HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-07, Page 6PAGE SIX. THE CLINTON NEW I4RA. Thursday, September 7th, 1916, lormatemaserammemsoureaawai No warping or cracking is possible with our secret process semi -steel fire -box linings. Being 'in five pieces, they are easily removed or replaced without bolts or cement. Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SiERGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of '. only the finest AUSTRALIAN wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craftsmen. They ale SOFT AND PLIANT—yet firin and strong. They are RICH IN FEEL AND LUSTRE—and will neither grow "shiny" with use—nor fade. Tbey are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art. INtIDENTIILLY—We stock INDIGO SERGE in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing --do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. Buy a Fadeless Indigo Serge because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee, Our stock of GUARANTEED ,INDIGO SERGE is one of the largest in Canada, Come in and see them. WOMAN'S STORE Dry rood and House Furnishings Phone 87. Relict to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. S Custom Tailoring Mena Furnishings. Prone 103. Olpp ositiePub l icLi brary 000000460460000000000460.0000 000410000000410046000000•00490 ®UR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed LLet Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON 000000000000 )0090000.460000 000900909000900000.0000000 a Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection, .Light in can struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail, Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Duron to buy all kinds of Furniture I3 .LTJ &i T CIMTSOW Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 1046 N. Ball 110—1tES111ENCl) PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 180 A Biscuit For The upward tendency of flour and shortening markets has rais-) ed the prices 1of all lines of sweet cakes. IWe were fortunate to secure ' some good lines of good eating cakes. Just the thing for the table at any time, and the old popular 'prices. , TRY OUR 2 LBS FOR 25c. LINE Lemon Cakes, .4IGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER Every Taste. Grand Trnuikltailway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and Ooderich Going to Stratford 7.83 a n 5,15 p m 11.07 p m 1.35 p ui 0.45 p n, 11.03 p m Going to Goderich Vanilla; Bar Royal *Fruit Biscuit • . OU111 15c. LINES Fruit Biscuits Oatmeal Sandwich • Pineapple Sandwich Raspberry Tarts andel ahol.esome cs ;Wafers at axe for reception or evening party, All at popular 'prices. AND: EGGS. JOHNSON CO. Phone 7.11 THE STORE OF QUALITY London, Huron and Bruce Going to London 8.05 a m 4.15 p m Going to Wingham 1].00 a•m 6.40 p m STILL RETAINS CUP. Last Wednesday; lour ,inks of Seaforih bowlers played Inc. the Fail* Trophy* at Mitchell but were defeated bya, score of 0! to 66. ••o000000•ssSSSSeSss•os••••s!o••o•••oe•sosooe••••••o•• • ••• Popu1ar Lynes ••• • • o MOM0MY A• • 0 • • • • Sherwin-iWilliams Paints, Jepalac ,Floorlale • Campbell's Varnish Stain Alluminum Paint , Gold Paint 1 , , Enamel • White E nam Buggy and Waggon Paint 1 0 New Home Washing Machines; ' • Garden Hose and Sprays • • Perfection and Puritan 011 Stoves • Three Lawn Mowers at cost • Repshreo Before you invest in a new range let me show you the Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor. sap Sold by 1-11PiRL1 ND` BROTHERS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAea.ASAAt.'.AAAAAAAAAAA• O Local New. P P VvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwYVV YVYvvvuwwvwvvvvv +rvvvvvvvvvs STILL CLIMBING. SEPTEMBER :Chis ,is the 766th day that the 'Tis new the cozen is ripening fast British Empire has been at War And thelast of the, roses blow, with Germany, t And theother flowers aro .seeking WERE AT TORONTO. I IEre, ctestomes the drifting snow. The 161st Huron Battle Band was 'NOTICE, at Toronto Pair on Tuesday tak- • ing part in the 'big military tattoo. ' Some ()tour readers are over- looking. the fact that "Obituary WEAR OVERSEAS—BADGES . poetry" ispublishe'd at the rate of Officers of tho active militia who 10 cents alone (The money must, obtain appointments in the C.E.P. accompany the poetry. Kindly re- of lower rank than that held by , member this. men in the active militia will Wear ,HAS NOSE, B80IitEN.. the rank badges and sign them-. selves according 'to the rank in 1 Pte. Dave Ciuff, only son of Mr, the C.E:S , and not the rank they and Mrs, D. S, Cleft,. who is on the hold in the active militia.transport 'service in Prance writ- ing, ( ing, ;to friends here states that he LABOR DAY WAS R had his nose broken recently While Labor Dayy, like all other holt- ' at work,, (but is getting used to days *solar this year in Clinton, 1 those things nets. passed off very qufetliy, but,the !MOVING TO STRAT1FORD. day saw ala'rge exodus of citizens to Toronto exhibition and to 1 Mrs. Thos. Carbett, who has other places. With the exception ' resided here for the ,past year, of the 'bowling tournament, do moving in from EMIett, .has 1de- which little interest was taken ex--* tided ,-to rrxo0 e to Stratford. We sept by those engaged in play, the 1 are sorry to lose our citizens but town was practically dead. The . hope that Mrs. Cahbett and dau- drew a n audience during s .}Patriotic Convention liters twill like the city on -the - the drew aAvon, • 't • PERIODICALS BARRED. An extensive list of German pub- lications rastly issued in the States have been barred from the Cana- dian mails under the war measures act., and anyone found with 0 copy of any one of themi in Canada will be liable to a fine not exceeding 50exceeding ieo five for aterm 5, MINOR 'LOCALS. The Hensall. Observer reduced its big sheet to a smaller size and it makes a much neater appearance. The trek to the !Pall Fairs has begun, The cooling fall Will soon be here. The pumpkin crop is said to be failure. All kinds of Job Printing exe-, euted at the New Era office prompt ly and at reasonable prices. Our Correspondents will kindly remember that we like to hear from them early ane' often. If you find The New Ern interest ing reacting please say roto your, friends. Parties. who require .printing, of any kind should not forget that the New Era Office, is the place to have it clone right, and at prices consistent with good work and fair profits. 'Farmers having articles for sale, have found it a paying in- vestment to use our advertising want column. The cost Is small and the results sire quick, Try a "want" column ad. 0 0 0carried byHarland Bros., and 0 • Are all • • else in hardware. ili• • 0 ��0 • 0 • • • • • s • o Polarise , 0 Cyilinder 0 Separator , 0 , 'Harness 0 m • 0 e co 1 >.2 'ii ;i. `k 1. ak?�. 'n�i^S. ,,.. X0..,.,5. % months, a 0 ' �+ HARDWARE ANI) NOVE'LTiES the inauguration of the order 21 • �Z 1J, IS (ip million dollars •have ibeere paid out • geseeesessesposeseses•etkotetiosesesitreasseoetooetieeees • +A on policies in Ontario. O I L and the celebrated X X. Black f 1 l Linseed f. CNeatesfoot - X X 'Heavy Machine Oil -TRY IT. • Ours is the store thataerves yon as good as any for books and 'a. little better for gen- eral sopplies. We try, to make School Supply trade a: mut nal advantage propos" tion, 'IL's an advantage to. us to have your business, and we *believe it's an equal advantage to you to secure what we offer at the, price r The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best mum day of about 75 delegates. PRETTY TOUGH ALL RIGHT ( SPECIAL TRAINS. (Some members of the A, 0.'[J. W Next Tuesday and Wednesday a in Clinton are affected by the not- j spgllla n nfwill Londonve Clilair,nbut ice that their paid-up policies are on Thursday morning the train will vrdlueless, When the vales were come into the station. The re- iaised they were given the option turn (false on either of the three of taking paid-up policies after days will be 51.30 good to return on sixty years of age ,Most of them did so, the policies being good for . entire. The special leaves London from $000 to 1$900. Nord. this in.. each evening at 10:51 and is due at surance has been denied to them at Clinton around 1 O'clock. an age when hey cannot get into straight life companies except at 26,000 POLICIES CUT, TwentY-six thousand_ policy holt* ers of the Ancient Order df United Workmen are today reaping a har- vest of al seeding spread over a period of nearly thirty years„ Men who yesterday might have' looked at the round figures of $2,000 on their poi;cies, today recei-ved a curt form announcing a 25,30, 00 per ,reduction a agreater cent and ever g in their post-mortem wealth. The cutting has been done under the supervision of,• Prof. 31cl.enzie, mathematician of the Only el city of Toronto, and a separate calcula tion was made fpr even* nolicy,the result attained being based, onthe amount of money paid in and the age of the payer when he joined the order. One man who joined 32 years ago had hire -$2,000 policy to- day reduced. to $900, and; must pay over 58 a month to itecpt it up. Al- ready he Bass paid in, in cash near,- ly ear ly $800. Another case where a young man entered atbaut. nine 'years `ago, and Plus paid in 5100, •shows areuiainder of $1278 out of (52000, with amonthl'y payment of 51.99 including ledgelees, Another man who paid. yin 5700 and discon- tinued payments two years ago under a new arrangement whereby he was, on his demise to get 5 ee c hall of whtat he paid in Ulna $98 left under the new system, , and • must pay 53.110 per, annum (hues to scanty- sura. this sc • preserve evenY 0 1n the early days of benevolent in- surance societies, the hat R as.pas- s ®sed On the death ofa member, each individual contributing. 51 `Many a o Year went by with a=.sly fifteen or 0 twenty deaths, but money began to • run out. Then the system, of dues A and assessemnts was introduced, • In the case of thus Workmen the 0 scale proved ton lots and final O.' s 0 a special act of the Legislature lass pp; mi Obtained to pint , he r 'tui ul m oir ,5 asound ba,sis. The work- ri cal- culation has been going on fol• two. a staff of 25 being still on the jump at the head office. Since very large rates. !however they' west thg COM, ILeSIgliI 1 had the advantage of carrying in- gmd p.1Py9 90199 sucrate for many years at much less than cost, Buts then they had to die to win. WILL LIVE IN LONDON. London Adver.iier—Ray. W lliam Godwin, Mrs, Godwin and slOu- ghters, 'Miss Pearl A. and Miss urate have nlot ed to the city tram Sweaburg, Ontario, and taken up their residence at 638 Maitland street. ;Mr. Godwin,. amember of the London conference, has been obliged to retire from active ser- vice for his church, owing to i11 health, !During . his ministry, he has been stationed six years in all in different churches in London, and he and his family are being welcomed by many old friends to the city, 1He has also had chur- ches in Goclerich St. Thomas and outer important centres Of the province. Some Sears no he was obliged to give up stre1u1uspas- toral work awing to fain' ng,heel th and wont to Sweaburg in the - hepe that lighter work might give 1'im an opportunity to regain his strength, Miss Pearl Goodwin, who has accompanied. her parents to Loudon, ii an accomplished musician, n medallist in piano of Alma College and a junior medal list in singing of the same insti- tution. The younger daughter is etill 9n school. An older daugb ter Mrs. R. J. McCormick • of Blyth, accompanied by her husband, Rev. R. J. McCormick, is visiting her parents in their new home at the present time, The Molsons Bank, Clinton will 'be pleased to receive. your application for the New Dominion of Canada War Loan. All those wishing to subscribe may obtain pros-" pectus red form of applica- tion on and after Sept. 12th, the subscription ;list avid close on the 23rd inst.. �lL►la 1621111111,6013. Berger's English Paris Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless. It won't pay you 113 experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best, in original lb and : f Ib packages, Arsenate of Lead also in stock. • T.,1 - IQ V E9 NYAT QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist affinatismar • VICE-CHAIRMAN `DINGMANa Last Pridays Daily Globe 'pub- lished the, following item which refers to the visit of ,Vice-cthair- man Dingman to Clinton ;— A sample of the success.. of tem- perance houses isthe experience of. the Normandie Hotel, in Clinton, which plied has 'been "dry" f or three and a half years Vice -Chair man Diagram of the Ontario Li- cense Board recently visited the Louse, and found that thespace formerly taken by the bar -room • was now, occupied with a grocery, store, ice-cream parlor and a place where soft drinks were sold; The proprietor ;has found the, new ax- iesigement' more profitable than the eld . • 9+tl00904690000060®00900000001000.930000900000000000009-: • WESTERN FAIR e LONDON, ONTARIO. 0 September 8th to. 16th, 1916, -- 0 'WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR E$i�IBI IO1 e AitT, MUSIC, 4GBRAJLTUIIE and AMUSEi1ENT 9 0 A FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON'S t)XiHYQ51TIOl9l 41 6• Pro;�ran1 of Attractions Twice Daily 0 a s 0 Two Speed Events Daily, o rtnEwO1tgKS EVERY mom e ' hew Process Building. Every .Badding Fail of Exhibits • or 0 • • 0 0 • • a • 0 • • • • 4 • • 0 0 a 9 d 0 a 9 • 0 ,I vTGLE FAtfl over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS • Prize e list. Entry Forms and all Information 0 • The Features of Our Furniture To which we invite special attentiorr are its beauty, its assured comfort, he, solid construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of tliese points would be sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize• that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore, 2 Undertaker and Funeral !Director. Phone 25. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Q� ��:RSme.Ma,N It Will pay you to' Tim Ci get our Prices front the Secretary W. J. 1BIID, President A. IDI. HUNS. Secretary s6cb®00•®0000®0®000D00000•s•®®•®®•®09®•96®®00®W®@mm0®Cac9i$+ on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship FRUITS CS.. Plums, Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas. the Best. Omer rote y "Live and Let Lure" e7'' "tel° ; Headquarters or the best Pick— ling and Table Vinegar. Our prices are of the best, either' whole or ground. • 1 We have a good supply' of Jema tin tops for jems. also rubber rings, i Agents for 1lccla FurnaceS • VEGETABLES Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Onions',. Tomatoes and Pumpkins, Highest Market Prices for Butter.: and Eggs. 1 Thos,llawkins Innri fo l' E. Eo Plumbing and Heating Shop—over Rowland's Hardware PRONE 45. eial.•a+++•l••II••h•6••II••D++++3••1:3.3et•a•0o•4!h!F falai a+4.•%4%-1 1-1-1••4•. 4-f-•¢•.i..l.. 4 z Family Shoe St re We meet every footwear requirement c.f: every member of the family. Among our patrons there are many families where we shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby. We shoe every member because they know where to come for Perfect Shoe •Satisfaction Shoes of comfort for elderly people, shoes of style and durability for middle aged, shoes made for strenuous wear and adapt- ed to the growing feet of boy or girl. family We stand ready to prove a benefit to any f a It will be worth your while to test us. You will be quick to discover why so many families call this "Their Shoe Store." 9 MOUSE OF BETTER SHOES4,, tag!Mf tk: yaI a.4 -a csak'l le? +4.4 •t••t.+,a4.,m•1,+•a4•+4• ,4-14••F+ Sita t: