The Clinton New Era, 1916-09-14, Page 2O'AGI7 TWO.
1 r
G rmeut
Phone 78
Couch&Co. 'Dry Goods •
Hesse Fttr
nishin e
September $ember .list a2nd
p 23d
Couch and Company beg to announce their Fall
Opening Display of High-class Mlllinery, and invite the
ladies of town and surrounding country to come, on the
opening days and see the newest creation in high-class
New Autumn Snits and. Coats
The styles of .the season
will be on view in our
Ready-to-wear Department
this week. Every favored
good style for fall wear is
included in our collection.
Come and see these moder
ately priced slits.
We show many novelties
in fashionable outer gar-
ments. The new coats are
exceedingly handsome in
appearance and are made of
handsome materials. Broad-
cloth, plush. velour, and vel-
vets. Over 2fa0 styles to
choose from.
We are showing a very large range of high class
Furs including all the new styles. The Furs that will
be worn for the coming season—Red Fox, Beaver,
l3lack and Natural Wolf, Lamb and Mink.
Everyday is Fashion Day—Always Something New
A BRANTFORD sum.. --Fibre
Base. 2—Firstcoatint,' of Asphaltum.
a—Second coating of Asphaltum. 4. --
coating of crushed slate.
Yesterday and To -day
Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years ago were of splendid
quality. and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing
better at that time. In fact no other roofing material was on the
market. Yet who would think of putting on shingles to -day? When
the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were
made to invent a roofing that would not only be an economical
and permanent substitute for wooden shingles, but one that would
outlast them in service.
Brantford Rooffng was the result. It has "made good." The
secret of its success is this: First, the base is of pure, long -fibred
felt which is thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineral pitch.
The asphalt and crystal roll roofings are then thickly coated with
crushed rock particles, which adhere tightly to that base, and the whole
forms a permanent fireproof, water -tight roof.
Brantford Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three
different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight only, and
in red or green natural colors. All three gradeis are pliable and
well suited to either Sat or steep; roofs.
rav 14
LaV tfor
comesin rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together
and the roofing is easily laid. It requires no painting or tarring
when put on. It does not crack with the cold nor melt with the
summer's heat. It does not curl, split, rust or blow off. It gives
permanent weatherand fire, protection at a reasonably low initial cost.
May we send you our roofing book and samples? They
will show you the real value of these roofing materials.
rantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canadast
i• as .e. -, i...:. ;.. ,.� ligtyl
1A 4vertise Vour Wants
Under Prohibition
upon affidavit setting, forth that
the alcohol is required for mech-
anical anti scientific purpose alone,
and not to be used u!(:al ,Leverage
onto 'bemixed with , any othese
liquid for use es a beverage, not to
sell, nor to give arivay. :Only one
sale and one delivery shall be made
on each affidavit and the; licensee
shale t
h file and retain such affidavit,
in his office and allow the 'same to
be inspected by any person at any
time witnee ,oneyearfrom dine
t hereof,
Section 36—Every license holder
and every druggist shall keep an
curate record or each sale middle,
poral of any liquor made fly !rim
01.'1115 clerks or agents, in a book
to be kepi for that purpose, aun
such record shall be made Ibelore
the delivery of such liquor, and
shall snow the time, ;the name and
address of the person to Whom the
sale, was made, and the kind and
quantity sold,
Section•, 37 -No sale shall eemade
from or alter the hour of 7 o'clock
on Saturday night until 7 o'clock
on Monday eneeding thereafter, or
froin 8 o'clock at nigbt until 7
o'clock is the morning on the
ether days of the week.
Section 38—Every licensee and
every deuggi t and wholesale drug
gist\ shall on the first days of the
months :of September and 'March in
each year send to the board a copy
of the record mentioned' in Section
36„. orif_e..f by h`s affidavit attached
thereto, and seen affidavit shall
state that no. ether 'sales were macre
during such months save those
mentioned in the copy .of the re-
cord' sent to the board.
Section 41 -Prohibits the con-
cumption of liquor an a licensed
premises. 'Hospitals may keep liq-
uor Rouse of patients only, and
then only as prescribed by si phy-i
Section 49—Every person,wheth•0
Licensed or unlicensed, who by
himsel'his servant, or argent, can-
vasses for, of receives or Solicits
orders for liquor for beverage pur-
pose within this province shall be
guilty of an offence aeaini� this act
and shall incur the penalties pro-
44—Subject to any regu-
lvations orrestrictionawhich the
board may impose, manufacturers
or native wines from grapes
grown and produced in Ontario,
sell the same in whodesale quanti-
ties, only, that is today, in quanti-
ties'of not less than five 'gallons in
each cask or Vessel at any one
time,'and 'when sold in'botties not
less' than one dozen bottles of at
least three half pints, each et any
'one! time. - _ -
Section 50 :sub -section 3)—Itit is
made to appear to the magistrntr
before whom any complaint under
this act is heard, thatthe person
charged with the ;violation' of
this section was acting as an mf-
ficer whose duty it was to enforce
this act, or was acting' under the
instruction or authority of any
board. inspector or provincial of-
ficer, for the purpose of detecting
al known or suspected offender
against this act, and of obtaining
evidence upon which he might he
brought to justice, the defendant
&hall not be convicted.
Section 51—Permits a
to prescribe liquor for m patientby prescription addressed to a
druggist, not exceeding six ounces
except in the case of ale0111l for
bathing a patient or other neces-
sary purpose, or liquor fixed with
any other drug is required, when
s quantity not exceeding one pint
may be prescribed, but no such
prescription shall be gavot) ex-
cept in eases of actual n cod, and
ashen in the hid,gment of such phy-
sician the use of liquor i5 neces-
sary, or such physician may ad -
'minister the liquor, himself„ and for
that/ purpose may have one quart
in his possession when, visiting
his patient. And every physician
whoshall give such prescription
or administer such liquor{ in eva-
sion or violation of this act, or
who shall give to or write for any
person a prescription forf n-
clu.ding intoxicating liquor for the
purpose or cnnbling or assisting
any person to evade any. 08 the
provisions of this act, or
Purpose of enabling or :rssistin;
any person to obtain ,liquo1 for
use lis of beverage, or to
01) disposed of en any manner do
vielesition of the net, shall be
guilty' of an oftense under this act.
Herter a prescription of
qualified medical practitioner,
vendor under this act may sell
and supply,—
t purposes
—For strictly medical
ale, beer and porter in quantities
not exceeding one dozen bot'tl'es
containing tot more thinn three
hall pints each at any one time;
2—Wines and distilled
not exceeding one quart! at any
one time,
for the
a. duly
?Dentists may, when they deem
it necessary, administer liquor to
a patient, 'and for such purposes
may keep in their offices aquant-
ity of liquor 120t exceeding six
ounces at any one tune, but such
liquor shall not be administered
except id cases of actualneed, and
shall not be drunk or consumed
by any orther person than (such
pollen L. Veterinary surgeons
may have'lignor in theirspossess-
ion for use in practice, not ex-
ceeding! 1n quantity one quart, but
no person shalt drink'or consume
any such liquor.
Section 5'2—Liquor shall not be
given solid or otherwise iseppljed
to any person apparently under the
age of21 years, except 14y aparent
or guaadiap ofsuehpersion for
medicial purposes only, or by a ,
druggist under the hrescrip.tion of
adult qualified medical practition-
53—Trorbiils liquors being
kept b77 (877 club, society or assn -
elation, It shall not be sold, bat-
tered or given away. The kedeng
or having, e -n} liquor in the house.hall or building., oti In any, 10010
or place occupiedof controlled by
any such club, association: or soc-
iety shall ben violation of tha sat,
Proof of consumption or intend-
ed consumption o:fliquor5 in such
premises byany member of any
such club, a!SinOciatiUn or society
,,pr [Jerson wlao resorts thereto,
shall he conclusive evidence of sale
of such liquors.
Section, 0,i—If the roceupa:nt of
any private dwelling house or of
any part thereof is convicted
of any offence • Alpinst
'any of 'thee provisions
Continued on .P -•' e 4
TEA CLINTON NSW DBE.d'hursdav September 14th, 1916,
� O
Over The Teacups
;Miss Jennie Miller who hasspent
the past year out West is visiting
with her parents, IMI', and Mrs
James , Miller, Orange street.
Mrs. F Kerr and Miss Ruth re-
turned! this week after spending a,
coupte of weeks at Woodstock,
Mrs. W. 11, Kerr of Brusas:ls is
a guest at the editor's home,
Mr. and Mrs:, A. B. ,Chapin of
Lausing, brier!., and Mrs„ W. 43.
Cole o1'l7llint. lttich, who have been
visiting With Mr.(xeo„ Cook also
Mrs. William t;udmoi•e, brother
and sister of ',dirs. Chapin land
Mrs. Cole, left font home on, rues,-.
Iday, morning, Mei Chapin is •an
Officer of the ,lvlichigain .Supreine
Court, They came over in their
iHensall Observer—Mr, and Mrs.
Wilken of Clinton ;spent Lator
Day et 'T W 1'arlmer's.
leers. 'T_ 'Farquhar of Henna
spent a few days in town 'with
relatives anti friends,
Blyth Standard—Mrs. Thompson
oI Ceinton •was the guest of her
daughters, Mrs. G 11. McTaggart,
Mrs. A; Tiornay, town, and Ars.
J. B. Tierney of .Cast Wawanosh,
leaving oo Saturday to visit her
son near Londesboro,
()Vir's. Bert Fremlin, who liens been
making her home near Sernia,was
a visitor in town for a few days
when the soldier boys were 11ere
and Pte. 13 a'iemuin was up ler this
ehort leave. ,
gr, and Mrs A. WI., L. Gilpin
were guests at the editor's home
for a short time on Wednesday
morning. while on their way home
to M:twaultee.
Mr. Fred )tell, who has been
baggmgennn at the G.T.R. station
for the past couple of years, has
retired and will probably seek em-
ployment malting shells at Sea -
.Me Charlie Bell, wlid has been
freight agent at the G.T R, station
has resigned after working there
for several years. 'Ito will proba-
bly work at the munition factory
for the winter, and go to North
ern Ontario in the spring, Ile
likes the look of that tconutey
after his visit there this fall.
'Capt. and 'Mrs iP, C. . Flav'per
motored down on Saturdny from
Camp Borden and spent ;n few
days in Lown
Mr. Murray Jackson of North
Bay is visiting his father, Mr. Fred
Jackson, '
'Mr. S Kemp was a, visitor to
a41r. and Mrs. George Chesney
of Soaforth were visitors in town.
Mrs. Moulton) stmd Nliss Sparks
of London spent the week end with
Rev. Mr. Moulton The former is
mother of the Rector, r • 1
/Mrs. (Dr.) Christie and children
who heave been ivisiting, in town
leave on 'Friday for their home in
Miss Edna Innes visited friends
atSeaforth and London.
ads. Ballantyne of London, and
Mrs. J. Cardiff, of Brussels are
visiting) Mrs.' Harry Bartliff,
1001. Combe . and family visited
at London on Monday,
251. Wesley Walker of Goderich
was in town on Monday..
Miss Kate Scott of Newt York is
the guest of her father, Postmaster
Rev. Mr, 'Cluff and Wife, of
Stratford are visiting in town.The
Reverend gentleman 4s recovering
nicely (rent his recent operation,
Miss Zetta Bowden is visiting in
London, <:
Miss Margaret Torrance re-
turned to Port Arthur on Fridley.
Mr. Dodds Holloway returned o
the Soo after his vacation here.
•Mrs, James Smith; tvh has been
Visiting nt Toronto returned to
her home here,
e 0
Patriotic Notes
O 0
ante•®!0000Otee el00008vO®Se0e
The W.P.S. bald their weekly meet.
ing Friday at 2.90. Yon are requested
to send in all finished work for Sept,
At the meeting on Friday Sept, 22nd
a ten cent tea will he served, every one
come, and bring a friend.
SLieut. 'Hall and Pte, Geo Riley
Stint a few days the guests ,ot
their parents before they ,leave
for overseas,
Pte. McArthur and wife of Clin-
ton spent a few days the guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas
Mann, sr. t.
(rllr. Edwin Britton spent Sun-,
day with his wife at Walton; We
are glad to report )Mrs: Britton
improving nicely.
Quite a number from around
here are taking in the (London
Unless the stomach is kept in good
shape your, food will not digest properly
but will cause a rising and souring of
food, a feeling of rawness in the stomach,
pains in the stomach or a feeling as if a
Heavy weight were lying there.
Burdock Blood Bitters cannot be
surpassed as a cure for dyspepsia and all
its allied troubles.
Mr. James R., Burns, Balmoral, N.S.
writes: 'About two years ago 1 was badly
troubled with dyspepsia, and could not
get any relief, 1 tried most everything,
not even the doctors seeming to do me
any good. One day afriend told me
to try Burdock Blood ]sitters, as he had
seen it advertised. 7 did so, and by the
time the first bottle was gone I felt better,
and afterlaking three bottles f was com-
pletely cured: I highly recommend it to
all sufferers from dyspepsia,"
B.H:B. is manufactured only by The
°r, Milburn. Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
1141N 011 f,OCALS. Private Sale.
Shipments of plums are Made
every day from G. T R, station, ---
;Some of the boys and girls who Private sale of choice furni-
have merle asnccoss of life were andelectric
fixtures. •
es IIot r
at one time unresIondents for from 10 tem.
to 4 P,m
whicTherea are
at fewcan bolterhelp MRS, EDMONDSOlr, Isaac Street,
h herso
hie or her educe ton, and at the
same time Miele,'own community
by correspondinfor ahofne paper.
like The ,New Era. I9 you would
like to act in that capacity, call
at this office x-t0icf we will furnish'
od with s
y uppliea.
A while ago it eras the heat that
People complained of. It will soon
be the cold weather and the coal
man's hill, r ,
The fleet month containing an
"r"' Get ty'our appetite reaily
for the oysters.
Duck shooting 'season ends on
December 31st.
145 cents' in advance gets The
New Era for the balance of 1910.
This is atrial' trip lfor the sake
of an introduction, Take advant-
age of it aril! send it to the ab-
sentee if you are already a sub -
Scriber. t ,
Get ready for Fall.
Watch out for millinery open-
in gs.
!Most of the summer visitors are
If you knew a newsy item give
it to the New Era.
)Everybody in town and vicinity
reads the Neto Era. They must
,have it even if they 'borrow it,
Have it sent toyou for 25c in ad -
Vallee, to the enol of the year.
The New Era is s'HBI en in au -
vaned , 1
High -Class Concert
The eelehrated ForestOity Quartette
so well and favorably known: will
give a concert in the Town Bail. on
dept. 19r,h, under the ansoices of the
ladies of Ontario Street Church, Plan
of hall will he open at Fair's, Tuesday,
Sept121h. Reserve seats 35c. Ad
mission 25c,
Proceeds for patriotic and church
Man's Faith=
flat Friend
Certainly is deserving of good
treatment, Especially should his
feed be selected with 51)00151 care.
Mainy men know as genuine rov-
ers of the horse invariably, ,order
their feed from us. • There are
1'00800s, Yon can . learn them
without extra expense by giving
us a, trial. order
Iligltest Prices paid for Grain
W. Jenkins &Son
Phone 109, Residence 9 on 1.12
A caretaker for the Public Lib -
nary.' Duties to commence at
once. Apply to r
Men to learn mouldllng,, good
wages according to ability, Per-
manent work over the winter ,to
good, steady men, .,Allso laborers
wanted' and girls to learn core
making. Apply. i
International Malleable Iron Co,,
Limited, Guelph, Ontario.
Roars tor Service
A thorobred Yorkshire, also a
itlzorobred Berkshire boar for ser-
vice, at lot 34, London Road, 134
nines south of Clinton, Terms• -a
$1. at time of service 'with privil-
ege oe returning if necessary.
Farm lor Sale
Farm for sale, containing 55
acres of good clay loam, suitable
for agriculture or grass, being
north half of lot 77, Maitland con-
cession, Goderich, with five acres
of choice hardwood bush, and a
never -stalling 'spring creek run-
ning through, all under grass at
present, possession Ban 'be given
at once. Apply tot
R, R, No, 2m Clinton
or phone 12 on 143. r
Voting Den
Young men or others who are
unable to enlist for overseas ser -
DOING HIS BIT. Steady 'work to.
good men. Apply to
The Robert Bell Engine and
Thresher Co,, Limited,
Seaforth, One,
Private Sate
Owing to the undersigned leav-
ing town he offers the following
for sale—Oak Sideboard, ]:locker,
Extension Table, Gasoline Range,
Parlor Lamps, etc. 'May? be seen
any time during the tetternoons
for next two weeks.
Back to Ike land
108 acres, Goderieh township, $7500
100 acres, Colborne township 5000
90 acres, Colborne township 4800
50 acres, Colborne township 2200
5 acres, Goderich limits t 1000
40 acres, Goderich township 2800
Alt these have good soil and
buildings and are "reale bargains.
Write us about 'others. If think-
ing of making your home in the
county town, don't buy till you
see us. We can plaeei you at easy
prices. We are Huron's largest
The Real Estate People,
Goderich, Ont,
Smalleir. Coal Bins
Let us reduce your coal.
We can do it by sup-
plying you with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give`
i8 a trial.
A. J. Holloway,Clinton(
► University, London-
Income Doubled—Now $75,000
• 0 ---
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for particulars to:
Fat Gens and Chickens
Taken at any time.
Highest Market Prices
Phone 14 on 106
Machinists and lathe hands
wanted! Apply tin:
Clinton, Ont.
House for Sale
' douse on liattenbury Se, formerly
occupied by the late Mrs, .Villiam
Murray. Apply to
For Sale
Property occupied by Dr. Gan-
dier, including two lots, house, of-
fice and stable. Will be sold sep-
arately or together.. Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stable. Hard and soft water in
bath -room, kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply to
Farm tor Sale
150 ACRES of good clay land, 194
miles north of Londesboro, being
lot 25, concession 13, Hulled. Two
houses, ,bank barn and driving
shed; (fteverlfailing well, and
spring at buck of farm; silo; or-
chard; convenient to church and
school; rural mail and telephone.
Price and terms reasonable.
R.R. No. 1, Auburn.
Paint'in; & Paper flanging
Painting andaraper H toning neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
Iiunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
1.0 Going to Control Soles of the
In Your Territory?
,lis)1XXIt APO
The demand is herr; and must be
supplied We hells you with, our
advertising calkamiglr People
are malt 8J Favor chis mnsrca1 in-
aadvnciatl, Saks' pd•�.ibllifies are
immense, 't iOt. arrangements are
I ll c r31. "Von `aaaaet 1(t l promptly as
tt•i"l'ittbt'1' to '?eilere l'aridly taken up.
\Mite tar .aa:t'A.
59 Yenta Street , invited