HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-09-07, Page 1THE CLINTON CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY Y SEPTEMPER 7 1916 From Every Sidlelin:e 4aeh week Established 1865, Vol. 51, No. to EW ERA The , New Fra Wants the News yW V1MV W V V VMAAAMAAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAn WAR TIME .PRIeES Eggs are a staple commodity. They are an absolute household necessity. They are a high price now, but wilt be a record price this fall and winter. Prepare for your winter supply now by preserving your, eggs in our specially prepared WATER GLASS LARGE TINS 14e It keeps them perfectly fresli and the coat ie a trifle at Best quality Drug Store Tho Itexall Store W. B. 1Z, HO [ E3, Phrn.B. yvvvvvvvyvvvvvvVvvVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvonovvvvvvvvy voewsevvvvvvvvvvvesonivieweloweesme • e Royal k OF CANADA Capital Authorized$25�a,400,000 Capital paid Pp 11,560.000 Reserve,and undivided proftts 13,236,000 Total Assets • • . • • 23000,000 3€0 $R 1NC11]E:S with World-wide Connection interest Allowed on Savingk, Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. 22 R. E MANNING, Mala eci Clinton Brand 1 vvw+rwwvvvvvvv•nwvvwwv••vvertovvvwVV Ot 9• .040•••06+ t 0 m MOR=SIJin • 0 m • • Service A • I On Monday, August 28th, we begin our Day Y Letter Service.Fifty words or less may now ✓ be sent as Day Lettergralns to all points on 0 for oneando e•h 1 times regular O.P.R.o n of a uarda • V b J e rate, and one.fifth of such rate for each ad •• ditional ten words or fraction thereof, • o $ These letters will be treated as a deferred * service, subordinate to the priority of trams- • mission and delivery of full paid telegrams. •e • Either for business, or in a social way, the • • public should find this new service a great •• convenience. • 4. • We also advise reductions of rates to Manitoba. • m • andlmany points in Saskatchewan, • • ••••••••••foisooese'••e•••eelmeeseetesesee••• • • • • Cut This Out for • • • • e • • • future Reference i e • • • • O • O s • • 0••lieeto ee•ratmomentle sesocessoco Bd•e •e•egesse •• • • • • TheMorrish Clothing oP .s Agent for C. P.R. Telegraph Co. 0 Phone 18 for Sunday or Night Calls. ..ro44 e(.444.+ .4•A@{..a.•H 2W4' 444®Oae•0••A®RR••0A••••#b0 4 e '•4i' 4 • 4. ♦i4 4 4. 1 1 Try he New Er d for Job Work in 1 1 England's Tet is the Greatest Teutons Have But 37 Battleships, to Pit Against 62 British Warships The following item was ;sent us byoDetroit reader which is 'taken from the Det.i'oit'Free Press,'ebich has been anything but friendly to England, but which has to admit somethings once in awhile and this is one of them ;--- 'l:he simplest way to arrive at a practical measure of the British fleet, perhaps, is to )aegint with the building of the Dreadnought,about was then the last v '•d 1905. She 1 1 is \ of in battleships, exceeding the new American battleships of the Kansas-' class by 100 tons displacement, and the new German ships of the Deutschland class by nearly 4009 tons, the displacement of the dread nought being 17,000 tons. ;Courtlier, she had a main armament of ten 12 -inch guns, asatgettnst fear on ships of the Kansas class and four 11 -inch guns on the Deutschland class, She created the tYpeand the mune of dreadnoughts, During the next five years (1005- 1910) England laid down) a series of dreadnoughts., gradueliy inereas:ng in tonnage. Then came along step in advance, both in weight nndin guns, beginning with the Orion, which dteplacedf500 tors more than the Dreadnought (22,500 tons) and carried amain armament of ten 13.5 -inch guns, In 1912 a further advance in type was made with the Queen Elizabeth, which displacing '27,500 tons, carries eight 15 -inch guns; while data, Yates lacking, it seems certain that .all Britain's later battleships carry main arm- ament atleast as powerful as that of the Queen Elizabeth. Sc webavo our three classes - the pre-dreaddoughts,; of which, on the eve of the battle of 'Jutland, England had 23; the dreadnoughts, numbering, on the same date, 10, and the euperdreadnoughts. begin- ning with the Orion, and number- ing twenty-nine oe thirty. No battle cruisers ere inreuclett in the figures given. So that, bn the eve of the battle of Jutland, England bad, in all of these three Classes, sixty-two or sixty-three 'ships. She lost poem oft.boauinthat bot- tle; ad that thte irimber remains the same -unless a new supercireaa nought has since been put into commission. What ships had Germany to set against these 62 battleships? She had, first, 20 pre -dreadnoughts 06 of the Kaiser class, 10 of the Braun schewig class, 5 of the Deutsch- land class) laid down up to 1905, the year of the Dreadnought. She had next 8ba tIcshrPs cIor e lY Com- parable with the Dreadnongrt, disPla.cing from 18101 to 25 500 t n-, and with main armaments offrom eight to twelves 11 -inch or 12 -inch guns. She had finally, 'beginning with the Friedrich der Grosse IMO down en 1909-1e10 1 2 tbattlt sh'iipsi comparable with the British super- dreadneughtswith a displacement of from 24;700 to about 30,009 and with main armaments of eight or. ten Ie -inch guns, sW P n n u a erse(Ied in some ships t'we do not know exact- ly how( many) by 15 -inch guns. This gives Germany 40 'battle- ships, as ageinst !sixty --two pr sixtythree for 17u:gla.nd. In the battle of Jutland, according to the record of Admiral Jellico. Germany lost two battleships of the dread- nought type and one pre -dread- nought of the Deutschland type, which were «seen to sink''• One more ship lost "might have. been Continued on Page 5 Peaches Will s000 be ready for canning Large, free stone Peach is ready now ()thee y'arieties next week. Do not buy untilyouhave seen our Peaches, and en- quire prices. The Store of Quality W. . T® C . ;3 L THE GROCER RUB GR R Phone 48 W. H. Kerr, "Editor and Publisher Mr. Justice Garrow Dies Soddenly Former MemberFor West Huron in Local House Hon. James T, Garrow, Justice of the Court of Appeal, Appellate Div, Wen, since 1902, died" suddenly on the train at Allendale last Thursday noon while on his 'way to his home in Toronto from his summer )Route at Min necog. Though for some months suffering from ill -health, Justice Garrey., was not deemed to be dangerously ill and was returning to Toronto, as was his wont at the close of his vacation. He was in a very weak state when heieft Minocog but his death, whieh occurred sud- denly as the train reached Allan- dete, ,was totally unexpected, Judge. Garrow was la.son of the Ate Edward Garrow, and was born at Chippewa in 18434 Helves educated at Goderieh High school and later practiced law there for some years, during which time be took an active interest in public affairs, ,'He was reeve of Goderich and Was Warden of the County of Huron, He was Liberal member for West Huron frome 1890 to 1902, and was a*minister 'without port- folio in the Ross Government from 1899 to 1902, when he' was appoint-. ed ajudge of'tbe Supreme Court. In 1066 lie' Was anpo:nted a royal commissioner for the revision .of the statutes of Ontario., He was elected honorary president of the Huron Old Boys' Association in 1903.1 He was a Presbyterian and be- longed to the Masonic Order, Besides life widow,, whom as Miss Mary Balfour' ,.1Fleteher, also of Chippewa, he married on/ July 17, 1872, seven children survive, two being on active service; They are Miss 13eatrice; Mrs. J. G. Standard, of Detroit; Mr, E:1!. Garrow, Sec- retary of the )British Amorieae Assurance Co.: James of the Bank of Montreal, Edmonton; Captain Allan Garrow of the 74th Battal- ion, note in England; Lieut. John 12. 'Garrow• at present at the front and Charles Garrow, 'barrister of Goderieli Present Colors to the list Hurons Interesting Ceremony Performed at Camp Borden ' Camp Borden, Ont.,, Aug,3lst-An llmpress;irve event in camp today' was the e a presentation .of colors to Est' Huron 1 1 H x .County Battalion; the colors being, a gift from the Ladies' Aid Society 'of the ,Town of x.�tThe ceremony Exeter. ei ce emo y was at- tended by Colonel 5, C., Newburn, assistant adjutant-gendral;' of- ficers f- c sof a fi er he dquartere of Damp brigade staffs and 40 visitors from Huron County, Weather conditions were un- favorable for the event, it being hot of and -sand •st a orm•'b 'blowing i all g &I ll Colonel. Newburn took the salute during the march past, representing Major-General Logie, who is away from camp today, Consecrate colrors,- Capt. '3. It. Rairfuu, chaplian of, the Huron' (battalion, consecrated the colors; ;Rev. D. W. Coi1;lins, rector of the Church 011 Ascension, Windsor, formerly' of Trivett 'Nie - moria) Church, Exeter, spoke on 'behalf of the 'presentation com- mittee, which was replied to by 'Lieut, -Col, H. B. Combe.the 161et's commandant, h Mrs. Creech presented the king's colors to Major R. S• 'Hays, , of the 101st, Lieut, •M. C, McLean receiv- ing them, The regimental colors were presented by Mrs. ' Johns 'to Major W, J, Neaman and, xeceived by Lieut. R. A Walter. Births, , Marriages dt Deaths DEATHS. GARROW-At Toronto, on Aug- ust 3l. 1016, Mr. Justice Gamrow,' formerly, oe Goderiela, aged 73 Years, The new Dominion of Cain- ada, 5% War . Loan will be open for subscription from Sept. 12th to 23rd Tb^ loan will mature in 1931. and may be secured in denomination of 5100, and over. Pull in- formation nmayobtained forma to be o ar from the Royal Bank; thro- -ugh which applica,ttons may be made. Social. and Personal Mrs, •E, G Courtieo is visiting ,at Tor,00nto with relatives and friends. Hensen Observer -Mies. Kilty of Clinton spent the Reek end with fret sister -in -1 utcMrs, ',L'.Farquhar. Seaforth News -Miss Mahiaffy' visited her aunt, 'Mrs.( Carrnieh,ael,' Janes ' street, Lucknow Sentinel -Miss Gunn. daughter of Dr. and..Mrs Gunn, of Clinton, }vasa week' end ,visitor with the Misses' Spence. Miss 1VLaydte IIall, of'Constannce, Chas been visiting Miss Lois Hol- ,nes. Miss 'Florence McNamara, of Sea - forth Was )visitor in town last week. • Mrs. E.G. Powell and children returned last week from tiny hol'- day visit at iVIejrose and other nointst r Mrs. Ltverinore and Miss Susie 01oman are visiting friends at Toronto.. , Mr: Len Harland took in the sights at Toronto for a, few days. 'Che Misses Ladd spent the holi- day at Brantford, Mrs. Thos. Cook accompanied by her son asef vsttn r g. in Toronto, , 31509o L t ne Slo:ma,n returned to her position in Toronto after spending her holidays at the par- ental home, Miss Grace Sheppard left last week for Ottawa to resume her dot les in the Public School there) Miss Violet' Argent 'has taken a posi'tioln as assistant nalginet at Fonthill, Ontario, Miss lliaude Brock, of Wing11azn, was avisitor in town. last week: Miss Dell O'Neil returned to Tor- onto on Monday to resume her 0 scho 1 duties, Councillor Thos. Hawkins spent the week end at1Eamiltote Mr's Hawkins and children, who have been visiting in the city returned with Itim on 'Monday reveoing. Dr, and Mrs. W. Holloway ,after• spending the past week en; Clinton and Exeter returned to their home in Peterboro. Mr. C. D, Bouck, princ:pal of tite Clinton Model school speutthe Labor .Day holidays at .Toronto, Miss Cora and Violet McGuire o town visited friends in ,Betgra.ve over Sunday SIrs, Trod. Cooper and daughter Lucy of Tolronto, and 'Mrs, Amos Cooper of St. Thomas are visiting Mai. and Mrs. W.& Cooper, i • Vire. Jaynes Webster of Londe)- boro is visiting with her daugh- ter,' Mrs. G. E, Saville. ' OVIrs. Campkin and daughter, and Miss Lee, sisters of Mrs. Searle left on Monday to visit atLoridon be- fore going westward. Mr. and Mrs..A:aary TwitchelllefL• d t 1 b t for Toronto on Wednesday where calm iand robody!lthas beee en sicn ! they expect' to stay, fora time. as yet. It has been very cold anti ;Mrs. C. D. Bouch was n; visitor foggy, and not much pleasure go - in Toronto. over the weep end. 'Miss Bertha 'Webster returned home Tuesday after vis ting for a mons h with. her aunt, Mrs. Saville /Mr. J. J. Gilpin of Brussels, spent ashort time in Clinton on Labor a r a. D v r ,M , Gilpin s itis 20 years •sinee lfiepr last tvisited here. • Mr, Hislop, of Walton, and a former resident ,of Clinton was •renewing old acquaintances in town on Tuesday. ',Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie of Detroit, 'were (. h�' of �: d, visitors t,.' town and vi Yes vicinity ,with relatives and friends. Mr. Melvin Ransford. was ain- terested visitor at 1'orontot Fair during the past week. ;Miss E. Graham was a 'Toronto visitor last week. Mr. John Biggins, of l,aondon Road, is taking 'in Toronto 3'air, Warden Livingston was in town on Tuesday. • Arr. J. Cornish and Miss Cornish are visiting in Toronto. 'Mrs. Chas. Hale was a visitor in and 'got changed over and are now Toronto last week, in first class cabins and the grub The Misses Torrance returned is the hest here since I became a e from their visit at Toronto. soldier, but You should see how the officers fare, itis a shame the way Kr. Alex Innis and 1VLrs. Christie they are fussed over and the ex - and children spent a few days with tra fame they get to eat. On the Benmiller friends. second day out &fellow diet' of blood he contract Mrs. Raney spent Labor Day at ed a CarnpBorden, fs body Was Seaforth, wrapped jilIiss Big gins who has spent the in the flag and carried to P the top deck. We were.ailifnedu summer with her sister, Mrs. W. J. there and after a short service the Miller :has returned to London. last Post wa,s sounded ancf aIf )Mrs, Chas, 11, Bartli ff and rand- the fleet 'stopped and his body daughter `Miss (Dorothy Bartiiff 'lowered into the sea. A Trip Overseas The following letter was sent by Pte.'MurraY'Fiugiand,,who enlisted in the 1.4th Battl. at Toronto and who was one of the first :Auburn boys to enlist to go overseas, Ile isa 9011 of Mr. John esingjand,'13'ul- lett Township Clerk;- On the Atlantic Ocean 1 Aug. 15th, 1916, Dear ' ollcs-You.. will be won- dering where we axe about now, but we are still malting ;bine across the pond: This is the 7th 'ay cu and we are about tired ing; We have two hours physical; drill every day. We left (Camp Borden on the 4th of this month and bad a fine trip to Halifax. We 'were taken out for. . a route march twice; first at a place call- ed Riviere de Loup• somewheie in. Quebec whero everything was wrench, and again at Moncton ,a fine little city in N.B„ where we were given a grand reception, 'a band met ea a.od led us around the city for an, hour or so. Sun- day 'tight we arrived at Halifax, and on Monday morning boarded. the Cameronia, Three other ooats also coded W' t up With men'buttv cf not sail until Wednesday orning One of the seven British cruisers that were lying, in Halifax harbor came along and is with us Yet. The four boats travel in line with a- 'bout a quiu•ter of a mile between them and the cruiser everywhere. The Cameronia isnot avery large boat and is only built for 600 pas-, sengers, There are two coinpian- ies of the 123rd with us malting 1500 in a11, so you can imagine we have noroum to spare. Our place first was rotten .,but we made & kick Mr. William Longman, of Lou- den and aformer resident' in this tpemt Leh0)' Da- at Seaforth. Two Days Later -Aug. 17th vicinity was acaller he town on .Miss Ly17 Foid left for Toronto Friday He states the family likes to enter the Wellesley Hospital ris , We are now in the War zone and, London real well and 'work is a muse -in -training, . things are becoming )little in- d'lentiful for him. Miss Trick has returned to her school at Locust 'Hitt. Nlr. Charles Switzer 1011: last Week for Weyburn, whore' he wit eVIr. Will Plumsteel was a visitor at Toronto. `rilr. Lorne Murch spent a few days at treronio during the past week. 7VIr•. Kemp and son, of ;London spend a mends or so. 1 visited with Nes. S. Kemp Labor Mr•: Melee Can telon spent the Day. week eon at Torouto. 7VIiss Vera Trick visited lest week 11,Irs (Sheet sr, returned to her w5 b 101 cousins. Miss GraceMVloore and Miss Angeline Trick home 111 Unionville after spending of Forest tt the past mouth wit)}'. her son, Mr. of lltedf(t'd. H. B. Chant, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman attended a Sergl', Dempsey returned to his £une>'at'•of ail uncle of Ms. East - duties at AlderAhot, Nova Scotia, roan on unday ntxiricona, and Mrs. Dempsey anti 'family will 'Mrs. W. S. Downs anti Master reside in town with her mother, Everett who Were Termite visitors Mrs. 'Herman, while husband and for ten days arrived home on efon•. father is fighting,) The Serge ex- day last do l tt.er returning minus poets toleavo shortly for Englund. certain minor parts othis anatomy Mrs. Spencer, of Kingst n, tis . as the result of an interview with visiting her sitet le the surgeons at the Hospital for shall, Batterbury street, I Sick ella:dren. 'Be says 1Ie didn't Mrs. W. Costa and young boy are 1 have a. good time at all. Mr. Dolens was also in the city and do - visiting at Toronto. 5 the Exhibition tart of last week• Mrs, H.B. Combe and MISS .Dr. aud'Mrs. Axon spent Labor Barr Iii( f t Mrs, Borders, the tor - y � r Day holiday at Mitchell, metes sister, were visitors at Camp Borden last :week. They. were Misses Nlabel and > VEL Cluff spent present at the presenting of the ounday' with i1'Iiss Morrison at teresting and 'nobody is allowed below without permission. The four 'boats divided last night and we were taken in two by two des- troyers who, keep racing •ar.oune us like ).dog alter a squirrel up a tree. Away on the horizon we can seethe smoke of sevoia: 5i:; v s..e s War snips. I suppose. Everything is ready for a dip in the sea; all the lifeboats are half lowered and everything that will float a man piled on deck. We have to wear our ,life -belts all the time note, and also have to sleep on deck which is an awful cold berth. No lights are allowed to be sbnwn or any smoking done at night, We can wear our round caps or brass buttons and half of us ,leave our Continued on Page• 5 ese•e•Gesseeeeamtheef•flence Patriotic Notes • colors to the 161st, of \which Col BTetcefteld ' Every woman In Clinton is asked Combe is commanding ofcer. !12 , Robert Warrener is spending to note that the Women Pa trio - the w 1 bet atToronto, tis ttic visiting his Society Nara Brown and children hale ,s ?; ry will hold their annual recur:sed home to Montreal after two sisters seeing the sights. meeting for the election of officers visiting relatives and friends in Mrs. (Rev,1 Roberts, ' and (tau - to and the receiving of yearly re-'w*n. ghter., of 1V roarter. were guests of 'ports on Pr'iday afternoon„ Sept. Master Bert' Iriiar.shall 'returned Rev. and M.rs, Robinson at the Rec- 29th at three o'eloeit fu the Council last week alter a deli Rift') holt- tory over the weep end, el amber, During, the next few da tri from God to 'Port • weeks you are asked to 'think of Y p Miss IIs Bowden leave[ this weep the Patriotic work 'Which must be William and return with his uncle, for Zurich where site assumes the carried on it our town 11115Cote- Mhi r. Spencer, who is position as milliner in 000 of the in g,,wi.nter, and come to the meat on one of the 'big lake boats' stores there. • Mg s s t. g p et eh b shows ng h e e n r Y s r Mr. 'H B Ran r >t t g You C t, superintendent Mr ancL'Nirs. Hugh H Bill of sincere interest and tvillfngnessto of the Public 1Jtilities Commission Aubttt'n, announce the engagementassist in all patriotic work. combined business with pleasure at Toronto, Miss isa.bella. Jeehnston returned to her home here after amonth's visit with Rev, and Mrs. C Jai. tOunne at Londono Mr. Harold Holmes left east eveek tote ready to commence his dut- ies as teacher at Dresden, Mr. 'Frank Peneabaker 'was a visitor at Toronto over the Labor Day holiday. Mr. 'Harland returnned to De- troit after visiting with his. bro- thers 'Messrs. William and John Harland. • Mrs. C 3. Kellen spent, the holt-. day with, friends at Listowel ,and Stratford f.• Mrs, R. J. Cluff is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Phoenix at Ham- ilton. Mrs. McLeod a .ret• urnedMission ary from Japan, whclLhas been the guest of Miss Sybil .Courtice: left Last Saturday morninng for her home atUm Us o b C 1 Ohio.; Mr. Wallace Diehl, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs W.L.'Dichi, of Pais- ley and a grandson of Mrs; M. Mc- Garva of town, has enlisted with the Divbsi Meal Sig,nall,ing Corps at Ottawa. He reported a, Week ago., Rev. W. L. Rutledge D. D., was a visitor at London last 'Priddy,. Mr. 'Prank Metcalf. of Beeth, who ns Government Fruit •inspector icy this district was in town on Sat- urday. Rev. Wel,. 'B.iitiedge D. IJ„ i•s holidaying at Seuth Bend, ; Mr. ,and Mrs. 11. Mallei• and on of Listowel, spent the week end the •former's parental. home hove. 1 guMiss Ea tma:n of Arka,na is the est of her brother, NMr, H. East- man. Miss ;Foote is visiting in Toronto, of their only daughter, Miry Eve- lyn,, to Mr tbrareis EdWin Hibbert of Fort Frances Ont.the marriage to take place the third week of September. , Continuetl on pagre 2 • The Society 'will meet Friday afternoon .in the Council chamber on Sept. 22nd supplies will be packed and shipped, all who have finished work kindly see that the same comes In for this shipmenois Sept. 22nd •••••••••••o•••••••••O•••• ••e•iseee••ee•sessm•®••e•e e' • m • a • • • O • •• • • • A. • •• .-s.s 'i^=+e.' ' rs... Uu .. Yet',^.: yx.4.x '.sR• '. s,Si;.'' ' 7+ t 'i '}E`,•,'. •cuteoee•••••$eoe4i c•oee••neseacmovess®o*oseos0000•m'a With The Lawn Bowlers Labor Gay Bawling Tournament The weather on Monday was ideal for Bowling and )most en- joyable day was spent by alt of hose taking part in the contest. Following, were the players and score;- D L. IMe.cpherson C H. Holland' It 61. iRReid. E.i3nnniford W Johnson 11 Wiltse ' Capt. Dowding, W Jackson, skip -won 2; lost 1 skin -woo 2; lost 1 D.A. /Forrester T. Jackson T Hardy J, Raeisford Bert 'Hovey J 'Miller J E. Hovey J Harland t Skip -won 8 skip -lost 3 C ti'', Libby ' A J. Holioevay W. Grant N. 13aJ1 skip -lost 2 E. J. Hovey winning. 3 straight ggaures got the, first prize, Capt. I Dowding•, with two wins and pne toss got the second prize. in tho"Scotch Double contest W, Grant a ncl C. Libby won the first '� prize and John Harland and T. Jackson the second prize. INCORPORATED 1855 • i i 'w ._ 0 SMO S - CAPITAL AND RESERVE JG BratiehtS in :1 General Banking Business CIRCULAR LETTERS BANK MONEY Savings Bank Department interest Alton ed at Ili,;hest C.E, Dowding, Manager ,� .BANIiTHE $8,800,000 Canada Transacted OP CREDIT ORDERS Current Bate Clinton 'Bruck Ot 9• .040•••06+ t 0 m MOR=SIJin • 0 m • • Service A • I On Monday, August 28th, we begin our Day Y Letter Service.Fifty words or less may now ✓ be sent as Day Lettergralns to all points on 0 for oneando e•h 1 times regular O.P.R.o n of a uarda • V b J e rate, and one.fifth of such rate for each ad •• ditional ten words or fraction thereof, • o $ These letters will be treated as a deferred * service, subordinate to the priority of trams- • mission and delivery of full paid telegrams. •e • Either for business, or in a social way, the • • public should find this new service a great •• convenience. • 4. • We also advise reductions of rates to Manitoba. • m • andlmany points in Saskatchewan, • • ••••••••••foisooese'••e•••eelmeeseetesesee••• • • • • Cut This Out for • • • • e • • • future Reference i e • • • • O • O s • • 0••lieeto ee•ratmomentle sesocessoco Bd•e •e•egesse •• • • • • TheMorrish Clothing oP .s Agent for C. P.R. Telegraph Co. 0 Phone 18 for Sunday or Night Calls. ..ro44 e(.444.+ .4•A@{..a.•H 2W4' 444®Oae•0••A®RR••0A••••#b0 4 e '•4i' 4 • 4. ♦i4 4 4. 1 1 Try he New Er d for Job Work in 1 1 England's Tet is the Greatest Teutons Have But 37 Battleships, to Pit Against 62 British Warships The following item was ;sent us byoDetroit reader which is 'taken from the Det.i'oit'Free Press,'ebich has been anything but friendly to England, but which has to admit somethings once in awhile and this is one of them ;--- 'l:he simplest way to arrive at a practical measure of the British fleet, perhaps, is to )aegint with the building of the Dreadnought,about was then the last v '•d 1905. She 1 1 is \ of in battleships, exceeding the new American battleships of the Kansas-' class by 100 tons displacement, and the new German ships of the Deutschland class by nearly 4009 tons, the displacement of the dread nought being 17,000 tons. ;Courtlier, she had a main armament of ten 12 -inch guns, asatgettnst fear on ships of the Kansas class and four 11 -inch guns on the Deutschland class, She created the tYpeand the mune of dreadnoughts, During the next five years (1005- 1910) England laid down) a series of dreadnoughts., gradueliy inereas:ng in tonnage. Then came along step in advance, both in weight nndin guns, beginning with the Orion, which dteplacedf500 tors more than the Dreadnought (22,500 tons) and carried amain armament of ten 13.5 -inch guns, In 1912 a further advance in type was made with the Queen Elizabeth, which displacing '27,500 tons, carries eight 15 -inch guns; while data, Yates lacking, it seems certain that .all Britain's later battleships carry main arm- ament atleast as powerful as that of the Queen Elizabeth. Sc webavo our three classes - the pre-dreaddoughts,; of which, on the eve of the battle of 'Jutland, England had 23; the dreadnoughts, numbering, on the same date, 10, and the euperdreadnoughts. begin- ning with the Orion, and number- ing twenty-nine oe thirty. No battle cruisers ere inreuclett in the figures given. So that, bn the eve of the battle of Jutland, England bad, in all of these three Classes, sixty-two or sixty-three 'ships. She lost poem oft.boauinthat bot- tle; ad that thte irimber remains the same -unless a new supercireaa nought has since been put into commission. What ships had Germany to set against these 62 battleships? She had, first, 20 pre -dreadnoughts 06 of the Kaiser class, 10 of the Braun schewig class, 5 of the Deutsch- land class) laid down up to 1905, the year of the Dreadnought. She had next 8ba tIcshrPs cIor e lY Com- parable with the Dreadnongrt, disPla.cing from 18101 to 25 500 t n-, and with main armaments offrom eight to twelves 11 -inch or 12 -inch guns. She had finally, 'beginning with the Friedrich der Grosse IMO down en 1909-1e10 1 2 tbattlt sh'iipsi comparable with the British super- dreadneughtswith a displacement of from 24;700 to about 30,009 and with main armaments of eight or. ten Ie -inch guns, sW P n n u a erse(Ied in some ships t'we do not know exact- ly how( many) by 15 -inch guns. This gives Germany 40 'battle- ships, as ageinst !sixty --two pr sixtythree for 17u:gla.nd. In the battle of Jutland, according to the record of Admiral Jellico. Germany lost two battleships of the dread- nought type and one pre -dread- nought of the Deutschland type, which were «seen to sink''• One more ship lost "might have. been Continued on Page 5 Peaches Will s000 be ready for canning Large, free stone Peach is ready now ()thee y'arieties next week. Do not buy untilyouhave seen our Peaches, and en- quire prices. The Store of Quality W. . T® C . ;3 L THE GROCER RUB GR R Phone 48 W. H. Kerr, "Editor and Publisher Mr. Justice Garrow Dies Soddenly Former MemberFor West Huron in Local House Hon. James T, Garrow, Justice of the Court of Appeal, Appellate Div, Wen, since 1902, died" suddenly on the train at Allendale last Thursday noon while on his 'way to his home in Toronto from his summer )Route at Min necog. Though for some months suffering from ill -health, Justice Garrey., was not deemed to be dangerously ill and was returning to Toronto, as was his wont at the close of his vacation. He was in a very weak state when heieft Minocog but his death, whieh occurred sud- denly as the train reached Allan- dete, ,was totally unexpected, Judge. Garrow was la.son of the Ate Edward Garrow, and was born at Chippewa in 18434 Helves educated at Goderieh High school and later practiced law there for some years, during which time be took an active interest in public affairs, ,'He was reeve of Goderich and Was Warden of the County of Huron, He was Liberal member for West Huron frome 1890 to 1902, and was a*minister 'without port- folio in the Ross Government from 1899 to 1902, when he' was appoint-. ed ajudge of'tbe Supreme Court. In 1066 lie' Was anpo:nted a royal commissioner for the revision .of the statutes of Ontario., He was elected honorary president of the Huron Old Boys' Association in 1903.1 He was a Presbyterian and be- longed to the Masonic Order, Besides life widow,, whom as Miss Mary Balfour' ,.1Fleteher, also of Chippewa, he married on/ July 17, 1872, seven children survive, two being on active service; They are Miss 13eatrice; Mrs. J. G. Standard, of Detroit; Mr, E:1!. Garrow, Sec- retary of the )British Amorieae Assurance Co.: James of the Bank of Montreal, Edmonton; Captain Allan Garrow of the 74th Battal- ion, note in England; Lieut. John 12. 'Garrow• at present at the front and Charles Garrow, 'barrister of Goderieli Present Colors to the list Hurons Interesting Ceremony Performed at Camp Borden ' Camp Borden, Ont.,, Aug,3lst-An llmpress;irve event in camp today' was the e a presentation .of colors to Est' Huron 1 1 H x .County Battalion; the colors being, a gift from the Ladies' Aid Society 'of the ,Town of x.�tThe ceremony Exeter. ei ce emo y was at- tended by Colonel 5, C., Newburn, assistant adjutant-gendral;' of- ficers f- c sof a fi er he dquartere of Damp brigade staffs and 40 visitors from Huron County, Weather conditions were un- favorable for the event, it being hot of and -sand •st a orm•'b 'blowing i all g &I ll Colonel. Newburn took the salute during the march past, representing Major-General Logie, who is away from camp today, Consecrate colrors,- Capt. '3. It. Rairfuu, chaplian of, the Huron' (battalion, consecrated the colors; ;Rev. D. W. Coi1;lins, rector of the Church 011 Ascension, Windsor, formerly' of Trivett 'Nie - moria) Church, Exeter, spoke on 'behalf of the 'presentation com- mittee, which was replied to by 'Lieut, -Col, H. B. Combe.the 161et's commandant, h Mrs. Creech presented the king's colors to Major R. S• 'Hays, , of the 101st, Lieut, •M. C, McLean receiv- ing them, The regimental colors were presented by Mrs. ' Johns 'to Major W, J, Neaman and, xeceived by Lieut. R. A Walter. Births, , Marriages dt Deaths DEATHS. GARROW-At Toronto, on Aug- ust 3l. 1016, Mr. Justice Gamrow,' formerly, oe Goderiela, aged 73 Years, The new Dominion of Cain- ada, 5% War . Loan will be open for subscription from Sept. 12th to 23rd Tb^ loan will mature in 1931. and may be secured in denomination of 5100, and over. Pull in- formation nmayobtained forma to be o ar from the Royal Bank; thro- -ugh which applica,ttons may be made. Social. and Personal Mrs, •E, G Courtieo is visiting ,at Tor,00nto with relatives and friends. Hensen Observer -Mies. Kilty of Clinton spent the Reek end with fret sister -in -1 utcMrs, ',L'.Farquhar. Seaforth News -Miss Mahiaffy' visited her aunt, 'Mrs.( Carrnieh,ael,' Janes ' street, Lucknow Sentinel -Miss Gunn. daughter of Dr. and..Mrs Gunn, of Clinton, }vasa week' end ,visitor with the Misses' Spence. Miss 1VLaydte IIall, of'Constannce, Chas been visiting Miss Lois Hol- ,nes. Miss 'Florence McNamara, of Sea - forth Was )visitor in town last week. • Mrs. E.G. Powell and children returned last week from tiny hol'- day visit at iVIejrose and other nointst r Mrs. Ltverinore and Miss Susie 01oman are visiting friends at Toronto.. , Mr: Len Harland took in the sights at Toronto for a, few days. 'Che Misses Ladd spent the holi- day at Brantford, Mrs. Thos. Cook accompanied by her son asef vsttn r g. in Toronto, , 31509o L t ne Slo:ma,n returned to her position in Toronto after spending her holidays at the par- ental home, Miss Grace Sheppard left last week for Ottawa to resume her dot les in the Public School there) Miss Violet' Argent 'has taken a posi'tioln as assistant nalginet at Fonthill, Ontario, Miss lliaude Brock, of Wing11azn, was avisitor in town. last week: Miss Dell O'Neil returned to Tor- onto on Monday to resume her 0 scho 1 duties, Councillor Thos. Hawkins spent the week end at1Eamiltote Mr's Hawkins and children, who have been visiting in the city returned with Itim on 'Monday reveoing. Dr, and Mrs. W. Holloway ,after• spending the past week en; Clinton and Exeter returned to their home in Peterboro. Mr. C. D, Bouck, princ:pal of tite Clinton Model school speutthe Labor .Day holidays at .Toronto, Miss Cora and Violet McGuire o town visited friends in ,Betgra.ve over Sunday SIrs, Trod. Cooper and daughter Lucy of Tolronto, and 'Mrs, Amos Cooper of St. Thomas are visiting Mai. and Mrs. W.& Cooper, i • Vire. Jaynes Webster of Londe)- boro is visiting with her daugh- ter,' Mrs. G. E, Saville. ' OVIrs. Campkin and daughter, and Miss Lee, sisters of Mrs. Searle left on Monday to visit atLoridon be- fore going westward. Mr. and Mrs..A:aary TwitchelllefL• d t 1 b t for Toronto on Wednesday where calm iand robody!lthas beee en sicn ! they expect' to stay, fora time. as yet. It has been very cold anti ;Mrs. C. D. Bouch was n; visitor foggy, and not much pleasure go - in Toronto. over the weep end. 'Miss Bertha 'Webster returned home Tuesday after vis ting for a mons h with. her aunt, Mrs. Saville /Mr. J. J. Gilpin of Brussels, spent ashort time in Clinton on Labor a r a. D v r ,M , Gilpin s itis 20 years •sinee lfiepr last tvisited here. • Mr, Hislop, of Walton, and a former resident ,of Clinton was •renewing old acquaintances in town on Tuesday. ',Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie of Detroit, 'were (. h�' of �: d, visitors t,.' town and vi Yes vicinity ,with relatives and friends. Mr. Melvin Ransford. was ain- terested visitor at 1'orontot Fair during the past week. ;Miss E. Graham was a 'Toronto visitor last week. Mr. John Biggins, of l,aondon Road, is taking 'in Toronto 3'air, Warden Livingston was in town on Tuesday. • Arr. J. Cornish and Miss Cornish are visiting in Toronto. 'Mrs. Chas. Hale was a visitor in and 'got changed over and are now Toronto last week, in first class cabins and the grub The Misses Torrance returned is the hest here since I became a e from their visit at Toronto. soldier, but You should see how the officers fare, itis a shame the way Kr. Alex Innis and 1VLrs. Christie they are fussed over and the ex - and children spent a few days with tra fame they get to eat. On the Benmiller friends. second day out &fellow diet' of blood he contract Mrs. Raney spent Labor Day at ed a CarnpBorden, fs body Was Seaforth, wrapped jilIiss Big gins who has spent the in the flag and carried to P the top deck. We were.ailifnedu summer with her sister, Mrs. W. J. there and after a short service the Miller :has returned to London. last Post wa,s sounded ancf aIf )Mrs, Chas, 11, Bartli ff and rand- the fleet 'stopped and his body daughter `Miss (Dorothy Bartiiff 'lowered into the sea. A Trip Overseas The following letter was sent by Pte.'MurraY'Fiugiand,,who enlisted in the 1.4th Battl. at Toronto and who was one of the first :Auburn boys to enlist to go overseas, Ile isa 9011 of Mr. John esingjand,'13'ul- lett Township Clerk;- On the Atlantic Ocean 1 Aug. 15th, 1916, Dear ' ollcs-You.. will be won- dering where we axe about now, but we are still malting ;bine across the pond: This is the 7th 'ay cu and we are about tired ing; We have two hours physical; drill every day. We left (Camp Borden on the 4th of this month and bad a fine trip to Halifax. We 'were taken out for. . a route march twice; first at a place call- ed Riviere de Loup• somewheie in. Quebec whero everything was wrench, and again at Moncton ,a fine little city in N.B„ where we were given a grand reception, 'a band met ea a.od led us around the city for an, hour or so. Sun- day 'tight we arrived at Halifax, and on Monday morning boarded. the Cameronia, Three other ooats also coded W' t up With men'buttv cf not sail until Wednesday orning One of the seven British cruisers that were lying, in Halifax harbor came along and is with us Yet. The four boats travel in line with a- 'bout a quiu•ter of a mile between them and the cruiser everywhere. The Cameronia isnot avery large boat and is only built for 600 pas-, sengers, There are two coinpian- ies of the 123rd with us malting 1500 in a11, so you can imagine we have noroum to spare. Our place first was rotten .,but we made & kick Mr. William Longman, of Lou- den and aformer resident' in this tpemt Leh0)' Da- at Seaforth. Two Days Later -Aug. 17th vicinity was acaller he town on .Miss Ly17 Foid left for Toronto Friday He states the family likes to enter the Wellesley Hospital ris , We are now in the War zone and, London real well and 'work is a muse -in -training, . things are becoming )little in- d'lentiful for him. Miss Trick has returned to her school at Locust 'Hitt. Nlr. Charles Switzer 1011: last Week for Weyburn, whore' he wit eVIr. Will Plumsteel was a visitor at Toronto. `rilr. Lorne Murch spent a few days at treronio during the past week. 7VIr•. Kemp and son, of ;London spend a mends or so. 1 visited with Nes. S. Kemp Labor Mr•: Melee Can telon spent the Day. week eon at Torouto. 7VIiss Vera Trick visited lest week 11,Irs (Sheet sr, returned to her w5 b 101 cousins. Miss GraceMVloore and Miss Angeline Trick home 111 Unionville after spending of Forest tt the past mouth wit)}'. her son, Mr. of lltedf(t'd. H. B. Chant, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman attended a Sergl', Dempsey returned to his £une>'at'•of ail uncle of Ms. East - duties at AlderAhot, Nova Scotia, roan on unday ntxiricona, and Mrs. Dempsey anti 'family will 'Mrs. W. S. Downs anti Master reside in town with her mother, Everett who Were Termite visitors Mrs. 'Herman, while husband and for ten days arrived home on efon•. father is fighting,) The Serge ex- day last do l tt.er returning minus poets toleavo shortly for Englund. certain minor parts othis anatomy Mrs. Spencer, of Kingst n, tis . as the result of an interview with visiting her sitet le the surgeons at the Hospital for shall, Batterbury street, I Sick ella:dren. 'Be says 1Ie didn't Mrs. W. Costa and young boy are 1 have a. good time at all. Mr. Dolens was also in the city and do - visiting at Toronto. 5 the Exhibition tart of last week• Mrs, H.B. Combe and MISS .Dr. aud'Mrs. Axon spent Labor Barr Iii( f t Mrs, Borders, the tor - y � r Day holiday at Mitchell, metes sister, were visitors at Camp Borden last :week. They. were Misses Nlabel and > VEL Cluff spent present at the presenting of the ounday' with i1'Iiss Morrison at teresting and 'nobody is allowed below without permission. The four 'boats divided last night and we were taken in two by two des- troyers who, keep racing •ar.oune us like ).dog alter a squirrel up a tree. Away on the horizon we can seethe smoke of sevoia: 5i:; v s..e s War snips. I suppose. Everything is ready for a dip in the sea; all the lifeboats are half lowered and everything that will float a man piled on deck. We have to wear our ,life -belts all the time note, and also have to sleep on deck which is an awful cold berth. No lights are allowed to be sbnwn or any smoking done at night, We can wear our round caps or brass buttons and half of us ,leave our Continued on Page• 5 ese•e•Gesseeeeamtheef•flence Patriotic Notes • colors to the 161st, of \which Col BTetcefteld ' Every woman In Clinton is asked Combe is commanding ofcer. !12 , Robert Warrener is spending to note that the Women Pa trio - the w 1 bet atToronto, tis ttic visiting his Society Nara Brown and children hale ,s ?; ry will hold their annual recur:sed home to Montreal after two sisters seeing the sights. meeting for the election of officers visiting relatives and friends in Mrs. (Rev,1 Roberts, ' and (tau - to and the receiving of yearly re-'w*n. ghter., of 1V roarter. were guests of 'ports on Pr'iday afternoon„ Sept. Master Bert' Iriiar.shall 'returned Rev. and M.rs, Robinson at the Rec- 29th at three o'eloeit fu the Council last week alter a deli Rift') holt- tory over the weep end, el amber, During, the next few da tri from God to 'Port • weeks you are asked to 'think of Y p Miss IIs Bowden leave[ this weep the Patriotic work 'Which must be William and return with his uncle, for Zurich where site assumes the carried on it our town 11115Cote- Mhi r. Spencer, who is position as milliner in 000 of the in g,,wi.nter, and come to the meat on one of the 'big lake boats' stores there. • Mg s s t. g p et eh b shows ng h e e n r Y s r Mr. 'H B Ran r >t t g You C t, superintendent Mr ancL'Nirs. Hugh H Bill of sincere interest and tvillfngnessto of the Public 1Jtilities Commission Aubttt'n, announce the engagementassist in all patriotic work. combined business with pleasure at Toronto, Miss isa.bella. Jeehnston returned to her home here after amonth's visit with Rev, and Mrs. C Jai. tOunne at Londono Mr. Harold Holmes left east eveek tote ready to commence his dut- ies as teacher at Dresden, Mr. 'Frank Peneabaker 'was a visitor at Toronto over the Labor Day holiday. Mr. 'Harland returnned to De- troit after visiting with his. bro- thers 'Messrs. William and John Harland. • Mrs. C 3. Kellen spent, the holt-. day with, friends at Listowel ,and Stratford f.• Mrs, R. J. Cluff is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Phoenix at Ham- ilton. Mrs. McLeod a .ret• urnedMission ary from Japan, whclLhas been the guest of Miss Sybil .Courtice: left Last Saturday morninng for her home atUm Us o b C 1 Ohio.; Mr. Wallace Diehl, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs W.L.'Dichi, of Pais- ley and a grandson of Mrs; M. Mc- Garva of town, has enlisted with the Divbsi Meal Sig,nall,ing Corps at Ottawa. He reported a, Week ago., Rev. W. L. Rutledge D. D., was a visitor at London last 'Priddy,. Mr. 'Prank Metcalf. of Beeth, who ns Government Fruit •inspector icy this district was in town on Sat- urday. Rev. Wel,. 'B.iitiedge D. IJ„ i•s holidaying at Seuth Bend, ; Mr. ,and Mrs. 11. Mallei• and on of Listowel, spent the week end the •former's parental. home hove. 1 guMiss Ea tma:n of Arka,na is the est of her brother, NMr, H. East- man. Miss ;Foote is visiting in Toronto, of their only daughter, Miry Eve- lyn,, to Mr tbrareis EdWin Hibbert of Fort Frances Ont.the marriage to take place the third week of September. , Continuetl on pagre 2 • The Society 'will meet Friday afternoon .in the Council chamber on Sept. 22nd supplies will be packed and shipped, all who have finished work kindly see that the same comes In for this shipmenois Sept. 22nd •••••••••••o•••••••••O•••• ••e•iseee••ee•sessm•®••e•e e' • m • a • • • O • •• • • • A. • •• .-s.s 'i^=+e.' ' rs... Uu .. Yet',^.: yx.4.x '.sR• '. s,Si;.'' ' 7+ t 'i '}E`,•,'. •cuteoee•••••$eoe4i c•oee••neseacmovess®o*oseos0000•m'a With The Lawn Bowlers Labor Gay Bawling Tournament The weather on Monday was ideal for Bowling and )most en- joyable day was spent by alt of hose taking part in the contest. Following, were the players and score;- D L. IMe.cpherson C H. Holland' It 61. iRReid. E.i3nnniford W Johnson 11 Wiltse ' Capt. Dowding, W Jackson, skip -won 2; lost 1 skin -woo 2; lost 1 D.A. /Forrester T. Jackson T Hardy J, Raeisford Bert 'Hovey J 'Miller J E. Hovey J Harland t Skip -won 8 skip -lost 3 C ti'', Libby ' A J. Holioevay W. Grant N. 13aJ1 skip -lost 2 E. J. Hovey winning. 3 straight ggaures got the, first prize, Capt. I Dowding•, with two wins and pne toss got the second prize. in tho"Scotch Double contest W, Grant a ncl C. Libby won the first '� prize and John Harland and T. Jackson the second prize.