HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-07, Page 3‘k.r illsnes VW tiotionYt),_ her, 7th, isise,Y1)(?la ts ()TAR ThurOclaj septe,,usgTER BA, erLsAni,„01.7 — CENTRAL // STRATFORD. ONT. rcial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Students may enter at any time, We place graduates in positions. During July and Auguat we receiv- ed applications for over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Write for our free catalogue at onoe, D.4.111cLachlan, Principal ouR atm For,the Coming Poultry', Season is 100 Tonsol P001111 To ship the above amount will trequire at least, - t_ 2p,in0 Chickens, 20,050 Hens, 5,000 Ducks, 3,000 Turkeys, 1,000 Geese, Me are in the Market for all Your Live Poultry at top prices, 'ENQUIRE VCR. PRICES BEFORE SEL[. It will pay you to give your 'Laying Hens the best bltention as NEW 'LAID BGGS are expected to reach record prices this winter. CHARLES B. HAILE Conneyance, Notary Public, Corunsissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St., Clinton. Gul-Lwrifis & Go., Liuteii Clinton !Branch Phone 190 AAAAA bANAA&A&..4AAA&AAAAA 4 441 4 4 1 I special values in Art cases • • • • Pianos and organs rent • • ed. Choice new Edison • • O • phonographs, Music & nea variety goods. 4 MUSIC EllIpOritlfil 41 a 4 1 1 C. Hoare MHOS See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and Organs. H. T. RANCE. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 19 Fire In sumacs Compsysies.., Division Court Ofliee. Piano Tarnow Mr. Janie! Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive Prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Cffice hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office'open every week day, Mr. 'Sooner will make any. -appointments for Mr. Canieron. • DR 9%., W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Eto snecial attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nese, Eyes a efully gaufined, and suitable .glassee prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial slate Unroll SI. ifetRIPARIRPOSTIMIVIrsgv vvvvv 'VW'S sassesatAmstssAssetagsesosisesesessane~ ROOIING Corrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate • E avetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Dimentems=0440444141mmimme Byam & Sutter BACKACHE, LUMBAGO AND RHEUMATIC TROUBLES. Dear( Mr. Bc7Ator-I wish to state that I suffered greatly from backache, lum- bago and rheumatie troubles. I used . Anuric,' the latest discovery of Doctor Pierce for backache and kidney troubles, and 1 can cheerfully recommend the Anurie Tablets" to anyone suffering from any of these maladies. Yours truly, J. F. GArtuan. . , EFS, tarilt anti (;A.LHJt Dr. W. Duna, 1.. C. 5'.. L. IL 0.5.. Eat Dr. Cpens office at residence nigh Street Dr • J. C. Gaudier. B.A. 11.11, Office- Ontario Street, Clinton. Sighs can. at residence, 1111tteDb.., or at hospital Ost, 4». 1.,LXOTV DENTIST crown end Bridge Work n Specialty. °refloat° of Chicago, end P,O,D,S Toronto. hayfield en Ifiendars, May 555 50 1) DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. • Offioes over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental treat meat as ;minims es hoe THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ‘e, GODERIO1-1 ONT tem Rt0r1 sales a anemia b Claws ,r New ER 4 offlce, Clinton, prom, tly ontenat Terms reasonable. Partners' sato not • disconnted Nun: It Is now asserted with Con- fidence that these painful effects due to uric acid in the system are entirely eradi- cated. A new rsmedy, called .Anuric," has been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and is the cause of r drainage outward of tho uric acid with which it comes in contact within the body. It will ward off ache, headache, and the darting pains and aches of articular or muscular rheuma- tism -of those diseases which are caused by top much uric acid, such as gout, asthma, sciatica, renal ealestin s An - *uric" prolongs life because old people usu- ally suffer from hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries, due to the excess of uric acid in the blood and tissues. Dr. Pierce, who Is director and chief physician at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has been testing this wonderful medicine for the relief of over-worked and weakened kidneys. The relief obtained by sufferers has been so satisfactory that he deters mined to place "Anuric" with the prin- cipal druggists in town where people could .get this ready -to -use medicine. sAnunc" is not harmful or poisonous, but aids 'nature in throwing off those ' poisons within the body which cause so much suffering, pain and misery. Scien- tists assert this remedy is 37 times more potent than lithia. Send 10 cents for large trial package. .Anuric" is building up a reputation as good as Dr. Pierce's other well-known medicines which have been proved reli- able during nearly fifty years, such as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the ills,of women, Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the liver regulator, and Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for red blood. Drs. Cei) A; 11 E hitley liSeileroawa • Osteopathic Phy. Specialiete In Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disordere Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rathenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart ra. D. MoTaggas illeTawlart Bros, TDB 'CLINTON NEW ERA 1144414140181141110801180.1111041111141•8111 TheStowaway • By LOD4S TRACY 00.0011060/01.01111OOOOGOOOO15611 tislunall, Philip Dozier. 'Tell him, that the engagement between Miss Yorke and Me. Balmer is broken olt." .Carrhela's black eyes sparkled. That wayward blood or hers surged in her veius, but Dom (Jerrie% calm glance dwelt on her, and the spasm passed. "Yes. father," she said dutifully. Lie stroked his chin as ne went out to prouotioe& » funeral oration on those who had faller) during the light. "I think," saki Lie retlectively-'q think, 'that Carmelo .dislikes that girl. 1 wonder why." ptillip had never, to his keowledge, semi the Sentient de Sylva. It was therefore something more than a sur- prise when the sallow raced, willowy girl, black halved, black eyed and most demure of manuer, whom be remem- bered to have met in the gateway of Las neves early ou the previous day, cause to his tent and asked for him. She introduced uerself, and Philip was moat polite. "My father sent me"- she began. "I ought to have waited on the pres- ident," he said, seeing that she hesi- tated, "hut several of my men are woorsuo nded, and we have so few doe - t' "Dom Corria is a good doctor him- self," she said. "Elia skill will be much appreciated in Brazil at the presentMornent," said he, rather bewildered. "He mends broken hearts," she per- sisted. "Alt, a healer, indeed!" but Ise frown- ed a little. "Ole is in demand today. Ole asked me to tell you or one most successful operation. The -ser -the engageMent between Miss iris Yorke -is that the name -and Mr. -Mr. -dear me" - "Bulmer," scowled Philip. a block of ice in the warm air of Brazil. "Yes, that is it. Well, it is ended. She is•free-for a little while." There was a curious bleaching of Philip's weather tanned face. It touch- ed a cord in Carraela's impulsive na- ture. "It is all right," she podded. "You can go to her." She left him there, more shaken than he had ever been by thunderous sea or screaming bullet Visiting the sick is oee of the Chris- tian virtues, so Philip visited Coke. The Western Fair London, Ontario September Sth to lath, 1916 The management of the Western Fair Assfociatton have placed an order for a complete ,new outfit of the mostlatest and most up- to-date self -registering, coin turnstiles for both Dundas Street and Kings street entrances. This year instead of the ptiblic having to crowd for the purchase, of ick- ets all that will be necessary it to Provide yourself with a25 -gent Canadian coin and pass through the turnstile. Instead of ticket sellers at the gates there will be a change booth for the accomodation of those requiringthe necessary'. ea - Ver quarters as that is the only coin that will operate the 'machine. The management hope by this new arrangement to save annoy ance to their visitors which usually occurs in the crowding for etickets. There will be a separate gate pro- vided for children and those holding admission tickets of any kind, BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking B0111002/ transacted elOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a denosita The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Parra and Isolated Town Props erty Only insured. Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. Vv.0.0~^004""vvaovvvaw.a.a.eatov GRAND TRUNK SYS Dead Oince-Seaforth, Ont • (*TIMM J. 'Connolly, Goderich, President Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -Trees Directors -D. F. McGregor, net - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Sea forth; John BenneWeie, Dublin 1. Evans, Beachwood ; M. MeEwen, Clinton; .7, B. McLean, Seaforth i J. `Normally, Goderieb Robt fFerris, Harloek; Geo. Mc- Cartney,. Tuckersmith Agents -ad. Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo. If olineeville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton ; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish & Co Clinton, and Cutt's grocery store Goderich and Jas. Beide store Baytield. r The dates for the ibig' Exhi bition this year ail% September Sib to Itith. Arrangements for space or concessions of any kind should, be made with the Secretary at the general offices, rooms 217-218 Dom inion Savings Building, at ae, early a date as possible. Western Fair LONDON, ONT. Sept.8th=i6th We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, fall Fairs 1916 Bayfield ..Oct. 10 and 11 Blyth ...... ....., ...Oct. 3 and 4 Brussels . ...... ....Oct. 5 ane 6 Dungannon - • Oct. 5 and 6 Exeter . Sept. 18 and 19 Fordwich . Oct. 7 Goderich ...... Sept: 'e7 to 29 London (Western Fair) Sept. 8-16 Lucknow , - ... . ... .. Sept. 28-a9 Toronto Aug. 25 .. Sept. 11 Seaforth Sept. 21-22 Zurich Sept. 20 dna 21 Had Weak Back and Kidneys. • A Carload of Canada PorliantiCellIent Phone as tor prices It will pay you John Hutton LON DESBORO FORD tt MeLEDD COULD HARDLY MOVE IN BEM When the back becomes weak and starts to ache and pain it is a sure sign that the kidneys arc not performing their functions properly. ' On the first sign of backache Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken and serious kidney troubles prevented. Mr. Francis McInnes, Woodbine, N.$., writes: "I deem it my duty to let you know the wonderful results I have re.. eeived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. For a long time I had been suf- fering from weak back and kidneys. I used'to suffer the most at night, and some times could hardly move in bed with the pain. I could do no hard labor on account of my back, A friend advised me to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial, and I am glad I did for the pain in my kidneys is gone; my back is strong, and I can perform any hard labor and get my good night's sleep. I only used three boxes of the pills." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doan'a 4 Return tickets at reduced fares td London, Ont., from stations in Ontario -Belleville Scotia 'Jet, and south or west' thereof. Special train service and low, rate excur- Siena from principal points on cer- tain da,tes. For full particulars regarding train service, fares, tickets etc., consult Crrand Trunk Railway agents, John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 17 A. 0, .eatligun; station agent Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hal and ail Grains. Better Pay The Price wwwwinwiivvi .1; Local News mmitmwAmm1vi9+- CHEAPER TARES • FOR THE SOLDIERS. The railway .companies against whom complaints have 'been made for the high rates of fares. charged soldiers on week -end leave are to be compelled hereafter to carry troops at the rate of one cent per mile provided the journey is 100 miles or more in 'lengths and the number travelling together 19 350 or more, when less than 350 13 cents ensile. Not only does this rule apply 50 the future, bill: companies will be forced .also, to refund parts of the fares Which 'they lave col- lected in the past. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S "I RAVIL GROWN A was 1315 5011.” Iris had just finished writing a letter, partly dictated and much altered in style, to Mrs. James Ooke, Sea View, Ocean road, Birkenhead, when a gen- tle tap brought her to the door. She. opened it, Her wrist was seized, and she was dmwu into the corridor. She had no option in the matter. The tall young man who held her wrist pro- ceeded to squeeze the breath out of her, but she was growing so accus- tomed to deeds of violence that she did not even scream. "There is a British el.saplain at Per- nambuco," was Philip's incoherent re- mark. "1 must ask my uncle!" she gasped. MINOR LOCALS "No. Leave that to me. No man , The Kincardine "Review,' makes living shall say 'Yes' or 'No' to me CASTORIA KHAKI LITE, The New Era has received -copies of the first issues of "Khaki organ of that new city Which has sprung into being under: the name of Camp :Borhe den Tnew publi-+ cation,Which is to appear week - 13', voices the activities of the great army encamped on the plains near Barrie, bus. Srigbt newsy manner the make-up being good, while the profuse Illustrations increase the attractiveness of the paper. It is the soldiers 8ten, and Promises to be an influence, for the betterment of the soldier's life in the great camp. 1 s.0‘141:11 AFRAID OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson XI.—Third Quarter, Fol Sept. 10' 1916 • THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Text of the Lesson, Acts xxi, 17-41:t Memory Verses, 31, 32 --Golden Text Acts xxii, 15 --Commentary Prepare by Rev. D. M. Stearns. eiig.iewa me; Isere zealous OT the This chapter tells of the completion Mum circumcision and of Paul's return journey to Jerusalem .rtner customs for Jews who believed from his third missionary tour and et is w 0» another perplexity and does some of the happenings there atter his not look like the freedom wherewith Christsets ne free (John via. 32-36; Gal, v, D. The suggestion of James and the elders that Paul shall seek to conciliate these custom keeping Jews by joining in this vow with four other men duels not seem like the leading of the Spirit or in accord with Paul's stand, "Not as pleasing men. but God, who Welt our hearts" (I Thess. ii, 4; 001. i, 101. Neither did it work out as they had hoped that it would. but led to a riot which moved the whole city, causing Paul to be east out of the tem- ple and beaten as they went about to kill lihn, necessitating his 'esine from their hands by the chief captain and his soldiers (verses 27-32). As the captain could not understand what the uproar was about nor who Paul was nor whet he bad done, for some cried one thing and some aneth- er, he caused him to be bound omit car- ried into the castle. As he was being borne by the soldiers up the castle stairs because of the violence of the people he asked permission to speak to the chief captain, who was surprised PAGE THREE You will find relief in Zam-Suk 1 It eases, the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam. fluk, means cure: Why not prove this? 4ZDruggir and Storm -- rettirn. Our lesson two weeks ago was his farewell to the-elders.Of the church at Ephesus who came to Miletus to meet him, 'Sailing by the south of the island of Cyprus, they landed at Tyre and, -finding disciples, tarried there seven days. We may imagine -what blessed fellowship they had in the word and -in prayer and that wonder- ful farewell on the shore when men, women and children knelt in prayer. Knowing the message of the Spirit through the disciples that Paul sliould not go up to Jerusalem, they could scarcely refrain from feeling some max- ety about him, but they could only commit him to God. as they could not dissuade him from going on (verses 1-6). Continuing their voyage, we find them next at Caesarea at the home of Philip, the evangelist, one of the seven, whose four daughters did prophesy, and there they tarried many days, and again we may seasily imagine the fel lowship in the word and iu prayer. We cannot think of Paul tarrying any- where without speaking of Christ cru - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI,A GET THE PUPILS TO, SCHOOL. Parents .should see that a good start is made bypupils in their respective homes on the opening of the school term, Tuesday, Sep- tember 5th. "A bad beginning makes a goad rending'. is false doctrine and with the stress and strain of these days most pupils who wish to promote or pass ex- aminations at the. close of the school year have to buckle into work, from the commencement. When classes are forming up f or the term is the 'best" time for boys ant girls to bi f ounti tha'r Mess and itis unfair to expect them to compete with the steady+. goer if their attendance in .inteimiittent. Give the scholars a chance to make good by .e fair start and regularity Of itappearance in their classes. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A. TORB A Don't be tempted to choose cheap lewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what von are getthsg, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the moat economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should kndw it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Nov.to get personal -If you would like td miss shrbt serlealtogether- COME DERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high grialitiee are dealt in -DOME dERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and Supplies UST ® R. e uunter MIN Olt LOCALS. cified, risen again, ascended. interced- that he could speak Greek, and asked ing and returning to set up His king- If he was not an Egyptian leader of a dom and always urging the believers band of murderers (verses 33-33). As to walk worthy of such a God and our Lord Jesus was numbered with Saviour, who bad called them to such, a kingdom and glory and made them joint heirs with Himself. Whge at the home of Philip a prophet from Judea When Paul told who be was and asked named Agabus came and testified permission to speak to the people the strongly by the Spirit that at Jerusa- captain granted it to him (verses 39, lem Paul would certainly be bound and given into the hands of the gentiles. 40). Speaking of himself as a citizen Therefore he was once more urged by of no mean city, reminds us of our cit - the believrs not to go, but his reply izenship (Phil. iii, 20, 21) and its privi- e was that he was ready to be bound leges and responsibilities. and. to die also for the name of the Lord Jesus (verses 7-18), At the time of his conversion the Lord told Ananias that Paul would be called upon to suffer great things, and on this journey to Jerusalem Paul was impressed that something unusual awaited him. Yet nothing moved him, and he counted not his life dear unto himself if only he might glorify God (chapters is, 15, 16; xx, 22.25; Phil, i, 20). When he would not be persuaded even by the brethren at Caesarea to give up going to Jerusalem at this time they ceased pleading with him, saying, "The will of the Lord be done,", and so the company went on. their way to Jerusalem, accompanied by some disciples from Caesarea and an old disciple from Cyprus with whom they were to lodge (verses 14-10). When the spirit hindered Paul from going into Asia or Bitlaynla he yieldeti and obeyed (chapter xvi, 0, 7). Was he obedient now or somewhat self willed, or was he simply bold and fearless in doing what he believed to be right, knowing 01155 it was part of his calling to suffer for Christ's sake and he must not shrink from it? Sub- sequent events and the words in verse 4 "that he should not go up to Jeru- salem" would seem to indicate that this time he was a bit self willed. But it is one of those things that I am waiting to have cleared up iu the king- dom, meanwhile desiring for myself more or bis fearless boldness and whole hearted devotion to the Lord. A. glad welcome awaited him at Jeru- salem from James and the elders, and as he declared in detail what things God had wrought among the gentiles by his ministry they glorified the Lord (verses 17-20). The record in verses 20-26 concerning the thousands of be - transgressors, we must not think it strange when we are treated the same way and falsely accused or misjudged. Two week» from Saturday, the Ontario Temperance Act will come into force, when the- whole prov- ince will go clry. A convocation or Presbyterians opposed to Church Union. 'will 'be held 10 Toronto ou October 17th and will last threes days. We solicit a continuance or the patronage of our customers. A cable from Rome to New -York +Papers heirs the significant anus that Popo Benedict has' instructed ail the cardinals lin Italy to pray for victory for Italy and' the Allies. If there 15 5, good colt or n choice calf on the farin encourage the boy to exhibit it. Start him right hyletting bim have the prize M011ey. 'on are proud of the goods you sell. Be as proud of the .aclvertis- ing that sells them, .. . CASTORIA For Infants and Children in tie For Over 30 Years the Always bears Sicmature of "444 where you are concerned, Iris." "Do not be hard with him, Philip, dear. He was always good to me, and -and-1 have grown a wee bit afraid of you." "Afraid!' "Yes. You are so mucb older, so much sterter, than when you and 1 looked at the Southern Cross together from the bridge of the Andromeda." "I was a boy then, Iris. I am a man now. 1 laave fought and loved and suffered. And what of you, dear heart? We went through the furnace hand in hand. What of the girl who has come forth a woman?" * 5 • * 5 * When Coke was pronounced tit for comfortable travel David Verity and Dickey Bulmer conveyed him home. They took with them drafts on a Lon, don bank for amounts that satisfied every sort of claim for the sinking of the ,Andromeda. Judged by the emn. pensation given to the vesserS sur- vivors, there (meld be no doubt that tbe dependents of the teen who Joel their lives would be well provided for A.t odd moments Day id a id Dickey Bul iner diseusaeil the partnership. The young people wank] be home in two months, and then Philip was to come into the business. "We're growing old, David," aaid Diekey, "I've pet plenty. of money, you'll 'are a tidy la now, but there'a one thing nbether or us can buy, qua' that's youth." "I don't want to be young again," said David, "but I'd Bite to go back just a year or so -no more," "Wily?" 1011,u N, b EU') issuer Of Marriage Licenses CONTINUED NEN'T WEESK. n JeWeler and Optician: the laudable suggestion that men should emulate the British practice with regards to submarine-snariag and say nothing about 'their catch- es. Hear, Heair t. The Oshawa Reformer sans ;.-"A very heavy fine should he iniposect upon any one undertaking to drive an auto in an ingoecicated ton.' Agreed. t it is bad enough when the driver ige,ts drunk. Sober autos at least should 'be insisted upon. • Dr. J. W S. McCullough, ,cflief medical health officer for Ontario has senti out 'warning' to all med- ical men of the province', that fail- ure to report suspected cases of infantile paralysis would result in prosecution. In order to produce' revenue surplus water from artesian wells in winter months,'and its a means of preserving the health of the community, the Galt Water Com- mission is eonsiderbng going into the business of making ice. It is h criminal offence to sign a fictitious name to an item sent to at newspaper for publication, OLDER BUT STRONGER •••11.01126:1 freight 'rates on coal have been raised ten per cent. Lucky is the man who' already has in his win- ter supply. 1 eagdaagegasessaemakeasaihattaddli Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmlyeem.. pel a lazy liver to clo pnar:1ui ,ed:0Cta' ui tn Indigos- lio Sick Headach., sod Distress after Eating. Small PM, llmen Dose, Small Prim. Gamins mu* bear Signature .5•=1, .6155.11.55.555../NIMS To be healthy at 'seveuty, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the; strength of middle life we t000ften forget that neglected colds, or careless treat- ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength mal bring chronic weakness for later years. e. To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the strength -building and blood -nourishing properties of Scott% Emulsion which is a food, a tonic and, a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. At any drug store. te 0 seat & Drente, Toronto, Oat. Plants Thrive in the Hecla-heated home. So the mellow, pure air must be healthy for folks. There can never be an odor of gas or a trace of dust. That is a Hecla guarantee. The moisture supply never runs out. This healthful heating comes from the furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask for full information. Plans arid Estimates free. T. Hawkins, Clinton Representatives of CLARE EROS. & CO. Limited. Preston, Ont., Makers of the 11ECLA MELLOW AIR FURNACE. 155