIFFICE CHANGES NAME TO 'KITCHEN.ER'• The- Postoffiee Department has officially gazetted the net, city of Kitchener Out, Notice was sent out to all postmasters, advising them that, since the city hereto- fore known as Berlin, 01st 1 has by Proclamation of the Lieut, -Gov- ernor, of Ontario, has renames` Kitchener, the name of the post - office is therefore automatically changed from Berlin to, Kitchener, Letters addressed 60 Berlin, Ont.; will be forwarded, of course, for some time yet, but the public is asked to adopt the new name from now 011. SEPTEMBER 'ROD & GIJN. In this story "Two Bags of Wild Ducks," .in the September number of Rod and Gun. which is now on the news-stands, Bonnycastle Dale, the naturalist writer and cgntri'bubar to many Canadian as well as American journals, conn - pares shooting w1Lh the gun ,to shooting with the camera "Duel: Days On Pitt Meadows" describes a duck shooting expedition in another Proovfnee. that of British Columbia, 'tA Bit efSelkivie •Bush, is a humorous sketch of an ex- Pe e litlon through the Settt:rks while'With Dad in the Forests of Que- bec,' tells something about the Mood shooting and .hunting • that is to be bad in that. Province. The magaeine for September is replete with stories of interest to the lover of the out-of-door and Che special departments devoted to Gnus 'and Ammunition, Conserva- tion, iFishing Notes, The Kennel, etc., ere also of particular in- terest. This representative Can- adian aportsrnan's magazilro is published atWooclstock by 0/ J. Taylor, Limited RULES FOR PRISONERS' MAIL. Owing to difficulties experienced in sending letters and parcels to Cann diar prisoners -of -tear in Ger- many the Post -office Department has issued revised instructions re- garding _the desPatchi nm. f matt t : Ge hilt y. Postage need not be paid oa tither letters or parcels. Regardigg rules as to letters, the department reiterates that letters must Ibe left open and should not exceed in length 'two sides of a TER SiX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Columbus,Ohio.-" I had almost given up. I had been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side and could not eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. I could notdrink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell fnkhem;>9 E. Vegelab e Compound, n to Lydia d ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it bas done for me already. My husband says he knows , your medicine has saved my life." -- Mrs. J. S. BARLOW, 1624 South 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body. That Y is wh Mrs.Barlow, • Ya chronic invalid,reeovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydiaa E. Pinkham'e %getable COM* poun tel, a1r Save CiT Save money when you put in, your fur- nace -but not too much. It takes a good furnace to turn coal into heat -a good furnace well installed. The heating system for every wise mon is the one that saves money for him every winter. On that basis the Hecla is by far the lowest in cost. We will plan such a system for you and furnish estimates free. Thos. Hawkins, Minton Representatives of CLARE BROS. St CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the HECLA MELLOW AIR' FURNACE, D2